Results for 'David Murillo Latorre'

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  1.  21
    Hannah Arendt, 'La libertad de ser libres', Taurus, Barcelona, 2018. 96 páginas. ISBN: 9788430622313.David Murillo Latorre - 2020 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 20:65-67.
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  2. CSR, SMES and Social Capital: An Empirical Study and Conceptual Reflection.Steen Vallentin 2 David Murillo 1 - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):17.
    This paper is a response to the opening of new lines of research on CSR and SMEs (Thompson & Smith, 1991; Spence, 1999; Moore & Smith, 2006; Spence, 2007). It seeks to explore the business case for CSR in this corporate segment. The paper, which is based on four case studies of medium-sized firms in the automotive sector, took the distinctive approach of trying to understand the nature of CSR-like activities developed not by best-in-class CSR-driven companies but by purely competitiveness-driven (...)
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    SMEs and CSR: An Approach to CSR in their Own Words.David Murillo & Josep M. Lozano - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (3):227-240.
    The academic literature reveals the need to undertake more in-depth field studies in order to discover the organisational culture, the difficulties and the perceptions surrounding CSR in SMEs. This study presents the results of analysis of four case studies on Catalan companies that stand out for their social and environmental practices. The conclusions of this paper are the result of dialogue with the main actors – four medium-sized companies – focusing on their actions, understandings and resistance with regard to CSR. (...)
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    The Ethics of Commons Organizing: A Critical Reading.David Murillo, Pau Guinart & Daniel Arenas - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (1):3-20.
    In this article, we seek to explore the different normative claims made around commons organizing and how the advent of the digital commons introduces new ethical questions. We do so by unpacking and categorizing the specific ethical dimensions that differentiate the commons from other forms of organizing and by discussing them in the light of debates around the governance of participative organizations, the cornerstone of commons organizing (Ostrom in Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action. Cambridge University (...)
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    The Business School’s Right to Operate: Responsibilization and Resistance.David Murillo & Steen Vallentin - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (4):743-757.
    The current crisis has come at a cost not only for big business but also for business schools. Business schools have been deemed largely responsible for developing and teaching socially dysfunctional curricula that, if anything, has served to promote and accelerate the kind of ruthless behavior and lack of self-restraint and social irresponsibility among top executives that have been seen as causing the crisis. As a result, many calls have been made for business schools to accept their responsibilities as social (...)
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    CSR, SMES and Social Capital: An Empirical Study and Conceptual Reflection.David Murillo & Steen Vallentin - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):17.
    This paper is a response to the opening of new lines of research on CSR and SMEs. It seeks to explore the business case for CSR in this corporate segment. The paper, which is based on four case studies of medium-sized firms in the automotive sector, took the distinctive approach of trying to understand the nature of CSR-like activities developed not by best-in-class CSR-driven companies but by purely competitiveness-driven firms. The case studies provide explicit evidence that the CSR activities of (...)
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    Ideologies of Corporate Responsibility: From Neoliberalism to “Varieties of Liberalism”.Steen Vallentin & David Murillo - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (4):635-670.
    Critical scholarship often presents corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a reflection or embodiment of neoliberalism. Against this sort of sweeping political characterization we argue that CSR can indeed be considered a liberal concept but that it embodies a “varieties of liberalism.” Building theoretically on the work of Michael Freeden on liberal languages, John Ruggie and Karl Polanyi on embedded forms of liberalism, and Michel Foucault on the distinction between classical liberalism and neoliberalism, we provide a conceptual treatment and mapping of (...)
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    David González Ginocchio, El acto de conocer. Antecedentes aristotélicos de Leonardo Polo. Cuadernos de Anuario Filosófico, Serie Universitaria, n° 183, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2005, 128 pp. [REVIEW]José Ignacio Murillo - 2006 - Studia Poliana:300-300.
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  9. Normative Perfectionism and the Kantian Tradition.David O. Brink - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    Perfectionism is an underexplored tradition, perhaps because of doubts about the grounds, content, and implications of perfectionist ideals. Aristotle, J.S. Mill, and T.H. Green are normative perfectionists, grounding perfectionist ideals in a normative conception of human nature involving personality or agency. This essay explores the prospects of normative perfectionism by examining Kant’s criticisms of the perfectionist tradition. First, Kant claims that the perfectionist can generate only hypothetical, not categorical, imperatives. But insofar as the normative perfectionist appeals to the normative category (...)
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  10. Animal awareness, consciousness, and self-image.David A. Oakley - 1985 - In Brain and Mind. New York: Methuen.
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    The World of Colour.David Katz - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Good God: The Theistic Foundations of Morality.David Baggett - 2011 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Jerry L. Walls.
    This book aims to reinvigorate discussions of moral arguments for God's existence.
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    Causes and Coincidences.David Owens - 1992 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In an important departure from theories of causation, David Owens proposes that coincidences have no causes, and that a cause is something which ensures that its effects are no coincidence. In Causes and Coincidences, he elucidates the idea of a coincidence as an event which can be analysed into constituent events, the nomological antecedents of which are independent of each other. He also suggests that causal facts can be analysed in terms of non-causal facts, including relations of necessity. Thus, (...)
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  14. Religious Diversity (Pluralism).David Basinger - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:1.
    With respect to many, if not most issues, there exist significant differences of opinion among individuals who seem to be equally knowledgeable and sincere. Individuals who apparently have access to the same information and are equally interested in the truth affirm incompatible perspectives on, for instance, significant social, political, and economic issues. Such diversity of opinion, though, is nowhere more evident than in the area of religious thought. On almost every religious issue, honest, knowledgeable people hold significantly diverse, often incompatible (...)
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    From Marx to Mises: Post-capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation.David Ramsay Steele - 1992 - Manual of Practice; Fd-19.
    This contribution to economic philosophy considers Marx's pronouncements on the organization of future society, and in this context re-examines the long-lasting debate triggered by Mises's argument that modern industrial production requires a system of spontaneously-formed market prices. In an undogmatic, non-technical treatment, Steele contends that both the Marxian conception of future society and the Misesian argument against its feasibility have frequently been misunderstood. The work scrutinizes the replies to Mises, and explores some of the wider issues raised by the economic (...)
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    Theology on the Menu: Asceticism, Meat and Christian Diet.David Grumett & Rachel Muers - 2010 - Routledge.
    Food - what we eat, how much we eat, how it is produced and prepared, and its cultural and ecological significance- is an increasingly significant topic not only for scholars but for all of us. Theology on the Menu is the first systematic and historical assessment of Christian attitudes to food and its role in shaping Christian identity. David Grumett and Rachel Muers unfold a fascinating history of feasting and fasting, food regulations and resistance to regulation, the symbolism attached (...)
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  17. Response to Scott Soames on two-dimensionalism.David J. Chalmers - 2006
    At the April 2006 meeting of the Central Division of the American Philosophical Association, in an author-meets-critics session on Scott Soames' book _Reference and Description: The Case Against Two-Dimensionalism_ , I presented a comment on Soames' book, "Scott Soames' Two-Dimensionalism" . The other critic was Robert Stalnaker. Soames presented his response to critics . Below is a reply to Soames' response to me, for those who were at the session and interested others. Note that this response was mostly written before (...)
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  18. Can consciousness be reductively explained?David J. Chalmers - 2014 - In Zoltan Torey (ed.), The conscious mind. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
  19. The metaphysics of information.David J. Chalmers - 2014 - In Zoltan Torey (ed.), The conscious mind. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
  20. The guise of the good.David Velleman - 1992 - Noûs 26 (1):3–26.
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  21. How to prove the Born rule.David Wallace - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  22. C. B. Martin, counterfactuals, causality and conditionals.David Malet Armstrong - 1989 - In John Heil (ed.), Cause, Mind, and Reality: Essays Honoring C.B. Martin. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 7-15.
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    Gossip and other aspects of language as group-level adaptations.David Sloane Wilson, Carolyn Wilczynski, Alexandra Wells & Laura Weiser - 2000 - In Celia Heyes & Ludwig Huber (eds.), The Evolution of Cognition. MIT Press.
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    Rousseau's Social Contract: An Introduction.David Lay Williams (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it was banished from France. Soon thereafter, Rousseau fled to Geneva, where he saw the book burned in public. At the same time, many of his contemporaries, such as Kant, considered Rousseau to be 'the Newton of the moral world', as (...)
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    The Idea of Humanity: Anthropology and Anthroponomy in Kant’s Ethics.David G. Sussman - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    Examining the significance of Kant's account of "rational faith," this study argues that he profoundly revises his account of the human will and the moral philosophy of it in his later religious writings.
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  26. The biological basis of subjectivity: A hypothesis.David Rudrauf & Antonio Damasio - 2006 - In Uriah Kriegel & Kenneth Williford (eds.), Self-Representational Approaches to Consciousness. MIT Press. pp. 423-464.
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    Logos and mystical theology in Philo of Alexandria.David Winston - 1985 - Hoboken, N.J.: KTAV Pub. House.
  28. Confucius, Cars, and Big Government: Impact of Government Involvement in Business on Consumer Perceptions Under Confucianism.David Ackerman, Jing Hu & Liyuan Wei - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S3):473-482.
    Building on prior research in Confucianism and business, the current study examines the effects of Confucianism on consumer trust of government involvement with products and company brands. Based on three major ideas of Confucianism – meritocracy, loyalty to superior, and separation of responsibilities – it is expected that consumers under the influence of Confucianism would perceive products from government-involved enterprises to have more desirable attributes and show preference for their company brands. Findings from an empirical study in the Chinese automobile (...)
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    Griffin and Pike on Divine Power.David Basinger - 1984 - Philosophy Research Archives 10:347-352.
    David Griffin and Nelson Pike recently had a spirited discussion on divine power. The essence of the discussion centered around what was labelled Premise X: “It is possible for one actual being's condition to be completely determined by a being or beings other than itself.” Pike maintains that ‘traditional’ theists have affirmed Premise X but denies that this entails that God has all the power there is and thus denies that Premise X can be considered incoherent for this reason. (...)
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  30. Between the Body and the Breathing Earth.David Abram - 2005 - Environmental Ethics 27 (2):171-190.
    I take issue with several themes in Ted Toadvine’s lively paper, “Limits of the Flesh,” suggesting that he has significantly misread many of the arguments in The Spell of the Sensuous. I first engage his contention that I disparage reflection and denigrate the written word. Then I take up the assertion that I exclude the symbolic dimension of experience from my account, and indeed that I seek to eliminate the symbolic from our interactions with others. Finally, I refute his claim (...)
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  31. A Note on Lehrer's Proof That Knowledge Entails Belief.David Annis - 1969 - Analysis 29 (6):207 - 208.
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    The Modern Philosophical Revolution: The Luminosity of Existence.David Walsh - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Modern Philosophical Revolution breaks new ground by demonstrating the continuity of European philosophy from Kant to Derrida. Much of the literature on European philosophy has emphasised the breaks that have occurred in the course of two centuries of thinking. But as David Walsh argues, such a reading overlooks the extent to which Kant, Hegel, and Schelling were already engaged in the turn toward existence as the only viable mode of philosophising. Where many similar studies summarise individual thinkers, this (...)
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    The World and the Wild.David Rothenberg & Marta Ulvaeus - 2001 - University of Arizona Press.
    Can nature be restored to a pristine state through deliberate action? Must the preservation of wilderness always subordinate the interests of humans to those of other species? Can indigenous peoples be entrusted with the guardianship of their own wild resources? This collection of international writings tackles tough questions like these as it expands wilderness conservation beyond its American roots. One of the first anthologies to consider wilderness as a global issue, it takes a stand against the notion that wilderness is (...)
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    How Are We to Read Beyond the Pleasure Principle?.Monique David-Ménard - 2017 - Oxford Literary Review 39 (2):246-264.
    This paper considers Freud's 1920 text, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, in light of Jacques Derrida's critical commentary on it in The Post Card. Against the deconstructive reading that highlights the performative aspects of Freud's speculative remarks, David-Ménard reads Freud's theory of the death drive as an epistemological and experimental hypothesis necessary for giving an account of the complexity and diversity of the clinical phenomenon of repetition in psychoanalysis. Though the death drive never appears locatable as such in the various (...)
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  35. Is the chinese room the real thing?David Anderson - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (July):389-93.
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    Appellate courts.David Robertson - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article discusses academic work in relation to appellate courts. It concentrates on characterizing and explaining judicial decision-making and winning on an appeal. Furthermore, it raises questions about the nature and coverage of empirical legal research on appellate courts, and discusses general methodological questions. It also looks at rival approaches to describing what judges do in making decisions, and what motivational assumptions are most commonly made and finally indicates the broad outlines of how the field should develop methodologically in the (...)
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  37. Freud's neural unconscious.David L. Smith - 2002 - In Gertrudis Van de Vijver & Filip Geerardyn (eds.), The Pre-Psychoanalytic Writings of Sigmund Freud. Karnac Books. pp. 155-164.
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    Return to consciousness.David Woodruff Smith - 2004 - In Mind World: Essays in Phenomenology and Ontology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  39. Reply to Kirk and Melnyk.David Papineau - 2003 - SWIF Philosophy of Mind 4 (1).
    I am lucky to have two such penetrating commentators as Robert Kirk and Andrew Melnyk. It is also fortunate that they come at me from different directions, and so cover different aspects of my book. Robert Kirk has doubts about the overall structure of my enterprise, and in particular about my central commitment to a distinctive species of phenomenal concepts. Andrew Melnyk, by contrast, offers no objections to my general brand of materialism. Instead he focuses specifically on my discussion of (...)
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    Guarded by Mystery: Meaning in a Postmodern Age.David Walsh - 1999 - Cua Press.
    Clearly we have entered an era of heightened interest in spirituality. The proliferation of books, music, and paraphernalia espousing the way of the spirit is a striking phenomenon. Everywhere there is a new willingness to admit that the categories of rational thought, the authority of science, are no longer adequate to the task of making sense of our lives. A search for meaning has become pervasive. Equally striking has been the rise of experiential religion. Evangelical and fundamentalist churches are the (...)
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    Losing Our Virtue: Why the Church Must Recover Its Moral Vision.David F. Wells - 1999 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    In Losing Our Virtue: Why the Church Must Recover Its Moral Vision, theologian David Wells argues that the Church is in danger of losing its moral authority to speak to a culture whose moral fabric is torn. Although much of the Church has enjoyed success and growth over the past years, Wells laments a "hollowing out of evangelical conviction, a loss of the biblical word in its authoritative function, and an erosion of character to the point that today, no (...)
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    Research with biological samples.David Wendler - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel (ed.), The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 290--297.
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  43. Schism and Renewal in Africa.David B. Barrett, J. D. Y. Peel & John S. Mbiti - 1971 - Religious Studies 7 (1):90-91.
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    Model-Based Knowledge and Credible Policy Analysis.David Teira & Hsiang-Ke Chao - 2016 - In Hsiang-Ke Chao & Julian Reiss (eds.), Philosophy of Science in Practice: Nancy Cartwright and the nature of scientific reasoning. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  45. Reification of consumer products: A general history illustrated by the case of the american automobile.David Gartman - 1986 - Sociological Theory 4 (2):167-185.
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  46. Defending Fundamental Requirements of Practical Reason.David Alm - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Research 36:77-102.
    In this paper I offer a partial defense of a constitutivist view according to which it is possible to defend fundamental requirements of practical reason by appeal to facts about what is constitutive of rational agency. I show how it is possible for that approach to circumvent the ‘is’/’ought’ problem as well as the requirement that it be possible to act contrary to practical reason. But I do not attempt to establish any particular fundamental requirement. The key ideas are that (...)
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  47. Extinction, Diversity, and Endangerment.David Sepkoski - 2015 - In Fernando Vidal & Nélia Dias (eds.), Endangerment, biodiversity and culture. New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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  48. Knowledge and inference to the best explanation — a reply.David B. Annis - 1982 - Philosophia 12 (1-2):77-79.
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    Disagreeing despite the data: the destruction of the factual commons.David Apgar - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Drawing on twentieth-century philosophy of science and language, this book identifies three requirements for widespread factual agreement: a pervasive habit of checking assumptions, densely connected communities, and projects that straddle those communities. When communities are insulated from each other, belief segregation follows.
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    The rôle of subject-matter in art.David F. Bowers - 1939 - Journal of Philosophy 36 (23):617-630.
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