Results for 'Cornelia Schnell'

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  1.  32
    (1 other version)Ein Gespräch mit Cornelia Klinger.Cornelia Klinger - 1991 - Die Philosophin 5 (2):68-77.
  2.  10
    Ludwik Fleck, Leben und Denken: zur Entstehung und Entwicklung des soziologischen Denkstils in der Wissenschaftsphilosophie.Thomas Schnelle - 1982 - Freiburg: Hochschulverlag.
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    Periphere Kooptierung. Neue Formen der Ausgrenzung feministischer Kritik. Ein Gespräch mit Cornelia Klinger.Cornelia Klinger - 1998 - Die Philosophin. Forum für Feministische Theorie Und Philosophie 9 (18):95-107.
  4.  15
    Ethik im Zeichen vulnerabler Personen: Leiblichkeit - Endlichkeit - Nichtexklusivität.Martin W. Schnell - 2017 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
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    Intersubjectivity in Husserl’s Work.Alexander Schnell - 2010 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 2 (1):9-32.
    In this study, the author develops an original reading of the Fifth Cartesian Meditation. This text, far from giving rise to a “transcendental solipsism”, as classical commentators claim, leads to a constitution of intersubjectivity on various levels . In its center, a “phenomenological construction” operates, i.e. a methodological piece that masters the genetic approach of intersubjectivity. Closely following the “almost mathematical” rigour of this crucial text of Husserl’s phenomenology, the author equally tackles the issue of the constitution of the experience (...)
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    Possibilité, possibilisation et réflexion de la réflexion : L’héritage de la philosophie allemande classique dans la phénoménologie transcendantale.Alexander Schnell - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (2):297-315.
    Alexander Schnell | : La position défendue dans cette contribution consiste à montrer que la compréhension de la phénoménologie comme philosophie transcendantale implique le recours à la philosophie allemande classique. L’auteur étudie, à ce dessein, une perspective d’abord gnoséologique puis ontologique, commandées sur différents registres par les concepts d’« intuition », de « construction » et de « possibilisation ». Dans un troisième moment, il établit comment, dans une perspective tirant les conclusions « métaphysiques » de ces élaborations phénoménologiques, (...)
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    Das problem der zeit bei Husserl. Eine untersuchung über die Husserlschen zeitdiagramme.Alexander Schnell - 2002 - Husserl Studies 18 (2):89-122.
    This paper propounds an analysis of the Husserlian problem of time through the prism of his elaboration of succeeding time-diagrams. The author focuses his reflexions on the "Lectures on Inner Time-consciousness" (1905) and at the same time on the decisive advancements of the "Bernauer Time-Manuscripts" (1917-1918). These manuscripts complete the Husserlian description of constitution of time-consciousness by the element of protentional intentionality and the "original process" with its "core"-structure (Kernstruktur), on this side of immanent temporality, and try to work out (...)
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    Cultural Techniques and Sovereignty.Cornelia Vismann - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):83-93.
    First published in 2010, Cornelia Vismann’s article has already attained the status of a classic. In a formulation inspired by linguistic theory, the author argues that the relation between cultural techniques and media can be understood in analogy to grammatical operations. Thus, cultural techniques define the agency of media and execute the procedural rules which the latter set in place. Together, they articulate a critique of subjectivity and sovereignty that proceeds by re-examining the notion of ‘culture’ via its agricultural (...)
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    Qu’est-ce que le phénomène?Alexander Schnell - 2014 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    English summary: This essay demonstrates that phenomenon is a philosophical concept in itself. Following on Kants use of the term, and its complexity under German idealism and phenomenology, the authors argues that the concept of phenomenon is an excellent window onto German philosophy. French description: Repondre a la question de savoir ce qu'est le phenomene peut paraitre un peu etrange de prime abord: n'aurait-on pas tendance, spontanement, a se demander ce qu'est un phenomene? Cet essai se propose de montrer que (...)
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    Spirituality with and without Religion—Differential Relationships with Personality.Tatjana Schnell - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (1):33-61.
    This study contributes to the exploration of self-rated spirituality by anchoring self-ratings of spirituality and religiosity in an integrative model of personality. For the measurement of personality dispositions and characteristic adaptations, the NEO Personality Inventory Revised and the Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire have been administered to a sample of German-speaking students. A three-step study design is employed. First, previous findings on associations between personality and religiosity/spirituality are replicated and supplemented. Second, sources of meaning are shown to (...)
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  11.  45
    Why Is the First Principle of the Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre Foundational for Fichte’s Entire Wissenschaftslehre?Alexander Schnell - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:79-93.
    This article aims at a new interpretation of paragraph §1 of Fichte’s main work of 1794/95, the Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre. This well-known text of the early Jena period explicitly introduces a number of thought motifs that will prove to be valuable for the later versions of the Wissenschaftslehre – including the second version of 1804 – and these motifs will furthermore illuminate the significance of the first principle for Fichte’s entire Wissenschaftslehre.
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    Der frühe Derrida und die Phänomenologie: eine Vorlesung.Alexander Schnell - 2021 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Jacques Derridas Diplomarbeit von 1953/54 "Das Problem der Genese in Husserls Philosophie" ist eines jener Beispiele dafür, dass wichtige Philosophen und Philosophinnen auch schon in ihren frühen Arbeiten Außergewöhnliches leisten. Alexander Schnell liest in seiner Vorlesung "Der frühe Derrida und die Phänomenologie" Derridas Schrift nicht nur als einen Schlüsseltext zu dessen eigenem Denken, sondern nachgerade zu einer zukünftigen Phänomenologie und zwar in Auseinandersetzung mit den Fragen und Problemen der Metaphysik. Dabei entfaltet er kenntnisreich nicht nur den sachlichen und historischen (...)
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  13.  21
    Seinsschwingungen: zur Frage nach dem Sein in der transzendentalen Phänomenologie.Alexander Schnell - 2020 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Die Metaphysik ist seit dem 21. Jahrhundert erneut in den Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit geruckt. Alexander Schnell entwickelt eine Position, die sich von neueren "realistischen" Ansatzen unterscheidet. In den systematischen Ausarbeitungen der klassischen deutschen Philosophie verstanden sich die Deutschen Idealisten zugleich als die grossten Realisten. In der aktuellen Diskussion hingegen scheint jeder idealistische Standpunkt kompromittiert zu sein, da er auf einem uberholten Subjektivismus beruhe. Der hier verteidigte transzendentale Idealismus verfolgt eine Perspektive, in der die Frage nach dem "Sein" diesseits der (...)
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    Wirklichkeitsbilder.Alexander Schnell - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: In this work, Alexander Schnell expounds the role played by the formation and conferral of sense in our understanding of reality and matters of fact. Starting from the phenomenological standpoint of consciousness analysis, he tries to show how the power of imagination in particular serves as a formative function for reality. Picking up on important phenomenological concepts--such as sense, the grounding of knowledge, the unconscious, reality, truth, time, space, the human, subjectivity, transcendence--the author deals with these anew. (...)
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    Was ist Phänomenologie?Alexander Schnell - 2019 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Die Phänomenologie hat mittlerweile eine über einhundertjährige Geschichte. Dieses Buch führt auf drei Wegen in die Vielfalt ihrer unterschiedlichen Ansätze ein. Dabei geht es dem Autor nicht nur um eine Darstellung der Geschichte der Phänomenologie. Er führt ausserdem vor, wie ihr Anspruch, die Sachen selbst zu untersuchen, erfüllt wird und auch eine philosophische Strömung wie der Deutsche Idealismus phänomenologisch fruchtbar gemacht werden kann. Zudem trägt Schnell zur aktuellen Debatte um den Neuen Realismus bei. Diese Einführung referiert nicht, was Phänomenologie (...)
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  16. Dimensions of Animal Consciousness.Jonathan Birch, Alexandra K. Schnell & Nicola S. Clayton - 2020 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24 (10):789-801.
    How does consciousness vary across the animal kingdom? Are some animals ‘more conscious’ than others? This article presents a multidimensional framework for understanding interspecies variation in states of consciousness. The framework distinguishes five key dimensions of variation: perceptual richness, evaluative richness, integration at a time, integration across time, and self-consciousness. For each dimension, existing experiments that bear on it are reviewed and future experiments are suggested. By assessing a given species against each dimension, we can construct a consciousness profile for (...)
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  17.  26
    Digitalisierung der Lebenswelt: Studien zur Krisis nach Husserl.Martin W. Schnell & Christine Dunger (eds.) - 2019 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
    Der umfassende Prozess der weltweiten Digitalisierung prägt alle gesellschaftlichen Systeme in unterschiedlicher Weise. Wie sehr verändert die Digitalisierung die uns bekannte Welt und die Vulnerabilität des Lebens? Sind die damit verbundenen Transformationen gar wünschenswert und/oder notwendig? In Hinblick auf eine Vergewisserung dessen, was als (unsere) Welt anzusehen ist, bietet sich der Begriff der Lebenswelt im Ausgang von Edmund Husserl an. Demnach ist es eine wirklich anschauliche, wirklich erfahrene und erfahrbare Welt, in der sich unser ganzes Leben praktisch abspielt. Technisierung bedeutet (...)
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  18.  38
    Files: Law and Media Technology.Cornelia Vismann - 2008 - Stanford University Press.
    The reign of paper files would seem to be over once files are reduced to the status of icons on computer screens, but Vismann's book, which examines the impact of the file on Western institutions throughout history, shows how the creation of order in medieval and early modern administrations makes its returns in computer architecture.
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    Gesture and Sign: Cataclysmic Break or Dynamic Relations?Cornelia Müller - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:347591.
    The goal of the article is to offer a framework against which relations between gesture and sign can be systematically explored beyond the current literature. It does so by (a) reconstructing the history of the discussion in the field of gesture studies, focusing on three leading positions (Kendon, McNeill, and Goldin-Meadow); and (b) by formulating a position to illustrate how this can be achieved. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for systematic cross-linguistic research on multimodal use of language in (...)
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  20. Speculative foundations of phenomenology.Alexander Schnell - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (3):461-479.
    This essay tries to account for a certain “speculative turn” in contemporary philosophy (Q. Meillassoux, G. Harman, M. Gabriel, etc.) from a phenomenological point of view . A first objective of it will consist in exposing the link between, on the one hand, the methodological sense of Husserl’s concrete phenomenological analyses (concerning, for example, time and intersubjective structure of transcendental subjectivity,) and on the other hand, the consequences that follow from the grounding of phenomenology as first philosophy. This will allow (...)
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  21. Review of the Evidence of Sentience in Cephalopod Molluscs and Decapod Crustaceans.Jonathan Birch, Charlotte Burn, Alexandra Schnell, Heather Browning & Andrew Crump - manuscript
    Sentience is the capacity to have feelings, such as feelings of pain, pleasure, hunger, thirst, warmth, joy, comfort and excitement. It is not simply the capacity to feel pain, but feelings of pain, distress or harm, broadly understood, have a special significance for animal welfare law. Drawing on over 300 scientific studies, we evaluate the evidence of sentience in two groups of invertebrate animals: the cephalopod molluscs or, for short, cephalopods (including octopods, squid and cuttlefish) and the decapod crustaceans or, (...)
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    Sens de l’anarchie et anarchie du sens chez Richir et Deleuze.Alexander Schnell & Angela Alarcón-Alvear - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):46-63.
    Cet article compare les philosophies de Marc Richir et Gilles Deleuze à travers les notions d'« anarchie » et de « sens », en explorant comment celles-ci transforment la phénoménologie classique. Il est soutenu que les deux auteurs remplacent l’approche traditionnelle du sujet par une phénoménologie du Sinnbildung, ou « le sens en train de se faire ». Richir radicalise l’epoché phénoménologique vers une contingence générative, tandis que Deleuze développe une science des effets de surface fondée sur la création de (...)
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  23. Reflections on the Phenomenological Unconscious in Generative Phenomenology.Alexander Schnell - 2017 - In Dylan Trigg & Dorothée Legrand, Unconsciousness Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Keynesianske fantasierColin CrouchPost-Democracy After the Crises.Cambridge: Polity Press 2020.Alf Jørgen Schnell - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 41 (2-3):302-310.
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    Agents versus structures in English School theory: Is co-constitution the answer?Cornelia Navari - 2020 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (2):249-267.
    While generally accepted as an interpretive theory, Bull’s emblematic text demonstrates strong structural characteristics. Subsequent attributions move between the interpretive or ‘reflexive’ and t...
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    Your emotion or mine: labeling feelings alters emotional face perception—an ERP study on automatic and intentional affect labeling.Cornelia Herbert, Anca Sfärlea & Terry Blumenthal - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Beyond Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty.Alexander Schnell - 2016 - Symposium 20 (1):213-229.
    In this article, I aim to introduce Marc Richir’s refoundation of transcendantal phenomenology. Starting from the double—“symbolic” and properly “phenomenological”—constitution of the concept of phenomenon, I present the key concepts of Richir’s “phenomenology nova methodo”: hyperbolical phenomenological epoché, schematism, affectivity, phantasy, and so on. Beneath the distinction between theory of knowledge and ontology, I seek to understand both the sense of what he calls the “endogenization” of the phenomenological field and, “beyond Husserl, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty,” the role of temporality in (...)
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    Die drei Bildtypen in der transzendentalen Bildlehre J. G. Fichtes.Alexander Schnell - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 42:49-65.
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    Perceptual-Cognitive Changes During Motor Learning: The Influence of Mental and Physical Practice on Mental Representation, Gaze Behavior, and Performance of a Complex Action.Cornelia Frank, William M. Land & Thomas Schack - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Phänomenologie als transzendentaler Idealismus.Alexander Schnell - 2020 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2020 (1):168-194.
    The objective of this study is to present the meaning of transcendental phenomenology in the light of the evolution of phenomenology in recent decades. It first proposes the distinguishing principle between “transcendental phenomenology” and “realist phenomenology” and determines the meaning of a “speculative” phenomenology. It then discusses the characteristics of transcendental phenomenology according to Fink and Richir. Four types of considerations are then developed. Ontological considerations: The ontological thesis of transcendental phenomenology as it relates to “pre-being” (Fink). Methodological considerations: The (...)
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    De L’existence ouverte au monde fini: Heidegger 1925-1930.Alexander Schnell - 2005 - Vrin.
    L'objectif de cet ouvrage est d'introduire le lecteur a la pensee du premier Heidegger a travers un commentaire d'Etre et temps (publie en 1927) et des cours professes a la fin des annees 1920 (en particulier les Fondements metaphysiques de la logique et les Concepts fondamentaux de la metaphysique). L'auteur expose d'abord le projet heideggerien d'une ontologie phenomenologique - en rapport (et en rupture) avec la phenomenologie husserlienne - mettant en oeuvre une analytique existentiale de l'etre-la humain qui est reconstituee (...)
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    Historische Emotionsforschung.Rüdiger Schnell - 2004 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 38 (1):173-276.
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    Yehoshua Bar-Hillel.Helmut Schnelle - 1978 - Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 9 (1):i-12.
  34.  42
    In Pursuit of a ‘Single Source of Truth’: from Threatened Legitimacy to Integrated Reporting.Cornelia Beck, John Dumay & Geoffrey Frost - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):191-205.
    This paper explores one organisation’s journey into non-financial reporting, initially motivated by a crisis in public confidence that threatened the organisation’s legitimacy to the present with the organisation embracing integrated reporting. The organisation’s journey is framed through a legitimation lens and is illustrated by aligning internal reflections with external outputs guided by predominant paradigms of good practice, such as the GRI guidelines and more recently integrated reporting 〈IR〉. We find that the organisation’s relationship with external guidelines has evolved from pragmatic (...)
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    La concept de mouvement dans l' Auseinandersetzung d'Eugen Fink avec la pensée grecque.Schnell Alexander - 2024 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 11 (2):121-142.
    The aim of this contribution is to establish the role of movement in the reconsideration of ontology proposed by Eugen Fink in his 1951 summer semester course Nachdenkliches zur ontologischen Frühgeschichte von Raum - Zeit - Bewegung. In this lecture, first published in 1957, Fink successively discusses how Parmenides, Zeno of Aeneas, Plato and Aristotle approach the concepts of time, space and movement in the overall economy of ontology, and how they might be overcome in a cosmology. This refection on (...)
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    La preuve ontologique : d’Anselme à la phénoménologie contemporaine. Avant-propos.Alexander Schnell - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 83 (3):5-7.
    L’argument ontologique de l’existence de Dieu n'est pas seulement un argument de l’existence de Dieu. C’est la réflexion de la pensée sur ses propres conditions, fondements et limites. Cet essai examine cette auto-réflexion de la pensée, en particulier en ce qui concerne la version kantienne de la preuve ontologique. Il affirme que l’argument ontologique consiste en la dépotentialisation de la pensée par elle-même.
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    18-month-Olds comprehend indirect communicative acts.Cornelia Schulze & Michael Tomasello - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):91-98.
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    Nachruf auf Marc Richir.Alexander Schnell - 2017 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2017 (1):7-10.
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    Zum „Absoluten“ in der generativen Phänomenologie.Alexander Schnell - 2020 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2020 (2):220-243.
    This contribution seeks to establish the link between an approach to the concept of the absolute and the question of being in phenomenology. In a first part, different sketches of this topic are presented by major representatives of 20th century phenomenology. The concept of “being” is first addressed by Heidegger in the Contributions to Philosophy. Then the “absolute” in Fink’s phenomenology is discussed, as well as the “new ontology” of phenomenology according to Levinas. The historical considerations end with Richir’s concepts (...)
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    Anmerkungen zur Ästhetik in der neueren französischen Phänomenologie.Alexander Schnell - 2023 - Philosophische Rundschau 70 (2):200.
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    Genzgängerinnen. Revolutionäre frauen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert. Weibliche wirklichkeit und männliche phantasien.Maria-Theresia Lenker-Schnelle - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (3):365-366.
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    A fast method to estimate kinetic constants for enzyme inhibitors.S. Schnell & C. Mendoza - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (2):109-113.
    We present a method to determine the reaction type and kinetic constants for enzyme inhibitors that decreases the number of experimental assays by at least a factor of five. It is based on a new theoretical formalism in terms of concentrations that dismisses the requirement of estimating initial velocities. Expressions for the time evolution of the concentrations of all the reactants are also given.
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    Als ich geschriben vant von eines wises meister hant.Bernhard Schnell - 2005 - Das Mittelalter 10 (1).
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    Aspects of language.H. Schnelle - 1973 - Philosophia 3 (2-3):295-341.
  45. Apostle Paul: His Life and Theology.Udo Schnelle & M. Eugene Boring - 2005
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    About Systematic Heritage of the Classical German Philosophy in Transcendental Phenomenology.Alexander Schnell - 2015 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 4 (2):10-24.
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    Bild, Selbstbewusstsein, Einbildung.Alexander Schnell & Jan Kuneš (eds.) - 2015 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Dieser Band der Fichte-Studien stellt die neuesten Forschungen zu Fichtes Bildlehre im systematischen Zusammenhang seiner Wissenschaftslehre vor. Im Vordergrund steht der Bezug des Bildes zur Einbildungskraft und zum Selbstbewusstsein, aber auch praktische und ästhetische Aspekte der Bildproblematik werden dabei mitberücksichtigt.
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    Childhood as ideology: A reinterpretation of the common school.R. L. Schnell - 1979 - British Journal of Educational Studies 27 (1):7-28.
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    Chemical evolution and the origin of life.J. Schnell, D. Roggen & S. W. Glover - 1969 - Philosophica 7.
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    Connectionism for cognitive linguistics.Helmut Schnelle - 1990 - In G. Dorffner, Konnektionismus in Artificial Intelligence Und Kognitionsforschung. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 213--216.
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