Results for 'Clelia Bordogna'

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  1.  18
    Difficulties in Learning Thermodynamic Concepts Are They Linked to the Historical Development of this Field?María I. Cotignola, Clelia Bordogna, Graciela Punte & Osvaldo M. Cappannini - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (3):279-291.
  2. William James at the boundaries: philosophy, science, and the geography of knowledge.Francesca Bordogna - 2008 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    At Columbia University in 1906, William James gave a highly confrontational speech to the American Philosophical Association (APA). He ignored the technical philosophical questions the audience had gathered to discuss and instead addressed the topic of human energy. Tramping on the rules of academic decorum, James invoked the work of amateurs, read testimonials on the benefits of yoga and alcohol, and concluded by urging his listeners to take up this psychological and physiological problem. What was the goal of this unusual (...)
  3.  15
    The Medieval Latin Reception of the Pseudo-Aristotelian 'On Indivisible Lines': Reassessing the State of the Art.Clelia Crialesi - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (2):11-24.
    This article deals with the first Latin reception of Pseudo-Aristotle’s On Indivisible Lines and its impact on the medieval debate about the continuum. Robert Grosseteste’s and Albert the Great’s references to this pseudo-Aristotelian text show that it could be regarded as a source for where to find information about the indivisibilist tenet, as well as an expansion of Aristotle’s anti-atomistic critiques scattered throughout his authentic works. The use of On Indivisible Lines made by Henry of Harclay and Adam of Wodeham (...)
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    Gli idoli del foro: retorica e mito nel pensiero di Giambattista Vico.Alberto Bordogna - 2007 - Roma: Aracne.
  5.  59
    I pragmatisti italiani a cura di Giovanni Maddalena e Giovanni Tuzet.Francesca Bordogna, Massimo Ferrari & Christopher Hookway - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (1):237-252.
    Comments on G. Maddalena and G. Tuzet, editors, I Pragmatisti Italiani. Tra Alleati e Nemeci (Italian Pragmatists. Between Enemies and Allies). Milano: Albo Versorio, 2007.
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    Open Sapce: Contemporary Feminist Discourses and Practices within and across Boundaries: An Interview with Avtar Brah.Clelia Clini & Avtar Brah - 2017 - Feminist Review 117 (1):163-170.
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    El uso de Internet y las actitudes políticas: Datos cuantitativos y cualitativos de España.Clelia Colombo, Carol Galais & Aina Gallego - 2012 - Arbor 188 (756):751-766.
  8. Le opere dei sei giorni: aritmetica ed esegesi secundum physicam in Teodorico di Chartres.Clelia Crialesi - 2016 - Medioevo 41.
    This paper focuses on the exegetical proposal of the Tractatus de sex dierum operibus by Thierry of Chartres and it is tasked with analyzing the twofold interpretative framework adopted by the Cancelor: first, the accordance between the narration of Genesis and the heuristic models of physical and cosmological causality; second, the mathematical theology, which revises the work of creation according to an arithmological approach. The study is divided into two parts which follow the structure of the Tractatus. In the first (...)
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  9.  14
    Bemerkungen zum philosophisch-historischen Aspekt der Kritik der Urteilskraft.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 753-764.
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  10.  29
    O conceito de sujeito em Kant.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (2):195-204.
    Porque Kant não definiu explicitamente o papel dos diversos sujeitos ligados entre si, pode-se verificar, como atual consequência, que alguns autores concebem o sujeito transcendental como um mediador entre mundo sensível e mundo inteligível, pelo que deixam de considerar que a ponte entre ambos mundos é estabelecida pelo juízo reflexionante. Com este texto é exposto que a lacuna deixada por Kant – o fato de ele não ter acentuado a ligação do homem em sua totalidade, ligação pela qual ele pode (...)
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  11.  37
    Sobre jogo de linguagem: Habermas e Wittgenstein.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 35 (2):91-104.
    This paper brings notes regarding Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language and its presence in habermasian philosophy by means of the basic concept language game. The approach of language of the second Wittgenstein reaches a rather culturalist abstraction, which, however, disclaims him of the pretension of being a theoretical of language, but in Habermas, this approach is put with an intention: the systematization of the universal pragmatics, which he presents as a theory of language games.
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    Mésologie du cinéma : la perspective japonaise.Clélia Zernik - 2019 - Cités 1:61.
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    Albert the Great and Roger Bacon against Indivisibilism.Clelia V. Crialesi - 2023 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 90 (2):291-318.
  14.  18
    Jaime Alvar, Los cultos egipcios en Hispania.Clelia Martínez Maza - 2015 - Klio 97 (1):377-382.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 1 Seiten: 377-382.
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  15.  56
    The Myth of the Happy Hooker: Kantian Moral Reflections on a Phenomenology of Prostitution.Clelia Smyth & Yolanda Estes - 2019 - In Wanda Teays (ed.), Analyzing Violence Against Women. Cham: Springer. pp. 257-264.
    This essay represents an attempt to bring prostitutes’ and clients’ voices into the philosophical discourse about prostitution. We wish to add the voices of individual prostitutes and clients in order to expand the contemporary philosophical understanding of prostitution as a complex and problematic ethical concern. The first section of this essay explains the concepts of subjectivity, sexuality, and violence that underpin our analysis of prostitution. The second section scrutinizes the prostitute’s and client’s motivating goals and the means they use to (...)
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  16.  32
    COVID-19 Student Stress Questionnaire: Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Evaluate Students’ Stressors Related to the Coronavirus Pandemic Lockdown.Maria Clelia Zurlo, Maria Francesca Cattaneo Della Volta & Federica Vallone - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A taxonomy of divisibilism and Gregory of Rimini’s place.Clelia V. Crialesi - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-22.
    This paper presents a taxonomy of divisibilism, a philosophical perspective advocating for the infinite divisibility of continua. The taxonomy is founded on various conceptualizations of indivisibles, enabling the identification of two types of divisibilism: ‘moderate’ and ‘strong’. The former denies indivisibles as constituent parts of magnitudes, whereas the latter rejects indivisibles as even intrinsic elements (such as limits or junctions) of magnitudes. The paper proceeds to demonstrate how Gregory of Rimini falls into the second category, utilizing geometry and non-entitism as (...)
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  18. Norms and the establishment of human rights.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):121-148.
    Habermas entende os direitos humanos como produtos do mundo da vida; e é no interior do debate público, com a participação efetiva dos cidadãos, que deve ocorrer a produção deles como normas e princípios. A questão central abordada inicialmente no texto concerne ao status dessas normas e ao seu modo de instituição, dependente das relações de reciprocidade entre os sujeitos. Uma vez que, em sociedades complexas, apenas idealmente parece ser possível sustentar a participação de todos os sujeitos no processo de (...)
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  19.  40
    Tre 'Valascos' nell'Italia del Quatrocento: 'Meser Valasco' di Vespasiano da Bisticci, Petrus Vallascis di Cataldo Siculo e Vasco Fernandes de Lucena.Clelia Bettini - 2008 - Humanitas 60:205-226.
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    Autoconsciência pura, identidade e existência em Kant.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 1999 - Trans/Form/Ação 21 (1):67-89.
    Este artigo estabelece a relação entre apercepção transcendental e identidade, existência e percepção, e procura com isso mostrar que, embora esteja na base da estrutura cognitiva humana, a autoconsciência não elabora conhecimento.
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  21. Direitos Humanos e soberania popular.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2006 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 9:53-69.
    Resumo: O texto é uma análise sobre a corrente crítica à relação entre direitos humanos e soberania popular no século XX, uma interpretação segundo a qual direitos humanos significam cada vez mais intervenção estatal e, em concomitância, seguem uma proceduralização da democracia. Ao contrário dessa posição, constatamos que direitos humanos, no momento atual, são impensáveis sem planejamento estatal, sem experts e funcionários estatais para efeito de sua implementação. Isso, se compromete a idéia clássica de soberania popular que supõe legislação política (...)
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  22.  10
    Einige Betrachtungen über den Begriff des Subjekts bei Kant.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 400-408.
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  23.  77
    Normas para apresentação de originais.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (2):1-1.
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  24.  56
    Palavra do editor.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (1):1-1.
    Este segundo fascículo do volume 35 de TRANS/FORM/AÇÃO apresenta ao leitor um conjunto de artigos que abrangem a filosofia antiga, a moderna e a contemporânea, com análises pertinentes à filosofia de Platão, Kant, Karl Marx, Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, à teoria do romance, à teoria psicanalítica de Freud, ao tema dos direitos humanos, e ao estatuto da Filosofia e da Ciência.
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  25.  12
    Presentación: Tácito.Clelia Martinez Maza - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    Tácito fue uno de los escritores más reconocidos en los círculos intelectuales de la América revolucionaria. No se conservan muchas referencias explícitas en los escritos del periodo, pero su influencia es perceptible en los argumentos empleados para legitimar la independencia del Imperio británico. En el siguiente trabajo, se identificarán los elementos de la obra de Tácito que fueron recuperados por los padres fundadores durante la revolución. Las traducciones consultadas de clara ideología whig, modelaron la interpretación de la obra de Tácito (...)
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  26.  32
    Emmanuel Alloa et Adnen Jdey (éds.), Du sensible à l’oeuvre: Esthétiques de Merleau Ponty; Mauro Carbone (éd.), L’empreinte du visuel: Merleau-Ponty et les images aujourd’ hui.Clélia Zernik - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:433-435.
    The collective works edited by Emmanuel Alloa and Adnen Jdey, Du sensible à l’oeuvre, and by Mauro Carbone, L’empreinte du visuel, meet the dual requirementimposed by reading the work of Merleau-Ponty today: on one hand, they extend the philosopher’s thought and highlight its obvious necessity in reading the mostcontemporary art; and, on the other hand, by not allowing themselves to be lulled by the gentle seduction of the writing, they emphasize the coherence of his thought andthe rigor of certain of (...)
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    « Un film ne se pense pas, il se perçoit » Merleau-Ponty et la perception cinématographique.Clélia Zernik - 2006 - Rue Descartes 53 (3):102-109.
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  28. An overview of the network for research and development (R&D) on public policy of the Brazilian electricity sector.Clélia Fabiana Bueno Guedes - forthcoming - Minerva.
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  29.  16
    Absolute Spatial Differences: Grosseteste Reading of Aristotle’s On the Heavens.Clelia Crialesi - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (1).
    This article deals with Robert Grosseteste’s account of ‘spatial differences’, such as ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘right’, ‘left’, ‘before’, and ‘behind’. More specifically, attention is focused on Grosseteste’s De differentiis localibus, which is a concise scientific treatise arguing for the objectiveness of the differences of place pertaining to all living bodies, including heavenly ones. The article has a two-fold goal: to present the contents of such an understudied opuscule, and to check if there is some compelling reliance on any of the Latin (...)
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  30.  97
    A antropologia kantiana e a Antropologia de um ponto de vista pragmático.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2004 - Discurso 34:125-144.
    O livro de Kant Antropologia de um ponto de vista pragmático, até nossos dias, ainda tem indefinido seu papel diante da filosofia transcedental. Por não haver, na obra de Kant, uma delimitação clara entre as várias antropologias, a saber, a empírica e a prática, e a devido a algumas afirmações não claras do próprio autor, percebe-se que aquele livro ainda é motivo de interpretações controvertidas por parte daqueles que o analisaram. Este texto representa um esforço no sentido de apreende o (...)
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    Entrevista com o Professor Franklin Leopoldo e Silva.Clélia Ap Martins & Andrey Ivanov - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):239-266.
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    A formação humana na Educação Superior: abordagem onto-antropológica e teológica de Edith Stein.Clélia Peretti & Vera Fátima Dullius - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):149-149.
    O artigo reflete sobre o atual contexto da Educação Superior e seus desafios na formação de novos perfis de docentes. Optamos por indagar fenomenologicamente a formação docente em uma instituição confessional a fim de perceber, na pulsão das vivências dos estudantes, o lugar que a formação humana e da consciência ocupa na trajetória acadêmica. Seguindo essa pista e dialogando com profissionais e estudantes percebemos a necessidade de um maior aprofundamento dos pressupostos antropológico-filosóficos da educação. A partir disso, fizemos um contraponto (...)
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  33.  16
    Note de lecture.Clélia Zernik - 2009 - Philosophie 100 (1):95-96.
  34.  29
    (1 other version)A Rechtslehre e a Filosofia da história, de Kant.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2012 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 24 (35):241.
    O texto é dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira, constituída de três partes, são considerados os principais conceitos da Doutrina do direito de Kant, numa abordagem abrangente relativa: ao problema das relações entre o direito natural e o direito positivo, problema estreitamente conectado com o das relações entre estado de natureza e estado civil, direito privado e direito público; à doutrina da propriedade e sua conexão com o direito político. Ao tratar do direito nos seus diversos tipos tenciona-se indicar a (...)
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    (5 other versions)Palavras da editora.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (3):1-2.
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    Changing Body Representation Through Full Body Ownership Illusions Might Foster Motor Rehabilitation Outcome in Patients With Stroke.Marta Matamala-Gomez, Clelia Malighetti, Pietro Cipresso, Elisa Pedroli, Olivia Realdon, Fabrizia Mantovani & Giuseppe Riva - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Banking for the Common Good: a case study.Adele Caldarelli, Clelia Fiondella, Marco Maffei, Rosanna Spanò & Claudia Zagaria - 2014 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 9 (4):330.
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    Época de guerra: sobre as origens inconscientes; Unconsciuos origins of war.Maria Clélia de Barros Menegat - 1999 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 10:91-102.
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    Science et société : imposer, motiver ou persuader?Clélia Maria Nascimento-Schulze - 2007 - Diogène 217 (1):166-177.
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    L’art et Ie temps: création et répétition chez Jan Patočka.Clélia Van Lerberghe - 2007 - Études Phénoménologiques 23 (45-48):213-249.
  41.  20
    Psychological Health Conditions and COVID-19-Related Stressors Among University Students: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Survey.Maria Clelia Zurlo, Maria Francesca Cattaneo Della Volta & Federica Vallone - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic has broadly impacted university students’ customary life, resulting in remarkable levels of stress and psychological suffering. Although the acute phase of the crisis has been overcome, it does not imply that perceived stress related to the risk of contagion and to the changes in the relational life experienced over more than 1 year of the pandemic will promptly and abruptly decrease. This study aims at comparing university students’ psychological health conditions before and during the COVID-19 (...)
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  42.  15
    Re-examining the Role of Coping Strategies in the Associations Between Infertility-Related Stress Dimensions and State-Anxiety: Implications for Clinical Interventions With Infertile Couples.Maria Clelia Zurlo, Maria Francesca Cattaneo Della Volta & Federica Vallone - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research has shown a direct relationship between infertility-related stress and anxiety in infertile patients. The present study goes into this relationship in depth, testing the moderating role of coping strategies in the associations between specific infertility-related stress dimensions and State-Anxiety among male and female partners of infertile couples. Gender differences were also explored. Both members of 254 infertile couples completed a questionnaire consisting of Socio-demographics, Fertility Problem Inventory–Short Form, Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced–New Italian Version, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Y. The (...)
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  43.  11
    Em Defesa de uma Ética Universal.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (1):221 - 238.
    Este trabalho é uma análise do perfil da ONU, no que diz respeito à sua defesa de uma ética universal. A ONU deve representar a comunidade internacional como um todo, na sua multiplicidade de civilizações e culturas, no entanto, toda a sua existência está permeada por crises, cujo estopim é a sua ocidentalização, pois na interacção entre as múltiplas soberanias, a anarquia dos significados é frequentemente equacionada com base no que os mais fortes pensam. Complementando tal quadro, o artigo salienta (...)
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  44.  62
    Human Nature, Free Will, and the Human SciencesRoger Smith. Free Will and the Human Sciences in Britain, 1870–1910. x + 274 pp., bibl., index. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013. $99, £60 .Roger Smith. Between Mind and Nature: A History of Psychology. 303 pp., index. London: Reaktion Books, 2013. $40, £25. [REVIEW]Francesca Bordogna - 2014 - Isis 105 (1):161-163.
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  45.  15
    Rosa M. Calcaterra, Giovanni Maddalena & Giancarlo Marchetti (eds.), Il pragma. [REVIEW]Francesca Bordogna - 2017 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 9 (1).
    In February 1907 Giovanni Papini wrote on Leonardo that “Pragmatism” did not exist; there were “only pragmatist theories and more or less pragmatist thinkers.” Rather than “a nice system born out of the brain of a single philosopher” or of “an homogeneous school,” pragmatism was “a coalition of theories of various origins and nature.” The rich pragmatist genealogy offered by Il pragmatismo. Dalle origini agli sviluppi contemporanei, edited by Rosa M. Calcaterra, Giovanni Maddalena and Giancar...
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    The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite, Edited by M.Edwards, D.Pallis, G.Steiris. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. xiii, 737. £110.00. [REVIEW]Clelia Attanasio - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (2):274-276.
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    Jean-Baptiste Guillaumin and Carlos Lévy (eds.), Plato latinus. Aspects de la transmission de Platon dans l’Antiquité, Philosophie hellénistique et romaine 8, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, pp. 339, ISBN: 9782503577890. Cloth: €95. [REVIEW]Clelia Crialesi - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27 (1):163-166.
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    Les fondements d’une phénoménologie de la littérature selon Jan Patočka.Clélia Van Lerberghe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):697-711.
    Le phénoménologue tchèque Jan Patočka, auteur d’une phénoménologie asubjective défendant la thèse d’un procès asubjectif de l’apparaître (d’une autonomie du phénomène par rapport à l’ego), a accordé au problème des relations nécessaires et difficiles que la philosophie entretient en son sein même avec la littérature une attention particulière qui l’a conduit à poser les fondements d’une phénoménologie de la littérature centrée autour de l’idée d’un asubjectivisme de l’écrivain. Nous suivrons ici deux axes de réflexion connexes: premièrement, nous montrerons pourquoi et (...)
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    Science and Society: To Indicate, to Motivate or to Persuade?Clélia Maria Nascimento-Schulze - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):133-142.
    This paper deals with the recent policies introduced in Brazil in order to foster a public interest towards science. Persuasive messages and strategies aiming at increasing a public awareness of the importance of scientific literacy for the development of the country are introduced at different levels and targeting different kinds of publics. These policies are analysed in view of classical models of social influence and persuasion.
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    The Effect of Emotional Valence and Arousal on Visuo-Spatial Working Memory: Incidental Emotional Learning and Memory for Object-Location.Marco Costanzi, Beatrice Cianfanelli, Daniele Saraulli, Stefano Lasaponara, Fabrizio Doricchi, Vincenzo Cestari & Clelia Rossi-Arnaud - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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