Results for 'Einstein, atomica, mondialismo, pace'

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  1.  97
    Remarks on Einstein's original approach towards a quantum theory of radiation (about the article "Einstein y el efecto Compton").Michel Paty - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (1):221-242.
    No artigo "Einstein y el efecto Compton", publicado neste número de SCIENTIÆ UDIA: , os autores estranham o fato de Einstein não ter declarado mais claramente o quanto esse efeito comprovava definitivamente o carácter corpuscular da radiação. A presente nota crítica pretende fornecer elementos adicionais de apreciação que permitam acompanhar o método de exploração do domínio dos quanta elaborado por Einstein, na ausência de uma teoria adequada, e praticado por ele de 1905 à 1925, evidenciando por esse meio propriedades inéditas (...)
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    L'intellettuale nel labirinto: Norberto Bobbio e la "guerra giusta".Giovanni Scirocco - 2012 - Milano: Biblion.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Questo lavoro di Giovanni Scirocco è una delle prime ricerche storiche sull'opera di Norberto Bobbio che si avvale in modo siste- matico delle carte del suo archivio personale conservate presso il Centro Studi Piero Gobetti di Torino. Argomento dello studio è il giudizio sulla guerra giusta nelle varie fasi dell'itinerario politico e culturale del filosofo a partire dal 1961, quando Bobbio in colloquio con Günther Anders matura la convinzione che di fronte alla guerra nucleare (...)
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  3. Concepts of space: the history of theories of space in physics.Max Jammer - 1993 - New York: Dover Publications.
    Newly updated study surveys concept of space from standpoint of historical development. Space in antiquity, Judeo-Christian ideas about space, Newton’s concept of absolute space, space from 18th century to present. Extensive new chapter (6) reviews changes in philosophy of space since publication of second edition (1969). Numerous original quotations and bibliographical references. "...admirably compact and swiftly paced style."—Philosophy of Science. Foreword by Albert Einstein. Bibliography.
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    Newton’s Physics and the Conceptual Structure of the Scientific Revolution.Z. Bechler - 2012 - Springer.
    Three events, which happened all within the same week some ten years ago, set me on the track which the book describes. The first was a reading of Emile Meyerson works in the course of a prolonged research on Einstein's relativity theory, which sent me back to Meyerson's Ident ity and Reality, where I read and reread the striking chapter on "Ir rationality". In my earlier researches into the origins of French Conven tionalism I came to know similar views, all (...)
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    Scientific method in cosmology.Milton K. Munitz - 1952 - Philosophy of Science 19 (2):108-130.
    The extension of the method of science to the study of the astronomical universe as a whole is an impressive and important feature of recent intellectual history. In a field where previously myth and metaphysics ranged at will with speculative abandon but with little in the way of progressively cumulative information or insight, by contrast, scientific cosmology has already produced significant results of an observational sort and opened up vistas of disciplined theoretical vision that are a token of even more (...)
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  6. The Tragedy of Knowledge At the Time of the Renaissance.Boris Kuznetsov, Nina Godneff & Barbara Thompson - 1978 - Diogenes 26 (104):66-92.
    In our times, when the pace of economic, scientific and technological, social and cultural change calls to mind the relativist velocities of contemporary physics, Einstein's criterion begins to be applicable to the historical process itself; movement can be recorded (and consequently the notion of velocity acquire meaning) provided an adequate reference system is available. Where science is concerned, such systems have always existed: historians have brought out the increase in adequate knowledge in the past by comparing it with present (...)
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    (1 other version)Concepts of space.Max Jammer - 1954 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
    Historical surveys of the concept of space considers Judeo-Christian ideas about space, Newton's concept of absolute space, space from 18th century to the present. Numerous original quotations and bibliographical references. "Admirably compact and swiftly paced style." — Philosophy of Science. Foreword by Albert Einstein.
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  8. The Epistemic Value of Moral Considerations: Justification, Moral Encroachment, and James' 'Will To Believe'.Michael Pace - 2010 - Noûs 45 (2):239-268.
    A moral-pragmatic argument for a proposition is an argument intended to establish that believing the proposition would be morally beneficial. Since such arguments do not adduce epistemic reasons, i.e., reasons that support the truth of a proposition, they can seem at best to be irrelevant epistemically. At worst, believing on the basis of such reasoning can seem to involve wishful thinking and intellectual dishonesty of a sort that that precludes such beliefs from being epistemically unjustified. Inspired by an argument from (...)
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  9. Judaeo-Christian faith as trust and loyalty.Michael Pace & Daniel J. Mckaughan - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (1):30-60.
    Disputes over the nature of faith, as understood in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, sometimes focus on whether it is to be identified exclusively with trust in God or with loyalty/fidelity to God. Drawing on recent work on the semantic range of the Hebrew ʾĕmûnâ and Greek pistis lexicons, we argue for a multidimensional account of what it is to be a person of faith that includes trust and loyalty in combination. The Trust-Loyalty account, we maintain, makes better sense of the faith (...)
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  10. Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky & Nathan Rosen - 1935 - Physical Review (47):777-780.
  11. Blurred vision and the transparency of experience.Michael Pace - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (3):328–354.
    This paper considers an objection to intentionalism (the view that the phenomenal character of experience supervenes on intentional content) based on the phenomenology of blurred vision. Several intentionalists, including Michael Tye, Fred Dretske, and Timothy Crane, have proposed intentionalist explanations of blurred vision phenomenology. I argue that their proposals fail and propose a solution of my own that, I contend, is the only promising explanation consistent with intentionalism. The solution, however, comes at a cost for intentionalists; it involves rejecting the (...)
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  12. Does Religion Affect the Materialism of Consumers? An Empirical Investigation of Buddhist Ethics and the Resistance of the Self.Stefano Pace - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):25-46.
    This paper investigates the effects of Buddhist ethics on consumers’ materialism, that is, the propensity to attach a fundamental role to possessions. The literature shows that religion and religiosity influence various attitudes and behaviors of consumers, including their ethical beliefs and ethical decisions. However, most studies focus on general religiosity rather than on the specific doctrinal ethical tenets of religions. The current research focuses on Buddhism and argues that it can tame materialism directly, similar to other religions, and through the (...)
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  13. Panqualityism as a critical metaphysics for neurophenomenology.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (2):163-166.
    I examine Michel Bitbol’s proposal of a metaphysical counterpart of neurophenomenology, arguing that such a metaphysics should address the issue of the origin of consciousness. This can be accomplished through panqualityism, which conceives of the subject and object of experience as grounded in a flow of pre-phenomenal qualities. I conclude by framing this view in terms of a critical metaphysics that is consistent with the pragmatic and existential dimension of neurophenomenology.
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    Qualitative relationism about subject and object of perception and experience.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):583-602.
    In this paper, I compare various theories of perception in relation to the question of the epistemological and ontological status of the qualities that appear in perceptual experience. I group these theories into two main views: quality externalism and quality internalism, and I highlight their contrasting problems in accounting for phenomena such as perceptual relativity, illusions and hallucinations (the “problem of perception”). Then, I propose an alternative view, which I callqualitative relationismand which conceives of the subject and the object of (...)
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  15. Experiences, Seemings, and Perceptual Justification.Michael Pace - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (2):226-241.
    Several philosophers have distinguished between three distinct mental states that play a role in visual recognition: experiences, propositional seemings, and beliefs. I clarify and offer some reasons for drawing this three-fold distinction, and I consider its epistemological implications. Some philosophers have held that propositional seemings always confer prima facie justification, regardless of a particular seeming's relation to experience. I add to criticisms of this view in the literature by arguing that it fails to solve a version of the ‘problem of (...)
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  16. Foundationally justified perceptual beliefs and the problem of the speckled hen.Michael Pace - 2010 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 91 (3):401-441.
    Many epistemologists accept some version of the following foundationalist epistemic principle: if one has an experience as if p then one has prima facie justification that p. I argue that this principle faces a challenge that it inherits from classical foundationalism: the problem of the speckled hen. The crux of the problem is that some properties are presented in experience at a level of determinacy that outstrips our recognitional capacities. I argue for an amendment to the principle that adds to (...)
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  17.  68
    Trusting in order to inspire trustworthiness.Michael Pace - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11897-11923.
    This paper explores the epistemology and moral psychology of “therapeutic trust,” in which one trusts with the aim of inspiring greater trust-responsiveness in the trusted. Theorists have appealed to alleged cases of rational therapeutic trust to show that trust can be adopted for broadly moral or practical reasons and to motivate accounts of trust that do not involve belief or confidence in someone’s trustworthiness. Some conclude from the cases that trust consists in having normative expectations and adopting vulnerabilities with respect (...)
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  18.  87
    Autopoietic Enactivism, Phenomenology, and the Problem of Naturalism: A Neutral Monist Proposal.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2021 - Husserl Studies 37 (3):209-228.
    In this paper, I compare the original version of the enactive view—autopoietic enactivism—with Husserl’s phenomenology, regarding the issue of the relationship between consciousness and nature. I refer to this issue as the “problem of naturalism.” I show how the idea of the co-determination of subject and object of cognition, which is at the heart of autopoietic enactivism, is close to the phenomenological form of correlationism. However, I argue that there is a tension between an epistemological reading of the subject-object correlation (...)
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  19.  51
    The Principle of Relativity.Albert Einstein - 1920 - [Calcutta]: Dover Publications. Edited by H. Minkowski, Meghnad Saha & Satyendranath Bose.
    This collection of original papers on the special and general theories of relativity constitutes an indispensable part of a library on relativity. Here are the 11 papers that forged the general and special theories of relativity: seven papers by Einstein, plus two papers by Lorentz and one each by Minkowski and Weyl.
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    Einstein and the Poet: In Search of the Cosmic Man.William Hermanns & Albert Einstein - 1983 - Branden Books.
    Centering on the close 34-year relationship with Einstein, the author begins this absorbing book by describing his vow on the battlefield of Verdun: 'God, save me, and I will serve you as long as I live.' A member of the League for Human Rights, the Alexander von Humboldt International Club, and other peace organizations, Professor Hermanns became a disciple of Albert Einstein.
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  21. On the method of theoretical physics.Albert Einstein - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (2):163-169.
    If you wish to learn from the theoretical physicist anything about the methods which he uses, I would give you the following piece of advice: Don't listen to his words, examine his achievements. For to the discoverer in that field, the constructions of his imagination appear so necessary and so natural that he is apt to treat them not as the creations of his thoughts but as given realities.
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  22. On the electrodynamics of moving bodies.Albert Einstein - 1920 - In The Principle of Relativity. [Calcutta]: Dover Publications. pp. 35-65.
    It is known that Maxwell’s electrodynamics—as usually understood at the present time—when applied to moving bodies, leads to asymmetries which do not appear to be inherent in the phenomena. Take, for example, the reciprocal electrodynamic action of a magnet and a conductor. The observable phenomenon here depends only on the relative motion of the conductor and the magnet, whereas the customary view draws a sharp distinction between the two cases in which either the one or the other of these bodies (...)
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  23.  18
    Einstein's God: Albert Einstein's Quest as a Scientist and as a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God.Robert N. Goldman & Albert Einstein - 1997 - Jason Aronson.
    Albert Einstein's Quest as a Scientist and as a Jew to Replace a Forsaken God.
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  24. I NTRODUCCIÓN M ucha gente tiende a pensar que con la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein, el concepto de tiempo absoluto de Isaac Newton quedó totalmente refutado. 1 En este trabajo nos proponemos explorar la idea de que, al.Einstein Y. La Noción De Newton - 2001 - Signos Filosóficos 5:65-81.
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    Einstein's Miraculous Year: Five Papers That Changed the Face of Physics.Roger Penrose & Albert Einstein (eds.) - 2005 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    After 1905, physics would never be the same. In those 12 months, Einstein shattered many cherished scientific beliefs with five great papers that would establish him as the world's leading physicist. On their 100th anniversary, this book brings those papers together in an accessible format.
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    (2 other versions)Relativity: The Special and General Theory.Albert Einstein - 1921 - Routledge.
    Relativity is the most important scientific idea of the twentieth century. Albert Einstein is the unquestioned founder of modern physics. His Special and General theories of Relativity introduced the idea to the world. In this classic short book he explains clearly, using the minimum amount of mathematical terms, the basic ideas and principles of his theory of Relativity. Unsurpassed by any subsequent books on Relativity, this remains the most popular and useful exposition of Einstein's immense contribution to human knowledge.
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    (4 other versions)The Meaning of Relativity.Albert Einstein - 1922 - London,: Routledge. Edited by Edwin P. Adams.
  28.  86
    The strength of faith and trust.Michael Pace - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (1-2):135-150.
    While there has been considerable interest in the nature of faith and trust in recent philosophical literature, relatively little has been said about what it is for faith or trust to be psychologically stronger or weaker. Drawing on recent accounts of propositional faith by Daniel Howard-Snyder and Lara Buchak, I argue that the strength of one’s faith can vary in two distinct dimensions. The first primarily involves the extent to which one’s confidence motivates one to take risks. The second involves (...)
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  29. (1 other version)The Evolution of Physics.Albert Einstein & Léopold Infeld - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (1):173-173.
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  30. Enriching the Pragmatics of Neurophenomenology, Still Starting from Phenomenology.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2022 - Constructivist Foundations 17 (2):128-130.
    I argue that it is possible to improve and methodologically enrich the pragmatic dimension of neurophenomenology by searching for points of contact and possibilities for integration between its phenomenological grounding and various first-person and embodied methodologies and practices, referring in particular to somatics, somaesthetics, and emersiology.
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  31. Teaching literacy through social studies under No Child Left Behind.Judy Pace - 2012 - Journal of Social Studies Research 36 (4).
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  32. Fenomenologia enattiva. Mente, coscienza e natura.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2022 - Milan: Mimesis.
    Qual è il rapporto tra la mente cosciente e la natura? A tale questione fondamentale si può rispondere in modi molto diversi, a seconda di come si concepiscono sia la mente che la natura. Questo lavoro offre una risposta originale, integrando la fenomenologia husserliana e la concezione enattiva all’interno di una prospettiva unitaria chiamata fenomenologia enattiva. Nel percorso qui sviluppato, il lettore troverà un’analisi ricca e aggiornata di alcune tra le questioni più dibattute nella filosofia della mente e nelle scienze (...)
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    Quanten‐mechanik und wirklichkeit.A. Einstein - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (3‐4):320-324.
    ZusammenfassungFasst man die Ψ‐Funktion in der Quantenmechanik als eine vollständige Beschreibung eines realen Sachverhaltes auf, so ist die Hypothese einer schwer annehm‐baren Fernwirkung impliziert. Fasst man die Ψ‐Funktion aber als eine unvollständige Beschreibung eines realen Sachverhaltes auf, so ist es schwer zu glauben, dass für eine unvollständige Beschreibung strenge Gesetze für die zeitliche Abhängigkeit gelten.‐ A. E.
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    (1 other version)Relativity.Albert Einstein - 1920 - London,: Routledge. Edited by Robert W. Lawson.
    _Time_'s 'Man of the Century', Albert Einstein is the unquestioned founder of modern physics. His theory of relativity is the most important scientific idea of the modern era. In this short book Einstein explains, using the minimum of mathematical terms, the basic ideas and principles of the theory which has shaped the world we live in today. Unsurpassed by any subsequent books on relativity, this remains the most popular and useful exposition of Einstein's immense contribution to human knowledge.
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    The quality of informed consent in a clinical research study in Thailand.Christine Pace, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Theshinee Chuenyam, Chris Duncombe, Judith D. Bebchuk, David Wendler, Jorge A. Tavel, Laura A. McNay, Praphan Phanuphak & Heidi P. Forster - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (1):9-17.
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    (1 other version)Geometrie und Erfahrung: verweiterte Fassung des Festvortrages.Albert Einstein - 1921 - Akademie der Wissenschaften, in Kommission Bei W. De Gruyter.
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    广义相对论的宇宙学思考.Albert Einstein - 2017 - Philosophical Problems in Science 63:183-204.
    A. Einstein, “Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie”, Sitzung der Physikalisch-mathematischen Klasse vom 8. Februar 1917, „Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akad. d. Wissenschaften, 1917”, pp. 142–152. Translated to Polish from original German work by Robert Janusz.
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    The World as I See it.Albert Einstein - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (3):447-448.
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    When parenting fails: alexithymia and attachment states of mind in mothers of female patients with eating disorders.Cecilia Serena Pace, Donatella Cavanna, Valentina Guiducci & Fabiola Bizzi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  40. Color Relationism and Enactive Ontology.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2018 - Phenomenology and Mind 14:56-67.
    In this paper, I present the enactive theory of color that implies a form of color relationism. I argue that this view constitutes a better alternative to color subjectivism and color objectivism. I liken the enactive view to Husserl’s phenomenology of perception, arguing that both deconstruct the clear duality of subject and object, which is at the basis of the other theories of color, in order to claim the co-constitution of subject and object in the process of experience. I also (...)
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  41. The frontal lobes and dreaming.Edward F. Pace-Schott - 2007 - In Deirdre Barrett & Patrick McNamara, The New Science of Dreaming. Praeger Publishers. pp. 1--115.
  42.  42
    Sleep and Dreaming: Scientific Advances and Reconsiderations.Edward F. Pace-Schott, Mark Solms, Mark Blagrove & Stevan Harnad (eds.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Printbegrænsninger: Der kan printes 10 sider ad gangen og max. 40 sider pr. session.
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    Sidelights on Relativity.A. Einstein, G. B. Jeffery & W. Perrett - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34 (2):204-205.
  44. Phenomenology, Empiricism, and Constructivism in Paolo Parrini's Positive Philosophy.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2019 - In Federica Buongiorno, Vincenzo Costa & Roberta Lanfredini, Phenomenology in Italy. Authors, Schools, Traditions. Springer. pp. 161-178.
    In this work, I discuss the role of Husserl’s phenomenology in Paolo Parrini’s positive philosophy. In the first section, I highlight the presence of both empiricist and constructivist elements in Parrini’s anti-foundationalist and anti-absolutist conception of knowledge. In the second section, I stress Parrini’s acknowledgement of the crucial role of phenomenology in investigating the empirical basis of knowledge, thanks to its analysis of the relationship between form and matter of cognition. In the third section, I point out some lines of (...)
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    Adoptive parenting and attachment: association of the internal working models between adoptive mothers and their late-adopted children during adolescence.Cecilia S. Pace, Simona Di Folco, Viviana Guerriero, Alessandra Santona & Grazia Terrone - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Formulating an Ethics of Pharmaceutical Disinvestment.Jessica Pace, Tracey-Lea Laba, Marie-Paul Nisingizwe & Wendy Lipworth - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):75-86.
    There is growing interest among pharmaceutical policymakers in how to “disinvest” from subsidized medicines. This is due to both the rapidly rising costs of healthcare and the increasing use of accelerated and conditional reimbursement pathways which mean that medicines are being subsidized on the basis of less robust evidence of safety and efficacy. It is crucial that disinvestment decisions are morally sound and socially legitimate, but there is currently no framework to facilitate this. We therefore reviewed the bioethics literature in (...)
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  47. Out of My Later Years.Albert Einstein - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (9):92-93.
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  48. The Concept of Experience in Husserl's Phenomenology and James' Radical Empiricism.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2018 - Pragmatism Today 9 (2):33-42.
    In this paper, I develop a comparison between the philosophies of Husserl and James in relation to their concepts of experience. Whereas various authors have acknowledged the affinity between James’ early psychology and Husserl’s phenomenology, the late development of James’ philosophy is often considered in opposition to Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology. This is because James’ radical empiricism achieves a non-dual dimension of experience that precedes the functional division into subject and object, thus contrasting with the phenomenological analysis of the dual structure (...)
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    Introspective Justification and the Fineness of Grain of Experience.Michael Pace - 2013 - In John Turri, Virtuous Thoughts: The Philosophy of Ernest Sosa. Springer. pp. 101--126.
    In its original context, the “problem of the speckled hen” was a challenge to classical foundationalists who held that introspective beliefs about experience enjoy infallible foundational justification. Ernest Sosa has led a revival of interest in the problem, using it to object to neo-classical foundationalists and to motivate his own reliabilist theory of introspective justification. His discussion has spawned replies from those who claim that there are viable non-reliabilist solutions to the problem. I argue that these alternative proposals in the (...)
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    Malingering Detection of Cognitive Impairment With the b Test Is Boosted Using Machine Learning.Giorgia Pace, Graziella Orrù, Merylin Monaro, Francesca Gnoato, Roberta Vitaliani, Kyle B. Boone, Angelo Gemignani & Giuseppe Sartori - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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