Results for 'Climatology Research.'

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  1. Reviews: Earth Sciences-Observatories & Climatological Research. Occasional Publication No 29. [REVIEW]Brian D. Giles, Joan M. Kenworthy & Maurice Crew - 1998 - Annals of Science 55 (4):445.
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    Vertical glaciology: The second discovery of the third dimension in climate research.Dania Achermann - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (4):720-743.
    The history of climate research in the 20th century has been characterised by a crucial shift from a geography-oriented, two-dimensional approach towards a physics-based, three-dimensional concept of climate. In the 1930s, the introduction of new technology, such as radiosondes, enabled climatologists to investigate the high atmosphere, which had previously been out of reach. This “conquest of the third dimension” challenged the surface-oriented, geographical notion of climate patterns and opened up climatology to a three-dimensional approach, which deeply changed the character (...)
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    Die Glaubwürdigkeit der Wissenschaft: Eine Wissenschafts- Und Erkenntnistheoretische Analyse Am Beispiel der Klimaforschung.Anna Leuschner - 2012 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
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    The Bryson synthesis: The forging of climate change narratives during the World Food Crisis.Robert L. Naylor - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (3):375-391.
    ArgumentDuring the first half of the 1970s, climate research gained a new significance and began to be perceived within political and academic circles as being worthy of public support. Conventional explanations for this increased status include a series of climate anomalies that generated awareness and heightened concern over the potentially devastating effects of climate change. Controversial climatologist Reid Bryson was one of the first to publicly promote what he saw as a definitive link between these climate anomalies and unidirectional climate (...)
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  5. Christian Pacifism for an Environmental Age.Mark Douglas - 1900 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume, Mark Douglas offers a new vision of the history of Christian pacifism within the context of a warming world. He narrates this story in a way that recognizes the complexities of the tradition and aligns it with a coherent theological vision, one that shapes the tradition to encompass the new causes and types of wars fought during the Anthropocene. Along the way, Douglas draws from research in historical climatology to recover the overlooked role that climate changes (...)
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    Control versus Complexity: Approaches to the Carbon Dioxide Problem at IIASA.Isabell Schrickel - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (2):140-159.
    Translation abstractSummary: Control versus Complexity: Approaches to the Carbon Dioxide Problem at IIASA. In the 1970s and 1980s the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) hosted several research projects, workshops and conferences in order to discuss the implications of rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere. A number of distinguished scholars, some of whom later became prominent protagonists within the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and sustainability communities more generally, participated in these debates. Since those (...)
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    Science without Laws: Model Systems, Cases, Exemplary Narratives.Angela N. H. Creager, Elizabeth Lunbeck, M. Norton Wise, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub (eds.) - 2007 - Duke University Press.
    Physicists regularly invoke universal laws, such as those of motion and electromagnetism, to explain events. Biological and medical scientists have no such laws. How then do they acquire a reliable body of knowledge about biological organisms and human disease? One way is by repeatedly returning to, manipulating, observing, interpreting, and reinterpreting certain subjects—such as flies, mice, worms, or microbes—or, as they are known in biology, “model systems.” Across the natural and social sciences, other disciplinary fields have developed canonical examples that (...)
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    Educating in and for uncertainty. climate science, human evolution and the legacy of Arne Naess as guidance for ecological practice.Margarita García-Notario - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (2):222-235.
    ABSTRACT This paper reflects on how the issue of climate change and the general state of our planet is, among other causes, a main factor in the paralyzing divisions ailing Western societies. This situation, while unsettling to democracies, is promoting a kind of education in and through fear and I question if education can succeed under these circumstances without becoming indoctrination. This paper does not try to diminish the urgency and the importance of current environmental problems but rather expands today´s (...)
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    Collaboration in Science.Vitaly S. Pronskikh - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (4):112-116.
    The article provides a brief overview of the philosophical and methodological problems of modern collaborative research. Collaborations – distributed organizations with variable membership, consisting of a large number (sometimes several thousand) of participants – are common in experimental high-energy physics studying microcosm objects, elementary particles arising in collisions of beams of accelerated particles and nuclei at collider accelerators, as well as in biomedicine and climatology. The central issues are authorship, epistemic ownership and dependence in collaborations, the division of epistemic (...)
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    Alexander von Humboldt.Ottmar Ette - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (1):136-154.
    The long-term scientific interests of Alexander von Humboldt ranged from anthropology and ancient American studies to geology and geography, climatology and cultural theory, physics and plant geography to language history, volcanology and zoology. As a scientist, he crossed different disciplines and explored new paths of knowledge. Humboldt developed a transdisciplinary and, in the widest sense, nomadic knowledge as a traveller through the sciences. Like a nomad, he did not seek to possess or destroy a territory (of knowledge): no wonder (...)
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    Creating a Cosmic Discipline: The Crystallization and Consolidation of Exobiology, 1957–1973.James E. Strick - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (1):131-180.
    The new discipline of exobiology formed from the intertwining of origin of life research with the search for life or its building blocks on other planets, from 1957-1973. The field was inherently highly interdisciplinary, yet it coalesced very quickly and was responsible in its first twenty years for numerous important contributions to twentieth century life science and planetary sciences such as climatology, the study of mass extinctions, etc. NASA played a very important role in catalyzing the rapid consolidation of (...)
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    Earthing the Anthropos? From ‘socializing the Anthropocene’ to geologizing the social.Yasmin Gunaratnam & Nigel Clark - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):146-163.
    Responding to claims of Anthropocene geoscience that humans are now geological agents, social scientists are calling for renewed attention to the social, cultural, political and historical differentiation of the Anthropos. But does this leave critical social thought’s own key concepts and categories unperturbed by the Anthropocene provocation to think through dynamic earth processes? Can we ‘socialize the Anthropocene’ without also opening ‘the social’ to climate, geology and earth system change? Revisiting the earth science behind the Anthropocene thesis and drawing on (...)
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    Weak knowledge: forms, functions, and dynamics.Moritz Epple, Annette Imhausen & Falk Müller (eds.) - 2020 - Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
    Many of us view the world of science as a firm bastion of knowledge, with each new discovery and further illumination adding to an unshakable foundation of natural truths. Weak Knowledge aims to rattle our faith, not in core certainties of scientific findings but in their strength as accessible resources. The authors show how, throughout history, many bodies of research have become precarious due to a host of factors. These factors have included cultural or social disinterest, feeble empirical evidence or (...)
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    The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre.The Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre - 1998 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 29:165.
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    Christian Action Research and Education (CARE): declaration on human genetics and other new technologies in medicine.Action Research Christian - 2003 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 9 (1):6.
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    On being an IRB.Research Review Chesapeake - 1995 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 17 (5-6):12.
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    Freedom and Experience: Essays Presented to Horace M. Kallen.New School for Social Research (ed.) - 1947 - New York: Cooper Square Publishers.
  18. Please note that not all books mentioned on this list will be reviewed.Researching Palliative Care - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (371).
  19.  12
    A Guide for Research Supervisors.David Black & Centre for Research Into Human Communication And Learning - 1994
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    Research Doctorate Programs in the United States: Continuity and Change.Marvin L. Goldberger, Brendan A. Maher, Pamela Ebert Flattau, Committee for the Study of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States & Conference Board of Associated Research Councils - 1995 - National Academies Press.
    Doctoral programs at U.S. universities play a critical role in the development of human resources both in the United States and abroad. This volume reports the results of an extensive study of U.S. research-doctorate programs in five broad fields: physical sciences and mathematics, engineering, social and behavioral sciences, biological sciences, and the humanities. Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States documents changes that have taken place in the size, structure, and quality of doctoral education since the widely used 1982 editions. This (...)
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    Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct: ENRIO Handbook.European Network Of Research Integrity Offices & The European Network Of Research Ethics And Research Integrity - 2019 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 24 (1):425-460.
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  22. Ethical Issues in Psychological Research on AIDS.American Psychological Association Committee for the Protection of Human Participants in Research - forthcoming - IRB: Ethics & Human Research.
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    The Process of Doctoral Research: Constraints and Opportunities.David Allen & National Conference on Doctoral Research in Management and Industrial Relations - 1982 - Health Services Management Unit, Dept. Of Social Administration, University of Manchester.
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    Erste Ergebnisse der archäologischen Untersuchungen des byzantinischen Aigai.AssLale Doğer & Research Ass Eda Armağan - 2016 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 109 (1):9-32.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 109 Heft: 1 Seiten: 9-32.
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  25. Guidelines for Research Ethics in Science and Technology.National Committee For Research Ethics In Science And Technology - 2009 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 14 (1):255-266.
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    An Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Biological Sciences.Lyle V. Jones, Gardner Lindzey, Porter E. Coggeshall & Conference Board of the Associated Research Councils - 1982 - National Academies Press.
    The quality of doctoral-level biochemistry (N=139), botany (N=83), cellular/molecular biology (N=89), microbiology (N=134), physiology (N=101), and zoology (N=70) programs at United States universities was assessed, using 16 measures. These measures focused on variables related to: (1) program size; (2) characteristics of graduates; (3) reputational factors (scholarly quality of faculty, effectiveness of programs in educating research scholars/scientists, improvement in program quality during the last 5 years); (4) university library size; (5) research support; and (6) publication records. Chapter I discusses prior attempts (...)
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    The Theoretical Unity of Aristotle’s Categorical Syllogistic and Sophistics.Gonzalo Llach Independent Researcher - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-18.
    The hypothesis of a theoretical unity between On Sophistical Refutations and Prior Analytics presents a major challenge to scholars attempting to unify the criteria of analysis. This paper examines this problem and proposes a middle ground between the perspectives of Woods and Boger to address this crucial question: If a unitary and coherent theory of deduction exists, why does not the technical apparatus of syllogistic modes for analyzing fallacies appear in SE? This paper makes useful contributions to the discussion on (...)
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    The Road to Denmark – and Beyond ….D. N. Byrne Independent Researcher, Sydney & Australia - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-5.
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    Education in the inquiring society.Margaret Mackie & Australian Council for Educational Research - 1966 - [Hawthorn, Melbourne]: Australian Council for Educational Research.
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  30. Raising Generation Rx: Mothering Kids with Invisible Disabilities in an Age of Inequality.Pew Research Center - unknown
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  31. Towards a systemic research methodology in agriculture: Rethinking the role of values in science.Hugo Fjelsted Alrøe & Erik Steen Kristensen - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (1):3-23.
    The recent drastic development of agriculture, together with the growing societal interest in agricultural practices and their consequences, pose a challenge to agricultural science. There is a need for rethinking the general methodology of agricultural research. This paper takes some steps towards developing a systemic research methodology that can meet this challenge – a general self-reflexive methodology that forms a basis for doing holistic or (with a better term) wholeness-oriented research and provides appropriate criteria of scientific quality.From a philosophy of (...)
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    Off-time higher education as a risk factor in identity formation.War Konrad Educational Research Institute, Radosław Kaczan & Małgorzata Rękosiewicz - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (3):299-309.
    One of the important determinants of development during the transition to adulthood is the undertaking of social roles characteristic of adults, also in the area of finishing formal education, which usually coincides with beginning fulltime employment. In the study discussed in this paper, it has been hypothesized that continuing full-time education above the age of 26, a phenomenon rarely observed in Poland, can be considered as an unpunctual event that may be connected with difficulties in the process of identity formation. (...)
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    Research Integrity and Hidden Value Conflicts.Gert Helgesson & William Bülow - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):113-123.
    Research integrity is a well-established term used to talk and write about ethical issues in research. Part of its success might be its broad applicability. In this paper, we suggest that this might also be its Achilles heel, since it has the potential to conceal important value conflicts. We identify three broad domains upon which research integrity is applied in the literature: (1) the researcher (or research group), (2) research, and (3) research-related institutions and systems. Integrity in relation to researchers (...)
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    Responsible Research with Human Tissues: The Need for Reciprocity Toward Both Collectives and Individuals.Annelien L. Bredenoord, Johannes J. M. van Delden, Sarah N. Boers, Karin R. Jongsma & Michael A. Lensink - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):75-78.
    Precision medicine research involving human biological material is becoming an increasingly central component of healthcare, and its potential is quickly growing due to rapid technological progress...
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    Research in the physician's office:.Lois Snyder & Paul S. Mueller - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (2):23-25.
    : Dr. Smith is an internist in private practice who works at an inner city clinic affiliated with a university hospital. He is also a member of the university faculty. Many of Dr. Smith’s patients have type 2 diabetes mellitus and struggle with health care and other costs. Thinking about opportunities to better serve his patients and advance his career, Dr. Smith considers conducting clinical research in his office. ACME is a respected pharmaceutical company that for decades has engaged in (...)
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  36. Stem cell research, personhood and sentience.Lisa Bortolotti & John Harris - 2005 - Reproductive Biomedicine Online 10:68-75.
    In this paper the permissibility of stem cell research on early human embryos is defended. It is argued that, in order to have moral status, an individual must have an interest in its own wellbeing. Sentience is a prerequisite for having an interest in avoiding pain, and personhood is a prerequisite for having an interest in the continuation of one's own existence. Early human embryos are not sentient and therefore they are not recipients of direct moral consideration. Early human embryos (...)
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    Research involving adults lacking capacity to consent: the impact of research regulation on ‘evidence biased’ medicine.Victoria Shepherd - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):55.
    Society is failing in its moral obligation to improve the standard of healthcare provided to vulnerable populations, such as people who lack decision making capacity, by a misguided paternalism that seeks to protect them by excluding them from medical research. Uncertainties surround the basis on which decisions about research participation is made under dual regulatory regimes, which adds further complexity. Vulnerable individuals’ exclusion from research as a result of such regulation risks condemning such populations to poor quality care as a (...)
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    International Research Ethics.Udo SchÜcklenk & Richard Ashcroft - 2002 - Bioethics 14 (2):158-172.
    This article provides a critical overview of the most important issues pertaining to the ongoing debate on international research ethics. It critically describes three problems of continuing concern: 1) the question of whether the distinction between therapeutic and non‐therapeutic research should be upheld; 2) the questions of whether the currently demanded best proven diagnostic and therapeutic method of treatment for all research subjects is feasible both in developed and in developing countries, and whether it should be upheld; 3) the questions (...)
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    Research misconduct—have we reached the turning point at last?Peter Jay - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (1):119-122.
    The laissez-faire attitude towards dishonesty in research has simply created an environment for widespread escalation of the problem. Can we now believe anything we read? Why should we have confidence in an author because of his eminence? Should we automatically accept that clinical trials are always conducted with total integrity? Why have we been afraid to tackle this crisis head-on?
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    Basic research and the social system of pure science.Herbert A. Shepard - 1956 - Philosophy of Science 23 (1):48-57.
    In Executive Order No. 10521, March 17, 1954, President Eisenhower stated: “…only a small fraction of the Federal Funds is being used to stimulate and support the vital basic research which makes possible our practical scientific progress. I believe strongly that this Nation must extend its support of research in basic science.”.
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    Trends in health research ethics in the Philippines during the American Colonial Period (1898‐1946).Patricia Ana Vic H. Arcega, Chiara Louise P. Cabantac & Ronald Allan L. Cruz - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (3):180-185.
    Research involving human participants has been conducted in the Philippines since the beginning of the Spanish colonial period. Such studies are expected to adhere to internationally accepted ethical guidelines. This paper discusses trends in clinical research ethics in the Philippines during the American colonial period (1898‐1946). Specifically, studies were assessed on: 1) their observance of ethical protocols, including review; 2) identification of inclusion and exclusion criteria in the selection of participants; 3) use of vulnerable subjects; and 4) practice of the (...)
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  42. Research Universities in Latin America: The Challenges of Growth and Institutional Diversity.Jorge Balán - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (3):741-770.
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  43. Research traditions in comparative context: A philosophical challenge to radical constructivism.Gregory J. Kelly - 1997 - Science Education 81 (3):355-375.
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    On Being an IRB.Inc Chesapeake Research Review - 1995 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 17 (5/6):12.
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    Research Objects in Their Technological Setting.Alfred Nordmann & Bernadette Bensaude Vincent (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    What kind of stuff is the world made of? What is the nature or substance of things? These are ontological questions, and they are usually answered with respect to the objects of science. The objects of technoscience tell a different story that concerns the power, promise and potential of things - not what they are but what they can be. Seventeen scholars from history and philosophy of science, epistemology, social anthropology, cultural studies and ethics each explore a research object in (...)
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    Environmental health research on hazards in the home and the duty to warn.David B. Resnik & Darryl C. Zeldin - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (4):209–217.
    When environmental health researchers study hazards in the home, they often discover information that may be relevant to protecting the health and safety of the research subjects and occupants. This article describes the ethical and legal basis for a duty to warn research subjects and occupants about hazards in the home and explores the extent of this duty. Investigators should inform research subjects and occupants about the results of tests conducted as part of the research protocol only if the information (...)
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    Should we fund research randomly? An epistemological criticism of the lottery model as an alternative to peer-review for the funding of science.Baptiste Bedessem - 2020 - Research Evaluation (2):150-157.
    The way research is, and should be, funded by the public sphere is the subject of renewed interest for sociology, economics, management sciences, and more recently, for the philosophy of science. In this contribution, I propose a qualitative, epistemological criticism of the funding by lottery model, which is advocated by a growing number of scholars as an alternative to peer-review. This lottery scheme draws on the lack of efficiency and of robustness of the peer-review based evaluation to argue that the (...)
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  48. Research Ethics in Practice: The Animal Ethics Committees in Sweden. 1979-1989.Birgitta Forsman, Warwick P. Anderson & Andrea Lomdahl - 1996 - Bioethics 10 (1):73-75.
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    Quantitative Research on Leadership and Business Ethics: Examining the State of the Field and an Agenda for Future Research.Michael Palanski, Alexander Newman, Hannes Leroy, Celia Moore, Sean Hannah & Deanne Den Hartog - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (1):109-119.
    In this article, the co-editors of the Leadership and Ethics: Quantitative Analysis section of the journal outline some of the key issues about conducting quantitative research at the intersection of business, ethics, and leadership. They offer guidance for authors by explaining the types of papers that are often rejected and how to avoid some common pitfalls that lead to rejection. They also offer some ideas for future research by drawing upon the opinions of four noted experts in the field to (...)
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    Putting the Agency in Agent-Regret.Jake Wojtowicz Independent Researcher - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):21-22.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 21-22.
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