Results for 'Communication Social aspects.'

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  1.  10
    Social Aspects of Communication.S. Encel - 1978 - Communications 4 (3):271-288.
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  2. Social Aspects of Ageing: Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions.Andrzej Klimczuk (ed.) - 2024 - London: IntechOpen.
    Social Aspects of Ageing - Selected Challenges, Analyses, and Solutions, focuses on the key challenges underlined by the United Nations during the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030). The authors introduce studies in areas crucial for older people, their families, and communities, such as combatting ageism, age-friendly environments, and care provision. The volume also examines issues linked to the global, national, regional, and local implementation of age-specific and intergenerational solutions, initiatives, and programs towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (...)
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    Social aspects of scientific knowledge.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):447-468.
    From its inception in 1987 social epistemology has been divided into analytic and critical approaches, represented by Alvin I. Goldman and Steve Fuller, respectively. In this paper, the agendas and some basic ideas of ASE and CSE are compared and assessed by bringing into the discussion also other participants of the debates on the social aspects of scientific knowledge—among them Raimo Tuomela, Philip Kitcher and Helen Longino. The six topics to be analyzed include individual and collective epistemic agents; (...)
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  4.  45
    Brain Computer Interfaces and Communication Disabilities: Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects of Decoding Speech From the Brain.Jennifer A. Chandler, Kiah I. Van der Loos, Susan Boehnke, Jonas S. Beaudry, Daniel Z. Buchman & Judy Illes - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:841035.
    A brain-computer interface technology that can decode the neural signals associated with attempted but unarticulated speech could offer a future efficient means of communication for people with severe motor impairments. Recent demonstrations have validated this approach. Here we assume that it will be possible in future to decode imagined (i.e., attempted but unarticulated) speech in people with severe motor impairments, and we consider the characteristics that could maximize the social utility of a BCI for communication. As a (...)
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    Communal Social Architecture, Individual Capacities, and Menkiti’s Personhood.Polycarp Ikuenobe - 2024 - Philosophia Africana 23 (1):57-75.
    This article examines two issues raised and addressed by Oyowe in his book, Menkiti’s Moral Man. The first involves two of Oyowe’s criticisms of Menkiti: One criticism is that his conception of personhood is unfairly gendered; the other is that Menkiti’s view involves the priority of the community over individuals. The second issue involves Oyowe’s criticisms of Ikuenobe’s analysis of some aspects of Menkiti’s view in the context of the above criticisms. Oyowe indicates that, although he is “a repentant critic” (...)
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    The Psycho-Social Aspect of Duty of Pilgrimage in Islam.Nedim ÖZ - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):595-614.
    This study addresses the social aspect of the duty of pilgrimage through the documentation method based on sociological perspective. The aim of this paper is to determine the social gains of people through the pilgrimage. Religion is an phenomenon that people need in every aspect of their daily life. Because religion is one of the phenomenon that deeply affect the individual and society. The pilgrimage, which is one of the sociological expressions of religion, and maintains its existence in (...)
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    The Social Aspects of Aristotle’s Theory of Action.Dorothea Frede - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (1):39-57.
    Some contemporary philosophers of action have contended that the intentions, decisions, and actions of collective social agency are reducible to those of the individuals involved. This contention is based on two assumptions: (1) that collective agency would require super-minds, and (2) that actions presuppose causes that move our bodies. The problem of how to account for collective action had not been regarded as a problem in the history of philosophy earlier.The explanation of why ancient Greek philosophers did not see (...)
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    Microanalysis of Nonverbal Aspects of Communication (from the Intellectual History of Multimodal Analysis).Ilya V. Utekhin - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (2):86-118.
    The paper considers some intellectual roots of the contemporary multimodal analysis. The prehistory of microanalysis of social interaction includes semiotics of nonverbal communication and the anthropological study of patterns of expressive and communicative behavior as it was performed by Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead in the pioneering research on Balinese character. The Batesonian approach to interaction was influenced by cybernetic ideas—particularly the notion of feedback— which led to theoretical advances on communication in general and, particularly, in the (...)
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    Institutional Aspects of the Ethical Debate on Euthanasia. A Communicational Perspective.Mihaela Frunza & Sandu Frunza - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):19-36.
    Although euthanasia is seen as the problem of the individual will and as one’s right to privacy, to a better quality of life or to a dignified death, it has major institutional implications. They are closely related to the juridical system, to the way of understanding state involvement in protecting the individuals and respecting their freedoms, to the institutional system of health care, to the government rules that establish social, political or professional practices. The public debate around the topics (...)
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    Philosophical Aspects of Communication: A Study in Social Philosophy.John Joseph O'Connor - 1953 - Washington: Catholic University of America Press.
    Catholic University Of America, Philosophical Studies, No. 145, Abstract No. 2.
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  11.  36
    Linking Cognitive and Social Aspects of Sound Change Using Agent‐Based Modeling.Jonathan Harrington, Felicitas Kleber, Ulrich Reubold, Florian Schiel & Mary Stevens - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):707-728.
    Using agent‐based modelling, Harrington, Kleber, Reubold, Schiel & Stevens (2018) develop a unified model of sound change based on cognitive processing of human speech and theories of how social factors constrain the spread of change throughout a community. They conclude that many types of change result from how biases in the phonetic distribution of phonological categories are transmitted via accommodation processes between individuals in interaction.
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    Aesthetics or Communication?: Social Semiotic Traits of Structured Forms in Studies of “Animal Beauty”.Sigmund Ongstad - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (3):769-792.
    The article investigates basic relations between aesthetics and communication based on studies of and discussions about what has been termed “animal beauty”. The concepts _beauty_, _aesthetics_, and _communication_ are problematised, starting from utterances’ _structured form_, which is seen both as the physical basis for as well as one of five key aspects in animal utterances (form, content, act, time, and space). The relational, and thus social semiotic, communicational role of this aspect is searched in different studies leading to (...)
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    Shin Chaeho's theory; aspects of seeking the modern community in Korea and its meaning - focusing on the main points of the overcoming of Social Darwinism and the change of National identity -.Bosung Jin - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (3):111-148.
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    Communicating Moral Concern: An Ethics of Critical Responsiveness.Elise Springer - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Examines the social aspect of moral agency, building an account of critical engagement that focuses on the transformation of moral attention through communicative exchange, rather than on matters of judgment or on behavioral outcomes.
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  15.  34
    Information and Communication Technologies for Training Future Teachers: an Adaptation to the Aspects of the Postmodern Society.Larysa Bidenko, Olha Bilyakovska, Yevheniya Burnos, Nataliia Pylypenko-Fritsak, Olha Lilik & Natalia Demyanenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):106-121.
    The study examines the need to train future teachers using modern information and communication technologies in the context of adaptation to the aspects of postmodern society. It was found that contemporary postmodern education is impossible without application of information and communication technologies, the use of which gradually leads to changes in the content, the methods and technologies of training future teachers. The analysis of scientific literature, which confirms recognition of ICT as a key technology of the 21st century (...)
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  16. Defining Communication and Language from Within a Pluralistic Evolutionary Worldview.Nathalie Gontier - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):609-622.
    New definitions are proposed for communication and language. Communication is defined as the evolution of physical, biochemical, cellular, community, and technological information exchange. Language is defined as community communication whereby the information exchanged comprises evolving individual and group-constructed knowledge and beliefs, that are enacted, narrated, or otherwise conveyed by evolving rule-governed and meaningful symbol systems, that are grounded, interpreted, and used from within evolving embodied, cognitive, ecological, sociocultural, and technological niches. These definitions place emphasis on the evolutionary (...)
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  17.  31
    Science as systems learning: Some reflections on the cognitive and communicational aspects of science.Hugo F. Alrøe - 2000 - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 7 (4):57-78.
    This paper undertakes a theoretical investigation of the 'learning' aspect of science as opposed to the 'knowledge' aspect. The practical background of the paper is in agricultural systems research – an area of science that can be characterised as 'systemic' because it is involved in the development of its own subject area, agriculture. And the practical purpose of the theoretical investigation is to contribute to a more adequate understanding of science in such areas, which can form a basis for developing (...)
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  18.  7
    Philosophy, Communication Practice, and National Awareness.E. Kọlawọle Ogundọwọle - 1994 - Mi Press.
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    Personhood and Community. Ontological, Normative, and Anthropological Aspects of Human Sociality.Falk Hamann - 2017 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
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    The Social Construction of Nuclear Community: Building Trust in the World’s First Repository for Spent Nuclear Fuel.Sari Yli-Kauhaluoma & Hannu Hänninen - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (5-6):133-144.
    ONKALO, the world’s first repository for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel, is being constructed in Eurajoki, Finland. We study how the constructor of this facility portrays it to the local community in order to influence lay understanding of the disposal risk, build trust, and gain public approval for the construction project. The study is based on a framing analysis of the newsletters published by the constructor of the facility in 2000-2014. The results suggest that the nuclear industry has (...)
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  21.  21
    Communication and academic burnout : The effects of social support and participation in decision-making.Sonja Ivančević, Milica Maričić & Tamara Vlastelica - forthcoming - Communications.
    Just as burnout is manifested through changes in behavioural and communication patterns, it is important to examine whether certain aspects of communication can affect student burnout development. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between communication and academic burnout. To achieve this, the study proposes an integrated model examining the effects of three communication dimensions – support from academic staff, support from colleagues, and participation in decision-making – on four different dimensions of academic burnout, as (...)
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  22.  8
    Sandplay Therapy in Vulnerable Communities: A Jungian Approach.Eva Pattis Zoja - 2011 - Routledge.
    _Sandplay Therapy in Vulnerable Communities_ offers a new method of therapeutic care for people in acute crisis situations such as natural disasters and war, as well as the long-term care of children and adults in areas of social adversity including slums, refugee camps and high-density urban areas. This book provides detailed case studies of work carried out in South Africa, China and Colombia and combines practical discussions of expressive sandwork projects with brief overviews of their sociohistoric background. Further topics (...)
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  23.  63
    The community effects of industrialized farming: Social science research and challenges to corporate farming laws. [REVIEW]Linda Lobao & Curtis W. Stofferahn - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (2):219-240.
    Social scientists have a long history of concern with the effects of industrialized farming on communities. Recently, the topic has taken on new importance as corporate farming laws in a number of states are challenged by agribusiness interests. Defense of these laws often requires evidence from social science research that industrialized farming poses risks to communities. A problem is that no recent journal articles or books systematically assess the extent to which research to date provides evidence of these (...)
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    Cultural evolution is not independent of linguistic evolution and social aspects of language use.Mathias Scharinger & Luise M. Erfurth - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e268.
    The bifocal stance theory (BST) focuses on cultural evolution without alluding to associated processes in linguistic evolution and language use. The authors briefly comment on language acquisition but leave underexplored the applicability of BST to linguistic evolution, to changes of language representations, and to possible consequences for constructing social identity, based on, for example, collective resilience processes within language communities.
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    Do only computers scale? On the cognitive and social aspects of scalability.Giuseppe Lugano - 2010 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 14 (28):89-110.
    La scalabilità è una proprietà desiderabile di sistemi informatici associata a metriche di performance. Più precisamente, un sistema è definito scalabile quando riesce a gestire, senza calo di prestazioni, un numero crescente di elementi, processi, quantità di lavoro e/o quando può essere espanso a piacimento. Progettare un sistema scalabile garantisce un’ottimizzazione dei costi e delle prestazioni, e della produttività di un’azienda. Questi scopi sono stati perseguiti, dagli anni Ottanta, attraverso numerosi studi sulla scalabilità, che sono stati sviluppati in un ambito (...)
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  26.  7
    Community, competition and citizen science: voluntary distributed computing in a globalized world.Anne Holohan - 2013 - Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate.
    Drawing on face-to-face and online ethnographic, survey and interview data with participants in distributed computing projects around the world, this book sheds light on the organizational and social structures of voluntary distributed computing projects, communities and teams, with close attention to questions of motivation in projects that offer little or no traditional forms of reward, either financially or in terms of participants' careers. With its focus on non-market, non-hierarchical cooperation, this book is a case study of networked individuals around (...)
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    Temporal Aspects of Epistemic Injustice: The Case of Patients with Drug Dependence.Sergei Shevchenko & Alexey Zhavoronkov - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-11.
    Scholars usually distinguish between testimonial and hermeneutical epistemic injustice in healthcare. The former arises from negative stereotyping and stigmatization, while the latter occurs when the hermeneutical resources of the dominant community are inadequate for articulating the experience of one’s illness. However, the heuristics provided by these two types of epistemic predicaments tend to overlook salient forms of epistemic injustice. In this paper, we prove this argument on the example of the temporality of patients with drug dependence. We identify three temporal (...)
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  28.  42
    Communicating with scientific graphics: a descriptive inquiry into non-ideal normativity.Benjamin Sheredos - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 63:32-44.
    Scientists’ graphical practices have recently become a target of inquiry in the philosophy of science, and in the cognitive sciences. Here I supplement our understanding of graphical practices via a case study of how researchers crafted the graphics for scientific publication in the field of circadian biology. The case highlights social aspects of graphical production which have gone understudied e especially concerning the negotiation of publication. I argue that it also supports a challenge to the claim that empirically-informed “cognitive (...)
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  29.  20
    Communication as an Epistemic Problem.A. Ю Антоновский - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):5-24.
    The author analyses the problem of the communication from the epistemological point of view, noting that the interest to the theme is obviously determined by the enormous ambiguity and by the disciplinary vagueness of the communication's notion itself. It is argued that it is the philosophical conceptualization of the communication that allows in a certain sense to «save» philosophy itself. The author notes that the philosophical studies of communication as if return the relevance to the classical (...)
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    Global communication and transnational public spheres.Angela M. Crack - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Information and communication technologies (ICT) enable citizens to communicate across state borders with greater ease than ever before, exciting much speculation about the emergence of transnational public spheres. This highly original work introduces this debate to International Relations, by investigating the socio-political implications of ICT in a global governance framework. Classic Habermasian theory is radically reconstructed to take account of contemporary trends in state sovereignty and global civil society. It is argued that if access is not widened and free (...)
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  31. Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of the Views of Management Teams in Large Companies. [REVIEW]Susanne Arvidsson - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (3):339 - 354.
    In light of the many corporate scandals, social and ethical commitment of society has increased considerably, which puts pressure on companies to communicate information related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The reasons underlying the decision by management teams to engage in ethical communication are scarcely focussed on. Thus, grounded on legitimacy and stakeholder theory, this study analyses the views management teams in large listed companies have on communication of CSR. The focus is on aspects on interest, (...)
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  32.  33
    Complex Community: Towards a Phenomenology of Language Sharing.Andrew Inkpin - 2020 - In Chad Engelland, Language and Phenomenology. New York: Routledge. pp. 177-193.
    Language is indisputably in some sense a social phenomenon. But in which sense? Philosophical conceptions of language often assume a simple relationship between individual speakers and a language community, one of which is attributed primacy and used to understand the other. Having identified some problems faced by two such conceptions—social holism and individualism—this article outlines an alternative phenomenological view of shared language by focusing on two principal ways that language is shared. First, it draws on the late Wittgenstein (...)
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  33. Community in Hegel’s Social Philosophy.Simon Lumsden - 2020 - Hegel Bulletin 41 (2):177-201.
    In thePhilosophy of RightHegel argues that modern life has produced an individualized freedom that conflicts with the communal forms of life constitutive of Greek ethical life. This individualized freedom is fundamentally unsatisfactory, but it is in modernity seemingly resolved into a more adequate form of social freedom in the family, aspects of civil society, and ultimately the state. This article examines whether Hegel’s state can function as a community and by so doing satisfy the need for a substantial ethical (...)
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    Social Criticism and Ethical Aspects in Patricia Esteban Erlés and Abert Soloviev’s Hypermedial Short Stories.Ana Calvo Revilla - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):99-115.
    In online communication, writers incorporate into fictional representation imaginaries that arise from the interaction between various artistic manifestations. This paper explores the work of two spanish authors, Patricia Esteban Erlés and Albert Soloviev in order to study the social impact and ethical aspects of hypermedial short stories in the virtual space, since their works function as vehicles for social criticism. At the same time, the paper addresses fundamental questions associated with the understanding and interpretation of hybrid narrative (...)
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  35. Communication and content.Prashant Parikh - 2019 - Berlin, Germany: Language Science Press.
    Communication and content presents a comprehensive and foundational account of meaning based on new versions of situation theory and game theory. The literal and implied meanings of an utterance are derived from first principles assuming little more than the partial rationality of interacting agents. New analyses of a number of diverse phenomena – a wide notion of ambiguity and content encompassing phonetics, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and beyond, vagueness, convention and conventional meaning, indeterminacy, universality, the role of truth in (...), semantic change, translation, Frege’s puzzle of informative identities – are developed. Communication, speaker meaning, and reference are defined. Frege’s context and compositional principles are generalized and reconciled in a fixed-point principle, and a detailed critique of Grice, several aspects of Lewis, and some aspects of the Romantic conception of meaning are offered. Connections with other branches of linguistics, especially psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, and natural language processing, are explored. -/- The book will be of interest to scholars in philosophy, linguistics, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. It should also interest readers in related fields like literary and cultural theory and the social sciences. (shrink)
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    Response to Deborah Bradley, “Oh, That Magic Feeling! Multicultural Human Subjectivity, Community, and Fascism's Footprints”.Marja Heimonen - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (1):85-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Deborah Bradley, “Oh that Magic Feeling! Multicultural Human Subjectivity, Community, and Fascism’s Footprints”Marja HeimonenDeborah Bradley has written a most interesting paper that is concerned with anti-racism pedagogy and significant musical moments. Her study has a moral and an ethical dimension; the style of writing is fresh and honest, and she is deeply involved in her important theme. In addition, she is able to explore both sides of (...)
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    The social philosophers: community and conflict in Western thought.Robert A. Nisbet - 1973 - New York,: Crowell.
    This essay in social and intellectual history advances the thesis that Western social philosophy arose during the disintegration of the ancient Greek and Roman communities and has been preoccupied ever since with the problem of community lost and community to be gained. As the author shows, Western ideas of moral authority, freedom, consensus, and personality take on their distinctive character as aspects of Western man's search tor community. Six major types of community in Western life and thought are (...)
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  38.  46
    Community Building in Social Justice Work: A Critical Approach.Silvia Cristina Bettez & Kathy Hytten - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (1):45-66.
    In this article we argue for the importance of building critical communities as an integral, yet neglected, aspect of education for social justice. We begin by defining critical communities and by describing goals and vision for social justice education. We then explore how community is discussed in the education literature, limitations and challenges of calling for community, and images of critical communities in social justice work. We end by exploring the role that individuals can play in nurturing (...)
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    Communicating bad news in corporate social responsibility reporting: A genre-based analysis of Chinese companies.Yuting Lin - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (1):22-43.
    In corporate social responsibility reporting, companies are expected to fully disclose the negative social and environmental impacts of their activities. This study investigates how Chinese companies respond to this challenge by analyzing the representations of occupational fatalities and injuries in 92 CSR reports from 37 Chinese Fortune 500 companies. A move-step analysis was performed on one part of the CSR report, which is the section providing information on occupational incidents. It was found that the negative information was typically (...)
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    Music Community, Improvisation, and Social Technologies in COVID-Era Música Huasteca.Daniel S. Margolies & J. A. Strub - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article examines two interrelated aspects of Mexican regional music response to the coronavirus crisis in the música huasteca community: the growth of interactive huapango livestreams as a preexisting but newly significant space for informal community gathering and cultural participation at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, and the composition of original verses by son huasteco performers addressing the pandemic. Both the livestreams and the newly created coronavirus disease verses reflect critical improvisatory approaches to the pandemic in música huasteca. The (...)
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  41. Meaning and Social Facts: Interpretation in the Black Speech Community..Stephen Lester Thompson - 1994 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    Attempts within sociolinguistics to model the African American speech community require a sound account of what a competent participant knows when they give correct interpretations of utterances made within such a community, a phenomenon any larger theory of language use ought to address. To provide this account, I reconstruct a line of argument from the philosophical history of discussions on African American speech communities. I give this history in terms of pragmatic arguments, that is, in terms of the ability of (...)
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    The Mediating Role of the Two Aspects of Job Embeddedness between, Perceived Social Support, the Quality of Work Life and Career Success, an Integrative Model of Organization, Community (Fit-Link-Sacrifice).Nagwa Abdelkader Ahmad - forthcoming - Humanistic Management Journal:1-25.
    The current study aimed to examine the relationship between the quality of work life, represented by the homework interface, working conditions, general well-being, and social support provided by family and friends, and nurses’ job embeddedness (on-off the job), as well as to test their relationships with nurses’ career and life success. The study used analytical and descriptive methods to analyze data collected from 210 nurses working in health institutions in Egypt. The finding showed a positive correlation between the dimensions (...)
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    The Shared World: Perceptual Common Knowledge, Demonstrative Communication, and Social Space.Axel Seemann - 2019 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    The book offers a new treatment of the capacity to perceive, act on, and know about the world together with others. I argue that creatures capable of joint attention stand in a unique perceptual and epistemic relation to their surroundings: they operate in an environment that they, through their communication with their fellow perceivers, help constitute. I show that this relation can be marshaled to address a range of questions about the social aspect of the mind and its (...)
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    An Aspect of Philosophy of Law in Wittgenstein’s Theory of the Meaning.Rafał Patryn - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):115-119.
    Wittgenstein’s philosophy endeavored to define the role of language as communicative. Language became an original “code” of multifarious meanings and designations but it is also a code which entails emotions and different sorts of internal and external reactions of an individual. The mechanism of penalty and the notion of penalty have invariably raised emotions and meaningful reactions. The analysis focuses on a short derivation of the notion of penalty. It considers its functions, basic tasks and external impact—a short word revealing (...)
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    Droits en mutation: ouvrage commun des docteurs en droit.Matthieu Quiniou, David Richard & Daniel Tricot (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: Les Éditions de l'Immatériel.
    L'objectif de l'ouvrage "Droits en mutation - ouvrage commun des docteurs en droit" est d'analyser à partir des spécialités des différents auteurs l'impact respectif et cumulatif de macro-phénomènes sociétaux, économiques et techniques sur l'univers et les constructions juridiques. La mondialisation et le numérique, pour ne citer que ces deux phénomènes, imposent un réajustement de pans entiers du droit et des modalités d'exercice des métiers juridiques. Les professionnels du droit, avocats, magistrats, notaires, huissiers, juristes d'entreprises ou enseignants doivent repenser leurs pratiques (...)
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    Sociological and philosophical aspects of human interaction with technology: advancing concepts.Anabela Sarmento (ed.) - 2011 - Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
    This book presents a careful blend of conceptual, theoretical and applied research in regards to the relationship between technology and humans, exploring the importance of these interactions, aspects related with trust, communication, data protection, usability concerning organizational change, and e-learning"--Provided by publisher.
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    Communication and Meaning: An Essay in Applied Modal Logic.A. J. Jones - 1983 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This essay contains material which will hopefully be of interest not only to philosophers, but also to those social scientists whose research concerns the analysis of communication, verbal or non-verbal. Although most of the topics taken up here are central to issues in the philosophy of language, they are, in my opinion, indistinguishable from topics in descriptive social psychology. The essay aims to provide a conceptual framework within which various key aspects of communication can be described, (...)
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  48.  13
    Communication Ethics in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt's Rhetoric of Warning and Hope.Ronald C. Arnett - 2012 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Renowned in the disciplines of political theory and philosophy, Hannah Arendt’s searing critiques of modernity continue to resonate in other fields of thought decades after she wrote them. In _Communication Ethics in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt’s Rhetoric of Warning and Hope_, author Ronald C. Arnett offers a groundbreaking examination of fifteen of Arendt’s major scholarly works, considering the German writer’s contributions to the areas of rhetoric and communication ethics for the first time. Arnett focuses on Arendt’s use of the (...)
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  49. Social articulation in US-HipHop. Communication structure of a social minority.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2020
    Taking the metaphor of Black CNN as a starting point, the project attempts to analyze the potential of the musical form of expression of hip hop as a communication structure of the black minority in the USA. After a historical-cultural explanation, which deals with the tradition of reflecting social and political aspects in the different musical expressions of the Black ethnic group in the USA, and which already shows the importance of this form of expression in the context (...)
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  50.  8
    Levinas's rhetorical demand: the unending obligation of communication ethics.Ronald C. Arnett - 2017 - Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Philosopher Emmanuel Levinas's ethics as first philosophy explicates a human obligation and responsibility to and for the Other that is an unending and an imperfect commitment. In Levinas's Rhetorical Demand: The Unending Obligation of Communication Ethics, Ronald C. Arnett underscores the profundity of Levinas's insights for communication ethics. Arnett outlines communication ethics as a primordial call of responsibility central to Levinas's writing and mission. Arnett analyzes communication ethics through a Levinasian lens with examination of social (...)
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