Results for 'Claudia Jost'

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  1. Context of utterance and intended context.Claudia Bianchi - 2001 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2116:73-86.
    In this paper I expose and criticise the distinction between pure indexicals and demonstratives, held by David Kaplan and John Perry. I oppose the context of material production of the utterance to the “intended context” (the context of interpretation, i.e. the context the speaker indicates as semantically relevant): this opposition introduces an intentional feature into the interpretation of pure indexicals. As far as the indexical I is concerned, I maintain that we must distinguish between the material producer of the utterance (...)
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    Which body for embodied cognition? Affordance and language within actual and perceived reaching space.Ettore Ambrosini, Claudia Scorolli, Anna M. Borghi & Marcello Costantini - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1551-1557.
    The mental representation of one’s own body does not necessarily correspond to the physical body. For instance, a dissociation between perceived and actual reach-ability has been shown, that is, individuals perceive that they can reach objects that are out of grasp. We presented participants with 3D pictures of objects located at four different distances, namely near-reaching space, actual-reaching space, perceived-reaching space and non-reaching space. Immediately after they were presented with function, manipulation, observation or pointing verbs and were required to judge (...)
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    Moral Equality, Bioethics, and the Child.Claudia Wiesemann - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Presenting real life cases from clinical practice, this book claims that children can be conceived of as moral equals without ignoring the fact that they still are children and in need of strong family relationships. Drawing upon recent advances in childhood studies and its key feature, the ‘agentic child’, it uncovers the ideology of adultism which has seeped into much what has been written about childhood ethics. However, this book also critically examines those positions that do accord moral equality to (...)
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  4. Recensión de la obra El himno como símbolo político (coord. Alegre Martínez, Miguel Ángel).Cláudia Perotto Biagi & Rafael Caiado Amaral - 2009 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 1:51 - 67.
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    Kants Ontologie als Gegenstandstheorie Ist die Rede vom „Ding an sich" unvermeidlich?Claudia Bickmann - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 521-532.
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    Streit und Widerstreit?Claudia Bickmann - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):363-374.
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  7. Of Myth, Life, and War in Plato’s Republic.Claudia Baracchi - 2002 - Utopian Studies 17 (1):258-261.
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    The Nature of Reason and the Sublimity of First Philosophy.Claudia Baracchi - 2003 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (2):223-249.
    By reference to the Aristotelian meditation, this essay undertakes to articulate an understanding of phronesis and sophia, praxis and theoria, in their belonging together. In so doing, it strives to overcome the traditional opposition of these terms, an opposition preserved even by those thinkers, such as Gadamer and Arendt, who have emphasized the practical over against the theoretical simply by inverting the order of the hierarchy.What is at stake, ultimately, is thinking ethics as first philosophy, i.e., seeing the philosophical articulation (...)
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    Voluntary decision-making in addiction: A comprehensive review of existing measurement tools.Claudia Barned, Marianne Rochette & Eric Racine - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 91 (C):103115.
  10.  63
    Image/thinking.Claudia Becker - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 2 (2):248-256.
    This article re-examines Vilém Flusser's philosophy of photography and its relation to what I will name the philosophical question of 'image-thinking'. It places his work on photography in the context of the much discussed 'pictorial' and 'iconic' turns in the study of visual culture and, through this, aims to reveal the depth of Flusser's approach to understanding media culture and to argue for the significance and continuing relevance of his philosophy of photography.
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  11. Práticas políticas de Antigo Regime: redes governativas e centralidade régia na capitania de Minas Gerais (1720-1725).Claudia Cristina Azeredo Atallah - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (22):24-43.
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    Rebelling against suffering in capitalism.Claudia Leeb - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (3):263-282.
    In this article, I bring Marx and Adorno into conversation with affect theory to establish three points: First, an affective reading of the concepts of alienation and exploitation via Marx’s metaphor of the “vampire capital” explains how capitalism depletes raced, gendered, and sexed working class of their bodily and mental powers. Second, discussing these thinkers’ ideas in the context of the larger mind and body opposition revives attention to the body in contemporary political theory and exposes how the mind and (...)
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    Lambek’s Syntactic Calculus and Noncommutative Variants of Linear Logic: Laws and Proof-Nets.V. Michele Abrusci & Claudia Casadio - 2021 - In Claudia Casadio & Philip J. Scott (eds.), Joachim Lambek: The Interplay of Mathematics, Logic, and Linguistics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-37.
    This work is devoted to the relations between Lambek’s Syntactic Calculus and noncommutative variants of Girard’s Linear Logic; in particular the paper will consider: the geometrical representation of the laws of LC by means of proof-nets; the discovery - due to such a geometrical representation - of some laws of LC not yet considered; the discussion of possible linguistic uses of these new laws.
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  14. Logic and Pragmatism: Selected Essays by Giovanni Vailati.Claudia Arrighi, Paola Cantu, Mauro de Zan & Patrick Suppes - 2010 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    _Logic and Pragmatism_ features a number of the key writings of Giovanni Vailati, the Italian mathematician and philosopher renowned for his work in mechanics, geometry, logic, and epistemology. The selections in this book—many of which are available here for the first time in English—focus on Vailati’s significant contributions to the field of pragmatism. Accompanying these pieces are introductory essays by the volume’s editors that outline the traits of Vailati’s pragmatism and provide insights into the scholar’s life.
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    Aristotle on Becoming Human.Claudia Baracchi - 2012 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 43:93-121.
    Este ensayo se enfoca en las reflexiones de Aristóteles sobre el ser humano - sobre la humanidad no como algo dado, sino como un hecho en devenir, entendido como una tarea. Resalto el trabajo constructivo involucrado en el proceso de llegar a hacerse humano, y muestro que, lejos de una construcción en su carácter meramente técnico-mecánico, está en juego un proceso formativo que en buena medida se desenvuelve en la oscuridad y carece de guías eidéticas claras. En efecto, es a (...)
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  16. The Syntax of Life: Gregory Bateson and the “Platonic View”.Claudia Baracchi - 2013 - Research in Phenomenology 43 (2):204-219.
    The essay follows the fil rouge of ancient Greek thinking in the work of Gregory Bateson, an unusually multi-faceted and energetically nomadic intellect in the landscape of twentieth-century hyper-specialized disciplines, whose eclectic research focused on the question of life and of human participation in a living world. Through the reverberation of Neoplatonic motifs and echoing pre-Socratic intuitions, Bateson reflects on the “pattern which connects”—the λόγος that says one and all things, and the interpenetration of one and all things, thus operating (...)
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    The Πόλεμος That Gathers All: Heraclitus on War.Claudia Baracchi - 2015 - Research in Phenomenology 45 (2):267-287.
    _ Source: _Volume 45, Issue 2, pp 267 - 287 Heraclitus reportedly said that πόλεμος is “father of all, king of all”. However, we should be cautious around the translation of πόλεμος as “war.” How to hear this term in its multifarious signification is precisely the theme of the present essay. The analysis of various Heraclitean fragments, furthermore, may call into question the view of politics as constitutively involving war and violence and contribute to the task of understanding politics otherwise. (...)
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    Memorias de un álbum de láminas.Claudia Ivonne Giraldo G. - 2019 - Co-herencia 16 (31):429-432.
    En 2011 el señor Mario Posada Ochoa donó a la Universidad EAFIT una extensa y poco conocida colección de arte; acaso unos cuantos amigos habrían visto de cerca las 480 obras que recibió la Universidad, de artistas como Segundo Angelvis, Inés Acevedo Bernal, Sergio Trujillo Magnenat, Luis A. Rengifo y Ramón Vásquez, entre otros. Algunas de ellas carecían de la firma del autor o de un dato que comprobara la autoría, y estaban deterioradas, más que por el tiempo, por el (...)
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    De la interoperabilidad de datos a la “interoperabilidad moral” en la arquitectura mundial de datos sanitarios: caso de uso integrado de análisis ético computacional impulsado por IA con puntuación de propensión bayesiana y análisis de costos y beneficios.Dominique J. Monlezun, Claudia Sotomayor, Maria Ines Girault, Alberto Garcia & Colleen Gallagher - 2024 - Medicina y Ética 35 (4):990-1054.
    El aumento de los costos sanitarios y financieros de las enfermedades, las discapacidades y las disparidades respalda la aceleración mundial de los intereses y las inversiones en IA (inteligencia artificial) sanitaria para lograr soluciones sanitarias mejores, más baratas, más rápidas y justas a escala mundial y local. Sin embargo, no existe un consenso sobre la aplicación práctica de los principios de la IA responsable en diversos sectores, estados y sistemas de creencias de todo el mundo. Este estudio de prueba de (...)
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    A Comparative Study of the Law of Palliative Care and End-of-Life Treatment.Danuta Mendelson & Timothy Stoltzfus Jost - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (1):130-143.
    Since the Supreme Court of New Jersey decided the Quinlan case a quarter of a century ago, three American Supreme Court decisions and a host of state appellate decisions have addressed end-of-life issues. These decisions, as well as legislation addressing the same issues, have prompted a torrent of law journal articles analyzing every aspect of end-of-life law. In recent years, moreover, a number of law review articles, many published in this journal, have also specifically addressed legal issues raised by palliative (...)
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    Amicizia.Claudia Baracchi - 2016 - Milano: Mursia.
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    Not a Battle of Giants, but a Revolution of the Soul: On War and Dialogue.Claudia Baracchi - 2002 - Méthexis 15 (1):7-27.
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  23. Politics and the perfection of friendship: aristotelian reflections.Claudia Baracchi - 2009 - Universitas Philosophica 26 (53):15-36.
    Aristotle's discussion of friendship provides an inclusive analysis that, along with common everyday understanding, tries to take into account approaches as different as that of the sophists and Plato's meditation on this theme. The present essay examines the complexity of the phenomenon of friendship —especially the difficult intersection of friendship as loving intimacy between excellent individuals and friendship as a genuinely political bond. Above all, it attempts to cast light on the political relevance of perfect friendship. Thus understood, friendship is (...)
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    Plato's shadows at noon: Nietzsche and the Platonic texts.Claudia Baracchi - 1995 - Research in Phenomenology 25 (1):90-117.
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  25. Autonomy as a point of reference for universal medical ethics.Claudia Wiesemann - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (4):287-295.
    Das ethische Prinzip des Respekts vor der Autonomie des Patienten/Probanden hat in der modernen Medizin mittlerweile weltweit Bedeutung erlangt. Die Betonung der Autonomie des Patienten und Probanden in allen in der letzten Zeit verabschiedeten internationalen Deklarationen gibt dieser Tendenz unmissverständlich Ausdruck. Doch wenngleich diese Entwicklung unstrittig positiv ist, wirft sie dennoch eine Reihe von Fragen auf, die mit der Kodifizierung, Interpretation, Reichweite und Anwendung dieses universalen Prinzips verbunden sind. Die Antworten auf diese Fragen entscheiden darüber, ob Autonomie als hilfreiches, emanzipatorisches (...)
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    Institutional design beyond democratic innovations.Claudia Landwehr - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (2):259-265.
    Steffen Ganghof’s Beyond Presidentialism and Parliamentarism can improve existing typologies in comparative government and has great potential for discussions about democratic innovation and reform. So far, democratic innovations like deliberative mini-publics have remained mostly additive, leaving the underlying decision-making logics of representative political systems unchanged. Ganghof’s ideas can move debates about how deliberative democracy is to be institutionalized forward. Semi-parliamentary government constitutes an intriguing option to meet both demands for legislative flexibility and responsiveness to citizens’ concerns and demands for stability (...)
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    Explanatory frameworks in complex change and resilience system modelling.Mark Addis & Claudia Eckert - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Heterogenous flows across system boundaries continue to pose significant problems for efficient resource allocation especially with respect to long term strategic planning and immediate problems about allocation to address particular resource shortages. The approach taken here to modelling such flows is an engineering change prediction one. This enables margin modelling by producing system models in dependency matrices with different linkage types. Change prediction approaches from engineering design can analyse where these bottlenecks in integrated systems would be so that resources can (...)
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    Johannes Bisselius: Deliciae Veris - Frühlingsfreuden: Lateinischer Text, Übersetzung, Einführungen Und Kommentar.Lutz Claren, Jost Eickmeyer, Wilhelm Kühlmann & Hermann Wiegand (eds.) - 2013 - De Gruyter.
    In 1638, the Jesuit, poet, preacher, and historianJohannes Bisselius published the first volume of his seasonal poem Deliciae Veris, Pleasures of Spring. The subtly composed, stylistically unique cycle is presented here for the first time in a modern edition with a German translation and insightful commentary, including an introduction to each poem.".
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    Learning Climate Perceptions as a Determinant of Employability: An Empirical Study Among European ICT Professionals.Claudia M. Van der Heijde, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Dora Scholarios, Nikos Bozionelos, Aslaug Mikkelsen, Olga Epitropaki, Izabela Marzec, Piotr Jędrzejowicz & Jan C. Looise - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La escritura y la lectura: un proceso dialéctico para el conocimiento.Claudia Arcila Rojas - 2020 - Escritos 28 (60):79-92.
    Because of the rushed statement that writing is a testament that concentrates the intention of someone who is absent, the idea of the immutability of text has been generalized. The latter is associated with a criterion of coherence in which the realization of the idea flows with no obstacles. Regarding this issue, which limits the dialectic nature of language, this article offers a conceptual alternative that aims at questioning the criterion of linguistic objectivation because it separates the word of its (...)
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    Mente, corporeità e mondo naturale da Nietzsche a Damasio.Claudia Rosciglione - 2010 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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  32. Sviluppo dell'organismo e" Selbstregulierung" in Nietzsche.Claudia Rosciglione - 2009 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 38 (1):107-132.
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    Teaching your child about God.Claudia Royal - 1960 - [Westwood, N.J.]: Revell.
  34. title “Per una genealogia eretica dell’istituzionalismo: il contributo di Gilles Deleuze”.Claudia Landolfi - 2009 - Democrazia E Diritto (0416-9565).
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    Filón de Alejandría en el "Colloquium Heptaplomeres" de Jean Bodin.Claudia Lavié - 2015 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 8:73-92.
    Este trabajo indaga la presencia de la obra de Filón de Alejandría en el Colloquium Heptaplomeres de Jean Bodin, que como otros coloquios de sabios renacentistas apunta a descubrir la “verdadera religión”, pero sin ser conclusivo. A través del personaje del sabio hebreo - su posible portavoz- Bodin recupera la visión del alejandrino de la sabiduría como develadora de armonía universal, la exégesis alegórica como “filosofar con símbolos” y el papel de la Ley, que en ambos autores articula lo divino (...)
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    The Politics of Misrecognition: A Feminist Critique.Claudia Leeb - 2009 - The Good Society 18 (1).
    For the past decade and a half, social and political thinkers have appropriated the Hegelian trope of a "struggle for recognition" to generate theories that lead to a democratic politics of inclusion. The different strands within the "politics of recognition" debate share the conviction that "recognition" is a central human good and the precondition for justice in pluralist societies. However, in this article, I show that recognition theorists, instead of creating a democratic politics of inclusion, have perpetuated exclusions. I share (...)
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    The Politics of Repressed Guilt: The Tragedy of Austrian Silence.Claudia Leeb - 2018 - Edinburgh University Press.
    In this book, I develop the novel concept of embodied reflective judgment, which outlines the interconnection between feeling and thinking in judgment. I explain that defense mechanisms to repress feelings of guilt can effectively shut down critical judgment. Finally, I analyze post-war trial cases of Austrian Nazi perpetrators and contemporary debates about Austria’s involvement in Nazi crimes to expose the mechanisms used by individuals and nations to fend off individual and political guilt. Only by confronting guilt can individuals and nations (...)
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    The End or the Apotheosis of "Labor"? Hannah Arendt's Contribution to the Question of the Good Life in Times of Global Superfluity of Human Labor Power.Claudia Lenz & Gertrude Postl - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (2):135 - 154.
    This paper relates Arendt's critique of a labor society to her thoughts on the "good life." I begin with the claim that in the post-mass production era, Western societies, traditionally centered around gainful employment, encounter a decrease in the relevance of labor and can thus no longer rely on it as a resource for individual or social meaning. From Arendt's perspective, however, the current situation allows for the possibility of a transition from a society based on labor to a society (...)
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  39. A Educação a Distância eo Desafio da Formação do Professor Refletivo: Uma Experiência e Formação Pedagógica de Professores Universitários no Campo da Avaliação da Aprendizagem.Cláudia Maria de Lima, Josefa Aparecida Gonçalves Grigoli & Helena Faria de Barros - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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    Contributions from Pragmatist Perspectives towards an Understanding of Knowledge and Learning in Organisations.Claudia Gillberg & Linh Chi Vo - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (2):33-51.
    The purpose of this article is to present an understanding of knowledge and learning in organisations from pragmatist perspectives. Relying on the work of early pragmatists as well as contemporary pragmatists, we introduce a conceptualisation of knowledge as the outcome of inquiry. Knowledge, in this article, is presented as provisional, multi-perspective, both particular and general. Our point of departure here is that the chief value of knowledge is its usefulness in solving problems. Pragmatist views of knowledge are further explicated in (...)
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    Theoretical integration in motivational science: System justification as one of many “autonomous motivational structures”.Aaron C. Kay & John T. Jost - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):146-147.
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    VOLPI, Franco. O Niilismo. São Paulo: Edições Loyola, 1999.Cláudia Falcão - 2014 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 5 (9):60-62.
    “O Niilismo” foi publicado pela primeira vez em 1996, em Roma, e posteriormente traduzido para várias línguas. Nesta obra, Volpi quis apresentar, ao longo dos quinze capítulos, um itinerário da história do conceito e do problema do niilismo.
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    Chronic pain as a blind spot in the diagnosis of a depressed society. On the implications of the connection between depression and chronic pain for interpretations of contemporary society.Dominik Koesling & Claudia Bozzaro - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):671-680.
    One popular description of current society is that it is a depressed society and medical evidence about depression’s prevalence may well make such an estimation plausible. However, such normative-critical assessments surrounding depression have to date usually operated with a one-sided understanding of depression. This understanding widely neglects the various ways depression manifests as well as its comorbidities. This becomes evident at the latest when considering one of depression’s most prominent and well-known comorbidities: chronic pain. Against this background, we aim in (...)
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    Challenges in teaching business ethics: Using role set analysis of early career dilemmas. [REVIEW]Janet S. Adams, Claudia Harris & Susan S. Carley - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (12):1325-1335.
    Emphasis in business ethics texts and courses has generally focused on corporate and other relatively high-level ethical issues. However, business school graduates in early career stages report ethical dilemmas involving individual-level decisions, often including influence attempts from one or more members of their work role sets. This paper proposes the use of role set analysis as a pedagogical technique for helping individuals to anticipate and deal with early-career ethical issues.
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  45. Thomas Paine's Le Siecle de la Raison, ou Le Sens Commun Des Droits De L'Homme : Notes on a Curious Edition of The Age of Reason.David Hoffman & Claudia Carlos - 2016 - In Scott Cleary & Ivy Linton Stabell (eds.), New directions in Thomas Paine studies. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Vernunft ohne „Gespenst in der Maschine“?Frank Kannetzky & Claudia Henning - 2012 - In Sebastian Rödl & Henning Tegtmeyer (eds.), Sinnkritisches Philosophieren. De Gruyter. pp. 129-166.
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    Microsoft, refusal to license intellectual property rights, and the incentives balance test of the EU commission.Wolfgang Kerber & Claudia Schmidt - unknown
    This article contributes to the analysis of refusal to license cases as abuse of a dominant position pursuant Article 82 EC from an economic perspective. In the Microsoft case, the European Commission introduced an "Incentives Balance Test" to assess whether the refusal to give access to interface information can be justified by arguing that this information is protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs): The Commission argued that if the overall innovative effects evoked by a compulsory license are significantly higher than (...)
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  48. Der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Eine zeithistorische Perspektive.Christiane Kuller & Claudia Lepp - 2019 - In Christian Albrecht & Reiner Anselm (eds.), Aus Verantwortung: der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Der Blockierte Dialog: zur Rezeption feministischer Theorie-Impulse im Wissenschaftsbetrieb.Claudia von Braunmühl (ed.) - 1999 - Berlin: Berlin Verlag Spitz.
  50.  13
    Corporeidad y finalidad de la persona humana: una glosa al pensamiento de Leonardo Polo.Claudia E. Vanney - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (92):441-458.
    En este artículo muestro la compatibilidad de las explicaciones de la causalidad de Polo con los paradigmas actuales de la biología teórica. Indica cómo el análisis de la actividad vital conduce a una distinction entre las funciones de la vida vegetativa, las facultades orgánicas de la vida sensitiva y los hábitos de la persona humana. A diferencia de los otros seres vivos, la perfección del hombre se encuentra en los hábitos, que son un crecimiento de su naturaleza posibilitado por la (...)
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