Results for 'Eijirō Kawai'

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  1. Marukishizumu to wa nani ka.Eijirō Kawai - 1932 - Tōkyō: Taimusu Shuppansha.
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  2. Tomasu Hiru Gūrin no shisō taikei.Eijirō Kawai - 1949
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    Kawai Hayao taiwashū: kagaku no atarashii hōhōron o saguru.Hayao Kawai - 1994 - Tōkyō: Mita Shuppankai.
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    Kawai Kiyomaru zenshū.Kiyomaru Kawai - 1931 - Tōkyō: Kawai Kiyomaru Zenshū Kankōkai. Edited by Itsuo Hashimoto.
    dai 1-kan. Sandō heikō hen -- dai 3-kan. Shintō soku kokutai mon -- dai 4-kan. Judō soku keisei mon -- dai 5-6-kan. Butsudō soku gedatsu mon -- dai 7-kan. Shoshi soku hyakka mon -- dai 8-9-kan. Keisei jiron hen -- dai 10-kan. Shisō oyobi shukan hen.
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  5. Kyōiku mokuteki ron.Eijirō Inatomi - 1954
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  6. Kyōiku no honshitsu.Eijirō Inatomi - 1977 - Gakuensha.
  7. Kyōiku sayō no honshitsu.Eijirō Inatomi - 1949
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  8. Ningen to kotoba.Eijirō Inatomi - 1950
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  9. Purochinosu.Eijirō Inatomi - 1979
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  10. Pesutarotchi, Herubaruto no kyōiku shisō.Eijirō Inatomi - 1979 - Gakuensha.
  11. Rusō no kyōiku shisō.Eijirō Inatomi - 1978 - Gakuensha.
  12. Sokuratesu no erosu to shi.Eijirō Inatomi - 1973
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  13. Sokuratesu, Puraton no kyōiku shisō.Eijirō Inatomi - 1980 - Tōkyō: Gakuensha.
  14. Zuihitsu jiden ronsetsu.Eijirō Inatomi - 1980 - Gakuensha.
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    Inochi no hō to rinri.Eijirō Kuzuu - 2004 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha. Edited by Makoto Kawami.
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    Jiyū shakai no shizen hōron.Eijirō Kuzuu - 1998 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha.
  17. Gendai seiji nyūmon.Eijirō Yanagisawa - 1964
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    Conceptual metaphors in gesture.Kawai Chui - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (3):437–458.
    This study investigates metaphoric gestures in face-to-face conversation. It is found that gestures of this kind are mainly performed in the central gesture space with noticeable and discernable configurations, providing visible evidence for cross-domain cognitive mappings and the grounding of conceptual metaphors in people's recurrent bodily experiences and in what people habitually do in social and cultural practices. Moreover, whether metaphorical thinking is conveyed by gesture exclusively or along with metaphoric speech, the manual enactment of even conventional metaphors manifests dynamism (...)
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  19.  23
    The effect of crystallization conditions on radiation-induced cross-link formation in polyethylene.T. Kawai, A. Keller, A. Charlesby & M. G. Ormerod - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (107):779-784.
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    The effect of crystallization conditions on radiation-induced crosslink formation in polyethylene.T. Kawai & A. Keller - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (118):673-679.
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  21. The Transformation of Biblical Myths in Japan.Hayao Kawai - 1994 - Diogenes 42 (165):49-66.
    Many systems of thoughts have migrated to Japan from abroad - Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, natural science, Marxism; all were transmitted to Japan and stopped there. It is said that Japan has been the terminus for imported thoughts. However, during the process of taking root in Japan almost every idea has been transformed within the Japanese mind. I would like to discuss a typical example of how Christianity has been changed within the Japanese mind.
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    Coding of real‐valued continuous functions under WKL$\mathsf {WKL}$.Tatsuji Kawai - 2023 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (3):370-391.
    In the context of constructive reverse mathematics, we show that weak Kőnig's lemma () implies that every pointwise continuous function is induced by a code in the sense of reverse mathematics. This, combined with the fact that implies the Fan theorem, shows that implies the uniform continuity theorem: every pointwise continuous function has a modulus of uniform continuity. Our results are obtained in Heyting arithmetic in all finite types with quantifier‐free axiom of choice.
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    Conversational coherence and gesture.Kawai Chui - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (6):661-680.
    The present study claims that the use of spontaneous gestures can contribute to accomplishing coherence in sequential conversational exchanges. Three types of speech-accompanying gestures were analyzed in Chinese conversation. Based on the syntactic-semantic relation with the co-occurring utterance, the first type is associated with words that do not convey explicit meaning; the second type is associated with covert constituents; the third type does not have any linguistic affiliates. They suggest different ways in which gesture adds information to the propositional content (...)
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    Entity Metaphor, Object Gesture, and Context of Use.Kawai Chui - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (1):30-51.
    The study investigates the manifestation of the “IDEA-IS-AN-ENTITY” metaphor across the linguistic and manual modalities by the use of the object gesture in daily conversation, to understand the relationship between metaphorical conceptualization and the context of use. Two types of the entity metaphor were distinguished: “cross-modal entity metaphor” and “gesture-only entity metaphor.” For the former, the metaphor was expressed by metaphorical speech and the object gesture simultaneously. Among all of the 67 cross-modal instances, a wide variety of idea was represented (...)
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    The Buddhist Priest Myōe: A Life of Dreams.Kawai Hayao & Mark Unno - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (3):586-590.
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    A continuity principle equivalent to the monotone $$Pi ^{0}_{1}$$ fan theorem.Tatsuji Kawai - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):443-456.
    The strong continuity principle reads “every pointwise continuous function from a complete separable metric space to a metric space is uniformly continuous near each compact image.” We show that this principle is equivalent to the fan theorem for monotone \ bars. We work in the context of constructive reverse mathematics.
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  27. "Aimai" no chi.Hayao Kawai & Shinʾichi Nakazawa (eds.) - 2003 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    Activation of human spinal locomotor circuitry using transvertebral magnetic stimulation.Kazutake Kawai, Toshiki Tazoe, Toshimasa Yanai, Kazuyuki Kanosue & Yukio Nishimura - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1016064.
    Transvertebral magnetic stimulation (TVMS) of the human lumbar spinal cord can evoke bilateral rhythmic leg movements, as in walking, supposedly through the activation of spinal locomotor neural circuitry. However, an appropriate stimulus intensity that can effectively drive the human spinal locomotor circuitry to evoke walking-like movements has not been determined. To address this issue, TVMS was delivered over an intervertebral space of the lumbar cord (L1–L3) at different stimulus intensities (10–70% of maximum stimulator output) in healthy human adults. In a (...)
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    Action planning in humans and chimpanzees but not in monkeys.Nobuyuki Kawai - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):42-43.
    Studies with primates in sequence production tasks reveal that chimpanzees make action plans before initiating responses and making on-line adjustments to spatially exchanged stimuli, whereas such planning isn't evident in monkeys. Although planning may rely on phylogenetically newer regions in the inferior parietal lobe – along with the frontal lobes and basal ganglia – it dates back to as far as five million years ago.
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    Canonical quantization of a nonrelativistic singular quasilinear system.T. Kawai - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (3-4):185-204.
    Following Dirac's generalized canonical formalism, we develop a quantization scheme for theN-dimensional system described by the Lagrangian $L_0 (\dot y,y) = \frac{1}{2}h_{ij} (y)\dot y^i \dot y^j + b_i (y)\dot y^i - w(y)$ which is supposed to be invariant under the gauge transformation $y^i \to y\prime ^i = y^i + (\rho ^i _\alpha + \sigma ^i _{\alpha j} \dot y^j )\delta \Lambda ^\alpha + \tau ^i _\alpha \delta \dot \Lambda ^\alpha$ . The gauge invariance necessarily implies that the Lagrangian is singular. (...)
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    (1 other version)Completeness Theorems for Temporal Logics TΩ and □TΩ.Hiroya Kawai - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (5):393-398.
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  32. Emomuron.Chōemon Kawai - unknown
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    Formally continuous functions on Baire space.Tatsuji Kawai - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (3):192-200.
    A function from Baire space to the natural numbers is called formally continuous if it is induced by a morphism between the corresponding formal spaces. We compare formal continuity to two other notions of continuity on Baire space working in Bishop constructive mathematics: one is a function induced by a Brouwer‐operation (i.e., inductively defined neighbourhood function); the other is a function uniformly continuous near every compact image. We show that formal continuity is equivalent to the former while it is strictly (...)
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    Humans detect snakes more accurately and quickly than other animals under natural visual scenes: a flicker paradigm study.Nobuyuki Kawai & Huachen Qiu - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (3):614-620.
    ABSTRACTThreat detection is crucial to survival. Studies using unnatural visual scene settings have shown that humans and primates are able to identify snakes more quickl...
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  35. Minshuteki jinkaku no keisei.Akira Kawai - 1972
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    “Magical number 5” in a chimpanzee.Nobuyuki Kawai & Tetsuro Matsuzawa - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):127-128.
    One of our recent studies has revealed that a numerically trained chimpanzee can memorize a correct sequence of five numbers shown on a monitor. Comparative investigations with humans show very similar patterns of errors in the two species, suggesting humans and chimpanzee share homologous memory processes. Whether or not 5 is a pure capacity limit for the chimpanzee remains an empirical question.
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  37. Ningen no kokoro to hō.Hayao Kawai & Masanobu Katō (eds.) - 2003 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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  38. Nihon seishin to shakai no honshitsu kōzō to no kankei ni kansuru kenkyū josetsu.Teiichi Kawai - 1935 - Tōkyō: Kokumin Seishin Bunka Kenkyūjo.
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  39. On no shisō.Teiichi Kawai - 1943
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  40.  20
    On the density of polyethylene single crystals.T. Kawai & A. Keller - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (91):1203-1210.
  41.  18
    On the effect of the crystallization temperature on the habit and fold length of polyethylene single crystals.T. Kawai & A. Keller - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (114):1165-1177.
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    On the gradient column method for measuring densities; with particular reference to its application to polymer single crystals.T. Kawai & A. Keller - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (95):1973-1976.
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  43. On.Teiichi Kawai - 1935 - Tōkyō: Senbaijo Meguro Shoten.
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  44.  20
    Photoluminescence studies of nitrogen-doped TiO2powders prepared by annealing with urea.T. Kawai, Y. Kishimoto & K. Kifune - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (33):4088-4097.
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    Quantum action principle in curved space.T. Kawai - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (1):143-158.
    Schwinger's action principle is formulated for the quantum system which corresponds to the classical system described by the LagrangianL c( $\dot x$ , x)=(M/2)gij(x) $\dot x$ i $\dot x$ j−v(x). It is sufficient for the purpose of deriving the laws of quantum mechanics to consider onlyc-number variations of coordinates and time. The Euler-Lagrange equation, the canonical commutation relations, and the canonical equations of motion are derived from this principle in a consistent manner. Further, it is shown that an arbitrary point (...)
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  46.  29
    Representing definable functions of HA by neighbourhood functions.Tatsuji Kawai - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (8):891-909.
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  47. Rekishi to jinseikan.Shūji Kawai - 1968
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  48. The experience of the numinous today: from the novels of Haruki Murakami.Toshio Kawai - 2006 - In Ann Casement & David J. Tacey, The Idea of the Numinous: Contemporary Jungian and Psychoanalytic Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    The effect of crystallization conditions on the radiation-induced crosslinking in polyethylene.T. Kawai & A. Keller - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (118):699-718.
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    The effect of crystallization conditions on radiationinduced crosslink formation in polyethylene.T. Kawai & A. Keller - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (118):687-697.
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