Results for 'Deborah Driscoll'

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  1.  11
    First international symposium on preimplantation genetics, Chicago, 14–19 September, 1990.Susan Heyner & Deborah Driscoll - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (1):45-46.
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    The Nous-Body Problem in Aristotle.Deborah K. W. Modrak - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (4):755 - 774.
    Aristotle, pundits often say, has a 'nous'-body problem. The psychophysical account that succeeds in the case of other psychological faculties and activities, they charge, breaks down in the case of the intellect. One formulation of this difficulty claims that the definition of the soul given in 'De Anima' II.1 is incompatible with the account of 'nous' in 'De Anima' lll and elsewhere in the corpus. Indeed there are four psychological concepts that raise the 'nous'-body problem: the faculty for thought as (...)
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    British and American children's preferences for teleo-functional explanations of the natural world.Deborah Kelemen - 2003 - Cognition 88 (2):201-221.
  4. Un-making artificial moral agents.Deborah G. Johnson & Keith W. Miller - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (2-3):123-133.
    Floridi and Sanders, seminal work, “On the morality of artificial agents” has catalyzed attention around the moral status of computer systems that perform tasks for humans, effectively acting as “artificial agents.” Floridi and Sanders argue that the class of entities considered moral agents can be expanded to include computers if we adopt the appropriate level of abstraction. In this paper we argue that the move to distinguish levels of abstraction is far from decisive on this issue. We also argue that (...)
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    Can Communities Protect Autonomy? Ethical Dilemmas in HIV Preventative Drug Trials.Deborah Zion - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (4):516.
    Before sailing past the sirens' “flowery meadow,” Ulysses instructed his sailors to lash him to the mast so that he would not succumb to the siren's singing. His advance directive demonstrated that he valued his dispositional or long-term autonomy over his unquestioned right to make decisions. He also indicated to his oarsmen that he understood the nature of temptation and his inability to resist it. Ideas of autonomy and sexual choice are central to this discussion of new AIDS treatments, especially (...)
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    Slave to Facebook? How Technology is Changing the Balance Between Right to Privacy and Right to Know.Deborah L. Kidder & William P. Smith - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:52-61.
    Have social media sites like Facebook become such a significant part of our social fabric that people face negative consequences for not joining and sharing? What role does a right to privacy play in circumstances where self-disclosure is the norm? We surveyed students about teammate preferences for team members based on information availability and Facebook membership. Students report a strong preference for teammates for whom there is information and Facebook participation.
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  7. Collective intentionality.Deborah Tollefsen - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  8.  9
    What' New: More advances in DNA sequencing technology.Deborah Wilde - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (3):124-126.
    Since their introduction about ten years ago the rapid methods for sequencing DNA based either on selective chemical degradation1 or primed enzymatic synthesis2 have been subject to a number of modifications and improvements.3, 4 Two recently published papers describe further advances in these technologies: a method for obtaining information about DNA sequences directly from uncloned mammalian genomic DNA5 and a possible first step towards the automation of DNA sequencing6.
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    Strategic affinities: Historiography and epistemology in contemporary feminist knowledge politics.Deborah M. Withers - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (2):129-142.
    This article presents a conceptual approach to feminist history that focuses on the strategies activists use in different temporal and spatial locations. The argument builds on recent insights within feminist theory and historiography that reveal an intimate relationship between historiography and epistemology in knowledge politics. This article, however, probes the limitations of this relationship by focusing on how current historiographical methods exclude or dilute the actions and events of history through representation and citation. By examining the work of Jamaican theatre (...)
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    Sellars and Contemporary Philosophy.David Pereplyotchik & Deborah R. Barnbaum (eds.) - 2016 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    Wilfrid Sellars made profound and lasting contributions to nearly every area of philosophy. The aim of this collection is to highlight the continuing importance of Sellars’ work to contemporary debates. The contributors include several luminaries in Sellars scholarship, as well as members of the new generation whose work demonstrates the lasting power of Sellars’ ideas. Papers by O’Shea and Koons develop Sellars’ underexplored views concerning ethics, practical reasoning, and free will, with an emphasis on his longstanding engagement with Kant. Sachs, (...)
  11.  20
    Visual detection accuracy and target-noise proximity.William P. Banks, Deborah Bodinger & Martha Illige - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (4):411-414.
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    Faculty responsibilities in dealing with collegiate cheating: A student development perspective.Deborah F. Crown & M. Shane Spiller - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (2):117-130.
  13. Adorno’s critical materialism.Deborah Cook - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (6):719-737.
    The article explores the character of Adorno’s materialism while fleshing out his Marxist-inspired idea of natural history. Adorno offers a non-reductionist and non-dualistic account of the relationship between matter and mind, human history and natural history. Emerging from nature and remaining tied to it, the human mind is nonetheless qualitatively distinct from nature owing to its limited independence from it. Yet, just as human history is always also natural history, because human beings can never completely dissociate themselves from the natural (...)
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  14.  29
    Guidelines for every person.Deborah C. Saltman - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (1):1-9.
  15. Is there an ecofeminism–deep ecology “debate”?Deborah Slicer - 1995 - Environmental Ethics 17 (2):151-169.
    I discuss six problems with Warwick Fox’s “The Deep Ecology–Ecofeminism Debate and Its Parallels” and conclude that until Fox and some other deep ecologists take the time to study feminism and ecofeminist analyses, only disputes—not genuine debate—will occur between these two parties. An understanding of the six issues that I discuss is a precondition for such a debate.
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    Informed by Sense and Reason: Margaret Cavendish's Theorizing About Perception.Deborah Boyle - 2019 - In Brian Glenney, José Filipe Silva, Jana Rosker, Susan Blake, Stephen H. Phillips, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Anna Marmodoro, Lukas Licka, Han Thomas Adriaenssen, Chris Meyns, Janet Levin, James Van Cleve, Deborah Boyle, Michael Madary, Josefa Toribio, Gabriele Ferretti, Clare Batty & Mark Paterson (eds.), The Senses and the History of Philosophy. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 231–48.
    One method Margaret Cavendish uses is something like inference to the best explanation, and so this may be what she mean by “regular sense and reason.” As Hobbes wrote in Leviathan: the cause of Sense, is the Externall Body, or object, which presseth the organ proper to each Sense, either immediatly, as in the Tast and Touch; or mediately, as in Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling. Before examining how Cavendish appeals to ordinary perceptual phenomena to argue that pressure model of perception (...)
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  17.  50
    Supererogation in clinical research.Deborah R. Barnbaum - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (3):343-349.
    ‘Supererogation’ is the notion of going beyond the call of duty. The concept of supererogation has received scrutiny in ethical theory, as well as clinical bioethics. Yet, there has been little attention paid to supererogation in research ethics. Supererogation is examined in this paper from three perspectives: (1) a summary of two analyses of ‘supererogation’ in moral theory, as well as an examination as to whether acts of supererogation exist; (2) a discussion of supererogation in clinical practice, including arguments that (...)
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  18.  26
    Understanding Interaction Revisited.Deborah Brown - 2012 - In Stewart Duncan & Antonia LoLordo (eds.), Debates in Modern Philosophy: Essential Readings and Contemporary Responses. New York: Routledge. pp. 54.
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  19. Resource: Animalia.Deborah Cohen - 2011 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 19 (1):29.
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    Doth a Single Monk a Gothic Make? Constructing the Boundaries to Keep the Fictional Hordes at Bay.Deborah Mcleod - 1997 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 16:35.
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    Eyeless in Argos; a reading of Agamemnon 416–19.Deborah Steiner - 1995 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 115:175-182.
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    The search for the Jew's gene: science, spectacle, and the ethnic other.Deborah Lynn Steinberg - 2009 - Mediatropes 2 (1):1-23.
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    Symposia on Gender, Race and Philosophy.Deborah Tollefsen - 2009 - In David Papineau (ed.), Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 5--1.
  24. Phthisis is your life: a historical paper for consumptives.Deborah Truscott - 1993 - Nexus 11 (1):4.
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    Edmond Halley: Genius in Eclipse. Colin A. Ronan.Deborah Warner - 1970 - Isis 61 (4):547-548.
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    Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude. Derek Howse.Deborah Warner - 1981 - Isis 72 (2):295-295.
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    How Sweet It Is: Sugar, Science, and the State.Deborah Jean Warner - 2007 - Annals of Science 64 (2):147-170.
    Summary Americans import large amounts of sugar, levy a stiff tariff on it, and base this tariff on the saccharine content of each sample, and thus the assessment of sugar quality for tax purposes was enormously important. It was also among the most difficult challenges of a scientific or technical nature facing the federal government in the nineteenth century, and the issues it raised would often recur as science-based quality control became an essential feature of industry.
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    Johannes Hevelius and His Catalog of Stars.Deborah Warner - 1972 - Isis 63 (2):284-285.
  29.  30
    Political Geodesy: The Army, the Air Force, and the World Geodetic System of 1960.Deborah Jean Warner - 2002 - Annals of Science 59 (4):363-389.
    Since military planners must know the size and shape of the earth if they hope to track earth-orbiting satellites and to target missiles on distant lands, geodesy was an important concern of the two superpowers during the Cold War. The most important geodetic product in the United States was a series of increasingly powerful World Geodetic Systems, the first of which was published for the Department of Defense in 1960. Although WGS 60 was created because of intense international rivalries, it (...)
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    Pictures in the SkyLibro dei GlobiVincenzo Maria Coronelli.Deborah Jean Warner - 1971 - Isis 62 (3):390-394.
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    Scientific Instruments. Harriet Wynter, Anthony Turner.Deborah Warner - 1977 - Isis 68 (2):308-308.
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    The Discovery of Our Galaxy. Charles A. Whitney.Deborah Warner - 1972 - Isis 63 (3):429-429.
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    Woman in ScienceH. J. Mozans.Deborah Jean Warner - 1976 - Isis 67 (1):112-113.
  34.  36
    Beyond Subjectivity and Representation: Perception, Expression, and Creation in Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty.Deborah Carter Mullen - 1999 - Upa.
    Beyond Subjectivity and Representation extensively explores a connection in the thinking of Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty in relation to the interconnections among perception, creation, truth, and value in a way that allows the work of each author to shed light upon the others' ideas. Deborah Carter Mullen develops a non-dualistic notion of truth and value rooted in embodied, earthly existence, and considers them as ongoing happenings of metamorphosis rather than as static ideas. This idea of metamorphosis leads to an (...)
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  35. Rhode, The Delivery of Legal Services by Non-Lawyers, 4 Geo. J.L. Deborah - 1990 - Legal Ethics 209:214-215.
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    Ethical or Amoral? Is an Unqualified Right to Silence at Trial Defensible from an Ethical Perspective.Deborah Kellie & Helen O'Sullivan - 2003 - Legal Ethics 6 (1):73-84.
  37.  21
    Balancing Gender Equity for Women Prisoners.Deborah Labelle & Sheryl Pimlott Kubiak - 2004 - Feminist Studies 30 (2):416-426.
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    The Adolescent `Unfinished Body', Reflexivity and HIV/aids Risk.Deborah Lupton & John Tulloch - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (2):19-34.
    School-based sexuality education is a type of sexology directed at specific bodies: `unfinished' adolescent bodies in the process of becoming sexual bodies. This article explores notions of the adolescent `unfinished' body in the context of HIV/aids education for young people. Drawing on empirical research carried out in Australian secondary schools, we look at the concepts of the project of the self and reflexivity as they are articulated by young people in their evaluation of HIV/aids education. The open character of self (...)
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    A Letter to My Daughter/Myself on Facing the Collective Fear of Being Different.Deborah Samuelson - 1986 - Feminist Studies 12 (1):155.
  40. How much truth and how much reconciliation? Intrapsychic, interpersonal and social aspects of resolution.Deborah Spitz - 2006 - In Nancy Potter (ed.), Trauma, Truth and Reconciliation: Healing Damaged Relationships. Oxford University Press.
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    Trois carnavals alpins « du côté des jeunes filles en fleurs ».Deborah Puccio-Den - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:6-6.
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  42. The Sturm und Drang of Mathematics: Casualties, Consequences, and Contingencies in the Math Wars.Sal Restivo & Deborah Sloan - 2007 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 20.
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  43. American psycho: Horror, satire, aesthetics, and identification.Deborah Knight & George McKnight - 2003 - In Steven Jay Schneider & Daniel Shaw (eds.), Dark thoughts: philosophic reflections on cinematic horror. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 212--229.
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    On the indeterminacy of action.Deborah Hansen Soles - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (4):475-488.
  45.  68
    Aesthetic Understanding as Informed Experience: The Role of Knowledge in Our Art Viewing Experiences.Richard Lachapelle, Deborah Murray & Sandy Neim - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 78-98 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Understanding as Informed Experience:The Role of Knowledge in Our Art Viewing Experiences Richard Lachapelle, Deborah Murray, and Sandy Neim [Figures] Thinking calls for images, and images contain thought. Therefore, the visual arts are a homeground of visual thinking. 1A common misconception about the nature of art and of aesthetic appreciation is that these activities are (...)
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    Book review: Why Stories Matter: The Political Grammar of Western Feminist Theory. [REVIEW]Deborah M. Withers - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (2):253-256.
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    Constructing rural culture: Family and land in Iowa. [REVIEW]Deborah Fink - 1986 - Agriculture and Human Values 3 (4):43-53.
    Family farm ideology encapsulates one strand of the historical relations of Americans to the land. An examination of gender differences in historical experiences of land in Iowa suggests that men and women have had different patterns of access to land and to profits from agricultural enterprises. Where men have seen the land as a resource to be exploited, women have tended to view land as a setting for reciprocal interaction.In the late nineteenth century the state promoted the family unit as (...)
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    Alison D. Morrison-Low;, Sven Dupré;, Stephen Johnston;, Giorgio Strano . From Earth-Bound to Satellite: Telescopes, Skills, and Networks. xxix + 265 pp., illus., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2012. €99, $136. [REVIEW]Deborah Warner - 2013 - Isis 104 (2):387-387.
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    Helen Wright. James Lick's Monument. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. xvi + 231. ISBN 0-521-32105-0. £25.00, $32.50. [REVIEW]Deborah Warner - 1988 - British Journal for the History of Science 21 (1):117-118.
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    Marian Fournier. Early Microscopes: A Descriptive Catalogue. 235 pp., illus., index. Leiden: Museum Boerhaave, 2003. €50. [REVIEW]Deborah Warner - 2005 - Isis 96 (3):435-436.
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