Results for 'Danielle Lorris'

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  1. Phénoménologie et politique.Danielle Lorris & Bernard Stevens - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (2):263-263.
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    Realizing Reason: A Narrative of Truth and Knowing.Danielle Macbeth - 2014 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Danielle Macbeth offers a new account of mathematical practice as a mode of inquiry into objective truth, and argues that understanding the nature of mathematical practice provides us with the resources to develop a radically new conception of ourselves and our capacity for knowledge of objective truth.
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  3. Introduction : bringing the subject of human rights into focus.Danielle Celermajer & Alexandre Lefebvre - 2020 - In Danielle Celermajer & Alexandre Lefebvre (eds.), The subject of human rights. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
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    The Opinion of Mankind: Sociability and the Theory of the State from Hobbes to Smith by Paul Sagar.Danielle Charette - 2019 - Hume Studies 42 (1):248-251.
    Paul Sagar's The Opinion of Mankind serves as an excellent synthesis of the topics of sociability and sovereignty in the history of modern political thought. The main thrust of the book is to marshal David Hume's and Adam Smith's resources as first-rate philosophers on behalf of a first-rate political theory. According to Sagar, Hume's and Smith's rich accounts of human sociability, sentiment, and historical contingency provide the foundations for what Sagar calls "the state without sovereignty". By this, he means that (...)
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    Une élégante solution au problème des longitudes: les horloges marines de Ferdinand Berthoud.Danielle Fauque - 1986 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 39 (4):345-350.
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    Situating Democracy and Social Ethics: Exploring the Value and Limitations of Addams’s Philosophic-Activism.Danielle Lake - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (1):119-127.
    i begin my response to Jane Addams's Evolutionary Theorizing by first noting that I have been studying Jane Addams as a resource for social change off and on for over fifteen years. Despite this prior study, Fischer's newest volume unveiled an array of insights and relevant strategies for engaging in philosophic-activism I had yet to fully uncover and articulate. I also want to begin by noting that I engaged this text with a particular lens and set of goals in mind: (...)
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    Inferentialism and holistic role abstraction in the telling of tales.Danielle Macbeth - 2005 - European Journal of Philosophy 13 (3):409–420.
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    Museums and Visual Literacy.Danielle Rice - 1989 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 23 (4):95.
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    The (Re) Production of the Genetically Related Body in Law, Technology and Culture: Mitochondria Replacement Therapy.Danielle Griffiths - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (3):196-209.
    Advances in medicine in the latter half of the twentieth century have dramatically altered human bodies, expanding choices around what we do with them and how they connect to other bodies. Nowhere is this more so than in the area of reproductive technologies. Reproductive medicine and the laws surrounding it in the UK have reconfigured traditional boundaries surrounding parenthood and the family. Yet culture and regulation surrounding RTs have combined to try to ensure that while traditional boundaries may be pushed, (...)
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  10.  53
    Diagrammatic Reasoning in Euclid’s Elements.Danielle Macbeth - 2010 - In Bart Van Kerkhove, Jean Paul Van Bendegem & Jonas De Vuyst (eds.), Philosophical Perspectives on Mathematical Practice. College Publications. pp. 235-267.
  11. Autonomy-Based Reasons for Limitarianism.Danielle Zwarthoed - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (5):1181-1204.
    This paper aims to provide autonomy-based reasons in favour of limitarianism. Limitarianism affirms it is of primary moral importance that no one gets too much. The paper challenges the standard assumption that having more material resources always increases autonomy. It expounds five mechanisms through which having too much material wealth might undermine autonomy. If these hypotheses are true, a theory of justice guided by a concern for autonomy will support a limitarian distribution of wealth. Finally, the paper discusses two issues (...)
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  12. Remarks on aesthetic intentionality: Husserl or Kant.Danielle Lories - 2006 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14 (1):31-49.
    It is sometimes claimed that Husserl's writings provide an inspiration for considering art today. More specifically we ask here whether Husserl's description of aesthetic attitude is rich and original. The comparisons he draws between the aesthetic attitude and the phenomenological attitude always aim to clarify the phenomenological attitude and thus take it for granted that the typical features of the aesthetic attitude are well known. In this way Husserl presupposes and retrieves the teaching of Kant, although in certain working notes (...)
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  13. Brief Notices.Danielle Jacquart & Agostino Paravicini Bagliani - 2008 - Speculum 83 (2):503.
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    Des sensibles communs dans le 'De anima' d'Aristote.Danielle Lories - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (3):401-420.
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    Logical Analysis, Reduction, and Philosophical Understanding.Danielle Macbeth - 2007 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):475-485.
    Russell’s theory of descriptions in “On Denoting” has long been hailed as a paradigm of the sort of analysis that is constitutiue of philosophical understanding. It is not the only model of logical analysis available to us, however. On Frege’s quite different view, analysis provides not a reduction of some problematic notion to other, unproblematic ones -- as Russell’s analysis does -- but instead a deeper, clearer articulation of the very notion with which we began. This difference, I suggest, is (...)
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  16. Wittgenstein and Brandom on Normativity and Sociality.Danielle Macbeth - 2019 - Disputatio 8 (9).
    In Making It Explicit Brandom distinguishes between, as he puts it, I–We and I–Thou sociality. Only I–Thou sociality, Brandom argues, is adequate to the task of instituting norms relevant to our self–understanding as rational beings because only I–Thou sociality can render intelligible the distinction between how norms are applied and how they ought to be applied —however anyone thinks they ought to be applied. In his Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein defends a version of I–We sociality, one that is not, I argue, (...)
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    Les trois mythologies des,Fastes.Danielle Porte - 1993 - In Fritz Graf (ed.), Mythos in Mythenloser Gesellschaft: Das Paradigma Roms. De Gruyter. pp. 142-157.
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    Michel Braud & Hélène Charpentier (dir.), Adèle, Adèle et Léontine. Journaux de jeunes filles protestantes à la fin du xixe siècle.Danielle Rives - 2012 - Clio 35:274-276.
    La collection consacrée aux « Écrits du for privé des Pays de l’Adour », dirigée par Michel Braud et Maurice Daumas vient de publier les journaux que trois jeunes protestantes béarnaises ont rédigés dans le dernier tiers du xixe siècle : il s’agit d’un journal intime et de récits de voyages par des jeunes filles issues de la bourgeoisie protestante. Elles appartiennent toutes trois à des familles socialement aisées, mais les aléas de l’existence conduisent deux d’entre elles loin du berceau (...)
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  19. Two- and Four-Year-Olds Learn to Adapt Referring Expressions to Context: Effects of Distracters and Feedback on Referential Communication.Danielle Matthews, Jessica Butcher, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (2):184-210.
    Children often refer to things ambiguously but learn not to from responding to clarification requests. We review and explore this learning process here. In Study 1, eighty-four 2- and 4-year-olds were tested for their ability to request stickers from either (a) a small array with one dissimilar distracter or (b) a large array containing similar distracters. When children made ambiguous requests, they received either general feedback or specific questions about which of two options they wanted. With training, children learned to (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethical decision–making: A multidimensional construct.Danielle S. Beu, M. Ronald Buckley & Michael G. Harvey - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (1):88–107.
    Poor ethical decision–making costs industry billions of dollars a year and damages the images of corporations. Thus, by answering the question ‘Why do individuals behave as they do when confronted with ethical issues?’ ethical theory can provide businesses with a means to create a more ethical climate and a more successful operation. This study tested the Ethical Decision–Making Model with accountability (Beu & Buckley 2001), which uses theory that suggests that ethical behavior is influenced by the individual, the issue, social (...)
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    The Social Value Requirement in Research: From the Transactional to the Basic Structure Model of Stakeholder Obligations.Danielle M. Wenner - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (6):25-32.
    It has long been taken for granted that clinical research involving human subjects is ethical only if it holds out the prospect of producing socially valuable knowledge. Recently, this social value requirement has come under scrutiny, with prominent ethicists arguing that the social value requirement cannot be substantiated as an ethical limit on clinical research, and others attempting to offer new support. In this paper, I argue that both criticisms and existing defenses of the social value requirement are predicated on (...)
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    On the arts and humanities in medical education.Danielle G. Rabinowitz - 2021 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 16 (1):1-5.
    This paper aims to position the birth of the Medical Humanities movement in a greater historical context of twentieth century American medical education and to paint a picture of the current landscape of the Medical Humanities in medical training. It first sheds light on the model of medical education put forth by Abraham Flexner through the publishing of the 1910 Flexner Report, which set the stage for defining physicians as experimentalists and rooting the profession in research institutions. While this paved (...)
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  23. Names, natural kind terms, and rigid designation.Danielle Macbeth - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 79 (3):259 - 281.
  24. “Woke” Corporations and the Stigmatization of Corporate Social Initiatives.Danielle E. Warren - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (1):169-198.
    Recent corporate social initiatives (CSIs) have garnered criticisms from a wide range of audiences due to perceived inconsistencies. Some critics use the label “woke” when CSIs are perceived as inconsistent with the firm’s purpose. Other critics use the label “woke washing” when CSIs are perceived as inconsistent with the firm’s practices or values. I will argue that this derogatory use of woke is stigmatizing, leads to claims of hypocrisy, and can cause stakeholder backlash. I connect this process to our own (...)
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    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis In Health Care.Danielle Dolenc Emery & Lawrence J. Schneiderman - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (4):8-13.
    Cost‐effectiveness analysis (CEA) raises questions that are too important to be left to policy analysts and economists. Those who utilize CEA should acknowledge its inherent value system and adapt it to a more ethical usage.
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    Barriers to Effective Deliberation in Clinical Research Oversight.Danielle M. Wenner - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (3):245-259.
    Ethical oversight of clinical research is one of the primary means of ensuring that human subjects are protected from the natural bias of researchers and research institutions in favor of experimentation. At a minimum, effective oversight should ensure that risks are minimized and reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, protect vulnerable subjects from potential coercion or undue influence, ensure full and informed consent, and promote the equitable distribution of the risks and benefits of research. Because these assessments often involve value (...)
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    The effect of interaction topic and social ties on media choice and the role of four underlying mechanisms.Daniëlle N. M. Bleize, Emiel J. Krahmer, Alexander P. Schouten, Marjolijn L. Antheunis & Emmelyn A. J. Croes - 2018 - Communications 43 (1):47-73.
    This study employed a scenario-based approach whereby participants were asked to choose which communication channel they prefer in certain situations. The first aim was to determine the effect of the topic of interactions and social ties on channel choice. The second aim was to examine the underlying mechanisms in the relation between interaction topic and social ties and channel choice. A questionnaire was administered among 238 participants, who were presented five communication scenarios with topics of low and high intimacy and (...)
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    The Logic of Relations and the Ideality of Space.Danielle MacBeth - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:367-379.
    As Friedman has argued, Kant's argument for the ideality of space turns on the nondeductive character of geometrical reasoning in Euclid's system. Since geometry can be axiomatized, this argument fails. But ("pace" Russell) Leibniz's argument based on the unreality of constitutive relations is not thereby answered as well. I argue that what is needed in response to Leibniz is a properly post-Kantian conception of concepts as inferentially articulated. This conception, I suggest, is based on the same fundamental insight that underlies (...)
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  29. An unsuspected attribute of Darwinism.Danielle Mihram & G. Arthur Mirham - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):35-44.
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    La providence plotinienne, entre éternité et temps.Danielle Montet - 2001 - Philosophie 71 (4):16-29.
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    Préambule.Danielle Moyse - 2010 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 4 (4):286-287.
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    On U.S. Lynching.Danielle Poe - 2007 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 14 (1):88-98.
    This paper considers the philosophical links between remembrance, apology, and reconciliation, as they pertain to Senate Resolution 39, which apologizes to the victims of lynching and their descendants. Although S. Res. 39 is admirable in its attempts to remember the senate’s role in supporting lynching by its failure to enact legislation, the resolution fails as an apology because it does not adequately support reconciliation. An adequate apology would require acts to ameliorate the harms that the past failures created, but S. (...)
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  33. College of Science vs. Main Building: The Kick-off of A Yearlong Energy Conservation Contest.Danielle Rush - 2010 - Scientia: Undergraduate Research Journal for the Sciences University of Notre Dame 1 (1).
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  34. Changing Perspectives: The Science of Psychology.Danielle Rush - 2010 - Scientia: Undergraduate Research Journal for the Sciences University of Notre Dame 2 (1).
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    Frege’s Logic.Danielle Macbeth - 2005 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    The most enlightening examination to date of the developments of Frege's thinking about his logic, this book introduces a new kind of logical language, one that ...
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    The Social Value of Knowledge and International Clinical Research.Danielle M. Wenner - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (2):76-84.
    In light of the growth in the conduct of international clinical research in developing populations, this paper seeks to explore what is owed to developing world communities who host international clinical research. Although existing paradigms for assigning and assessing benefits to host communities offer valuable insight, I criticize their failure to distinguish between those benefits which can justify the conduct of research in a developing world setting and those which cannot. I argue that the justification for human subjects research is (...)
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    The ethics of managing people.Danielle Douglas - 1996 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 5 (3):139–142.
    “Employees have rights by virtue of employment law and the contract of employment. They also have a third right, however: that of being treated with respect…” What this implies is explored here in detail by the Senior Partner of Phoenix Human Resources Consultants, 17 Den Road, Shortlands, Bromley, Kent BR2 ONH. Ms Douglas originally gave this presentation at a meeting of The Ethical Business Forum at London Business School.
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    Viète, Descartes, and the Emergence of Modern Mathematics.Danielle Macbeth - 2004 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 25 (2):87-117.
    François Viète is often regarded as the first modern mathematician on the grounds that he was the first to develop the literal notation, that is, the use of two sorts of letters, one for the unknown and the other for the known parameters of a problem. The fact that he achieved neither a modern conception of quantity nor a modern understanding of curves, both of which are explicit in Descartes’ Geometry, is to be explained on this view “by an incomplete (...)
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    Integrating basic research with prevention/intervention to reduce risky substance use among college students.Danielle M. Dick & Linda C. Hancock - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Lead Essay—Rural Bioethics.Danielle L. Couch & Christopher Mayes - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (2):177-180.
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    Charles Bradford Bow, Dugald Stewart’s Empire of the Mind: Moral Education in the Late Scottish Enlightenment.Danielle Charette - 2024 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 22 (1):73-76.
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  42. Understanding complexity in the human brain.Danielle S. Bassett & Michael S. Gazzaniga - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (5):200.
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    Seeing How It Goes: Paper-and-Pencil Reasoning in Mathematical Practice.Danielle Macbeth - 2012 - Philosophia Mathematica 20 (1):58-85.
    Throughout its long history, mathematics has involved the use ofsystems of written signs, most notably, diagrams in Euclidean geometry and formulae in the symbolic language of arithmetic and algebra in the mathematics of Descartes, Euler, and others. Such systems of signs, I argue, enable one to embody chains of mathematical reasoning. I then show that, properly understood, Frege’s Begriffsschrift or concept-script similarly enables one to write mathematical reasoning. Much as a demonstration in Euclid or in early modern algebra does, a (...)
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    Sexting and mandatory reporting: ethical issues in youth psychotherapy.Danielle Nelson, Tilman Schulte, Wendy Packman & E. L. Bunge - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (3):205-214.
    ABSTRACT Engaging in sexting, such as sending or receiving of sexual words, pictures, or videos via technology, is a common behavior in minors and a rising trend. This study aimed to understand the ethical dilemmas that clinicians face when working with minors that engage in sexting under current mandated reporting standards. For this study, 178 graduate students and licensed clinicians who work with minors in the state of California completed an online survey involving vignettes concerning issues of sexting behaviors in (...)
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  45. Hybrid approaches to peace and justice : the case of post-genocide Rwanda.Danielle Beswick - 2017 - In Rosa Freedman & Nicolas Lemay-Hébert (eds.), Hybridity: law, culture and development. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The State of Behavior Change Techniques in Virtual Reality Rehabilitation of Neurologic Populations.Danielle T. Felsberg, Jaclyn P. Maher & Christopher K. Rhea - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Reading Rorty.Danielle Macbeth - 2020 - In Alan Malachowski (ed.), A companion to Rorty. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 9–23.
    Reading Rorty can be hard, not because his ideas are especially difficult but because they often are, or at least seem on the face of it to be, quite straightforward and yet somehow wrong. But this is very unlikely: Rorty is not a thinker to get straightforward things wrong. We need, then, a plan for reading Rorty. The plan I suggest finds Rorty engaged, at different points, in three fundamentally different sorts of discourse. In this regard Rorty's reflections on truth (...)
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    Intimacy, transcendence, and psychology: Closeness and openness in everyday life.Danielle Meijer - 2009 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 40 (1):109-113.
    (from the jacket) This book addresses the richness and depth of our personal relationships, especially those moments when we come to see ourselves and the other person in a new way. In such moments, Halling argues that we realize that however much we are influenced by heredity and upbringing, we are also agents with the capacity for openness and transcendence. Drawing upon qualitative research and stories, Halling discusses everyday experiences of surprise, including breakthroughs in relationships, disillusionment, and forgiveness, and emphasizes (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Autonomy Education beyond Borders.Danielle Zwarthoed - 2019 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 1 (12):100-120.
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  50. La justice intergénérationnelle.Danielle Zwarthoed - 2017 - In Campagnolo Gilles & Gharbi Jean-Sébastien (eds.), Philosophie économique. Editions Matériologiques. pp. 215-257.
    Résumé: Ce chapitre porte sur les théories de la justice distributive entre générations. La première partie discute trois défis à la possibilité même de parler d’obligations de justice intergénérationnelle : le problème de la non-existence, le problème de la non-identité, la conclusion répugnante. La deuxième partie discute la justification et la définition des obligations de justice à l’égard des générations futures, à partir de trois théories : le suffisantisme, le welfarisme, le principe de juste épargne de Rawls. Cette discussion conclut (...)
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