Results for 'Earth-shaping'

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  1. Cultivating Earth-Shaped Leaders: Ecological Imagination in Organizations.Benjamin Yosua-Davis - forthcoming - Humanistic Management Journal:1-15.
    How would organizations act differently if they embodied an ecological imagination? In 2022, The BTS Center convened a group of leaders from seven cross-sector organizations working in the non-profit and higher education sectors to explore this question in the context of a year-long cross-sector co-learning community. Our research employed a qualitative research framework that aimed for thick descriptions of leaders’ experiences by field noting large group sessions, breakout groups, site visits, and one-on-one conversations with participants. The research identifies and describes (...)
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    A Study of Duplication Theory in Earth Shape and Movement. 이종우 - 2008 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 24 (24):263-282.
    고대중국의 『大戴禮記』와 『淮南子』에서 天圓地方이 나타난다. 천원지방이란 하늘은 둥글고 땅은 정방형이라는 형태를 의미하기도 하지만 천도는 원, 지도는 방이라고 하여 형태를 벗어나 도를 가리키는 의미이기도 하였다. 그러한 천원지방설은 줄곧 도 뿐만 아니라 모양으로 나타났다. 훗날 땅은 우산을 펴놓았다고 하기도 하고, 반구형태라고 주장하는 개천설이 등장한다. 개천설은 훗날 주희에게 영향을 끼친다. 그는 하늘과 땅에 대하여 그릇을 합쳐놓은 것으로 표현하기도 하고, 만두형태로 묘사하기도 하였다. 그러나 그릇과 만두는 형태가 다르다. 그릇은 반구, 만두는 구에 가까운 형태이다. 따라서 양자는 서로 관련이 적은 이중적인 설이다. 그릇 보다 만두설이 나중에 (...)
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    The Shape and Size of the Earth: A Historical Journey From Homer to Artificial Satellites.Dino Boccaletti - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book describes in detail the various theories on the shape of the Earth from classical antiquity to the present day and examines how measurements of its form and dimensions have evolved throughout this period. The origins of the notion of the sphericity of the Earth are explained, dating back to Eratosthenes and beyond, and detailed attention is paid to the struggle to establish key discoveries as part of the cultural heritage of humanity. In this context, the roles (...)
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    The Earth: Its Size, Shape, and Immobility.Claudius Ptolemy - 2009 - In Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly & Fritz Allhoff (eds.), The philosophy of science: an historical anthology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 70.
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    The shape of the Earth in the Phaedo: a rejoinder.Thomas G. Rosenmeyer - 1959 - Phronesis 4 (1):71-72.
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    Zaccaria Lilio and the shape of the earth: A brief response to Allegro’s “Flat earth science”.C. Philipp E. Nothaft - 2017 - History of Science 55 (4):490-498.
    This is a response to James J. Allegro’s article “The Bottom of the Universe: Flat Earth Science in the Age of Encounter,” published in Volume 55, Number 1, of this journal. Against the solid consensus of modern scholars, Allegro contends that the decades around 1500 saw a resurgence of popular and learned doubts about the existence of a southern hemisphere and the concept of a spherical earth more generally. It can be shown that a substantial part of Allegro’s (...)
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    Augustine and the Shape of the Earth.C. P. E. Nothaft - 2011 - Augustinian Studies 42 (1):33-48.
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    The Shape of the Earth in Plato's Phaedo.J. S. Morrison - 1959 - Phronesis 4 (2):101-119.
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    Representing the Earth's Shape: The Polemics Surrounding Maupertuis's Expedition to Lapland.Mary Terrall - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):218-237.
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    Degrees of longitude and the earth's shape: The diffusion of a scientific idea in Paris in the 1730s.John L. Greenberg - 1984 - Annals of Science 41 (2):151-158.
    (1984). Degrees of longitude and the earth's shape: The diffusion of a scientific idea in Paris in the 1730s. Annals of Science: Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 151-158.
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    The Problem of the Earth's Shape from Newton to Clairaut: The Rise of Mathematical Science in Eighteenth-Century Paris and the Fall of "Normal" Science. John L. Greenberg.Elizabeth Garber - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):581-582.
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    Trust, Instruments, and Cross-Cultural Scientific Exchanges: Chinese Debate over the Shape of the Earth, 1600–1800.Pingyi Chu - 1999 - Science in Context 12 (3):385-412.
    The ArgumentThis paper examines the debate in China over the shape of the earth during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The main arguments are as follows. First, trust plays an important role in knowledge transmission. Second, partial communication between different woridviews is possible. In the case of the debate over the shape of the earth, partial communication was accomplished by the spread of Western astronomical instruments and calculating tools. Third, such alien concepts as the four elements and the (...)
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  13. Unraveling students' misconceptions about the earth's shape and gravity.Cary I. Sneider & Mark M. Ohadi - 1998 - Science Education 82 (2):265-284.
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    Medieval Round Churches and the Shape of the Earth.Erling Haagensen & Niels C. Lind - 2015 - Isis 106 (4):825-834.
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  15. Empiricism as a Rhetoric of Legitimation: Maupertuis and the Shape of the Earth.Siegfried Bodenmann - 2018 - In Anne-Lise Rey & Siegfried Bodenmann (eds.), What Does It Mean to Be an Empiricist?: Empiricisms in Eighteenth Century Sciences. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Earth, Technology, Language: A Contribution to Holistic and Transcendental Revisions After the Artifactual Turn.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):259-270.
    The empirical turn, understood as a turn to the artifact in the work of Ihde, has been a fruitful one, which has rightly abandoned what Serres and Latour call “the empire of signs” of the postmoderns. However, this has unfortunately implied too little attention for language and its relation to technology. The same can be said about the social dimension of technology use, which is largely neglected in postphenomenology. This talk critically responds to Ihde and Stiegler, and sketches a Wittgensteinian (...)
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    Life and Earth Sciences S. M. Walters, The shaping of Cambridge botany: a short history of whole plant botany in Cambridge from the time of Ray into the present century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. ix + 121. £17.50. [REVIEW]John Dean - 1983 - British Journal for the History of Science 16 (3):285-286.
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    Between heaven and earth: cosmography in the scientific revolution: Jacqueline Biro: On earth as in heaven: cosmography and the shape of the earth from Copernicus to Descartes. VDM Verlag, Saarbrucken, 2009, 135 pp, €59.00PB. [REVIEW]Luciano Boschiero - 2011 - Metascience 20 (1):195-198.
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    Isidore, the Antipodeans, and the Shape of the Earth.William Mccready - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):108-127.
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    Earthly births.Lucy Benjamin - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (2).
    The aim of this article is straightforward: to present two clarifications of Hannah- Arendt’s seasoned political concept of natality and to conclude by positioning this new account of natality within the context of the climate crisis. In many ways, this concluding section, where natality is read as a form of historical emancipation, hinges on the degree to which I succeed in reframing existing conversations around natality. In the first instance I submit an ‘earthly reading’ of natality before turning to discuss (...)
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    Toward a Sustainable Future Earth: Challenges for a Research Agenda.Myanna Lahsen - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (5):876-898.
    Future Earth is an evolving international research program and platform for engagement aiming to support transitions toward sustainability. This article discusses processes that led to Future Earth, highlighting its intellectual emergence. I describe how Future Earth has increased space for contributions from the social sciences and humanities despite powerful, long-standing preferences for bio-geophysical research in global environmental research communities. I argue that such preferences nevertheless are deeply embedded in scientific institutions that continue to shape environmental science agendas (...)
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    “Aplatisseur DU MONDE ET DE CASSINI”: Maupertuis, Precision Measurement, and the Shape of the Earth in the 1730s.Rob Iliffe - 1993 - History of Science 31 (4):335-375.
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    From Matter to Earth.Khafiz Kerimov - 2019 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 9:116-144.
    This article focuses on Heidegger’s engagement with the distinction between form and matter in the 1935 essay “The Origin of the Work of Art.” This distinction is articulated by Aristotle in the context of production, which is taken to be finished once a certain matter is subjected to a certain form or shape. Insofar as Aristotle takes actuality to have primacy over potentiality, he is unable to think material potentiality as such. Against the Aristotelian thinking of hylomorphism, however, Heidegger takes (...)
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    Scorched Earth: Employers’ Breached Trust in Refugees’ Labor Market Integration.Katja Wehrle, Mari Kira, Ute-Christine Klehe & Guido Hertel - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (1):60-107.
    Employment is critical for refugees’ positive integration into a receiving country. Enabling employment requires cross-sector collaborations, that is, employers collaborating with different stakeholders such as refugees, local employees, other employers, unofficial/official supporters, and authorities. A vital element of cross-sector collaborations is trust, yet the complexity of cross-sector collaborations may challenge the formation and maintenance of trust. Following a theory elaboration approach, this qualitative study with 37 employers and 27 support workers in Germany explores how employers’ experiences in cross-sector collaborations on (...)
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    The Earth Charter: Buddhist and Christian Approaches.Bill Aiken - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):115-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 114-116 [Access article in PDF] The Earth Charter: Buddhist and Christian Approaches Bill Aiken Soka Gakkai International Seattle, Washington, is well known as the home of the coffee renaissance that swept across America in the 1980s and 1990s. Its hometown favorite, The CoffeeBrand, first appeared in 1971 in an open-air farmers' market; the popular round, green logo now seems to appear on the streets (...)
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    Irene K. Fischer. Geodesy? What’s That? My Personal Involvement in the Age‐Old Quest for the Size and Shape of the Earth, with a Running Commentary on Life in a Government Research Office. xx + 376 pp., figs., apps., index. New York: iUniverse, 2005. $25.95. [REVIEW]Duncan Agnew - 2006 - Isis 97 (3):587-587.
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    ‘… Earth’s proud empires pass away…’: The glorification and critique of power in songs and hymns of Imperial Britain.Gertrud Tönsing - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):1-9.
    Songs and hymns shape faith and play a part in shaping political landscapes. They can be used to build or maintain power as well as to critique and challenge it. This has been true for South Africa, and some brief examples will be given. But this article focuses on hymns and patriotic songs from the time of the British Empire and explores how they portray power, entrench superiority or build a common, global Christian identity.
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    Eco-emancipation: an earthly politics of freedom.Sharon R. Krause - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The case for an eco-emancipatory politics to release the Earth from human domination and free us all from lives that are both exploitative and exploited Human domination of nature shapes every aspect of our lives today, even as it remains virtually invisible to us. Because human beings are a part of nature, the human domination of nature circles back to confine and exploit people as well—and not only the poor and marginalized but also the privileged and affluent, even in (...)
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    Various Shapes of Cultural Biosemiotics.Jonathan Hope - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (3):397-411.
    There is a steady and maybe growing impulse in biosemiotics to open itself to the arts and humanities. Recent events and publications indicate a desire expressed by biosemioticians and non-biosemioticians to engage in a dialogue concerning the manner in which living systems are cast, understood and dealt with, a dialogue that will determine the future course of those fields of research. In this article, I react to two recent monographs on the subject, Paul Cobley’s Cultural implications of biosemiotics and Wendy (...)
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    The Price of Twin Earth.Brandon James Ashby - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 70 (281):689-710.
    Liberals about perceptual contents claim that perceptual experiences can represent kinds and specific, familiar individuals as such; they also claim that the representation of an individual or kind as such by a perceptual experience will be reflected in the phenomenal character of that experience. Conservatives always deny the latter and sometimes also the former claim. I argue that neither liberals nor conservatives have adequately appreciated how the content internalism/externalism debate bears on their views. I show that perceptual content internalism entails (...)
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  31. Can norms bridge boundaries? Systems theory’s challenge to eco-theology and Earth system law.Nico Buitendag - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    The following article was written to honour Johan Buitendag’s contribution to the discipline of eco-theology. Assuming an interdisciplinary stance, eco-theology in general and his work, in particular, is observed from the position of legal theory and sociology. As such, eco-theology is not assessed on theological grounds but is treated interdisciplinary through comparison with environmental law. More specifically, the project of eco-theology is shown to share certain characteristics with the nascent subdiscipline of Earth systems law within environmental law. It is (...)
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    Riscrivere la Terra. Poetiche del terraforming.Gregorio Tenti - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 21.
    This paper addresses a potentially major shift in environmental and landscape aesthetics, which reassesses the traditional view on landscape in light of the idea of global environment. Landscaping is thus rethought as a mode of creatively being on Earth. For this purpose, the paper begins by providing a definition of Earth as a completely semiotized and therefore “plastic” space which is continuously re-shaped by traces, semantic processes and human practices. Earth-shaping practices are then investigated as gestures (...)
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    Going underground: the science and history of falling through the Earth.Martin Beech - 2019 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    This book follows the historical trail by which humanity has determined the shape and internal structure of the Earth. It is a story that bears on aspects of the history of science, the history of philosophy and the history of mathematics. At the heart of the narrative is the important philosophical practice of performing thought experiments -- that is, the art of considering an idealized experiment in the mind. This powerful technique has been used by all the great historical (...)
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    "Building the Earth": Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Science, and the Spirituality of the United Nations.Sarah Shortall - 2024 - Journal of the History of Ideas 85 (4):827-855.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Building the Earth":Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Science, and the Spirituality of the United NationsSarah ShortallDuring a 1982 trip to Paris, Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar raised a glass to toast France's many contributions to the mission of the United Nations. But the Frenchman who received the most fulsome praise from Pérez de Cuéllar was neither an Enlightenment philosopher nor an eminent politician; he was a Jesuit priest and (...)
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    The bottom of the universe: Flat earth science in the Age of Encounter.James J. Allegro - 2017 - History of Science 55 (1):61-85.
    This essay challenges the dominance of the spherical earth model in fifteenth- and early-sixteenth-century Western European thought. It examines parallel strains of Latin and vernacular writing that cast doubt on the existence of the southern hemisphere. Three factors shaped the alternate accounts of the earth as a plane and disk put forward by these sources: (1) the unsettling effects of maritime expansion on scientific thought; (2) the revival of interest in early Christian criticism of the spherical earth; (...)
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    Total liberation: the power and promise of animal rights and the radical earth movement.David N. Pellow - 2014 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    When in 2001 Earth Liberation Front activists drove metal spikes into hundreds of trees in Gifford Pinchot National Forest, they were protesting the sale of a section of the old-growth forest to a timber company. But ELF's communiqu on the action went beyond the radical group's customary brief. Drawing connections between the harms facing the myriad animals who make their home in the trees and the struggles for social justice among ordinary human beings resisting exclusion and marginalization, the dispatch (...)
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    How to Reinvent the World: The Hope of Being True to the Earth.Veronica Brady - 2006 - Colloquy 12:103-113.
    We live in dangerous times, ruled by the imperatives of what Hannah Arendt calls “the catastrophic interiority of the selfish I” 1 which threatens the planet and the survival of humanity. But I believe, nevertheless, that it is possible to reinvent the world since, by and large, it is evident that its shape reflects our notions of reality and value, the way we weave together the various strands of existence. Antonio Gramsci may have had something like this in mind when (...)
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  38. Reparation Ecology and Sympathy with the Earth.Suzanne McCullagh - 2021 - In Toward an Eco-social Transition: Transatlantic Environmental Humanities / Hacia una Transición Eco-social: Humanidades Medioambientales desde una perspectiva Transatlántica.
    Amidst increasing concerns about harmful ecological change brought about by human actions upon the earth, environmental thinkers and activists attempt to envision human relations with the earth in new ways. Such thinking, however, frequently comes up against an inability to conceive of the more-than-human world as something towards which we can empathize or sympathize or to which we owe justice. As such, a powerful force in environmental discourse sees this problem as intractable and sees ecological change as a (...)
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    Memoir and the Re-reading of Fiction: Rudy Wiebe’s of this earth and Peace Shall Destroy Many.Paul Tiessen - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):201-215.
    Canadian novelist Rudy Wiebe's award-winning memoir, of this earth: A Mennonite Boyhood in the Boreal Forest, invites readers into a warm subjective realm in which a meditative Wiebe recounts his growing-up years from birth to age thirteen. As self-reflexive "rememberer," Wiebe explores the sensate freshness of a boy's ways of seeing, touching, and, not least, hearing the world. The young Wiebe lives with his parents and siblings and neighbours in an emotionally warm Christian community of 1920s immigrants to Canada (...)
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  40. The Shape of Trans Afterlife Justice.Blake Hereth - 2020 - In Michael C. Rea & Michelle Panchuk (eds.), Voices from the Edge: Centering Marginalized Voices in Analytic Theology. Oxford University Press.
    Trans persons endure terrible injustices in this life: They are bullied, murdered, forced to conceal their identities, and denied opportunities that would be available to them if they were cis. This chapter offers grounds for theological hope—in particular, hope that the afterlife would be better for trans persons. I argue that we should view trans identities as worthy of respect and that, as a matter of justice, their gender identities should be preserved in the afterlife. I focus specifically on trans (...)
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    Clashing Globes: Images of the Earth and Heidegger’s Thinking of Modernity.Simon Ferdinand - 2023 - Environment, Space, Place 15 (1):1-31.
    Visual representations of the whole earth permeate modern cultures, shaping how societies imagine globalization and planetary ecological derangement. To explore the complex ways in which these images configure human attitudes toward environments, this essay attends to a series of hegemonic representations of the earth from diverse situations and stages of modernity in conjunction with ideas drawn from Martin Heidegger’s ontological philosophy. I proceed from the insight that for Heidegger modernity is not a singular condition, but entails two (...)
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  42. The Myth of Cronus in Plato’s Statesman: Cosmic Rotation and Earthly Correspondence.Corinne Gartner & Claudia Yau - 2020 - Apeiron 53 (4):437-462.
    The cosmological myth in Plato’s Statesman has generated several longstanding scholarly disputes, among them a controversy concerning the number and nature of the cosmic rotation cycles that it depicts. According to the standard interpretation, there are two cycles of rotation: west-to-east rotation occurs during the age of Cronus, and east-to-west rotation occurs during the age of Zeus, which is also our present era. Recent readings have challenged this two-cycle interpretation, arguing that the period of rotation opposed to our own is (...)
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    The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth: Surfacing the Political-Ecological Dimensions of Nonviolent Struggle.Daniel P. Castillo - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (2):241-257.
    The Beatitudes have long functioned as a cornerstone for spiritualities of nonviolence. In that tradition, this essay explores how active nonviolence, rooted in the hope of the third Matthean beatitude—“Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth”—can be understood as a response to the interrelated cries of the earth and the oppressed within history. To concretize the demands of a political ecology of nonviolence, the essay then examines how the legacies of Western extractive colonialism have shaped (...)
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    The human shape of God: religion in Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit.Daniel Peter Jamros - 1994 - New York: Paragon House.
    Among philosophers of religion and theologians, debates over Hegel's interpretation of religion in the Phenomenology of Spirit have become the stuff of scholarly legend. Was Hegel a humanistic atheist? Or was he a serious Christian thinker? Both positions have been defended with vigilance in recent years. Now into this fray steps Professor Jamros to offer fresh insights and to argue that neither of these received views captures the thoughts of the philosophical theist who wrote the Phenomenology. Expounding Hegel's philosophical theism (...)
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    Kant’s Worldview: How Judgment Shapes Human Comprehension by Rudolf A. Makkreel (review).Riccardo Pozzo - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (3):511-513.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant’s Worldview: How Judgment Shapes Human Comprehension by Rudolf A. MakkreelRiccardo PozzoRudolf A. Makkreel. Kant’s Worldview: How Judgment Shapes Human Comprehension. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2021. Pp. 284. Hardback, $99.95. Paperback, $34.95.This is the last book Rudolf Makkreel published before passing away in October 2021. No wonder, then, that it makes some strong points, one of which is truly fundamental: the time has come to recognize the (...)
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    Nature and Altering It, and: Keeping God’s Earth: The Global Environment in Biblical Perspective.John Sniegocki - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):220-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Nature and Altering It, and: Keeping God’s Earth: The Global Environment in Biblical PerspectiveJohn SniegockiNature and Altering It Allen Verhey Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010. 150 pp. $15.00.Keeping God’s Earth: The Global Environment in Biblical Perspective Edited by Noah Toly and Daniel Block Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2010. 300 pp. $25.00.Both of the books under review focus on how Christians should relate to the rest (...)
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    Living on Earth: forests, corals, consciousness, and the making of the world.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2024 - New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
    A philosopher's examination of how animal and plant life has shaped the history of our planet.
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  48. The human idea: Earth's newest ecosystem.Anne Riley - 2024 - Murray, UT: Winsome Entertainment Group LLC.
    Explore the profound questions of existence in "The Human Idea", a groundbreaking work by Anne Riley. This compelling narrative delves into humanity's quest for understanding-why we exist and how our unique capacity for inquiry sets us apart from all other life forms. Riley challenges readers to reconsider the foundations of human existence by examining the intricate tapestry of life that predates us. With a blend of scientific insight and philosophical exploration, she reveals how the fundamental principles of survival, honed over (...)
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  49. A Values Framework for Evaluating Alienation in Off-Earth Food Systems.Holly Andersen, Elliot Schwartz & Tammara Soma - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (23):1-16.
    Given the technological constraints of long-duration space travel and planetary settlement, off-Earth humans will likely need to employ food systems very different from their terrestrial counterparts, and newly emerging food technologies are being developed that will shape novel food systems in these off-Earth contexts. Projected off-Earth food systems may therefore potentially “alienate” their users in new ways compared to Earth-based food systems. They will be susceptible to alienation in ways that are similar to such potential on (...)
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  50. The Uncertainty of the Global Earth in the History of Progress. [REVIEW]Takaharu Oda - 2017 - Society and Politics 11:187–189.
    Is the shape of the Earth really a globe? Reading closely, the author of this voluminous paperback (first published as hardcover in 2015), historian David Wootton, does not take for granted the fact that the Earth is round or spherical. However, this does not mean that he is a relativist. And it is interesting to consider why he regards science as progress against any relativist view of the history of science. -/- On the whole, the book is an (...)
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