Results for 'Eglal Doss-Quinby'

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  1. Eglal Doss-Quinby, Les refrains chez les trouvères du XIIe siècle au début du XIVe. (American University Studies, ser. 2: Romance Languages and Literature, 17.) New York, Bern, and Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1984. Pp. 311. $32. [REVIEW]Samuel N. Rosenberg - 1987 - Speculum 62 (2):410-412.
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    Technoppression and the Intricacies of Cyborg Flesh.Lee Quinby - 1997 - Constellations 4 (2):229-247.
  3. Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance.Irene Diamond, Lee Quinby, Seyla Benhabib & Drucilla Cornell - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):118-124.
    This essay is a critical review of two recent collections, Feminism and Foucault: Reflections on Resistance, edited by Irene Diamond and Lee Quinby and Feminism as Critique: On the Politics of Gender, edited by Seyla Benhabib and Drucilla Cornell. While the collections differ in their manner of addressing the critical sources that have inspired them-the former relying upon a single theorist, the latter attempting to move through some of the philosophical history that constitutes our present theoretical terrain-both attempt to (...)
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    Fr. Dosse, Empire of Meaning: The Humanization of the Social Sciences.François Dosse - 1999 - Philosophical Inquiry 21 (1):127-127.
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    Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Intersecting Lives.Francois Dosse - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    In May 1968, Gilles Deleuze was an established philosopher teaching at the innovative Vincennes University, just outside of Paris. Félix Guattari was a political militant and the director of an unusual psychiatric clinic at La Borde. Their meeting was quite unlikely, yet the two were introduced in an arranged encounter of epic consequence. From that moment on, Deleuze and Guattari engaged in a surprising, productive partnership, collaborating on several groundbreaking works, including _Anti-Oedipus_, _What Is Philosophy?_ and _A Thousand Plateaus_. François (...)
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    Empire of Meaning: The Humanization of the Social Sciences.François Dosse - 1998 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    An outgrowth of Dosse's History of Structuralism, Empire of Meaning is an extended encounter with some of the most influential French intellectuals.
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  7. History of Structuralism: Volume 2: The Sign Sets, 1967-Present.Francois Dosse - 1998 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
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    History of Structuralism: Volume 1: The Rising Sign, 1945-1966.François Dosse - 1997 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Content Description #Includes bibliographical references and index.
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    Amitiés philosophiques.François Dosse - 2021 - Paris: Odile Jacob.
    Aron-Sartre, Foucault-Deleuze, Ricoeur-Derrida, Derrida-Lévinas... D'où sont nées ces amitiés entre des philosophes qui ont marqué leur temps? En quoi ces "couples" sont-ils absolument singuliers et que nous disent-ils de leur époque et de ses enjeux intellectuels? "Parce que c'était lui, parce que c'était moi", écrivait Montaigne à propos de l'amitié qui le liait à La Boétie, s'exclamant également : "O mes amis, il n'y a nul amy! " S'appuyant sur leurs correspondances, des écrits peu connus, des récits de témoins, François (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction.François Dosse - 2017 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 8 (1):1-4.
    La question se pose de savoir si la Justice est capable de réparer le tragique de l’histoire. François Dosse situe son analyse sur l’axe pragmatique de la préoccupation citoyenne exprimée par Ricœur, dès les premières lignes de La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli, lorsqu’il se dit troublé par le trop de mémoire ici et le trop d’oubli ailleurs. On assiste en effet à une judiciarisation progressive de la discipline historique. Elle se traduit par une inquiétante inflation mémorielle depuis la loi Gayssot de (...)
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    L’histoire entre la guerre des mémoires et la Justice.François Dosse - 2017 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 8 (1):67-82.
    La question se pose de savoir si la Justice est capable de réparer le tragique de l’histoire. François Dosse situe son analyse sur l’axe pragmatique de la préoccupation citoyenne exprimée par Ricœur, dès les premières lignes de La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli, lorsqu’il se dit troublé par le trop de mémoire ici et le trop d’oubli ailleurs. On assiste en effet à une judiciarisation progressive de la discipline historique. Elle se traduit par une inquiétante inflation mémorielle depuis la loi Gayssot de (...)
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    Le philosophe et le Président: Ricoeur & Macron.François Dosse - 2017 - Paris: Stock.
    On savait qu'Emmanuel Macron a été l'assistant, puis l'intime, de Paul Ricoeur à partir de la fin des années 1990. Cette relation, le président de la République l'a évoquée en des termes émouvants : "La nuit tombait, nous n'allumions pas la lumière. Nous restions à parler dans une complicité qui avait commencé à s'installer. De ce soir-là commença une relation unique où je travaillais, commentais ses textes, accompagnais ses lectures. Durant plus de deux années, j'ai appris à ses côtés. Je (...)
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    Paul Ricœur: les sens d'une vie.François Dosse - 1997 - Paris: La Découverte.
    La philosophie est aujourd'hui de retour pour éclairer les grands enjeux de cette fin de siècle. La quête du sens qu'exprime ce retour ne peut que rencontrer la figure et le parcours de Paul Ricœur : depuis les années trente, il a toujours conçu sa réflexion comme une forme d'engagement dans la Cité. Sa présence constante dans ce siècle ne sera jamais démentie. Maître à penser plus que maître penseur, ses travaux sont devenus une source majeure d'inspiration dans les domaines (...)
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  14.  64
    Three Steps Towards a Theory of Informal logic.Seale Doss - 1985 - Informal Logic 7 (2).
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    Castoriadis: une vie.François Dosse - 2014 - Paris: La Découverte.
    Ce livre est la première biographie consacrée à l'une des plus grandes figures intellectuelles et politiques du XXe siècle : Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997). Jeune résistant grec révolutionnaire menacé de mort par les staliniens, il arrive en France à l'âge de vingt-trois ans, alors que l'engouement pour l'URSS est à son zénith. Il contribue alors à créer, avec Claude Lefort et Jean-François Lyotard, l'une des branches les plus vivaces de la gauche radicale, « Socialisme ou Barbarie », qui deviendra ensuite une (...)
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    6 Deleuze and structuralism.Francois Dosse - 2012 - In Daniel W. Smith & Henry Somers-Hall, The Cambridge companion to Deleuze. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 126.
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    Unique effects of sedatives, dissociatives, psychedelics, stimulants, and cannabinoids on episodic memory: A review and reanalysis of acute drug effects on recollection, familiarity, and metamemory.Manoj K. Doss, Jason Samaha, Frederick S. Barrett, Roland R. Griffiths, Harriet de Wit, David A. Gallo & Joshua D. Koen - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (2):523-562.
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  18. (1 other version)Note on two theorems of Mostowski.Raouf Doss - 1945 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):13-15.
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    L'empire du sens: l'humanisation des sciences humaines.François Dosse - 1995 - Paris: La Découverte.
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    (1 other version)À l’École des Annales, une règle : l’ouverture disciplinaire.François Dosse - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 67 (3):, [ p.].
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    Comment on Bedau.S. R. Doss - 1971 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 14 (1-4):266 – 270.
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    Copernicus revisited: Time versus "time" versus time.S. R. Doss - 1970 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 31 (2):193-211.
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    Histoire du structuralisme.François Dosse - 1991 - Paris: Editions la Découverte.
    t. 1. Le champ du signe, 1945-1966 -- t. 2. Le chant du signe, 1967 à nos jours.
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    (1 other version)History in Pieces: From the Militant to the Triumphant Annales.François Dosse - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (67):163-176.
    The new school of French history is in its glory. Calling itself “new,” however, was only an advertising gimmick in a consumer society, as the Annales school recently commemorated its ancestors and their ancient battles in a 1979 golden anniversary. Its roots trace back to the period between the two World Wars when die journal Annales d'histoire économique et social was first published. Since dien, this school has come to occupy a hegemonic position among historians. If there is anything new, (...)
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  25. Lugares, trabajo, deber de memoria en la obra de Paul Ricœur.François Dosse - 2025 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 54 (2):e112.
    La memoria, la historia, el olvido, Paul Ricœur ha insistido en proponer la necesidad de un trabajo de memoria sin abandonar el horizonte de un deber de memoria, contrariamente a las acusaciones que se le han hecho. Ha definido un camino que lleva del trabajo al deber de memoria, a través de un trabajo de la historia que se une a la problemática de los “Lugares de memoria” del historiador Pierre Nora. Traducción de María Luján Ferrari.
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    New History in France: The Triumph of the Annales.François Dosse - 1994 - University of Illinois Press.
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    Paul Ricœur, penser la mémoire.François Dosse & Catherine Goldenstein (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Seuil.
    Un conflit public, souvent passionné, a surgi ces trente dernières années entre l’histoire, science du passé menée par les historiens, et la mémoire, célébration du passé par les vainqueurs et les victimes, et organisé par les Etats. Pour faire bref : une polémique a surgi du fait que Ricoeur a été accusé de minimiser le rôle du génocide des juifs (Shoah), ou de ne pas marquer assez la singularité de la Shoah. Le livre est construit en trois parties : sa (...)
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  28. Schopenhauer according to the Symbolists: the philosophical roots of late nineteenth-century French aesthetic theory.Shehira Doss-Davezac - 1996 - In Dale Jacquette, Schopenhauer, Philosophy and the Arts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 249--76.
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  29. Where can I find God?Helen Grigsby Doss - 1968 - Nashville,: Abingdon Press. Edited by Frank E. Aloise.
    A young boy explains how he knows God exists and how he feels His presence.
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    Les engagements politiques de Gilles Deleuze.François Dosse - 2009 - Cités 40 (4):21-37.
    L’horizon politique au sens large a irrigué toute la pensée de Gilles Deleuze. Son parcours est jalonné d’engagements, mais dans un positionnement assez différent de celui de l’archétype de l’intellectuel universel, porte-parole de la justice face à la raison d’État tel qu’a pu l’incarner durant la même période son aîné Sartre. Il se situerait davantage comme un intellectuel..
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    On Gödel's proof that $V=L$ implies the generalized continuum hypothesis.Raouf Doss - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (4):283-287.
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    Chaosophy: Texts and Interviews 1972--1977.Félix Guattari & François Dosse - 2008 - Semiotext(E).
    "The texts and interviews collected in Chaosophy were written in the wake of May '68. They elaborate on the groundbreaking theories of capitalism and schizophrenia that Felix Guattari introduced with Gilles Deleuze in Anti-Oedipus in 1972, one of the most important books of our time. Boldly rewriting Marx's vision of capitalism in terms of schizophrenic flows, Guattari substituted the Freudian interpretation of neurosis with the model of "schizoanalysis," advocating a more pragmatic, experimental, and collective approach to mental phenomena that opened (...)
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    Paul Ricœur et les sciences humaines.Christian Delacroix, François Dosse & Patrick Garcia (eds.) - 2007 - Paris: Découverte.
    Le 20 mai 2005, Paul Ricœur nous quittait à l'âge de quatre-vingt-douze ans, après une traversée du siècle qu'il a fortement marqué. Il nous laisse une œuvre immense, véritable incitation/invitation au travail dont l'une des originalités aura été de conduire un dialogue constant de la philosophie avec son autre, notamment avec les sciences humaines. À l'heure des replis disciplinaires et des crispations institutionnelles, sa manière de faire dialoguer les savoirs semble plus nécessaire que jamais à. Le souci dont a fait (...)
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    Peer-reviewed climate change research has a transparency problem. The scientific community needs to do better.Adam Pollack, Jentry E. Campbell, Madison Condon, Courtney Cooper, Matteo Coronese, James Doss-Gollin, Prabhat Hegde, Casey Helgeson, Jan Kwakkel, Corey Lesk, Justin Mankin, Erin Mayfield, Samantha Roth, Vivek Srikrishnan, Nancy Tuana & Klaus Keller - manuscript
    Mission-oriented climate change research is often unverifiable. Therefore, many stakeholders look to peer-reviewed climate change research for trustworthy information about deeply uncertain and impactful phenomena. This is because peer-review signals that research has been vetted for scientific standards like reproducibility and replicability. Here we evaluate the transparency of research methodologies in mission-oriented computational climate research. We find that only five percent of our sample meets the minimal standard of fully open data and code required for reproducibility and replicability. The widespread (...)
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    Evaluating a Modular Approach to Therapy for Children With Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems (MATCH) in School-Based Mental Health Care: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Sherelle L. Harmon, Maggi A. Price, Katherine A. Corteselli, Erica H. Lee, Kristina Metz, F. Tony Bonadio, Jacqueline Hersh, Lauren K. Marchette, Gabriela M. Rodríguez, Jacquelyn Raftery-Helmer, Kristel Thomassin, Sarah Kate Bearman, Amanda Jensen-Doss, Spencer C. Evans & John R. Weisz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Schools have become a primary setting for providing mental health care to youths in the U.S. School-based interventions have proliferated, but their effects on mental health and academic outcomes remain understudied. In this study we will implement and evaluate the effects of a flexible multidiagnostic treatment called Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems on students' mental health and academic outcomes.Methods and Analysis: This is an assessor-blind randomized controlled effectiveness trial conducted across five (...)
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    Doss Raoup. Note on two theorems of Mostowski.Bjarni Jónsson - 1946 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):85-86.
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    François Dosse , Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari: Biographie croisée (Paris: Éditions la Découverte, 2007), translated as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Intersecting Lives (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010). [REVIEW]Thomas Nail - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:218-222.
  38. Book Reviews: Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur, Paris: PUF, 2013 (Luca M. Possati); François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein (éds.), Paul Ricoeur : penser la mémoire, Paris, Seuil, 2013 (Aurore Dumont); Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth (and Untruth) of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press (Paul-Gabriel Sandu); Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutique du langage, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012, coll. «Philosophica»,(Paul Marinescu); Saulius Geniusas, The Origins of the Horizon in Husserl's Phenomenology, Dordrecht: Springer, Series: Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 67, 2012 (Witold Płotka); Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl, Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, coll.: Phaenomenologica 198 (Delia Popa); Denis Seron, Ce que voir veut dire. Essai sur la perception, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2012 (Maria Gyemant); Hans Frie. [REVIEW]Luca M. Possati, Aurore Dumont, Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Paul Marinescu, Witold Płotka, Delia Popa, Maria Gyemant, Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Bogdan Mincă, Denisa Butnaru, Ovidiu Stanciu & Mădălina Diaconu - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:469-508.
    Luca M. Possati, Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur ; Aurore Dumont, François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein, Paul Ricoeur: penser la mémoire ; Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement ; Paul Marinescu, Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutiquedu langage ; Witold Płotka, Saulius Geniusas, Th e Origins of the Horizon in Husserl’s Phenomenology ; Delia Popa, Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl ; (...)
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    Double Gestures: Feminist Critiques and the Search for a Useable Practice.Mary Janell Metzger - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):118-124.
    This essay is a critical review of two recent collections, Feminism and Foucauk: Reflections on Resistance, edited by Irene Diamond and Lee Quinby and Feminism as Critique: On the Politics of Gender, edited by Seyla Benhabib and Drucilla Cornell. While the collections differ in their manner of addressing the critical sources that have inspired them—the former relying upon a single theorist, the latter attempting to move through some of the philosophical history that constitutes our present theoretical terrain—both attempt to (...)
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    The postapocalyptic imagination.Briohny Doyle - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 131 (1):99-113.
    Apocalypse as a literary genre, as well as a political and religious agenda, has been criticized by writers such as Lee Quinby and Katherine Keller for its formula, which tends toward punishment for transgression and salvation of an elect. These same writers critique postapocalypse for its propensity for nihilism and portrayal of a human species ‘beyond redemption’. But perhaps it is precisely this refusal to redeem that endows postapocalypse with dangerous possibilities. The postapocalypse does not have to be considered (...)
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    The Cambridge companion to Deleuze.Daniel W. Smith & Henry Somers-Hall (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: Introduction Henry Somers-Hall; 1. Deleuze and the history of philosophy Daniel W. Smith; 2. Difference and repetition James Williams; 3. The Deleuzian reversal of Platonism Miguel Beistegui; 4. Deleuze and Kant Beth Lord; 5. Phenomenology and metaphysics, and chaos: on the fragility of the event in Deleuze Leonard Lawlor; 6. Deleuze and structuralism François Dosse; 7. Deleuze and Guattari: Guattareuze and Co. Gary Genosko; 8. Nomadic ethics Rosi Braidotti; 9. Deleuze's political philosophy Paul Patton; 10. Deleuze, (...)
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    (1 other version)Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Intersecting Lives.Deborah Glassman (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    In May 1968, Gilles Deleuze was an established philosopher teaching at the innovative Vincennes University, just outside of Paris. Félix Guattari was a political militant and the director of an unusual psychiatric clinic at La Borde. Their meeting was quite unlikely, yet the two were introduced in an arranged encounter of epic consequence. From that moment on, Deleuze and Guattari engaged in a surprising, productive partnership, collaborating on several groundbreaking works, including _Anti-Oedipus_, _What Is Philosophy?_ and _A Thousand Plateaus_. François (...)
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    Chaosophy: Texts and Interviews 1972--1977.Sylvère Lotringer (ed.) - 2008 - Semiotext(E).
    Chaosophy is an introduction to Félix Guattari's groundbreaking theories of "schizo-analysis": a process meant to replace Freudian interpretation with a more pragmatic, experimental, and collective approach rooted in reality. Unlike Freud, who utilized neuroses as his working model, Guattari adopted the model of schizophrenia--which he believed to be an extreme mental state induced by the capitalist system itself, and one that enforces neurosis as a way of maintaining normality. Guattari's post-Marxist vision of capitalism provides a new definition not only of (...)
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  44. Ricoeur and Castoriadis in discussion: on human creation, historical novelty, and the social imaginary.Suzi Adams (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book features a highly significant discussion between Paul Ricoeur and Cornelius Castoriadis. Recorded for Radio France (Culture) in 1985, it is the only known encounter between these two great philosophers of the imagination. Their wide ranging conversation covers such themes as the productive imagination, human creation, social imaginaries, and the possibility of historical novelty; it reveals points of surprising commonality as well as divergence in their approaches. The dialogue is supplemented by critical essays by specialist scholars in Castoriadis and (...)
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    Tracing Ricoeur.Dudley Andrew - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (2):43-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.2 (2000) 43-69 [Access article in PDF] Tracing Ricoeur Dudley Andrew François Dosse. Paul Ricoeur: Les Sens D'une Vie. Paris: La Découverte, 1997. [PR] The Time of the Tortoise Gilles Deleuze chose not to see the end of the century that Michel Foucault claimed would be named after him, a century that began just as philosophy registered the aftershocks caused by the work of his closest progenitors, Nietzsche (...)
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    Schopenhauer's Buddhism: a historical-philosophical inquiry.Laura Langone - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In a letter from May 10, 1852 Adam von Doss, Schopenhauer declared himself a Buddhist. This book is the first study to do justice to Schopenhauer's passion for Buddhism, reconstructing the notions of Buddhism he acquired through his Buddhist readings as well as their influence on his thought.
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