Results for 'Dirk Sorge'

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  1.  24
    Hegels Philosophie des Absoluten. Eine Untersuchung zu Hegels ›Wissenschaft der Logik‹ und reifem System.Dirk Sorge - 2017 - Fichte-Studien 44:344-350.
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    Insular Dysfunction Reflects Altered Between-Network Connectivity and Severity of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia during Psychotic Remission.Andrei Manoliu, Valentin Riedl, Anselm Doll, Josef Georg Bäuml, Mark Mühlau, Dirk Schwerthöffer, Martin Scherr, Claus Zimmer, Hans Förstl, Josef Bäuml, Afra M. Wohlschläger, Kathrin Koch & Christian Sorg - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    More Consistently Altered Connectivity Patterns for Cerebellum and Medial Temporal Lobes than for Amygdala and Striatum in Schizophrenia.Henning Peters, Junming Shao, Martin Scherr, Dirk Schwerthöffer, Claus Zimmer, Hans Förstl, Josef Bäuml, Afra Wohlschläger, Valentin Riedl, Kathrin Koch & Christian Sorg - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Aberrant Intrinsic Connectivity of Hippocampus and Amygdala Overlap in the Fronto-Insular and Dorsomedial-Prefrontal Cortex in Major Depressive Disorder.Masoud Tahmasian, David C. Knight, Andrei Manoliu, Dirk Schwerthöffer, Martin Scherr, Chun Meng, Junming Shao, Henning Peters, Anselm Doll, Habibolah Khazaie, Alexander Drzezga, Josef Bäuml, Claus Zimmer, Hans Förstl, Afra M. Wohlschläger, Valentin Riedl & Christian Sorg - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  5.  31
    Dankbarkeit als Rechtspflicht?. Ideengeschichtliche Grundlagen von § 530 BGB in vernunftrechtlichen Diskursen der Neuzeit und grundlegende Reflexionen über das Verhältnis von Recht und Moral im Zivilrecht.Sorge - 2012 - Rechtstheorie 43 (4):519-557.
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    Ratio et superstitio.Giancarlo Marchetti, Valeria Sorge, Orsola Rignani & Graziella Federici-Vescovini (eds.) - 2003 - Louvain: Brepols Publishers.
    Twenty-four critical essays, including a substantial introduction, written by the most distinguished international scholars, in honour of Graziella Federici Vescovini.
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    Religion und Ideologie: Analysen u. Materialien für d. Unterricht.Helga Sorge - 1977 - Mainz: Kohlhammer. Edited by Siegfried Vierzig.
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    Eros e pulchritudo: Tra antico e moderno.Valeria Sorge & Lidia Palumbo (eds.) - 2012 - Napoli: La scuola di Pitagora editrice.
  9.  16
    Non-trivial symbolic computations in proof planning.Volker Sorge - 2000 - In Dov M. Gabbay & Maarten de Rijke (eds.), Frontiers of combining systems 2. Philadelphia, PA: Research Studies Press. pp. 121--135.
  10.  8
    Zur literarischen Schopenhauer-Rezeption im 19. Jahrhundert.Bernhard Sorg - 1975 - Heidelberg: Winter.
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    103. Brief an Reinhold Straßmann zu Pfingsten 1911.Reinhard Johannes Sorge - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 170-170.
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    The Relationship Between Bonding with Nonhuman Animals and Students' Attitudes Toward Science.Carmen Sorge - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (2):171-184.
    This paper examines the relationship of bonding with nonhuman animals during an interactive, animal-in-the-wild science program and the science attitudes of 358 young children between the ages of 8 and 14 Talking Talons utilizes typically wild animals such as raptors, reptiles, and bats in a school-based educational science curriculum. Qualitative data from interviews with students in the program indicated that "bonding with animals" and the educators within the program were related to increased positive attitudes toward science. The program used quantitative (...)
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    Agyrrhios Beyond Attica: Tax-Farming and Imperial Recovery in the Second Athenian League.Timothy Sorg - 2015 - História 64 (1):49-76.
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    Dialektisch denken.Richard Sorg - 2018 - Köln: PapyRossa Verlag.
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    Gnoseologia e teologia nel pensiero di Enrico di Gand.Valeria Sorge - 1988 - Napoli: Loffredo.
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    Profili dell'averroismo bolognese: metafisica e scienza in Taddeo da Parma.Valeria Sorge - 2001 - Napoli: Luciano.
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  17. Rousseau e la pedagogia sicoale contemporanea.Giuseppe Sorge - 1958 - Mazara,: Società editrice sicilana.
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    149. Antichrist.Reinhard Johannes Sorge - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 210-213.
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  19. Essai sur les théories modernes de la vie et de l'évolution..Marie Léonie Sorg - 1934 - Dieppe.: Impr de "La Vigie de Dieppe,".
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  20.  22
    Good Dog.Emily Sorg - 2012 - Journal of Medical Humanities 33 (4):295-296.
  21.  20
    Bridging Theorem Proving and Mathematical Knowledge Retrieval.Christoph Benzmüller, Andreas Meier & Volker Sorge - 2004 - In Dieter Hutter (ed.), Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Jörg Siekmann on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Springer. pp. 277-296.
    Accessing knowledge of a single knowledge source with different client applications often requires the help of mediator systems as middleware components. In the domain of theorem proving large efforts have been made to formalize knowledge for mathematics and verification issues, and to structure it in databases. But these databases are either specialized for a single client, or if the knowledge is stored in a general database, the services this database can provide are usually limited and hard to adjust for a (...)
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  22.  53
    Exchange Degeneracy of Relativistic Two-Particle Quantum States.S. Rupp, S. Hunzinger & M. Sorg - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (5):705-750.
    The phenomenon of exchange degeneracy of 2-particle quantum states is studied in detail within the framework of Relativistic Schrödinger Theory (RST). In conventional quantum theory this kind of degeneracy refers to the circumstance that, under neglection of the interparticle interactions, symmetric and anti-symmetric 2-particle states have identical energy eigenvalues. However the analogous effect of RST degeneracy is rather related to the emergence of two types of mixtures (positive and negative) in connection with the vanishing or non-vanishing of certain components of (...)
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  23. Relationalism about mechanics based on a minimalist ontology of matter.Antonio Vassallo, Dirk-André Deckert & Michael Esfeld - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science:1-20.
    This paper elaborates on relationalism about space and time as motivated by a minimalist ontology of the physical world: there are only matter points that are individuated by the distance relations among them, with these relations changing. We assess two strategies to combine this ontology with physics, using classical mechanics as example: the Humean strategy adopts the standard, non-relationalist physical theories as they stand and interprets their formal apparatus as the means of bookkeeping of the change of the distance relations (...)
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    Criteria for unconscious cognition: Three types of dissociation.Thomas Schmidt & Dirk Vorberg - 2006 - Perception and Psychophysics 68 (3):489-504.
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    Differences in the affective processing of words and pictures.Jan De Houwer & Dirk Hermans - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (1):1-20.
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    Relativistic Schrödinger Theory and the Hartree–Fock Approach.M. Verschl & M. Sorg - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (6):913-954.
    Within the framework of Relativistic Schrödinger Theory (RST), the scalar two-particle systems with electromagnetic interactions are treated on the basis of a non-Abelian gauge group U(2) which is broken down to the Abelian subgroup U(1)×U(1). In order that the RST dynamics be consistent with the (non-Abelian) Maxwell equations, there arises a compatibility condition which yields cross relationships for the links between the field strengths and currents of both particles such that self-interactions are eliminated. In the non-relativistic limit, the RST dynamics (...)
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    Nascita e ri-nascita in filosofia.Renata Viti Cavaliere, Valeria Sorge & Laura Bazzicalupo (eds.) - 2011 - Napoli: La scuola de Pitagora editrice.
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  28. Albert Schweitzer: entre les lignes.Benoît Wirrmann & Jean-Paul Sorg (eds.) - 2015 - Strasbourg: Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire.
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    Combined reasoning by automated cooperation.Christoph Benzmüller, Volker Sorge, Mateja Jamnik & Manfred Kerber - 2008 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (3):318-342.
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  30.  21
    The temporal evolution of pre-stimulus slow cortical potentials is associated with an upcoming stimulus’ access to visual consciousness.Sarah Glim, Anja Ries, Christian Sorg & Afra M. Wohlschläger - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84 (C):102993.
  31. The Semantic Error Problem for Epistemic Contextualism.Patrick Michael Greenough & Dirk Kindermann - 2017 - In Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism. New York: Routledge. pp. 305--320.
    Epistemic Contextualism is the view that “knows that” is semantically context-sensitive and that properly accommodating this fact into our philosophical theory promises to solve various puzzles concerning knowledge. Yet Epistemic Contextualism faces a big—some would say fatal—problem: The Semantic Error Problem. In its prominent form, this runs thus: speakers just don’t seem to recognise that “knows that” is context-sensitive; so, if “knows that” really is context-sensitive then such speakers are systematically in error about what is said by, or how to (...)
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    The Problems of Genocide: Permanent Security and the Language of Transgression.A. Dirk Moses - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    "Genocide is a problem: not only the terrible fact of mass death, but also how the relatively new idea and law of genocide organises and distorts our thinking about civilian destruction. Taking the normative perspective of civilian immunity from military attack, this book argues that the implicit hierarchy of international law, atop which sits genocide as the "crime of crimes," blinds us to other types of humanly caused civilian death, like bombing cities, the "collateral damage" of missile and drone strikes, (...)
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  33.  18
    Integrating TPS and OMEGA.Christoph Benzmüller, Matt Bishop & Volker Sorge - 1999 - Journal of Universal Computer Science 5 (3):188-207.
    This paper reports on the integration of the higher-order theorem proving environment TPS [Andrews96] into the mathematical assistant OMEGA [Omega97]. TPS can be called from OMEGA either as a black box or as an interactive system. In black box mode, the user has control over the parameters which control proof search in TPS; in interactive mode, all features of the TPS-system are available to the user. If the subproblem which is passed to TPS contains concepts defined in OMEGA’s database of (...)
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  34.  42
    Two- and Three-Particle Systems in Relativistic Schrödinger Theory.T. Beck & M. Sorg - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (7):1093-1147.
    The relativistic Schrödinger theory (RST) for N-fermion systems is further elaborated with respect to three fundamental problems which must emerge in any relativistic theory of quantum matter: (i) emergence/suppression of exchange forces between identical/non-identical particles, (ii) self-interactions, (iii) non-relativistic approximation. These questions are studied in detail for two- and three-particle systems but the results do apply to a general N-particle system. As a concrete demonstration, the singlet and triplet configurations of the positronium groundstate are considered within the RST framework, including (...)
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  35. Hermann Weyl's intuitionistic mathematics.Dirk van Dalen - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):145-169.
    Dedicated to Dana Scott on his sixtieth birthday.It is common knowledge that for a short while Hermann Weyl joined Brouwer in his pursuit of a revision of mathematics according to intuitionistic principles. There is, however, little in the literature that sheds light on Weyl's role and in particular on Brouwer's reaction to Weyl's allegiance to the cause of intuitionism. This short episode certainly raises a number of questions: what made Weyl give up his own program, spelled out in “Das Kontinuum”, (...)
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  36. Zermelo and the Skolem paradox.Dirk Van Dalen & Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):145-161.
    On October 4, 1937, Zermelo composed a small note entitled “Der Relativismus in der Mengenlehre und der sogenannte Skolemsche Satz” in which he gives a refutation of “Skolem's paradox”, i.e., the fact that Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory—guaranteeing the existence of uncountably many sets—has a countable model. Compared with what he wished to disprove, the argument fails. However, at a second glance, it strongly documents his view of mathematics as based on a world of objects that could only be grasped adequately by (...)
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    Ethics in the Societal Debate on Genetically Modified Organisms: A (Re)Quest for Sense and Sensibility.Devos Yann, Maeseele Pieter, Reheul Dirk, Speybroeck Linda & Waele Danny - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (1):29-61.
    Via a historical reconstruction, this paper primarily demonstrates how the societal debate on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) gradually extended in terms of actors involved and concerns reflected. It is argued that the implementation of recombinant DNA technology out of the laboratory and into civil society entailed a “complex of concerns.” In this complex, distinctions between environmental, agricultural, socio-economic, and ethical issues proved to be blurred. This fueled the confusion between the wider debate on genetic modification and the risk assessment of (...)
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  38.  40
    EEG Resting State Functional Connectivity in Adult Dyslexics Using Phase Lag Index and Graph Analysis.Gorka Fraga González, Dirk J. A. Smit, Melle J. W. van der Molen, Jurgen Tijms, Cornelis Jan Stam, Eco J. C. de Geus & Maurits W. van der Molen - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  39. Quantum Entanglement in Relativistic Three-Particle Systems.P. Schust, M. Mattes & M. Sorg - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (1):99-167.
    The relativistic three-particle systems are studied within the framework of Relativistic Schrödinger Theory, with emphasis on the determination of the energy functional for the stationary bound states. The phenomenon of entanglement shows up here in form of the exchange energy which is a significant part of the relativistic field energy. The electromagnetic interactions become unified with the exchange interactions into a relativistic U gauge theory, which has the Hartree–Fock equations as its non-relativistic limit. This yields a general framework for treating (...)
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  40.  33
    Automatic attention to stimuli signalling chances and dangers: Moderating effects of positive and negative goal and action contexts.Klaus Rothermund, Dirk Wentura & Peter M. Bak - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (2):231-248.
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    Monotone Subintuitionistic Logic: Duality and Transfer Results.Jim de Groot & Dirk Pattinson - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (2):213-242.
    We consider subintuitionistic logics as an extension of positive propositional logic with a binary modality, interpreted over ordered and unordered monotone neighborhood frames, with a range of frame conditions. This change in perspective allows us to apply tools and techniques from the modal setting to subintuitionistic logics. We provide a Priestley-style duality, and transfer results from the (classical) logic of monotone neighborhood frames to obtain completeness, conservativity, and a finite model property for the basic logic, extended with a number of (...)
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  42.  23
    When slower is faster.Carlos Gershenson & Dirk Helbing - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):9-15.
  43.  19
    Deliberating with the Autocrats? A Case Study on the Limitations and Potential of Political CSR in a Non-Democratic Context.Anna-Lena Maier & Dirk Ulrich Gilbert - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (1):11-32.
    Extant literature on Political CSR and the role of governments in the governance of business conduct tends to neglect key implications of the political-institutional macro-context for public deliberation. Contextual assumptions often remain rather implicit, leading to the need for a more nuanced, explicit and context-sensitive exploration of the theoretical and practical boundary conditions of Political CSR. In non-democratic political-institutional contexts, political pluralism and participation are limited, and governmental agencies continue to play the most central role in regulation and its enforcement. (...)
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    Reasoning about uncertain parameters and agent behaviors through encoded experiences and belief planning.Akinobu Hayashi, Dirk Ruiken, Tadaaki Hasegawa & Christian Goerick - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 280 (C):103228.
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    (1 other version)Does Cognitive Behavior Therapy for psychosis show a sustainable effect on delusions? A meta-analysis.Stephanie Mehl, Dirk Werner & Tania M. Lincoln - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  46. Brouwer and Fraenkel on intuitionism.Dirk van Dalen - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):284-310.
    In the present paper the story is told of the brief and far from tranquil encounter of L.E.J. Brouwer and A. Fraenkel. The relationship which started in perfect harmony, ended in irritation and reproaches.The mutual appreciation at the outset is beyond question. All the more deplorable is the sudden outbreak of an emotional disagreement in 1927. Looking at the Brouwer–Fraenkel episode, one should keep in mind that at that time the so-called Grundlagenstreit was in full swing. An emotional man like (...)
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  47. A Proposed Solution of St. Thomas Aquinas’s “Third Way” Through Pros Hen Analogy.Jeffrey Dirk Wilson - 2019 - Philotheos 19 (1):85-105.
    St. Thomas’s Third Way to prove the existence of God, “Of Possibility and Necessity” (ST 1, q.2, art. 3, response) is one of the most controverted passages in the entire Thomistic corpus. The central point of dispute is that if there were only possible beings, each at some time would cease to exist and, therefore, at some point in time nothing would exist, and because something cannot come from nothing, in such an eventuality, nothing would exist now—a reductio ad absurdum (...)
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  48.  22
    The divinity of Jesus in the Gospel of John: The ‘lived experiences’ it fostered when the text was read.Dirk G. Van der Merwe - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):13.
    The discipline, Christian Spirituality, evokes a new interest in Early Christian spirituality. What conceived spiritualities were fostered when the early Christians read the documents that were written to them and how did it influence them? According to Wolfgang Iser, a ‘reader often feels involved in events which, at the time of reading, seems real to him’. This article looks into how John describes and explains the divinity of Jesus. It also attempts to determine conceived spiritualities (lived experiences) fostered when the (...)
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    Conceptualising holiness in the Gospel of John: The en route to and character of holiness (Part 2).Dirk van der Merwe - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):11.
    In a previous publication, this author investigated the code as well as the objectives of holiness in the Gospel of John. This research deals with the en route to and character of holiness. The research starts with a concise characterisation of Jesus for the en route and character of holiness is embedded in the character of Jesus. Secondly, reference is made to the mimesis theories of Plato, Aristotle and Ricoeur. This facilitates a better understanding of the en route and character (...)
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  50. From "Does it work?" to "What is 'it'?": Implications for Voodoo, Psychotherapy, Pop-Psychology, Regular, and Alternative Medicine.Jean-Luc Mommaerts & Dirk Devroey - 2013 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56 (2):274-288.
    Historically, "Healing Methods" (HMS) have not been based on rational theories. Of the thousands of HMs that have arisen over the ages, only a small number survive today, drawing their power and longevity mostly from their superior ability to act as a placebo within the context of modern-day culture, rather than through any other mode of action.When it comes to HMs, Western scientific culture has not yet evolved beyond a pre-scientific stage (Fancher 1995). A scientific analysis of the part played (...)
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