Results for 'Dick Helander'

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  1.  8
    Die visio intellectualis als Erkenntnisweg und -ziel des Nicolaus Cusanus.Birgit H. Helander - 1988 - Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International.
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    Redirecting Radical Democracy: From Antagonism to Alienation.Sofia Anceau Helander - 2024 - Edinburgh University Press.
  3. Studies on pulmonary circulation in provoked bronchial asthma.E. Helander, Se Lindell, B. Soderholm & H. Westling - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 58.
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    Trying to secure a future in uncertain circumstances. The social security of temporary migrant workers in Finland.Mika Helander, Peter Holley & Heidi Uuttana - 2016 - Arbor 192 (777):a286.
  5. Preparation of gastric cell membranes by zonal density gradient centrifugation.J. G. Spenney, A. Strych, A. H. Price, H. F. Helander & G. Sachs - 1974 - Method. Dev. Biochem 4:309.
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    Moral Development and Ego Identity: A Clarification by Dick Howard.Dick Howard - 1976 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1976 (27):176-182.
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    Subculture: The Meaning of Style.Dick Hebdige - 1979 - Routledge.
    First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  8. Weighted sufficientarianisms: Carl Knight on the excessiveness objection.Dick Timmer - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):494-506.
    Carl Knight argues that lexical sufficientarianism, which holds that sufficientarian concerns should have lexical priority over other distributive goals, is ‘excessive’ in many distinct ways and that sufficientarians should either defend weighted sufficientarianism or become prioritarians. In this article, I distinguish three types of weighted sufficientarianism and propose a weighted sufficientarian view that meets the excessiveness objection and is preferable to both Knight’s proposal and prioritarianism. More specifically, I defend a multi-threshold view which gives weighted priority to benefits directly above (...)
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  9. The Philosophy of Biomimicry.Henry Dicks - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (3):223-243.
    The philosophy of biomimicry, I argue, consists of four main areas of inquiry. The first, which has already been explored by Freya Mathews, concerns the “deep” question of what Nature ultimately is. The second, third, and fourth areas correspond to the three basic principles of biomimicry as laid out by Janine Benyus. “Nature as model” is the poetic principle of biomimicry, for it tells us how it is that things are to be “brought forth”. “Nature as measure” is the ethical (...)
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  10. Thresholds in Distributive Justice.Dick Timmer - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (4):422-441.
    Despite the prominence of thresholds in theories of distributive justice, there is no general account of what sort of role is played by the idea of a threshold within such theories. This has allowed an ongoing lack of clarity and misunderstanding around views that employ thresholds. In this article, I develop an account of the concept of thresholds in distributive justice. I argue that this concept contains three elements, which threshold views deploy when ranking possible distributions. These elements are (i) (...)
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    Environmental Ethics and Biomimetic Ethics: Nature as Object of Ethics and Nature as Source of Ethics.Henry Dicks - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (2):255-274.
    While the contemporary biomimicry movement is associated primarily with the idea of taking Nature as model for technological innovation, it also contains a normative or ethical principle—Nature as measure—that may be treated in relative isolation from the better known principle of Nature as model. Drawing on discussions of the principle of Nature as measure put forward by Benyus and Jackson, while at the same time situating these discussions in relation to contemporary debates in the philosophy of biomimicry : 364–387, 2011; (...)
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  12. Defending the Democratic Argument for Limitarianism: A Reply to Volacu and Dumitru.Dick Timmer - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (4):1331-1339.
    In this paper, I argue that limitarian policies are a good means to further political equality. Limitarianism, which is a view coined and defended by Robeyns, is a partial view in distributive justice which claims that under non-ideal circumstances it is morally impermissible to be rich. In a recent paper, Volacu and Dumitru level two arguments against Robeyns’ Democratic Argument for limitarianism. The Democratic Argument states that limitarianism is called for given the undermining influence current inequalities in income and wealth (...)
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  13. (2 other versions)Limitarianism, Upper Limits, and Minimal Thresholds.Dick Timmer - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (4):845-863.
    Limitarianism holds that there is an upper limit to how many resources, such as wealth and income, people can permissibly have. In this article, I examine the conceptual structure of limitarianism. I focus on the upper limit and the idea that resources above the limit are ‘excess resources’. I distinguish two possible limitarian views about such resources: (i) that excess resources have zero moral value for the holder; and (ii) that excess resources do have moral value for the holder but (...)
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  14. Justice, Thresholds, and the Three Claims of Sufficientarianism.Dick Timmer - 2022 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (3):298-323.
    In this article, I propose a novel characterization of sufficientarianism. I argue that sufficientarianism combines three claims: a priority claim that we have non-instrumental reasons to prioritize benefits in certain ranges over benefits in other ranges; a continuum claim that at least two of those ranges are on one continuum; and a deficiency claim that the lower a range on a continuum, the more priority benefits in that range have. This characterization of sufficientarianism sheds new light on two long-standing philosophical (...)
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  15. On the Idea of Degrees of Moral Status.Dick Timmer - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-19.
    A central question in contemporary ethics and political philosophy concerns which entities have moral status. In this article, I provide a detailed analysis of the view that moral status comes in degrees. I argue that degrees of moral status can be specified along two dimensions: (i) the weight of the reason to protect an entity’s morally significant rights and interests; and/or (ii) the rights and interests that are considered morally significant. And I explore some of the complexities that arise when (...)
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    The Biomimicry Revolution: Learning from Nature how to Inhabit the Earth.Henry Dicks - 2023 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Modernity is founded on the belief that the world we build is a human invention, not a part of nature. The ecological consequences of this idea have been catastrophic. We have laid waste to natural ecosystems, replacing them with fundamentally unsustainable human designs. With time running out to address the environmental crises we have caused, our best path forward is to turn to nature for guidance. In this book, Henry Dicks explores the philosophical significance of a revolutionary approach to sustainable (...)
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  17.  35
    Parallel and serial processing in tachistoscopic recognition: Two mechanisms.A. O. Dick - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):60.
  18.  25
    The march of unreason: science, democracy, and the new fundamentalism.Dick Taverne - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In The March of Unreason, Dick Taverne expresses his concern that irrationality is on the rise in Western society, and argues that public opinion is increasingly dominated by unreflecting prejudice and an unwillingness to engage with factual evidence. Discussing topics such as genetically modified crops and foods, organic farming, the MMR vaccine, environmentalism, the precautionary principle, and the new anti-capitalist and anti-globalization movements, he argues that the rejection of the evidence-based approach nurtures a culture of suspicion, distrust, and cynicism, (...)
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    Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice (thesis summary).Dick Timmer - 2022 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (1).
  20.  62
    Effects of an Employee Volunteering Program on the Work Force: The ABN-AMRO Case.Dick Gilder, Theo N. M. Schuyt & Melissa Breedijk - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (2):143-152.
    One of the new ways used by companies to demonstrate their social responsibility is to encourage employee volunteering, whereby employees engage in socially beneficial activities on company time, while being paid by the company. The reasoning is that it is good for employee motivation (internal effects) and good for the company reputation (external effects). This article reports an empirical investigation of the internal effects of employee volunteering conducted amongst employees of the Dutch ABN-AMRO bank. The study showed that (a) socio-demographic (...)
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  21. Impure Semiotic Objections to Markets.David G. Dick - 2018 - Public Affairs Quarterly 32 (3):227-246.
    Semiotic objections to markets urge us not to place a good on the market because of the message that doing so would send. Brennan and Jaworski reject them on the grounds that either the contingent semiotics of a market can be changed or the weakness of semiotic reasons allows them to be ignored. The scope of their argument neglects the impure semiotic objections that claim that the message a market sends causes, constitutes, or involves a nonsemiotic wrong. These are the (...)
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  22. Plurality of Worlds: The Origins of the Extraterrestrial Life Debate from Democritus to Kant.S. J. DICK - 1982
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    How to justify a distribution of earnings.James C. Dick - 1975 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 4 (3):248-272.
  24. Can Imitating Nature save the Planet?Henry Dicks & Vincent Blok - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (5):519-526.
  25.  45
    Privileged Nomads: On the Strangeness of Intellectuals and the Intellectuality of Strangers.Dick Pels - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (1):63-86.
    This article explores some aspects of the long-standing metaphoric conjunction between the images of the intellectual and that of the stranger in the history of social thought . Recently, this conjunction has re-emerged in the self-complimentary image of the `exilic' or `nomadic' intellectual, who is torn between identities and transgresses cultural and linguistic traditions . The article offers a critical appraisal of the intellectualist presumption lurking behind such self-identifications, and raises the issue of intellectual spokespersonship in the novel conditions of (...)
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  26.  14
    The Marxian legacy.Dick Howard - 1977 - London: Macmillan.
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    The Intellectual as Stranger: Studies in Spokespersonship.Dick Pels - 2000 - Routledge.
    The Intellectual as Stranger explores the historical association between images of the intellectual and those of the stranger, or the outsider to society. Using detailed case-studies, Pels examines the ambiguous strangerhood of political intellectuals such as Marx, Durkheim, Sorel, Freyer and Hendrik de Man.
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    Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice.Dick Timmer - 2021 - Dissertation, Utrecht University
    Despite the prominence of thresholds and limits in theories of distributive justice, there is no general account of their role within such theories. This has allowed an ongoing lack of clarity and misunderstanding around threshold views in distributive justice. In this thesis, I develop an account of the conceptual structure of such views. Such an account helps understand and characterize threshold views, can subsume what may seem to be different debates about such views under one conceptual header, and can be (...)
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  29. The Living Universe: Nasa and the Development of Astrobiology.Steven J. Dick & James E. Strick - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):386-387.
  30. Transformable Goods and the Limits of What Money Can Buy.David G. Dick - 2017 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 4 (1):121-140.
    There are some things money literally cannot buy. Invariably transformable goods are such things because when they are exchanged for money, they become something else. These goods are destroyed rather than transferred in monetary exchanges. They mark out an impassable limit beyond which money and the market cannot reach. They cannot be for sale, in the strongest and most literal sense. Variably transformable goods are similar. They can be destroyed when offered or exchanged for money, but they differ in their (...)
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  31.  25
    The Specter of Democracy: What Marx and Marxists Haven't Understood and Why.Dick Howard - 2002 - Columbia University Press.
    In this rethinking of Marxism and its blind spots, Dick Howard argues that the collapse of European communism in 1989 should not be identified with a victory for capitalism and makes possible a wholesale reevaluation of democratic politics in the U.S. and abroad. The author turns to the American and French Revolutions to uncover what was truly "revolutionary" about those events, arguing that two distinct styles of democratic life emerged, the implications of which were misinterpreted in light of the (...)
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    Health data research on sudden cardiac arrest: perspectives of survivors and their next-of-kin.Dick L. Willems, Hanno L. Tan, Marieke T. Blom, Rens Veeken & Marieke A. R. Bak - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundConsent for data research in acute and critical care is complex as patients become at least temporarily incapacitated or die. Existing guidelines and regulations in the European Union are of limited help and there is a lack of literature about the use of data from this vulnerable group. To aid the creation of a patient-centred framework for responsible data research in the acute setting, we explored views of patients and next-of-kin about the collection, storage, sharing and use of genetic and (...)
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    The Status of the Object.Dick Pels, Kevin Hetherington & FrÈdÈric Vandenberghe - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (5-6):1-21.
    In their substantive introduction, the editors first revisit two classical sites of controversy which have offered frameworks for theorizing the interplay between materiality and sociality: reification and fetishism. Obviously, these critical vocabularies emerge as crucial sites of perplexity as soon as the ontological boundary between subjects and objects is rendered equally problematic and fluid as the epistemological boundary between the imaginary and the real. A thumbnail sketch of the history of the two discursive traditions (from Marxism up to Actor Network (...)
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    Of Models and Machines: Implementing Bounded Rationality.Stephanie Dick - 2015 - Isis 106 (3):623-634.
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    Who Leads More and Why? A Mediation Model from Gender to Leadership Role Occupancy.Rolf Dick, Sebastian Schuh, Jordi Escartín & Alina Hernandez Bark - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (3):473-483.
    Previous research has shown that female leaders lead slightly more effective than male leaders. However, women are still underrepresented in higher management. In this study, we seek to contribute to a deeper understanding of this paradox by proposing and testing an innovative model that integrates different research streams on gender and leadership. Specifically, we propose power motivation and transformational leadership as two central yet opposing dynamics that underlie the relation between gender and leadership role occupancy. We tested this model in (...)
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  36.  14
    Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic.H. V. Dicks - 2014 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1970 this title commemorates the men and ideas that started, inspired and established a pioneer institution in British psychiatry. Based on the impetus of Freudian and related innovations after the First World War, the Tavistock Clinic offered treatment, training and research facilities in the field of neurosis, child guidance and later on group relations. Dr Dicks, who had been associated for nearly forty years with the work and personalities that helped to develop the Tavistock venture, describes the (...)
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  37. The sufficiency theory of justice and the allocation of health resources.Dick Timmer - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (9):796-802.
    According to the sufficiency theory of justice in health, justice requires that people have equal access to adequate health. In this article, I lay out the structure of this view and I assess its distributive implications for setting priority (i) between health needs across persons and (ii) between health care spending and other societal goods. I argue, first, that according to the sufficiency theory, deficiency in health cannot be completely offset by providing other societal goods. And, second, that it can (...)
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    The Poetics of Biomimicry.Henry Dicks - 2017 - Environmental Philosophy 14 (2):191-219.
    The Ancient Greeks understood both art and technology (techne) as imitation (mimesis) of Nature (physis). This article argues that the rapidly growing ecological innovation strategy known as biomimicry makes it possible for technology to leave behind the modern goal of “mastering and possessing” Nature and instead to rediscover the initial vocation it shared with art: imitating Nature. This in turn suggests a general strategy for philosophical inquiry into the biomimetic principle of “Nature as model”: the transposition of philosophical analyses of (...)
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  39.  42
    A New Way of Valuing Nature.Henry Dicks - 2017 - Environmental Ethics 39 (3):281-299.
    According to the renowned biomimicry specialist, Janine Benyus, biomimicry offers a new way of valuing nature based on the principle of learning from nature. Comparing and contrast­ing this new way of valuing nature with the dominant conception of nature as valuable for the ecosystem services it provides, an articulation of the respective theoretical frameworks of ecosystem services and biomimicry can be proposed. This articulation depends on the insight that each of the four basic categories of ecosystem service identified in the (...)
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  40. The Marxian Legacy.Dick Howard - 1977 - Studies in Soviet Thought 41 (2):167-169.
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  41. The theoretical significance of experimental relativity.Robert H. Dicke - 1964 - New York,: Gordon & Breach.
  42.  9
    Animals in disasters.Dick Green - 2019 - Cambridge, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann an imprint of Elsevier.
    Animals in Disasters is a comprehensive book on animal rescue written by Dr. Dick Green who shares his experiences, best practices and lessons learned from well over 125 domestic and international disasters. It provides a step-by-step process for communities and states to more effectively address animal issues and enhance their animal response capabilities. Sections include an overview of the history of animal rescue, where we are today, and the steps needed to better prepare for tomorrow. This how-to book for (...)
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    Validating the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II) Using Set-ESEM: Identifying Psychosocial Risk Factors in a Sample of School Principals.Theresa Dicke, Herbert W. Marsh, Philip Riley, Philip D. Parker, Jiesi Guo & Marcus Horwood - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:333235.
    School principals world-wide report high levels of strain and attrition resulting in a shortage of qualified principals. It is thus, crucial to identify psychosocial risk factors that reflect principals’ occupational wellbeing. For this purpose, we used the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II), a widely used self-report measure covering multiple psychosocial factors identified by leading occupational stress theories. We evaluated the COPSOQ-II regarding factor structure and longitudinal, discriminant, and convergent validity using latent structural equation modeling in a large sample of Australian school (...)
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    Reflexivity.Dick Pels - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (3):1-25.
    Reflexivity, or the systematic attempt to include the spokesperson in accounts of the social world, is a magnetic signature and inherent riddle of all modern thinking about knowledge and science. Turning the narrative back upon the narrator may sharpen our critical wits about the `inescapable perspectivity' of human knowledge; but self-referential accounts may also trigger endless loops of meta-theorizing and lose track of the object itself. Negotiating the twin pitfalls of spiralling meta-reflexivity and flat naturalistic accounts, I argue for a (...)
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    On the proof of Solovay's theorem.Dick Jongh, Marc Jumelet & Franco Montagna - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (1):51 - 69.
    Solovay's 1976 completeness result for modal provability logic employs the recursion theorem in its proof. It is shown that the uses of the recursion theorem can in this proof be replaced by the diagonalization lemma for arithmetic and that, in effect, the proof neatly fits the framework of another, enriched, system of modal logic (the so-called Rosser logic of Gauspari-Solovay, 1979) so that any arithmetical system for which this logic is sound is strong enough to carry out the proof, in (...)
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  46. Intermediate Logics and the de Jongh property.Dick Jongh, Rineke Verbrugge & Albert Visser - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (1-2):197-213.
    We prove that all extensions of Heyting Arithmetic with a logic that has the finite frame property possess the de Jongh property.
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  47. Aldo Leopold and the Ecological Imaginary.Henry Dicks - 2014 - Environmental Philosophy 11 (2):175-209.
    Aldo Leopold accorded great significance to the images he used to describe both the land and humankind’s relation to it. Focusing on three key images of Leopold’s “ecological imaginary”—the balance, the pyramid, and the round river—this article argues that the most profound of these is the round river. Contrasting this image with James Lovelock’s portrayal of the earth as Gaia, it further argues that Leopold’s round river can be interpreted as a contemporary, ecological reworking of the primordial, Homeric experience of (...)
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    Current periodical articles.Dick Tom & Gerald J. Massey - 1976 - American Philosophical Quarterly 13 (1).
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  49. Intergenerational Justice and Freedom from Deprivation.Dick Timmer - 2024 - Utilitas 36 (2):168-183.
    Almost everyone believes that freedom from deprivation should have significant weight in specifying what justice between generations requires. Some theorists hold that it should always trump other distributive concerns. Other theorists hold that it should have some but not lexical priority. I argue instead that freedom from deprivation should have lexical priority in some cases, yet weighted priority in others. More specifically, I defend semi-strong sufficientarianism. This view posits a deprivation threshold at which people are free from deprivation, and an (...)
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  50. Limitarismo. ¿Patrón, principio o presunción?Dick Timmer - 2024 - In Ingrid Robeyns (ed.), Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo. Open Book Publishers. pp. 147–170.
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