Results for 'Christiane Dick'

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  1. Introduction: Symposium Limitarianism: Extreme Wealth as a Moral Problem.Dick Timmer & Christian Neuhäuser - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (5):717-719.
    The growing concentration of wealth has acquired a new urgency in recent years. One particular view in this context is developed by Ingrid Robeyns in her ground-breaking work on limitarianism. According to this view, no one should have more than a certain amount of valuable goods, such as income and wealth. The contributors to this symposium, Brian Berkey, David Axelsen and Lasse Nielsen, Jessica Flanigan and Christopher Freiman, and Lena Halldenius, critically examine various aspects of limitarianism. In particular, they examine (...)
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    Christian ethics in an African context: a focus on urban Zambia.Dick Allen Rader - 1991 - New York: P. Lang.
    For 150 years Africans have been longing for a Christianity which is not the -White man's religion.- Missionaries have often failed to strip the Western cultural -garb- from their presentation of the gospel. Emerging African theologians in rapidly expanding congregations are beginning to formulate an explicitly African theology. The Christian message must be contextualized within the local culture if it is to be communicated effectively in the daily life of the African Christian. This book shows how missionaries and African Christians (...)
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    Advocating for the Right: Alliance Defending Freedom and the Rhetoric of Christian Persecution.Hannah Dick - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (3):375-397.
    In this article I trace the legal and cultural advocacy work of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the single largest Christian conservative legal organisation operating in the US today. I begin by locating ADF strategy within the longer history of Christian persecution rhetoric articulated by the Moral Majority during the 1970s and 1980s. I then analyse both legal and cultural outputs of the organisation in two key cases: the so-called bathroom bills limiting transgender access to public facilities in several states, and (...)
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    Das Wagnis des Neuen: Kontexte und Restriktionen der Wissenschaft: Festschrift für Klaus Fischer zum 60. Geburtstag.Klaus Fischer, Ḥamīd Riz̤ā Yūsufī, Christiane Dick & Corinna Jenal (eds.) - 2009 - Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz.
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    The fabric of creation: theories of place and space in sixth to ninth-century Byzantine philosophy.Alisa Kunitz-Dick - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (1):22-44.
    This article examines the definitions of place or location (topos) and as a consequence, space, in Byzantine philosophy, from Maximos the Confessor to Photios. These philosophers draw, on one hand, on the Aristotelian, Platonic, and Neoplatonic sources, and on the other hand, on the Judeo-Christian tradition. Firstly, Maximos the Confessor sets out a novel definition in which place is conceptually inseparable from time, is needed for substances to exist, and in which place is the boundary between the created and uncreated. (...)
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  6. Models, Idols, and the Great White Whale: Toward a Christian Faith of Nonattachment.J. R. Hustwit - 2013 - In Asa Kasher & Jeanine Diller (eds.), Models of God and Other Ultimate Realities. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1001-1112.
    The juxtaposition of models of God and Christian faith may seem repugnant to many, as models are tentative and faith aims at an abiding certainty. In fact, for many Christians, using models of God in worship amounts to idolatry. By examining Biblical and extra-Biblical views of idolatry, I argue that models are not idols. To the contrary, the practice of God-modeling inoculates Christians against one of the most seductive idols of our age: the love of certainty. Furthermore, by examining meditations (...)
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    Facial expression of pain – more than a fuzzy expression of distress?Christiane Hermann & Herta Flor - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):462-463.
    Facial expressions of pain may be best conceptualized as an example of an evolved propensity to communicate distress, rather than as a distinct category of facial expression. The operant model goes beyond the evolutionary account, as it can explain how the (facial) expression of pain can become maladaptive as a result of its capability to elicit attention and caring behavior in the observer.
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    Herrschaft und Geschlechterhierarchie. Zur Funktionalisierung der Zenobiagestalt und Anderer Usurpatoren in den Viten der Historia Augusta.Christiane Krause - 2007 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 151 (2):311-334.
    The figure of the Palmyrean queen Zenobia plays an important part in three vitae of the Historia Augusta. The discrepancy in her representation was attributed to different sources or different authors. Since the representation of Zenobia even changes within one vita, there is no need to assume different authors. Being a counterpart to Gallienus, Odaenathus and Aurelianus, the figure of Zenobia changes correspondingly to these male figures. Her voluntary submission to the real – male – emperor finds an equivalent in (...)
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    Félix Ravaisson-Mollien: une greffe allemande sur l'institution philosophique française?Christiane Mauve - 1986 - le Cahier (Collège International de Philosophie) 2:61-63.
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  10. Understanding the Regulatory Framework for Regenerative Medicines in the European Union and the United Kingdom.Christiane Niederlaender - 2022 - In William Sietsema & Jocelyn Jennings (eds.), Regulation of regenerative medicines: a global perspective. Rockville: Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
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    The myth of immateriality – presenting new media art.Christiane Paul - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):167-172.
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    Describing the Invisible – Ovid’s Rome.Christiane Reitz - 2013 - Hermes 141 (3):283-293.
    Ovid’s poetic descriptions of Rome are not as vivid, as pictorial as one tends to suppose. In the poems from exile the lack of detail and the flat imagery seem to be programmatic. Thus, the reader’s attention is directed to the metapoetic message conveyed, by bringing into focus the role of enargeia/evidentia and the rivalry between literature and the visual arts. Evidence for this hypothesis is furnished by passages from the “Metamorphoses”, the “Tristia” and the “Epistulae ex Ponto” as well (...)
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  13. .Christiane Tietz - unknown
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    Une doctrine de la présence spirituelle.Christiane D' Ainval - 1967 - Paris,: B. Nauwelaerts.
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    Jahrestagung des Deutschen Ethikrats 2016: Zugriff auf das menschliche Erbgut. Neue Möglichkeiten und ihre ethische Beurteilung: Berlin, 22. Juni 2016.Christiane Burmeister & Robert Ranisch - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (2):167-172.
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    Délocaliser L’esprit Peirce, James, Wittgenstein, Descombes.Christiane Chauviré - 2010 - Revue de Synthèse 131 (1):21-34.
    Les sciences cognitives ont redonné de l’actualité au vieux problème des localisations cérébrales, qui a souvent été un motif à plaisanteries. Quant à la question plus philosophique de la localisation de l’esprit, des auteurs comme Peirce, James, Wittgenstein et actuellement Vincent Descombes, ont imaginé délocaliser l’esprit, pour mieux réputer dénuée de sens l’idée même d’un lieu du mental et critiquer le localisationnisme qu’on retrouve chez les cogniticiens aujourd’hui.
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    Autooperationale Form und situiertes Handeln.Christiane Floyd - 1997 - In Christoph Hubig (ed.), Cognitio Humana - Dynamik des Wissens Und der Werte: Xvii. Deutscher Kongreß Für Philosophie Leipzig 23.–27. September 1996, Kongreßband: Vorträge Und Kolloquien. De Gruyter. pp. 237-252.
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    Zum Paragone: Malerei, Skulptur und Dichtung in der Rangstreitkultur des Quattrocento.Christiane J. Hessler - 2014 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Die Paragonefrage, erstmals ausgiebig von Leonardo diskutiert, besitzt im gesamten Quattrocento eine rege Vorgeschichte, die bei allen frühen Impulsen durch Petrarca als die entscheidende Phase der Formierung der Debatte betrachtet werden muss. Spektakuläre Textfunde der Humanisten, Kunsttraktate, auch eigenhändig von Malern oder Bildhauern verfasst, die Blüte an Vielfachbegabungen, öffentlichen Künstlerwettbewerben und gattungsmäßigen Grenzüberschreitungen verliehen dem wertenden Vergleich der Künste im Italien des 15. Jahrhunderts sein ganz eigenes Gepräge. Erstmals steht dieses - mitsamt dem Fundus an eruierten Quellen - im Zentrum (...)
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    Klarheit in Philosophie und Literatur. Überlegungen im Anschluss an Peter Bieri.Christiane Schildknecht - 2008 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 56 (5):781-787.
    Der Aufsatz reagiert auf Peter Bieris Kritik der analytischen Philosophie und argumentiert, dass Begriffsklärung zwar innerhalb eines Rahmens wissenschaftlicher Sprache stattfinde, philosophische Grundbegriffe – so genannte kategoriale Begriffe – sich aber selbst nicht mehr innerhalb dieses Systems klären lassen. Alle philosophischen Grundbegriffe können zwar klar erkannt, ihrerseits aber nicht vermittels deutlicher Begriffe bestimmt werden. Deshalb rekurriert etwa Frege zur Erläuterung der Unterscheidung zwischen den kategorialen Begriffen „Begriff“ und „Gegenstand“ auf die Metapher des Ungesättigten. In Grundlagenfragen wird auch der analytische Philosoph (...)
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    The history of resistant rickets: A model for understanding the growth of biomedical knowledge.Christiane Sinding - 1989 - Journal of the History of Biology 22 (3):461-495.
    Two essential periods may be identified in the early stages of the history of vitamin D-resistant rickets. The first was the period during which a very well known deficiency disease, rickets, acquired a scientific status: this required the development of unifying principles to confer upon the newly developing science of pathology a doctrine without which it would have been condemned to remain a collection of unrelated facts with very little practical application. One first such unifying principle was provided by the (...)
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  21. Philosophische Masken. Literarische Formen der Philosophie bei Platon, Descartes, Wolf und Lichtenberg.Christiane Schildknecht & Klaus Petrus - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25 (2):339-345.
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    Kommentar I zum Fall: „Cave Patientenverfügung“.Christiane Imhof & Hans-Klaus Keul - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (4):333-334.
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    Generalizing Longitudinal Age Effects on Brain Structure – A Two-Study Comparison Approach.Christiane Jockwitz, Susan Mérillat, Franziskus Liem, Jessica Oschwald, Katrin Amunts, Lutz Jäncke & Svenja Caspers - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Cross-sectional studies indicate that normal aging is accompanied by decreases in brain structure. Longitudinal studies, however, are relatively rare and inconsistent regarding their outcomes. Particularly the heterogeneity of methods, sample characteristics and the high inter-individual variability in older adults prevent the deduction of general trends. Therefore, the current study aimed to compare longitudinal age-related changes in brain structure in two large independent samples of healthy older adults ; the Longitudinal Healthy Aging Brain database project at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, (...)
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  24. La serpentina: arte y filosofía en Ravaisson.Christiane Mauve - 1995 - Ideas Y Valores 44 (98-99):191-197.
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    Masses on the stages of democracy: Democratic promises and dangers in self-dramatizations of masses.Christiane Mossin - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 167 (1):58-76.
    The political significance of masses is more obvious than ever. The aim of this article is to develop a conceptualization capable of capturing the dangerous as well as promising aspects of masses. It argues that, intricately, the dangers and fruitful potentials of masses are born out of the same fundamental structural features. We may differentiate analytically between different kinds of masses, but all masses contain elements of ambiguity. The mass conceptualization developed builds on a critical, deconstructing interpretation of selected Bataille (...)
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    On Cologne: Gender, migration and unacknowledged racisms in Germany.Christiane Carri & Stefanie C. Boulila - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (3):286-293.
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  27. « Affection, compréhension et langage. L’être-au-monde animal dans les interprétations phénoménologiques d’Aristote du jeune Heidegger » (Phénoménologie de la vie animale, in Florence Burgat et Cristian Ciocan (eds.), Zeta Books, 2015).Christiane Bailey (ed.) - 2016 - Zeta Books.
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    Book Symposium/Tribune du livre Zoopolis, by Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012 Zoopolis : A Political Renewal of Animal Rights Theories.Christiane Bailey - 2013 - Dialogue 52 (4):725-737.
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    Kymlicka, W. et S. Donaldson, Zoopolis. A Political Theory of Animal Rights.Christiane Bailey - 2013 - Ithaque 12:193-198.
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  30. Der Begriff der Liebe in der Philosophie. Ein Vergleich zwischen Hegel und Schopenhauer.Christiane Bender - 1986 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 67:192-198.
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  31. Dispositions or capacities?: Wittgenstein's social philosophy of mind.Christiane Chauviré - 2007 - In Danièle Moyal-Sharrock (ed.), Perspicuous presentations: essays on Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Y a-t-il un relativisme des formes de vie chez Wittgenstein?Christiane Chauviré - 2020 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 106 (2):271-288.
    Cet article cherche à examiner le problème du relativisme de Wittgenstein. Est-ce un banal relativisme culturel ou quelque chose d’autre? En tout cas, une version forte de relativisme est réfutée dans les Remarques sur le « Rameau d’Or » de Frazer. Mais si la position de Wittgenstein est modérée, ce qui ne l’est pas est le holisme fort soutenu dans De la certitude, un de ses derniers écrits. Dans ce livre, la notion de vérité devient problématique à mesure que Wittgenstein (...)
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    Grandparental investment facilitates harmonization of work and family in employed parents: A lifespan psychological perspective.Christiane A. Hoppmann & Petra L. Klumb - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):27-28.
    The target article emphasizes the need to identify psychological mechanisms underlying grandparental investment, particularly in low-risk family contexts. We extend this approach by addressing the changing demands of balancing work and family in low-risk families. Taking a lifespan psychological perspective, we identify additional motivators and potential benefits of grandparental investment for grandparents themselves and for subsequent generations.
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  34. Verzweiflung und Freiheit zwischen Existenzial- und Medienphilosophie.Christiane Voss - 2017 - In Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Anna Tuschling (eds.), Conatus und Lebensnot: Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  35. Versuch einer Anthropologie des Humors im Zeitalter der postkritischen Vernunft.Christiane Vox - 2016 - In Elif Özmen (ed.), Über Menschliches: Anthropologie zwischen Natur und Utopie. Münster: Mentis.
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    A daily dose of women's wisdom.Christiane Northrup - 2017 - Carlsbad, California: Hay House.
    For decades, Christiane Northrup has been helping women navigate their lives with grace and joy. This elegant, compact volume offers her trademark wisdom in a fresh form, filled with pointed reminders "to help you develop a deeper respect for, and connection to, your own body and its exquisite guidance system [to] create a vibrantly healthy body, mind, and spirit." Each beautifully designed black-and-white page carries a quote that touches on a topic of deep significance: everything from heart-listening to epigenetics (...)
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    I Le groupe des mères et des bébés à l'Unité d'accueil parents-enfants de l'institut Théophile-Roussel à Montesson.Christiane Barré - 2001 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 152 (2):17-22.
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  38. Beyond risk preferences in sequential decision-making: How probability representation, sequential structure and choice perseverance bias optimal search.Christiane Baumann, René Schlegelmilch & Bettina von Helversen - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106001.
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  39. Bibliografia archeologica ed epigrafica delle Marche (2001-2005).Christiane Delplace & Silvia Maria Marengo - 2006 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 39:7-64.
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    Synchronization of Issue Agendas in News and Editorials of the Prestige Press in Germany.Christiane Eilders - 1999 - Communications 24 (3):301-328.
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    Gegenstandsbereich und politische Zielsetzung der Sportgeschichte. Anmerkungen zu Michael Krügers „Anmerkungen“ / On the Proper Scope and Political Objective of Sport History. A Response to Michael Krüger’s Remarks.Christiane Eisenberg - 2004 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 1 (1):92-95.
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  42. Le dieu guerrier gallo-romain de Saint-Maur-en-Chaussée (Oise) et le problème des plus anciens laitons.Christiane Eluère & Jean-Pierre Mohen - 1995 - Techne 2:56-61.
  43. Les replis du cœur: François lamy et la méconnaissance de soi.Christiane Fremont - 2012 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 63:39-63.
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    Using technological frames as an analytic tool in value sensitive design.Christiane Grünloh - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (1):53-57.
    This article proposes the use of technological frames (TF) as an analytical tool to support the investigations within value sensitive design. TF can help to identify values that are consistent or conflicting within and between stakeholders, which is exemplified with a case of patient accessible electronic health records in Sweden. The article concludes that TF can help to identify values, which may then help to understand and address possible concerns in the design process.
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  45. 45 patterns of innovation and protection activities within service companies.Christiane B. Hipp, Cornelius Herstatt, Jürgen Sandau, Philipp Spethmann, Stefan H. Thomke, Christoph Stockstrom, Frank Tietze, Akio Nagahira, David Probert & Rajnish Tiwari - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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    Liminaire.Christiane Joubert - 2003 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 161 (3):3.
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    MELAS – eine neue Diagnose von Nietzsches Krankheit.Christiane Koszka - 2010 - Nietzsche Studien 39 (1):573-578.
    Nach langer Krankheit starb Friedrich Nietzsche im Alter von 55 Jahren. Dieser Bericht gibt einen detaillierten chronologischen Überblick über die Symptome und Zeichen seiner Krankheit, die bereits im Kindesalter begann. Es wird ausfürlich diskutiert, dass Nietzsches Multisystemerkrankung alle Kriterien für die Diagnose eines MELAS-Syndroms erfüllt. Diese genetische Erkrankung wird ausschleßlich von der Mutter vererbt. Die Diagnose Neurosyphilis, die im Jahre 1889 in Basel und in Jena gestellt wurde, war wahrscheinlich ein typischer Irrtum der Zeit. After prolonged illness, Friedrich Nietzsche died (...)
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    Über die Wirtschaftsphilosophie: Ein neues Fach stellt sich vor.Christiane W. Kremser - 2021 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 46 (3):387-392.
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  49. Der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Eine zeithistorische Perspektive.Christiane Kuller & Claudia Lepp - 2019 - In Christian Albrecht & Reiner Anselm (eds.), Aus Verantwortung: der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Mallarme and Ricardou: Echoes.Christiane Makward & Valery Wyman - 1973 - Substance 3 (7):139.
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