David Reid [35]Donald Reid [6]Donald Malcolm Reid [5]David A. Reid [3]
Daniel G. Reid [2]D. A. Reid [2]Donald M. Reid [2]D. E. Reid [2]

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  1.  24
    An Evidence-Informed Framework to Promote Mental Wellbeing in Elite Sport.Rosemary Purcell, Vita Pilkington, Serena Carberry, David Reid, Kate Gwyther, Kate Hall, Adam Deacon, Ranjit Manon, Courtney C. Walton & Simon Rice - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Elite athletes, coaches and high-performance staff are exposed to a range of stressors that have been shown to increase their susceptibility to experiencing mental ill-health. Despite this, athletes may be less inclined than the general population to seek support for their mental health due to stigma, perceptions of limited psychological safety within sport to disclose mental health difficulties and/or fears of help-seeking signifying weakness in the context of high performance sport. Guidance on the best ways to promote mental health within (...)
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  2. The Absoluteness of Christianity and the History of Religions.Ernst Troeltsch & David Reid - 1971
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  3.  23
    Whose Pharaohs? Archaeology, Museums, and Egyptian National Identity from Napoleon to World War I.William H. Peck & Donald Malcolm Reid - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):886.
  4.  29
    Adsorption of cobalt on the tenfold surface ofd-Al72Ni11Co17and on the fivefold surface ofi-Al70Pd21Mn9.J. A. Smerdon, J. Ledieu, J. T. Hoeft, D. E. Reid, L. H. Wearing, R. D. Diehl, T. A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross & R. Mcgrath - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (6-8):841-847.
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    The Pendulum as a Vehicle for Transitioning from Classical to Quantum Physics: History, Quantum Concepts, and Educational Challenges.Marianne B. Barnes, James Garner & David Reid - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (4-5):417-436.
  6.  37
    Ethical Challenges in Contemporary FASD Research and Practice.Nina di Pietro, Jantina de Vries, Angelina Paolozza, Dorothy Reid, James N. Reynolds, Amy Salmon, Marsha Wilson, Dan J. Stein & Judy Illes - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (4):726-732.
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    Revealing Structures of Argumentations in Classroom Proving Processes.Christine Knipping & David Reid - 2013 - In Andrew Aberdein & Ian J. Dove (eds.), The Argument of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 119--146.
  8.  52
    Preventing Global Warming: The United States, China, and Intellectual Property.Chris K. Ajemian & David Mchardy Reid - 2010 - Business and Society Review 115 (4):417-436.
    Concerns of intellectual property infringement in China slow the dissemination of clean technology (Cleantech) innovation that could help bring the pace of global warming under control. We use the U.S. post‐World War 2 policy decisions with respect to Japan and Europe (the Marshall Plan) to show how this problem can be addressed. To help Japan become a western style democracy and stem the tide of communism, the U.S. transferred much of its extant intellectual property to Japan with a promise to (...)
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    Prefrontal Cortex Activity during Dual Task Performance: A Functional Neuroimaging Study.Syed Hassan, Leandro Bonetti, Kara Patterson, Deryk Beal, Anthony Ruocco & Darlene Reid - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  10. Dictionary of Paul and His Letters.Gerald F. Hawthorne, Ralph P. Martin & Daniel G. Reid - 1993
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    Cairo University and the Making of Modern Egypt.James Jankowski & Donald Malcolm Reid - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (2):310.
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    Low-energy electron diffraction study of an aperiodic thin film of Cu on 5-fold i-Al-Pd-Mn.K. Pussi, D. E. Reid, N. Ferralis, R. McGrath, T. A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross & R. D. Diehl - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (13-15):2103-2110.
  13. Dictionary of Christianity in America.Daniel G. Reid - 1989
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  14. Enaction: An Incomplete Paradigm for Consciousness Science. Review of “Enaction: Toward a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science” edited by John Stewart, Olivier Gapenne and Ezequiel A. Di Paolo.D. A. Reid - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 7 (1):81-83.
    Upshot: According to its introduction, the aim of Enaction is to “present the paradigm of enaction as a framework for a far-reaching renewal of cognitive science as a whole.” While many of the chapters make progress towards this aim, the book as a whole does not present enactivism as a coherent framework, and it could be argued that enactivism’s embrace of phenomenology means it is no longer a theory of cognition.
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    François furet and the future of a disillusionment1.Donald Reid - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (2):193-216.
  16.  60
    Indigenous Egyptology: The Decolonization of a Profession?Donald M. Reid - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):233-246.
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    In memoriam: Jan Swyngedouw (1935–2012).David Reid - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 39 (2):401-402.
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  18.  21
    Japanese Christians and the ancestors.David Reid - 1989 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 16 (4):259-283.
  19.  10
    Michelle Zancarini-Fournel, Les Luttes et les rêves. Une histoire populaire de la France de 1685 à nos jours.Donald Reid - 2019 - Clio 49:296-299.
    Lorsque j’effectuais mes recherches sur les mineurs de Decazeville au début des années 1980, j’eus une longue conversation un soir, avec mes hôtes, à propos de leurs exemplaires usés de L’Histoire de la France contemporaine 1789-1981 en huit volumes, publiée aux Éditions sociales. Cette conversation m’est revenue à l’esprit en lisant Les Luttes et les Rêves. Une histoire populaire de la France de 1685 à nos jours. Peut-être les petits-enfants de mes hôtes ont-ils hérité de ces livres ; j’espè...
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  20. Observations on an Observer's Attachment to the Idea of Reality.D. A. Reid - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (1):9-10.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “Arguments Opposing the Radicalism of Radical Constructivism” by Gernot Saalmann. First paragraph: As Maturana has often reminded us, everything said is said by an observer. What I say here I say as an observer and reflects who I am, what I can perceive and what sense I am prepared to make of that. Similarly, what Gernot Saalmann says in his article is said by an observer and reflects who he is, what he can (...)
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  21.  30
    Partnership in teacher training: Mentors' constructs of their role.David Reid & Lynn Jones - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (2):263-276.
    Secondary school teachers, trained as empowered mentors, were asked about their new role 2 years after the introduction of school-based initial teacher training. Kelly's repertory grid encouraged the development of personal constructs. The mentors demonstrated deep structure constructs which would not have been easily recognised by university tutors making relatively brief school visits. It is concluded that the mentors have reached a stage where continued experience in the role will not, per se, lead to improved skills. A number of tensions (...)
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  22. Proceedings of the 1978 tokyo meeting of the conference-international-de-sociologie-religieuse-discussion session-1.D. Reid - 1979 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6 (1-2):115-119.
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    Reflections a Response to Professors Yanagawa and Abe.David Reid - 1983 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 10 (4):309-315.
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    Régis Debray's quest: From France to Bolivia and back.Donald Reid - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (6):839-862.
  25.  25
    Reflections on the path to understanding in religious studies.David Reid - 1986 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 13 (2/3):147-155.
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    Remembering the dead: Change in Protestant Christian tradition through contact with Japanese cultural tradition.David Reid - 1981 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 8 (1-2):9-33.
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    Social history goes to class.Donald Reid - 2001 - History and Theory 40 (3):393–400.
  28.  19
    Spatial Involvement and Teacher‐Pupil Interaction Patterns in School Biology Laboratories.David J. Reid - 1980 - Educational Studies 6 (1):31-41.
  29. Summary of Discussion Session 1.David Reid - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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  30.  21
    Secularization theory and Japanese Christianity: The case of the Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan.David Reid - 1979 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6 (1-2):347-378.
  31. The desired control measure and adjustment among the elderly.David W. Reid & Michael Ziegler - 1981 - In Herbert M. Lefcourt (ed.), Research with the locus of control construct. New York: Academic Press. pp. 1--127.
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  32.  25
    The Jews of Modern Egypt, 1914-1952.Donald Malcolm Reid, Gudrun Krämer & Gudrun Kramer - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):170.
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    Ève Meuret-Campfort, Lutter “comme les mecs”. Le genre du militantisme ouvrier dans une usine de femmes.Donald Reid - 2023 - Clio 57.
    Comme les meilleures micro-histoires, Lutter “comme les mecs” d’Ève Meuret-Campfort s’appuie sur une étude de cas – une usine avec une main-d’œuvre exclusivement féminine – pour révéler ce que les théories sociales – ici du capital militant et de la conscience de classe – considérées dans leur universalité (implicitement masculine) ne peuvent pas révéler. Lutter “comme les mecs”, expression qu’Ève Meuret-Campfort emprunte à l’une des ouvrières, adopte une approche intersectionnelle, non pas p...
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    Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology. 2: The Golden Age: 1881–1914. By Jason Thompson.Donald Malcolm Reid - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2).
    Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology. 2: The Golden Age: 1881–1914. By Jason Thompson. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2015. Pp. xiv + 374. $39.95.
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    Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology, vol. 3: From 1914 to the Twenty-First Century. By Jason Thompson.Donald Malcolm Reid - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (3).
    Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology, vol. 3: From 1914 to the Twenty-First Century. By Jason Thompson. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2018. Pp. xvii + 598.
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    A thoughtful life: essay[s] in philosophical theology: a fests[c]hrift for Rev Profes[s]or Harry Wardlaw.Harry Wardlaw, Ian Weeks & Duncan Reid (eds.) - 2006 - Adelaide: ATF Press.
    A collection of anecdotes that articulate the inspirations behind the development of the Frank/Suzuki Performance Aesthetics, an actor training system.
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    Book Review: Tamaru Noriyoshi, Muraoka Kū, Miyata Noburu, eds., Nihonjin no shūkyō, Vol. 1: Jōnen no sekai. [REVIEW]David Reid - 1975 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2 (2-3):207-210.
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    Towards a History of Egyptology: Proceedings of the Egyptological Section of the 8th ESHS Conference in London, 2018. Edited by Hana Navratilova, Thomas l. Gertzen, Aidan Dodson, and Andrew Bednarski. [REVIEW]Donald M. Reid - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (1).
    Towards a History of Egyptology: Proceedings of the Egyptological Section of the 8th ESHS Conference in London, 2018. Edited by Hana Navratilova, Thomas l. Gertzen, Aidan Dodson, and Andrew Bednarski. Investigatio Orientis, vol. 4. Münster: Zaphon, 2019. Pp. 304, illus. €79.
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