Results for 'Bernhard Sorg'

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    Zur literarischen Schopenhauer-Rezeption im 19. Jahrhundert.Bernhard Sorg - 1975 - Heidelberg: Winter.
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    Between Logic and the World: An Integrated Theory of Generics.Bernhard Nickel - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Bernhard Nickel presents a theory of generic sentences and the kind-directed modes of thought they express. The theory closely integrates compositional semantics with metaphysics to solve the problem that generics pose: what do generics mean? Generic sentences are extremely simple, yet if there are patterns to be discerned in terms of which are true and which are false, these patterns are subtle and complex. Ravens are black, and lions have manes: statistical measures cannot do justice to the facts, but (...)
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    The subject of “We intend”.Hans Bernhard Schmid - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (2):231-243.
    This paper examines and compares the ways in which intentions of the singular kind and the plural kind are subjective. Are intentions of the plural kind ours in the same way intentions of the singular kind are mine? Starting with the singular case, it is argued that “I intend” is subjective in virtue of self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is special in that it is self-identifying, self-validating, self-committing, and self-authorizing. Moving to the plural form, it is argued that in spite of apparent differences, (...)
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    Vom Ethos der Freiheit zur Ordnung der Freiheit : Staatlichkeit bei Karl Jaspers.Karl-Heinz Breier & Alexander Gantschow (eds.) - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Auch als originar politischer Denker ist Karl Jaspers reich an Einsichten: Ausgehend vom Ethos der Freiheit jedes Einzelnen richtet er seinen Blick auf die konkrete politische Gestaltung einer Freiheitsordnung. Dabei steht fur ihn im Hinblick auf die noch junge Bundesrepublik die Selbsterziehung in Freiheit im Zentrum seiner oft mahnenden Worte. Ganz im sokratischen Sinne fordert er intellektuelle Redlichkeit und politische Wahrhaftigkeit ein, um den beiden grossen Gegenwartsherausforderungen gewachsen zu sein: einer atomwaffenbestuckten Welt, die sich jederzeit selbst ausloschen kann, und dem (...)
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  5. The Externalist’s Guide to Fishing for Compliments.Bernhard Salow - 2018 - Mind 127 (507):691-728.
    Suppose you’d like to believe that p, whether or not it’s true. What can you do to help? A natural initial thought is that you could engage in Intentionally Biased Inquiry : you could look into whether p, but do so in a way that you expect to predominantly yield evidence in favour of p. This paper hopes to do two things. The first is to argue that this initial thought is mistaken: intentionally biased inquiry is impossible. The second is (...)
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  6. Elusive Externalism.Bernhard Salow - 2019 - Mind 128 (510):397-427.
    Epistemologists have recently noted a tension between (i) denying access internalism, and (ii) maintaining that rational agents cannot be epistemically akratic, believing claims akin to ‘p, but I shouldn’t believe p’. I bring out the tension, and develop a new way to resolve it. The basic strategy is to say that access internalism is false, but that counterexamples to it are ‘elusive’ in a way that prevents rational agents from suspecting that they themselves are counterexamples to the internalist principles. I (...)
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    How to frame innovation in mathematics.Bernhard Schröder, Deniz Sarikaya & Bernhard Fisseni - 2023 - Synthese 202 (4):1-31.
    We discuss conceptual change and progress within mathematics, in particular how tools, structural concepts and representations are transferred between fields that appear to be unconnected or remote from each other. The theoretical background is provided by the frame concept, which is used in linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence to model how explicitly given information is combined with expectations deriving from background knowledge. In mathematical proofs, we distinguish two kinds of frames, namely structural frames and ontological frames. The interaction between (...)
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    Filling the Empty Shell. The Public Debate on CSR in Austria as a Paradigmatic Example of a Political Discourse.Bernhard Mark-Ungericht & Richard Weiskopf - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (3):285-297.
    Instead of essentializing and defining what CSR “is”, we analyze CSR as a political discourse in which different actors struggle to fill the empty shell of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with a legitimate interpretation. In this paper we take the current debate on CSR in Austria as an example to demonstrate how this debate is shaped by changes in the greater socio-economic environment. We suggest that this debate might be paradigmatic for the development of CSR in the European/International context. We (...)
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    The Impact of Gender Stereotypes on the Self-Concept of Female Students in STEM Subjects with an Under-Representation of Females.Ertl Bernhard, Luttenberger Silke & Paechter Manuela - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  10. Lewis on iterated knowledge.Bernhard Salow - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (6):1571-1590.
    The status of the knowledge iteration principles in the account provided by Lewis in “Elusive Knowledge” is disputed. By distinguishing carefully between what in the account describes the contribution of the attributor’s context and what describes the contribution of the subject’s situation, we can resolve this dispute in favour of Holliday’s claim that the iteration principles are rendered invalid. However, that is not the end of the story. For Lewis’s account still predicts that counterexamples to the negative iteration principle ) (...)
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    The map is the territory.Bernhard Siegert - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 169.
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    Kant und das Problem der Gesetzmässigkeit der Natur.Bernhard Thöle - 1991 - New York: de Gruyter.
    In der 1970 gegr ndeten Reihe erscheinen Arbeiten, die philosophiehistorische Studien mit einem systematischen Ansatz oder systematische Studien mit philosophiehistorischen Rekonstruktionen verbinden. Neben deutschsprachigen werden auch englischsprachige Monographien ver ffentlicht. Gr ndungsherausgeber sind: Erhard Scheibe (Herausgeber bis 1991), G nther Patzig (bis 1999) und Wolfgang Wieland (bis 2003). Von 1990 bis 2007 wurde die Reihe von J rgen Mittelstra mitherausgegeben.
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  13. Beneke's erkenntnistheorie.[Paul Bernhard] Hugo Renner - 1902 - Halle a.: S., Druck von Wischan & Wettengel.
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  14. The value of evidence.Bernhard Salow - 2023 - In Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Kant and Post-Tractarian Wittgenstein: Transcendentalism, Idealism, Illusion.Bernhard Ritter - 2020 - Cham (CH): Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book suggests that to know how Wittgenstein’s post-Tractarian philosophy could have developed from the work of Kant is to know how they relate to each other. The development from the latter to the former is invoked heuristically as a means of interpretation, rather than a historical process or direct influence of Kant on Wittgenstein. Ritter provides a detailed treatment of transcendentalism, idealism, and the concept of illusion in Kant’s and Wittgenstein’s criticism of metaphysics. Notably, it is through the conceptions (...)
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    Factive islands and meaning-driven unacceptability.Bernhard Schwarz & Alexandra Simonenko - 2018 - Natural Language Semantics 26 (3):253-279.
    It is often proposed that the unacceptability of a semantically interpretable sentence can be rooted in its meaning. Elaborating on Oshima New frontiers in artificial intelligence, Springer, Berlin, 2007), we argue that the meaning-driven unacceptability of factive islands must make reference to felicity conditions, and cannot be reduced to the triviality of propositional content. We also observe, again elaborating on Oshima, that the triviality of factive islands need not be logical, but can be relative to a listener’s background assumptions. These (...)
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    Peter Abaelards philosophische schriften..Peter Abelard & Bernhard Geyer - 1919 - Münster i.W.,: Aschendorff. Edited by Bernhard Geyer.
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    Beyond self-goal choice: Amartya Sen's analysis of the structure of commitment and the role of shared desires.Hans Bernhard Schmid - 2005 - Economics and Philosophy 21 (1):51-63.
    In the current debate on economic rationality, Amartya Sen's analysis of the structure of commitment plays a uniquely important role . However, Sen is not alone in pitting committed action against the standard model of rational behavior. Before turning to Sen's analysis in section 2 of this paper, I shall start with an observation concerning some of the other relevant accounts.
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    No Self-Reference, No Ownership?Bernhard Ritter - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    A 'no-ownership' or 'no-self theory' holds that there is no proper subject of experience; the ownership of experience can only be accounted for by invoking a sub-personal entity. In the recent self-versus-no-self debate, it is widely assumed that the no- referent view of 'I', which is closely associated with Wittgenstein and G. E. M. Anscombe, implies a no-ownership theory of experience. I spell out this assumption with regard to both non-reflective and reflective consciousness and show that it is false. If (...)
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    Why non-invasive brain stimulation should not be used in military and security services.Bernhard Sehm & Patrick Ragert - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  21. Program Verification-Verifying Object-Oriented Programs with KeY: A Tutorial.Wolfgang Ahrendt, Bernhard Beckert, Reiner Hahnle, Philipp Rummer & Peter H. Schmitt - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 70.
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    Doing truth.Bernhard Kleeberg - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2014 (2):7-22.
    The article delineates the program of a praxeology of truth that allows for studying the dynamics and variability of truth in the sense of situated doing truth. It proposes a heuristic differentiation between »truth scenes« and »truth figures« that helps to analyze the emergence of theories of truth as well as that of specific truth cultures.
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  23. Partiality and Retrospective Justification.Bernhard Salow - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 45 (1):8-26.
    Sometimes changes in an agent's partial values can cast a positive light on an earlier action, which was wrong when it was performed. Based on independent reflections about the role of partiality in determining when blame is appropriate, I argue that in such cases the agent shouldn't feel remorse about her action and that others can't legitimately blame her for it, even though that action was wrong. The action thus receives a certain kind of retrospective justification.
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    Husserls Phänomenologie der materiellen Natur.Bernhard Rang - 1990 - Vittorio Klostermann.
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    Why Carl Schmitt?Bernhard Schlink - 1996 - Constellations 2 (3):429-441.
  26.  21
    Where you are affects what you can easily imagine: Environmental geometry elicits sensorimotor interference in remote perspective taking.Bernhard E. Riecke & Timothy P. McNamara - 2017 - Cognition 169 (C):1-14.
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    Am Ursprung der Freundlichkeit.Hans Bernhard Schmid - 2011 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59 (1):153-157.
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    Das Böse an Augustinus’ Birnendiebstahl.Hans Bernhard Schmid - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (4):517-538.
    In the second book of theConfessions, Augustine flabbergasts his interpreters by exaggerating an adolescent escapade (a pear theft) and making it a monstrosity. He conjectures that the pear thieves might have commited the theft purely for the sake of thieving, and thus, that they displayed a kind of evil that is not even presented by the arch-villain of Ciceronian antiquity, the conspirer Catilina. Following Aquinas’ interpretation this comparison has been considered a reductio in most of the relevant literature up to (...)
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    Ortho- and Para-helium in Relativistic Schrödinger Theory.F. Stary & M. Sorg - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (9):1325-1403.
    The characteristic features of ortho- and para-helium are investigated within the framework of Relativistic Schrödinger Theory (RST). The emphasis lies on the conceptual level, where the geometric and physical properties of both RST field configurations are inspected in detail. From the geometric point of view, the striking feature consists in the splitting of the $\mathfrak{u}(2)$ -valued bundle connection $\mathcal{A}_{\mu}$ into an abelian electromagnetic part (organizing the electromagnetic interactions between the two electrons) and an exchange part, which is responsible for their (...)
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    Der text Von xenophons symposion in cod. Mutinensis 129 und cod. Monacensis 494.Bernhard Huss - 1999 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 143 (2):344-347.
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    Pro: Soll das sogenannte „Gene Editing“ mittels CRISPR/Cas9-Technologie an menschlichen Embryonen erforscht werden?Bernhard Rütsche - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (3):243-247.
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    Neuromodulation of Aerobic Exercise—A Review.Saskia Heijnen, Bernhard Hommel, Armin Kibele & Lorenza S. Colzato - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  33.  33
    Predigttheorie und Predigtpraxis- der Stand der gegenwärtigen homiletischen Diskussion.Bernhard Klaus - 1977 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 29 (1):266-271.
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    Orte des Glaubens - loci theologici: Studien zur theologischen Erkenntnislehre.Bernhard Körner - 2014 - Würzburg: Echter.
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    UdānavargaUdanavarga.M. J. Dresden & Franz Bernhard - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):561.
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  36. Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 22: Aufsätze und Rezensionen.Edmund Husserl, Bernhard Rang & Eduard Marbach - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 37 (3):462-465.
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  37. 'Reddish Green' – Wittgenstein on Concepts and the Limits of the Empirical.Bernhard Ritter - 2013 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 42 (101–102):1-19.
    A "concept" in the sense favoured by Wittgenstein is a paradigm for a transition between parts of a notational system. A concept-determining sentence such as "There is no reddish green" registers the absence of such a transition. This suggests a plausible account of what is perceived in an experiment that was first designed by Crane and Piantanida, who claim to have induced perceptions of reddish green. I shall propose a redescription of the relevant phenomena, invoking only ordinary colour concepts. This (...)
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  38. Interpretations as hypotheses.Bernhard Schlink - 2019 - In Peter Goodrich & Michel Rosenfeld (eds.), Administering Interpretation: Derrida, Agamben, and the Political Theology of Law. New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
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    Mimesis und Phantasia.Bernhard Schweitzer - 1934 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 89 (1-4):290-304.
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    Mythenchronologische Inkonsistenzen in den Argonautica? Beobachtungen zum prima navis-Motiv bei Valerius Flaccus.Bernhard Söllradl - 2023 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 167 (1):101-123.
    In Roman literature, the Argo commonly ranks as the first ship. The Flavian poet Valerius Flaccus seems to place himself in this line of tradition too by constantly stressing the Argo’s pioneer status. Yet it has rightly been noted that nowhere in the Argonautica is the Argo explicitly said to be the first ever ship. Her exceptional role is based rather on her status as the first sea-going ship to sail across the open sea from Europe to Asia, opening the (...)
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    Existential spatiality in Being and Time.Bernhard Sylla - 2021 - Phainomenon 31 (1):41-61.
    In this paper I aim to examine Heidegger’s analysis of existential spatiality in Being and Time in the light of Sloterdijk’s criticism of it. Sloterdijk states in Spheres I that Heidegger presented, in Being and Time, an “embryonically revolutionary” approach to being and space but did not complete it. His own ‘Spheres Project’ would purport fill this gap. Based on the analysis of the fundamental moments of existential spatiality (§§12 to 28 and §70 of Being and Time), and taking into (...)
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    Using Hybrid Logic for Coping with Functions in Subset Spaces.Bernhard Heinemann - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (1):23-45.
    We extend Moss and Parikh’s modal logic for subset spaces by adding, among other things, state-valued and set-valued functions. This is done with the aid of some basic concepts from hybrid logic. We prove the soundness and completeness of the derived logics with regard to the class of all correspondingly enriched subset spaces, and show that these logics are decidable.
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    Die Degradation von Klerikern im späten Mittelalter.Bernhard Schimmelpfennig - 1982 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 34 (4):305-323.
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    XVI. Der codex Pontani in Leyden.Bernhard Sepp - 1903 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 62 (1):292-305.
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  45. Der Umbruch antiker Bildung in der ausgehenden Spätantike bei Cassiodor.Bernhard Steinhauf - 2003 - In Peter Bruns (ed.), Von Athen nach Bagdad: zur Rezeption griechischer Philosophie von der Spätantike bis zum Islam. Bonn: Borengässer.
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    Die Widersprüche liegen auf dem Tisch. Ein Entwurf zum Holocaust-Mahnmal.Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding - 2004 - In Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding (eds.), Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Die Emotionen in den Künsten. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Freiwilligkeit und Konsensfassaden. Emotionale Ausdrucksformen in der Politik des Mittelalters.Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding - 2004 - In Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding (eds.), Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Die Emotionen in den Künsten. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Sachlichkeit, Witz und heikle Themen. Vier Kampagnen.Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding - 2004 - In Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding (eds.), Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Die Emotionen in den Künsten. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Die Menschenwürde im Zeitalter ihrer Abschaffung: eine Streitschrift.Bernhard Taureck - 2006 - Hamburg: Merus.
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    Ethik jenseits von Moral: Sartre, Lévinas, Baudrillard.Bernhard H. F. Taureck - 1991 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 39 (7-12):1212-1231.
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