Results for 'Colinear Potentiation'

984 found
  1. Short- and long-range effects in line contrast integration.Birgitta Dresp-Langley - 2002 - Vision Research 42:2493-2498.
    Brincat and Westheimer [Journal of Neurophysiology 83 (2000) 1900] have reported facilitating interactions in the discrimination of spatially separated target orientations and co-linear inducing orientations by human observers. With smaller gaps between stimuli (short-range effects), facilitating interactions were found to depend on the contrast polarity of the stimuli. With larger gaps (longrange effects), only co-linearity of the stimuli seemed necessary to produce facilitation. In our study, the dependency of facilitating interactions on the intensity (luminance) of line stimuli is investigated by (...)
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  2. Agriculture, food, and human values society (afhvs) and the association for the study of food and society (asfs).Potential Tours - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22:495-496.
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  3. Stable Instabilities in the Study of Consciousness: A Potentially Integrative Prologue?J. Scott Jordan, Dawn M. McBride & A. Potentially - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (1-2):viii.
    The purpose of this special issue and the conference that inspired it was to address the issue of conceptual integration in a science of consciousness. We felt this to be important, for while current efforts to scientifically investigate consciousness are taking place in an interdisciplinary context, it often seems as though the very terms being used to sustain a sense of interdisciplinary cooperation are working against it. This is because it is this very array of common concepts that generates a (...)
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    Overshadowing not potentiation in taste aversion conditioning.Peter J. Mikulka, Elizabeth Pitts & Christine Philput - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (2):101-104.
  5. Jim stone.Why Potentiality Matters - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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    Long term potentiation and CaM-sensitive adenylyl cyclase: Long-term prospects.Warren Heideman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (3):477-478.
    The type I CaM-sensitive adenylyl cyclase is in a position to integrate signals from multiple inputs, consistent with the requirements for mediating long term potentiation (LTP). Biochemical and genetic evidence supports the idea that this enzyme plays an important role inc LTP. However, more work is needed before we will be certain of the role that CaM-sensitive adenylyl cyclases play in LTP.
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    Taste/taste potentiation as a function of age and stimulus intensity.Stephen F. Davis, Scott A. Bailey, Angela H. Becker & Cathy A. Grover - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):201-203.
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    Is dysphoria about beingredandblue? Potentiation of anger and reduced distress tolerance among dysphoric individuals.Alissa J. Ellis, Kathryn M. Fischer & Christopher G. Beevers - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):596-608.
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    Mathematical Model of Synaptic Long-Term Potentiation as a Bistability in a Chain of Biochemical Reactions with a Positive Feedback.Aidas Alaburda, Feliksas Ivanauskas & Pranas Katauskis - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (3).
    Nitric oxide (NO) is involved in synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) by multiple signaling pathways. Here, we show that LTP of synaptic transmission can be explained as a feature of signal transduction—bistable behavior in a chain of biochemical reactions with positive feedback, formed by diffusion of NO to the presynaptic site and facilitating the release of glutamate (Glu). The dynamics of Glu, calcium (Ca2+) and NO is described by a system of nonlinear reaction–diffusion equations with modified Michaelis–Menten (MM) kinetics. Numerical (...)
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    Post-activation Potentiation Response of Climbers Performing the Upper Body Power Exercise.Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski & Klaudia Kandzia - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  11. The Long-Term Potentiation Model for Grapheme-Color Binding in Synesthesia.Berit Brogaard, Kristian Marlow & Kevin Rice - 2014 - In David Bennett, David J. Bennett & Christopher Hill (eds.), Sensory Integration and the Unity of Consciousness. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    The phenomenon of synesthesia has undergone an invigoration of research interest and empirical progress over the past decade. Studies investigating the cognitive mechanisms underlying synesthesia have yielded insight into neural processes behind such cognitive operations as attention, memory, spatial phenomenology and inter-modal processes. However, the structural and functional mechanisms underlying synesthesia still remain contentious and hypothetical. The first section of the present paper reviews recent research on grapheme-color synesthesia, one of the most common forms of synesthesia, and addresses the ongoing (...)
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  12. Acute inhibition of estradiol synthesis impacts vestibulo-ocular reflex adaptation and cerebellar long-term potentiation in male rats.Jacqueline Anne Sullivan & Roberto Panichi Cristina V. Dieni, Aldo Ferraresi, Jacqueline A. Sullivan, Sivarosa Grassi, Vito E. Pettorossi - 2018 - Brain Structure and Function 223 (2):837-850.
    The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) adaptation is an ideal model for investigating how the neurosteroid 17 beta-estradiol (E2) contributes to the modification of behavior by regulating synaptic activities. We hypothesized that E2 impacts VOR adaptation by affecting cerebellar synaptic plasticity at the parallel fiber–Purkinje cell (PF) synapse. To verify this hypothesis, we investigated the acute effect of blocking E2 synthesis on gain increases and decreases in adaptation of the VOR in male rats using an oral dose (2.5 mg/kg) of the aromatase (...)
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  13. Concepts structured through reduction: A structuralist resource illuminates the consolidation – long-term potentiation (ltp) link.John Bickle - 2002 - Synthese 130 (1):123 - 133.
    The structuralist program has developed a useful metascientific resource: ontological reductive links (ORLs) between the constituents of the potential models of reduced and reducing theories. This resource was developed initially to overcome an objection to structuralist ``global'' accounts of the intertheoretic reduction relation. But it also illuminates the way that concepts at a higher level of scientific investigation (e.g., cognitive psychology) become ``structured through reduction'' to lower-level investigations (e.g., cellular/molecular neuroscience). After (briefly) explaining this structuralist background, I demonstrate how this (...)
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    Stimulus configuration, long-term potentiation, and the hippocampus.Nestor A. Schmajuk - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):629-631.
    Shors & Matzel propose that hippocampal LTP increases the effective salience of discrete external stimuli and thereby facilitates the induction of memories at distant places. In line with this suggestion, a neural network model of associative learning and hippocampal function assumes that LTP increases hippocampal error signals to the cortex, thereby facilitating stimulus configuration in association cortex. Computer simulations show that under these assumptions the model correctly describes the effect of LTP induction and blockade in classical discriminations and place learning.
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    Long term potentiation: Attending to levels of organization of learning and memory mechanisms.Matthew Shapiro & Eric Hargreaves - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):631-632.
    Shors & Matzel set up a straw man, that LTP is a memory storage mechanism, and knock him down without due consideration of the important relations among different levels of organization and analysis regarding LTP, learning, and memory. Assessing these relationships requires analysis and hypotheses linking specific brain regions, neural circuits, plasticity mechanisms, and task demands. The issue addressed by the authors is important, but their analysis is off target.
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  16. Pharmacological Modulation of Long-Term Potentiation-Like Activity in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.Bahar Salavati, Zafiris J. Daskalakis, Reza Zomorrodi, Daniel M. Blumberger, Robert Chen, Bruce G. Pollock & Tarek K. Rajji - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Food deprivation and startle magnitude: inhibition, potentiation, or neither?D. Chris Anderson, Joseph P. Sergio & Michael Ewing - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (3):165-168.
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    Model Gender Interacts With Expressed Emotion to Enhance Startle: Angry Male and Happy Female Faces Produce the Greatest Potentiation.Ole Åsli & Morten Øvervoll - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Size coding of alternative responses is sufficient to induce a potentiation effect with manipulable objects.Loïc P. Heurley, Thibaut Brouillet, Alexandre Coutté & Nicolas Morgado - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104377.
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    Conditioning of odors in compound with taste: A failure to observe potentiation.Robert A. Rosellini & Robin L. Lashley - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (1):55-58.
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    The role of ingestional delay in taste-mediated environmental potentiation.Michael R. Best, John D. Batson & Mark T. Bowman - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):215-218.
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    Evidence that stimulus generalization does not determine taste-mediated odor potentiation.Mark T. Bowman, W. Robert Batsell & Michael R. Best - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):241-243.
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    Conditioning of odors in compound with taste is a function of factors other than potentiation.Robin L. Lashley & Robert A. Rosellini - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (2):159-162.
  24. Potentiality: From Dispositions to Modality.Barbara Vetter - 2013 - Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Individual objects have potentials: paper has the potential to burn, an acorn has the potential to turn into a tree, some people have the potential to run a mile in less than four minutes. Barbara Vetter provides a systematic investigation into the metaphysics of such potentials, and an account of metaphysical modality based on them. -/- In contemporary philosophy, potentials have been recognized mostly in the form of so-called dispositions: solubility, fragility, and so on. Vetter takes dispositions as her starting (...)
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    The Potential of Bioeconomic Innovations to Contribute to a Social-Ecological Transformation: A Case Study in the Livestock System.Jana Zscheischler, Sandra Uthes, Ingrid Bunker & Jonathan Friedrich - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-26.
    Environmental crises, which are consequences of resource-intensive lifestyles and are characterized to a large extent by both a changing climate and a loss of biodiversity, stress the urgent need for a global social-ecological transformation of the agro-food system. In this regard, the bioeconomy and bioeconomic innovations have frequently been seen as instrumental in addressing these grand challenges and contributing to more sustainable land use. To date, the question of how much bioeconomic innovations contribute to sustainability objectives remains unanswered. Against this (...)
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    Linguocultural potential of education.L. G. Sayahova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (2):108.
    An attempt to reveal the linguistic and cultural potential of education in the process of learning Russian as a means of communication, of cognition of the linguistic picture of the world and the phenomenon of culture is made in the article. The stages of development of linguocultural concept of teaching Russian language in the Republic of Bashkortostan are presented. New approaches to teaching Russian language are considered. The author shows that in the process of education, elementary literacy of students should (...)
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  27. Potentiality.Jessica Leech - 2017 - Analysis 77 (2):457-467.
    Vetter's Potentiality is an exposition and development of a new account of possibility and necessity, given in terms of potentialities. In this critical notice, I give an outline of some of the key claims of the book. I then raise some issues for the extent to which Vetter's view can accommodate genuine de re modalities, especially those of possible existence and non-existence.
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    Methodological potential of the concept of collective creative education.E. V. Titova - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (3):203.
    On the basis of definition of the concept ‘methodological potential‘ possibilities of development of the new theoretical and methodical ideas interfaced to the initial concept of collective creative education of Nominative of Ivanov are illustrated. Treatments of such concepts and the phenomena as an education technique, methodical approach of the teacher, methodical system are presented. It is shown as by means of the concept new vision of a problem of productivity and efficiency of educational activity opens. In end the short (...)
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    Potentiality, Entanglement, and Passion-at-a-Distance: Quantum Mechanical Studies for Abner Shimony.Robert Sonné Cohen, Michael Horne & John J. Stachel (eds.) - 1997 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Potentiality, Entanglement and Passion-at-a-Distance is a book for theoretical physicists and philosophers of modern physics. It treats a puzzling and provocative aspect of recent quantum physics: the apparent interaction of certain physical events that cannot share any causal connection. These are said to be `entangled' in some way, but an explanation remains elusive. Abner Shimony - to whom the book is dedicated - and others suggest the need to revive the category of what may be seen as a metaphysical potentiality. (...)
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    Multidimensional Potential and Its Application to Social Networks.Natalia Rylko & Karolina Tytko - 2022 - In Paula Cerejeiras, Michael Reissig, Irene Sabadini & Joachim Toft (eds.), Current Trends in Analysis, its Applications and Computation. Birkhäuser.
    We consider application of the structural approximation method to research information flow in social networks. The notations of potential, interparticle flux and energy are considered in terms of social networks. The basic notations of society functioning related to the communication and information transfer processes are modeled by means of multidimensional potentials and the corresponding interactions arisen in networks. A graph associated to the network is considered in the high dimensional space R^d when d is comparable with the number of vertices (...)
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    The potential of the human embryo.Mark T. Brown - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (6):585 – 618.
    A higher order potential analysis of moral status clarifies the issues that divide Human Being Theorists who oppose embryo research from Person Theorists who favor embryo research. Higher order potential personhood is transitive if it is active, identity preserving and morally relevant. If the transition from the Second Order Potential of the embryo to the First Order Potential of an infant is transitive, opponents of embryo research make a powerful case for the moral status of the embryo. If it is (...)
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  32.  89
    A Potentiality and Conceptuality Interpretation of Quantum Physics.Diederik Aerts - 2010 - Philosophica 83 (1).
    We elaborate on a new interpretation of quantum mechanics which we introduced recently. The main hypothesis of this new interpretation is that quantum particles are entities interacting with matter conceptually, which means that pieces of matter function as interfaces for the conceptual content carried by the quantum particles. We explain how our interpretation was inspired by our earlier analysis of non-locality as non-spatiality and a specific interpretation of quantum potentiality, which we illustrate by means of the example of two interconnected (...)
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    Potential and the early human.H. Watt - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (4):222-226.
    Some form of potential or "capacity" is often seen as evidence of human moral status. Opinions differ as to whether the potential of the embryo should be regarded as such evidence. In this paper, I discuss some common arguments against regarding the embryo's potential as a sign of human status, together with some less common arguments in favour of regarding the embryo's potential in this way.
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    Potential and 'Power of a Collectivity to Act'.Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano - 2005 - Theory and Decision 58 (2):187-194.
    This paper connects two notions: Hart and Mas-Colell’s ‘potential’, related to the value of coalitional games, and Coleman’s earlier notion of ‘power of a collectivity to act’, related to the easiness to make decisions by means of a voting rule.
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    Potentiality in the Abortion Discussion.Francis C. Wade - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (2):239 - 255.
    Engelhardt is correct in thinking that potentiality implies continuity. The central purpose of the Aristotelian notion of potency is to explain continuity, both in becoming and in generation-corruption. If one denies continuity in change, he will have little use for potentiality, at least little use for the Aristotelian types. And there are types that should not be conflated: one to account for continuity in becoming and generation, another to account for continuity of a being going from not acting to acting. (...)
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    (1 other version)On Potentiality.Ren Yulong - 1981 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 13 (1):45-56.
    Potentiality and actuality are a pair of fundamental categories of the materialist dialectic. Here I would like primarily to examine potentiality.
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    Potential Functions and the Characterization of Economics-Based Information.Emmanuel Haven - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (10):1394-1406.
    The formulation of quantum mechanics as a diffusion process by Nelson provides for an interesting approach on how we may transit from classical mechanics into quantum mechanics. Besides the presence of the real potential function, another type of potential function forms an intrinsic part of this theory. In this paper we attempt to show how both types of potential functions can have a use in a resolutely macroscopic context like financial asset pricing. We are particularly interested in uncovering how the (...)
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    Quantum Potential Energy as Concealed Motion.Peter Holland - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (2):134-141.
    It is known that the Schrödinger equation may be derived from a hydrodynamic model in which the Lagrangian position coordinates of a continuum of particles represent the quantum state. Using Routh’s method of ignorable coordinates it is shown that the quantum potential energy of particle interaction that represents quantum effects in this model may be regarded as the kinetic energy of additional ‘concealed’ freedoms. The method brings an alternative perspective to Planck’s constant, which plays the role of a hidden variable, (...)
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  39. Potential infinite models and ontologically neutral logic.Theodore Hailperin - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 30 (1):79-96.
    The paper begins with a more carefully stated version of ontologically neutral (ON) logic, originally introduced in (Hailperin, 1997). A non-infinitistic semantics which includes a definition of potential infinite validity follows. It is shown, without appeal to the actual infinite, that this notion provides a necessary and sufficient condition for provability in ON logic.
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    Brain potentials and lateral dominance in identical twins.E. T. Raney - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 24 (1):21.
  41. Selecting potential children and unconditional parental love.John Davis - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):258–268.
    For now, the best way to select a child's genes is to select a potential child who has those genes, using genetic testing and either selective abortion, sperm and egg donors, or selecting embryos for implantation. Some people even wish to select against genes that are only mildly undesirable, or to select for superior genes. I call this selection drift– the standard for acceptable children is creeping upwards. The President's Council on Bioethics and others have raised the parental love objection: (...)
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    Event-related potentials and cognition: A critique of the context updating hypothesis and an alternative interpretation of P3.Rolf Verleger - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (3):343.
    P3 is the most prominent of the electrical potentials of the human electroencephalogram that are sensitive to psychological variables. According to the most influential current hypothesis about its psychological significance [E. Donchin's], the “context updating” hypothesis, P3 reflects the updating of working memory. This hypothesis cannot account for relevant portions of the available evidence and it entails some basic contradictions. A more general formulation of this hypothesis is that P3 reflects the updating of expectancies. This version implies that P3-evoking stimuli (...)
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  43. Potential roles of the medical ethicist in the clinical setting.Donnie J. Self & Joy D. Skeel - 1986 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 7 (1).
    The medical ethicist is a fairly recent addition to the clinical setting. The following four potential roles of the clinical ethicist are identified and discussed: consultant in difficult cases, educator of health care providers, counselor for health care providers and finally patient advocate to protect the interests of patients. While the various roles may sometimes overlap, the roles of educator and counselor are viewed as being more congruent with the education and training of medical ethicists than are the roles of (...)
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    Potential congruence.Samuel Scheffler - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield (ed.), Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Morality can hardly perform a function, which is discussed in this chapter, unless it offers directives that not only can but frequently do differ from those of self-interest itself. The idea of potential congruence asserts that the relation between morality and the interests of the individual agent is characterized by a high degree of mutual accommodation, so that the frequency and severity of conflict between these two perspectives is significantly reduced. Conflicts are nevertheless possible in principle, but the extent to (...)
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    Potentiality in God: Grund and Ungrund in Jacob Boehme.Ernest B. Koenker - 1971 - Philosophy Today 15 (1):44-51.
    No contemporary philosopher has argued more consistenily or more convincingly for a God of becoming than Charles Hartshorne. Boehme looms largein the historical background of his dipolar theology: both classical theism, which sees God as supreme actuality and most strictly absolute, and pantheism, whichsees in God only supreme potentiality and universal relativity, are correlated in his panentheism. The ultimate contraries are united in the divine relativity,where eternal permanence and temporal process are both preserved in a tension that, logically, precedes them.Hartshorne (...)
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    Vector potential and Riemannian space.C. Lanczos - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (1):137-147.
    This paper uncovers the basic reason for the mysterious change of sign from plus to minus in the fourth coordinate of nature's Pythagorean law, usually accepted on empirical grounds, although it destroys the rational basis of a Riemannian geometry. Here we assume a genuine, positive-definite Riemannian space and an action principle which is quadratic in the curvature quantities (and thus scale invariant). The constant σ between the two basic invariants is equated to1/2. Then the matter tensor has the trace zero. (...)
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    The potential for genetic adaptations to language.Mark Pagel & Quentin D. Atkinson - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):529-530.
    We suggest there is somewhat more potential than Christiansen & Chater (C&C) allow for genetic adaptations specific to language. Our uniquely cooperative social system requires sophisticated language skills. Learning and performance of some culturally transmitted elements in animals is genetically based, and we give examples of features of human language that evolve slowly enough that genetic adaptations to them may arise.
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  48. Personhood, Potentiality, and Normativity.Michael Gorman - 2011 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85 (3):483-498.
    The lives of persons are valuable, but are all humans persons? Some humans—the immature, the damaged, and the defective—are not capable, here and now, of engaging in the rational activities characteristic of persons, and for this reason, one might call their personhood into question. A standard way of defendingit is by appeal to potentiality: we know they are persons because we know they have the potentiality to engage in rational activities. In this paper I develop acomplementary strategy based on normativity. (...)
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  49. Why Potentiality Matters.Jim Stone - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (4):815-829.
    Do fetuses have a right to life in virtue of the fact that they are potential adult human beings? I take the claim that the fetus is a potential adult human being to come to this: if the fetus grows normally there will be an adult human animal that was once the fetus. Does this fact ground a claim to our care and protection? A great deal hangs on the answer to this question. The actual mental and physical capacities of (...)
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    Potential influence of decision time on punishment behavior and its evaluation.Kaede Maeda, Yuka Kumai & Hirofumi Hashimoto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies on whether punishers are rewarded by reputational gains have yielded conflicting results. Some studies have argued that punitive behaviors potentially result in a positive evaluation, while others have found the opposite. This study aims to clarify the conditions that lead to the positive evaluation of costly punishment. Study 1 utilized one-round and repeated public goods game situations and manipulated decision time for participants’ punitive behavior toward the non-cooperative person in the situation. We also asked participants to report their (...)
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