Results for 'Derek Rowntree'

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  1.  25
    Basically Branching: A Handbook for ProgrammersA Guide to Evaluating Self Instructional Programs.Joan Taylor, Derek Rowntree, Paul I. Jacobs, Milton H. Maier & Lawrence M. Stolurow - 1967 - British Journal of Educational Studies 15 (1):90.
  2. Aquinas’ Economic Ethics: ‘Profoundly Anticapitalistic?’.Stephen Rowntree - 2004 - Vera Lex 5 (1/2):91-112.
  3.  8
    Calling, Character, Community: Spirituality for Business People.Rev Stephen C. Rowntree - 2005 - In Nicholas Capaldi, Business and religion: a clash of civilizations? Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
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    Ethical Issues of Life and Death.Stephen Rowntree - 1982 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 57 (4):449-464.
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  5. R.L. Perkins , "International Kierkegaard commentary: The sickness unto death".S. Rowntree - 1989 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 26 (3):186.
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    The Noble Impermanence of Waystations.Miriam Rowntree - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):570-580.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Noble Impermanence of WaystationsMiriam Rowntree (bio)In the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA), adjacent to Gate 14, a screen announces that boarding to Equestria is on time. The description below this announcement includes transport “through a portal to a parallel dimension” and a “harmonious sparkly” atmosphere. An attractive destination. Esquestria’s capital, Canterlot, offers castles, dragons, and, of course, ponies. As the heart of the My Little Pony universe, Canterlot (...)
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  7. A Journal of Demography.G. Rowntree, R. Pierce, F. H. Amphlett, C. F. Westoff, R. G. Potter Jr, P. C. Saoei, L. T. Badenhorst & B. Unterhalter - 1960 - The Eugenics Review 52.
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    New Millennium's Feminine Subject of Feminism.Margaret R. Rowntree - 2013 - Feminist Review 105 (1):65-82.
    This paper explores the changing feminine subject of feminism by investigating women's sexual daydreams. Described by Rosi Braidotti following Luce Irigaray as the ‘virtual feminine’, and by Teresa de Lauretis as the ‘space-off, the feminist subject is a mutating configuration embodying that which is not colonised from phallogocentric representations. Following Frigga Haug's work on daydreams, the paper is informed by a study that draws on responses from nineteen women in a university setting to an anonymous online survey that asked them (...)
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  9. Unemployment: A Social Study.B. Seebohm Rowntree & Bruno Lasker - 1912 - International Journal of Ethics 22 (4):493-494.
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  10. Can We Avoid the Repugnant Conclusion?Derek Parfit - 2016 - Theoria 82 (2):110-127.
    According to the Repugnant Conclusion: Compared with the existence of many people who would all have some very high quality of life, there is some much larger number of people whose existence would be better, even though these people would all have lives that were barely worth living. I suggest some ways in which we might be able to avoid this conclusion. I try to defend a strong form of lexical superiority.
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  11. Rationality and Reasons.Derek Parfit - unknown
    When Ingmar and I discuss metaphysics or morality, our views are seldom far apart. Hut on the subjects of this paper, rationality and reasons, we deeply disagree.
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    Interpreting human experience: a philosophical prologue to theology.Paul Rowntree Clifford - 1971 - London,: Collins.
  13.  31
    Perception and Judgment.Paul Rowntree Clifford - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (1):65-74.
    Is Perception a form of judgment? The importance of this question is that it brings to the fore a crucial issue for modern perceptionempiricism. If perception is not a form ofjudgment, it is possible o t maintain, though still with considerable difficulty, that the senses acquaint us directly with the physical world and that a metaphysical account of reality can be excluded without undermining what the ordinary layman and the scientist alike claim to know. Judgment can then be discussed from (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Divided minds and the nature of persons.Derek A. Parfit - 1987 - In Colin Blakemore & Susan Greenfield, Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity, and Consciousness. Blackwell. pp. 19-26.
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    Modern social theory: key debates and new directions.Derek Layder - 1997 - Bristol, Pa.: UCL Press.
    This book is intended for undergraduate courses in social theory for second and third year sociology students, as well as postgraduate and academic researchers.
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    Paleoaesthetics and the Practice of Paleontology.Derek D. Turner - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    The practice of paleontology has an aesthetic as well as an epistemic dimension. Paleontology has distinctively aesthetic aims, such as cultivating sense of place and developing a better aesthetic appreciation of fossils. Scientific cognitivists in environmental aesthetics argue that scientific knowledge deepens and enhances our appreciation of nature. Drawing on that tradition, this Element argues that knowledge of something's history makes a difference to how we engage with it aesthetically. This means that investigation of the deep past can contribute to (...)
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  17. Making Folk Psychology Explicit: The Relevance of Robert Brandom’s Philosophy for the Debate on Social Cognition.Derek W. Strijbos & Leon C. de Bruin - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (1):139-163.
    One of the central explananda in the debate on social cognition is the interpretation of other people in terms of reasons for action. There is a growing dissatisfaction among participants in the debate concerning the descriptive adequacy of the traditional belief-desire model of action interpretation. Applying this model as an explanatory model at the subpersonal level threatens to leave the original explanandum largely unarticulated. Against this background we show how Brandom’s deontic scorekeeping model can be used as a valuable descriptive (...)
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  18.  22
    Challenging the Good Life: An Institutional Theoretic Investigation of Consumers’ Transformational Process Toward Sustainable Living.Derek Ezell, Victoria Bush, Matthew B. Shaner, Scott Vitell & Jiangang Huang - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):783-804.
    In pursuit of sustainable living, ethics researchers as well as consumers themselves have challenged the status quo of consumption as an institution. Fueled by global economic, environmental, and societal concerns, responsible consumption has become an integral part of the sustainability and consumption ethics literature. One movement toward sustainability consists of confining living space into a smaller ecological footprint. Although motivations for such a lifestyle have been examined, little research has investigated the process of how members of the tiny house movement (...)
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  19. The indeterminacy of identity: A reply to Brueckner.Derek Parfit - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 70 (1):23 - 33.
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    (1 other version)When psychology undermines beliefs.Derek Leben - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology (3):1-23.
    This paper attempts to specify the conditions under which a psychological explanation can undermine or debunk a set of beliefs. The focus will be on moral and religious beliefs, where a growing debate has emerged about the epistemic implications of cognitive science. Recent proposals by Joshua Greene and Paul Bloom will be taken as paradigmatic attempts to undermine beliefs with psychology. I will argue that a belief p may be undermined whenever: (i) p is evidentially based on an intuition which (...)
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    Science and philosophy: past and present.Derek Gjertsen - 1989 - New York, N.Y., USA: Viking Penguin.
  22. Powers of exclusion: Land dilemmas in Southeast Asia.Derek Hall, Philip Hirsch & Tania Murray Li - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  23. Human mediation should be a non-factor in hybridization and conservation.Derek Halm - 2024 - Conservation Science and Practice 6 (6):e13148.
    Hybridization by introgression (“hybridization”) is a complex topic in conservation. Many conservation decision-makers are concerned about hybridization by introgression because it may threaten species persistence or local phenotypes, among other potential long-term problems. While attitudes have changed towards hybridization as a conservation threat, there are still concerns about hybridization as a problem, particularly if the hybridization was anthropogenically mediated. I propose that these concerns are overblown and that it is misguided to focus on whether hybridization is unintentionally human-mediated. I argue (...)
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  24. Philosophical Issues in Recent Paleontology.Derek D. Turner - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (7):494-505.
    The distinction between idiographic science, which aims to reconstruct sequences of particular events, and nomothetic science, which aims to discover laws and regularities, is crucial for understanding the paleobiological revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. Stephen Jay Gould at times seemed conflicted about whether to say (a) that idiographic science is fine as it is or (b) that paleontology would have more credibility if it were more nomothetic. Ironically, one of the lasting results of the paleobiological revolution was a new (...)
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    Dreaming, adaptation, and consciousness: The social mapping hypothesis.Derek P. Brereton - 2000 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 28 (3):377-409.
  26.  69
    Bombs and coconuts, or rational irrationality.Derek Parfit - 2001 - In Christopher W. Morris & Arthur Ripstein, Practical Rationality and Preference: Essays for David Gauthier. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 81--97.
  27.  21
    Beyond empiricism? The promise of realism.Derek Layder - 1985 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 15 (3):255-274.
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    Post-structuralism and the question of history.Derek Attridge, Geoffrey Bennington & Robert Young (eds.) - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Recent developments in literary theory, such as structuralism and deconstruction, have come under attack for neglecting history, while historically-based approaches have been criticized for failing to take account of the problems inherent in their methodological foundations. This collection of essays is unique in that it focuses on the relation between post-structuralism and historical (especially Marxist) literary theory and criticism. The volume includes a deconstructive reading of Marx, essays that relate history to the philosophical and institutional context, and a number of (...)
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  29. Musical expressiveness.Derek Matravers - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (3):373–379.
    This article assesses the current state of the philosophical debate regarding the expression of emotion in music, or expressive properties of music. It defines the question, explores a few false‐starts and then considers the solution that expressive properties are a matter of a certain ‘way of appearing’ of the music. This solution is associated with Stephen Davies and Jerrold Levinson, whose work is discussed. It is argued that work in this area has reached an impasse, and it is not clear (...)
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    Hedonic Capacity in the Broader Autism Phenotype: Should Social Anhedonia Be Considered a Characteristic Feature?Derek M. Novacek, Diane C. Gooding & Madeline J. Pflum - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  31. Pushing the Intuitions behind Moral Internalism.Derek Leben & Kristine Wilckens - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (4):510-528.
    Moral Internalism proposes a necessary link between judging that an action is right/wrong and being motivated to perform/avoid that action. Internalism is central to many arguments within ethics, including the claim that moral judgments are not beliefs, and the claim that certain types of moral skepticism are incoherent. However, most of the basis for accepting Internalism rests on intuitions that have recently been called into question by empirical work. This paper further investigates the intuitions behind Internalism. Three experiments show not (...)
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    The early observatory instruments of trinity college, Cambridge.Derek J. Price - 1952 - Annals of Science 8 (1):1-12.
  33. Evaluating Restorative Justice Programs.Derek R. Brookes - 1998 - Humanity and Society 22 (I):23-37.
    The human dimensions involved in the operational objectives of Restorative Justice demand the highest quality of program design and staff training. In this paper, I argue that this desideratum has yet to be fully realized in existing Restorative Justice programs, in particular, with regard to the facilitation of reconciliation. I begin by presenting the chief problems associated with the concentration on reparation in Restorative Justice programs, to the neglect of reconciliation. I then argue that this phenomenon is, in part, a (...)
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  34. Forgiveness as Conditional: A Reply to Kleinig.Derek R. Brookes - 2021 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (1):117-125.
    In my paper “Moral Grounds for Forgiveness,” I argued that forgiveness is morally appropriate only when a sincere apology is received, thus ruling out the three grounds for unconditional forgiveness suggested by John Kleinig in his paper “Forgiveness and Unconditionality.” In response to his reply “Defending Unconditional Forgiveness,” I argue here that my terminology, once clarified, does not undermine my construal of resentment; that conditional forgiveness is just as discretionary as unconditional forgiveness; and that what we choose to take into (...)
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  35.  61
    Institutional definitions and reasons.Derek Matravers - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (3):251-257.
    The paper examines certain aspects of institutionalist definitions of art, in particular whether they are committed to ‘indexing’, whereby calling something art makes it art. It is argued that there is no such commitment and that institutionalist definitions need not abandon the idea that works of art become art for specific, and substantial, reasons. The question is how reasons can be accommodated. A proposal from defenders of ‘cluster theories’ is considered and rejected. Another proposal is advanced according to which the (...)
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    Direct, Referential Realism : A Comment.Paul Rowntree Clifford - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (4):452-453.
  37. The epistemological and conservation value of biological specimens.Derek Halm - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (3):1-14.
    Natural history specimens were collected for diverse reasons, but modern, and likely future, uses often diverge from why they were collected. For example, specimens are sometimes integrated into conservation decision-making, where some practitioners claim that specimens may be necessary or extremely important for conservation in general. This is an overstatement. To correct this, I engage with the current literature on specimen collection to show that while specimens have epistemic shortcomings, they can be useful for conservation projects depending on the questions (...)
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    Wonder and cognition.Derek Matravers - unknown
    This paper explores the cognitive content, and the cognitive benefits, of the state of wonder.
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    Debate: Requiem for Relativism in Anthropology.Derek Brereton - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (3):358-391.
    Cultural relativism was the subject of a panel presentation at the 2005 meetings of the American Anthropological Association. In 2007, three of the four presentations were published in Anthropological Quarterly. The present article comprises what was presented in the fourth panel presentation, my own, plus a critical realist critique of the other three papers and the discussant’s introduction of them. The critical realist method of immanent critique, applied here, reveals the gaps, contradictions and non-sequiturs of cultural relativism, and suggests that (...)
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Donald W. Musser, Rowntree S. J. Stephen, Haim Gordon, Brace Kuklick, Bradley R. Dewey & Robert L. Greenwood - 1989 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 26 (3):185-192.
  41. Living fossils and conservation values.Derek D. Turner & Junhyung Han - 2023 - Frontiers in Earth Science 11.
    Horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) have been in decline in Long Island Sound, and recently there has been discussion of whether the state of Connecticut should stop issuing licenses for commercial harvesting. This paper argues that in spite of concerns about the living fossil concept, the fact that the horseshoe crabs are living fossils should count in favor of more stringent protection. The paper distinguishes four different views about the status of the living fossil concept: 1) eliminativism; 2) redefinition; 3) reframing; (...)
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    Cognitive Neuroscience and Moral Decision-making: Guide or Set Aside?Derek Leben - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (2):163-174.
    It is by now a well-supported hypothesis in cognitive neuroscience that there exists a functional network for the moral appraisal of situations. However, there is a surprising disagreement amongst researchers about the significance of this network for moral actions, decisions, and behavior. Some researchers suggest that we should uncover those ethics [that are built into our brains ], identify them, and live more fully by them, while others claim that we should often do the opposite, viewing the cognitive neuroscience of (...)
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    The Dilemma Defense and Setting Things Aside in the Right Way.Derek Lam - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (4):737-752.
    According to the Dilemma Defense, Frankfurt-style arguments wouldn’t work unless they assume determinism; yet they expect us to retain intuitive judgments about moral responsibility in particular scenarios. That’s begging the question against incompatibilism. John Martin Fischer suggests that there’s a way to extract the insight from the Frankfurt’s cases with a slightly different argument that doesn’t beg the question. This essay argues that for the argument to be consistent, it must require its audience to remain agnostic about how to analyze (...)
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    Revising the Keystone Species Concept for Conservation: Value Neutrality and Non-Nativeness.Derek Halm - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    The keystone species concept is often used in conservation. However, scientists and conservationists use the concept in many different ways. I suggest that a problem with the concept in conservation is not the lack of a shared definition. Instead, the problem is how the concept is applied to only certain species despite potentially covering a broader suite of species. This highlights unstated values in using the concept in conservation. I use novel examples, such as non-native Burmese pythons in Florida, to (...)
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    What To the Educational Researcher Is A Stylized Fact?Derek Gottlieb & Jack Schneider - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (1):178-191.
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    Narrative Explanation and Non-Epistemic Value.Derek D. Turner & Ahmed AboHamad - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 17 (1):53-76.
    Explanations in the natural historical sciences often take the form of stories. This paper examines two accounts of the sources of narrative’s explanatory power: Beatty’s suggestion that narrative explanation is closely connected to historical contingency, and that narratives explain by contrasting what happened with what might have happened; and Ereshefsky and Turner’s view that narratives explain by organizing events around a central subject with a distinctive direction of historical development. In both accounts, it turns out that non-epistemic values typically play (...)
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    (Cat)egory mistake: the invalidity of animal shelter behavior assessments.Derek Halm - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (4):1-13.
    Animal shelters face diverse challenges, which often necessitate making life-or-death decisions for animals in their care. One strategy used to determine whether admitting, adoption, or euthanasia is appropriate is to assess an animal’s in-shelter or pre-admission behavior to infer its “personality.” Shelters do this because potential adopters are often interested in knowing an animal’s personality as it provides information about whether the animal will fit in their home. However, shelter behavior assessments are a broad topic. To narrow focus, I explore (...)
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    Incognito Ergo Sum.Derek Sayer - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (6):67-89.
    Drawing upon a range of theorists (Derrida, Lacan, Barthes), photographers (Adams, Weston, Lange) and literary texts (Baudelaire, Proust, Breton, Camus, Barnes, Kundera), this article explores the role of memory in grounding identity. If the subject is constituted in language, it is argued, identity can be achieved only in the realm of the imaginary, through fixation in an imago of the self. It is memory above all that gives this being-in-denial its imagined solidity; but that solidity is an effect of language’s (...)
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  49.  89
    Is marxism a philosophy?Derek P. H. Allen - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (17):601-612.
  50.  12
    Perfectionism as Friendship, Democracy, Education.Derek Gottlieb - 2023 - Philosophy of Education 79 (1):152-157.
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