Results for 'Diederik Timmer'

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  1.  70
    Investors in need of social, ethical, and environmental information.Harry Hummels & Diederik Timmer - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (1):73-84.
    In this contribution we will briefly discuss the shareholders' need for social, ethical and environmental information and the efforts of corporations to address this need. Looking at three cases, we will raise some doubt with regard to the adequacy of corporate SEE reporting to meet the needs of shareholders. We will discuss the following three cases: BP's investments in Azerbaijan, Nike's management of its labour conditions, of child labour and security issues, and Monsanto's production of genetically modified seeds.
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  2. Concepts and Their Dynamics: A Quantum‐Theoretic Modeling of Human Thought.Diederik Aerts, Liane Gabora & Sandro Sozzo - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (4):737-772.
    We analyze different aspects of our quantum modeling approach of human concepts and, more specifically, focus on the quantum effects of contextuality, interference, entanglement, and emergence, illustrating how each of them makes its appearance in specific situations of the dynamics of human concepts and their combinations. We point out the relation of our approach, which is based on an ontology of a concept as an entity in a state changing under influence of a context, with the main traditional concept theories, (...)
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  3. Weighted sufficientarianisms: Carl Knight on the excessiveness objection.Dick Timmer - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):494-506.
    Carl Knight argues that lexical sufficientarianism, which holds that sufficientarian concerns should have lexical priority over other distributive goals, is ‘excessive’ in many distinct ways and that sufficientarians should either defend weighted sufficientarianism or become prioritarians. In this article, I distinguish three types of weighted sufficientarianism and propose a weighted sufficientarian view that meets the excessiveness objection and is preferable to both Knight’s proposal and prioritarianism. More specifically, I defend a multi-threshold view which gives weighted priority to benefits directly above (...)
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    A Potentiality and Conceptuality Interpretation of Quantum Physics.Diederik Aerts - 2010 - Philosophica 83 (1).
    We elaborate on a new interpretation of quantum mechanics which we introduced recently. The main hypothesis of this new interpretation is that quantum particles are entities interacting with matter conceptually, which means that pieces of matter function as interfaces for the conceptual content carried by the quantum particles. We explain how our interpretation was inspired by our earlier analysis of non-locality as non-spatiality and a specific interpretation of quantum potentiality, which we illustrate by means of the example of two interconnected (...)
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  5. (1 other version)A theory of concepts and their combinations I: The structure of the sets of contexts and properties.Diederik Aerts & Liane Gabora - 2005 - Aerts, Diederik and Gabora, Liane (2005) a Theory of Concepts and Their Combinations I.
    We propose a theory for modeling concepts that uses the state-context-property theory (SCOP), a generalization of the quantum formalism, whose basic notions are states, contexts and properties. This theory enables us to incorporate context into the mathematical structure used to describe a concept, and thereby model how context influences the typicality of a single exemplar and the applicability of a single property of a concept. We introduce the notion `state of a concept' to account for this contextual influence, and show (...)
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  6. The entity and modern physics.Diederik Aerts - 1998 - In Elena Castellani (ed.), Interpreting Bodies: Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics. Princeton University Press. pp. 223--257.
  7. Defending the Democratic Argument for Limitarianism: A Reply to Volacu and Dumitru.Dick Timmer - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (4):1331-1339.
    In this paper, I argue that limitarian policies are a good means to further political equality. Limitarianism, which is a view coined and defended by Robeyns, is a partial view in distributive justice which claims that under non-ideal circumstances it is morally impermissible to be rich. In a recent paper, Volacu and Dumitru level two arguments against Robeyns’ Democratic Argument for limitarianism. The Democratic Argument states that limitarianism is called for given the undermining influence current inequalities in income and wealth (...)
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  8. Thresholds in Distributive Justice.Dick Timmer - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (4):422-441.
    Despite the prominence of thresholds in theories of distributive justice, there is no general account of what sort of role is played by the idea of a threshold within such theories. This has allowed an ongoing lack of clarity and misunderstanding around views that employ thresholds. In this article, I develop an account of the concept of thresholds in distributive justice. I argue that this concept contains three elements, which threshold views deploy when ranking possible distributions. These elements are (i) (...)
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  9. Justice, Thresholds, and the Three Claims of Sufficientarianism.Dick Timmer - 2022 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (3):298-323.
    In this article, I propose a novel characterization of sufficientarianism. I argue that sufficientarianism combines three claims: a priority claim that we have non-instrumental reasons to prioritize benefits in certain ranges over benefits in other ranges; a continuum claim that at least two of those ranges are on one continuum; and a deficiency claim that the lower a range on a continuum, the more priority benefits in that range have. This characterization of sufficientarianism sheds new light on two long-standing philosophical (...)
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  10. Many-Measurements or Many-Worlds? A Dialogue.Diederik Aerts & Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi - 2015 - Foundations of Science 20 (4):399-427.
    Many advocates of the Everettian interpretation consider that theirs is the only approach to take quantum mechanics really seriously, and that this approach allows to deduce a fantastic scenario for our reality, one that consists of an infinite number of parallel worlds that branch out continuously. In this article, written in dialogue form, we suggest that quantum mechanics can be taken even more seriously, if the many-worlds view is replaced by a many-measurements view. This allows not only to derive the (...)
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    Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice.Dick Timmer - 2021 - Dissertation, Utrecht University
    Despite the prominence of thresholds and limits in theories of distributive justice, there is no general account of their role within such theories. This has allowed an ongoing lack of clarity and misunderstanding around threshold views in distributive justice. In this thesis, I develop an account of the conceptual structure of such views. Such an account helps understand and characterize threshold views, can subsume what may seem to be different debates about such views under one conceptual header, and can be (...)
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    'Missile Strike Carried Out With Yemeni Cooperation'—Using UCAVs to Kill Alleged Terrorists: A Professional Approach to the Normative Bases of Military Ethics.Diederik Kolff - 2003 - Journal of Military Ethics 2 (3):240-244.
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    Spin and Wind Directions I: Identifying Entanglement in Nature and Cognition.Diederik Aerts, Jonito Aerts Arguëlles, Lester Beltran, Suzette Geriente, Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi, Sandro Sozzo & Tomas Veloz - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (2):323-335.
    We present a cognitive psychology experiment where participants were asked to select pairs of spatial directions that they considered to be the best example of Two different wind directions. Data are shown to violate the CHSH version of Bell’s inequality with the same magnitude as in typical Bell-test experiments with entangled spins. Wind directions thus appear to be conceptual entities connected through meaning, in human cognition, in a similar way as spins appear to be entangled in experiments conducted in physics (...)
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  14. (2 other versions)Limitarianism, Upper Limits, and Minimal Thresholds.Dick Timmer - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (4):845-863.
    Limitarianism holds that there is an upper limit to how many resources, such as wealth and income, people can permissibly have. In this article, I examine the conceptual structure of limitarianism. I focus on the upper limit and the idea that resources above the limit are ‘excess resources’. I distinguish two possible limitarian views about such resources: (i) that excess resources have zero moral value for the holder; and (ii) that excess resources do have moral value for the holder but (...)
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  15. Ethics of AI and Cybersecurity When Sovereignty is at Stake.Paul Timmers - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (4):635-645.
    Sovereignty and strategic autonomy are felt to be at risk today, being threatened by the forces of rising international tensions, disruptive digital transformations and explosive growth of cybersecurity incidents. The combination of AI and cybersecurity is at the sharp edge of this development and raises many ethical questions and dilemmas. In this commentary, I analyse how we can understand the ethics of AI and cybersecurity in relation to sovereignty and strategic autonomy. The analysis is followed by policy recommendations, some of (...)
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  16. On the Idea of Degrees of Moral Status.Dick Timmer - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-19.
    A central question in contemporary ethics and political philosophy concerns which entities have moral status. In this article, I provide a detailed analysis of the view that moral status comes in degrees. I argue that degrees of moral status can be specified along two dimensions: (i) the weight of the reason to protect an entity’s morally significant rights and interests; and/or (ii) the rights and interests that are considered morally significant. And I explore some of the complexities that arise when (...)
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  17.  42
    The pet-fish problem on the world-wide web.Diederik Aerts, Marek Czachor, Bart D’Hooghe & Sandro Sozzo - 2007 - Cognition 2008:2009.
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  18.  78
    Reduction.Diederik Aerts & Fritz Rohrlich - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (1):27-35.
  19.  81
    Quantum structures and the nature of reality: the indigo book of 'Einstein meets Magritte'.Diederik Aerts (ed.) - 1999 - Boston: Kluwer Academic.
    Quantum Structures and the Nature of Reality is a collection of papers written for an interdisciplinary audience about the quantum structure research within the International Quantum Structures Association. The advent of quantum mechanics has changed our scientific worldview in a fundamental way. Many popular and semi-popular books have been published about the paradoxical aspects of quantum mechanics. Usually, however, these reflections find their origin in the standard views on quantum mechanics, most of all the wave-particle duality picture. Contrary to relativity (...)
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    Toward a Definition of Competency in Art Education.Diederik Schönau - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (4):76-97.
    Abstract:The concept of competency (or competence) entered educational policy by the end of last century. Due to this concept’s background in recruitment and because of its generic character, many definitions have been given, but so far no unified, transparent, and consistent definition has come forward. The concept of competency has also reached art education. Due to the “artistic” character of this domain of learning, this concept seems to be a powerful instrument to describe the types of behavior and learning goals (...)
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  21. Probing the meaning of quantum mechanics: information, contextuality, relationalism and entanglement: Proceedings of the II International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Physical, Philosophical and Logical Approaches, CLEA, Brussels Free University, Belgium, 23-24 July 2015.Diederik Aerts, Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa, Christian de Ronde & Decio Krause (eds.) - 2019 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    This book provides an interdisciplinary perspective on one of the most fascinating and important open questions in science: What is quantum mechanics talking about? Quantum theory is perhaps our best confirmed physical theory. However, despite its great empirical effectiveness and the subsequent technological developments that it gave rise to in the 20th century, from the interpretation of the periodic table of elements to CD players, holograms and quantum state teleportation, it stands even today without a universally accepted interpretation. The novelty (...)
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  22. Juan Donoso Cortés.Diederik Boomsma - 2012 - In Thierry Baudet & Michiel Visser (eds.), Revolutionair verval en de conservatieve vooruitgang in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw. Amsterdam: Bakker.
  23.  19
    Radical Innovation and End-User Involvement: The Ambilight Case.Elmo M. A. Diederiks & Henriette C. M. Hoonhout - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 20 (1):31-38.
  24. Prodigal Ratio: The Autonomy of Reason and Its Homecoming to Faith in Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics.David E. Timmer - 2021 - In Terence J. Kleven (ed.), Faith and Reason in the Reformations. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  25. Probing the Meaning and Structure of Quantum Mechanics: Semantics, Dynamics and Identity.Diederik Aerts, Christian de Ronde, Hector Freytes & Roberto Giuntini (eds.) - 2016 - World Scientific.
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  26.  31
    Art as the Handmaiden of Cultural Understanding.Diederik W. Schönau - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 51 (4):119-123.
    The title of this collection of essays reflects the confusing complexity of the issues at stake. “Arts,” “Beyond Art,” and “Art”: what “art” are we talking about? In the introductory chapter, the editors follow, among others, the analyses of Arthur Danto and Pierre Bourdieu, concluding that “art,” as a series of canonical art works that reflect and legitimize the taste of an elite and defines the content of arts education, has come to an end. More specifically, the focus should change (...)
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    The flexible unconscious: Investigating the judgmental impact of varieties of unaware perception.Diederik A. Stapel & Willem Koomen - 2006 - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42 (1):112-119.
  28.  8
    Kabinetten als spil en het begijnhof voor de ambtenaren?Diederik Vancoppenolle & Marleen Brans - 2010 - Res Publica 52 (4):483-510.
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    Preface of the Special Issue International Symposium “Worlds of Entanglement”.Diederik Aerts, Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi, Sandro Sozzo & Tomas Veloz - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (1):1-4.
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  30. Why Fly? Prudential Value, Climate Change, and the Ethics of Long-distance Leisure Travel.Dick Timmer & Willem van der Deijl - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (5):689-707.
    We argue that the prudential benefits of long-distance leisure travel can justify such trips even though there are strong and important reasons against long-distance flying. This is because prudential benefits can render otherwise impermissible actions permissible, and because, according to dominant theories about wellbeing, long-distance leisure travel provides significant prudential benefits. However, this ‘wellbeing argument’ for long-distance leisure travel must be qualified in two ways. First, because travellers are epistemically privileged with respect to knowledge about what is good for them, (...)
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  31. Intergenerational Justice and Freedom from Deprivation.Dick Timmer - 2024 - Utilitas 36 (2):168-183.
    Almost everyone believes that freedom from deprivation should have significant weight in specifying what justice between generations requires. Some theorists hold that it should always trump other distributive concerns. Other theorists hold that it should have some but not lexical priority. I argue instead that freedom from deprivation should have lexical priority in some cases, yet weighted priority in others. More specifically, I defend semi-strong sufficientarianism. This view posits a deprivation threshold at which people are free from deprivation, and an (...)
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  32. A quiet revolution : vulnerability in the European Court of Human Rights.Alexandra Timmer - 2013 - In Martha Fineman & Anna Grear (eds.), Vulnerability: reflections on a new ethical foundation for law and politics. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
  33. Presumptive Limitarianism: A Reply to Robert Huseby.Dick Timmer - 2023 - In Ingrid Robeyns (ed.), Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers. pp. 203-218.
    In earlier work on limitarianism, I argued that setting an upper limit to the amount of wealth that people can permissibly have is justified when decision-makers are unaware of or disagree about the appropriate distributive criterion or if they are unaware of people’s relevant features (or both). Robert Huseby has raised several powerful objections to this presumptive argument for limitarianism. Some of these objections call for a revision of my defence of presumptive limitarianism while others call for clarification, both of (...)
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    Jacques Vermeylen, Le livre d’Isaïe. Une cathédrale littéraire. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf , 2014, 235 p.Daniel Timmer - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (2):366-368.
  35. The sufficiency theory of justice and the allocation of health resources.Dick Timmer - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (9):796-802.
    According to the sufficiency theory of justice in health, justice requires that people have equal access to adequate health. In this article, I lay out the structure of this view and I assess its distributive implications for setting priority (i) between health needs across persons and (ii) between health care spending and other societal goods. I argue, first, that according to the sufficiency theory, deficiency in health cannot be completely offset by providing other societal goods. And, second, that it can (...)
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    Max Stirner: ou, la Première confrontation entre Karl Marx et la pensée anti-autoritaire.Diederik Dettmeijer & Max Stirner (eds.) - 1979 - Lausanne: Éditions L'Age d'homme.
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    Radical innovation and end-user involvement: the Ambilight case.Elmo M. A. Diederiks & Henriette Jettie C. M. Hoonhout - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 20 (1):31-38.
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  38. Being-in-the-Covenant : Reflections on the Crisis of Historicism in North Malaita, Solomon Islands.Jaap Timmer - 2015 - In Kalpana Ram & Christopher Houston (eds.), Phenomenology in Anthropology: A Sense of Perspective. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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  39. Expression and communication of emotion in music performance.Patrik Juslin & Timmers & Renee - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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  40. A quantum mechanical analysis of time and motion in relativity theory.Diederik Aerts & Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi - 2024 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 39 (2):165-191.
    An operational approach to quantum mechanics has been developed in the past decades in our group in Brussels. A similar approach is taken in this work, making use of the extra operational depth offered by this approach, to show that the construction of spacetime is specific to each observer. What is usually referred to as the block universe then emerges by noting that parts of the past and future are also contained in the present, but without the limitations that a (...)
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  41. The liar-paradox in a quantum mechanical perspective.Diederik Aerts, Jan Broekaert & Sonja Smets - 1999 - Foundations of Science 4 (2):115-132.
    In this paper we concentrate on the nature of the liar paradox asa cognitive entity; a consistently testable configuration of properties. We elaborate further on a quantum mechanical model (Aerts, Broekaert and Smets, 1999) that has been proposed to analyze the dynamics involved, and we focus on the interpretation and concomitant philosophical picture. Some conclusions we draw from our model favor an effective realistic interpretation of cognitive reality.
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    Arguing about desirable consequences: What constitutes a convincing argument?Hans Hoeken, Rian Timmers & Peter Jan Schellens - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (3):394 - 416.
    Argument quality has consistently been shown to have strong and lasting persuasive effects. The question is what criteria people use to distinguish strong from weak arguments and how these criteria relate to the ones proposed in normative argumentation theory. In an experiment 235 participants without training in argumentation theory rated the acceptance of 30 claims about the desirability of a consequence that were supported by either an argument from analogy, from authority, or from consequences. The supporting arguments were systematically manipulated (...)
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  43. Limitarismo. ¿Patrón, principio o presunción?Dick Timmer - 2024 - In Ingrid Robeyns (ed.), Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo. Open Book Publishers. pp. 147–170.
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    Thresholds and Limits in Theories of Distributive Justice (thesis summary).Dick Timmer - 2022 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (1).
  45.  95
    Spin and Wind Directions II: A Bell State Quantum Model.Diederik Aerts, Jonito Aerts Arguëlles, Lester Beltran, Suzette Geriente, Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi, Sandro Sozzo & Tomas Veloz - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (2):337-365.
    In the first half of this two-part article, we analyzed a cognitive psychology experiment where participants were asked to select pairs of directions that they considered to be the best example of Two Different Wind Directions, and showed that the data violate the CHSH version of Bell’s inequality, with same magnitude as in typical Bell-test experiments in physics. In this second part, we complete our analysis by presenting a symmetrized version of the experiment, still violating the CHSH inequality but now (...)
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  46. Limitarismo presuntivo. Una respuesta a Robert Huseby.Dick Timmer - 2024 - In Ingrid Robeyns (ed.), Tener Demasiado: Ensayos Filosóficos sobre el Limitarismo. Open Book Publishers. pp. 227–244. Translated by Héctor Iñaki Larrínaga Márquez.
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  47. Introduction: Symposium Limitarianism: Extreme Wealth as a Moral Problem.Dick Timmer & Christian Neuhäuser - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (5):717-719.
    The growing concentration of wealth has acquired a new urgency in recent years. One particular view in this context is developed by Ingrid Robeyns in her ground-breaking work on limitarianism. According to this view, no one should have more than a certain amount of valuable goods, such as income and wealth. The contributors to this symposium, Brian Berkey, David Axelsen and Lasse Nielsen, Jessica Flanigan and Christopher Freiman, and Lena Halldenius, critically examine various aspects of limitarianism. In particular, they examine (...)
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  48.  90
    Quantum Structure in Cognition: Human Language as a Boson Gas of Entangled Words.Diederik Aerts & Lester Beltran - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (3):755-802.
    We model a piece of text of human language telling a story by means of the quantum structure describing a Bose gas in a state close to a Bose–Einstein condensate near absolute zero temperature. For this we introduce energy levels for the words used in the story and we also introduce the new notion of ‘cogniton’ as the quantum of human thought. Words are then cognitons in different energy states as it is the case for photons in different energy states, (...)
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    Beethoven’s last piano sonata and those who follow crocodiles: Cross-domain mappings of auditory pitch in a musical context.Zohar Eitan & Renee Timmers - 2010 - Cognition 114 (3):405-422.
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    Correction to: Preface of the Special Issue: International Symposium “Worlds of Entanglement” - Second Part.Diederik Aerts, Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi, Sandro Sozzo & Tomas Veloz - 2018 - Foundations of Science 26 (1):5-5.
    A correction to this paper has been published:
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