Results for 'Digital Technologies'

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  1. Digital technologies and artificial intelligence’s present and foreseeable impact on lawyering, judging, policing and law enforcement.Ephraim Nissan - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (3):441-464.
    ‘AI & Law’ research has been around since the 1970s, even though with shifting emphasis. This is an overview of the contributions of digital technologies, both artificial intelligence and non-AI smart tools, to both the legal professions and the police. For example, we briefly consider text mining and case-automated summarization, tools supporting argumentation, tools concerning sentencing based on the technique of case-based reasoning, the role of abductive reasoning, research into applying AI to legal evidence, tools for fighting crime (...)
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  2.  42
    Digital Technologies, Ethical Questions, and the Need of an Informational Framework.Federica Russo - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):655-667.
    Technologies have always been bearers of profound changes in science, society, and any other aspect of life. The latest technological revolution—the digital revolution—is no exception in this respect. This paper presents the revolution brought about by digital technologies through the lenses of a specific approach: the philosophy of information. It is argued that the adoption of an informational approach helps avoiding utopian or dystopian approaches to technology, both expressions of technological determinism. Such an approach provides a (...)
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    Digital technologies as truth‐bearers in health care.Ruth Bartlett, Andrew Balmer & Petula Brannelly - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (1):e12161.
    In this paper, we explore the idea of digital technologies as truth‐bearers in health care and argue that devices like SenseCam, which facilitate reflection and memory recall, have a potentially vital role in healthcare situations when questions of veracity are at stake (e.g., when best interest decisions are being made). We discuss the role of digital technologies as truth‐bearers in the context of nursing people with dementia, as this is one area of health care in which (...)
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    Heidegger, Digital Technology, and Postmodern Education: From Being in Cyberspace to Meeting on MySpace.Rita Kop & Patrick Walters - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (4):278-286.
    Digital technology is transforming life and is beginning to have a profound effect on individual psychic life and the wider social milieu. This article seeks to understand the nature of the new technology and its implications for personal life, culture, and education. The scene is set by comparing the introduction of printing to the revolution inaugurated by digital technology. This new age is often called “postmodern,” and some of the characteristics of the age suggested by Lyotard, Baudrillard, McLuhan, (...)
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  5.  36
    Using digital technologies to engage with medical research: views of myotonic dystrophy patients in Japan.Victoria Coathup, Harriet J. A. Teare, Jusaku Minari, Go Yoshizawa, Jane Kaye, Masanori P. Takahashi & Kazuto Kato - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):51.
    As in other countries, the traditional doctor-patient relationship in the Japanese healthcare system has often been characterised as being of a paternalistic nature. However, in recent years there has been a gradual shift towards a more participatory-patient model in Japan. With advances in technology, the possibility to use digital technologies to improve patient interactions is growing and is in line with changing attitudes in the medical profession and society within Japan and elsewhere. The implementation of an online patient (...)
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  6.  12
    Digital Technology and the Mythologies of Globalization.David J. Staley - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (6):421-425.
    The apparently universal presence of digital technology is an insufficient condition for a global civilization. An examination of the distribution of the physical hardware of cyberspace reveals deep continuities with earlier patterns of international commerce and information flow, which contradict the supposedly revolutionary nature of the global information network. These patterns have reflected and continue to reflect hierarchical power relations—not global harmony—between the technological haves and have-nots.
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    (Self-)envy, digital technology, and me.Lucy Osler - unknown
    Using digital technology, in particular social media, is often associated with envy. Online, where there is a tendency for people to present themselves in their best light at their best moments, it can feel like we are unable to turn without being exposed to people living out their perfect lives, with their fancy achievements, their beautiful faces and families, their easy wit, and wide social circles. In this paper, I dive into the relationship between envy and digital technology. (...)
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    Digital technology and on-farm responses to climate shocks: exploring the relations between producer agency and the security of food production.Carol Richards, Rudolf Messner & Vaughan Higgins - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-15.
    Recent research into climate shocks and what this means for the on-farm production of food revealed mixed and unanticipated results. Whilst the research was triggered by a series of catastrophic, climate related disruptions, Australian beef producers interviewed for the study downplayed the immediate and direct impacts of climate shocks. When considering the changing nature of production under shifting climatic conditions, producers offered a commentary on the digital technology and data which interconnected with climate solutions deriving from both on and (...)
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  9.  26
    Are Digital Technologies Transforming Humanity and Making Politics Impossible?Jonathan O. Chimakonam - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (1):209-223.
    My question in this paper is whether digital technologies transform humanity and make politics impossible. Digital technologies, no doubt, are revolutionary. But I argue that what they have done in the Post-Cold War era are: (1) to further contract the spaces between politicians and the people; (2) transform actors from subjects to objects, such that we may in addition to social identities, talk about digital identities; (3) relocate the public sphere from squares to ilosphere where (...)
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    Digital Technology, Indexicality, and Cinema.David Davies - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 46:45-60.
    My principal concern in this paper is to determine how fundamental are the implications, for the moving image as a medium for works of art, of the loss of indexicality consequent upon the move from a photochemical medium to a computational medium. I begin by examining the bearing of indexicality on the status of still images as photographs, or as photographic art. I then consider whether, where indexicality is lost through the use of digital technology, this has the same (...)
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  11. Digital Technology and the Problem of Dialogical Discourse in Social Media.Bradley Warfield - 2023 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (2):220-239.
    In this paper, I discuss some prominent features of our use of social media and what I think are its harms. My paper has three main parts. In the first part, I use a dialogical framework to argue that much of the discursive activity online is manifested as an ethically impoverished other-directedness and interactivity. In the second part, I identify and discuss several reasons that help explain why so much of the discursive activity on social media is ethically lacking. And (...)
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  12.  19
    Rethinking democratizing potential of digital technology.Luyue Ma - 2020 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (1):140-156.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine how the shifting conceptualization of the democratizing potential of digital technology can be more comprehensively understood by bringing in science and technology studies (STS) perspectives to communication scholarship. The synthesis and discussion are aiming at providing an interdisciplinary theoretical framework for comprehensively understand the democratizing potential of digital technology, and urging researchers to be conscious of assumptions underpinning epistemological positions they take when examining the issue of democratizing potential of (...) technology.,The paper is a constructive literature review that synthesizes and integrates existed literature from communication and STS on the democratizing potential of digital technology. The author attempts to bridge theoretical perspectives from communication and STS by identifying core arguments and debates around key concepts and discussing potential implications of different epistemological positions.,Tracing the evolving analytical perspectives of technological determinism, the social construction of technology and actor-network theory, the author argues that researchers should be aware of their underlying epistemological assumptions embedded in relationships among users, technological systems and social factors. Analyzing the contested notion of power in the democratizing potential of digital technology from two contrasting perspectives, the author argues that researchers should recognize both the front end and the back end of digital technology in their analysis. In addition, new challenges of algorithm opacity and accountability in impacting the democratizing potential of digital technology are further discussed.,This study provides an original interdisciplinary theoretical framework by reviewing and bridging scholarship from communication and STS in examining the democratizing potential of digital technology. Adopting this interdisciplinary theoretical framework helps researchers develop a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the democratizing potential of digital technology. (shrink)
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  13.  68
    Emotions and Digital Technologies.Nicola Liberati - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (36).
    Digital technologies are pervasively used, and they are becoming part of our everyday actions by being designed to be connected to every aspect of our private life like emotions. However, it is not very clear how they are going to change who we are through their tight intertwinement. Especially in relation to emotions, it is not clear at all what happens when they become digitalized and visualized through these digital devices. Usually, the research focusses on the effect (...)
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  14.  54
    Digital Technology, Virtual Worlds, and Ethical Change.Joke Bauwens & Karl Verstrynge - 2013 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 17 (1):124-143.
    This paper questions the shifting meaning of the ethical categories of proximity and alterity in the light of the technological and social changes that virtual social worlds went through. It takes Roger Silverstone’s key theme of “proper distance” as a point of departure, and discusses the significance of this concept by linking it up with the more media-theoretical approaches on virtual communication as developed in McLuhan’s and Baudrillard’s body of thought. It is argued that today’s virtual realities ask for both (...)
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  15.  95
    The Governance of Digital Technology, Big Data, and the Internet: New Roles and Responsibilities for Business.Dirk Matten, Ronald Deibert & Mikkel Flyverbom - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (1):3-19.
    The importance of digital technologies for social and economic developments and a growing focus on data collection and privacy concerns have made the Internet a salient and visible issue in global politics. Recent developments have increased the awareness that the current approach of governments and business to the governance of the Internet and the adjacent technological spaces raises a host of ethical issues. The significance and challenges of the digital age have been further accentuated by a string (...)
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    Choosing everything: Bataille’s perishable moments of sainthood.Konstantinos Kerasovitis Independent, Hermoupolis, Greecekonstantinos Kerasovitis Wrote His Doctoral Thesis on Georges Bataille, Digital Labourhis Research Interests Are Human Centric, Stretch From the Philosophy of Technology to Theology He Comes, A. Background In Design & is Currently Employed in the Greek Ministry Of Labour - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-15.
    To be human is to be autonomous, yet this is a trait that most of us lack. We are subject to forces external to our being. We are workers; we are citizens; we are needful creatures. Humanity-proper in these times of neoliberal omnipotence is defined differently. The key terms are familiar: personal betterment, personal responsibility, productivity, pleasantness. A forked tongue slithers in our conscience, tells us that these are the traits of the human condition. Through Bataille, this paper argues the (...)
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  17.  45
    Trusting Digital Technologies Correctly.Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (4):565-568.
  18.  24
    Revisiting digital technologies: envisioning biodigital bodies.Kate O'Riordan - 2011 - Communications 36 (3):291-312.
    In this paper the contemporary practices of human genomics in the 21st century are placed alongside the digital bodies of the 1990s. The primary aim is to provide a trajectory of the biodigital as follows: First, digital bodies and biodigital bodies were both part of the spectacular imaginaries of early cybercultures. Second, these spectacular digital bodies were supplemented in the mid-1990s by digital bodywork practices that have become an important dimension of everyday communication. Third, the spectacle (...)
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  19.  83
    The Overuse of Digital Technologies: Human Weaknesses, Design Strategies and Ethical Concerns.Marco Fasoli - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1409-1427.
    This is an interdisciplinary article providing an account of a phenomenon that is quite widespread but has been thus far mostly neglected by scholars: the overuse of digital technologies. Digital overuse can be defined as a usage of digital technologies that subjects perceive as dissatisfactory and non-meaningful a posteriori. DO has often been implicitly conceived as one of the main obstacle to so-called digital well-being. The article is structured in two parts. The first provides (...)
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  20.  22
    Developing Digital Technology at the Husserl Archives. A Report.Emanuele Caminada - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):79-86.
    After a brief introduction to the history of the Husserl Archives I focus on the methodological specificities in studying Husserl’s work on the basis of his manuscripts and of his archives. In a second step I expound on the effects that the current shift from an analogous to a hybrid analogous and digital archives is producing in the self-understanding of the practices of our institution. Particularly, developing digital technology means that the Husserl Archives are entering a new phase (...)
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  21.  29
    Digital Technology and Mental Health Interventions: Opportunities and Challenges.Adrian Aguilera - 2015 - Arbor 191 (771):a210.
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    (1 other version)Material hermeneutic of digital technologies in the age of AI.Galit Wellner - 2020 - AI and Society:1-8.
    Digital technologies are frequently considered as lacking material aspects. Today, it is evident that behind digital technologies lies a huge and complex material infrastructure in the form of fiber optic cables, servers, satellites, and screens. Postphenomenology has theorized the relations to material things as embodiment relations. Taking into account that technologies can also have hermeneutic aspects, this theory defines hermeneutic relations as those in which we read the world through technologies. The article opens with (...)
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  23.  51
    Digital Technologies for Schizophrenia Management: A Descriptive Review.Olga Chivilgina, Bernice S. Elger & Fabrice Jotterand - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (2):1-22.
    While the implementation of digital technology in psychiatry appears promising, there is an urgent need to address the implications of the absence of ethical design in the early development of such technologies. Some authors have noted the gap between technology development and ethical analysis and have called for an upstream examination of the ethical issues raised by digital technologies. In this paper, we address this suggestion, particularly in relation to digital healthcare technologies for patients (...)
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  24. The Role of Digital Technologies in Building Resilient Communities.Asma Mehan - 2023 - Bhumi, the Planning Research Journal 10 (1):33-40.
    This study examines the role of digital technologies in building resilient communities, focusing on data collected during the pandemic. This research aims to explore the impact of digital technologies on community development, assess their effectiveness in enhancing community resilience, and identify key success factors. The study adopts a mixed-methods approach, including qualitative data collected through interviews and focus groups, a review of existing literature and case studies. Preliminary findings indicate that digital technologies have been (...)
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  25.  30
    How Digital Technology Shapes Self-Consciousness in Work Relationships? Reference to Hegel.Albena Neschen - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (2):261-273.
    Up to now, there is a big debate, about what self-consciousness is, what inhibits it, and how this is related to work. By referring to classical theories of mind by Hegel this paper advances the thesis of an apparent congruence of self-consciousness and work as a developmental process in social relationships. This paper aims to open up a wider philosophical horizon for the criticism of current digitalization and the increasing variety of new flexible forms of work design. For example, the (...)
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  26.  43
    Personalized medicine, digital technology and trust: a Kantian account.Bjørn K. Myskja & Kristin S. Steinsbekk - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):577-587.
    Trust relations in the health services have changed from asymmetrical paternalism to symmetrical autonomy-based participation, according to a common account. The promises of personalized medicine emphasizing empowerment of the individual through active participation in managing her health, disease and well-being, is characteristic of symmetrical trust. In the influential Kantian account of autonomy, active participation in management of own health is not only an opportunity, but an obligation. Personalized medicine is made possible by the digitalization of medicine with an ensuing increased (...)
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  27.  46
    Digital technology and mediation : a challenge to activity theory.Georg Rückriem - 2009 - In Annalisa Sannino, Harry Daniels & Kris D. Gutierrez (eds.), Learning and expanding with activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 88--111.
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  28.  53
    Digital technology and cultural goods.Kieran Healy - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (4):478–500.
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  29. Digital technologies in the context of university transition and disability: theoretical and empirical advances.Edgar Pacheco - 2021 - Victoria University of Wellington.
    Since transition to higher education emerged as a research topic in the early 1970s, scholarly inquiry has focused on students without impairments and, what is more, little attention has been paid to the role of digital technologies. This article seeks to address this knowledge gap by looking at the university experiences of a group of first-year students with vision impairments from New Zealand, and the way they use digital tools, such as social media and mobile devices, to (...)
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  30.  21
    Do Social Connections and Digital Technologies Act as Social Cure During COVID-19?Vijyendra Pandey, Arora Astha, Neelam Mishra, Rajgopal Greeshma, Govindappa Lakshmana, Sundaramoorthy Jeyavel, Eslavath Rajkumar & G. Prabhu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although COVID-19 pandemic has re-orientated humans to be more physically healthy and hygienic, it has also persuaded humans to create affiliations and experience a sense of belongingness through social networks and digital technologies. However, amidst these changes, experiences of COVID-19 patients and their perception of the outside world's attitudes toward them appears to be less attended in literature which formed the basis for the current study's objectives. Using qualitative methodology, the present study explored the experiences, perceptions and attitudes (...)
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    Tacit social experimentation with digital technologies during the Covid-19 crisis.Alain Loute - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (3):199-209.
    In the management of the Covid 19 crisis, digital technologies were used in a major way. This article defends the hypothesis that these technologies took the form of a “tacit social experimentation”. This article justifies this concept in three levels. The first part uses this concept to qualify the form of biopolitics that was implemented to manage the crisis. Digital technologies were used to discipline the population and, literally speaking, as instruments of knowledge of the (...)
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    Emerging Digital Technologies: Implications for Extended Conceptions of Cognition and Knowledge.Paul Smart - 2018 - In J. Adam Carter, Andy Clark, Jesper Kallestrup, S. Orestis Palermos & Duncan Pritchard (eds.), Extended Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 266–304.
  33.  20
    Role of Happiness: Mediating Digital Technology and Job Performance Among Lecturers.Yuni Ros Bangun, Adita Pritasari, Fransisca Budyanto Widjaja, Christina Wirawan, Anggara Wisesa & Henndy Ginting - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    PurposeHappiness has been the most important goal for humans throughout history and is a significant issue among university lecturers facing a rapid digital technology change. It is usually described as a well-being state, feeling satisfied and contented, consisting of positive happenings in an individual’s life concerning the social, spiritual, economic, psychological, and physiological spheres. This research examines the relationship between happiness, attitudes toward technology, and lecturers’ job performance in higher education.Design and MethodologyThis research design was a cross-sectional design that (...)
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    Digital Technology: Reflections on the Difference between Instrumental Rationality and Practical Reason.Ludwig Nagl - 2022 - Kantian Journal 41 (1):60-88.
    Are computers on the way to acquiring “superintelligence”? Can human deliberation and decision-making be fully simulated by the mechanical execution of AI programmes? On close examination these expectations turn out not to be well-founded, since algorithms do, ultimately, have “heteronomous” characteristics. So-called AI-“autonomy” is a sensor-directed performance automatism, which — compared with the potential for ethical judgment in human “practical reason” — proves to be limited in significant ways. This is shown in some detail with reference to the idea of (...)
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  35. Transition 2.0: Digital technologies, higher education, and vision impairment.Edgar Pacheco, Lips Miriam & Pak Yoong - 2018 - The Internet and Higher Education 37:1-10.
    This article introduces Transition 2.0, a paradigm shift designed to study and support students with disabilities' transition to higher education. Transition 2.0 is the result of a qualitative study about how a group of young people with vision impairments used digital technologies for their transition to university. The findings draw from observations, a researcher diary, focus groups, individual interviews, and data from social media. The article discusses a conventional view of transition, referred to here as Transition 1.0, which (...)
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    Personal Autonomy and (Digital) Technology: An Enactive Sensorimotor Framework.Marta Pérez-Verdugo & Xabier E. Barandiaran - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (4):1-28.
    Many digital technologies, designed and controlled by intensive data-driven corporate platforms, have become ubiquitous for many of our daily activities. This has raised political and ethical concerns over how they might be threatening our personal autonomy. However, not much philosophical attention has been paid to the specific role that their hyper-designed (sensorimotor) interfaces play in this regard. In this paper, we aim to offer a novel framework that can ground personal autonomy on sensorimotor interaction and, from there, directly (...)
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    The Use of Digital Technology and Processes of Displacement.Maciej Bednarski - 2023 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 27 (2):153-167.
    In this paper, I discuss features of the interaction between a user and digital technology and how this transforms our contemporary experience of space and place. Analyzing this interaction is important for understanding global processes of displacement and creation of what Marc Augé calls non-places and their relation to technology in general. Drawing from Heidegger’s tool-analysis, I show that displacement is a structural element of the usage of absolutely ready-to-hand, access-providing digital devices. My main argument runs as follows: (...)
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  38.  20
    Teaching and Learning in Times of COVID-19: Uses of Digital Technologies During School Lockdowns.Juan-Ignacio Pozo, María-Puy Pérez Echeverría, Beatriz Cabellos & Daniel L. Sánchez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The closure of schools as a result of COVID-19 has been a critical global incident from which to rethink how education works in all our countries. Among the many changes generated by this crisis, all teaching became mediated by digital technologies. This paper intends to analyze the activities carried out during this time through digital technologies and the conceptions of teaching and learning that they reflect. We designed a Likert-type online questionnaire to measure the frequency of (...)
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    Democracy as Communication: Towards a Normative Framework for Evaluating Digital Technologies.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (2):217-235.
    Are current digital technologies supporting democracy? Answering that question depends, among other things, on what is meant by democracy. This article mobilizes a communicative conception of democracy. While it is generally accepted that communication is important for democracy, there are directions in democracy theory that understand communication as not merely instrumental but as central to what democracy is and should be. Inspired by Dewey, Habermas, and Young, this paper articulates a conception of democracy as communication. It is then (...)
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    Education in an Age of Digital Technologies: Flusser, Stiegler, and Agamben on the Idea of the Posthistorical.Joris Vlieghe - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (4):519-537.
    On the basis of a close reading of three authors , I try to elucidate what the growing presence of digital technologies in our lives implies for the sphere of schooling and education. Developing a technocentric perspective, I discuss whether what is happening today concerns just the newest form of humankind's fundamental dependency on a technological milieu or that it concerns a fundamental shift. From Flusser, I take the idea that the practice of writing shapes human subjectivity, as (...)
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    Mark Coeckelbergh: Digital Technologies, Temporality, and the Politics of Co-Existence.Jakub Peloušek - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (1):65-67.
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    The Environmental Toll of Digital Technologies.João Ribeiro Mendes - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (9):1034-1048.
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    Introduction: Digital Technologies and Human Decision-Making.Sofia Bonicalzi, Mario De Caro & Benedetta Giovanola - 2023 - Topoi 42 (3):793-797.
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    Shulamit Almog, How Digital Technologies are Changing the Practice of Law: Edwin Mellen Press, New York and Lampter, 2007, 232 pp, ISBN 978-0-7734-5214-5s.Christina Spiesel - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (2):223-226.
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    Social and Humanitarian Grounds of Criteria for Assessment of Digital Technology Innovations: An Analysis of International Standardization Experience.Борис Борисович Славин - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (1):144-159.
    This research discusses the social and humanitarian grounds of measurement and assesment of innovations in the field of digital technologies based on the analysis of the international experience of the standards, in particular on the basis of the Oslo Manual issued by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which is the foundation for ISO standards. From the point of view of digitalization, an important stage in understanding innovation is the recognition of innovation not only as a product, (...)
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    Mass Diffusion of Modern Digital Technologies as the Main Driver of Change in Sports-Spectating Audiences.Ekaterina Glebova, Michel Desbordes & Gabor Geczi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The rapid uptake of digital technologies is constantly transforming the modern culture of sports spectating; however, relatively little is known about the impact of digitalization on the changing face of global sports-consuming audiences, particularly from a qualitative perspective. In this article, the relationship between modern mass digital technologies and audiences of sports spectators is described and explained by taking a customer-centric approach to grounded theory using a literature review and in-depth qualitative semi-structured interviews with sports marketing, (...)
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    Editorial: Interactive Digital Technologies and Early Childhood.Jennifer L. Miller, Kathleen A. Paciga, Carly A. Kocurek & Arlen Moller - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  48. Digital Technology and Media Spectacle.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    The unfolding of the panorama of images of US prisoner abuse of Iraqis and the quest to pin responsibility on the soldiers and higher US military and political authorities is one of the most intense media spectacles of contemporary journalism. Evoking universal disgust and repugnance, the images of young American soldiers humiliating Iraqis circulated with satellite-driven speed through broadcasting channels, the Internet, and print media and may stand as some of the most influential images of all time.
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    Some Brief Reflections on Digital Technologies and Economic Development.Jeffrey D. Sachs - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (2):159-167.
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    Improving ethical attitudes to animals with digital technologies: the case of apes and zoos.Simon Coghlan, Sarah Webber & Marcus Carter - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4):825-839.
    This paper examines how digital technologies might be used to improve ethical attitudes towards nonhuman animals, by exploring the case study of nonhuman apes kept in modern zoos. The paper describes and employs a socio-ethical framework for undermining anti-ape prejudice advanced by philosopher Edouard Machery which draws on classic anti-racism strategies from the social sciences. We also discuss how digital technologies might be designed and deployed to enable and enhance rather than impede the three anti-prejudice strategies (...)
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