Results for 'David Farley'

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  1.  46
    The impact of cognitive machines on complex decisions and organizational change.Farley S. Nobre, Andrew M. Tobias & David S. Walker - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (4):365-381.
    Humans and organizations have limitations of computational capacity and information management. Such constraints are synonymous with bounded rationality. Therefore, in order to extend the human and organizational boundaries to more advanced models of cognition, this research proposes concepts of cognitive machines in organizations. From a micro point of view, what makes this research distinct is that, beyond people, it includes in the list of participants of the organization the cognitive machines. From a macro point of view, this paper relies on (...)
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    The classical influence on Cummings - (j.A.) Rosenblitt E.e. Cummings’ modernism and the classics. Each imperishable stanza. Pp. XXII + 370, ills. Oxford: Oxford university press 2016. Cased, £60, us$100. Isbn: 978-0-19-876715-2. [REVIEW]David Farley - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):279-281.
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    Disease in African History: An Introductory Survey and Case StudiesGerald W. Hartwig K. David Patterson.John Farley - 1980 - Isis 71 (1):166-167.
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    Causes and Coincidences.David Owens - 1992 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In an important departure from theories of causation, David Owens proposes that coincidences have no causes, and that a cause is something which ensures that its effects are no coincidence. In Causes and Coincidences, he elucidates the idea of a coincidence as an event which can be analysed into constituent events, the nomological antecedents of which are independent of each other. He also suggests that causal facts can be analysed in terms of non-causal facts, including relations of necessity. Thus, (...)
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    Prospects for a Common Morality.Gene Outka & John P. Reeder (eds.) - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
    This volume centers on debates about how far moral judgments bind across traditions and epochs. Nowadays such debates appear especially volatile, both in popular culture and intellectual discourse: although there is increasing agreement that the moral and political criteria invoked in human rights documents possess cross-cultural force, many modern and postmodern developments erode confidence in moral appeals that go beyond a local consensus or apply outside a particular community. Often the point of departure for discussion is the Enlightenment paradigm of (...)
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  6. The Uses of Experiment.David Gooding, Trevor Pinch & Simon Schaffer - 1992 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 43 (1):99-109.
  7. The Logic of Leviathan. The Moral and Political Theory of Thomas Hobbes.David P. Gauthier - 1971 - Studia Leibnitiana 3 (4):293-296.
  8. Integrating philosophy with anthropology in an approach to morality.David Wong - 2014 - Anthropological Theory 14 (3).
    Philosophy and anthropology need to integrate their accounts of what a morality is. I identify three desiderata that an account of morality should satisfy: (1) it should recognize significant diversity and variation in the major kinds of value, (2) it should specify a set of criteria for what counts as a morality, and (3) it should indicate the basis for distinguishing between more or less justifiable moralities, or true and false moralities. I will discuss why these three desiderata are hard (...)
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    Contrafactives and Learnability: An Experiment with Propositional Constants.David Strohmaier & Simon Wimmer - 2023 - In Daisuke Bekki, Koji Mineshima & Eric McCready (eds.), Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics. Cham: Springer. pp. 67-82.
    Holton has drawn attention to a new semantic universal, according to which no natural language has contrafactive attitude verbs. Because factives are universal across natural languages, Holton’s universal is part of a major asymmetry between factive and contrafactive attitude verbs. We previously proposed that this asymmetry arises partly because the meaning of contrafactives is significantly harder to learn than that of factives. Here we extend our work by describing an additional computational experiment that further supports our hypothesis.
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  10. "The Divine Art of Forgetting": Aesthetic Distance in Benjamin, Blumenberg, and Pynchon.David Adams - 1991 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    Memory, mother of the Muses by Zeus, has nurtured culture for nearly three millennia while her nemesis, forgetfulness, has been demonized as an agent of destruction. In the modern age, however, memory has grown increasingly burdensome, opening the way for a more positive assessment of forgetfulness. Nietzsche praises animals for an inability to remember that preserves their innocence and happiness, and Freud documents the discontents of a civilization that cannot forget. ;In tracing the recent development of these issues, the dissertation (...)
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  11. Presupposition incorporation in adverbial quantifier domains.David D. Ahn - 2005 - In Emar Maier, Corien Bary & Janneke Huitink (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9. Nijmegen Centre for Semantics. pp. 16--29.
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  12. Voicing possibilities : a performative approach to the theory and practice of ethics in a globalised world.David A. Webb Australia - 2015 - In Daniel E. Palmer (ed.), Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. Hershey: Business Science Reference, An Imprint of IGI Global.
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  13. (1 other version)The psychology and ethics of Spinoza.David Bidney - 1940 - London,: H. Milford, Oxford university press.
  14. Crises of pedagogy in McUniversity : a pragmatist-storytelling contribution to Joe Kincheloe's critical ontology.David M. Boje - 2017 - In Johan Jansen & Hugo K. Letiche (eds.), Post formalism, pedagogy lives: as inspired by Joe L. Kincheloe. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
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    Avicenna.David B. Burrell - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 196–208.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Avicenna's philosophical achievements: Aristotle and beyond Beyond philosophical articulation: glimpses of wisdom Imprints upon philosophical tradition Concluding remarks.
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    The Transcendent Character of Human Gratitude and its Meaningful Limits.David Carr - 2022 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 9 (1):22.
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    Luc Brisson/Arnaud Macé/Anne-Laure Therme (Hgg.), Lire les présocratiques.David Torrijos Castrillejo - 2014 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 121 (2):375-376.
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    Inequality and the 2017 election: decreasing dominance of Abenomics and regional revitalization.David Chiavacci, Robert J. Pekkanen, Steven R. Reed, Ethan Scheiner & Daniel M. Smith - 2018 - In . pp. 219-242.
    Social and regional inequality remained of secondary importance in the 2017 House of Representatives election, especially in comparison to national security and constitutional reform. Still, the election victory of the coalition between the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Kōmeitō was also due to its ability to shape the debate concerning Japan’s political-economic model of growth and inequality. Abenomics and regional revitalization were the dominating policies, which opposition parties criticized without having a real counter-model. A more detailed analysis shows, however, that (...)
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    Urbanization in Early and Medieval China: Gazetteers for the City of Suzhou. Translated and introduced by Olivia Milburn.David Jonathan Felt - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (2).
    Urbanization in Early and Medieval China: Gazetteers for the City of Suzhou. Translated and introduced by Olivia Milburn. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015. Pp. xx + 360. $50 ; $30.
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    Colloquy.David Hershenov - 2022 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 22 (3):421-424.
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  21. Twilight or obscure.David W. Jardine - 2020 - In Ellyn Lyle (ed.), Identity landscapes: contemplating place and the construction of self. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  22. Standstills in motion: cinema and elsewhere / Martin Seel - To act at the limit.David Lapoujade - 2019 - In Reinhold Gorling, Barbara Gronau & Ludger Schwarte (eds.), Aesthetics of standstill. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
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    Kierkegaard as Existentialist Dogmatician.David R. Law - 2015 - In Jon Stewart (ed.), A Companion to Kierkegaard. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 251–268.
    This chapter provides a survey of Kierkegaard's views of systematic theology, doctrine, and dogmatics. It demonstrates that while Kierkegaard's view of theology is generally negative, for he regards it as a human enterprise created in order to avoid doing God's Word, his attitude to doctrine and dogmatics is nuanced and complex. Kierkegaard rejects doctrine insofar as it objectifies Christianity, but nevertheless generally accepts the classic doctrines of the Christian faith and sees no reason to reform them. This ambivalence toward doctrine (...)
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    Red-Haired Atreides Speaks to Telemachus.David Podgurski - 2016 - Arion 24 (2):39.
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    Samuel Lebens. The Principles of Judaism.David Shatz - 2022 - Journal of Analytic Theology 10:723-729.
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  26. Human cloning and the public realm: a defense of intuitions of the good".David Tracy - 2013 - In Jeffrey Foss (ed.), Science and the World: Philosophical Approaches. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
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  27. An ethical and social epistemology for meeting global crises.David B. Wong - 2025 - In Roger T. Ames, Jin Young Lim & Steven Y. H. Yang (eds.), Formulating a minimalist morality for a new planetary order: alternative cultural perspectives. Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi Press.
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    Vasari's Castle in the Air.David Zagoury - 2018 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 81 (1):249-268.
    This Note argues that the fourth pseudo-hieroglyph from the left in Giorgio vasari’s Chatsworth Allegory of a Dream, previously regarded as a symbol of the sin of pride or else not interpreted, is, in fact, the depiction of a castle in the air (castello in aria). I show that the rare iconography of an upside-down castle was inspired by an illustration from an Italian translation of the dialogues of Lucian of Samosata and give a brief overview of the importance of (...)
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    The total work of art in European modernism.David Roberts - 2011 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Library.
    In this groundbreaking book David Roberts sets out to demonstrate the centrality of the total work of art to European modernism since the French Revolution.
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  30. Mind World: Essays in Phenomenology and Ontology.David Woodruff Smith - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (224):457-459.
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  31. Complex equality.David Miller - 1995 - In David Miller & Michael Walzer (eds.), Pluralism, Justice, and Equality. Oxford University Press. pp. 197--225.
  32.  15
    A Secondary Bibliography of the International War Crimes Tribunal: London, Stockholm and Roskilde.Stefan Andersson - 2011 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 31 (2):167-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 25, 2012 (9:31 am) E:\CPBR\RUSSJOUR\TYPE3102\russell 31,2 064 red.wpd 1 See Russell’s exposure of this derogatory contraction of “Viet Nam Cong San” (“Vietnamese Communists”) in his War Crimes in Vietnam (London: Allen and Unwin, 1967), p. 45n. On the importance of language, cf. the legendary remark of Russell’s correspondent, Mohammad Ali: “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong.… No Viet Cong ever called me nigger.” Russell attempted (...)
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  33. Sculpture and Enlivened Space Aesthetics and History /F. David Martin. --. --.F. David Martin - 1980 - University Press of Kentucky, C1981.
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    In a post-Hegelian spirit: philosophical theology as idealistic discontent.Gary J. Dorrien - 2020 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
    Hegel broke open the deadliest assumptions of Western thought by conceiving being as becoming and consciousness as the social-subjective relation of spirit to itself, yet his white Eurocentric conceits were grotesquely inflated even by the standards of his time. With In a Post-Hegelian Spirit, Gary Dorrien emphasizes both sides of this Hegelian legacy, contending that it takes a great deal of digging and refuting to recover the parts of Hegel that still matter for religious thought. By distilling his signature argument (...)
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  35. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.David Tribe - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 110 (110):10.
    Tribe, David All serious journalists and debaters garnish their opinion pieces with facts and figures seen as 'corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative' . This apology for a lurid pack of lies in The Mikado has long been compared with statistics. Of course it's unjust. Nevertheless, investigation shows that statistics, widely used to interpret the past and present and forecast the future, to determine or justify public policy, are often unsatisfactory through (...)
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    Cosmic Problems: Essays on Greek and Roman Philosophy of Nature.David J. Furley - 1966 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection represent in scholarly infrastructure to Professor Furley's major study, The Greek Cosmologists, of which volume 1 was published by the Press in 1987. They tackle the questions in ancient cosmology and the clash between the two opposing systems known as Aristotelianism and Atomism. Some essays are general reflections on the nature of the debate; others explore certain detailed questions; yet all illustrate the author's incisive approach, which cuts through irrelevancies and goes directly to the heart (...)
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    The expressive injustice of being rich.David V. Axelsen & Lasse Nielsen - forthcoming - Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    According to limitarianism, it is morally impermissible to be too rich. We consider three main challenges to limitarianism: the redundancy objection, the inconclusiveness objection, and the commitment objection. As a distributive principle, we find that limitarianism fails to overcome the three objections—even taking recent theoretical innovations into account. Instead, we suggest that the core commitment of limitarianism can be drawn from the excess intuition. It entails that at some point, people's claims to retain wealth become qualitatively different: they become preposterous (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Eudaimonism and realism in Aristotle's ethics: a reply to John McDowell.David Wiggins - 1995 - In Robert Heinaman (ed.), Aristotle and Moral Realism. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
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    Ethical behavior of marketing managers and mba students: A comparative study.David E. Smith, J. Robert Skalnik & Patricia C. Skalnik - 1999 - Teaching Business Ethics 3 (4):321-335.
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    Locke on ideas, words, and knowledge.David E. Soles - 1988 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 42 (2):150.
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    Neutrality, Kant, and his Many Heirs.David Weissman - 1994 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 8 (2):141 - 145.
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    Judith Farr Tormey 1940-1998.David Welker - 1998 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (5):155 -.
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    Tony Blair: Making Labour Liberal.David G. Wells - 2000
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    The Ending of Aristophanes 'Knights'.David Welsh - 1990 - Hermes 118 (4):421-429.
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    The imagery and poetry of Lucretius.David West - 1969 - Edinburgh,: Edinburgh University Press.
  46. Martin Luther.David M. Whitford - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  47. Slippery slope arguments.David D. White - 1985 - Metaphilosophy 16 (2):206.
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  48. Education in Germany since the Revolution.David Williams - 1929 - Hibbert Journal 28:512.
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    The platonic soul of the reveries: The role of solitude in Rousseau's democratic politics.David Williams - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (1):87-123.
    Rousseau's Reveries of a Solitary Walker is enigmatic. It reveals many influences and addresses even more themes. For these reasons and others, political theorists have tended to ignore it in favour of his more overtly political works. Yet to dismiss his last work is to neglect what might be a useful tool in unlocking his political theory. This article argues that the Reveries confirm what many have recently suggested-- that Rousseau is a Platonist in many important respects. Further, it holds (...)
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  50. Averroes on knowing essences.David Wirmer - 2018 - In Peter Adamson & Matteo Di Giovanni (eds.), Interpreting Averroes: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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