Results for 'Catherine Feik'

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  1.  16
    Abendländische Apokalyptik: Kompendium Zur Genealogie der Endzeit.Leopold Schlöndorff, Martin Zolles, Catherine Feik, Christian Zolles & Veronika Wieser (eds.) - 2013 - Akademie Verlag.
    Die Autorinnen und Autoren untersuchen in ihren Beiträgen europäische Endzeit- und Untergangsvorstellungen von der Spätantike bis hinein ins 21. Jahrhundert, welche lange Zeit über in Anlehnung an die biblischen Apokalypsen und allen voran an die neutestamentliche Johannes-Offenbarung entstanden. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf den dahinter auszumachenden sozialen Dynamiken und diskursiven und medialen Faktoren, die gerade auch in End-Setzungen grundlegende identitätsstiftende, einheits- und gemeinschaftsbildende Funktionen erkennen lassen. Der kulturwissenschaftlich ausgerichtete und unter diesem Blickwinkel ausführlich eingeleitete Band unterteilt sich in drei die Moderne (...)
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  2. ``Is Understanding Factive?".Catherine Z. Elgin - 2009 - In ``Is Understanding Factive?". Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 322--30.
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    To Quarantine from Quarantine: Rousseau, Robinson Crusoe, and “I”.Catherine Malabou - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S13-S16.
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    Eliminating Categorical Exclusion Criteria in Crisis Standards of Care Frameworks.Catherine L. Auriemma, Ashli M. Molinero, Amy J. Houtrow, Govind Persad, Douglas B. White & Scott D. Halpern - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):28-36.
    During public health crises including the COVID-19 pandemic, resource scarcity and contagion risks may require health systems to shift—to some degree—from a usual clinical ethic, focused on the well-being of individual patients, to a public health ethic, focused on population health. Many triage policies exist that fall under the legal protections afforded by “crisis standards of care,” but they have key differences. We critically appraise one of the most fundamental differences among policies, namely the use of criteria to categorically exclude (...)
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    Beyond the Information Given: Teaching, Testimony, and the Advancement of Understanding.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):17-34.
    Teaching is not testimony. Although both convey information, they have different uptake requirements. Testimony aims to impart information and typically succeeds if the recipient believes that informationon account of having been told by a reliable informant. Teaching aims to equip learners to go beyond the information given—to leverage that information to broaden, deepen, and critique their current understanding of a topic. Teaching fails if the recipients believe the information only because it is what they have been told.
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    Participant experience of invasive research in adults with intellectual disability.Catherine Jane McAllister, Claire Louise Kelly, Katherine Elizabeth Manning & Anthony John Holland - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (9):594-597.
    Clinical research is a necessity if effective and safe treatments are to be developed. However, this may well include the need for research that is best described as ‘invasive’ in that it may be associated with some discomfort or inconvenience. Limitations in the undertaking of invasive research involving people with intellectual disabilities (ID) are perhaps related to anxieties within the academic community and among ethics committees; however, the consequence of this neglect is that innovative treatments specific to people with ID (...)
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    “If all things were to turn to smoke, it’d be the nostrils would tell them apart”.Catherine Osborne - 2009 - In Enrique Hülsz Piccone (ed.), Nuevos Ensayos Sobre Heráclito: Actas Del Segundo Symposium Heracliteum.
    I start by asking what Aristotle knew (or thought) about Heraclitus: what were the key features of Heraclitus's philosophy as far as Aristotle was concerned? In this section of the paper I suggest that there are some patterns to Aristotle's references to Heraclitus: besides the classic doctrines (flux, ekpyrosis and the unity of opposites) on the one hand, and the opening of Heraclitus's book on the other, Aristotle knows and reports a few slightly less obvious sayings, one of which is (...)
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  8. On Imlay's "Berkeley and Action".Catherine Wilson - 1995 - In Robert Muehlmann (ed.), Berkeley's Metaphysics: Structural, Interpretive, and Critical Essays. Pennsylvania State University Press.
  9.  27
    After Writing: On the Liturgical Cosummation of Philosophy.Catherine Pickstock - 1997 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _After Writing_ provides a significant contribution to the growing genre of works which offers a challenge to modern and postmodern accounts of Christianity.
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    Balancing the local and the universal in maintaining ethical access to a genomics biobank.Catherine Heeney & Shona M. Kerr - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):80.
    Issues of balancing data accessibility with ethical considerations and governance of a genomics research biobank, Generation Scotland, are explored within the evolving policy landscape of the past ten years. During this time data sharing and open data access have become increasingly important topics in biomedical research. Decisions around data access are influenced by local arrangements for governance and practices such as linkage to health records, and the global through policies for biobanking and the sharing of data with large-scale biomedical research (...)
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    (2 other versions)Spatial Boundaries, Social Frontiers: From the Visible to the Invisible in the Geographic, Economic, and Social Space of Present-Day Central Asia.Catherine Poujol - 2017 - Sage Journals: Diogenes 64 (1-2):126-142.
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    Évolutions de la formation et de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales dans les écoles d’ingénieurs en France.Catherine Roby - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (2):17-33.
    This article recalls the historical evolution of training in humanities and social sciences (SHS) in French engineering schools as that of the research’s implementation before presenting the current situation of HSS research in these schools. The progressive passage of the humanities in the HSS including the human training of the engineers does not have anything linear nor obvious, not more than are to it the links of schools with the university research. The committed efforts since the 1950’s to develop these (...)
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  13.  33
    On the impact of sex and birth order on contact with kin.Catherine A. Salmon - 1999 - Human Nature 10 (2):183-197.
    Previous research indicates that birth order is a strong predictor of familial sentiments, with middleborns less family-oriented than first- or last-borns. In this research, effects of sex and birth order on the actual frequency of contact with maternal and paternal kin were examined in two studies. In Study 1, one hundred and forty undergraduates completed a questionnaire relating to the amount of time they spent in contact with specific relatives, while in Study 2, one hundred and twelve undergraduates completed the (...)
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  14.  13
    De l’affordance injonctive à la créativité discursive : l’exemple du ticker numérique.Catherine Ruchon - 2019 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 28 (HS).
    Dans cet article, il s’agira de questionner les affordances, autrement dit les « signes actanciels », les « valences » ou le « caractère de demande » d’objets numériques iconotextuels tels que l’échelle temporelle numérique dite ticker. Forme d’architexte, le ticker propose un modèle iconique et langagier qui simultanément incite à l’action tout en limitant ce champ d’action. La diversité d’affordances semble dépendre des potentialités intrinsèques à l’objet mais aussi de l’expérience de l’usager. Plus ce coefficient de diversité augmente, plus (...)
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    Imaginary Fathers: A Sentimental Perspective on the Question of Identifying Sperm Donors.Catherine Belling - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (4):321-328.
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    Translated by Andrew Slade.Catherine Chalier - 2003 - In Claire Elise Katz & Lara Trout (eds.), Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Routledge. pp. 3--44.
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    The Metaphysical Irreversibility of Death.Catherine Nolan - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (6):725-741.
    The popularization of the term “clinical death” for the absence of vital signs suggests the possibility of a radical change in our understanding of death. While death used to be considered something that we do not have the power to reverse, contemporary optimism suggests that we may be able to restore life to a dead organism. In this article, I examine how the term “death” is used today to clarify what kind of irreversibility we ought to assign to it. I (...)
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    Jacques Derrida: la contre-allée.Catherine Malabou & Jacques Derrida - 1999 - [Paris]: La Quinzaine Litteraire. Edited by Jacques Derrida.
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    Hume's Criticism and Defense of Analogical Argument.Catherine F. Frazer - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (2):173.
  20. À propos de..Catherine Gravet - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 131:355-415.
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    The relation between task-relatedness of anxiety and metacognitive performance.Catherine Culot, Gaia Corlazzoli, Carole Fantini-Hauwel & Wim Gevers - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 94 (C):103191.
  22.  32
    Introduction: The Potential of Peer Talk.Catherine E. Snow & Shoshana Blum-Kulka - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (3):291-306.
    Research on children interacting with each other encompasses a wide variety of specific research interest, including but not limited to a focus on language. In this introduction to an issue of Discourse Studies devoted to the contribution of peer talk to pragmatic development, we define ‘peer talk’ as an interdisciplinary field of inquiry and we critically review literature on the role of peer talk in children’s pragmatic development. We suggest that ‘peer talk’ as a field of inquiry properly encompasses studies (...)
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  23.  37
    The Specter of Motherhood: Culture and the Production of Gendered Career Aspirations in Science and Engineering.Catherine J. Taylor & Sarah Thébaud - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (3):395-421.
    Why are young women less likely than young men to persist in academic science and engineering? Drawing on 57 in-depth interviews with PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the United States, we describe how, in academic science and engineering, motherhood is constructed in opposition to professional legitimacy, and as a subject of fear, repudiation, and public controversy. We call this the “specter of motherhood.” This specter disadvantages young women and amplifies anticipatory concerns about combining an academic career with motherhood. By (...)
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    A Textometric Approach of Direct Speech Sequences in a Tales Corpus.Catherine Boré & Denise Malrieu - 2017 - Corpus 17.
    Sur un corpus de contes du xviie où les discours directs ne sont pas typographiquement marqués, nous procédons à un balisage des séquences des discours représentés en vue de caractériser les modes d’articulation du discours direct aux autres types de séquences. L’analyse textométrique s’appuie sur le balisage TEI des séquences et le langage de requête CQL de TXM. Pour ce faire, nous analysons l’interaction entre les segments introducteurs, les incises et la ponctuation gauche du DD. Ainsi nous avons pu dégager (...)
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  25.  21
    Histoire et philosophie de la mécanique quantique Travaux récents.Catherine Chevalley - 1989 - Revue de Synthèse 110 (3-4):469-481.
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  26. The moral epistemology of Locke's Essay.Catherine Wilson - 2007 - In Lex Newman (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding". New York: Cambridge University Press.
  27.  19
    The Role of Dynamic Social Norms in Promoting the Internalization of Sportspersonship Behaviors and Values and Psychological Well-Being in Ice Hockey.Catherine E. Amiot & Frederik Skerlj - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Conducted among parents of young ice hockey players, this field experiment tested if making salient increasingly popular social norms that promote sportspersonship, learning, and having fun in sports, increases parents’ own self-determined endorsement of these behaviors and values, improves their psychological well-being, and impacts on their children’s on-ice behaviors. Hockey parents were randomly assigned to the experimental condition vs. control condition. Parents’ motivations for encouraging their child to learn and to have fun in hockey were then assessed. Score sheets for (...)
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  28.  23
    Emil Fischer and the “art of chemical experimentation”.Catherine M. Jackson - 2017 - History of Science 55 (1):86-120.
    What did nineteenth-century chemists know? This essay uses Emil Fischer’s classic study of the sugars in 1880s and 90s Germany to argue that chemists’ knowledge was not primarily vested in the theories of valence, structure, and stereochemistry that have been the subject of so much historical and philosophical analysis of chemistry in this period. Nor can chemistry be reduced to a merely manipulative exercise requiring little or no intellectual input. Examining what chemists themselves termed the “art of chemical experimentation” reveals (...)
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  29.  10
    “Leading to God’s Deepening Life”: Considerations of Saint Ignatius of Loyola as Spiritual Guide for Ongoing Transformation in Christ.Catherine Looker - 2022 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 15 (1):6-29.
    This article seeks to explore the spiritual guidance of Saint Ignatius of Loyola as a worthy spiritual guide for our time as we consider some ways that we might seek to more clearly understand and authentically live out the call of Christ in our life journey. In this context of considering the work of Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises as a viable tool for such interior conversion, it is necessary for the work of this article to take a closer look at some (...)
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    L’oralité positive.Catherine Thibault - 2015 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 209 (3):35-48.
    Au cœur de la prise en charge orthophonique, l’oralité est constituée des phénomènes psychologiques, biologiques et fonctionnels assurant la mise en œuvre du comportement oral de l’enfant. Cet article, écrit par une orthophoniste psychologue, expose en quoi l’oralité verbale se construit pour le jeune enfant conjointement à son oralité alimentaire. L’éducation gnoso-praxique orale précoce concerne l’oralité alimentaire et verbale en partenariat avec les parents. Les modalités d’interaction précoce, la valeur donnée aux comportements par l’entourage et les modes de réponse qui (...)
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  31.  12
    The Theory of Drive: The Dual Legacy of Leibniz’s Theory of Appetition.Catherine Wilson - 2021 - In Manja Kisner & Jörg Noller (eds.), The Concept of Drive in Classical German Philosophy: Between Biology, Anthropology, and Metaphysics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 11-37.
    Leibniz’s metaphysics has been cited as a source of the dynamic and organic worldview of romantic Naturphilosophie. This chapter evaluates that claim by examining two distinct lineages of Leibniz’s metaphysical conception of dynamic appetition. On one hand, by demonstrating the existence of a “vis viva” in inanimate objects and by ascribing two distinct powers—perception and appetition—to all plants and animals as well as to his incorporeal “monads,” Leibniz seemed to restore force to physics and experience and intentionality to animals. On (...)
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  32. Feminist bioethics meets experimental philosophy: Embracing the qualitative and experiential.Catherine Womack & Norah Mulvaney-Day - 2012 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5 (1):113-132.
    Experimental philosophers advocate expansion of philosophical methods to include empirical investigation into the concepts used by ordinary people in reasoning and action. We propose also including methods of qualitative social science, which we argue serve both moral and epistemic goals. Philosophical analytical tools applied to interdisciplinary research designs can provide ways to extract rich contextual information from subjects. We argue that this approach has important implications for bioethics; it provides both epistemic and moral reasons to use the experiences and perspectives (...)
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    L'être de Parménide, ou, Le refus du temps.Catherine Collobert - 1993
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  34. The Nazi appropriation of Thomas Carlyle: or how Frederick wound up in the bunker.Catherine Heyrendt - 2010 - In Paul E. Kerry (ed.), Thomas Carlyle Resartus: Reappraising Carlyle's Contribution to the Philosophy of History, Political Theory, and Cultural Criticism. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
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  35. Material Culture and Daily Life.Catherine Hezser - 2011 - In Hezser Catherine (ed.), Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine. pp. 301.
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    Notes on the State of America.Catherine A. Holland - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (2):190-216.
    To articulate the past historically does not mean to recognize it “the way it really was” (Ranke). It means to seize hold of a memory as it flashes up at a moment of danger. Walter Benjamin.
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    Un exemplaire de la Deffence et illustration de la langue francoise de 1552.Catherine Magnien - 2004 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 66 (3):603-606.
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    ¿ Cómo no derivar? Creencia y denegación en Jacques Derrida.Catherine Malabou - 1999 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19:79-88.
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    La duplicité du souvenir—Hegel et Proust.Catherine Malabou - 1986 - le Cahier (Collège International de Philosophie) 2:137-143.
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    Foucault on the Arts and Letters: Perspectives for the 21st Century.Catherine M. Soussloff (ed.) - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A collection of new essays addressing Foucault’s thought and its impact on thinking about the visual arts, literature and aesthetic discourse in the 21st century.
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    B. PANTELIĆ, The Architecture of Dečani and the Role of Archbishop Danilo II (= Spätantike, Frühes Christentum, Byzanz. Kunst im ersten Jahrtausend), Série B: Studien und Perspektiven 9, Wiesbaden, 2002.Catherine Vanderheyde - 2004 - Byzantion 74:297-298.
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    M. POPOVIĆ, The Fortress of Ras (= Archaeological Institute Monographies, n° 34), Belgrade, 1999.Catherine Vanderheyde - 2002 - Byzantion 72:568.
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    The Objective Relativity of Goodness.Catherine Peters - 2018 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 92:285-300.
    Peter Geach claims in Good and Evil that there can never be “just good or bad, there is only being a good or bad so-and-so” and thereby denies that goodness can ever be used in a non-relative sense. Although his rejection of absolute goodness might initially seem to be a startling and mistaken departure from the Thomistic understanding, I argue that an examination of Thomas’s texts reveal a strong agreement between them, one grounded in a common rejection of univocal goodness. (...)
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  44.  10
    Gender, Nationalisms and National Identities: Bellagio Symposium, July 1992.Catherine Hall - 1993 - Feminist Review 44 (1):97-103.
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  45. Agamben.Catherine Mills - 2005 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Deductive Justification.Catherine M. Canary & Douglas Odegard - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (2):305-.
    The principle that epistemic justification is necessarily transmitted to all the known logical consequences of a justified belief continues to attract critical attention. That attention is not misplaced. If the Transmission Principle is valid, anyone who thinks that a given belief is justified must defend the view that every known consequence of the belief is also justification of the conclusion in an obviously valid argument. Once created, the gap is hard to fill, whatever the circumstances. Reflection principle is modified, the (...)
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  47.  64
    The price of security: a roundtable.Catherine Audard, Tony McWalter, Saladin Meckled-García, Jonathan Rée & Alex Voorhoeve - 2006 - The Philosophers' Magazine 34:53-59.
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    Le sens de l’alternance. Alternative pédagogique, projet éthique et perspective politique.Catherine Guillaumin - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (1):28-37.
    The meaning of alternating formation is the one that has been built, day after day, by the author who is working as teacher-researcher. The hyphen here stands for the link between two concrete exercices of the daily writing experience. Six processes have been revealed in two steps : those which are the pilar of this alternative smart teaching method (production, transaction and cooperation) and those which are hidden and secretly bring life to the first setting (integration, authorization and emancipation). Their (...)
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    Nature, history and the self: Friedrich nietzsches untimely considerations.Catherine Zuckert - 1976 - Nietzsche Studien 5 (1):55-82.
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    Reply to Van Cleve.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2013 - In Matthias Steup & John Turri (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell. pp. 267.
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