Results for 'Diana Carvalho'

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  1.  26
    Shared decision making, prospektive Lebensqualität und das beste Interesse des Kindes: ethische Herausforderungen im Kontext von Behandlungsentscheidungen bei Frühgeborenen an der Grenze der Lebensfähigkeit.Diana Carvalho & Nadia Primc - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (4):487-506.
    Zusammenfassung Behandlungsentscheidungen bei Frühgeburten an der Grenze der Lebensfähigkeit stellen eine große Herausforderung dar. In der Neonatologie hat sich das Konzept einer prognostischen Grauzone etabliert, die als ein Grenzbereich verstanden wird, in dem sich aus medizinischer Sicht die Nutzen-Risiko-Abwägung aufgrund der unsicheren Prognose sehr schwierig gestaltet und sich aus ethischer Sicht sowohl eine kurative als auch eine palliative Versorgung prinzipiell rechtfertigen lassen. Innerhalb der Grauzone wird zumeist eine gemeinsame Entscheidungsfindung mit den Eltern in Form eines „shared-decision making“ (SDM) favorisiert, die (...)
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  2. Self, Society, and Personal Choice.Diana T. Meyers - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (2):222-225.
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  3. Invisible colleges; diffusion of knowledge in scientific communities.Diana Crane - 1972 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press.
  4.  86
    Gender in the Mirror: Cultural Imagery and Women's Agency.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2001 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    The cultural imagery of women is deeply ingrained in our consciousness. So deeply, in fact, that feminists see this as a fundamental threat to female autonomy because it enshrines procreative heterosexuality as well as the relations of domination and subordination between men and women. Diana Meyers' book is about this cultural imagery - and how, once it is internalized, it shapes perception, reflection, judgement, and desire. These intergral images have a deep impact not only on the individual psyche, but (...)
  5. Feminists rethink the self.Diana T. Meyers (ed.) - 1997 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    How is women’s conception of self affected by the caregiving responsibilities traditionally assigned to them and by the personal vulnerabilities imposed on them? If institutions of male dominance profoundly influence women’s lives and minds, how can women form judgments about their own best interests and overcome oppression? Can feminist politics survive in face of the diversity of women’s experience, which is shaped by race, class, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, as well as by gender? Exploring such questions, leading feminist thinkers have (...)
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    One size fits not quite all: Universal research ethics with diversity.Mohamed S. Msoroka & Diana Amundsen - 2017 - Research Ethics 14 (3):1-17.
    For researchers in Aotearoa New Zealand who intend to conduct research with people, it is common practice to first ensure that their proposals are approved by a Human Research Ethics Committee. HRECs take the role of reviewing, approving or rejecting research proposals and deciding on whether the intended research will be completed in the ‘right’, rather than the ‘wrong’ way. Such decisions are based upon a system which is guided by universal ethical principles – principles that assume there is universal (...)
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  7. Is perceptual indiscriminability nontransitive?Diana Raffman - 2000 - Philosophical Topics 28 (1):153-75.
    It is widely supposed that one family of sorites paradoxes, perhaps the most perplexing versions of the puzzle, owe at least in part to the nontransitivity of perceptual indiscriminability. To a first approximation, perceptual indiscriminability is the relationship obtaining among objects (stimuli) that appear identical in some perceptual respect—for example hue, or pitch, or texture. Indiscriminable objects look the same, or sound the same, or feel the same. Received wisdom has it that there are or could be series of objects (...)
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    A Multi-level Review of Engineering Ethics Education: Towards a Socio-technical Orientation of Engineering Education for Ethics.Diana Adela Martin, Eddie Conlon & Brian Bowe - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-38.
    This paper aims to review the empirical and theoretical research on engineering ethics education, by focusing on the challenges reported in the literature. The analysis is conducted at four levels of the engineering education system. First, the individual level is dedicated to findings about teaching practices reported by instructors. Second, the institutional level brings together findings about the implementation and presence of ethics within engineering programmes. Third, the level of policy situates findings about engineering ethics education in the context of (...)
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    Liberdade contextualizada e sentidos normativos em Foucault.Bruno Sciberras de Carvalho - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (3):79-98.
    The topic of liberty in Foucault becomes controversial when related to the objections, predicted by the author, for the subjects to be located outside the power networks. However, Foucault also points out potential for resistance and a notion of freedom involved by historical circumstances, which suggests original normative questions. In order to analyze the tension between domination and freedom in his work, and what is normatively reflected, two main directions are noted: the idea of freedom as something inherent in power (...)
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    Radical Hope: Truth, Virtue, and Hope for What Is Left in Extinction Rebellion.Diana Stuart - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (3-6):487-504.
    This paper examines expressed hopelessness among environmental activists in Extinction Rebellion. While activists claim that they have lost all hope for a future without global warming and species extinction, through despair emerges a new hope for saving what can still be saved—a hope for what is left. This radical hope, emerging from despair, may make Extinction Rebellion even more effective. Drawing from personal interviews with 25 Extinction Rebellion activists in the United Kingdom and the published work of other Extinction Rebellion (...)
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  11.  32
    Victims' Stories and the Advancement of Human Rights.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Victim's Stories and the Advancement of Human Rights takes on a set of questions suggested by the worldwide persistence of human rights abuse and the prevalence of victims' stories in human rights campaigns, truth commissions, and international criminal tribunals: What conceptions of victims are presumed in contemporary human rights discourse? How do conventional narrative templates fail victims of human rights abuse and resist raising novel human rights issues? What is empathy, and how can victims frame their stories to overcome empathetic (...)
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  12.  43
    Sense and sensibility: Testing an attention‐based view of organizational responses to social issues.Luciana Carvalho de Mesquita Ferreira - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):443-456.
    According to attention-based theories, to explain organizational attention is to explain organizational behavior. In our study, we test the model of situated attention and firm behavior by examining the effects of attention structures and allocation of attention on organizational outcomes. We hypothesize a positive relationship between attention structures and the allocation of organizational attention that, in turn, has an effect on financial performance. Using a unique data set composed of indicators of social responsibility published by 338 Brazilian organizations between 2001 (...)
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  13.  33
    Corporate Social ‘Irresponsibility’: Are Consumers’ Biases in Attribution of Blame Helping Companies in Product–Harm Crises Involving Hybrid Products?Sergio W. Carvalho, Etayankara Muralidharan & Hari Bapuji - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):651-663.
    In recent years, there have been several high-profile recalls of hybrid products. If consumers perceive a global firm to be responsible for the recall, then it will reduce their brand equity. Therefore, global firms may respond in ethically questionable ways to justify themselves to important stakeholders and avoid blame. Understanding how stakeholders attribute blame for crises involving hybrid products is important to shed light on the unethical manner in which global firms might avoid blame in such situations. The research reported (...)
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  14. The Rush to Motherhood -- Pronatalist Discourse and Women’s Autonomy.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2001 - Signs 26:735-773.
  15.  32
    Cinema dos primeiros tempos, inf'ncia e a entrada na linguagem.Adriana Mabel Fresquet & Ludmila Moreira Macedo de Carvalho - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-25.
    A partir de imagens de crianças encontradas no cinema dos primeiros tempos, propomos uma reflexão sobre as relações entre a infância e cinema. Segundo Walter Benjamin (2009), tanto a infância quanto o cinema são invenções da modernidade: o conceito de infância como um período importante de formação do sujeito nasce de forma inseparável das tecnologias de produção e reprodução da imagem que nos dão a ver as crianças de uma forma inédita, primeiro na fotografia e depois no cinema. A partir (...)
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    Higher Independence.Vera Fischer & Diana Carolina Montoya - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1606-1630.
    We study higher analogues of the classical independence number on $\omega $. For $\kappa $ regular uncountable, we denote by $i(\kappa )$ the minimal size of a maximal $\kappa $ -independent family. We establish ZFC relations between $i(\kappa )$ and the standard higher analogues of some of the classical cardinal characteristics, e.g., $\mathfrak {r}(\kappa )\leq \mathfrak {i}(\kappa )$ and $\mathfrak {d}(\kappa )\leq \mathfrak {i}(\kappa )$. For $\kappa $ measurable, assuming that $2^{\kappa }=\kappa ^{+}$ we construct a maximal $\kappa $ -independent (...)
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  17.  22
    A Computational Model of Context‐Dependent Encodings During Category Learning.Paulo F. Carvalho & Robert L. Goldstone - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (4).
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 4, April 2022.
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  18. A escola E os professores na contempor'neidade: Novos tempos, novos desafios.Débora Carvalho Monteiro Nunes Almeida & Ennia Débora Passos Braga Pires - 2012 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 2 (4):29-40.
    Esta pesquisa fundamenta-se nos debates sobre o papel da escola na atualidade e dos professores em temos de formação, atuação e práticas pedagógicas, dando prioridade nesta abordagem aos novos tempos vivenciados por essa classe de profissionais, pondo em questão as instituições escolares enquanto ambientes formadores e os professores como atores que, muitas vezes, tem papel decisivo para o processo ensino-aprendizagem, papel esse que tem estado em maior evidência por conta das diversas mutações ocorridas na sociedade, caracterizadas pelo mundo contemporâneo. Este (...)
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    Memory for physical and semantic features of visual material in a shadowing task.Ralph Hall, Diana Swane & R. A. Jenkins - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):426.
  20.  28
    Complex and superlattice stacking faults in D019 Co3W.I. D. Nogueira, P. A. Carvalho, J. C. Pereira & R. Vilar - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (12):1763-1774.
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    4. Non-attentional Perceptualist Theories of Demonstrative Thought.Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho - 2016 - In Demonstrative Thought: A Pragmatic View. Berlim, Alemanha: De Gruyter. pp. 90-137.
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  22.  17
    Entre a Pulsão de Morte e os Três Registros Lacanianos.Giovanni Vieira de Carvalho Novelli - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 22 (1).
    Esse artigo visa demonstrar como o psicanalista francês Jacques Lacan delineou e reformulou o conceito freudiano de pulsão de morte no interior dos três registros da experiência humana. Dito isso, iremos inicialmente compreender de forma geral como o conceito de pulsão de morte aparece na obra lacaniana, de maneira a demonstrarmos como ela é reformulada pelo autor francês. Depois, iremos delinear como esse conceito aparece no interior dos registros do Imaginário, Simbólico e Real; desse modo, estaremos envoltos com o Estágio (...)
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    On Otherness and Sameness: A Dialogue between Zhu Xi and Levinas on Ethical Interrelatedness.Diana Arghirescu - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (3):573-593.
    Abstract:This essay develops a dialogue between Zhu Xi's thirteenth-century Neo-Confucian thought and Levinas' twentieth-century Western philosophy, around the notion of interrelatedness between individuals, between self and other. Despite the fact that Zhu Xi and Levinas belong to diff erent cultural universes and to diff erent philosophical spiritualities, and lived in diff erent historical times, they share the same interest in exploring, interpreting, and building interrelatedness, and therefore in ethics and ethical relationships. Through an intertextual and hermeneutical approach, the essay builds (...)
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  24.  30
    Assembling Upstream Engagement: the Case of the Portuguese Deliberative Forum on Nanotechnologies.António Carvalho & João Arriscado Nunes - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (2):99-113.
    This article analyzes a deliberative forum on nanotechnologies, organized in Portugal within the scope of the research project DEEPEN—Deepening Ethical Engagement and Participation in Emerging Nanotechnologies. This event included scientists, science communicators and members of the “lay public”, and resulted in a position document which summarizes collective aspirations and concerns related to nano. Drawing upon our previous experience with focus groups on nanotechnologies—characterized by methodological innovations that aimed at suspending epistemological inequalities between participants—this paper delves into the performativity of the (...)
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  25.  22
    Concern noted: a descriptive study of editorial expressions of concern in PubMed and PubMed Central.Hilda Bastian, Diana C. Jordan & Melissa Vaught - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundAn editorial expression of concern (EEoC) is issued by editors or publishers to draw attention to potential problems in a publication, without itself constituting a retraction or correction.MethodsWe searched PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), and Google Scholar to identify EEoCs issued for publications in PubMed and PMC up to 22 August 2016. We also searched the archives of the Retraction Watch blog, some journal and publisher websites, and studies of EEoCs. In addition, we searched for retractions of EEoCs and affected articles (...)
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  26. Da crítica do ceticismo à construção de uma fenomenologia pura.Guilherme Felipe Carvalho - 2023 - Revista Controvérsia 19 (1):54-73.
    O presente artigo almeja demonstrar que em Einleitung in die Logik und Erkenntnistheorie, de 1906/07, por meio de uma crítica ao ceticismo, Husserl promove uma mudança que será significativa no desenvolvimento posterior de sua filosofia: a introdução da εποχή. Ao contrário do ceticismo grego, tal conceito em Husserl, ao suspender o juízo, busca um dado indubitável: o ego. Isso proporciona com que Husserl supere o ceticismo, tanto em sua face dogmática (negação de possibilidade de todo o conhecimento), quanto crítica (suspensão (...)
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  27. Personal Autonomy in Society by Marina Oshana.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):202-206.
  28. (1 other version)Feminists Rethink the Self.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (3):173-176.
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  29.  48
    The scientist as statesman: Biologists and third world health.John J. Carvalho - 2007 - Zygon 42 (2):289-300.
  30.  51
    The development of socio-motivational dependency from early to middle adolescence.Danilo Jagenow, Diana Raufelder & Michael Eid - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Politics of Self‐Respect: A Feminist Perspective.Diana T. Meyers - 1986 - Hypatia 1 (1):83 - 100.
    Recent liberal moral and political philosophy has placed great emphasis on the good of self-respect. But it is not always evident what is involved in self-respect, nor is it evident how societies can promote it. Assuming that self-respect is highly desirable, I begin by considering how people can live in a self-respecting fashion, and I argue that autonomous envisaging and fulfillment of one's own life plans is necessary for self-respect. I next turn to the question of how societal implementation of (...)
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  32. The Impact of the Content of the Label on the Buying Intention of a Wine Consumer.Diana Escandon-Barbosa & Josep Rialp-Criado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Unauthorized Uses of a Coauthored Work and a Doctoral Dissertation.Diana D. Jeffery & Janet Fries - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (2):118-126.
    This article describes the unauthorized uses of a coauthored work and a copyrighted U.S. dissertation by European scientists. The case involves alleged infringements of copyright and plagiarism in 6 works that were published up to 19 years after completion of the dissertation and up to 11 years after publication of the coauthored work. Relevant copyright laws, international copyright agreements, and professional psychology ethics and definitions of scientific misconduct are presented. Graduate students and professionals are advised to protect themselves from copyright (...)
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  34.  54
    A filosofia da existência de Roger Garaudy.José Mauricio de Carvalho - 2005 - Cultura:301-314.
    Roger Garaudy é um filósofo francês que muda de uma posição inicialmente marxista para outra existencialista. A sua aproximação com o existencialismo se dá na década de 70 quando o pensador foi expulso do Partido Comunista Francês por discordar dos rumos do marxismo de então. Ao mesmo tempo ele descobre no existencialismo a chave teórica que justifica sua preocupação humanista. Da fase marxista, o filósofo preserva os elementos éticos e as preo­cupações sociais que ele transfere para sua filosofia existencial. Garaudy (...)
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    A biologist's perspective on the future of the science-religion dialogue in the twenty-first century.I. V. Carvalho - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):217-226.
    Abstract.In recent issues of Zygon, numerous reflections have been published commenting on where the field of science‐and‐religion has been, where it presently stands, and where it should move in the future. These reflections touch on the importance of the dialogue and raise questions as to what audience the dialogue addresses and whom it should address. Some scholars see the dialogue as prospering, while others point out that much work needs to be done to make the dialogue more accessible to a (...)
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  36.  13
    Perception, extension and space: Fichte’s final brush strokes on Kant’s canvas.Mario Jorge Carvalho - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (1):43-85.
  37.  8
    A teoria das cores e das formas gráficas de Wassily Kandinsky.Jairo Dias Carvalho - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-22.
    Resumo: O artigo pretender elucidar a teoria das cores e das formas Gráficas de Wassily Kandinsky. Nossa interpretação é que esta teoria é uma lógica das relações entre os elementos da pintura, formas coloridas e formas gráficas. Esta lógica se baseia em uma concepção tensional da composição a partir da noção de contrariedade e de oposição. A obra de arte abstrata se apresenta como uma série de tensões internas e contrastes entre cores e formas gráficas permitindo a quem a compreende (...)
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    Exploring European childrenʼs self-reported data on online aggression.Susana Batista, Maria João Leote de Carvalho & Cristina Ponte - 2021 - Communications 46 (3):419-445.
    To address the topic of children’s online aggression, this article explores a subsample from the EU Kids Online dataset of 1404 children, aged 9–16, who reported having engaged in aggressive acts online in the previous year. Through a cluster analysis, respondents were classified into three groups. Findings emphasize the risk factors for aggression and how they relate to age-specific developmental tasks. Boys predominate, but the gender gap is not as wide as in offline contexts. For almost half of the children, (...)
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    Assessing the Transformative Significance of Movements & Activism: Lessons from A Postcapitalist Politics.Dorothy Holland & Diana Gomez Correal - 2013 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 14 (2):130-159.
    How do researchers and/or practitioners know when change efforts are bringing about significant transformation? Here we draw on a theory of change put forward by the feminist economic geographers, Julie Graham and Katherine Gibson. Proposing “a postcapitalist politics” that builds on possibility rather than probability, they direct theoretical attention and community engaged action research to recognizing and supporting non-capitalist economic practices and sensibilities that already exist despite the dominance of capitalism that keeps them hidden and ignored and to understanding the (...)
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    Criação "Do Direito" e Criação "de Direitos”: A Diferença Entre Interpretação e Ativismo Judicial e Respectivas Consequências.Zelia Luiza Pierdona & Verbena Duarte Brito de Carvalho - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (2):78.
    Objetiva-se, com o presente trabalho, apontar as diferenças entre o resultado de interpretação judicial e o ativismo judicial, cujas soluções são, respectivamente, a criação do Direito e a criação de direitos. As expressões estão diferentemente grafadas para vinculá-las a comportamentos distintos: "do Direito”, refere-se à regra extraída da ordem jurídica, enquanto "de direitos”, diz respeito a direitos subjetivos (reais ou ideais). O método utilizado foi o dialético, a partir da revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa jurisprudencial, com enfoque na criação jurisdicional, cujo (...)
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    The rise of participatory despotism: a systematic review of online platforms for political engagement.Rose Marie Santini & Hanna Carvalho - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (4):422-437.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review of empirical studies into online platforms for political participation. The objective was to diagnose the relationship between different types of digital participatory platforms, the real possibilities of participation generated by those initiatives and the impact of such participation on the decision-making process of governmental representatives. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review was conducted using pre-defined terms, expressions and criteria. A total of 434 articles from 1995 to 2015 were (...)
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  42.  14
    O valor da Ciência: O debate entre a concepção epistêmica e o reducionismo utilitarista na Filosofia da Ciência de Illka Niiniluoto.Vinicius Carvalho da Silva - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 10 (20):1.
    No presente artigo analisamos o debate entre duas concepções de ciência. De um lado, temos o que vamos chamar de imagem epistemicista, conforme a qual a ciência possui um valor intelectual e cultural intangível, e por isso é um fim em si mesmo. Tal concepção pode ser atacada como cândida, como se defendesse uma imagem de ciência como “Torre de Marfim”. Do outro temos uma imagem de ciência que reduz a pesquisa científica a um meio para alcançarmos fins práticos, como (...)
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    Situating mental time travel in the broad context of temporal cognition: A neural systems approach.Fabiana Mesquita Carvalho - 2018 - Filosofia Unisinos 19 (1).
    Mental time travel (MTT) is the ability of remembering personal past events or thinking about possible personal future happenings. This mental property is possible due to our capacity to be aware of subjective time, which enables us to experience the flow of time, to conceive non-present times, and to process time as a dimension of real world phenomena. Temporal cognition encompasses the mental functions which rely on temporal information enabling the experience of the temporal flow and the processing of the (...)
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  44.  51
    The “Use” of Sex Robots: A Bioethical Issue.Elen C. Carvalho Nascimento, Eugênio da Silva & Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (3):231-240.
    The manufacture of humanoid robots with embedded artificial intelligence and for sexual purposes has generated some debates within bioethics, in which diverse competing views have been presented. Themes such as sexuality and its deviations, the objectification of women, the relational problems of contemporary life, loneliness, and even the reproductive future of the species constitute the arguments which have emerged in relation to this subject. Based on these themes, this article presents the current state of the use of female sex robots, (...)
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    Authenticity for Real People.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 9:195-202.
    In this paper I shall offer an account of the authentic self that is compatible with human intrapsychic, interpersonal, and social experience. I begin by examiningHarry Frankfurt’s influential treatment of authenticity as a form of personal integration, and argue that his conception of the integrated self is too restrictive. I then offer an alternative processual account that views integration as the intelligibility of the self that emerges when a person exercises autonomy skills.
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    Sosa on Animal Knowledge and Emotions.Eros Moreira De Carvalho & Flavio Williges - 2015 - Analytica (Rio) 19 (1):145-160.
    Our goal in this paper is to discuss the notion of animal knowledge in Judgment and Agency. Our approach has two stages. First, we offer a positive contribution, attempting to show that there is room for the introduction of emotions into an animal knowledge approach and into Sosa’s theory of competence. If we follow Sosa and conceive knowledge as a kind of action or successful performance, then emotions can contribute functionally for enhancing performance and are essential for the sharing of (...)
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    Agency.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 1998 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Iris Marion Young (eds.), A companion to feminist philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 372–382.
    A moral agent is an individual who is capable of choosing and acting in accordance with judgments about what is right, wrong, good, bad, worthy, or unworthy. Such individuals are thought to be free and hence responsible for what they do. The obstacles to freedom and responsibility raise philosophical problems in regard to moral agency.
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  48. Escravidão, ética e razão de Estado.José Mauricio de Carvalho - 2020 - In Delmar Cardoso & Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto (eds.), III Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos, 2019. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    Victims' Stories of Human Rights Abuse: The Ethics of Ownership, Dissemination, and Reception.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (1-2):40-57.
    This paper addresses three commentaries on Victims' Stories and the Advancement of Human Rights. In response to Vittorio Bufacchi, it argues that asking victims to tell their stories needn't be coercive or unjust and that victims are entitled to decide whether and under what conditions to tell their stories. In response to Serene Khader, it argues that empathy with victims' stories can contribute to building a culture of human rights provided that measures are taken to overcome the implicit biases and (...)
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  50. Women Philosophers, Sidelined Challenges, and Professional Philosophy.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):149-152.
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