Results for 'Célia Jeronimo'

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  1.  32
    Histone chaperones FACT and Spt6 prevent histone variants from turning into histone deviants.Célia Jeronimo & François Robert - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (5):420-426.
    Histone variants are specialized histones which replace their canonical counterparts in specific nucleosomes. Together with histone post‐translational modifications and DNA methylation, they contribute to the epigenome. Histone variants are incorporated at specific locations by the concerted action of histone chaperones and ATP‐dependent chromatin remodelers. Recent studies have shown that the histone chaperone FACT plays key roles in preventing pervasive incorporation of two histone variants: H2A.Z and CenH3/CENP‐A. In addition, Spt6, another histone chaperone, was also shown to be important for appropriate (...)
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    Changing Our Minds: Lesbian Feminism and Psychology.Celia Kitzinger & Rachel Perkins - 1993 - Only Women Press.
    Is feminism compatible with psychology or therapy? This text suggests alternatives to the dangers offered by the many practitioners of psychology. The authors offer in-depth information on traditional theories alongside an encyclopaedic knowledge of therapy praxis on both sides of the Atlantic.
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  3. Collaborative Remembering: When Can Remembering With Others Be Beneficial?Celia B. Harris, John Sutton, Paul Keil & Amanda Barnier - unknown
    Experimental memory research has traditionally focused on the individual, and viewed social influence as a source of error or inhibition. However, in everyday life, remembering is often a social activity, and theories from philosophy and psychology predict benefits of shared remembering. In a series of studies, both experimental and more qualitative, we attempted to bridge this gap by examining the effects of collaboration on memory in a variety of situations and in a variety of groups. We discuss our results in (...)
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  4. Relational ethics and research with vulnerable populations.Celia B. Fisher - 1999 - Reports on Research Involving Persons with Mental Disorders That May Affect Decision-Making Capacity 2:29-49.
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    Part III the spoken word 30 speaking of representing the other.Celia Kitzinger, Manjit Sola, Amparo Bonilla Campos, Jean Carabine, Kathy Doherty, Hannah Frith, Ann McNulty, Jackie Reilly & Jan Winn - 1996 - In Sue Wilkinson & Celia Kitzinger (eds.), Representing the other: a Feminism & psychology reader. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
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    An Analysis on the Use of Knowledge Organization Systems in the Process of Requirements Engineering.Jeronimo de Macedo, Douglas Dyllon & Priscila Basto Fagundes - 2023 - Knowledge Organization 49 (6):411-422.
    Some of the fundamental activities of the software development process are related to the discipline of Requirements Engineering. Their objectives are to discover, analyze, document, and verify the system’s requirements. The requirements are the conditions or capabilities that software needs to have or fulfill to meet its users’ needs, and problems in its identification can mean the failure of a software project. This study is part of the research that is being developed to propose a model based on Know­ledge Organization (...)
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    Relação entre educação, cultura e vida para o professor Nietzsche.Célia Machado Benvenho - 2022 - Cadernos Nietzsche 43 (3):123-144.
    Nietzsche's reflections on German education and culture of his time arise in the context in which he, as a teacher, is directly involved with these issues. They can be found especially in two works from this period: nas Anti-Education: On the Future of Our Educational Institutions, de 1872, e na Schopenhauer as Educator, de 1874. In these texts, we are interested in identifying the criticisms that Nietzsche makes to the education of his time and to analyze his “educational proposal” in (...)
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    A Priori Intersubjectivity and Empathy.Celia Cabrera - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):71-93.
    RESUMEN Considerando que los estudios sobre la intersubjetividad en Husserl deben ir más allá del camino cartesiano, D. Zahavi propone ir "más allá de la empatía" y profundizar en el concepto husserliano de "constitución". Para demostrar que la dimensión intersubjetiva no depende del encuentro con otro sujeto, sino que pertenece a priori a la subjetividad, este autor esclarece la dependencia de la intencionalidad de horizonte respecto de la intersubjetividad trascendental. Se analiza en qué sentido es posible establecer esta dependencia y (...)
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    La constitución de la conciencia volitiva y sus implicancias para la ética fenomenológica en Husserl.Celia Cabrera - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    El artículo aborda los aspectos centrales de la concepción husserliana de la conciencia volitiva, atendiendo a su estructura, sus modalidades y sus implicancias éticas. Luego de establecer los lineamientos fundamentales de la fenomenología temprana de la voluntad, se analiza su significado desde el punto de vista de la racionalidad práctica, enfatizando la relación entre la voluntad y lo prácticamente posible. Finalmente, se profundiza el análisis de este vínculo mediante la consideración de la ética tardía.
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    Cervantes, the Novel, and the New World (review).Celia Elaine Richmond Weller - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):376-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 376-379 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Cervantes, the Novel, and the New World Cervantes, the Novel, and the New World, by Diana de Armas Wilson; 254 pp. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001, $74.00. In Cervantes, the Novel, and the New World, Diana de Armas Wilson describes and analyzes the link between the birth of the New World in European consciousness and the expression (...)
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  11. Technology and Ecological Values: Confronting Normal Waste as Unavoidable Matter in Modern Society.Helena Jerónimo - 2015 - In Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (ed.), New Perspectives on Technology, Values, and Ethics: Theoretical and Practical. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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    Maëlle Maugendre, Femmes en exil : les réfugiées espagnoles en France.Célia Keren - 2020 - Clio 51:325-328.
    Comme c’est le cas de nombreuses histoires, celle du demi-million d’Espagnols arrivés en France en janvier et février 1939, alors que se termine la guerre d’Espagne, a toujours été écrite au masculin sous le couvert du neutre. En s’intéressant aux femmes réfugiées espagnoles en France, Maëlle Maugendre met pour la première fois le genre au cœur de l’analyse. Elle révèle la dimension profondément genrée de la politique de la République, puis de l’État français, et des expériences de cette popu...
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    Sobre las imágenes sagradas.Jerónimo Leal - 2014 - Augustinianum 54 (2):570-571.
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    Judith Butler: um formidável “erro” de tradução.Jerônimo Milone - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (2):e37923.
    O presente artigo aborda um acontecimento recente ao redor de um problema babélico e, por conseguinte, literário, com o intuito de esclarecer os limites e os poderes da tradução. Não apenas é sabido que a responsabilidade de um tradutor está ligada a critérios empregados em escolhas atinentes às palavras, respeitando ou não a plurívoca matiz de seus significados e, detrás disso, seu sentido, mas, também, o tradutor escolhe, ao traduzir, aquilo que não deve ser traduzido, aquilo que, em determinados contextos, (...)
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    Reactance to Transgressors: Why Authorities Deliver Harsher Penalties When the Social Context Elicits Expectations of Leniency.Celia Moore & Lamar Pierce - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Tendense in die studie van die kultuur van oraliteit: Implikasies vir die verstaan van die Matteusevangelie.Celia Nel - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (2).
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  17. Desde la "Ultima Solitudo".Celia Amorós Puente - 2008 - Laguna 22:103-106.
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    Decoding the ethics code: a practical guide for psychologists.Celia B. Fisher - 2016 - Los Angeles: SAGE.
    Revised to reflect the current status of scientific and professional theory, practices, and debate across all facets of ethical decision making, this latest edition of Celia B. Fisher's acclaimed book demystifies the American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. The Fifth Edition explains and puts into practical perspective the format, choice of wording, aspirational principles, and enforceability of the code. Providing in-depth discussions of the foundation and application of each ethical standard to the broad spectrum (...)
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    A goodness-of-fit ethic for child assent to nonbeneficial research.Celia B. Fisher - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):27 – 28.
  20.  51
    Determining Risk in Pediatric Research with No Prospect of Direct Benefit: Time for a National Consensus on the Interpretation of Federal Regulations.Celia B. Fisher - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (3):5-10.
    United States federal regulations for pediatric research with no prospect of direct benefit restrict institutional review board (IRB) approval to procedures presenting: 1) no more than "minimal risk" (§ 45CFR46.404); or 2) no more than a "minor increase over minimal risk" if the research is commensurate with the subjects' previous or expected experiences and intended to gain vitally important information about the child's disorder or condition (§ 45CFR46.406) (DHHS 2001). During the 25 years since their adoption, these regulations have helped (...)
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    Reporting and referring research participants: Ethical challenges for investigators studying children and youth.Celia B. Fisher - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (2):87 – 95.
    Researchers studying at-risk and socially disenfranchised child and adolescent populations are facing ethical dilemmas not previously encountered in the laboratory or the clinic. One such set of ethical challenges involves whether to: (a) share with guardians research derived information regarding participant risk, (b) provide participants with service referrals, or (c) report to local authorities problems uncovered during the course of investigation. The articles assembled for this special section address the complex issues of deciding if, when, and how to report or (...)
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    An Overview of Research on Gender in Spanish Society.Celia Valiente - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (6):767-792.
    This article presents an overview of research on gender in Spanish society. Six areas of literature are examined including families, education, work, politics, sexuality, and men. The author argues that political factors have shaped the development of sociology of gender in Spain and that there are still important gaps in coverage in this area of sociological inquiry.
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  23. We Remember, We Forget: Collaborative Remembering in Older Couples.Celia B. Harris, Paul Keil, John Sutton, Amanda Barnier & Doris McIlwain - 2011 - Discourse Processes 48 (4):267-303.
    Transactive memory theory describes the processes by which benefits for memory can occur when remembering is shared in dyads or groups. In contrast, cognitive psychology experiments demonstrate that social influences on memory disrupt and inhibit individual recall. However, most research in cognitive psychology has focused on groups of strangers recalling relatively meaningless stimuli. In the current study, we examined social influences on memory in groups with a shared history, who were recalling a range of stimuli, from word lists to personal, (...)
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  24. Moral Disengagement in Processes of Organizational Corruption.Celia Moore - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):129-139.
    This paper explores Albert Bandura's concept of moral disengagement in the context of organizational corruption. First, the construct of moral disengagement is defined and elaborated. Moral disengagement is then hypothesized to play a role in the initiation of corruption by both easing and expediting individual unethical decision-making that advances organizational interests. It is hypothesized to be a factor in the facilitation of organizational corruption through dampening individuals’ awareness of the ethical content of the decisions they make. Finally, it is hypothesized (...)
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  25.  19
    Onde está a literatura?: seus espaços, seus leitores, seus textos, suas leituras / Celia Abicalil Belmiro, Francisca Izabel Pereira Maciel, Mônica Correia Baptista, Aracy Alves Martins, organizadoras.Celia Abicalil Belmiro, Francisca Maciel, Mônica Correia Baptista & Aracy Alves Martins (eds.) - 2014 - Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.
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    Beyond magnitude: Judging ordinality of symbolic number is unrelated to magnitude comparison and independently relates to individual differences in arithmetic.Celia Goffin & Daniel Ansari - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):68-76.
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    Visual effects by Claude Simon.Celia Britton - 1987 - Paragraph 10 (1):45-64.
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  28. Representación, asociación, participación el genio político del s. XIX.Jerónimo Molina Cano - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):455-472.
    Political concepts are fundamentally polemical. Their supposed neutrality is solely a vain intellectual supposition. This paper pay attention to the XIX century's Politics through three political concepts: the representation, medieval notion wich the liberal genius transformed to fight the Ancien Régime; the association, socialist and traditionalist alternative to the revolutionary individualism; and finally the participation, based on the originary political community return's myth.
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    Literacy, Politics, and Artistic Innovation in the Early Medieval West: Papers Delivered at a Symposium on Early Medieval Culture, Bryn Mawr, Pa.Celia M. Chazelle - 1992 - Upa.
    The articles contained in this volume are indicative of a new effort, in the best of current research on the early medieval west, to examine the period from new angles that more fully illumine its vitality and creativity than has been done in the past.
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    Left-right coding in children: Implications for adult performance.Celia B. Fisher & Lila G. Braine - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 20 (6):305-307.
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    The miraculous powers of love.Celia Haddon - 1990 - Chelsea, MI: Scarborough House.
    Argues that love is necessary for the health of both the individual and society, describes the therapeutic effects of love in child-rearing, friendship, and illness, and tells how to distinguish between good love and bad love.
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    Portuguese Philosophy of Technology: Legacies and contemporary work from the Portuguese-Speaking Community.Helena Mateus Jerónimo (ed.) - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume is a collection of essays of a philosophical nature on the subject of technology, introducing authors from the Portuguese-speaking community, namely from Portugal itself, Africa and Brazil. Their contributions detail a unique perspective on technology, placing this important topic within the historical, ideological and social contexts of their countries, all of which share a common language. The shared history of these countries and the cultural and economic specificities of each one have stimulated singular insights into these thinkers’ reflections. (...)
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    Le traducteur de Bethléem: Le génie interprétatif de saint Jérôme à l’aune de la linguistique.Jerónimo Leal - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):295-299.
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    Notas para un estudio semántico de la concepción tertulianea del hombre en el tratado sobre la resurreción de la carne.Jerónimo Leal - 1998 - Augustinianum 38 (1):83-119.
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    Sobre los principios.Jerónimo Leal - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (2):649-654.
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    Representación, asociación y participación el genio político del s. XIX.Jerónimo Molina - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:455-471.
    Political concepts are fundamentally polemical. Their supposed neutrality is solely a vain intellectual supposition. This paper pay attention to the XIX century's Politics through three political concepts: the representation, medieval notion wich the liberal genius transformed to fight the Ancien Régime; the association, socialist and traditionalist alternative to the revolutionary individualism; and finally the participation, based on the originary political community return's myth.
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    Mirando la democracia desde abajo: el movimiento popular (o las materialidades sociales) en la experiencia de democratización.Jerónimo Pinedo - 2023 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 14 (27):e177.
    El artículo propone revisitar la “transición democrática” desandando la conceptualización que identifica dicho proceso como el paso de un régimen a otro, de uno autoritario a uno democrático. La propuesta de “mirar desde abajo” la democracia y la democratización, como algo que no fue dado sino que tuvo que ser hecho, supone la pregunta acerca de con qué materialidades sociales está hecha esa experiencia. Así, a partir de la recuperación de las ideas que sobre el tema se despliegan en el (...)
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    ¿A salvo o felices? La finalidad del Leviatán a través de las objeciones de Kant.Jerónimo Rilla - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):59-80.
    En el presente trabajo se aborda el proyecto político hobbesiano a la luz de las críticas realizadas por Kant en Teoría y praxis. Específicamente, se considera en detalle la objeción contra el Gobierno despótico, según la cual, el soberano sitúa la felicidad del pueblo como la principal finalidad del Estado y, por ello, acaba fomentando involuntariamente la rebelión. Al respecto, se sostendrá que el planteamiento de Hobbes en el Leviatán evade el foco de los reproches kantianos, justamente porque su particular (...)
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    Hobbes and prosopopoeia.Jerónimo Rilla - 2022 - Intellectual History Review 32 (2):259-280.
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  40. Misgivings About Absolute Power: Hobbes and the Concept of Honor.Jerónimo Rilla - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):145-172.
    This work intends to demonstrate the existence of limits that hinder the absolute authority of the sovereign in Hobbes’s political theory. Particularly, I will try to identify the concept of honor as the paradigm of this limitation. The field of the manifestations of worth — it will be argued — operates within a logic that runs parallel to that of the State. Moreover, it engenders authorities with high degree of autonomy. To be sure, the sovereign power can intervene in this (...)
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    Cue generation and memory construction in direct and generative autobiographical memory retrieval.Celia B. Harris, Akira R. O’Connor & John Sutton - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:204-216.
    Theories of autobiographical memory emphasise effortful, generative search processes in memory retrieval. However recent research suggests that memories are often retrieved directly, without effortful search. We investigated whether direct and generative retrieval differed in the characteristics of memories recalled, or only in terms of retrieval latency. Participants recalled autobiographical memories in response to cue words. For each memory, they reported whether it was retrieved directly or generatively, rated its visuo-spatial perspective, and judged its accompanying recollective experience. Our results indicated that (...)
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    Court applications for withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration from patients in a permanent vegetative state: family experiences.Celia Kitzinger & Jenny Kitzinger - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (1):11-17.
    Withdrawal of artificially delivered nutrition and hydration (ANH) from patients in a permanent vegetative state (PVS) requires judicial approval in England and Wales, even when families and healthcare professionals agree that withdrawal is in the patient9s best interests. Part of the rationale underpinning the original recommendation for such court approval was the reassurance of patients’ families, but there has been no research as to whether or not family members are reassured by the requirement for court proceedings or how they experience (...)
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    Weaving colourful threads: A tapestry of spirituality and mysticism.Celia Kourie - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    Given the plethora of research conducted in the field of spirituality and mysticism over the last 30 years, it is almost a superhuman feat to keep up with the explosion of information. Of necessity, in a limited article of this nature, it is possible to discuss only a few salient aspects of the spirituality and mysticism phenomenon and by so doing contribute to ongoing research in this important domain. Contemporary spiritualties encompass the whole range of human experience and new variants (...)
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    Reshaping what counts as care: Older people, work and new technologies.Celia Roberts & Maggie Mort - 2009 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 3 (2):138-158.
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    A Relational Perspective on Ethics-in-Science Decisionmaking for Research with Vulnerable Populations.Celia B. Fisher - 1997 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 19 (5):1.
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    Feminism theorises the nonhuman.Celia Roberts & Myra J. Hird - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (2):109-117.
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    Riscophrenia and "animal spirits": clarifying the notions of risk and uncertainty in environmental problems.Helena Mateus Jerónimo - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (SPE):57-74.
    This article seeks to clarify the concepts of risk and uncertainty, restricting its focus to environmental problems and to three strands of reflection. Firstly, I suggest that we should apply the label riscophrenia to the tendency to envisage most environmental problems excessively in terms of probabilistic risk, erecting the concept to a core dogma of certainty based on the image it offers of safety and control of the random. Looking at the most serious environmental problems of the twenty-first century through (...)
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    Lucid Dreaming: The Paradox of Consciousness During Sleep.Celia and McCreery Green - 1994 - Routledge.
    Lucid dreams are dreams in which a person becomes aware that they are dreaming. They are different from ordinary dreams, not just because of the dreamer's awareness that they are dreaming, but because lucid dreams are often strikingly realistic and may be emotionally charged to the point of elation. Celia Green and Charles McCreery have written a unique introduction to lucid dreams that will appeal to the specialist and general reader alike. The authors explore the experience of lucid dreaming, relate (...)
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  49. Early Developments in Joint Action.Celia A. Brownell - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (2):193-211.
    Joint action, critical to human social interaction and communication, has garnered increasing scholarly attention in many areas of inquiry, yet its development remains little explored. This paper reviews research on the growth of joint action over the first 2 years of life to show how children become progressively more able to engage deliberately, autonomously, and flexibly in joint action with adults and peers. It is suggested that a key mechanism underlying the dramatic changes in joint action over the second year (...)
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    Hobbes on rebellious groups.Jerónimo Rilla - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (1):1-16.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we deal with Hobbes’s elucidation of the political conflict caused by rebellious groups. First of all, we attempt to prove that groups are important characters in Hobbesian antagonisms. Secondly, it will be argued that the isomorphic structure that underlies all associations is vital to account for these disputes. To wit, the fact that minor corporate bodies are ‘similar’ vis à vis the State leaves a lengthy flank open to rebellion, since this homology may encourage their leaders (...)
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