Results for 'Electronic performance support systems'

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  1.  16
    Problem-Solving and Tool Use in Office Work: The Potential of Electronic Performance Support Systems to Promote Employee Performance and Learning.Tamara Vanessa Leiß, Andreas Rausch & Jürgen Seifried - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the context of office work, learning to handle an Enterprise Resource Planning system is important as implementation costs for such systems and associated expectations are high. However, these expectations are often not met because the users are not trained adequately. Electronic Performance Support Systems are designed to support employees’ ERP-related problem-solving and informal learning. EPSS are supposed to enhance employees’ performance and informal workplace learning through task-specific and granular help in task (...) and problem-solving. However, there is little empirical research on EPSS. Two survey studies addressed this research gap. In the first study, 301 people working in Human Resource -related positions and functions evaluated the learning potential of EPSS as well as potential advantages and obstacles concerning the implementation and use of EPSS. Though other measures are currently assessed as more important for learning, HR employees expect a strong increase in the significance of EPSS for employee learning. In the second study, 652 users of ERP software completed a questionnaire on characteristics of their daily work tasks, team characteristics, individual dispositions, their coping with ERP-related problems, and characteristics of EPSS. Findings indicate that the most frequently available and used approach when dealing with an ERP-related problem is consulting colleagues. Three EPSS types can be distinguished by their increasing integration into the user interface and their context-sensitivity. While external and extrinsic EPSS are available to many users, intrinsic EPSS are less common but are used intensively if available. EPSS availability is identified to be a strong positive predictor of frequency of EPSS use, while agreeableness as well as the task complexity and information-processing requirements show small negative effects. Moreover, more intensive ERP users use EPSS more frequently. In general, ERP users value, features such as context-sensitivity, an integration of the EPSS into the ERP system’s user interface, the option to save one’s own notes, and information displayed in an extra window. It is expected that EPSS will play an important role in workplace learning in the future, along with other measures. (shrink)
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    Information tools for the shop-floor.Jyrki J. J. Kasvi, Matti Vartiainen, Anneli Pulkkis & Marko Nieminen - 1996 - AI and Society 10 (1):26-38.
    New production and work practices set new proficiency requirements for employees in operative organisations. Most of these requirements involve information and communication. We can train and educate people to meet with these challenges and design their physical and information environments to support and facilitate them in their work. New information tools play a central role in this development. But what kind of tools? How to apply these tools to enhance employees’ learning by reflection. In this article we will discuss (...)
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  3.  14
    Electronic Performance Monitoring in the Digital Workplace: Conceptualization, Review of Effects and Moderators, and Future Research Opportunities.Thomas Kalischko & René Riedl - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:633031.
    The rise of digital and interconnected technology within the workplace, including programs that facilitate monitoring and surveillance of employees is unstoppable. The COVID-19-induced lockdowns and the resulting increase in home office adoption even increased this trend. Apart from major benefits that may come along with such information and communication technologies (e.g., productivity increases, better resource planning, and increased worker safety), they also enable comprehensive Electronic Performance Monitoring (EPM) which may also have negative effects (e.g., increased stress and a (...)
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  4.  74
    Factors affecting willingness to share electronic health data among California consumers.Katherine K. Kim, Pamela Sankar, Machelle D. Wilson & Sarah C. Haynes - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):25.
    Robust technology infrastructure is needed to enable learning health care systems to improve quality, access, and cost. Such infrastructure relies on the trust and confidence of individuals to share their health data for healthcare and research. Few studies have addressed consumers’ views on electronic data sharing and fewer still have explored the dual purposes of healthcare and research together. The objective of the study is to explore factors that affect consumers’ willingness to share electronic health information for (...)
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  5.  46
    Electronic Meeting Support for Councils.Gerhard Schwabe & Helmut Krcmar - 2000 - AI and Society 14 (1):48-70.
    City councils hold meetings several times a week. There is a need for computer support at certain meetings. This paper examines the potential for group support systems for use in city council meetings and shows in what ways they can be helpful in pre-meeting and post-meeting activities. The study is based on 17 computer-supported city council meetings, carried out in Stuttgart, Kornwestheim and other cities as part of the Cuparla Project between 1996 and 1998. Three of these (...)
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  6.  18
    The Demands of Performance Generating Systems on Executive Functions: Effects and Mediating Processes.Pil Hansen, Emma A. Climie & Robert J. Oxoby - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:536752.
    Performance Generating Systems (PGS) are rule- and task-based approaches to improvisation on stage in theatre, dance, and music. These systems require performers to draw on predefined source materials (texts, scores, memories) while working on complex tasks within limiting rules. An interdisciplinary research team at a large Western Canadian university hypothesized that learning to sustain this praxis over the duration of a performance places high demands on executive functions; demands that may improve the performers’ executive abilities. These (...)
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  7. Decision support systems and its role in developing the universities strategic management: Islamic university in Gaza as a case study.Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2016 - International Journal of Advanced Research and Development 1 (10):33-47.
    This paper aims to identify the decision support systems and their role on the strategic management development in the Universities- Case Study: Islamic University of Gaza. The descriptive approach was used where a questionnaire was developed and distributed to a stratified random sample. (230) questionnaires were distributed and (204) were returned with response rate (88.7%). The most important findings of the study: The presence of a statistically significant positive correlation between the decision support systems and strategic (...)
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  8.  23
    Lithium iron phosphate power cell fault detection system based on hybrid intelligent system.José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Juan-Albino Méndez-Pérez, Francisco Javier Perez-Castelo & Emilio Corchado - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Nowadays, batteries play an important role in a lot of different applications like energy storage, electro-mobility, consumer electronic and so on. All the battery types have a common factor that is their complexity, independently of its nature. Usually, the batteries have an electrochemical nature. Several different test are accomplished to check the batteries performance, and commonly, it is predictable how they work depending of their technology. The present research describes the hybrid intelligent system created to accomplish fault detection (...)
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  9. Ethical issues in electronic performance monitoring: A consideration of deontological and teleological perspectives. [REVIEW]G. Stoney Alder - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (7):729-743.
    Extensive and growing use of electronic performance monitoring in organizations has resulted in considerable debate. Advocates of electronic monitoring approach the debate in teleological terms arguing that monitoring benefits organizations, customers, and society. Its critics approach the issue in deontological terms countering that monitoring is dehumanizing, invades worker privacy, increases stress and worsens health, and decreases work-life quality. In contrast to this win-lose approach, this paper argues that an approach which emphasizes communication in the design and implementation (...)
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  10.  13
    Intelligent decision support system approach for predicting the performance of students based on three-level machine learning technique.Li-li Wang, Fang XianWen & Sohaib Latif - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):739-749.
    In this research work, a user-friendly decision support framework is developed to analyze the behavior of Pakistani students in academics. The purpose of this article is to analyze the performance of the Pakistani students using an intelligent decision support system (DSS) based on the three-level machine learning (ML) technique. The neural network used a three-level classifier approach for the prediction of Pakistani student achievement. A self-recorded dataset of 1,011 respondents of graduate students of English and Physics courses (...)
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  11.  69
    In dirty chains? Purchasing and greener manufacturing.Lutz Preuss - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (3-4):345 - 359.
    Against the backdrop of an increasing importance of the purchasing function in manufacturing companies, this paper introduces the notion of a "green multiplier effect" and suggests that purchasing could become an important agent for change regarding environmental initiatives in the supply chain. The literature offers some support for this concept. However, a study into purchasing in Scottish manufacturing companies produces a less optimistic picture, as environmental initiatives involving the supply chain are rare. Where they occur, they are mostly undertaken (...)
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  12.  85
    Decision support systems for police: Lessons from the application of data mining techniques to “soft” forensic evidence. [REVIEW]Giles Oatley, Brian Ewart & John Zeleznikow - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 14 (1-2):35-100.
    The paper sets out the challenges facing the Police in respect of the detection and prevention of the volume crime of burglary. A discussion of data mining and decision support technologies that have the potential to address these issues is undertaken and illustrated with reference the authors’ work with three Police Services. The focus is upon the use of “soft” forensic evidence which refers to modus operandi and the temporal and geographical features of the crime, rather than “hard” evidence (...)
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  13.  13
    Performing Users: The Case of a Computer-Based Dairy Decision-Support System.Vaughan Higgins - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (3):263-286.
    This article draws on the concept of “performance” to argue for greater recognition of preexisting practices in the configuration of users. Through an Australian case study of a computer-based dairy decision-support system introduced via a two-day workshop to participating farmers, the article examines the assembling of imputed farmer users in the design of the software. It then explores how the designer and trainers attempt, through the decision-support system, to mobilize their network and align the imputed user with (...)
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  14.  19
    A systematic review of research on augmentative and alternative communication brain-computer interface systems for individuals with disabilities.Betts Peters, Brandon Eddy, Deirdre Galvin-McLaughlin, Gail Betz, Barry Oken & Melanie Fried-Oken - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Augmentative and alternative communication brain-computer interface systems are intended to offer communication access to people with severe speech and physical impairment without requiring volitional movement. As the field moves toward clinical implementation of AAC-BCI systems, research involving participants with SSPI is essential. Research has demonstrated variability in AAC-BCI system performance across users, and mixed results for comparisons of performance for users with and without disabilities. The aims of this systematic review were to describe study, system, and (...)
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  15.  15
    Empowering employees: the other side of electronic performance monitoring.Karma Sherif, Omolola Jewesimi & Mazen El-Masri - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (2):207-221.
    Purpose Advances in electronic performance monitoring have raised employees’ concerns regarding the invasion of privacy and erosion of trust. On the other hand, EPM promises to improve performance and processes. This paper aims to focus on how the alignment of EPM design and organizational culture through effective organizational mechanisms can address privacy concerns, and, hence, positively affect employees’ perception toward technology. Design/methodology/approach Based on a theoretical lens extending two conceptual frameworks, a qualitative approach was used to analyze (...)
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  16.  59
    Development of a decision support system for assessing farm animal welfare in relation to husbandry systems: Strategy and prototype. [REVIEW]M. B. M. Bracke, J. H. M. Metz, A. A. Dijkhuizen & B. M. Spruijt - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (3):321-337.
    Due to increasing empiricalinformation on farm animal welfare since the1960s, the prospects for sound decisionmakingconcerning welfare have improved. This paperdescribes a strategy to develop adecision-making aid, a decision support system,for assessment of farm-animal welfare based onavailable scientific knowledge. Such a decisionsupport system allows many factors to be takeninto account. It is to be developed accordingto the Evolutionary Prototyping Method, inwhich an initial prototype is improved inreiterative updating cycles. This initialprototype has been constructed. It useshierarchical representations to analysescientific statements and (...)
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  17.  20
    A critical analysis of Australia’s ban on the sale of electronic nicotine delivery systems.Wayne Hall, Kylie Morphett & Coral Gartner - 2019 - Neuroethics 14 (3):323-331.
    Australia does not allow adult smokers to buy or use electronic nicotine delivery systems that contain nicotine without a prescription. This paper critically evaluates the empirical and ethical justifications provided for the policy by Federal and State governments, public health advocates and health organisations. These are: that ENDS should only be approved as products for smoking cessation when there is evidence from randomised controlled trials that they are effective; that as a matter of precaution we should not allow (...)
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  18.  52
    “Many roads lead to Rome and the Artificial Intelligence only shows me one road”: an interview study on physician attitudes regarding the implementation of computerised clinical decision support systems.Sigrid Sterckx, Tamara Leune, Johan Decruyenaere, Wim Van Biesen & Daan Van Cauwenberge - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    Research regarding the drivers of acceptance of clinical decision support systems by physicians is still rather limited. The literature that does exist, however, tends to focus on problems regarding the user-friendliness of CDSS. We have performed a thematic analysis of 24 interviews with physicians concerning specific clinical case vignettes, in order to explore their underlying opinions and attitudes regarding the introduction of CDSS in clinical practice, to allow a more in-depth analysis of factors underlying acceptance of CDSS. We (...)
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  19.  88
    A moral analysis of intelligent decision-support systems in diagnostics through the lens of Luciano Floridi’s information ethics.Dmytro Mykhailov - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (2):149-164.
    Contemporary medical diagnostics has a dynamic moral landscape, which includes a variety of agents, factors, and components. A significant part of this landscape is composed of information technologies that play a vital role in doctors’ decision-making. This paper focuses on the so-called Intelligent Decision-Support System that is widely implemented in the domain of contemporary medical diagnosis. The purpose of this article is twofold. First, I will show that the IDSS may be considered a moral agent in the practice of (...)
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  20.  65
    RuleRS: a rule-based architecture for decision support systems.Mohammad Badiul Islam & Guido Governatori - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (4):315-344.
    Decision-makers in governments, enterprises, businesses and agencies or individuals, typically, make decisions according to various regulations, guidelines and policies based on existing records stored in various databases, in particular, relational databases. To assist decision-makers, an expert system, encompasses interactive computer-based systems or subsystems to support the decision-making process. Typically, most expert systems are built on top of transaction systems, databases, and data models and restricted in decision-making to the analysis, processing and presenting data and information, and (...)
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  21.  23
    Limited Rationality in Action: Decision Support for Military Situation Assessment.Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, Bruce D'ambrosio, Tod Levitt & Suzanne Mahoney - 2000 - Minds and Machines 10 (1):53-77.
    Information is a force multiplier. Knowledge of the enemy's capability and intentions may be of far more value to a military force than additional troops or firepower. Situation assessment is the ongoing process of inferring relevant information about the forces of concern in a military situation. Relevant information can include force types, firepower, location, and past, present and future course of action. Situation assessment involves the incorporation of uncertain evidence from diverse sources. These include photographs, radar scans, and other forms (...)
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  22.  32
    Adaptability: Reflections. [REVIEW]Jacob L. Mey - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (2):180-185.
    The conclusion to be drawn from the preceding observations and theorizing should be that we must be very much aware of what has been called “technological functionalism” (Pieper, 1986:11). While functionalism as such is not bad, the moment it succumbs to mere structural technicality, the functions stop functioning: forced “adaptivity” takes the place of “adaptable” interaction.That this problem is not due to a primordial blame, to be attached to the computer, becomes clear when one compares the computerized environment to other (...)
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  23.  63
    Mobility as involvement: on the role of involvement in the design of mobile support systems for industrial application. [REVIEW]Daniel Fallman - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (1):43-52.
    In this article, the concept of mobility is examined theoretically, from a phenomenological perspective, as well as empirically, through two design case studies. First, a background to how the notion of mobility is generally conceptualized and used in academia as well as within industry is provided. From a phenomenological analysis, it becomes necessary to question the currently dominating understanding of mobility as first and foremost a provider of freedom from a number of constraints. Rather, it is argued, mobility needs to (...)
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  24.  90
    Conception and realization of an IoT-enabled deep CNN decision support system for automated arrhythmia classification.James Kurian, Midhun Muraleedharan Sylaja & Ann Varghese - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):407-419.
    Arrhythmias are irregular heartbeats that may be life-threatening. Proper monitoring and the right care at the right time are necessary to keep the heart healthy. Monitoring electrocardiogram patterns on continuous monitoring devices is time-consuming. An intense manual inspection by caregivers is not an option. In addition, such an inspection could result in errors and inter-variability. This article proposes an automated ECG beat classification method based on deep neural networks to aid in the detection of cardiac arrhythmias. The data collected by (...)
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  25.  13
    Assessment of Selected Municipalities’ Performance of Citizen-Centric Investment Planning, and Support for Youth Programming in Kosovo.Artan Binaku & Florentina Hajdari-Hajra - 2021 - Seeu Review 16 (2):87-103.
    This paper aims to assess selected municipalities’ performance of citizen-centric investment planning, governance and transparency, financial management, and support for youth programming in Kosovo. In completing this assessment, the Municipal Performance Management System of the Ministry of Local Government Administration in Kosovo was utilized. Selected municipalities are based on the Municipal Performance Report of 2019. Eight from Albanian majority municipalities in the top ranking, and two municipalities with higher scores from minority municipalities. The paper aims to (...)
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  26.  33
    System structure and cognitive ability as predictors of performance in dynamic system control tasks.Jan Hundertmark, Daniel V. Holt, Andreas Fischer, Nadia Said & Helen Fischer - 2015 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 1 (1).
    In dynamic system control, cognitive mechanisms and abilities underlying performance may vary depending on the nature of the task. We therefore investigated the effects of system structure and its interaction with cognitive abilities on system control performance. A sample of 127 university students completed a series of different system control tasks that were manipulated in terms of system size and recurrent feedback, either with or without a cognitive load manipulation. Cognitive abilities assessed included reasoning ability, working memory capacity, (...)
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  27.  98
    Binding ontologies and coding systems to electronic health records and messages.Alan L. Rector, Rahil Qamar & Tom Marley - 2009 - Applied ontology 4 (1):51-69.
    A major use of medical ontologies is to support coding systems for use in electronic healthcare records and messages. A key task is to define which codes are to be used where – to bind the terminol...
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  28.  36
    Cancer-related electronic support groups as navigation-aids: Overcoming geographic barriers.James E. Till - 2004 - Till, James E. (2004) Cancer-Related Electronic Support Groups as Navigation-Aids.
    Cancer-related electronic support groups (ESGs) may be regarded as a complement to face-to-face groups when the latter are available, and as an alternative when they are not. Advantages over face-to-face groups include an absence of barriers imposed by geographic location, opportunities for anonymity that permit sensitive issues to be discussed, and opportunities to find peers online. ESGs can be especially valuable as navigation aids for those trying to find a way through the healthcare system and as a guide (...)
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  29.  15
    Supporting Holistic Wellbeing for Performing Artists During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recovery: Study Protocol.Melanie Stuckey, Véronique Richard, Adam Decker, Patrice Aubertin & Dean Kriellaars - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the abrupt closure of circus schools, venues, and companies, introducing a myriad of novel stressors. Performers and students must now attempt to maintain their technical, physical, artistic, creative, and cognitive abilities without in-person support from their coaches and must manage the isolation from their training and performing spaces. For circus artists, the transposition of the work space to a home environment is not possible, which creates novel stressors that could lead to the exacerbation and (...)
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  30.  76
    Protect My Privacy or Support the Common-Good? Ethical Questions About Electronic Health Information Exchanges.Corey M. Angst - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S2):169 - 178.
    When information is transformed from what has traditionally been a paper-based format into digitized elements with meaning associated to them, new and intriguing discussions begin surrounding proper and improper uses of this codified and easily transmittable information. As these discussions continue, some health care providers, insurers, laboratories, pharmacies, and other healthcare stakeholders are creating and retroactively digitizing our medical information with the unambiguous endorsement of the federal government.Some argue that these enormous databases of medical information offer improved access to timely (...)
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  31.  22
    Evaluation of ethical reflections in community healthcare.Ulrika Söderhamn, Helga Tofte Kjøstvedt & Åshild Slettebø - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (2):194-204.
    Background: Ethical reflections over care practices are important. In order to be able to perform such reflections, healthcare professionals must learn to think critically about their care practice. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate whether an introduction to and practice in ethical reflections in community healthcare have consequences for the healthcare personnel’s practice. Research design: A mixed-methods design was adopted with five focus group interviews and an electronic questionnaire based on results from the interviews. Participants and (...)
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  32.  75
    Good faith and fair dealing in contracts formed and performed by electronic agents.Emily M. Weitzenböck - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2):83-110.
    The development of electronic agents that increasingly play an active role in the contract formation and execution process has highlighted the need for the creation of law-abiding autonomous agent systems. The principle of good faith is an important guideline for contractual behaviour which permeates civil law systems. This paper examines how this principle is applied both during the negotiation of a contract and during its performance. Selected examples from civil law literature of precontractual duties of good (...)
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  33.  75
    Suitable properties for any electronic voting system.Jean-Luc Koning & Didier Dubois - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 14 (4):251-260.
    Numerous countries are heading toward digital infrastructures. In particular this new technology promises to help support methods for elections. However, one should be careful that such an infrastructure does not hinder the voting and representation issues. On the contrary, it should support those issues and help citizens have a clearer picture of the underlying mechanisms. This paper deals with the limits of voting procedures as they are described in classical collective choice theory and reflects on ways to aggregate (...)
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  34.  35
    Design and Implementation Factors for Performance Measurement in Non-profit Organizations: A Literature Review.Fernanda T. Treinta, Louisi F. Moura, José M. Almeida Prado Cestari, Edson Pinheiro de Lima, Fernando Deschamps, Sergio Eduardo Gouvea da Costa, Eileen M. Van Aken, Juliano Munik & Luciana R. Leite - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Purpose: Performance measurement systems (PMS) in Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) are more complex than in for-profit organizations. NPOs have an orientation towards social mission and values, and they consider not only organizational efficiency and viability, but also the social impact of the organization. This research provides a comprehensive synthesis of PMSs in NPOs. Design/methodology/approach: Using a literature review, supported by bibliometric and network analyses. A paper set of 240 articles related to this research field is examined. Topics that are (...)
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  35.  34
    Performance Measurement and the Governance of American Academic Science.Irwin Feller - 2009 - Minerva 47 (3):323-344.
    Neoliberal precepts of the governance of academic science-deregulation; reification of markets; emphasis on competitive allocation processes have been conflated with those of performance management—if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it—into a single analytical and consequent single programmatic worldview. As applied to the United States’ system of research universities, this conflation leads to two major divergences from relationships hypothesized in the governance of science literature. (1) The governance and financial structures supporting academic science in the United States’ system (...)
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  36.  39
    Social Context in HCl: A New Framework for Mental Models, Cooperation, and Communication.Giuseppe Mantovani - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (2):237-269.
    This article considers current research in computer‐supported cooperative work (CSCW), computer‐mediated communication (CMC), and distributed artificial intelligence (DAl). These areas need an articulated model of social contexts to bridge the persisting gap between social and technological dimensions in computer system design and use.A conceptual model of context is presented to account for both cooperation‐conflict and communication‐negotiation processes. The model conceives of contexts as including not only physical objects and other people but also social norms which influence both individuals and organizations. (...)
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  37. Negative findings in electronic health records and biomedical ontologies: a realist approach.Werner Ceusters, Peter Elkin & Barry Smith - 2007 - International Journal of Medical Informatics 76 (3):S326-S333.
    PURPOSE—A substantial fraction of the observations made by clinicians and entered into patient records are expressed by means of negation or by using terms which contain negative qualifiers (as in “absence of pulse” or “surgical procedure not performed”). This seems at first sight to present problems for ontologies, terminologies and data repositories that adhere to a realist view and thus reject any reference to putative non-existing entities. Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) and Referent Tracking (RT) are examples of such paradigms. The (...)
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  38.  43
    Kenyan health stakeholder views on individual consent, general notification and governance processes for the re-use of hospital inpatient data to support learning on healthcare systems.Daniel Mbuthia, Sassy Molyneux, Maureen Njue, Salim Mwalukore & Vicki Marsh - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):3.
    Increasing adoption of electronic health records in hospitals provides new opportunities for patient data to support public health advances. Such learning healthcare models have generated ethical debate in high-income countries, including on the role of patient and public consent and engagement. Increasing use of electronic health records in low-middle income countries offers important potential to fast-track healthcare improvements in these settings, where a disproportionate burden of global morbidity occurs. Core ethical issues have been raised around the role (...)
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  39.  24
    Modelling nursing activities: electronic patient records and their discontents.Els Goorman & Marc Berg - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (1):3-9.
    Modelling nursing activities: electronic patient records and their discontents A fully integrated and operating EPR in a clinical setting is hard to find: most applications can be found in outpatient or general practice settings or in isolated hospital wards. In clinical work practice problems with the electronic patient record (EPR) are frequent. These problems are at least partially due to the models of health care work embedded in EPRs. In this paper we will argue that these problems are (...)
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    The path dependency of national electronic identities.Herbert Kubicek & Torsten Noack - 2010 - Identity in the Information Society 3 (1):111-153.
    This paper compares the four national electronic Identity Management Systems (eIDMS), which have been described in the previous chapters. The section Similarities and differences between four national eIDMS will highlight the differences between these systems conceived as socio-technical systems with regard to the eID itself, the eID cards as tokens, the authentication processes as well as the procedures for distribution and personalisation, the support provided for installing the technology and any provider-related regulation. The section A (...)
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  41.  65
    AI support for ethical decision-making around resuscitation: proceed with care.Nikola Biller-Andorno, Andrea Ferrario, Susanne Joebges, Tanja Krones, Federico Massini, Phyllis Barth, Georgios Arampatzis & Michael Krauthammer - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (3):175-183.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly being used in healthcare, thanks to the high level of performance that these systems have proven to deliver. So far, clinical applications have focused on diagnosis and on prediction of outcomes. It is less clear in what way AI can or should support complex clinical decisions that crucially depend on patient preferences. In this paper, we focus on the ethical questions arising from the design, development and deployment of AI (...) to support decision-making around cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the determination of a patient’s Do Not Attempt to Resuscitate status (also known as code status). The COVID-19 pandemic has made us keenly aware of the difficulties physicians encounter when they have to act quickly in stressful situations without knowing what their patient would have wanted. We discuss the results of an interview study conducted with healthcare professionals in a university hospital aimed at understanding the status quo of resuscitation decision processes while exploring a potential role for AI systems in decision-making around code status. Our data suggest that (1) current practices are fraught with challenges such as insufficient knowledge regarding patient preferences, time pressure and personal bias guiding care considerations and (2) there is considerable openness among clinicians to consider the use of AI-based decision support. We suggest a model for how AI can contribute to improve decision-making around resuscitation and propose a set of ethically relevant preconditions—conceptual, methodological and procedural—that need to be considered in further development and implementation efforts. (shrink)
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    Electron Charge Density: A Clue from Quantum Chemistry for Quantum Foundations.Charles T. Sebens - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (4):1-39.
    Within quantum chemistry, the electron clouds that surround nuclei in atoms and molecules are sometimes treated as clouds of probability and sometimes as clouds of charge. These two roles, tracing back to Schrödinger and Born, are in tension with one another but are not incompatible. Schrödinger’s idea that the nucleus of an atom is surrounded by a spread-out electron charge density is supported by a variety of evidence from quantum chemistry, including two methods that are used to determine atomic and (...)
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    Affective Mobile Language Tutoring System for Supporting Language Learning.Chih Hung Wu, Hao-Chiang Koong Lin, Tao-Hua Wang, Tzu-Hsuan Huang & Yueh-Min Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Students often face difficulties and experience negative emotions toward second language learning. The affective tutoring system is a next-generation learning approach that can detect the affective status of learning to increase performance. Therefore, for the purposes of this study, an innovative affective mobile language tutoring system was designed to support Japanese language learning. The effects of AMLTS, along with asynchronous discussion, that were intended to improve performance, were examined using a triangulation method. To investigate the effect on (...)
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    How can strategies based on performance measurement and feedback support changes in nursing practice? A theoretical reflection drawing on Habermas' social perspective.Emilie Dufour & Arnaud Duhoux - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12628.
    Strategies based on performance measurement and feedback are commonly used to support quality improvement among nurses. These strategies require practice change, which, for nurses, rely to a large extent on their capacity to coordinate with each other effectively. However, the levers for coordinated action are difficult to mobilize. This discussion paper offers a theoretical reflection on the challenges related to coordinating nurses' actions in the context of practice changes initiated by performance measurement and feedback strategies. We explore (...)
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    Nastava na daljinu u hrvatskim i srpskim glazbenim školama: Stavovi i praksa nastavnika.Ana Ristivojević & Vesna Svalina - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (1):241-261.
    This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted to examine the opinion of teachers of vocal, instrumental, and theoretical teaching at Croatian and Serbian music schools on distance learning. The survey was conducted during May 2020, at a time when all music schools have completely switched to a distance learning system due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that teachers, despite numerous problems, especially poor internet connections and poor sound quality obtained by electronic devices, have successfully coped (...)
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    Experts' systems instead of expert systems.Thomas Hermann & Katharina Just - 1995 - AI and Society 9 (4):321-355.
    By studying several cases of expert systems' use, a variety of difficulties were identified as directly depending on specific characteristics of experts and their tasks. This concerns more than the questions: “May experts be replaced by machines?” or “Is experts' knowledge explicable?”. The organisational structure of their work as well as the cyclic, non-plannable way of their task performing have further relevance. The paper introduces the concept of experts' systems to deal with diversities of their expertise and complexities (...)
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  47. Tracking Referents in Electronic Health Records.Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith - 2005 - Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 116:71–76.
    Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are organized around two kinds of statements: those reporting observations made, and those reporting acts performed. In neither case does the record involve any direct reference to what such statements are actually about. They record not: what is happening on the side of the patient, but rather: what is said about what is happening. While the need for a unique patient identifier is generally recognized, we argue that we should now move to an EHR regime (...)
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    Electronic behaviour settings for CSCW.Uta Pankoke-Babatz - 2000 - AI and Society 14 (1):3-30.
    Being present in the same room not only enables people to exchange non-verbal communication but also the physical properties of the room offer opportunities for action and thus contribute to the ongoing social process. This paper discusses concepts from social and behavioural sciences to better understand the role of physical environments and artefacts with respect to cooperation among a group of people. Barker's behaviour setting theory is studied and applied to electronic settings. Requirements for ‘electronic behaviour settings’ to (...)
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    Design and Performance Assessment of Adaptive Harmonic Control for a Half-Car Active Suspension System.Maria-Geanina Unguritu, Teodor-Constantin Nichițelea & Dan Selișteanu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    The vehicle suspension system is represented by a complex group of components which connect the wheels to the frame or body. Its primary function is to reduce or absorb various vehicle vibrations generated by road disturbances, providing comfort and safety for passengers. Most modern vehicles have independent, active, or semiactive front and rear suspensions which allow the use of electronic actuation. For this reason, automotive engineers conduct research on the active suspension model to determine the most suitable control algorithm. (...)
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    The Role of Law in Supporting Secondary Uses of Electronic Health Information.Tara Ramanathan, Cason Schmit, Akshara Menon & Chanelle Fox - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (S1):48-51.
    For decades, health information has been collected and shared for health care delivery and public health purposes. While the “primary use” of patient data for providing direct health care services is the cornerstone of health care practice, health departments rely on data sharing for research and analysis to support disease prevention and health promotion in the population. As the U.S. health system undergoes a digital revolution, health information that was previously captured in paper form now can be captured electronically. (...)
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