Results for 'Communitarian Ethics'

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  1.  58
    African Communitarian Ethics: An Externalist Justification for Altruism.Idowu Odeyemi - 2024 - Philosophical Forum (1):109-127.
    The most popular defense of altruism has come from ethicists, mostly Western ethicists, who argue that for an action to hold any justification as it pertains to altruistic commitments, such an altruistic action must stem from the agent’s internal states such as beliefs, practical reasoning, desires, or deliberative attitudes. I refer to this as the internalist justification for altruism. On this internalist approach, the mere recognition of others—which I shall refer to as an externalist justification—albeit necessary for an agent who (...)
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    Communitarian Ethics and Work-Based Education: Some African Perspectives.Thaddeus Metz - 2012 - In Paul Gibbs, Thinking about Work Based Learning. Springer. pp. 191-206.
    seek to answer questions about work-based education (WBE) that have been rarely posed, ethical ones such as: Is there reason to believe that WBE would tend to make better people (as opposed to make people better off)? That is, can we reasonably expect characteristic WBE learners to exhibit good character to a greater degree relative to non-WBE ones? On a social level, would systematic use of WBE noticeably promote justice, say, by effecting the right sort of reparation to those who (...)
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    Afro-communitarian Ethics.Bernie D’Angelo Asher - 2017 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 36 (2):129-155.
    In recent times there have been increasing efforts at reinterpreting core CSR theories such as stakeholder theory with new perspectives as well as applying them to different contexts away from its Western masculinist connotations. This work seeks to add to these efforts by exploring the impacts that the African philosophical worldview of Afro-communitarianism has on small business stakeholder relationships. Specifically it discusses the kinds of relationships that owner/managers of small businesses, in adherence to Afro-communitarianism, maintain with their families, employees, local (...)
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    Communitarian ethics: later writings of Walter G. Muelder.Walter George Muelder - 2007 - North Berwick, ME: Preachers Aid Society of New England / BW Press. Edited by J. Philip Wogaman.
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    Communitarian Ethic of Communication in a Postmodern Age.Robert A. White - 1996 - Ethical Perspectives 3 (4):207-218.
  6. Communitarian Ethics After Hauerwas.Sharon Welch - 1997 - Studies in Christian Ethics 10 (1):82-95.
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    The Communitarian Ethic of Edwards and Royce.Richard Hall - 2016 - The Pluralist 11 (3):72-94.
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    Pursuing a communitarian ethic for corporate governance to strengthen health promotion: A scoping review.Judith King, Bernhard Gaede & Noluthando Ndlovu - 2024 - African Journal of Business Ethics 18 (2):45-62.
    The magnitude of South Africa’s diet-related non-communicable disease burden calls for scrutiny of sugar-sweetened beverage manufacturers’ business ethics in terms of the commercial determinants of health. We gathered and analysed relevant literature from five electronic databases to determine whether a communitarian ethic can strengthen corporate governance in support of public health. Twenty-nine of 648 results were selected for data extraction and analysis. Six thematic categories were identified: the reciprocal nature of the corporation in society; perspectives on ‘corporate citizenship’; (...)
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    The Relational and Redistributive Dynamics of Mutual Aid: Implications of Afro-Communitarian Ethics for the Study of Creative Work.Ana Alacovska, Robin Steedman, Thilde Langevang & Rashida Resario - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-40.
    Studies of non-standard, project-based forms of work prevalent in the creative industries have typically theorized the relational dynamics of work as a competitive process of social capital accumulation involving an individualistic, self-enterprising, zero-sum, and winner-takes-all struggle for favourable social network-positioning. Problematizing this prevailing conceptualization, our empirical case study draws on fifty in-depth interviews and two focus groups with creative workers in Ghana to show how relations of mutual aid, including elaborate efforts to live harmoniously with others, are intricately intertwined with (...)
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    Genomics governance: advancing justice, fairness and equity through the lens of the African communitarian ethic of Ubuntu.Nchangwi Syntia Munung, Jantina de Vries & Bridget Pratt - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (3):377-388.
    There is growing interest for a communitarian approach to the governance of genomics, and for such governance to be grounded in principles of justice, equity and solidarity. However, there is a near absence of conceptual studies on how communitarian-based principles, or values, may inform, support or guide the governance of genomics research. Given that solidarity is a key principle in Ubuntu, an African communitarian ethic and theory of justice, there is emerging interest about the extent to which (...)
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  11. The Western Ethic of Care or an Afro-Communitarian Ethic?: Finding the Right Relational Morality.Thaddeus Metz - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (1):77-92.
    In her essay ‘The Curious Coincidence of Feminine and African Moralities’ (1987), Sandra Harding was perhaps the first to note parallels between a typical Western feminist ethic and a characteristically African, i.e., indigenous sub-Saharan, approach to morality. Beyond Harding’s analysis, one now frequently encounters the suggestion, in a variety of discourses in both the Anglo-American and sub-Saharan traditions, that an ethic of care and an African ethic are more or less the same or share many commonalities. While the two ethical (...)
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  12. Contextualizing Charles Taylor’s Communitarian Ethics in Philippine Culture.Mark Calano - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (2).
    Culture is a potent source of ethical theory. This is evident in the realization of one’s socially-embedded self. One’s communal self is always already in an ethical attempt to live a good life. The social beliefs and practices of communities carry with it their conceptions of the good, which in turn are made practical in one’s never-ending negotiation about one’s identity. The dialectics between the self and the community demands a more contextualized understanding of this struggle in an attempt to (...)
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  13. Routine Retrieval of Organs as an Alternative to Xenografts: Moral Considerations of Communitarian Ethics.Buffalo Hilton - unknown
    I offer a critique of how we have gotten to the point of considering xenografts into humans through a kind of moral failure to generate an efficient system of organ harvesting from human cadavers. I consider several proposals for increasing the supply of transplantable human organs, including one recently proposed in detail by James Lindemann Nelson of the Hastings Center for routine retrieval with an opt-out option.
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    Eating Ethically: Towards a Communitarian Food Model.Shivani Sharma - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1):1-16.
    It is no secret that there have been radical changes in the way we produce and consume food ever since the introduction of industrial methods of production to food. Such changes have raised several ethical concerns about loss of biodiversity, ethical treatment of animals, nutritional quality of industrial food, safety of genetically modified food, and adequate working conditions of people in agricultural sector among many others. Food ethics has recently started to respond to some such concerns. However, a food (...)
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    Ethical Education for Information Society : A Communitarian Approach.Eun-Sook Hong - 2000 - Journal of Moral Education 12 (2):175.
  16.  27
    Embedding Ethics: Dialogic Partnerships and Communitarian Business Ethics.Karin Mathison & Rob Macklin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):133-145.
    The existence of a plurality of communities, a diversity of norms, and the ultimate contingency of all decisions in modern societies complicates the task of academics and practitioners who wish to be ethical. In this paper, we envisage and articulate a dialogical, communitarian approach to embedding business ethics that requires business ethicists to more reflexively engage with practitioners in working on and representing the normative criteria that people in organisations use to deal with moral dilemmas in business. We (...)
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  17. Discourse ethics and the Communitarian Critique of Neo-Kantianism.William Rehg - 1990 - Philosophical Forum 22 (2):120-138.
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    A Communitarian Approach: A Viewpoint on the Study of the Legal, Ethical and Policy Considerations Raised by DNA Tests and Databases.Amitai Etzioni - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):214-221.
    This article seeks to outline a viewpoint on the study of the legal, ethical and policy considerations raised by DNA tests and databases. It does not delve into the specifics involved. It outlines a way of thinking that has proven productive elsewhere1 and seems promising in dealing with DNA usages in the United States, but little more. Given that this essay is about a communitarian approach that draws on specific communitarian values, I turn next to briefly present the (...)
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  19. Internalizing Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic The Communitarian Perspective on Ecological Sustainability and Social Policy.Arran Gare - 2021 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 17 (3):397-420.
    It is clear that environmentalist are failing in their efforts to avert a global ecological catastrophe. It is argued here that Aldo Leopold had provided the foundations for an effective environmental movement, but to develop his land ethic, it is necessary first to interpret and advance it by seeing it as a form of communitarianism, and link it to communitarian ethical and political philosophy. This synthesis can then be further developed by incorporating advanced ideas in ecology and human ecology. (...)
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    A feminist public ethic of care meets the new communitarian family policy.Eva Kittay - 2001 - Ethics 111 (3):523-547.
  21. The liberal/communitarian controversy and communicative ethics.Kenneth Baynes - 1988 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 14 (3-4):293-313.
  22.  40
    Interspecies Ethics.Cynthia Willett - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Interspecies Ethics explores animals' vast capacity for agency, justice, solidarity, humor, and communication across species. The social bonds diverse animals form provide a remarkable model for communitarian justice and cosmopolitan peace, challenging the human exceptionalism that drives modern moral theory. Situating biosocial ethics firmly within coevolutionary processes, this volume has profound implications for work in social and political thought, contemporary pragmatism, Africana thought, and continental philosophy. Interspecies Ethics develops a communitarian model for multispecies ethics, (...)
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    Ideas of self and community: Ethical implications for a communitarian conception of moral autonomy.Lorraine Kasprisin - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15 (1):41-49.
    This paper attempts to construct a concept of moral autonomy thai is compatible with a relationally-based or care-based ethical theory. After critiquing the traditional liberal identification of the ethical self with an abstract rational self detached from community and historical narrative, I argue that the ethical self emerges in a dialectical relation with the community itself. Essentially, I argue for a concept of autonomy that will be analyzed as a critical perspective from within a community rather than as a privileged (...)
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    (1 other version)Drucker's communitarian vision and its implications for business ethics.Michael Schwartz - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (4):288-301.
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    Ethics and mental health: the patient, profession, and community.Michael D. Robertson - 2014 - Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis. Edited by Garry Walter.
    Methods of ethical reasoning in psychiatry -- Psychiatric professional ethics and the social -- Communitarian ethics and the social -- Moral agency in psychiatry -- Involuntary psychiatric treatment -- Psychiatry across cultures -- Neoliberalism -- Psychiatry and popular culture -- Psychiatric ethics in the light of neuroscience -- Reappraisals -- Power and knowledge in psychiatry.
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    The common morality in communitarian thought: Reflective consensus in public policy.Mark G. Kuczewski - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (1):45-54.
    I explore the possible meanings that the notion of the common morality can have in a contemporary communitarian approach to ethics and public policy. The common morality can be defined as the conditions for shared pursuit of the good or as the values, deliberations, traditions, and common construction of the narrative of a people. The former sense sees the common morality as the universal and invariant structures of morality while the second sense is much more contingent in nature. (...)
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    Community, Liberalism and Christian Ethics.David Fergusson - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores some issues on the borderland between moral philosophy and Christian theology. Particular attention is paid to the issues at stake between liberals and communitarians and the dispute between realists, non-realists and quasi-realists. In the course of the discussion the writings of Alasdair MacIntyre, George Lindbeck and Stanley Hauerwas are examined. While sympathetic to many of the typical features of post-liberalism, the argument is critical at selected points in seeking to defend realism and accommodate some aspects of liberalism. (...)
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  28. Ethics in long-term care: Are the principles different?Mark G. Kuczewski - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (1):15-29.
    It has become common in medical ethics to discuss difficult cases in terms of the principles of respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. These moral concepts or principles serve as maxims that are suggestive of appropriate clinical behavior. Because this language evolved primarily in the acute care setting, I consider whether it is in need of supplementation in order to be useful in the long-term care setting. Through analysis of two typical cases involving residents of long-term care facilities, (...)
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    Ethical Approaches to Lifestyle Campaigns.William J. Brown & Martine P. A. Bouman - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (1):34-52.
    The growing interest in lifestyle campaigns as a means to promote public health has increased steadily during the past several decades. Governments, national health organizations, NGOs, and wealthy donors are collaborating with media professionals and academic scholars to address the pressing health issues of the 21st century. To counter the potential negative influences of hundreds of lifestyle advertising messages that media consumers are exposed to on a daily basis, health communication professionals are designing more sophisticated campaigns that blend beneficial health (...)
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    Thinking ethically about genetic inheritance: liberal rights, communitarianism and the right to privacy for parents of donor insemination children.J. Burr & P. Reynolds - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):281-284.
    The issue of genetic inheritance, and particularly the contradictory rights of donors, recipients and donor offspring as to the disclosure of donor identities, is ethically complicated. Donors, donor offspring and parents of donor offspring may appeal to individual rights for confidentiality or disclosure within legal systems based on liberal rights discourse. This paper explores the ethical issues of non-disclosure of genetic inheritance by contrasting two principle models used to articulate the problem—liberal and communitarian ethical models. It argues that whilst (...)
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    The ethics of burden sharing: When canada talks about fairness, but actually counts benefits.Dominika Kunertova - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (3):4-30.
    This paper aims to rethink the problem of NATO burden sharing along ethical lines. It argues that the ethics of burden sharing reveals the tensions between utility of contribution and fairness of distribution. Inspired by Jarrod Hayes and Patrick James’s theory-as-thought method and using the traditions of normative ethics, this interpretive research looks at how the issues of sharing and contributing were discursively framed by its practitioners during NATO’s first decade. Focusing on one of the largest founding members, (...)
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    African Ethics and Online Communities: An Argument for a Virtual Communitarianism.Stephen Nkansah Morgan & Beatrice Okyere-Manu - 2021 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 10 (3):103-118.
    A virtual community is generally described as a group of people with shared interests, ideas, and goals in a particular digital group or virtual platform. Virtual communities have become ubiquitous in recent times, and almost everyone belongs to one or multiple virtual communities. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with its associated national lockdowns, has made virtual communities more essential and a necessary part of our daily lives, whether for work and business, educational purposes or keeping in touch with friends (...)
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  33. An ethical approach to lobbying activities of businesses in the united states.Jane M. Keffer & Ronald Paul Hill - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1371-1379.
    This paper presents an ethical approach to the use of lobbying within the context of the relationships among U.S. organizations, their lobbyists, and government officials. After providing a brief history of modern-day lobbying activities, lobbying is defined and described focusing on its role as a strategic marketing tool. Then ethical frameworks for understanding the impact of these practices on various external constituencies are delineated with an emphasis on the communitarian movement advanced by Etzioni. Consistent with the call for "informed (...)
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    Anticipatory Ethics for a Future Internet: Analyzing Values During the Design of an Internet Infrastructure.Katie Shilton - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):1-18.
    The technical details of Internet architecture affect social debates about privacy and autonomy, intellectual property, cybersecurity, and the basic performance and reliability of Internet services. This paper explores one method for practicing anticipatory ethics in order to understand how a new infrastructure for the Internet might impact these social debates. This paper systematically examines values expressed by an Internet architecture engineering team—the Named Data Networking project—based on data gathered from publications and internal documents. Networking engineers making technical choices also (...)
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  35. Ethical dimension of paediatric cochlear implantation.Rui Nunes - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (4):337-349.
    In congenitally or prelingually deaf childrencochlear implantation is open to seriousethical challenge. The ethical dimension ofthis technology is closely related to both asocial standard of quality of life and to theuncertainty of the overall results of cochlearimplantation. Uncertainty with regards theacquisition of oral communicative skills.However, in the western world, available datasuggest that deafness is associated with thelowest educational level and the lowest familyincome. Notwithstanding the existence of aDeaf-World, deafness should be considered as ahandicap. Therefore, society should provide themeans for the (...)
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  36. Utilitarianism in media ethics and its discontents.Clifford G. Christians - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (2-3):113 – 131.
    Utilitarianism has dominated media ethics for a century. For Mill, individual autonomy and neutrality are the foundations of his On Liberty and System of Logic, as well as his Utilitarianism. These concepts fit naturally with media ethics theory and professional practice in a democratic society. However, the weaknesses in utilitarianism articulated by Ross and others direct us at this stage to a dialogic ethics of duty instead. Habermas's discourse ethics, feminist ethics, and communitarian (...) are examples of duty ethics rooted in the dialogic relation that enable us to start over intellectually. (shrink)
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  37. Ethics in Aristotle and in Africa: Some Points of Contrast.Thaddeus Metz - 2012 - Phronimon 13 (2):99-117.
    In this article I compare and, especially, contrast Aristotle’s conception of virtue with one typical of sub-Saharan philosophers. I point out that the latter is strictly other-regarding, and specifically communitarian, and contend that the former, while including such elements, also includes some self-regarding or individualist virtues, such as temperance and knowledge. I also argue that Aristotle’s conception of human excellence is more attractive than the sub-Saharan view as a complete account of how to live, but that the African conception (...)
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  38. Ethics in global business and in a plural society.Ana Marta González - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (1):23 - 36.
    The contemporary confluence of globalization and ethical pluralism is at the origin of many ethical challenges that confront business nowadays, both in practice and in theory. One of the challenges arising from the development of globalization has to do with respect for cultural diversity. It is often said that the success of economic globalization tends towards social and cultural homogeneity. To the extent that cultural diversity is usually seen as a valuable reality, that global trend seems to contradict our efforts (...)
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  39. Ethical relativism and universalism.Saral Jhingran - 2001 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
    Machine generated contents note: CHAPTER 1. Cultural and Ethical Relativism -- I. Cultural Relativism -- II. Approval Theories -- III. Ethical Relativism -- IV. Institutionalism and Ethical Relationism -- CHAPTER 2. Positivism, Postmodernism and Ethical -- Relativism -- I. Metaethical Theories -- II. Positivism and Ethics -- III. Postmoder Cognitive Relativism -- IV Ethical Relativism -- CHAPTER 3. Cultural-Ethical Relativism: A Critique -- I. The Limited Validity of Cultural Relativism -- II. Approbation Theories -- III. 'Is' and 'Ought' Controversy (...)
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  40. The Ethical Meaning of Foucault's Aesthetics of Existence.Cristian Iftode - 2015 - Cultura 12 (2):145-162.
    In order to grasp the true ethical meaning of Foucault's aesthetics of existence, I begin by explaining in what sense he was an anti-normativist, arguing that the most important thing about the "final" Foucault is his strong emphasis on the idea of human freedom. I go on with a brief discussion about Foucault's sources of inspiration and a criticism of Rorty's kindred plea for "aesthetic life". I strongly reject the interpretation of Foucault's aesthetics of existence in terms of narcissistic individualism, (...)
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  41. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering.Roberta M. Berry - 2007 - Routledge.
    Human genetic engineering may soon be possible. The gathering debate about this prospect already threatens to become mired in irresolvable disagreement. After surveying the scientific and technological developments that have brought us to this pass, _The Ethics of Genetic Engineering_ focuses on the ethical and policy debate, noting the deep divide that separates proponents and opponents. The book locates the source of this divide in differing framing assumptions: reductionist pluralist on one side, holist communitarian on the other. The (...)
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    Fragmentation and Consensus: Communitarian and Casuist Bioethics.Mark G. Kuczewski - 1999 - Georgetown University Press.
    Both communitarianism and casuistry have sought to restore ethics as a practical science—the former by incorporating various traditions into a shared definition of the common good, the latter by considering the circumstances of each situation through critical reasoning. Mark G. Kuczewski analyzes the origins and methods of these two approaches and forges from them a new unified approach. This approach takes the communitarian notion of the person as its starting point but also relies upon the narrative and analogical (...)
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    Founding Community: A Phaenomenological-ethical Inquiry.H. Peter Steeves - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    The direction of this text is both phenomenological and prescriptive as it attempts to provide a phenomenological foundation for communitarian ethical theory. It argues that the Ego and the Other arise together in sense and we are committed to community in a foundational way.
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  44. Ethics and the Perfect Moral Law.Harry Bunting - 2000 - Tyndale Bulletin 51 (2).
    Summary This paper examines contemporary virtue ethics and the claim that Christian ethics is a virtue ethic. Three central theses are identified as being central to virtue ethics: a priority thesis, a perfectionist thesis and a communitarian thesis. It is argued that defences of the priority thesis—it best addresses the moral crisis in our society, it does justice to historical consciousness and it remedies the incompleteness in deontic ethics—are unconvincing. It is argued that virtue and (...)
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    Ethics and Community in the Health Care Professions.Dr Michael Parker & Michael Parker (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    The concept of community is increasingly the focus of political argument in Britain, the United States and elsewhere around the world. The sense people have of belonging to coummunities provides a powerful motivation which continues to affecct the political and social face of the world. Recently, debate about the relationship between individuals and their communities has become central to the making of both, American and European social policy. In the United Kingdom this is especially apparent in the area of health (...)
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  46. Bio-ethics and one health: a case study approach to building reflexive governance.Antoine Boudreau LeBlanc, Bryn Williams-Jones & Cécile Aenishaenslin - 2022 - Frontiers in Public Health 10 (648593).
    Surveillance programs supporting the management of One Health issues such as antibiotic resistance are complex systems in themselves. Designing ethical surveillance systems is thus a complex task (retroactive and iterative), yet one that is also complicated to implement and evaluate (e.g., sharing, collaboration, and governance). The governance of health surveillance requires attention to ethical concerns about data and knowledge (e.g., performance, trust, accountability, and transparency) and empowerment ethics, also referred to as a form of responsible self-governance. Ethics in (...)
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    Marxist ethics within western political theory: a dialogue with republicanism, communitarianism, and liberalism.Norman Fischer - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book on Marxist ethics, Norman Fischer applies abstract political philosophy and intellectual history to rarely discussed texts in terms of Marxist ethics. These include Marx's never translated German notes on Machiavelli, Montesquieu, and Rousseau, as well as Lewis Henry Morgan's' Ancient Society. Fischer's philosophical analysis of these texts demonstrates that there is a strain of Marxist ethics that is only understandable in the context of the great works of Western political theory and philosophy, particularly those (...)
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    The ethics of research informed consent from the Kyrgyz perspective: A qualitative study.Tamara Kudaibergenova - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    To ensure informed consent is tailored to ethnic Asian communities, it is necessary to establish an ethical foundation that is relevant to the specific populations. We hypothesized that certain communitarian factors unique to traditional Kyrgyz culture may influence an individual's decision to participate in research. Guided by Seedhouse's (2005) Rational Field Theory, we conducted qualitative, in‐depth interviews with cultural experts in Kyrgyzstan to identify the ethical foundations of decision‐making for informed consent in Kyrgyz culture. The results indicate that Kyrgyz (...)
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    An Afro-Communitarian Relational Theory of AI'S Moral Status.Luís Cordeiro-Rodrigues & Jiawei Xu - 2025 - American Philosophical Quarterly 62 (2):173-189.
    The rapid development of AI in recent years has brought the problem of AI's moral status to the fore. In this article, we combine Afro-communitarian ethics with a cognitive perspective and argue that some AI can hold a moral status to the extent that it can be both a subject and an object of communion. Further, different kinds of AI have different degrees of moral status, depending on their communal capacities. To demonstrate this, we show that AI can (...)
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  50. African Ethics.Thaddeus Metz - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell. pp. 129-38.
    I critically discuss contemporary work in African, i.e., sub-Saharan, moral philosophy that has been written in English. I begin by providing an overview of the profession, after which I consider some of the major issues in normative ethics, then discuss a few of the more noteworthy research in applied ethics, and finally take up the key issues in meta-ethics. My aim is to highlight discussions that should be of interest to an ethicist working anywhere in the world, (...)
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