Results for 'Confessions XI'

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  1.  20
    Wording Time. On Augustine’s Confessions XI: Transcriptions, Variations, Improvisations.William Desmond - 2020 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 10:57-95.
    Rather than abstracting Augustine’s exploration of time from the whole of the Confessions, as philosophers have been tempted to do, I take up his exploration in terms of what I call a ‘companioning relation’ between philosophy and theology. There is a porosity between religion/theology and philosophy in Augustine that need not be taken as a philosophical or theological deficiency. This reflection speaks of Augustine’s intentions and intuitions in terms of the theme: Wording Time. How might one word this wording, (...)
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    Penitent Confession on the Xi 'an Incident'.Zhang Xueliang - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 22 (3):64-76.
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    G. Clark: Augustine: The Confessions. Pp. xi+110. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Cased, £20.R. P. H. Green - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (2):452-452.
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    L’affectivité pathétique de la distentio au livre XI des Confessions d’Augustin.Yves-Marie Lequin - 2010 - Noesis 16 (16):39-45.
    Quid est enim tempus? s’interroge Augustin au livre xi des Confessions. Si l’éternité nous échappe par son inaccessibilité, le temps n’en est pas moins mystérieux. Toute sa substance tient de cette réalité sans étendue, inaccessible elle aussi, qu’est le présent. Et pourtant nous parlons d’un temps plus ou moins long, plus ou moins court. Or, le passé n’est plus, l’avenir n’est pas encore. Ils ne peuvent donc être ni longs ni courts. Et le présent est sans extension. Cette manière (...)
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    Problem of Subjectivism in St. Augustine's Theory of Time - With Particular Reference to the Aporia of Time Existence in the Book XI of the Confessions -.배성진 ) - 2020 - philosophia medii aevi 26:5-58.
    “영혼의 분산(distentio animi)”으로서 시간 개념은, 시간이 그것을 측정하는 ‘영혼 안에만’ 존재한다는 진술로 인해, 많은 학자들이 아우구스티누스의 시간론을 ‘주관주의적’인 것으로 해석하도록 만들었다. 하지만 이러한 시간 규정을 제대로 이해하기 위해서는 다양한 요소들이 해명되어야 한다. 무엇보다 먼저 『고백록』 제XI권의 주된 목적은 시간에 대한 체계적인 가르침을 주기 위한 것이라기보다는 시간의 창조주가 지닌 영원성과 자비를 찬미하는 데 있음을 유념해야 한다. 또한이 ‘찬미로서의 고백’의 주체인 아우구스티누스의 영혼(“animus meus”)은 ‘자기 내면보다 더 내밀한’ 신에 의해 관통되고 신으로부터 선사된 신을 향한 사랑에 종속된 주체이면서 동시에 육체를 통해 물질세계 전체를 (...)
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    Augustine's Confessions: Philosophy in Autobiography. Edited by William E. Mann. Pp. xi, 223, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014, £40.00. [REVIEW]Jeremy Johnston - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (2):378-379.
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    Why Did Augustine Write Books XI-XIII of the Confessions?John C. Cooper - 1971 - Augustinian Studies 2:37-46.
  8. Memoria, modestia et continentia: Saint Augustin, Confessions VIII, XI, 25-30.D. Doucet - 1993 - Revue Thomiste 93 (1):116-125.
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  9. Time, the Heaven of Heavens, and Memory in Augustine’s Confessions.Donald L. Ross - 1991 - Augustinian Studies 22:191-205.
    Five interpretations of Augustine's theory of time in Confessions XI are discussed. A distinction is made between the dimensionality, the sequentiality, and the unidirectionality of time; and various arguments are given for the thesis that Augustine regarded time as subjective in only the second and third senses. Then it is shown that for Augustine the heaven of heavens and the memory come as close as creatures can to a Godlike view of time--as extended but non-sequential .
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    Il concetto agostiniano di futuro: "Confessiones", XI.Maurizio Filippo Di Silva - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):129-148.
    O objetivo deste artigo é examinar o conceito agostiniano de futuro tal como aparece em "Confissões", XI. Buscaremos mostrar que a noção de futuro é tanto uma parte constitutiva quanto uma expressão própria do conceito agostiniano de tempo. Vamos analisar inicialmente a reflexão agostiniana concernente à criação do mundo e à pergunta acerca do ser do tempo. Em seguida, vamos examinar o conceito de instante e sua natureza cinética. A terceira parte tratará da reflexão agostiniana sobre a medida do tempo, (...)
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  11.  24
    Time, Death, and Eternity: Reflecting on Augustine's Confessions in Light of Heidegger's Being and Time.Richard James Severson - 1995 - Scarecrow Press.
    In Book XI of the Confessions Augustine claims that time has its beginning and ending in eternity. In Being and Time, Heidegger claims that death is the ultimate futural possibility for authentic human existence. These two texts, one from the fourth century, the other from the twentieth century, depict two very different perspectives on what limits the human conception of time. Can these perspectives be reconciled? Severson offers a new reading of the Confessions that affirms Augustine's religious quest (...)
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    Rhythm and Transformation Through Memory: On Augustine's Confessions After De Musica.Jessica Wiskus - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (3):328-338.
    In book XI from the Confessions—the book that famously examines the nature of time-consciousness—Augustine enacts the very essence of the questions he investigates by turning to the performance of a psalm. What he seeks to understand is how a succession of events in time—events that unfold and vanish—can at once be part of a whole, like the notes of a melody that cohere into an expressive phrase. He says:Suppose I am about to recite a psalm which I know. Before (...)
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    Intelligo ut Credam: St. Augustine’s Confessions.James Lehrberger - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):23-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INTELLIGO UT CREDAM: ST. AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS* BAPTISM INTO the Catholic Church ended Augustine's Odyssey through the intellectual and spiritual seas of late antiquity. His Confessi.ons tells us how he joined the Manicheans, became attached to astrology, imbibed Aristotle, was attracted to the Academy, learned Epicureanism, discovered the Platonists, and finally came home to Christianity.1 From the first moment he read Cicero, then, Augustine became a seeker of wisdom; (...)
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    Tiempo, eternidad y distentio animi. Una clave de lectura del libro XI de Confesiones.Jonathan Triviño Cuellar - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (67):239-274.
    In the Augustinian reflection on time, the analysis derives from its condition as a creature; for this reason, the time turns out to be as it is, that is, turns out to have this ontological precariousness that shares with all creation. When we asked about the time, we discover that this reality is not something that our understanding can address as when a man takes an unknown object, but this notion is revealed to us as a dimension of our being. (...)
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    Tiempo y eternidad. Sobre los análisis del tiempo en el libro XI de las Confesiones de Agustín.Lucy Carrillo Castillo - 2002 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 26:305-322.
    No es un sinsentido decir que para el obispo de Hipona como, paro los neoplatónicos, el tiempo es imagen de la eternidad. Pero esa relación tiempo-eternidad tiene para Agustín un significado particular. Agustín busca demostrar en los libros XI a XIII de las Confesiones que el libro del Génesis es el Timeo de los cristianos. A la luz de las primeras líneas del Génesis, últimos libros de las Confesiones tienen por tarea alcanzar una comprensión del origen del universo que haga (...)
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    La convergencia de rasgos de tradición agustiniana y aristotélico-averroista presentes en la elaboración de la doctrina del tiempo de G. de Ockham.Olga L. Larre - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (67):607-630.
    Ockham's view of time agrees with that of Aristotle (Phys. 218b 21- 219b 5) and Averroes (com. 98, 132 and 133), for whom time and movement always correspond and define one another. But the difference between Ockham and the above-mentioned philosophers was one of conception. Ockham considers time as nother facet of individual existence. Firstly, this work focuses on the determination of time reality and its definition. Secondly, It analyses the problem of the measurement of time: the circularity of time (...)
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  17.  26
    Las raíces agustinianas de la conceptualidad de" ser y tiempo".Dante Klocker - 2007 - Tópicos 15:113-129.
    The progressive publication -along the past two decades- of the courses taught by Heidegger in his first years in teaching has allowed the reconstruction of the process of creation of Being and Time , its multiple textual references and influences. Among these, St. Augustine's thought bears a prominent place, for which reason I intend to consider its noticeable presence in some of the key concepts in the work mentioned. The first to be considered is Sorge , with which Heidegger characterises (...)
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  18. Foreknowledge and Human Freedom in Augustine.Vance G. Morgan - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Research 19:223-242.
    In this paper, I consider Augustine’s attempted solution of the problem of divine foreknowledge and free will. I focus on two distinct notions of God’s relationship to time as they relate to this problem. In Confessions XI, Augustine develops an understanding of time and foreknowledge that cIearly offers a possible solution to the foreknowledge/free will problem. I then turn to On Free Will 3.1-4, where Augustine conspicuously declines to use a solution similar to the one in the Confessions, (...)
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    The Creative Word.Philipp W. Rosemann - 2020 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 10:97-115.
    Book XI of his Confessions contains Augustine’s celebrated ‘treatise’ on time. In reality, however, the ‘treatise’ is no such thing, but rather an integral part of a discussion of God’s creation through the Word: if God creates by speaking, as Scripture affirms, then how can God speak, given the fact that he must be thought not to be subject to time? What is a timeless word? While these are the questions that Augustine explicitly addresses in Book XI, there is (...)
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    Henry David Thoreau and the Moral Agency of Knowing (review).Gary Borjesson - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):361-363.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 361-363 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Henry David Thoreau and the Moral Agency of Knowing Henry David Thoreau and the Moral Agency of Knowing, by Alfred I. Tauber; xi & 317 pp. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001, $40.00. Among the marvelous qualities of Thoreau's writing is its vivid concreteness and immediacy. As befits one who spent his life seeing for himself, Thoreau (...)
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    Hume's Dialogues on Evil.Stanley Tweyman - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (1):74-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:74 HUME'S DIALOGUES ON EVIL Only two sections of Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion are concerned with the topic of the benevolence of the designer of the world (Parts X and XI), and the conclusion reached is stated by Philo in an unambiguous manner: The true conclusion is, that the original source of all things is entirely indifferent to all these principles, and has no more regard to good (...)
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  22. Acédie et conscience intime du temps.Gaëlle Jeanmart - 2005 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 1.
    L?analyse de la notion d?acédie proposée ici se découpe en trois parties. Une première partie, historique, est consacrée à l?examen de textes de législateurs du monachisme évoquant cette notion née pour qualifier la prostration de l?anachorète qui n?arrive plus à investir l?ascèse et le mode de vie solitaire qu?il s?est choisi. Une deuxième partie, esquisse d'une phénoménologie de l'acédie, est consacrée à une analyse de ses déterminations essentielles pour la sortir de son cadre historique et voir en quoi elle constitue (...)
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    De relato a reflexión en el problema del yo Para leer las Confesiones de San Agustín.Agustín Uña Juárez - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:211-244.
    Las Confesiones de San Agustín son una obra muy peculiar. Lectores e investigadores convienen en ello. No es fácil ‘definir’ ni comprender ese escrito. El presente estudio intenta una aproximación a su contenido mediante un examen de ciertos rasgos característicos de la obra que derivan de su propia singularidad. Y denunciamos también algunos impedimentos de comprensión y lectura. Confiemos en que esta mirada pueda ofrecer una guía inicial, pero orientadora, a la misma. Además, el estudio formal y temático revela una (...)
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  24. Covering Giorgio Agamben's Nudities.Gregory Kirk Murray - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):145-147.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 145-147. Here I accoutred myself in my new habiliments; and, having em- ployed the same precautions as before, retired from my lodging at a time least exposed to observation. It is unnecessary to des- cribe the particulars of my new equipage; suffice it to say, that one of my cares was to discolour my complexion, and give it the dun and sallow hue which is in most instances characteristic of the tribe to which I assumed to belong; (...)
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  25. Les formes du temps et la vie spirituelle selon Paul Ricoeur.Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:273-282.
    In order to identify the role that temporality plays for Ricœur’s view on the spiritual life, I will start my analysis from his interpretation of the Augustinian Confessions (book XI, ch. XXX). In his reading, Ricoeur makes use of the notion of extension to which he accords multiples meanings (spatial, categorical and existential) and he also points out the conceptual couple of distensio / extensio. I will bring forth Ricoeur’s misinterpretation that consists in strongly relating the discovery of this (...)
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    El éxtasis de Ostia y la estructura literaria de las ‘Confesiones’: una nueva propuesta.Márcio Gouvêa & Cristina de la Fuente - 2023 - Augustinus 68 (1):131-153.
    One of the most debated questions surrounding Augustine of Hippo’s Confessions is the search for the structural unity of its thirteen books. In this article, based on an analysis of the of Augustine’s ecstasies in Milan and Ostia, and of the influence of Plotinian Neoplatonism and Pauline theology on Augustinian thought, we intend to offer a new interpretative hypothesis, according to which the ternary division of the Confessions (Books I-IX, Book X, Books XI-XIII) reflects the Christian conception of (...)
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    Crisis of Meaning in Sartor Resartus—Thomas Carlyle's Pioneering Work in Articulating and Addressing the Existential Confrontation.Frank Martela - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (2):80-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Crisis of Meaning in Sartor Resartus—Thomas Carlyle's Pioneering Work in Articulating and Addressing the Existential ConfrontationFrank Martelawhat i call an "existential confrontation" is the encounter with the possibility that human life is absurd: created for no purpose and devoid of any lasting value or meaning. It is "the hour of terror at the world's vast meaningless grinding" that William James (Will to Believe 173) examines, described by Todd May (...)
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  28.  14
    La investigación agustiniana sobre el tiempo en el De Musica / Augustinian Research on Time in De Musica.Jonathan Triviño Cuéllar - 2014 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 21:131.
    The issue of time within Augustine’s work requires a new look, as the problem has been seen in an almost generalized way from the perspective of Book XI of Confessions, and sufficient prominence has not been given to his reflection before this great work. The central text on time has received excessive interpretation, leaving in the background previous approaches, such as in De Musica, Book VI, where the saint addresses the issue of time in the middle of his analysis (...)
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  29. The Time-Like Nature of Mind: On Mind Functions as Tem Poral Patterns of the Neural Network.Roland Fischer - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (147):52-76.
    It follows from the temporal nature of mind—the main concern of this essay—that mind functions are not localized in brain space.“ Time is extendedness, probably of the mind itself”, concludes Saint Augustine in Book XI of his Confessions (26.33), and, in our days, this extendedness can be made visible through an oscilloscopic “line” or trace of slow potentials. These graded, additive (not all-or-none) autorhythmic and seemingly self-generating potentials are primary events recorded at synapses. Autorhythmic brain structures (Zabara, 1973) appear (...)
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    Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald.Emil Anton - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):963-966.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2020), xi + 500 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fourth birthday than by reviewing a Ratzinger biography while having Apfelstrudel (...)
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    Theology present to itself: A tribute to Karl Rahner.B. R. Brinkman - 1984 - Heythrop Journal 25 (3):257–259.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Theological Investigations, Vol. XVIII: God and Revelation. By Karl Rahner., 304, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1984, £18.50. Theological Investigations, Volume XIX: Faith and Ministry. By Karl Rahner., 282, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1984, £18.50. Theological Investigations: Volume XX: Concern for the Church. By Karl Rahner., 191, London, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1981, £14.50. Concise Theological Dictionary. Edited by Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler. Pp.541, London, Burns & Oates, 1983, £12.50. A (...)
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    Philosophy In and Out of Europe. [REVIEW]R. F. T. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (3):529-530.
    This collection of thirteen essays, several of which appear in print for the first time, reveals in concrete fashion Professor Grene’s intellectual evolution from positivistic criticism of Heidegger to more recent censures of empiricism as "a singularly narrow metaphysic disguised as antimetaphysical". Although most of these essays are less than ten years old, she marks her terminus a quo by including a 1938 piece, "A Note on the Philosophy of Heidegger: Confessions of a Young Positivist". In fact, a critical (...)
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    Wittgenstein on Time: From the Living Present to the Clock Time.Giorgio Rizzo - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni (ed.), The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Augustine’s analysis of time in Book XI of Confessions represents for Ludwig Wittgenstein a good example of a philosophical question. In dealing with such theme, his thought undergoes relevant changes. In the Philosophical Remarks, written more than 10 years after the drafting of the Tractatus, the Austrian philosopher holds that the essence of the world can be expressed in the grammar of language. Philosophy as “custodian” of grammar can grasp the essence of the world by excluding nonsensical combinations of (...)
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    The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas.Flavia Santoianni (ed.) - 2015 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Augustine’s analysis of time in Book XI of Confessions represents for Ludwig Wittgenstein a good example of a philosophical question. In dealing with such theme, his thought undergoes relevant changes. In the Philosophical Remarks, written more than 10 years after the drafting of the Tractatus, the Austrian philosopher holds that the essence of the world can be expressed in the grammar of language. Philosophy as “custodian” of grammar can grasp the essence of the world by excluding nonsensical combinations of (...)
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    Textes philosophiques: conclusions philosophiques. Dissertation en deux parties sur la vision des verites en Dieu et l'amour de la vertu. Regle du bon sens. De la liberte de l'homme (review). [REVIEW]Elmar J. Kremer - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (1):123-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.1 (2002) 123-124 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Textes philosophiques: conclusions philosophiques. Dissertation en deux parties sur la vision des vérités en Dieu et l'amour de la vertu. Régle du bon sens. De la liberté de l'homme Antoine Arnauld. Textes philosophiques: conclusions philosophiques. Dissertation en deux parties sur la vision des vérités en Dieu et l'amour de la vertu. Régle du bon (...)
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    Leer a San Agustín.Miguel A. Vázquez Villagrasa - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 36:289-300.
    Las Confesiones de San Agustín son una obra muy peculiar. Lectores e investigadores convienen en ello. No es fácil ‘definir’ ni comprender ese escrito. El presente estudio intenta una aproximación a su contenido mediante un examen de ciertos rasgos característicos de la obra que derivan de su propia singularidad. Y denunciamos también algunos impedimentos de comprensión y lectura. Confiemos en que esta mirada pueda ofrecer una guía inicial, pero orientadora, a la misma. Además, el estudio formal y temático revela una (...)
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    Zhu xi: basic teachings.Xi Zhu - 2022 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Daniel K. Gardner.
    Zhu Xi is the most important of the twelfth-century neo-Confucianists. Some consider him second only to Confucius himself in his importance to Chinese philosophy as a whole, since it is his interpretation of Confucius that has been canonical since his lifetime. This short book, modeled after the Burton Watson "Basic Writings" volumes for Zhuangzi, Xunzi, and Han Feizi, is an accessible, one-volume introduction to Zhu Xi's influential philosophical system designed especially for course use. In "classifying" Zhu Xi's conversations in the (...)
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  38. Ren xing fen xi xin lun.Chang'an Xi - 1975 - Taibei: Lian guan chu ban she jing xiao.
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    Zhu Xi shi you men ren wang huan shu zha hui bian.Xi Zhu - 2017 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she. Edited by Hongyi Gu.
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    Negative Emotion Arousal and Altruism Promoting of Online Public Stigmatization on COVID-19 Pandemic.Xi Chen, Chenli Huang, Hongyun Wang, Weiming Wang, Xiangli Ni & Yujie Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:652140.
    The outbreak of COVID-19 is a public health crisis that has had a profound impact on society. Stigma is a common phenomenon in the prevalence and spread of infectious diseases. In the crisis caused by the pandemic, widespread public stigma has influenced social groups. This study explores the negative emotions arousal effect from online public stigmatization during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on social cooperation. We constructed a model based on the literature and tested it on a sample of (...)
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  41. Xing shi fen xi: (Sheng shuai xing wang yuan li de tan tao).Chang'an Xi - 1973 - [Taibei]: Qing liu chu ban she.
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  42. Ren xing fen xi.Chang'an Xi - 1980 - Tainan: zong jing xiao Dong feng tu shu she.
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  43. Kinshiroku. Denshūroku.Xi Zhu - 1928 - Tōkyō: Yūhōdō. Edited by Tetsuzō Tsukamoto & Yangming Wang.
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    Tai ji tu shuo.Xi Zhu - 2019 - Yangzhou: Guangling shu she. Edited by Dunyi Zhou.
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    Information-Sharing Behavior on WeChat Moments: The Role of Anonymity, Familiarity, and Intrinsic Motivation.Xi Chen, MingXue Sun, Dong Wu & Xiao Yu Song - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Information-sharing behavior is affected by identity recognition perception. The current study aims to delve into the impact of familiarity and anonymity on information-sharing behavior, and the mediating role of intrinsic motivations on WeChat Moments. We hypothesized a mediator role of intrinsic motivations in the relationship between an individual’s perceptions and information sharing. Based on the self-determination theory, a model was created and tested using a sample of 531 frequent users. In this study, these users were asked to use WeChat Moments, (...)
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    Opinion Dynamics Model Based on Cognitive Styles: Field-Dependence and Field-Independence.Xi Chen, Shen Zhao & Wei Li - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-12.
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    Founder CEOs, personal incentives, and corporate social irresponsibility.Xi Zhong, Liuyang Ren & Ge Ren - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (1):17-32.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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  48.  23
    Beyond Market Strategies: How Multiple Decision-Maker Groups Jointly Influence Underperforming Firms’ Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility.Xi Zhong, Liuyang Ren & Tiebo Song - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (2):481-499.
    Research based on the behavioral theory of the firm (BTOF) argues that firms will actively adopt strategic actions to respond to performance that falls below aspirations, that is performance shortfalls. However, most previous studies have focused on market-related strategic actions, paying less attention to the impact of performance shortfalls on non-market-related strategic actions, especially corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate social irresponsibility (CSI). In this study, we propose that firms facing performance shortfalls are likely to reduce CSR levels and increase (...)
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    Exploring the relationship between Chinese pre-service teachers’ epistemic beliefs and their perceptions of technological pedagogical content knowledge.Xi Bei Xiong, Chai Ching Sing, Chin-Chung Tsai & Jyh-Chong Liang - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-22.
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    Frontal Eye Field Involvement in Color and Motion Feature-Based Attention: Single-Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.Xi Chen, Jing-Na Jin, Fang Xiang, Zhi-Peng Liu & Tao Yin - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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