Results for 'Colin Nolden'

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  1.  7
    Book Review: The Three Levels of Sustainability. [REVIEW]Colin Nolden - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (3):422-424.
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  2. (1 other version)The Concept of Knowledge.Colin McGinn - 1984 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 9 (1):529-554.
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    (1 other version)Justice, Educational Equality, and Sufficiency.Colin Macleod - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (S1):151-175.
    Among the novel objects that attracted my attention during my stay in the United States, nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of condition among the people. (de Tocqueville 1990, 7)There are significant inequalities in the lives of America's children, including inequalities in the education that these children receive. These educational inequalities include not only disparities in funding per pupil but also in class size, teacher qualification, and resources such as books, labs, libraries, computers, and curriculum, as well (...)
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    Sustainability Orientation, Green Supplier Involvement, and Green Innovation Performance: Evidence from Diversifying Green Entrants.Colin C. J. Cheng - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):393-414.
    While green innovation has a positive impact on firms’ performance, some established firms that initiate green innovation activities could suffer from insufficient new green knowledge and skills. Since adopting a sustainability orientation helps firms commit to the creation of superior sustainable practices, and efficiently invest resources necessary to develop appropriate new green products, leading to superior green innovation performance, sustainability orientation offers an alternative approach for diversifying green entrants to achieve green innovation success. Building on resource-based, knowledge-based, and capabilities theories, (...)
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    When efficient market hypothesis meets Hayek on information: beyond a methodological reading.Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger & Thomas Delcey - 2019 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (2):97-116.
    Hayek and the Efficient Market Hypothesis are often seen as proposing a similar theory of prices. Hayek is seen as proposing to understand prices as information conveyer, incorporating inform...
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  6. Does Unwitting Knowledge Entail Unconscious Belief?Colin Radford - 1970 - Analysis 30 (3):103 - 107.
  7. The Penumbral Theory of Masochistic Pleasure.Colin Klein - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (1):41-55.
    Being whipped, getting a deep-tissue massage, eating hot chili peppers, running marathons, and getting tattooed are all painful. Sometimes they are also pleasant—or so many people claim. Masochistic pleasure consists in finding such experiences pleasant in addition to, and because of, the pain. Masochistic pleasure presents a philosophical puzzle. Pains hurt, they feel bad, and are aversive. Pleasures do the opposite. Thus many assume that the idea of a pleasant pain is downright unintelligible. I disagree. I claim that cases of (...)
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    The Uses of Philosophy after the Collapse of Metaphysics.Colin Koopman - 2020 - In Alan Malachowski (ed.), A companion to Rorty. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 100–118.
    Richard Rorty's pragmatism is a distinctively doubled philosophy formed at the twain of a rigorous antifoun‐dational philosophical perspective and a committed postmetaphysical cultural criticism. Rorty instead rigorously held to the line that no particular politics follows from anti‐foundational philosophy. Rorty's arguments against representationalism, foundationalism, and metaphysics‐first philosophy in Mirror are complex and not always easy to navigate without careful guidance. The risk of the approach in Mirror is that it could implicate Rorty in a foundationalist critique of foundationalism, or a (...)
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    Tears and Fiction.Colin Radford - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (200):208 - 213.
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    Overlapping patterns of neural activity for different forms of novelty in fMRI.Colin Hawco & Martin Lepage - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The Incoherence and Irrationality of Philosophers.Colin Radford - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (253):349 - 354.
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    Adaptation to the Direction of Others’ Gaze: A Review.Colin W. G. Clifford & Colin J. Palmer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  13. On Sticking to What I Don't Believe to Be the Case.Colin Radford - 1972 - Analysis 32 (5):170 - 173.
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    Fitting your theory to the facts: Probably not such a bad thing after all.Colin Howson - 1990 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 14:224-44.
  15.  6
    Advancing paleoanthropology beyond default nulls.Matteo Bedetti & Colin Allen - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e3.
    While we are sympathetic with Stibbard-Hawkes’ approach, we disagree with the proposal to switch to a “cognitively modern” null for all Homo species. We argue in favor of a more evidence-driven approach, inspired by recent debates in comparative cognition. Ultimately, parsing the contributions of different genetic and extra-genetic factors in human evolution is more promising than setting a priori nulls.
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    Distinguishing the Power of Agency from Agentic Power: A Note on Weber and the "Black Box" of Personal Agency.Colin Campbell - 2009 - Sociological Theory 27 (4):407 - 418.
    The concept of agency, although central to many sociological debates, has remained frustratingly elusive to pin down. This article is an attempt to open up what has been called the "black box" of personal agency by distinguishing clearly between two contrasting conceptions of the phenomenon. These two conceptions are very apparent in the manner in which the concept is defined in sociological reference works, resembling as it does a similar contrast in the treatment of the concept of power. The two (...)
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    Experimental, cultural, and neural evidence of deliberate prosociality.Colin F. Camerer - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (3):106-108.
  18.  27
    Principles, Dialogues and Philosophical Correspondence.George Berkeley & Colin Murray Turbayne - 1965 - Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers.
    George Berkeley's two major works, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, are presented here, together with perhaps the most searching examination his ideas received during his lifetime, that of the American Samuel Johnson, who corresponded with Berkeley during his stay in the country.
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    Elaine Landry.*Plato Was Not a Mathematical Platonist.Colin McLarty - 2023 - Philosophia Mathematica 31 (3):417-424.
    This book goes far beyond its title. Landry indeed surveys current definitions of “mathematical platonism” to show nothing like them applies to Socrates in Plat.
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    The Beautyful.Colin Chasi - 2013 - Philosophy of Management 12 (2):23-40.
    The study of corporate governance is importantly concerned with individuals and institutions and how individuals and institutions relate with/in society in such a manner that the good obtains. This paper begins with an analysis of Ayi Kwei Armah’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born in order to introduce the post-colonial African condition of corruption and abject suffering as one that begs recognition of the place of corporate governance in advancing the good life. The question raised is of where the (...)
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    Applications and limitations of dynamic programming in behavioral theory.Colin W. Clark - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):134-134.
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    A cultural evolutionary approach to modernity: What might it mean for Christian faith?Colin Patterson - 2020 - Zygon 55 (1):52-72.
    This essay introduces, for theological consideration, some recent work in the field of cultural evolutionary theory, specifically the kin‐influence hypothesis. This theory holds that, following the beginnings of industrialization and economic growth, a nation's fertility rate commences a decline, which is further abetted by the consequent and increasing imbalance in the relative influence of kin versus nonkin influences on individuals in favor of the latter. It is further proposed that this process is itself a major independent factor in the emergence (...)
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    Characterizing-Judgments and Their Causal Counterparts.Colin Radford - 1971 - Analysis 31 (3):65 - 75.
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    MacColl, Russell, the existential import of propositions, and the Null- class.Colin Radford - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (180):316-331.
  25.  43
    Ostensive definitions, coordinative definitions, and necessary empirical statements: A reply to Arthur Pap.Colin Radford - 1964 - Mind 73 (290):270-272.
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    Plantinga’s S5 Modal Argument, Obvious Entailment, and Circularity.Colin P. Ruloff - 2004 - Philo 7 (1):71-78.
    In the second chapter of his Modality, Probability and Rationality, James Sennett argues that Plantinga’s famed S5 Modal Argument (hereafter “MA”) for the existence of an unsurpassably great being is objectionably circular since it’s impossible for one to understand the premises of Plantinga’s MA without understanding these premises to logically entail its conclusion. That is to say, Sennett’s charge is that Plantinga’s MA is circular since there is no understanding of the premises of Plantinga’s MA that is independent of its (...)
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  27. Analytic and Post-Analytic Philosophy of Education: Methodological Reflections.Colin W. Evers - 1998 - In Paul Heywood Hirst & Patricia White (eds.), Philosophy of education: major themes in the analytic tradition. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--120.
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    Environmental change, injustice and sustainability.Colin D. Butler - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (1):11-19.
    This paper argues that a combination of increasing inequality, hypocrisy, population growth and adverse global environmental change imperils our civilisation. Selected examples of existing inequality and the immoral treatment of human beings are provided from countries of the Asia Pacific. There is also limited discussion of the global eco-social crisis, stressing the links between environmental scarcity and the human responses of resentment, conflict, terrorism and ill-governance. The essay contends that just as the lives of unborn humans similar to us are (...)
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  29. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology.Colin Brown - 1975
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    Egoism and consistency.Colin Davies - 1975 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 53 (1):19 – 27.
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    Profile Roman Economic and Monetary History.Colin Elliott - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):1-4.
    Fundamentally, Roman economic history is the study of how and why inhabitants of the Roman world produced, distributed and exchanged goods and services. By understanding the economic actions, events, institutions and products of the Roman world, Roman economic historians come to understand better the Romans themselves: their motivations, values, relationships and identities, among other things. With such a broad remit, today's Roman economic and monetary historians not only scour traditional sources for evidence of Roman commerce, prices, labour, capital and contracts, (...)
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    Professional behaviours.Colin Howard - 2022 - St Albans: Critical Publishing. Edited by Rachael Paige & Emma Hollis.
    How to develop the personal and professional skills and behaviours you need to be the best early career teacher you can be.
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    Frege on Syntax, Ontology, and Truth's Pride of Place.Colin Johnston - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):569-588.
    Frege's strict alignment between his syntactic and ontological categories is not, as is commonly assumed, some kind of a philosophical thesis. There is no thesis that proper names refer only to objects, say, or that what refers to an object is a proper name. Rather, the alignment of categories is internal to Frege's conception of what syntax and ontology are. To understand this, we need to recognise the pride of place Frege assigns within his theorising to the notion of truth. (...)
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    Equality and family values: conflict or harmony?Colin M. Macleod - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (3):301-313.
    This paper provides a critical commentary on the claim advanced by Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift in their book Family Values: The Ethics of Parent–Child Relationships that there is an ineliminable conflict between relationship goods and fair equality of opportunity. I argue there need be no conflict between family values and equality of opportunity in a suitably non-hierarchical society. I also argue that the idea that equality of opportunity might be served by abolishing the family is mistaken. Egalitarian justice does (...)
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    Martin P. Rossouw (2021) Transformational Ethics of Film: Thinking the Cinemakeover in the Film-Philosophy Debate.Colin Davis - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (3):579-582.
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  36. Kant, Heidegger, and the In/Finitude of Human Reason.Colin McQuillan - 2017 - CR: The New Centennial Review 17 (3):81-101.
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    Diviser pour mieux gouverner : un argument en défense d’un fédéralisme polycentrique.Nathanaël Colin-Jaeger - 2024 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149 (4):475-498.
    Les ordres polycentriques, en particulier des organisations fédérales, octroient une autonomie importante aux différentes juridictions. Plusieurs arguments sont généralement avancés pour défendre leur supériorité sur leurs alternatives monocentriques : un argument épistémique relatif à l’utilisation de la connaissance dispersée dans les sociétés complexes, un argument politique soulignant l’émancipation vis-à-vis d’un pouvoir souverain unifié, un argument démocratique mettant en avant la possibilité d’un auto-gouvernement local accru. Ces arguments fondamentaux rencontrent des limites importantes. Je propose un argument supplémentaire : les ordres polycentriques (...)
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  38. La vérité de la philosophie selon Maurice Blondel.Pierre Colin - 1983 - In François Bousquet (ed.), La Vérité. Paris: Beauchesne.
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    The curious case of Frank Ramsey’s proof of the multiplication rule of probability.Colin Howson - 2018 - Analysis 78 (3):431-439.
    Frank Ramsey in his paper ‘Truth and Probability’ was the first to develop a theory of utility based on a representation theorem, and a theory of partial belief based on utility-valued odds. But his proof of the multiplication theorem, on which in his system the law of addition depends, contains a step for which there seems to be no justification, and Ramsey provided no clue as to how to supply one. I conjecture that the missing justification appeals naturally to a (...)
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  40. Does Kant's Critique Belong to the Tradition of Modern Logic?Colin McQuillan - 2017 - In Roberto Casales García & J. Martin Castro Manzana (eds.), La Modernidad en Perspectiva. Editorial Comares.
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    (1 other version)Contemporary French Philosophy, a study in norms and values.Colin Smith - 1964 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (1):123-124.
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    Towards Deep Subjectivity, by Roger Poole, Allen Lane.Colin Smith - 1974 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 5 (2):169-170.
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    Lacan's Sade: The Politics of Happiness.Colin Wright - 2015 - Paragraph 38 (3):386-401.
    This article assesses the contemporary relevance of Sade's work and thought by returning to Jacques Lacan's interpretation of it. It is argued that if the Sadean emphasis on sexual freedom has been co-opted by neoliberal capitalism, this is in part thanks to avant-garde intellectuals of the twentieth century who approached Sade through a simplistically libidinal reading of Freud. By contrast, the article argues that Lacan's more sophisticated reading of Freud enables him in turn to situate Sade amidst eighteenth-century philosophical and (...)
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    Developing a universal model of reading necessitates cracking the orthographic code.Colin J. Davis - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):283-284.
    I argue, contra Frost, that when prime lexicality and target density are considered, it is not clear that there are fundamental differences between form priming effects in Semitic and European languages. Furthermore, identifying and naming printed words in these languages raises common theoretical problems. Solving these problems and developing a universal model of reading necessitates the orthographic input code.
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    The Mystery of Socrates' Last Words.Colin Wells - 2008 - Arion 16 (2):137-148.
  46.  22
    Wnt signalling: a theme with nuclear variations.Colin Sharpe, Nicola Lawrence & Alfonso Martinez Arias - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (4):311-318.
    Wnt proteins are involved in a large number of events during development and disease. The crucial element in the transduction of the signal elicited by Wnt is the state and activity of β-catenin. There are two pools of β-catenin, one associated with cadherins at the cell surface and a soluble one in the cytolasm, whose state and concentration are critical for Wnt signalling. In the absence of Wnt, the cytoplasmic pool is low due to targetted degradation of β-catenin. Upon Wnt (...)
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  47.  56
    Normative Theorizing about Genetics.Colin Farrelly - 2013 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 22 (4):408-419.
  48.  28
    "NOW I GET IT!": The Dogmatic Assurance of Lyric Philosophy.Colin Davis - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (1):62-67.
    This contribution to a symposium on “lyric philosophy” argues that there is much in Jan Zwicky's work that should make it attractive to literary critics, in particular her insistence that form and content are inextricably bound up with one another. Lyric compositions should not be assessed by reason and logic alone, she holds, and they should not be understood solely in terms of their propositional content. She acknowledges that full understanding employs the imagination and takes account of metaphor. However, some (...)
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  49.  38
    Justice in the Risk Society.Colin Farrelly - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (3):353-355.
  50.  30
    One statistician's perspective.Colin Goodall - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):133-134.
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