Results for 'D. Vlissides'

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  1.  39
    Organisms, Agency, and Evolution.D. M. Walsh - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The central insight of Darwin's Origin of Species is that evolution is an ecological phenomenon, arising from the activities of organisms in the 'struggle for life'. By contrast, the Modern Synthesis theory of evolution, which rose to prominence in the twentieth century, presents evolution as a fundamentally molecular phenomenon, occurring in populations of sub-organismal entities - genes. After nearly a century of success, the Modern Synthesis theory is now being challenged by empirical advances in the study of organismal development and (...)
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    Post truth: the new war on truth and how to fight back.Matthew D'Ancona - 2017 - London: Ebury Press.
    Welcome to the Post-Truth era-- a time in which the art of the lie is shaking the very foundations of democracy and the world as we know it. The Brexit vote; Donald Trump's victory; the rejection of climate change science; the vilification of immigrants; all have been based on the power to evoke feelings and not facts. So what does it all mean and how can we champion truth in in a time of lies and 'alternative facts'? In this eye-opening (...)
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  3. Media and Moral Education: a philosophy of critical engagement.Laura D'olimpio - 2017 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Media and Moral Education demonstrates that the study of philosophy can be used to enhance critical thinking skills, which are sorely needed in today’s technological age. It addresses the current oversight of the educational environment not keeping pace with rapid advances in technology, despite the fact that educating students to engage critically and compassionately with others via online media is of the utmost importance. -/- D’Olimpio claims that philosophical thinking skills support the adoption of an attitude she calls critical perspectivism, (...)
  4.  68
    Mind, Meaning, and Reality: Essays in Philosophy.D. H. Mellor - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Mind, Meaning, and Reality presents fifteen philosophical papers in which D. H. Mellor explores some of the most intriguing questions in philosophy. These include: what determines what we think, and what we use language to mean; how that depends on what there is in the world and why there is only one universe; and the nature of time.
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    (1 other version)The Concept of Prayer.D. Z. Phillips - 1965 - Routledge.
    Many contemporary philosophers assume that, before one can discuss prayer, the question of whether there is a God or not must be settled. In this title, first published in 1965, D. Z. Phillips argues that to understand prayer is to understand what is meant by the reality of God. Beginning by placing the problem of prayer within a philosophical context, Phillips goes on to discuss such topics as prayer and the concept of talking, prayer and dependence, superstition and the concept (...)
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    Ceux qui acceptent des Idées de toutes choses.Pieter D’Hoine - 2010 - Philosophie Antique 10:227-254.
    Chez les commentateurs platoniciens de l’époque impériale, l’un des problèmes majeurs liés à la théorie des Idées concernait le domaine d’application de cette doctrine. L’exégèse de la première partie du Parménide de Platon donnait occasion à diverses discussions sur ce sujet. Le Commentaire de Proclus sur le Parménide est sans doute la plus précieuse source qui soit parvenue de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nous pour la reconstitution de ces débats. Alors que la grande majorité des commentateurs anciens étaient convaincus que les Idées (...)
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  7.  28
    Cognitive Synonymy.D. Goldstick - 1980 - Dialectica 34 (3):183-203.
    SummaryThe crux of Quine's argument against synonymy— and therewith for a version of pragmatism, and independent/y against mentalism — is his challenge to the other side to explain the behavioural difference between the disposition to employ two predicates, say, interchangeably because of habitually “believing“ them coextensive, and the disposition to do so because of “meaning” the same by each. Since synonymy is taught behaviourally, the distinction in question must make a difference behaviourally, but not necessarily one explainable wholly non‐mentalistically. The (...)
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  8.  33
    What's Wrong with Wishful Thinking? “Manifesting” as an Epistemic Vice.Laura D'Olimpio - forthcoming - Educational Theory.
    The popular trend of manifesting involves supposedly making something happen by imagining it and consciously thinking it will happen in order to will it into existence. In this paper Laura D'Olimpio explains why manifesting is a form of wishful thinking and argues that it is an epistemic vice. She describes how such wishful thinking generally, and manifesting in particular, are epistemically problematic in the ways they obstruct the attainment of knowledge. She further adds that manifesting leaves the epistemic agent vulnerable (...)
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    Entre l’homme obligé et l’homme capable : la responsabilité de l’entrepreneur social. Éléments de réflexion phénoménologique.Emmanuel D'Hombres & Didier Chabanet - 2020 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 20 (2):105-130.
    L’entreprenariat social nous engage dans deux formes de responsabilité, l’une obligataire, qui ressortit au registre juridique et moral, l’autre mondaine ou cosmologique, qui ressortit au registre de l’action et de la création. La pratique entrepreneuriale en tant que telle honore prioritairement la responsabilité cosmologique, tandis que la dimension sociale de cette pratique réfère, quant à elle, au caractère obligataire. Dans cet article, nous proposons de revenir sur la généalogie de ces deux acceptions fondamentales de la responsabilité, qui ont trouvé dans (...)
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  10.  21
    The Soul and the Virtues in Proclus’ Commentary on the Republic of Plato.D. Gregory MacIsaac - 2009 - Philosophie Antique 9:115-143.
    Dans la septième dissertation de son Commentaire sur la République de Platon, Proclus fournit les éléments d’une philosophie politique néoplatonicienne très structurée. Fidèle, de façon générale, à la description platonicienne de l’âme tripartite et des quatre vertus cardinales, il introduit cependant d’importantes nuances dans cette théorie. L’idée de la prédominance d’une partie de l’âme sur une autre et l’idée de « vies mixtes » où deux parties de l’âme prédominent en même temps élargissent la description platonicienne des différents types poli­tiques. (...)
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  11.  20
    Rationalities in history: a Weberian essay in comparison.D. L. D'Avray - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Rationalities in history, the distinguished historian David d'Avray writes a new comparative history in the spirit of Max Weber. In a strikingly original reassessment of seminal Weberian ideas, d'Avray applies value rationality to the comparative history of religion and the philosophy of law. Integrating theories of rational choice, anthropological reflections on relativism, and the recent philosophy of rationality with Weber's conceptual framework, d'Avray seeks to disengage 'rationalisation' from its enduring association with Western 'modernity.' This mode of analysis is contextualised (...)
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  12.  34
    Can a Thought's Whole Subject-Matter Be Itself? The Case of Pain.D. Goldstick - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (1):139-145.
    RésuméLa croyance que l'on est (ou pas) dans un état de douleur est singulière en ceci qu'elle semble pouvoir être qualifiée d'infaillibilité ou d'incorrigibilité logique, de même que le cogito. Mais comment se peut-il que l'existence d'une croyance (vraie) et l'existence du fait qui est l'objet de cette croyance puisssent constituer la même existence? Je propose ici une réponse à cette question. Parfois, une croyance peut être un désir.
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    Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action by Wayne Wu (review).Diego D'Angelo - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):734-735.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action by Wayne WuDiego D’AngeloWU, Wayne. Movements of the Mind. A Theory of Attention, Intention and Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. 257 pp. Cloth, $80.00Wayne Wu presented a theory of attention as selection-for-action in 2014. According to this theory, given a behavioral space in which the agent has multiple inputs and outputs to choose from, attention involves (...)
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  14.  27
    Educating the Rational Emotions: An Affective Response to Extremism.Laura D'Olimpio - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (3):394-412.
    Educating against extremism doesn't just involve seeking to prevent individuals from becoming extremists or radicalized, although that, of course, is a significant concern. There is also an important role for education in teaching the rest of us, the general populace, the best way to react and respond when we learn of a terrorist attack or consider the potential risk of violent extremism in our community, or even worldwide, given we are connected globally via technology. In this article, Laura D'Olimpio argues (...)
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    Philosophy of Science: Between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities.Antonio Piccolomini D’Aragona, Martin Carrier, Roger Deulofeu, Axel Gelfert, Jens Harbecke, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Lara Huber, Peter Hucklenbroich, Ludger Jansen, Elizaveta Kostrova, Keizo Matsubara, Anne Sophie Meincke, Andrea Reichenberger, Kian Salimkhani & Javier Suárez (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This broad and insightful book presents current scholarship in important subfields of philosophy of science and addresses an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary readership. It groups carefully selected contributions into the four fields of I) philosophy of physics, II) philosophy of life sciences, III) philosophy of social sciences and values in science, and IV) philosophy of mathematics and formal modeling. Readers will discover research papers by Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Keizo Matsubara, Kian Salimkhani, Andrea Reichenberger, Anne Sophie Meincke, Javier Suárez, Roger Deulofeu, Ludger Jansen, (...)
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    Comments on “On the quantum mechanical superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states”.D. Bedford & D. Wang - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (10):987-988.
    The substance of the authors' disagreement with the views of D. Gutkowski and M. V. Valdes Franco is presented.
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  17. The reign of arcadius in Eunapius' histories.D. F. Buck - 1998 - Byzantion 68 (1):15-46.
    L'A. étudie le récit d'Eunapius concernant le règne d'Arcadius à partir de la mort de Théodose en 395 jusqu'en 404. Eunapius de Sarde est un sophiste, un philosophe et un historien grec païen qui a vécu de 347 à environ 414 ; il est un exemple de la rédaction helléniste et son travail peut être classé dans la fiction historique. Il s'oppose aux changements politiques, sociaux, économiques et religieux du 4e siècle ainsi qu'aux régimes de Constantin et Théodose. Son héros (...)
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  18. Morfologie del rapporto parti/tutto: totalità e complessità nelle filosofie dell'età moderna.Giuseppe D'Anna, Edoardo Massimilla, Francesco Piro, Manuela Sanna & Francesco Toto (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
    CONTENTS: -/- SEZIONE I IL TUTTO E' UNO? IL RISVEGLIO DI UN PROBLEMA TRA SCOLASTICA E RINASCIMENTO Il principio omne causatum est compositum fra Tommaso e Cajetano Igor Agostini, p. 25 Parti e tutto in Montaigne. La natura e l'individuo tra frammentazione e integrazione Raffaele Carbone 45 Le minuzzarie e il tutto. Giordano bruno e la conoscenza universale Maurizio Cambi 75 -/- SEZIONE II A PARTIRE DA CARTESIO. COME PUO' ESSERE UN TUTTO L'UOMO? -/- Mente/Corpo in Cartesio. Spunti per un'interpretazione (...)
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  19.  11
    Pijariurniq. Performances et rituels inuit de la première fois.Bernard Saladin D'Anglure - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans ÉTUDES/INUIT/STUDIES, 24, no 2, 2000, p. 89-113. Québec : Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval. Nous remercions Bernard Saladin d'Anglure de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : Les rites inuit de la première fois, qui célèbrent les premières performances effectuées par les enfants et les adolescents inuit, ont été souvent mentionnés par les ethnographes de l'Arctique mais jamais véritablement analysés comme « séquence cérémonielle », pour - Anthropologie.
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    Socrates in love: the making of a philosopher.Armand D’Angour - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Socrates: the philosopher whose questioning gave birth to the foundations of Western thought, and whose execution marked the end of the Athenian Golden Age. Yet despite his pre-eminence among the great thinkers of history, little of his life story is known. What we know tends to begin in his middle age and end with his trial and death. Our conception of Socrates has relied upon Plato and Xenophon--men who met him when he was in his fifties, a well-known figure in (...)
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  21.  19
    La critique hégélienne de la métaphysique.Jacques D'hondt - 1993 - Revue de Synthèse 114 (2):193-211.
    Hegel est parfois tenu pour un métaphysicien, à l’encontre de son propre sentiment. Il s’est pourtant livré à une critique constante, minutieuse et acerbe de la métaphysique en laquelle il ne voyait qu’un prolongement de la manière de penser primitive et naïve. Les hommes ne saisissent d’abord que métaphysiquement la réalité objective qui se présente à eux. Intégrant à sa propre logique spéculative des éléments de la métaphysique éclatée, mais se rattachant luimême surtout à la critique kantienne, il tente de (...)
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  22.  15
    Visages du dharma.Silvia D'Intino & Christèle Barois (eds.) - 2023 - [Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
    Parmi les 'but de l'homme' (puruṣārtha) qui orientent la vie humaine dans le monde indien, le dharma occupe une position très élevée, au-dessus de 'l'intérêt' (artha) et du 'désir' (kāma), respectivement la sphère du pouvoir (politique, économique, social) et celle de l'amour (y compris les passions et les plaisirs de la vie). Enfin, le dharma englobe le quatrième et ultime but de l'homme, la 'délivrance' (moksa). Le caractère normatif du dharma fixe la place de chacun dans la société, par l'exercice (...)
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    Deux théories stoïciennes des affections préliminaires.Olivier D’Jeranian - 2014 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:225-257.
    À partir du témoignage de Sénèque et d’Épictète, le présent article vise à montrer comment les stoïciens rendent compte des réactions involontaires à partir de leur propre psychologie de l’action. Les références faites à Zénon et les allusions à Chrysippe prouvent qu’une théorie des « affections préliminaires » existait dès les débuts du Portique. Le fragment 9 d’Épictète et l’ouverture du deuxième livre du De Ira sont ainsi interprétés comme deux versions concurrentes se rapportant à deux théories subtilement différentes. À (...)
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  24.  42
    Adolescent Decisionmaking, Part I: Introduction.D. Micah Hester - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):300.
    This CQ department is dedicated to bringing noted bioethicsts together in order to debate some of the most perplexing contemporary bioethics issues. You are encouraged to contact department editor, D. Micah Hester, UAMS/Humanities, 4301 W. Markham St. #646, Little Rock, AR 72205, with any suggestions for debate topics and interlocutors you would like to see published herein.
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    A Catholic Philosophy of Education: The Church and Two Philosophers.Mario O. D'Souza - 2016 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Today’s pluralist and multicultural society raises questions about how to teach religiously and ethnically diverse students in Catholic schools. A Catholic Philosophy of Education addresses these challenges by examining the documents from the Roman Congregation for Catholic Education alongside the writings of Jacques Maritain and Bernard Lonergan. Mario D’Souza proposes a contemporary formulation for a Catholic philosophy of education in which the ideals of Catholicism form the basis for the mission of the Catholic school. Drawing on the Church’s educational documents, (...)
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    Dimitri Borisovich Kabalevsky.D. Forrest - unknown
    This article provides a biographical sketch of the Russian composer and educator D. B. Kabalevsky, a discussion of his philosophy of music and education, and an overview of his music for children. Kabalevsky's philosophy of education and music encompassed a wide range of ideas that were developed over his life-time. Central to his philosophy is the belief that music and the arts should be accessible to all children and, in turn, to all people.
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  27. Not to Avoid But Legitimize: Why the Gap Could Be Natural For the Enactive World.D. Gasparyan - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):356-358.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Never Mind the Gap: Neurophenomenology, Radical Enactivism, and the Hard Problem of Consciousness” by Michael D. Kirchhoff & Daniel D. Hutto. Upshot: I show that the gap problem is of no threat to the enactivist approach; moreover, if the enactivism model is thoroughly thought over through extending ontology, it may turn out that the gap should be naturally built in the wholeness of the world at the level of its self-cognition.
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    Rationality is hard work: An alternative interpretation of the disruptive effects of thinking about reasons.D. Lynn Holt - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (3):251 – 266.
    Recent experimental work by T.D. Wilson et al. indicates that a consequence of asking subjects to reflect on their attitudes is that they not only reduce the consistency between their attitudes and behavior, but they perform actions which they come to regret. Wilson interprets this work via intra-psychic concepts, and arrives at the conclusion that it is rational to avoid deliberating about a wide range of attitudes and behaviors. This consequence has objectionable implications for philosophical theories of deliberative practical rationality. (...)
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  29.  3
    Netflicks: conceptual television in the streaming era.Tony Hughes-D'Aeth - 2024 - Crawley, Western Australia: UWA Publishing.
    It seemed to happen overnight. Not long ago, we were all watching television, and now we are watching something else. Television stations have been replaced by streaming services. Well, not quite replaced, since we still have televisions, but somehow our television screens are not quite what they were. In Netflicks: Conceptual Television in the Streaming Era Tony Hughes-d'Aeth critically considers how our viewing habits, and television shows themselves, have changed over time. This book is about television in the streaming age (...)
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  30.  27
    Phidias and Cicero, Brutus 70.D. C. Innes - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (02):470-.
    Phidias’ absence from the survey of sculptors in Cic. Brut. 70 is curious, explanation in terms of differing histories of sculpture only partly convincing. I suggest that Cicero has valid literary motives and is wittily undermining the Atticist position by adaptation of what was a rhetorical topos, the parallel development of Greek prose and sculpture from archaic spareness to classical expertise and dignity: see Dem. Eloc. 14, D. H. Isoc. 3, p.59 U-R; more elaborate but partly deriving from Cicero and (...)
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    Fifty is a Good Age for a Journal.Jean D’Ormesson - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):3-6.
    This is a transcription of Jean d’Ormesson’s speech at UNESCO at the 50th anniversary celebrations of Diogenes in 2003. He describes the journal’s origins, inspirations and editors, and the unique place it occupies in the promotion of international, interdisciplinary scholarship.
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  32. Not-Quite-So Radical Enactivism.D. Lloyd - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):361-363.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Never Mind the Gap: Neurophenomenology, Radical Enactivism, and the Hard Problem of Consciousness” by Michael D. Kirchhoff & Daniel D. Hutto. Upshot: Enactivism is a welcome development in cognitive science, but its “radical” rejection of representation poses problems for capturing phenomenality. The totality of our interactions exceeds our awareness, so circumscribing the activity that constitutes consciousness seems to require representational guidance.
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    Frank Ramsey: a biography.D. H. Mellor - unknown
    The article is derived from the accompanying radio portrait. It was published in 1995 in Philosophy 70, 243-262, and is reproduced here by permission of the Editor. Page numbers after quotations from Ramsey refer to F. P. Ramsey: Philosophical Papers, edited by D. H. Mellor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
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  34. Explaining altruistic behavior in humans.D. M. Messick - unknown
    Recent experimental research has revealed forms of human behavior involving interaction among unrelated individuals that have proven difficult to explain in terms of kin or reciprocal altruism. One such trait, strong reciprocity is a predisposition to cooperate with others and to punish those who violate the norms of cooperation, at personal cost, even when it is implausible to expect that these costs will be repaid. We present evidence supporting strong reciprocity as a schema for predicting and understanding altruism in humans. (...)
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    An Unnoticed Error in Hume's Treatise.D. W. D. Owen - 1975 - Hume Studies 1 (2):76-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:76 AN UNNOTICED ERROR IN HUME'S TREATISE "...the conformity between love and hatred in the agreeableness of their sensation makes them always be excited by the same objects..." Treatise, Book II, Part II, Sec. X. This passage from Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature is taken from the first edition of 1739. It can also be found in the Everyman Edition, the editions of Selby-Bigge Mossner, and Green and (...)
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    Gravitation and electromagnetism.D. Pandres - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (5-6):421-430.
    We obtain a general relativistic unification of gravitation and electromagnetism by simply(1) restricting the metric so that it admits an orthonormal tetrad representation in which the spacelike vectors are curl-free, and(2) identifying the timelike vector as the potential for an electromagnetic field whose only sources are singularities. It follows that: (A) The energy density is everywhere nonnegative, (B) the space is flat if and only if the electromagnetic field vanishes, (C) the vector potential (through which all curvature enters) admits no (...)
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  37.  22
    Psychologie scientifique et psychologie philosophique.D. H. Salman - 1967 - Dialogue 6 (2):181-201.
    L'essai de Piaget est de ceux qu'on ne peut négliger, car il pose en termes lucides et incisifs l'un des problèmes essentiels de la philosophie. Ses conclusions sont nettes, et il faudra bien que l'on prenne position à leur égard. Il nous semble pourtant que l'on pourrait discerner dans ses propos deux conclusions distinctes, et qu'il ne serait dès lors pas impossible d'en accepter l'une sans pour autant souscrire à l'autre. La séparation des deux thèmes devrait en tout cas clarifier (...)
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    Commentaires politiques.Thomas D'Aquin - 2018 - Paris: Artège Lethielleux. Edited by Michel Nodé-Langlois & Thomas.
    Commentaire sur les Sentences de Pierre le Lombard (Selections) -- Commentaire de douze livres de la Métaphysique d'Aristote (Selection) -- Commentaire des dix livres de l'Éthique à Nicomaque d'Aristote (Selections) -- Commentaire des huit livres de la Politique d'Aristote, ou Traité de la vie civile (Selections) -- Commentaires de l'Écriture. Sur Mt 20, 24-26 ; Mt 22, 15-22 ; Rm 13, 1-7 ; Jn 8, 3-11.
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    The units of experimental taxonomy.D. H. Valentine - 1949 - Acta Biotheoretica 9 (1-2):75-88.
    Recent definitions of the botanical terms ecotype, ecospecies and coenospecies are briefly reviewed. Examples of ecospecies are discussed and the following new definitions are proposed: Groups with the same chromosome number between which there are well-defined morphological, ecological and geographical differences and which, under artifical or natural conditions are capable of only limited gene-exchange. Groups with different chromosome numbers between which there are well-defined ecological and geographical differences and which are capable of only limited gene-exchange. Groups forming genetically distinct components (...)
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    An allusion to the Kaisereid in Tacitus Annals 1.42?D. Wardle - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):609-.
    Tacitus gives lavish treatment to the mutiny of the German legions in the aftermath of Augustus' death in a.d. 14 and provides an excellent centrepiece in a speech by Germanicus to the troops of the Lower German army at Ara Ubiorum . After the harsh treatment of a delegation from Rome, Germanicus responded to requests that he send Agrippina and Caligula to safety. As the family was leaving the camp the troops surrounded Germanicus, who moved them to repentance by his (...)
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    Caligula and the Client Kings.D. Wardle - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (02):437-.
    What happened in the aftermath of Caligula's assassination in January A.d. 41 in relation to the client kings of the period has been the subject of a stimulating note by A. A. Barrett. He has argued that a rescission of Caligula's acta invalidated the legal position of the client kings appointed by Caligula, and that Claudius’ regularising of their position has been misunderstood by the ancient literary sources and has given rise to several apparent inconsistencies in their accounts.
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    Valerius Maximus on the Domus Augusta, Augustus, and Tiberius.D. Wardle - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (02):479-.
    Valerius Maximus’ Facta et dicta memorabilia provide an opportunity of seeing how an undistinguished talent responded to the demise of the republic and the establishment of an imperial system. Fergus Millar has argued that we should view Valerius as a contemporary of Ovid, that is as an author influenced by the last years of Augustus and writing in the early years of Tiberius’ reign, but the internal evidence of Facta et dicta memorabilia better fits publication in the early 30s a.d. (...)
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    Haurire, Haustus (Lucr. 5. 1069).D. A. West - 1965 - Classical Quarterly 15 (02):271-.
    The primary meaning of haurire is ‘to take by scooping, to draw’, and it is used of liquids and of solids which pour. The first section of this paper will try to show that this meaning is frequent and sometimes missed by the commentators. The second section will trace the development of other meanings showing that this root is not applied to drinking and swallowing, except metaphorically, until well into the first century A.D., except once in Livy.
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    De l'âme, VII, 1-9.Guillaume D'Auvergne, William & Jean-Baptiste Brenet - 1998 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Jean-Baptiste Brenet.
    Ne vers 1180 a Aurillac, mort le 30 mars 1249, Guillaume d'Auvergne est nomme eveque de Paris des 1228. Son oeuvre est contemporaine de la querelle de l'aristotelisme qui gagne la faculte de theologie, et du bouleversement de l'histoire theorique qui l'accompagne. Quelle est la cause efficiente de la pensee? D'ou vient l'intelligible necessairement present dans l'ame qui pense? C'est a cela que repondent les neuf premieres parties du chapitre sept du De anima, ecrit vers 1240. La noetique de Guillaume (...)
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  45. Tatianus and the basilica of Menas.D. Woods - 1995 - Byzantion 65 (2):467-474.
    L'Encomium copte sur saint Ménas fait partie de ces sources hagiographiques négligées et pourtant capitales lorsqu'il s'agit de reconstituer une étape de l'histoire religieuse de la région. Cet Encomium, attribué à Jean évêque d'Alexandrie, contient un récit des diverses étapes de la construction du grand sanctuaire de saint Ménas dans la région du lac Maréotis en Egypte. Ce récit éclaire la lutte entre les factions religieuses orthodoxe et arienne vers le milieu du IVe siècle. Il semble que c'est Lucius, l'évêque (...)
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    Philosophy in a New Key: A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite and Art. [REVIEW]R. D. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):165-165.
    Originally published in 1942, this widely read book appears now in its third edition. In a brief prefatory note, Mrs. Langer describes it as "frankly a prelude to Feeling and Form," her more recent book on aesthetics, which, she indicates, may itself eventually prove to be a prelude to a more comprehensive work which will include ethical problems in its scope.--D. R.
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    The Division of Physiological Labour : The Desuetude of a Recurrent Concept in Biology (1830-1900). [REVIEW]Emmanuel D’Hombres - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:29-51.
    La division du travail physiologique est un concept tombé en désuétude en biologie. Quand l’expression est employée, c’est sans égard pour sa fonction nomologique importante dans la biologie du second xixe. Nous analyserons l’importation de la division du travail de l’économie à la biologie, malgré les difficultés de validation que posait son transfert d’une science à l’autre. La notion a ainsi continué sa carrière dans une biologie gagnée à la théorie cellulaire, cependant que ses déterminations économiques perdaient leur pertinence. Nous (...)
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  48. Tulane Studies in Philosophy, Vol. XI: Studies in Social Philosophy. [REVIEW]D. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):810-810.
    Five essays of which two deserve special mention: Edward Ballard's survey and interpretation of the problem of intersubjectivity in Husserl, showing Husserl's place in the heritage of Kant, and a critical presentation by Andrew Reck of the social philosophy of Elijah Jordan. The other essays are: "The Impact of Science on Society," by James K. Feibleman; "The Social Import of Empiricism," by Paul G. Morison; and "The Case for Sociocracy," by Robert C. Whittemore. Careless printing proves distracting.--C. D.
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    Alcibiades I. [REVIEW]D. J. B. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):817-817.
    The Platonic School regarded the Alcibiades I as the most suitable introduction to Plato. Proclus' wideranging discussion includes later Neoplatonism as well as questions of Aristotelian logic. O'Neill's translation is always readable and his commentary helpful without being fussy.—D. J. B.
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    Five Philosophers. [REVIEW]D. J. B. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):822-822.
    This is a standard selection of readings taken from Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, and James. The introduction and commentary are not sufficient to distinguish this anthology from similar introductions—D. J. B.
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