Results for 'El Fortin'

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  1. Voices of Dissent within the Catholic Church.Fx Winters, El Fortin, Dc Maguire & Rt Francoeur - 1987 - Free Inquiry 8 (1):34-46.
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    Medición y decoherencia desde la perspectiva de los sistemas cerrados.Sebastian Fortin - 2013 - Anuario Filosófico 46 (2):281-310.
    En este trabajo se discuten los problemas que se presentan en el modelo de medición basado en decoherencia. Debido a que el origen de las críticas a este modelo se encuentra en el uso de los estados reducidos de sistemas abiertos, se propone un cambio de enfoque. Por un lado, la adopción de la perspectiva de los sistemas cerrados permite dar cuenta de procesos irreversibles en sistemas que no interactúan con un ambiente. Por otro lado, el enfoque de los valores (...)
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    Acerca del estatuto ontológico de los fonones.Hernan Lucas Accorinti & Sebastian Fortin - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (2).
    A los cristales se los describe como a una red de átomos que puede vibrar alrededor de su posición de equilibrio. Sin embargo, el hecho de que la energía de estas ondas esté cuantificada sugiere una analogía con el campo electromagnético. En analogía con el fotón se define al fonón. Generalmente se concibe al fonón como a una cuasi-partícula, es decir, como a un instrumento matemático útil en los cálculos pero sin una existencia propia. En este trabajo estudiamos el estatuto (...)
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    Trans-estadística cuántica desde una ontología de propiedades.Sebastian Fortin & Matías Pasqualini - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (47):255-291.
    En los últimos años, el comportamiento bosónico que un sistema de fermiones puede exhibir ha despertado el interés de los físicos. En este trabajo, se adopta un enfoque basado en estructuras producto tensorial y se asume una ontología de propiedades para argumentar en favor de la relatividad de la noción de identidad estadística y en favor de una interpretación realista del comportamiento trans-estadístico.
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    La interpretación modal-hamiltoniana y la naturaleza relacional del tiempo.Matías Pasqualini & Sebastian Fortin - 2022 - Critica 54 (161):3-42.
    La interpretación modal-hamiltoniana fue introducida para resolver ciertos problemas de interpretación vinculados a su ontología y a la medición cuántica. Su regla de actualización establece que todo sistema cerrado tiene su energía bien definida, y debido a la indeterminación entre la energía y el tiempo esto plantea un interrogante respecto a la situación temporal de estos sistemas. En este trabajo se analiza el problema del tiempo en sistemas cerrados y se propone la reconstrucción de un tiempo relacional compatible con la (...)
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    “Cruzada nacionalista” Y periodismo: La revista ‘cabildo’ Ante el escenario mediático argentino.Patricia A. Orbe - 2012 - Alpha (Osorno) 35:41-66.
    En el presente artículo se lleva a cabo el análisis del discurso de las revistas nacionalistas católicas Cabildo, El Fortín y Restauración en torno a un conjunto de medios de comunicación y determinadas personalidades ligadas a ellos, los cuales operaban en Argentina durante el tercer gobierno peronista (1973-1976). Este trabajo se concentra en el estudio de las modalidades de autorrepresentación y de representación de estos “otros” como rivales, adversarios o enemigos, mediante las contribuciones de los estudios sobre prensa en combinación (...)
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  7. Sefer ʻEzer mi-Yehudah: ʻal Pirḳe Avot: ḥidushim neḥmadim..ʻAzriʼel Yehudah Leboṿiṭsh - 2001 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Ṿaʻad le-hotsaʼat sifre Rabenu. Edited by Mosheh Yeḥezḳel Sheraga Goldenberg.
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  8. Ḳunṭres Devarim shel ṭaʻam: ʻal tsurat ha-ḥayot.Yiśraʼel Loven - 1999 - [Jerusalem?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  9. Ḳunṭres Yetse adam le-foʻolo: madrikh li-tseniʻut bi-mekomot ʻavodah..Shemuʼel Naiman - 2002 - Monsi: Safra.
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  10. Sefer Oniy. be-lev yam: ʻal shelosh ʻeśreh midot u-shelosh ʻeśreh ʻiḳarim... ṿi-yesode emunah..Roṭ Shilṭ & Boʻaz Refaʼel - 1766 - Bruḳlin: Aḥim Goldenberg.
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    Philosophy of Ethnobiology: Understanding Knowledge Integration and Its Limitations.David Ludwig & Charbel N. El-Hani - 2020 - Journal of Ethnobiology (1):3-20.
    Ethnobiology has become increasingly concerned with applied and normative issues such as climate change adaptation, forest management, and sustainable agriculture. Applied ethnobiology emphasizes the practical importance of local and traditional knowledge in tackling these issues but thereby also raises complex theoretical questions about the integration of heterogeneous knowledge systems. The aim of this article is to develop a framework for addressing questions of integration through four core domains of philosophy - epistemology, ontology, value theory, and political theory. In each of (...)
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  12. Invisible bodies : psychoanalysis, subjugated knowledges, and intimate ethics in postwar Egypt.Omnia El Shakry - 2022 - In Jenny Bangham, Xan Chacko & Judith Kaplan (eds.), Invisible Labour in Modern Science. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    On characterizing solution for multi-objective fractional two-stage solid transportation problem under fuzzy environment.Hamiden Abd El-Wahed Khalifa, Pavan Kumar & Majed G. Alharbi - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):620-635.
    This article attempts to study cost minimizing multi-objective fractional solid transportation problem with fuzzy cost coefficients c ˜ i j k r {\tilde{c}}_{ijk}^{r}, fuzzy supply quantities a ˜ i {\tilde{a}}_{i}, fuzzy demands b ˜ j {\tilde{b}}_{j}, and/or fuzzy conveyances e ˜ k {\tilde{e}}_{k}. The fuzzy efficient concept is introduced in which the crisp efficient solution is extended. A necessary and sufficient condition for the solution is established. Fuzzy geometric programming approach is applied to solve the crisp problem by defining membership (...)
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    (1 other version)Compte rendu de Marco Menin, La morale sensitive de Rousseau. Le livre jamais écrit, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2019.Nassim El Kabli - 2021 - Methodos 21.
    Dans un roman publié en 1983, Le Stade de Wimbledon, Daniele Del Giudice dresse le portrait d’un auteur qui n’a jamais publié. On pourrait penser que seule la fiction peut donner corps à une telle idée. Il n’en est rien, comme en témoigne, 30 ans plus tard, la parution en 2013 d’un livre du philosophe italien Marco Menin, spécialiste de Rousseau : Il libro mai scritto. La Morale sensitiva di Rousseau. Publié en italien, ce livre est traduit en français par (...)
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  15. An expert system for cattle and buffalo health management.Yasser Abdelhamid, S. El-Azhari, Hesham Hassan & Ahmed Rafea - forthcoming - Seventh International Conference on Ai Applications, Cairo, Egypt: Egyptian Computer Society (Egs).
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    Is the problem of molecular structure just the quantum measurement problem?Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (3):379-395.
    In a recent article entitled “The problem of molecular structure just is the measurement problem”, Alexander Franklin and Vanessa Seifert argue that insofar as the quantum measurement problem is solved, the problems of molecular structure are resolved as well. The purpose of the present article is to show that such a claim is too optimistic. Although the solution of the quantum measurement problem is relevant to how the problem of molecular structure is faced, such a solution is not sufficient to (...)
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    Exploring human resource management roles in corporate social responsibility: the CSR‐HRM co‐creation model.Dima R. Jamali, Ali M. El Dirani & Ian A. Harwood - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):125-143.
    Formulating and translating corporate social responsibility strategy into actual managerial practices and outcome values remain ongoing challenges for many organizations. This paper argues that the human resource management function can potentially play an important role in supporting organizations to address this challenge. We argue that HRM could provide an interesting and dynamic support to CSR strategy design as well as implementation and delivery. Drawing on a systematic review of relevant strategic CSR and HRM literatures, this paper highlights the important interfaces (...)
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  18. Semiosis as an Emergent Process.Joao Queiroz & Charbel Nino El-Hani - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (1):78-116.
    In this paper, we intend to discuss if and in what sense semiosis (meaning process, cf. C. S. Peirce) can be regarded as an "emergent" process in semiotic systems. It is not our problem here to answer when or how semiosis emerged in nature. As a prerequisite for the very formulation of these problems, we are rather interested in discussing the conditions which should be fulfilled for semiosis to be characterized as an emergent process. The first step in this work (...)
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    Getting Through COVID-19: The Pandemic’s Impact on the Psychology of Sustainability, Quality of Life, and the Global Economy – A Systematic Review.Mogeda El Sayed El Keshky, Sawzan Sadaqa Basyouni & Abeer Mohammad Al Sabban - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:585897.
    The COVID-19 pandemic may affect the world severely in terms of quality of life, political, environmental, and economic sustainable development, and the global economy. Its impact is attested to by the number of research studies on it. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the psychology of sustainability, on sustainable development, and on the global economy. A computerized literature search was performed, and journal articles from authentic sources were extracted, including MEDLINE, Google Scholar, (...)
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    In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities.Jean Baudrillard, Sylvère Lotringer, Hedi El Kholti & Chris Kraus - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    Baudrillard's remarkably prescient meditation on terrorism throws light on post-9/11 delusional fears and political simulations. Published one year after Forget Foucault, In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities may be the most important sociopolitical manifesto of the twentieth century: it calls for nothing less than the end of both sociology and politics. Disenfranchised revolutionaries hoped to reach the masses directly through spectacular actions, but their message merely played into the hands of the media and the state. In a media society (...)
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  21.  13
    Ethics and Politics in Classical Confucian Thought: A Response to David Elstein.Amine Loubna El - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (3):919-920.
    In his review of my book, Classical Confucian Political Thought, David Elstein argues that my interpretation of Classical Confucian political thought draws too sharp a distinction between Confucians’ ethical standards and their political standards, thus veering perhaps a bit too far from the “conventional wisdom” that views Confucian politics as an extension of Confucian ethics. As I write in the book, “To the extent that the political standard is a normative standard, it is difficult to insist that it has nothing (...)
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  22. Reflective commentary (2): appearance, reality and the desire for the good.Dimitri El Murr - 2013 - In G. Boys-Stones, C. Gill & D. El-Murr (eds.), The Platonic Art of philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Entanglement and indistinguishability in a quantum ontology of properties.Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):234-243.
  24. Did Columella influence the agronomic heritage of al-Andalus?M. El Faiz - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):257-272.
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    De la donnée personnelle au bien commun.Sabrina Fortin - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (1):93-103.
    Sabrina Fortin | : La recherche sur les populations permet d’améliorer nos conditions de vie en identifiant les facteurs de risque attribuables aux liens entre l’environnement et certains déterminants socio-sanitaires. Elle nécessite de vastes échantillons qui proviendront souvent de renseignements personnels ou de matériel biologique déjà recueillis. Pour les utiliser, la règle générale veut qu’un consentement individuel soit obtenu. Cependant, dans la pratique, il est souvent impossible d’obtenir un tel consentement sans affecter la qualité et la capacité de généralisation (...)
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    Material Conditions, Hierarchy, and Order in Early Confucian Political Thought: A Response to Reviewers.Loubna El Amine - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (2):285-289.
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  27. Ruaḥ Ha-Mishpaṭ: ʻal Ha-Sinteṭi-Afryori Be-Torat Ha-Mishpaṭ Ha-Hilkhatit Ṿeha-Klalit.Mikhaʼel Avraham - 2011 - Tam.
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  28. Augustine.Ernest L. Fortin & D. Kries - 1972 - In Leo Strauss & Joseph Cropsey (eds.), History of political philosophy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 3--176.
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  29. Ce chérubin de poète!Simon Fortin - 1996 - In Eva Le Grand (ed.), Séductions du kitsch: roman, art et culture. Montréal: XYZ.
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    Clarembald of Arras as a Boethian commentator.John R. Fortin - 1995 - Kirksville, MO: Thomas Jefferson University Press.
    Clarembald of Arras, a twelfth-century ecclesiastical official and schoolmaster, composed glosses on two of the Boethian Opuscula Sacra and a commentary on the hexameron. While he acknowledged his study of Boethius under his masters Thierry of Chartres and Hugh of St. Victor, his dependence on the former is significant: he borrowed heavily from Thierry, following not only his basic doctrinal interpretation of the Boethian treatises but also repeating entire passages from Thierry's glosses. ;The question arises then: is Clarembald to be (...)
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    Dedication.Ernest L. Fortin - 1995 - Lonergan Workshop 11:3-6.
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    L'ontologia del" De musica".Eleonora Fortin - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:45-65.
    Nel sesto libro del De musica Agostino pone il problema della natura del conoscere a partire da una descrizione, che si potrebbe definire fenomenologica, dei movimenti ritmici di cui il soggetto fa esperienza. Inizia così un percorso conoscitivo, che prendendo le mosse dalle tracce dei numeri arriva a indagare le condizioni di possibilità della conoscenza, rilanciando continuamente l’indagine su molteplici livelli. Con questo articolo si intende comprendere le più rilevanti implicazioni del paradigma conoscitivo agostiniano, il quale non appare riducibile a (...)
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    Misère de la pensée: la philosophie cette imposture.Robin Fortin - 2013 - Montréal: Liber.
    Platon, Aristote, Descartes, Rousseau, Hegel, Heidegger : tels sont les grands philosophes consacrés qui font ici l'objet d'une critique sans concession d'où il ressort que leur discours est daté quand il n'est pas tout simplement creux. renseignement s'en nourrit pourtant, relayant ainsi les commentaires bavards et prétentieux de fidèles serviteurs prisonniers d'une réputation surfaite de profondeur de la pensée. Ils ne se sont pas encore avisés que leurs formules sont vides. Ni véritable connaissance ni authentique sagesse, leur discours est un (...)
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    Self-Transcendence and Union in Christ.Jean-Pierre Fortin - 2018 - Philosophy and Theology 30 (2):531-548.
    In Laudato Si, Pope Francis calls for a theology respectful of creation. I here suggest that balancing Karl Rahner’s theology of creation with his sacramental theology brings us closer to providing such a theology. Rahner’s sacramental theology fittingly complements his theology of the incarnation, by highlighting the significance of the redemption of creation accomplished in Christ. Matter and nature are redeemed and must now be listened to because they also have been made to bespeak of the divine re-creative power. Revealing (...)
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  35. Thomas Aquinas and the Reform of Christian Education.Ernest Fortin - 1989 - Interpretation 17 (1):3-17.
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    Trade, Contact, and the Movement of Peoples in the Eastern Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of J. Basil Hennessy.Michel Fortin, Stephen Bourke, Jean-Paul Descœudres & Jean-Paul Descoeudres - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):570.
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    The Nature of Consolation in The Consolation of Philosophy.John R. Fortin - 2004 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 78 (2):293-307.
    Does The Consolation of Philosophy console? Is Philosophy able to bring the prisoner not simply to an acceptance of and reconciliation with his situation, but further to move him beyond this to ultimate peace through philosophical activity? The Consolation does offer some consolation but only ironically and not in the way intended by the character Philosophy. Philosophy is attempting to bring the prisoner to a philosophical experience in which he will contemplate and enjoy eternal truths, and thereby be consoled. Nevertheless (...)
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  38.  58
    Partial Traces in Decoherence and in Interpretation: What Do Reduced States Refer to?Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (4):426-446.
    The interpretation of the concept of reduced state is a subtle issue that has relevant consequences when the task is the interpretation of quantum mechanics itself. The aim of this paper is to argue that reduced states are not the quantum states of subsystems in the same sense as quantum states are states of the whole composite system. After clearly stating the problem, our argument is developed in three stages. First, we consider the phenomenon of environment-induced decoherence as an example (...)
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    Hypocrisies of Fairness: Towards a More Reflexive Ethical Base in Organizational Justice Research and Practice.Marion Fortin & Martin R. Fellenz - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):415-433.
    Despite becoming one of the most active research areas in organizational behavior, the field of organizational justice has stayed at a safe distance from moral questions of values, as well as from critical questions regarding the implications of fairness considerations on the status quo of power relations in today’s organizations. We argue that both organizational justice research and the managerial practices it informs lack reflexivity. This manifests itself in two possible hypocrisies of fairness. Managers may apply organizational justice knowledge but (...)
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    What is the electron density?Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2024 - Foundations of Chemistry 26 (3):371-383.
    Although the electron density can be calculated with the formal resources of quantum mechanics, in physics it does not play the leading role that the quantum state does. In contrast, the concept of electron density is central in quantum chemistry. There is no doubt about how the electron density is computed in terms of the wave function of an atom or molecule. However, when the interpretation of the concept is at stake, there is no general agreement. In this article we (...)
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    Extended zonal dislocations mediating twinning in titanium.B. Li, H. El Kadiri & M. F. Horstemeyer - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (8):1006-1022.
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  42. Towards the emergence of meaning processes in computers from Peircean semiotics.Antônio Gomes, Ricardo Gudwin, Charbel Niño El-Hani & João Queiroz - 2007 - Mind and Society 6 (2):173-187.
    In this work, we propose a computational approach to the triadic model of Peircean semiosis (meaning processes). We investigate theoretical constraints about the feasibility of simulated semiosis. These constraints, which are basic requirements for the simulation of semiosis, refer to the synthesis of irreducible triadic relations (Sign–Object–Interpretant). We examine the internal organization of the triad S–O–I, that is, the relative position of its elements and how they relate to each other. We also suggest a multi-level approach based on self-organization principles. (...)
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  43. Emergence, downward causation, and no brute facts in biological systems.Argyris Arnellos & Charbel El-Hani - 2018 - In Elly Vintiadis & Constantinos Mekios (eds.), Brute Facts. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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  44. Sefer Sipure Yesh: maʻaśiyot mi-tokh sidrat "Yalḳuṭ shevaʻ": li-fene kol sipur mofiʻa raʻayon ha-meḳasher oto la-meḳorot..Shemuʼel Ben ʻAmram - 1995 - [Haifa?]: Sh. Ben ʻAmram.
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  45. ʻIyunim bi-veʻayot emunah.Yitsḥaḳ Refaʼel ʻEtsyon - 1969
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    Rhetorical strategies in German argumentative dialogs.Annette Hautli-Janisz & Mennatallah El-Assady - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (2):153-174.
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  47. Takyīf Fiqhī and its Application to Modern Contracts: A Case Study of the Central Provident Fund Nomination in Singapore.Mohamed El Tahir El Mesawi & Mohammad Rizhan bin Leman - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):807-827.
    The term takyīf fiqhī stands for one crucial concept in Islamic jurisprudence and refers to one of the important steps in the process of formulating fatwā. It basically revolves around the categorization of particular issues under the appropriate rules and precedents established in Islamic juristic thought. The present article attempts to examine the concept of takyīf fiqhī in a comprehensive manner in terms of its meaning, authority, types, importance, and governing criteria as can be gleaned from the works of Sharī‘ah (...)
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  48. Secci ón investigativa.Sdelavoz El & Órgano Vocal En Las Trabajadoras - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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  49. Tsefunot ha-nefesh.Shemuʼel Yaniv - 1991 - [Israel]: Ṿaʻad talmide ha-Rav Shemuʼel Yaniv. Edited by Ḥanah Kohen.
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    The Judicial Administration of Ottoman Egypt in the Seventeenth Century.Farhat J. Ziadeh & Galal H. El-Nahal - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):563.
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