Results for 'Donna Polisar'

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  1.  38
    El mundo que necesitamos: Donna Haraway dialoga con Marta Segarra.Donna Jeanne Haraway - 2020 - Barcelona: Icaria Editorial. Edited by Marta Segarra.
  2. Donna J. Harway, ModestWitness@SecondMillennium.FemaleMan©_MeetsOncoMouse™: Feminism and Technoscience. [REVIEW]Donna J. Haraway - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (3):494-497.
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    When Species Meet.Donna Jeanne Haraway - 2007 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    “When Species Meet is a breathtaking meditation on the intersection between humankind and dog, philosophy and science, and macro and micro cultures.” —Cameron Woo, Publisher of Bark magazine In 2006, about 69 million U.S. households had pets, giving homes to around 73.9 million dogs, 90.5 million cats, and 16.6 million birds, and spending over $38 billion dollars on companion animals. As never before in history, our pets are truly members of the family. But the notion of “companion species”—knotted from human (...)
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  4. Mental Time Travel? A Neurocognitive Model of Event Simulation.Donna Rose Addis - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):233-259.
    Mental time travel is defined as projecting the self into the past and the future. Despite growing evidence of the similarities of remembering past and imagining future events, dominant theories conceive of these as distinct capacities. I propose that memory and imagination are fundamentally the same process – constructive episodic simulation – and demonstrate that the ‘simulation system’ meets the three criteria of a neurocognitive system. Irrespective of whether one is remembering or imagining, the simulation system: acts on the same (...)
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    Imagining Educationally Hospitable Schooling.Donna H. Kerr - 2009 - Philosophy of Education 65:275-278.
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    On the existence of strongly normal ideals overP κ λ.Donna M. Carr, Jean -Pierre Levinski & Donald H. Pelletier - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (1):59-72.
    For every uncountable regular cardinalκ and any cardinalλ≧κ,P κ λ denotes the set $\left\{ {x \subseteqq \lambda :\left| x \right|< \kappa } \right\}$ . Furthermore, < denotes the binary operation defined inP κ λ byx (...))
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  7. The Nature of Social Desirability Response Effects in Ethics Research.Donna M. Randall - 1992 - Business Ethics Quarterly 2 (2):183-205.
    The study assesses how a social desirability (SD) bias influences the relationship between several independent and dependent variables commonly investigated in ethics research. The effect of a SD bias was observed when a questionnaire was administered under varying conditions of anonymity and with different measurement techniques for the SD construct. Findings reveal that a SD bias is present in the majority of relationships studied, and it most frequently plays a moderating role. While the measure of SD influences the strength and (...)
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    The Haraway reader.Donna Jeanne Haraway - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    Donna Haraway's work has transformed the fields of cyberculture, feminist studies, and the history of science and technology. Her subjects range from animal dioramas in the American Museum of Natural History to research in transgenic mice, from gender in the laboratory to the nature of the cyborg. Trained as an historian of science, she has produced a series of books and essays that have become essential reading in cultural studies, gender studies, and the history of science. The Haraway Reader (...)
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  9.  23
    Policy education in a research‐focused doctoral nursing program: Power as knowing participation in change.Donna J. Perry, Saisha Cintron, Pamela J. Grace, Dorothy A. Jones, Anne T. Kane, Heather M. Kennedy, Violet M. Malinski, William Mar & Lauri Toohey - forthcoming - Nursing Inquiry:e12615.
    Nurses have moral obligations incurred by membership in the profession to participate knowingly in health policy advocacy. Many barriers have historically hindered nurses from realizing their potential to advance health policy. The contemporary political context sets additional challenges to policy work due to polarization and conflict. Nursing education can help nurses recognize their role in advancing health through political advocacy in a manner that is consistent with disciplinary knowledge and ethical responsibilities. In this paper, the authors describe an exemplar of (...)
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    Reform and Resistance in Schools and Classrooms: An Ethnographic View of the Coalition of Essential Schools.Donna E. Muncey & Patrick J. McQuillan - 1996 - Yale University Press.
    What constitutes better schooling for today's youth? In 1984 educational theorist Theodore R. Sizer formulated nine Common Principles to answer this question and launched The Coalition of Essential Schools, an organization of schools attempting to change their own structure, curriculum, pedagogy, and power relations according to Sizer's Principles. This important book, the first comprehensive look at Coalition schools, charts the course of reform at eight charter member schools. The Coalition now counts over 900 private, parochial, public, urban, suburban, and rural (...)
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    Nurses’ perception of ethical climate at a large academic medical center.Donna Lemmenes, Pamela Valentine, Patricia Gwizdalski, Catherine Vincent & Chuanhong Liao - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (6):724-733.
    Background: Nurses are confronted daily with ethical issues while providing patient care. Hospital ethical climates can affect nurses’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment, retention, and physician collaboration. Purpose: At a metropolitan academic medical center, we examined nurses’ perceptions of the ethical climate and relationships among ethical climate factors and nurse characteristics. Design/participants: We used a descriptive correlational design and nurses ( N = 475) completed Olson’s Hospital Ethical Climate Survey. Data were analyzed using STATA. Ethical considerations: Approvals by the Nursing Research (...)
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    The complexities of complex span: explaining individual differences in working memory in children and adults.Donna M. Bayliss, Christopher Jarrold, Deborah M. Gunn & Alan D. Baddeley - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (1):71.
  13.  55
    Quantification in psychology: Critical analysis of an unreflective practice.Donna Tafreshi, Kathleen L. Slaney & Scott D. Neufeld - 2016 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 36 (4):233-249.
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    Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics.Donna M. Orange - 2016 - Routledge.
    Psychoanalysis engages with the difficult subjects in life, but it has been slow to address climate change. Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics draws on the latest scientific evidence to set out the likely effects of climate change on politics, economics and society more generally, including impacts on psychoanalysts. Despite a tendency to avoid the warnings, times of crisis summon clinicians to emerge from comfortable consulting rooms. Daily engaged with human suffering, they now face the inextricably bound together crises of (...)
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    Toward a Radical Reinterpretation of Parmenides’ B3.Donna M. Giancola - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Research 26:635-653.
    It is generally agreed that Parmenides’ fragment B3 posits some type of relation between “thinking” and “Being.” I critically examine the modern interpretations of this relation. Beginning with the ancient sources and proceeding into modern times, I try to show that the modern rationalist reading of fragment B3 conflicts with its grammatical syntax and the context of the poem as a whole. In my critique, I suggest that rather than a statement about epistemological relations, it is, as it was originally (...)
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    (1 other version)Ingroups and Outgroups.Donna J. Wood - 1998 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 1:173-178.
    I am foregoing the discussant's critical role in favor of a short examination of how one sociologist's imagination is tantalized and irritated by some of the ideas and interconnections of Professor Messick's paper. The question is, when it comes to ingroups and outgroups, why does race matter? Why does sex or gender matter? I will briefly make four points about sociobiology, favoritism toward the ingroup, hostility toward the outgroup, and finally, the conflict theorist's favorite topic - resource allocation.
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    Theory and Integrity in Business and Society.Donna J. Wood - 2000 - Business and Society 39 (4):359-378.
    Business and society academics face an ongoing dilemma between the rigorous demands of good scholarship and the personal and pragmatic demands of constituencies and themselves. This dilemma is, above all, an ethical one, but it is partially solvable by paying closer attention to theory and methodology while acknowledging individual biases and desires and helping others in the field to do the same.
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    A qualitative analysis of sensory phenomena induced by perceptual deprivation.Donna M. Lloyd, Elizabeth Lewis, Jacob Payne & Lindsay Wilson - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (1):95-112.
    Previous studies have shown that misperceptions and illusory experiences can occur if sensory stimulation is withdrawn or becomes invariant even for short periods of time. Using a perceptual deprivation paradigm, we created a monotonous audiovisual environment and asked participants to verbally report any auditory, visual or body-related phenomena they experienced. The data (analysed using a variant of interpretative phenomenological analysis) revealed two main themes: (1) reported sensory phenomena have different spatial characteristics ranging from simple percepts to the feeling of immersion (...)
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    ‘The Aesthetic’ and Its Relationship to Business Ethics: Philosophical Underpinnings and Implications for Future Research.Donna Ladkin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (1):35-51.
    The article clarifies the way in which ‘the aesthetic’ is conceptualised in relation to business ethics in order to assess its potential to inform theory building and developmental practices within the business ethics field. A systematic review of relevant literature is undertaken which identifies three ontologically based accounts of the relationship between the aesthetic and business ethics: ‘positive’ ones, ‘negative’ accounts and ‘Postmodern’ renderings. Five epistemologically based approaches are also made explicit: those in which the aesthetic is thought to develop (...)
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  20.  46
    Estranged-Familiarity.Donna Haraway - 2002 - In Mairian Corker Tom Shakespeare (ed.), Disability/Postmodernity: Embodying Disability Theory. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 175.
  21. Green encounters and indigenous subjectivity: a cautionary tale.Donna Jeffery - 2015 - In Caitlin Janzen, Kristin Smith & Donna Jeffery (eds.), Unravelling encounters: ethics, knowledge, and resistance under neoliberalism. Toronto, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
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    On avoiding dormination in philosophical counseling.Donna H. Kerr & Margret Buchmann - 1996 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 23 (3):341-351.
  23.  21
    The Behavioral Ecology of Family Planning in Two Ethnic Groups in Northeast India.Donna L. Leonetti, Dilip C. Nath & Natabar S. Hemam - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (3):310-310.
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    Schumacher Expanded: Ethically Implementing Appropriate Technology Through National Information Technology Plans.Donna M. Schaeffer & Charles F. Piazza - 2003 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 22 (2):89-103.
  25.  27
    Not Yes and Not No: μέση ἀπόκρισις and Other Forms of “Non-Polar Response” in Ancient Greek Sources: Part II.Donna Shalev - 2022 - Hermes 150 (1):37.
    In this paper I investigate responses to sentence (“yes-no”) questions in Greek dialogue which are neither a clear-cut ‘yes’ nor a ‘no’. I describe, classify, and discuss a range of patterns for expressing this strategy of indirectness, beginning with an example termed μέση ἀπόκρισις in the commentary of Olympiodorus to Plato Gorgias. Ancient rhetorical sources also discuss strategies for evading clear-cut non-polar responses to sentence questions in sections on the notion of ἀπόκρισις (and ἐρώτησις) without a fixed terminology. The fabricated (...)
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    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fun.Donna J. Wood - 1998 - Business and Society 37 (1):3-6.
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  27. The social desirability response bias in ethics research.Donna M. Randall & Maria F. Fernandes - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (11):805 - 817.
    This study examines the impact of a social desirability response bias as a personality characteristic (self-deception and impression management) and as an item characteristic (perceived desirability of the behavior) on self-reported ethical conduct. Findings from a sample of college students revealed that self-reported ethical conduct is associated with both personality and item characteristics, with perceived desirability of behavior having the greatest influence on self-reported conduct. Implications for research in business ethics are drawn, and suggestions are offered for reducing the effects (...)
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  28.  35
    Trust Me on This One: Conforming to Conversational Assistants.Donna Schreuter, Peter van der Putten & Maarten H. Lamers - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (4):535-562.
    Conversational artificial agents and artificially intelligent voice assistants are becoming increasingly popular. Digital virtual assistants such as Siri, or conversational devices such as Amazon Echo or Google Home are permeating everyday life, and are designed to be more and more humanlike in their speech. This study investigates the effect this can have on one’s conformity with an AI assistant. In the 1950s, Solomon Asch’s already demonstrated the power and danger of conformity amongst people. In these classical experiments test persons were (...)
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    Who will receive the last ventilator: why COVID-19 policies should not prioritise healthcare workers.Donna T. Chen, Lois Shepherd, Jordan Taylor & Mary Faith Marshall - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (9):599-602.
    Policies promoted and adopted for allocating ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic have often prioritised healthcare workers or other essential workers. While the need for such policies has so far been largely averted, renewed stress on health systems from continuing surges, as well as the experience of allocating another scarce resource—vaccination—counsel revisiting the justifications for such prioritisation. Prioritising healthcare workers may have intuitive appeal, but the ethical justifications for doing so and the potential harms that could follow require careful analysis. Ethical (...)
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    Re-Reading Plato's Symposium Through The Lens Of A Black Woman.Donna-Dale Marcano - 2012 - In George Yancy (ed.), Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge. State University of New York Press. pp. 225-234.
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  31. Feeling more like myself.Donna Dickenson - 2013 - The Philosophers' Magazine 62 (62):79-84.
    Speculative enhancement technologies are premised on the notion that I have a duty to be the best Me I can possibly be. This article takes a sceptical look at that claim.
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  32. Crystals, fabrics, and fields: metaphors of organicism in twentieth-century developmental biology.Donna Jeanne Haraway - 1976 - New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
  33.  61
    Analyzing the Role of Social Norms in Tax Compliance Behavior.Donna D. Bobek, Amy M. Hageman & Charles F. Kelliher - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (3):451-468.
    The purpose of this study is to explore with more rigor and detail the role of social norms in tax compliance. This study draws on Cialdini and Trost’s (The Handbook of Social Psychology: Oxford University Press, Boston, MA, 1998) taxonomy of social norms to investigate with more specificity this potentially decisive (Alm and McKee, Managerial and Decision Economics, 19:259–275, 1998) influence on tax compliance. We test our research hypotheses regarding the direct and indirect influences of social norms using a hypothetical (...)
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    Self-transcendence: Lonergan's key to integration of nursing theory, research, and practice.Donna J. Perry - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (1):67-74.
    This paper proposes that the philosophy of Bernard Lonergan can provide insight into the challenge of integrating nursing theory, research and practice. The author discusses Lonergan's work in regard to reflective understanding, authenticity and the human person as a subject of consciously developing unity. This is followed by a discussion of two key elements in Lonergan's work that relate to nursing: the subject–object challenge of nursing inquiry and common sense vs. scientific knowledge. The author suggests that integration of nursing theory, (...)
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    Intelligent tutoring systems.Donna Auguste - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 26 (2):233-238.
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    The Subject's Right to Participate.Donna Diers - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 9 (4):11.
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    Administrative Decision Making in Response to Sudden Health Care Agency Funding Reductions: is there a role for ethics?Donna M. Wilson - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (4):319-329.
    In October 1993, a survey of health care agency administrators was undertaken shortly after they had experienced two sudden reductions in public funding. The purpose of this investigation was to gain insight into the role of ethics in health administrator decision making. A mail questionnaire was designed for this purpose. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to summarize the data. Staff reductions and bed closures were the two most frequently reported mechanisms for addressing the funding reductions. Most administrators did (...)
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    Introduction.Donna E. Levin - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (S2):8-10.
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  39. Interview with Donna Dickenson about gender and bioethics.Donna Dickenson - 2013 - In Klasien Horstman & Marli Huijer (eds.), Gender and Genes: Yearbook of Women's History. Hilversum.
    Interview by Klasien Horstman on gender and genetics. 'Unlike many gender theorists, I do not view the body as socially constructed; nor do I share postmodern and deconstructionist disquiet at the notion of a unified subject. Frankly, I think these constructions get in the way of political action and are bad for women’s rights.' -/- .
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    Commodification of Human Tissue: Implications for Feminist and Development Ethics.Donna Dickenson - 2002 - Developing World Bioethics 2 (1):55-63.
    One effect of late capitalism – the commodification of practically everything – is to knock down the Chinese walls between the natural and productive realms, to use a Marxist framework. Women's labour in egg extraction and ‘surrogate’ motherhood might then be seen as what it is, labour which produces something of value. But this does not necessarily mean that women will benefit from the commodification of practically everything, in either North or South. In the newly developing biotechnologies involving stem cells, (...)
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    Dissociations in future thinking following hippocampal damage: Evidence from discounting and time perspective in episodic amnesia.Donna Kwan, Carl F. Craver, Leonard Green, Joel Myerson & R. Shayna Rosenbaum - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (4):1355.
  42.  27
    Masking effectiveness and number of segments in the masking ring.Donna Arand & William N. Dember - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (2):127-128.
  43.  29
    Moral outrage! Social work and social welfare.Donna McAuliffe, Charlotte Williams & Linda Briskman - 2016 - Ethics and Social Welfare 10 (2):87-93.
  44. Modest₋Witness@Second₋Millennium.FemaleMan₋Meets₋OncoMouse: feminism and technoscience.Donna Jeanne Haraway - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium. FemaleMan_Meets_OncoMouse explores the roles of stories, figures, dreams, theories, facts, delusions, advertising, institutions, economic arrangements, publishing practices, scientific advances, and politics in twentieth- century technoscience. The book's title is an e-mail address. With it, Haraway locates herself and her readers in a sprawling net of associations more far-flung than the Internet. The address is not a cozy home. There is no innocent place to stand in the world where the book's author figure, FemaleMan, encounters DuPont's controversial laboratory rodent, OncoMouse. (...)
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  45. A curious practice.Donna Haraway - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (2):5-14.
    :This preface offers a playful and insightful introduction to the thought of Vinciane Despret from her colleague and collaborator. Despret's philosophical approach builds from the virtue of politeness, which allows animals – concrete, individual animals – to be interesting. Part appraisal, part speculative narrative, this preface looks at the curious practices of Despret as she works with, and thinks from, animals.
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  46. On Bioethics and the Commodified Body: An Interview with Donna Dickenson.Donna Dickenson & Alana Cattapan - 2016 - Studies in Social Justice 10 (2):342-351.
  47.  48
    The Influence of Roles and Organizational Fit on Accounting Professionals’ Perceptions of their Firms’ Ethical Environment.Donna D. Bobek, Amy M. Hageman & Robin R. Radtke - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (1):125-141.
    A public accounting firm’s ethical environment has an important role in encouraging ethical behavior, but prior research has shown that firm leaders perceive the ethical environment of their firms to be stronger than do non-leaders : 637–654, 2010). This study draws on several research streams in management to investigate the reasons behind this discrepancy. Our online questionnaire was completed by 139 accounting professionals. We find that when non-leader accounting professionals believe that they have a meaningful role in shaping and maintaining (...)
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    Introspective reports of reaction times in dual-tasks reflect experienced difficulty rather than timing of cognitive processes.Donna Bryce & Daniel Bratzke - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:254-267.
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    Introduction.Donna E. Levin - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s1):8-10.
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    The Ethical Environment of Tax Professionals: Partner and Non-Partner Perceptions and Experiences.Donna D. Bobek, Amy M. Hageman & Robin R. Radtke - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4):637-654.
    This article examines perceptions of tax partners and non-partner tax practitioners regarding their CPA firms’ ethical environment, as well as experiences with ethical dilemmas. Prior research emphasizes the importance of executive leadership in creating an ethical climate (e.g., Weaver et al., Acad Manage Rev 42(1):41–57, 1999; Trevino et al., Hum Relat 56(1):5–37, 2003; Schminke et al., Organ Dyn 36(2):171–186, 2007). Thus, it is important to consider whether firm partners and other employees have congruent perceptions and experiences. Based on the responses (...)
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