Results for 'Christina Howard'

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  1.  20
    Repression in retrospect: constructing history in the `memory debate'.Christina Howard & Keith Tuffin - 2002 - History of the Human Sciences 15 (3):75-93.
    Psychologists have often been criticized for their reluctance to engage with history, so it is interesting to find that historical accounts play an important role in the recovered memory/false memory syndrome debate. Using techniques of rhetorical and discursive analysis, we examined accounts of the historical origins of repression and of battlefield trauma in popular texts. The flexible and selective nature of these accounts was highlighted, and was discussed in terms of the rhetorical practice of ontological gerrymandering. Also, the employment of (...)
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    Acutely induced anxiety increases negative interpretations of events in a closed-circuit television monitoring task.Robbie Cooper, Christina J. Howard, Angela S. Attwood, Rachel Stirland, Viviane Rostant, Lynne Renton, Christine Goodwin & Marcus R. Munafò - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (2):273-282.
  3. (1 other version)Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings.David Benatar, Cheshire Calhoun, Louise Collins, John Corvino, Yolanda Estes, John Finnis, Deirdre Golash, Alan Goldman, Greta Christina, Raja Halwani, Christopher Hamilton, Eva Feder Kittay, Howard Klepper, Andrew Koppelman, Stanley Kurtz, Thomas Mappes, Joan Mason-Grant, Janice Moulton, Thomas Nagel, Jerome Neu, Martha Nussbaum, Alan Soble, Sallie Tisdale, Alan Wertheimer, Robin West & Karol Wojtyla (eds.) - 1980 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book's thirty essays explore philosophically the nature and morality of sexual perversion, cybersex, masturbation, homosexuality, contraception, same-sex marriage, promiscuity, pedophilia, date rape, sexual objectification, teacher-student relationships, pornography, and prostitution. Authors include Martha Nussbaum, Thomas Nagel, Alan Goldman, John Finnis, Sallie Tisdale, Robin West, Alan Wertheimer, John Corvino, Cheshire Calhoun, Jerome Neu, and Alan Soble, among others. A valuable resource for sex researchers as well as undergraduate courses in the philosophy of sex.
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    Sartre andLes Temps Modernes, by Howard Davies.Christina Howells - 1988 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 19 (2):212-212.
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  5. 'Filling the Ranks': Moral Risk and the Ethics of Military Recruitment.Jonathan Parry & Christina Easton - 2024 - American Political Science Review 118 (4):1763-1777.
    If states are permitted to create and maintain a military force, by what means are they permitted to do so? This paper argues that a theory of just recruitment should incorporate a concern for moral risk. Since the military is a morally risky profession for its members, recruitment policies should be evaluated in terms of how they distribute moral risk within a community. We show how common military recruitment practices exacerbate and concentrate moral risk exposure, using the UK as a (...)
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    New femininities: postfeminism, neoliberalism, and subjectivity.Rosalind Gill & Christina Scharff (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume brings together twenty original essays on the changes and continuities in gender relations and intersecting politics of sexuality, race, class and location. The book is located in debates about contemporary culture at a moment of rapid technological change, global interconnectedness and the growing cultural dominance of neoliberalism and postfeminism. The collection traverses disciplines, spaces and approaches. It is marked by an extraordinarily wide focus, ranging from analyses of celebrity magazines and makeover shows to examinations of the experiences of (...)
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    Marx's ethical vision.Vanessa Christina Wills - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Between the fall of the Soviet Union and the fall of Lehman Brothers, if the Anglophone academy could be said to have arrived at any consensus about the value of Marxist theory, it would be that Marxism was a quaint historical curio at best and a world-historically hubristic folly at worst. Today, however, well on our way through the first quarter of the twenty-first century, we live in a moment of greatly renewed interest in Marxist ideas. This curiosity is stoked (...)
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    Liquid Democracy: Potentials, Problems, and Perspectives.Christian Blum & Christina Isabel Zuber - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2):162-182.
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  9. Manly Meat and Gendered Eating: Correcting Imbalance and Seeking Virtue.Christina Van Dyke - 2016 - In Andrew Chignell, Terence Cuneo & Matthew C. Halteman, Philosophy Comes to Dinner: Arguments on the Ethics of Eating. Routledge. pp. 39-55.
    The ecofeminist argument for veganism is powerful. Meat consumption is a deeply gendered act that is closely tied to the systematic objectification of women and nonhuman animals. I worry, however, that presenting veganism as "the" moral ideal might reinforce rather than alleviate the disordered status quo in gendered eating, further disadvantaging women in patriarchal power structures. In this chapter, I advocate a feminist account of ethical eating that treats dietary choices as moral choices insofar as they constitute an integral part (...)
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  10. Not Properly a Person.Christina Van Dyke - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (2):186-204.
    Like Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas holds that the rational soul is the substantial form of the human body. In so doing, he takes himself to be rejecting a Platonic version of substance dualism; his criticisms, however, apply equally to a traditional understanding of Cartesian dualism. Aquinas’s own peculiar brand of dualism is receiving increased attention from contemporary philosophers—especially those attracted to positions that fall between Cartesian substance dualism and reductive materialism. What Aquinas’s own view amounts to, however, is subject to debate. (...)
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    Aesthetic Luck.Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):99-113.
    I argue that we are subject to ‘aesthetic luck’ in four senses: constitutive, upbringing, sociogeographic, and circumstantial. I review evidence from our practices, philosophy, and science. I then consider what challenges aesthetic luck raises to the communicability of aesthetic judgments, the formation of one’s aesthetic character, and the goal of a life well lived, as well as possible answers to those challenges.
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    The Dynamic Interplay of Kinetic and Linguistic Coordination in Danish and Norwegian Conversation.James P. Trujillo, Christina Dideriksen, Kristian Tylén, Morten H. Christiansen & Riccardo Fusaroli - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (6):e13298.
    In conversation, individuals work together to achieve communicative goals, complementing and aligning language and body with each other. An important emerging question is whether interlocutors entrain with one another equally across linguistic levels (e.g., lexical, syntactic, and semantic) and modalities (i.e., speech and gesture), or whether there are complementary patterns of behaviors, with some levels or modalities diverging and others converging in coordinated fashions. This study assesses how kinematic and linguistic entrainment interact with one another across levels of measurement, and (...)
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    Intending to repeat: A definition of poetry.Anna Christina Ribeiro - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):189–201.
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    Perceiving by proxy: Effect-based action control with unperceivable effects.Roland Pfister, Christina U. Pfeuffer & Wilfried Kunde - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):251-261.
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  15. An Aristotelian Theory of Divine Illumination: Robert Grosseteste's Commentary on the Posterior Analytics.Christina Van Dyke - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (4):685-704.
    Two central accounts of human cognition emerge over the course of the Middle Ages: the theory of divine illumination and an Aristotelian theory centered on abstraction from sense data. Typically, these two accounts are seen as competing views of the origins of human knowledge; theories of divine illumination focus on God’s direct intervention in our epistemic lives, whereas Aristotelian theories generally claim that our knowledge derives primarily (or even entirely) from sense perception. In this paper, I address an early attempt (...)
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    I See Dead People.Christina Van Dyke - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 2 (1).
    This chapter addresses a difficulty facing Aquinas’s view of post-mortem identity that is posed by his account of the separated soul. Called the Two-Person Problem, the difficulty is that—although Aquinas denies that the human soul is identical to either the human being or the human person—the disembodied soul has agency and self-reference in the period between death and bodily resurrection. If the soul is not identical to you, however, who is it? And how can you be brought back at the (...)
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  17. Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Role of Motivational Climate and Work–Home Spillover for Turnover Intentions.Karoline Hofslett Kopperud, Christina G. L. Nerstad & Anders Dysvik - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:510463.
    Emerging trends in the workforce point to the necessity of facilitating work lives that foster constructive and balanced relationships between professional and private spheres in order to retain employees. Drawing on the conservation of resources theory, we propose that motivational climate influence turnover intention through the facilitation of work–home spillover. Specifically, we argue that employees working in a perceived mastery climate are less likely to consider voluntarily leaving their employer because of increased positive—and reduced negative—work–home spillover experiences. We further argue (...)
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  18. African-american reluctance to donate: Beliefs and attitudes about organ donation and implications for policy.Laura A. Siminoff & Christina M. Saunders Sturm - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (1):59-74.
    : This paper reviews current and suggested policies designed to increase organ donation in the United States and indicates the problems inherent to these approaches for increasing organ donation by African Americans. Data from a population-based study assessing attitudes and beliefs about organ donation among white and African-American respondents are presented and discussed. We pose the question of whether it is reasonable to maintain the existing system or whether we should institute a system that uses policies based on the attitudes (...)
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  19. What Has History to Do with Philosophy? Insights from the Medieval Contemplative Tradition.Christina Van Dyke - 2018 - Proceedings of the British Academy 214:155-170.
    This paper highlights the corrective and complementary role that historically informed philosophy can play in contemporary discussions. What it takes for an experience to count as genuinely mystical has been the source of significant controversy; most current philosophical definitions of ‘mystical experience’ exclude embodied, non-unitive states -- but, in so doing, they exclude the majority of reported mystical experiences. I use a re- examination of the full range of reported medieval mystical experiences (both in the apophatic tradition, which excludes or (...)
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    Age differences in adults' use of referring expressions.Petra Hendriks, Christina Englert, Ellis Wubs & John Hoeks - 2008 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (4):443-466.
    The aim of this article is to investigate whether choosing the appropriate referring expression requires taking into account the hearer’s perspective, as is predicted under some versions of bidirectional Optimality Theory but is unexpected under other versions. We did this by comparing the results of 25 young and 25 elderly adults on an elicitation task based on eight different picture stories, and a comprehension task based on eight similar written stories. With respect to the elicitation task, we found that elderly (...)
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  21. The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth: Robert Grosseteste on Universals (and the Posterior Analytics ).Christina Van Dyke - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2):pp. 153-170.
    The reintroduction of Aristotle's Analytics to the Latin West—in particular, the reintroduction of the Posterior Analytics—forever altered the course of medieval epistemological discussions. Although the Analytics fell decidedly from grace in later centuries, the sophisticated account of human cognition developed in the Posterior Analytics appealed so strongly to thirteenth-century European scholars that it became one of the two central theories of knowledge advocated in the later Middle Ages. Robert Grosseteste's 'Commentarius in Posteriorum Analyticorum Libro', written in the 1220s, is most (...)
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  22.  31
    Upset with the refugee policy: Exploring the relations between policy malaise, media use, trust in news media, and issue fatigue.Jens Wolling, Christina Schumann & Dorothee Arlt - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):624-647.
    In this paper, we introduce the concept of policy malaise, which refers to citizens’ dissatisfaction with the way political institutions and processes handle specific problems such as the refugee issue in Germany. Based on a representative online panel survey with two waves conducted in 2016 and 2017 (N = 836), we explore the occurrence of policy malaise among the German population and its relation to issue-specific media use, trust in news media, and issue fatigue. First, the results indicate that policy (...)
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    Early modality-specific somatosensory cortical regions are modulated by attended visual stimuli: interaction of vision, touch and behavioral intent.W. Richard Staines, Christina Popovich, Jennifer K. Legon & Meaghan S. Adams - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Human Rights Violations Committed Against Human Rights Defenders Through the Use of Legal System: A Trend in Europe and Beyond.Aikaterini-Christina Koula - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (1):99-122.
    Human rights defenders (HRDs) fight for various human rights and address concerns related to corruption, employment, the environment, and other issues. They also challenge powerful state and private stakeholders and seek justice for human rights abuses. Therefore, HRDs are increasingly becoming targets of violent attacks and abuse with the aim of silencing them. This article begins by providing a brief definition of HRDs and then proceeds to outline the risks associated with their work in defending human rights. It also identifies (...)
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    Studying Neural Correlates of Music Features in the Early Years Education and Development Process: A Preliminary Understanding based on a Taxonomical Classification and Logistic Regression Analysis.Efthymios Papatzikis, Christina Svec & Natalia Tsakmakidou - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  26.  22
    If Birds Have Sesamoid Bones, Do Blackbirds Have Sesamoid Bones? The Modification Effect With Known Compound Words.Thomas L. Spalding, Christina L. Gagné, Kelly A. Nisbet, Jenna M. Chamberlain & Gary Libben - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Brief Sensory Training Narrows the Temporal Binding Window and Enhances Long-Term Multimodal Speech Perception.Michael Zerr, Christina Freihorst, Helene Schütz, Christopher Sinke, Astrid Müller, Stefan Bleich, Thomas F. Münte & Gregor R. Szycik - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  28. “Many Know Much but Do Not Know Themselves”: Self-Knowledge, Humility, and Perfection in the Medieval Affective Contemplative Tradition.Christina Van Dyke - 2018 - Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics 14 (Consciousness and Self-Knowledge):89-106.
    Today, philosophers interested in self-knowledge usually look to the scholastic tradition, where the topic is addressed in a systematic and familiar way. Contemporary conceptions of what medieval figures thought about self-knowledge thus skew toward the epistemological. In so doing, however, they often fail to capture the crucial ethical and theological importance that self-knowledge possesses throughout the Middle Ages. -/- Human beings are not transparent to themselves: in particular, knowing oneself in the way needed for moral progress requires hard and rigorous (...)
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  29. Animal Interrupted, or Why Accepting Pascal's Wager Might Be the Last Thing You Ever Do.Sam Baron & Christina Dyke - 2014 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 52 (S1):109-133.
    According to conventionalist accounts of personal identity, persons are constituted in part by practices and attitudes of certain sorts of care. In this paper, we concentrate on the most well-developed and defended version of conventionalism currently on offer (namely, that proposed by David Braddon-Mitchell, Caroline West, and Kristie Miller) and discuss how the conventionalist appears forced either (1) to accept arbitrariness concerning from which perspective to judge one's survival or (2) to maintain egalitarianism at the cost of making “transfiguring” decisions (...)
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    Editorial: Social Cognition, Motivation, and Interaction: How Do People Respond to Threats in Social Interactions?Eva Jonas & Christina Mühlberger - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    An Exploratory Comparison of Ethical Perceptions of Mexican and U.S. Marketers.Janet Marta, Christina Heiss & Steven Lurgio - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):539-555.
    This is a study of the effects of a number of background variables on ethical perceptions of Mexican and U.S. marketers. This research investigates how a marketer’s personal religiousness, relativism, and the ethical values influence in perceptions of the degree of ethical problems in hypothetical marketing scenarios. It also examines differences between Mexican and U.S. marketers on these variables. The results show significant differences in perception between the countries, and we discuss the implications of these differences for cross-cultural business activities.
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    The Thirteenth-Century Animal Turn: Medieval and Twenty-First Century Perspectives Thinking about Animals in Thirteenth-Century Paris: Theologians on the Boundary between Humans and Animals.Christina Van Dyke - 2023 - Philosophical Review 132 (1):147-150.
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    Endometriosis in later life: an intersectional analysis from the perspective of epistemic injustice.Elisabeth Langmann, Anna-Christina Kainradl, Merle Weßel & Alekszandra Rokvity - 2025 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 28 (1):151-159.
    Endometriosis, a chronic inflammatory condition affecting 10% of biological women, is widely understudied and particularly overlooked in later life. Discussions surrounding endometriosis predominantly centre on medical gender bias during reproductive years, with limited attention to intersecting factors of discrimination and the impact of ageism on affected individuals. As endometriosis is framed as a disease of reproductive age, research is lacking when it comes to the effects of the illness on the older population. Symptoms in (post)menopausal individuals are frequently misattributed to (...)
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    Ethical Principles Guiding Prioritization in Local Health Promotion and Prevention: Insights from Danish Municipalities.Calina Leonhardt, Christina Bjørk Petersen, Ditte Heering Holt & Sigurd Lauridsen - forthcoming - Ethics and Social Welfare.
    Prioritization in public health has long been contentious, which necessitates ethical discussions. Despite efforts to develop frameworks that address these considerations, universally accepted models remain elusive, leaving decision-makers to manage independently. This study explores the previously underexplored topic of ethical principles guiding prioritization within different domains of health promotion and prevention at a local level. Interviews with decision-makers (n = 21) from Danish municipalities were analyzed thematically to uncover ethical dimensions of local prioritization of public health services. The study showed (...)
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  35. Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy.Christina Van Dyke - 2014
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  36. The phenomenology of immortality (1200-1400).Christina Van Dyke - 2018 - In Margaret Cameron, Philosophy of Mind in the Early and High Middle Ages: The History of the Philosophy of Mind. New York: Routledge.
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    From the Sea to the Sky: Metaphorically Mapping Water to Air.Hamad Al-Azary, Christina L. Gagné & Thomas L. Spalding - 2020 - Metaphor and Symbol 35 (3):206-219.
    Countless conceptual metaphors related to human experience have been identified and discussed in the literature. In most conceptual metaphors, a concrete, experiential sou...
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    A Conexão Entre Reflexão Filosófica e Pesquisa Social Empírica Como Práxis Na Teoria Crítica da Sociedade.Deborah Christina Antunes - 2014 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 22:24-42.
    A Teoria Crítica nasceu da reformulação da relação entre a filosofia e pesquisa social empírica, no Instituto de Pesquisa Social de Frankfurt, em 1931, quando Horkheimer defendeu a reorientação da agenda de pesquisa do Instituto, bem como a substituição de sua abordagem pelo que ficou conhecido como materialismo interdisciplinar. Ele conectou reflexão teórica, baseada no marxismo filosófico, e ciência social empírica, em resposta a outras interpretações do marxismo ortodoxo. Desde as primeiras pesquisas e elaborações teóricas do Instituto nessa época, Horkheimer (...)
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    Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Athletes Pre- and Post-Season Demonstrates Consistent Pattern of Frontal Cortical Activation with King-Devick Testing.Kristy Arbogast, Christina Master, Fairuz Mohammed, Eileen Storey, Olivia Podolak, Shelly Sharma, Catherine McDonald & Hasan Ayaz - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  40.  16
    Medienfußball im europäischen Vergleich.Christina Beckers-Bunk, Eggo Müller & Jürgen Schwier - 2007 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 4 (1):94-98.
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    Global networking and universal ethics.Dietrich Brandt & Christina Rose - 2004 - AI and Society 18 (4):334-343.
    The Congress on Information and Communication during the 2000 World Engineers’ Convention in Hannover, Germany, passed a document on trends, challenges, and tasks of information and communication technologies as a set of proposals and guidelines for engineers and society which assumes validity worldwide. In 2002, the Executive Board of the Association of Engineers VDI (Germany) passed the new document Fundamentals of Engineering Ethics, which also claims universal validity, on how to deal with conflicting professional responsibilities. Thus the global validity of (...)
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    The Poor and Marginalized Among Us: Contingent Faculty in Jesuit Universities.Christina Rawls Clark, Richard, Carrie Buchanan - 2018 - Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal 7 (2).
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    The Whitla-Lucas archive: Exploring the personal within feminist scholarship and questioning desire in women’s life-writing.Anna Christina Conlan - 2004 - Feminist Theory 5 (3):257-279.
    Centred on the diaries of Violet Thompson and Betty Whitla-Lucas, this exploratory paper self-reflexively plots key feminist problematics of integrating the personal with scholarship, while also enacting and working them through. By addressing my own familial connection to the archive, I explore the experience of using personal material within scholarship. Considering the increased incorporation of personal narrative into feminist scholarship, I question what is at stake in the production and reception of women’s life-writing. I propose a model of motivation and (...)
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    (1 other version)Chronique de jurisprudence de responsabilité civile médicale.Christina Corgas-Bernard - 2006 - Médecine et Droit 2006 (76):25-34.
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    Feasibility of A Novel Treatment of Abstract Verbs in Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech.Bailey Dallin, Berggren Kiera, Nessler Christina & Wambaugh Julie - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Identifying Phrasal Connectives in Italian Using Quantitative Methods.Christina De Sanctis, Fabio Tanburini & Edoardo Zamuner - unknown
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    A meta-model for ontologies with ORM.Politecnico di Milano, Christina Tziviskou & C. Maria Keet - unknown
    Development of ontology development tools and ontology-enhanced software applications requires thorough understanding of ontology languages in order to implement them according to their specification. We present a formal specification of the ontologies part of the Web Services Modeling Language WSML documentation as a conceptual model in ORM2. Such an approach abstracts the semantics about ontological constructs, axioms, and properties from their implementation in arbitrary formats, thereby making the model easily understandable and reusable. This formal model in ORM2, which is understandable (...)
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    Beyond the Numbers: How Directors and Chairs Interpret Student Feedback to Equitably Evaluate Teaching.Christopher R. Drue & Christina A. Bifulco - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-23.
    In response to literature examining how student biases can unfairly discriminate against instructors from disadvantaged groups or women, this study investigates how department officials at a large public university in the Northeast United States use student feedback as part of the holistic evaluation of teaching. Through surveys and a focus group, we examine the decision-making processes of department chairs and program directors, who often lack formal training in interpreting student feedback but possess practical experience in addressing student concerns and evaluating (...)
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    Listening to Cybernetics: Music, Machines, and Nervous Systems, 1950-1980.Christina Dunbar-Hester - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (1):113-139.
    Scholars have explored the influence of the field of cybernetics on scientific thought and disciplines. However, from the inception of the field, ‘‘cyberneticians’’ had explicitly envisioned applications reaching beyond the purview of scientific disciplines; cybernetics was remarkable for its portability and potential application in a wide variety of contexts. This article explores connections between cybernetics and experimental music from 1950-1980, which was a period of experimentation with electronic techniques in recording, composition, and sound production and manipulation. Examples include musicians, engineers, (...)
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    Experience of Dealing with Moral Responsibility as a Mother with Cancer.Eva Elmberger, Christina Bolund & Kim Lützén - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (3):253-262.
    This study explored how women with a diagnosis of cancer (lymphoma) deal with moral concerns related to their responsibility as parents. Ten women with cancer and who had children living at home were interviewed. The interviews were analysed according to the constant comparative method used in grounded theory. In order to provide a focus for the analysis, the ethics of care and the concept of mothering were used as sensitizing concepts. The core concept ‘experience of dealing with moral responsibility of (...)
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