Results for 'Conor Houghton'

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    Dentate gyrus and hilar region revisited.Conor Houghton - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Beyond the limitations of any imaginable mechanism: Large language models and psycholinguistics.Conor Houghton, Nina Kazanina & Priyanka Sukumaran - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e395.
    Large language models (LLMs) are not detailed models of human linguistic processing. They are, however, extremely successful at their primary task: Providing a model for language. For this reason LLMs are important in psycholinguistics: They are useful as a practical tool, as an illustrative comparative, and philosophically, as a basis for recasting the relationship between language and thought.
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    Dreams, mnemonics, and tuning for criticality.Barak A. Pearlmutter & Conor J. Houghton - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):625-626.
    According to the tuning-for-criticality theory, the essential role of sleep is to protect the brain from super-critical behaviour. Here we argue that this protective role determines the content of dreams and any apparent relationship to the art of memory is secondary to this.
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  4. Fittingness First.Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way - 2016 - Ethics 126 (3):575-606.
    According to the fitting-attitudes account of value, for X to be good is for it to be fitting to value X. But what is it for an attitude to be fitting? A popular recent view is that it is for there to be sufficient reason for the attitude. In this paper we argue that proponents of the fitting-attitudes account should reject this view and instead take fittingness as basic. In this way they avoid the notorious ‘wrong kind of reason’ problem, (...)
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  5. The Normativity of Belief.Conor McHugh & Daniel Whiting - 2014 - Analysis 74 (4):698-713.
    This is a survey of recent debates concerning the normativity of belief. We explain what the thesis that belief is normative involves, consider arguments for and against that thesis, and explore its bearing on debates in metaethics.
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  6. All Reasons are Fundamentally for Attitudes.Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 21 (2).
    As rational agents, we are governed by reasons. The fact that there’s beer at the pub might be a reason to go there and a reason to believe you’ll enjoy it. As this example illustrates, there are reasons for both action and for belief. There are also many other responses for which there seem to be reasons – for example, desire, regret, admiration, and blame. This diversity raises questions about how reasons for different responses relate to each other. Might certain (...)
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  7. Judging as a non-voluntary action.Conor McHugh - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 152 (2):245 - 269.
    Many philosophers categorise judgment as a type of action. On the face of it, this claim is at odds with the seeming fact that judging a certain proposition is not something you can do voluntarily. I argue that we can resolve this tension by recognising a category of non-voluntary action. An action can be non-voluntary without being involuntary. The notion of non-voluntary action is developed by appeal to the claim that judging has truth as a constitutive goal. This claim, when (...)
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    Governing the research-care divide in clinical biobanking: Dutch perspectives.Conor M. W. Douglas & Martin Boeckhout - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1):1-16.
    Biobanking, the large-scale, systematic collection of data and tissue for open-ended research purposes, is on the rise, particularly in clinical research. The infrastructures for the systematic procurement, management and eventual use of human tissue and data are positioned between healthcare and research. However, the positioning of biobanking infrastructures and transfer of tissue and data between research and care is not an innocuous go-between. Instead, it involves changes in both domains and raises issues about how distinctions between research and care are (...)
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    Genealogy of nihilism: philosophies of nothing and the difference of theology.Conor Cunningham - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Nihilism is the logic of nothing as something, which claims that Nothing Is. Its unmaking of things, and its forming of formless things, strain the fundamental terms of existence: what it is to be, to know, to be known. But nihilism, the antithesis of God, is also like theology. Where nihilism creates nothingness, condenses it to substance, God also makes nothingness creative. Negotiating the borders of spirit and substance, theology can ask the questions of nihilism that other disciplines do not (...)
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    Metaepistemology.Conor McHugh, Jonathan Way & Daniel Whiting (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Epistemology, like ethics, is normative. Just as ethics addresses questions about how we ought to act, so epistemology addresses questions about how we ought to believe and enquire. We can also ask metanormative questions. What does it mean to claim that someone ought to do or believe something? Do such claims express beliefs about independently existing facts, or only attitudes of approval and disapproval towards certain pieces of conduct? How do putative facts about what people ought to do or believe (...)
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    Paradigm, Logos, and Myth in Plato's Sophist and Statesman.Conor Barry - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores the uses of the term “paradigm” with respect to both logos and myth in Plato, with a focus on Sophist and Statesman. In so doing, Conor Barry argues for a unitary as opposed to a developmental conception of Plato's dialogues.
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    Sacramental presence after Heidegger: onto-theology, sacraments, and the mother's smile.Conor Sweeney - 2015 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Theology after Heidegger must take into account history and language as constitutive elements in the pursuit of meaning. Quite often, this prompts a hurried flight from metaphysics to an embrace of an absence at the center of Christian narrativity. In this book, Conor Sweeney explores the "postmodern" critique of presence in the context of sacramental theology, engaging the thought of Louis-Marie Chauvet and Lieven Boeve. Chauvet is an influential postmodern theologian whose critique of the perceived onto-theological constitution of presence (...)
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  13. The truth Norm of belief.Conor Mchugh - 2012 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 93 (1):8-30.
    I argue that, if belief is subject to a norm of truth, then that norm is evaluative rather than prescriptive in character. No prescriptive norm of truth is both plausible as a norm that we are subject to, and also capable of explaining what the truth norm of belief is supposed to explain. Candidate prescriptive norms also have implausible consequences for the normative status of withholding belief. An evaluative norm fares better in all of these respects. I propose an evaluative (...)
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  14. What is Reasoning?Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way - 2018 - Mind 127 (505):167-196.
    Reasoning is a certain kind of attitude-revision. What kind? The aim of this paper is to introduce and defend a new answer to this question, based on the idea that reasoning is a goodness-fixing kind. Our central claim is that reasoning is a functional kind: it has a constitutive point or aim that fixes the standards for good reasoning. We claim, further, that this aim is to get fitting attitudes. We start by considering recent accounts of reasoning due to Ralph (...)
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  15. What is Good Reasoning?Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research:153-174.
    What makes the difference between good and bad reasoning? In this paper we defend a novel account of good reasoning—both theoretical and practical—according to which it preserves fittingness or correctness: good reasoning is reasoning which is such as to take you from fitting attitudes to further fitting attitudes, other things equal. This account, we argue, is preferable to two others that feature in the recent literature. The first, which has been made prominent by John Broome, holds that the standards of (...)
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  16. Exercising Doxastic Freedom.Conor Mchugh - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 88 (1):1-37.
    This paper defends the possibility of doxastic freedom, arguing that doxastic freedom should be modelled not on freedom of action but on freedom of intention. Freedom of action is exercised by agents like us, I argue, through voluntary control. This involves two conditions, intentions-reactivity and reasons-reactivity, that are not met in the case of doxastic states. Freedom of intention is central to our agency and to our moral responsibility, but is not exercised through voluntary control. I develop and defend an (...)
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  17. Broome on reasoning.Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way - 2015 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 34 (2).
    Among the many important contributions of John Broome’s Rationality Through Reasoning is an account of what reasoning is and what makes reasoning correct. In this paper we raise some problems for both of these accounts and recommend an alternative approach.
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  18. The Illusion of Exclusivity.Conor McHugh - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):1117-1136.
    It is widely held that when you are deliberating about whether to believe some proposition p, only considerations relevant to the truth of p can be taken into account as reasons bearing on whether to believe p and motivate you accordingly. This thesis of exclusivity has significance for debates about the nature of belief, about control of belief, and about certain forms of evidentialism. In this paper I distinguish a strong and a weak version of exclusivity. I provide reason to (...)
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  19. Epistemic responsibility and doxastic agency.Conor McHugh - 2013 - Philosophical Issues 23 (1):132-157.
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    Thomas Lemke, The Government of Things: Foucault and the New Materialisms. New York: NYU Press, 2021. Pp. 312.Conor Bean - 2022 - Foucault Studies 32:100-104.
  21.  46
    William of Tyre, Livy, and the Vocabulary of Class.Conor Kostick - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):353-368.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:William of Tyre, Livy, and the Vocabulary of ClassConor KostickThe most valuable source for the history of the early crusades and the Kingdom of Jerusalem is undoubtedly William of Tyre's A History of Deeds Done Beyond The Sea. A work of great scholarship and careful detail, it is particularly important in that William was Chancellor of the Kingdom of Jerusalem from 1174 and Archbishop of Tyre from 1175 to (...)
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    Kemp Smith, Hume and the Parallelism Between Reason and Morality.Houghton Dalrymple - 1986 - Hume Studies 12 (1):77-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:77 KEMP SMITH, HUME AND THE PARALLELISM BETWEEN REASON AND MORALITY In a letter to a physician written in 1734 Hume expressed a dissatisfaction with the current state of philosophy and criticism, a dissatisfaction which he said had led him to strike out on his own and "seek out some new Medium, by which Truth might be establisht." He then went on to claim success: "After much Study, & (...)
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  23. Some logical muddles in behaviorism.Houghton Dalrymple - 1977 - Southwestern Philosophical Studies 2 (April):64-72.
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    The Politics of Representation in the Governance of Emergent 'Secondary Use' Biobanks: The Case of Dried Blood Spot Cards in the Netherlands.Conor Douglas, Carla van El, Maud Radstake, Sarah van Teeffelen & Martina C. Cornel - 2012 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 6 (1).
  25. Xi international congress of genetics.Houghton Street Economics - 1963 - The Eugenics Review 54:29.
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    Problems arising from an inconsistent view of God.Conor Farrington - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (1):23–40.
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    (1 other version)Pettman, Dominic. Infinite Distraction.Conor Heaney - 2016 - Theoria 63 (146):75-77.
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    Epilogue.John Houghton - 1999 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 16 (3):112-113.
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    El grupo de Bogotá y la filosofía latinoamericana en la Universidad Santo Tomás: un testimonio.Tere Houghton Pérez - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 37 (115):71.
    El texto aborda, a manera de testimonio, el tema de la historia del Grupo de Bogotá –surgido en la Universidad Santo Tomás– y la Filosofía latinoamericana, en las décadas de 1970 y 1980, mediante el comentario de autores y textos que han hecho el análisis y la crítica del mismo grupo. Para hacerlo, se vale de las lecciones de verano de 1988, de Peter Sloterdijk, extraídas de su texto Venir al mundo venir al lenguaje, que aborda el tema del nacimiento (...)
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    (2 other versions)Musings.Joy Houghton - 1990 - Business Ethics 4 (1):6-7.
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    Ovid, remedia Amoris 95: Verba dat omnis Amor.L. B. T. Houghton - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):447-449.
    Anagrams and syllabic wordplay of the kind championed by Frederick Ahl in his Metaformations have not always been favourably received by scholars of Latin poetry; I would hesitate to propose the following instance, were it not for the fact that its occurrence seems peculiarly apposite to the context in which it appears. That Roman poets were prepared to use such techniques to enhance the presentation of an argument by exemplifying its operation at a verbal level is demonstrated by the famous (...)
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    The Family as a “Structure of Virtue”.Conor M. Kelly - 2016 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 13 (2):176-196.
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    Connecting the two faces of csr: Does employee volunteerism improve compliance?Susan M. Houghton, Joan T. A. Gabel & David W. Williams - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):477 - 494.
    In 2004, the United States Sentencing Commission amended the Federal Sentencing Guidelines to allow firms that create “effective compliance and ethics programs” to receive better treatment if prosecuted for fraud. Effective compliance and ethics, however, appear to be limited to activities focused on complying with the firms’ internal legal and ethical standards. We explored a potential connection between the firms’ external corporate social responsibility (CSR) behaviors and internal compliance: Is there an organizationally valid relationship between these two firm activities? That (...)
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  34. Belief and aims.Conor McHugh - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 160 (3):425-439.
    Does belief have an aim? According to the claim of exclusivity, non-truth-directed considerations cannot motivate belief within doxastic deliberation. This claim has been used to argue that, far from aiming at truth, belief is not aim-directed at all, because the regulation of belief fails to exhibit a kind of interaction among aims that is characteristic of ordinary aim-directed behaviour. The most prominent reply to this objection has been offered by Steglich-Petersen (Philos Stud 145:395–405, 2009), who claims that exclusivity is in (...)
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    Attitudes and the Normativity of Fittingness.Conor McHugh - 2023 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 97 (1):273-293.
    What is the structure of normative reality? According to X First, normativity has a monistic foundationalist structure: there is a unique normatively basic property in terms of which all the other normative properties are analysed. The main aim of this paper is to defend the view that fittingness—the property that an attitude has when it gets things right with respect to its object, as when you admire the admirable or desire the desirable—is first, or perhaps joint first. I will focus (...)
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  36. Getting Things Right: Fittingness, Reasons, and Value.Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way - 2022 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This book has two main aims. First, it develops and defends a constitutive account of normative reasons as premises of good reasoning. This account says, roughly, that to be a normative reason for a response (such as a belief or intention) is to be premise of good reasoning, from fitting responses, to that response. Second, building on the account of reasons, it develops and defends a fittingness-first account of the structure of the normative domain. This account says that there is (...)
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  37. The Victorian Frame of Mind: 1830-1870.Walter E. Houghton - 1961 - Science and Society 25 (1):75-77.
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    Rhythmic nootechnics: Stiegler, Whitehead, and noetic life.Conor Heaney - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (4):397-408.
    In Taking Care of Youth and the Generations, Bernard Stiegler develops an account of the pedagogical responsibilities which follow from rhythmic intergenerational flows, involving the creation of milieus which care for and pay attention to the future, toward the creation of nootechnical milieus. Such milieus are defined by their objects of attention: intellectual life, spiritual life, and political life; taken together: noetic life. Such is the claim Alfred North Whitehead makes when arguing that the sole object of education is life (...)
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  39. Normativism and Doxastic Deliberation.Conor McHugh - 2013 - Analytic Philosophy 54 (4):447-465.
  40. Against the Taking Condition.Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way - 2016 - Philosophical Issues 26 (1):314-331.
    According to Paul Boghossian and others, inference is subject to the taking condition: it necessarily involves the thinker taking his premises to support his conclusion, and drawing the conclusion because of that fact. Boghossian argues that this condition vindicates the idea that inference is an expression of agency, and that it has several other important implications too. However, we argue in this paper that the taking condition should be rejected. The condition gives rise to several serious prima facie problems and (...)
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  41. Value and Idiosyncratic Fitting Attitudes.Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way - 2022 - In Chris Howard & Rach Cosker-Rowland (eds.), Fittingness. OUP.
    Norm-attitude accounts of value say that for something to be valuable is for there to be norms that support valuing that thing. For example, according to fitting-attitude accounts, something is of value if it is fitting to value, and according to buck-passing accounts, something is of value if the reasons support valuing it. Norm-attitude accounts face the partiality problem: in cases of partiality, what it is fitting to value, and what the reasons support valuing, may not line up with what’s (...)
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    Normativity: Epistemic and Practical.Conor McHugh, Jonathan Way & Daniel Whiting (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    What should I do? What should I think? Traditionally, ethicists tackle the first question, while epistemologists tackle the second. Philosophers have tended to investigate the issue of what to do independently of the issue of what to think, that is, to do ethics independently of epistemology, and vice versa. This collection of new essays by leading philosophers focuses on a central concern of both epistemology and ethics: normativity. Normativity is a matter of what one should or may do or think, (...)
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    Reasonable Doubts about Rational Choice.David Houghton - 1995 - Philosophy 70 (271):53 - 68.
    If the unexamined life is not worth living, then we should cast the light of reason upon it. That is an old idea. It has lately been given a new direction by hope that the theory of rational choice can shed a suitable light.
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    Pursuing Joy with Deleuze: Transcendental Empiricism and Affirmative Naturalism as Worldly Practice.Conor Heaney - 2018 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 12 (3):374-401.
    In this paper, I seek to extract what I call an empiricist mode of existence through a combined reading of two under-researched vectors of Gilles Deleuze's thought: his ‘transcendental empiricism’ and his ‘affirmative naturalism’. This empiricist mode of existence co-positions Deleuze's empiricism and naturalism as pertaining to a stylistics of life which is ontologically experimentalist, epistemologically open, and immanently engaged in the world. That is, a processual praxis of demystification and organising encounters towards joy.
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    Establishing the Instances of Empathy and Friendship among Youth Peer Groups Involved in the Four Juvenile Sports Clubs Sports participation can develop the minds and bodies of young people. In this world of growing online interaction, young people can be.Conor Hogan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1877-1883.
    Sports participation can develop the minds and bodies of young people. In this world of growing online interaction, young people can benefit from what sport gives to them and develop them into good citizens. Within this paper, the instances of empathy and friendship among youth peer groups from 11 to 18 years old involved in the four juvenile sports clubs are identified. As a result of this paper, the young sporting participants demonstrated consistent empathy, are affected by others’ emotions, and (...)
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    Time and again.Gill Houghton - 2002 - Angelaki 7 (1):49 – 51.
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    The international planned parenthood federation: part I: Its history and influence.Vera Houghton - 1961 - The Eugenics Review 53 (3):149.
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  48. Using ethical decision-making and communication skills : minimizing conflict.Douglas Houghton - 2017 - In Catherine Robichaux (ed.), Ethical competence in nursing practice: competencies, skills, decision-making. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.
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    Chesterton, Lewis and Walter Hooper.Conor McDonough - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (3/4):714-714.
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    Dei Filius IV: On Theological Method and the Nexus Mysteriorum.Conor McDonough - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):891-908.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dei Filius IV:On Theological Method and the Nexus MysteriorumConor McDonough, O.P.From the point of view of Church history, chapter 4 of Dei Filius might seem like dull terrain. Dei Filius as a whole has been regarded as the "forgotten decree" of the First Vatican Council,1 and the principal controversies during its passage through the Council were, for the most part, proxy battles over papal infallibility.2 Of the whole document, (...)
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