Results for 'Dennis Yap'

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  1. Distributive justice before the eighteenth century: The right of necessity.Siegfried Van Duffel & Dennis Yap - 2011 - History of Political Thought 32 (3):449-464.
    Until recently, few people would have doubted that the idea of distributive justice is old, indeed ancient. Several authors have now challenged this assumption. Most prominently, Samuel Fleischacker argued that distributive justice originates in the eighteenth century. If accurate, this would upset much of what we have taken for granted about an important part of the history of Western political thought. However, the thesis is manifestly flawed; and since it has already proven influential, it is important to set the record (...)
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  2. Credibility Excess and the Social Imaginary in Cases of Sexual Assault.Audrey S. Yap - 2017 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 3 (4):1-24.
    Open Access: This paper will connect literature on epistemic injustice with literature on victims and perpetrators, to argue that in addition to considering the credibility deficit suffered by many victims, we should also consider the credibility excess accorded to many perpetrators. Epistemic injustice, as discussed by Miranda Fricker, considers ways in which someone might be wronged in their capacity as a knower. Testimonial injustice occurs when there is a credibility deficit as a result of identity-prejudicial stereotypes. However, criticisms of Fricker (...)
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    Previous Works Jointly Authored by Amy Gutmann & Dennis Thompson.Dennis Thompson & Amy Gutmann - 2004 - In Amy Gutmann & Dennis F. Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy? Princeton University Press. pp. 209-210.
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  4. Defensiveness and Identity.Audrey Yap & Jonathan Ichikawa - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (2):261-280.
    Criticism can sometimes provoke defensive reactions, particularly when it implicates identities people hold dear. For instance, feminists told they are upholding rape culture might become angry or upset, since the criticism conflicts with an identity that is important to them. These kinds of defensive reactions are a primary focus of this paper. What is it to be defensive in this way, and why do some kinds of criticism, or implied criticism, tend to provoke this kind of response? What are the (...)
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  5. Ad Hominem Fallacies, Bias, and Testimony.Audrey Yap - 2013 - Argumentation 27 (2):97-109.
    An ad hominem fallacy is committed when an individual employs an irrelevant personal attack against an opponent instead of addressing that opponent’s argument. Many discussions of such fallacies discuss judgments of relevance about such personal attacks, and consider how we might distinguish those that are relevant from those that are not. This paper will argue that the literature on bias and testimony can helpfully contribute to that analysis. This will highlight ways in which biases, particularly unconscious biases, can make ad (...)
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  6. Feminist Radical Empiricism, Values, and Evidence.Audrey Yap - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (1):58-73.
    Feminist epistemologies consider ways in which gender influences knowledge. In this article, I want to consider a particular kind of feminist empiricism that has been called feminist radical empiricism. I am particularly interested in this view's treatment of values as empirical, and consequently up for revision on the basis of empirical evidence. Proponents of this view cite the fact that it allows us to talk about certain things such as racial and gender equality as objective facts: not just whether we (...)
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  7. Hidden Costs of Inquiry: Exploitation, World-Travelling and Marginalized Lives.Audrey Yap - 2021 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 31 (2):153-173.
    There are many good reasons to learn about the lives of people who have less social privilege than we do. We might want to understand their circumstances in order to have informed opinions on social policy, or to make our institutions more inclusive. We might also want to cultivate empathy for its own sake. Much of this knowledge is gained through social scientific or humanistic research into others' lives. The entitlement to theorize about or study the lives of marginalized others (...)
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    Dennis Schmidt and his conception of philosophical hermeneutics.Luiz Rohden & Dennis Schmidt - 2017 - Filosofia Unisinos 18 (3).
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  9. Idealization, epistemic logic, and epistemology.Audrey Yap - 2014 - Synthese 191 (14):3351-3366.
    Many criticisms of epistemic logic have centered around its use of devices such as idealized knowers with logical omniscience and perfect self-knowledge. One possible response to such criticisms is to say that these idealizations are normative devices, and that epistemic logic tells us how agents ought to behave. This paper will take a different approach, treating epistemic logic as descriptive, and drawing the analogy between its formal models and idealized scientific models on that basis. Treating it as descriptive matches the (...)
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    The Epistemology of Protest, by José Medina.Audrey Yap - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Conceptual Engineering and Neurath’s Boat: A Return to the Political Roots of Logical Empiricism.Audrey Yap - 2022 - In David Bordonaba Plou, Víctor Fernández Castro & José Ramón Torices, The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 31-52.
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    Feminism and Carnap's Principle of Tolerance.Audrey Yap - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (2):437-454.
    The logical empiricists often appear as a foil for feminist theories. Their emphasis on the individualistic nature of knowledge and on the value-neutrality of science seems directly opposed to most feminist concerns. However, several recent works have highlighted aspects of Carnap's views that make him seem like much less of a straightforwardly positivist thinker. Certain of these aspects lend themselves to feminist concerns much more than the stereotypical picture would imply.
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  13. Logical structuralism and Benacerraf’s problem.Audrey Yap - 2009 - Synthese 171 (1):157-173.
    There are two general questions which many views in the philosophy of mathematics can be seen as addressing: what are mathematical objects, and how do we have knowledge of them? Naturally, the answers given to these questions are linked, since whatever account we give of how we have knowledge of mathematical objects surely has to take into account what sorts of things we claim they are; conversely, whatever account we give of the nature of mathematical objects must be accompanied by (...)
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  14. Dedekind and Cassirer on Mathematical Concept Formation†.Audrey Yap - 2014 - Philosophia Mathematica 25 (3):369-389.
    Dedekind's major work on the foundations of arithmetic employs several techniques that have left him open to charges of psychologism, and through this, to worries about the objectivity of the natural-number concept he defines. While I accept that Dedekind takes the foundation for arithmetic to lie in certain mental powers, I will also argue that, given an appropriate philosophical background, this need not make numbers into subjective mental objects. Even though Dedekind himself did not provide that background, one can nevertheless (...)
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  15. Intellectual Humility: Owning Our Limitations.Dennis Whitcomb, Heather Battaly, Jason Baehr & Daniel Howard-Snyder - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (3):509-539.
    What is intellectual humility? In this essay, we aim to answer this question by assessing several contemporary accounts of intellectual humility, developing our own account, offering two reasons for our account, and meeting two objections and solving one puzzle.
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    Argumentation, Adversariality, and Social Norms.Audrey Yap - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (5):747-765.
    Janice Moulton's “The Adversary Method: A Philosophical Paradigm” articulated several criticisms of the popular idea of philosophy as adversarial debate. Moulton criticizes it on epistemic grounds, arguing that philosophy's overreliance on adversarial debate is to the detriment of its goals. Some, notably Trudy Govier, have argued in favor of at least a minimal adversariality, governed by norms of respectful argumentation. This paper suggests that Govier's faith in these norms is misplaced, because it neglects the social circumstances of the arguers. While (...)
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  17. Iconic Gestures Prime Words.De-Fu Yap, Wing-Chee So, Ju-Min Melvin Yap, Ying-Quan Tan & Ruo-Li Serene Teoh - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (1):171-183.
    Using a cross-modal semantic priming paradigm, both experiments of the present study investigated the link between the mental representations of iconic gestures and words. Two groups of the participants performed a primed lexical decision task where they had to discriminate between visually presented words and nonwords (e.g., flirp). Word targets (e.g., bird) were preceded by video clips depicting either semantically related (e.g., pair of hands flapping) or semantically unrelated (e.g., drawing a square with both hands) gestures. The duration of gestures (...)
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  18. Ad Hominem Fallacies and Epistemic Credibility.Audrey Yap - 2015 - In Christian Dahlman & Thomas Bustamante, Argument Types and Fallacies in Legal Argumentation. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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  19. Throwing Like a Girl: Martial Arts and Norms of Feminine Body Comportment.Audrey Yap - 2016 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 9 (2):92-114.
    Although women have long been participants in martial arts and other contact sports, the introduction of a women’s division in the Ultimate Fighting Challenge in 2012 brought women in combat sports into the media spotlight in an arguably unprecedented way. Yet, the increasing acceptance of women’s participation in combat sports does not necessarily mean that these sports are equally accessible to people of all genders. This article, extending insights from Iris Marion Young’s “Throwing Like a Girl,” will argue that the (...)
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  20. Conceptualizing consent: hermeneutical injustice and epistemic resources.Audrey Yap - 2019 - In Benjamin R. Sherman & Stacey Goguen, Overcoming Epistemic Injustice: Social and Psychological Perspectives. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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  21. Inquiring Attitudes and Erotetic Logic: Norms of Restriction and Expansion.Dennis Whitcomb & Jared Millson - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (3):444-466.
    A fascinating recent turn in epistemology focuses on inquiring attitudes like wondering and being curious. Many have argued that these attitudes are governed by norms similar to those that govern our doxastic attitudes. Yet, to date, this work has only considered norms that might *prohibit* having certain inquiring attitudes (``norms of restriction''), while ignoring those that might *require* having them (``norms of expansion''). We aim to address that omission by offering a framework that generates norms of expansion for inquiring attitudes. (...)
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  22. The Philippines and Australia: Between Asia and the Pacific.Dennis Altman - 2001 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 5 (1):201-208.
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  23. PJ Kellman & ME Arterberry, The Cradle of Knowledge.Dennis Lomas - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (5):88-89.
  24. Inquiring Attitudes and Erotetic Logic: Norms of Restriction and Expansion.Dennis Whitcomb & Jared Millson - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (3):444-466.
    A fascinating recent turn in epistemology focuses on inquiring attitudes like wondering and being curious. Many have argued that these attitudes are governed by norms similar to those that govern our doxastic attitudes. Yet, to date, this work has only considered norms that might prohibit having certain inquiring attitudes (“norms of restriction”), while ignoring those that might require having them (“norms of expansion”). We aim to address that omission by offering a framework that generates norms of expansion for inquiring attitudes. (...)
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  25. Ethical appraisal boards : constitutions, functions, tensions and blind-spots.Dennis Beach & Begoña Vigo Arrazola - 2019 - In Hugh Busher & Alison Fox, Implementing ethics in educational ethnography: regulation and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
  26. Predicativity and Structuralism in Dedekind’s Construction of the Reals.Audrey Yap - 2009 - Erkenntnis 71 (2):157-173.
    It is a commonly held view that Dedekind's construction of the real numbers is impredicative. This naturally raises the question of whether this impredicativity is justified by some kind of Platonism about sets. But when we look more closely at Dedekind's philosophical views, his ontology does not look Platonist at all. So how is his construction justified? There are two aspects of the solution: one is to look more closely at his methodological views, and in particular, the places in which (...)
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    Veven Sp. Wardhana, Budaya Massa, Agama, dan Wanita, Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, 2013, 228 hlm.Yap Fu Lan - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (2):307-309.
    Budaya massa, dalam pengertian sederhana adalah “karya kreatif yang dimassalkan, yang diproduksi secara masif, yang ditunjang teknologi dan industri tinggi [...] termasuk model pakaian, fashion, film, televisi, musik pop, lifestyle atau gaya hidup” (hlm. xiii-xiv). Agama, atau lebih tepatnya “tafsir atas agama, atau tafsir atas ajaran agama” (hlm. xiv) dapat menjadi tema karya kreatif itu. Contohnya, terutama, sinetron-sinetron religi bernuansa Islami yang sekarang ini semakin banyak tampil pada layar televisi, tanpa menunggu bulan istimewa Ramadhan. Selain itu, agama juga dapat menjadi (...)
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    Logical empiricism, scientific philosophy and academic neutrality.Audrey Yap - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-8.
    Alan Richardson’s short book on the history and significance of logical empiricism not only illuminates the importance of logical empiricists’ projects, but also tells us something useful about the ways we choose to do philosophy in the first place. The book’s primary task is providing us with a critical re-evaluation of the legacy of logical empiricism; in doing so, it raises several important metaphilosophical questions. In this article, I will outline three such issues that I think Richardson’s piece brings out (...)
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    Gauss' quadratic reciprocity theorem and mathematical fruitfulness.Audrey Yap - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (3):410-415.
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    Front Street Kotzebue.Dennis Witmer - 2008 - Far to the North Press.
    Just north of the Arctic Circle sits Kotzebue, a town of the Inupiat people that has endured for over a century. In this compelling visual essay, Dennis Witmer captures scenes on its Front Street, the main thoroughfare whose buildings have evolved from the sod huts of Native cultures to permanent wood and concrete edifices. From front yards with parked snow machines to townspeople peacefully strolling down sidewalks, the striking black-and-white images in Front Street, Kotzebue offer a thought-provoking view of (...)
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  31. [no title].Dennis Vanden Auweele - unknown
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    John Hull: A critical appreciation.Dennis Bates - 2006 - In Dennis Bates, Gloria Durka, Friedrich Schweitzer & John M. Hull, Education, Religion and Society: Essays in Honour of John M. Hull. Routledge. pp. 6--31.
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  33. Towards a causal theory of linguistic representation.Dennis W. Stampe - 1977 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2 (1):42-63.
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    Sartre and Beauvoir on Theater: Force of Circumstance?Dennis A. Gilbert - 1991 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 8 (1):137-152.
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    Predictive models of biology students’ convictions towards bioethical issues.Jeannemar Genevive Yap-Figueras - 2019 - International Journal of Ethics Education 4 (2):147-165.
    This study aimed at determining B.S. Biology students’ comprehension of the Bioethics principles and conviction schemas towards bioethical issues; as well as at identifying predictors for comprehension of bioethical principles and convictions and creating model constructs of predictors which are fit for the data. One-hundred sixteen Filipino Biology majors were pre and post-tested for comprehension of bioethics principles and convictions towards bioethical issues. Predictors for comprehension and convictions among personal and family background factors, global and primary personality factors, and mental (...)
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  36. Some Epistemic Roles for Curiosity.Dennis Whitcomb - 2018 - In Ilhan Inan, Lani Watson, Dennis Whitcomb & Safiye Yigit, The Moral Psychology of Curiosity. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 217-238.
    I start with a critical discussion of some attempts to ground epistemic normativity in curiosity. Then I develop three positive proposals. The first of these proposals is more or less purely philosophical; the second two reside at the interdisciplinary borderline between philosophy and psychology. The proposals are independent and rooted in different literatures. Readers uninterested in the first proposal (and the critical discussion preceding it) may nonetheless be interested in the second two proposals, and vice versa. -/- The proposals are (...)
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  37. The authority of desire.Dennis W. Stampe - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (July):335-81.
    The Aristotelian dictum that desire is the starting point of practical reasoning that ends in action can of course be denied. Its denial is a commonplace of moral theory in the tradition of Kant. But in this essay I am concerned with that issue only indirectly. I shall not contend that rational action always or necessarily does involve desire as its starting point; nor shall I deny it. My question concerns instead the possibility of its ever beginning in desire. For (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir on Existentialist Theater.Dennis A. Gilbert - 2012 - Sartre Studies International 18 (2):107-126.
    My article focuses on Le Théâtre existentialiste by Simone de Beauvoir, recently translated and published in the volume of the Beauvoir Series on her literary writings. The first part introduces the original sound recording of this text and the circumstances behind its possible production in New York City in 1947 and my discovery of it at Wellesley College in 1996. The second part analyzes the divisions of Beauvoir's remarks as she presents Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and their principal plays from (...)
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    Neo-Roman Socialism.Dennis Graemer - 2025 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 17 (2):125-145.
    One of the most powerful arguments against socialism consists in the claim that it is incompatible with liberty. In the works of F.A. Hayek, this argument is developed in a sophisticated and systematic manner. Hayek’s attempt to prove the incompatibility of socialism and freedom relies on a concept of liberty that derives from the tradition of classical republicanism, and bears significant resemblance to the one used by current neo-republicans. To be free means not to be ruled in an arbitrary manner, (...)
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    Attending Daedalus: Gene Wolfe, Artifice and the Reader.Dennis Hardy - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (2):272-275.
  41. Socrates for teachers.Dennis Hayes - 2019 - In Tom Feldges, Philosophy and the study of education: new perspectives on a complex relationship. New York, NY: Routledge.
  42. D. Exploring physicality. Cybersport.Dennis Hemphill - 2013 - In Jason Holt, Philosophy of Sport: Core Readings. Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press.
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    Locke's Intentions.Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1973 - Studia Leibnitiana 5 (1):145 - 149.
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    Not Giving Up on People: A Feminist Case for Prison Abolition.Barrett Emerick & Audrey Yap - 2023 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    -/- Feminist philosophers Barrett Emerick and Audrey Yap bring theoretical arguments about personhood and moral repair into conversation with the work of activists and the experiences of incarcerated people to make the case that prisons ought to be abolished. They argue that contemporary carceral systems in the United States and Canada fail to treat people as genuine moral agents in ways that also fail victims and their larger communities. Such carceral systems are a form of what Emerick and Yap call (...)
  45. Democratic Secrecy: The Dilemma of Accountability.Dennis F. Thompson - 1999 - Political Science Quarterly 114 (2):181-193.
  46. One Kind of Asking.Dennis Whitcomb - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (266).
    This paper extends several themes from recent work on norms of assertion. It does as much by applying those themes to the speech act of asking. In particular, it argues for the view that there is a species of asking which is governed by a certain norm, a norm to the effect that one should ask a question only if one doesn’t know its answer.
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  47. Lysistrata's Lament: Interrogative Analogues of Testimonial Injustice.Dennis Whitcomb - forthcoming - In Aaron Creller & Jonathan Matheson, Inquiry: Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge.
    When a person commits a testimonial injustice, the unjust thing they do consists in their reaction to an assertion (theorists diverge on the details; paradigmatically the relevant unjust thing consists in prejudicially refraining from believing the assertion). Whatever reactions to questions are analogous to these reactions to assertions, those things are "interrogative injustices". I explore some models of those things and apply them to some non-ideal cases. One of the models appeals to mental states like curiosity and wonder, telling us (...)
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    The Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Dennis Dieks & Pieter Vermaas - 1998 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    According to the modal interpretation, the standard mathematical framework of quantum mechanics specifies the physical magnitudes of a system, which have definite values. Probabilities are assigned to the possible values that these magnitudes may adopt. The interpretation is thus concerned with physical properties rather than with measurement results: it is a realistic interpretation. One of the notable achievements of this interpretation is that it dissolves the notorious measurement problem. The papers collected here, together with the introduction and concluding critical appraisal, (...)
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    Measuring the Mind: Conceptual Issues in Contemporary Psychometrics.Denny Borsboom - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    Is it possible to measure psychological attributes like intelligence, personality and attitudes and if so, how does that work? What does the term 'measurement' mean in a psychological context? This fascinating and timely book discusses these questions and investigates the possible answers that can be given response. Denny Borsboom provides an in-depth treatment of the philosophical foundations of widely used measurement models in psychology. The theoretical status of classical test theory, latent variable theory and positioned in terms of the underlying (...)
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    2007 AESA Presidential Address Conflict of the Faculties: Democratic Progressivism in the Age of “No Child Left Behind”.Dennis Carlson - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 43 (2):94-113.
    (2008). 2007 AESA Presidential Address Conflict of the Faculties: Democratic Progressivism in the Age of “No Child Left Behind”. Educational Studies: Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 94-113.
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