Results for 'Envy, transitional justice, restorative justice, interactive justice, emulative envy, intergroup conflict'

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  1. Framing the Role of Envy in Transitional Justice.Emanuela Ceva & Sara Protasi - 2023 - Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotion 1 (1):68-84.
    This article offers a conceptual framework for discussing the role of envy within processes of transitional justice. Transitional justice importantly includes the transformation of intergroup dynamics of interaction in the aftermath of societal conflicts and upheavals. Such transformation aims to realise “interactive” justice in transitional justice by reshaping belief and value systems, and by moulding emotional responses between the involved parties. A nuanced understanding of the emotions at play in intergroup antagonistic dynamics of interaction (...)
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    Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies.Augostine Ekeno - 2016 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 26 (2):3-21.
    This article attempts to demonstrate that the use of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is retributive in praxis to address crimes against humanity in post-conflict societies without concurrent comprehensive political restorative processes, is ineffective. This article uses the Kenyan case after the 2007/8 post-election violence (PEV) to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of a retributive justice approach toward social reconstruction. The main weakness of the ICC as an institution using lies in its narrow focus on and use of retributive (...)
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    Transitional Justice in Colombia: A Systematic Literature Review.Maria Stephania Aponte-Garcia & Sonia Sánchez-Arteaga - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:500-531.
    Transitional justice in Colombia has evolved, reflecting the political, social, and academic changes in the country. This study is a systematic review of the literature through articles indexed in Web of Science, applying the PRISMA protocol. Out of 3819 articles published in the last five years (2019-2024), 109 articles were selected following strict exclusion criteria. The methodology includes a quantitative analysis complemented with the visual analysis tool Posit PBC™ for bibliometric analysis in Biblioshyni. The study addresses the research question (...)
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    Understanding Transitional Justice: A Struggle for Peace, Reconciliation, and Rebuilding.Giada Girelli - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    The book is an accurate and accessible introduction to the complex and dynamic field of transitional and post-conflict justice, providing an overview of its recurring concepts and debated issues. Particular attention is reserved to how these concepts and issues have been addressed, both theoretically and literally, by lawyers, policy-makers, international bodies, and other actors informing the practice. By presenting significant, if undeniably disputable, alternatives to mainstream theories and past methods of addressing past injustice and (re)building a democratic state, (...)
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    On theorizing transitional justice: responses to Walker, Hull, Metz and Hellsten.Colleen Murphy - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (2):181-193.
    ABSTRACTTransitional justice encompasses a global body of scholarship and practice that concentrates on responses to large-scale wrongdoing in the context of an attempted shift from conflict and/or repression. In my book, The Conceptual Foundations of Transitional Justice I argue that transitional justice is a distinctive type of justice. Transitional justice requires the just pursuit of societal transformation. I define transformation relationally, as the terms defining interaction among citizens and between citizens and officials. Transformation is necessary because (...)
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    In Search of Justice: African and Western Approaches to Transitional Justice.Joleen Steyn Kotze - 2010 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 20 (2):94-116.
    The early 1990s saw an increase in conflict in Africa and increasingly brutal tactics of war ranging from using rape as a weapon of war to the amputation oflimbs of citizens. By 2006 nearly half of all high-intensity conflicts were fought on the African continent. In many cases, fragile peace had been achieved in countries that saw some of the most brutal actions of war and experienced the most horrific human rights abuses. These societies embarked on processes ofpost-conflict (...)
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    The Cultural Context of Restorative Justice: Journeys Through Our Cultural Forests to a Well-Spring of Healing. [REVIEW]Jack B. Hamlin & Akira Hokamura - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (2):291-310.
    In the field of Conflict Transformation, Restorative Justice is often perceived as a transformative process focused on healing relationships after a specific harm. The parties considered in a RJ setting are those harmed, those responsible and the community impacted. This is particularly true in the field of criminal and transitional justice, and in an extended and spiritual view, there is reconciliation with the parties and God. Despite cultural differences, RJ theory and concepts have been accepted favorably in (...)
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    Human nature and the feasibility of inclusivist moral progress.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2022 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    The study of social, ethical, and political issues from a naturalistic perspective has been pervasive in social sciences and the humanities in the last decades. This articulation of empirical research with philosophical and normative reflection is increasingly getting attention in academic circles and the public spheres, given the prevalence of urgent needs and challenges that society is facing on a global scale. The contemporary world is full of challenges or what some philosophers have called ‘existential risks’ to humanity. Nuclear wars, (...)
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    Justice in circumstances of transition: comments on Colleen Murphy’s theory of transitional justice as justice of a special type.George Hull - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (2):147-158.
    ABSTRACTColleen Murphy has argued that in circumstances of societal transition only one special type of justice is applicable: ‘transitional justice’, a type of justice not reducible to any other type or types. I take issue with Murphy’s conclusion, showing that retributive, distributive and corrective justice all feature as isolable component parts in her own positive account of transitional justice. I also argue that restorative justice is applicable and important in transitional societies when the state itself has (...)
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    Finding Space for Criminal Prosecutions Post‐Conflict.Jovana Davidovic - 2016 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (1):53-68.
    Post-conflict criminal prosecutions for the worst of crimes can play a meaningful role in achieving transitional justice. This once-common view has recently been the subject of widespread criticism that is rooted in the belief that criminal prosecutions undermine reconciliation. This has lead some scholars to argue that we must either abandon criminal prosecutions post-conflict or that we ought to use them for more general transitional justice aims, like restorative justice. This article argues against abandoning criminal (...)
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  11. A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation.Colleen Murphy - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Following extended periods of conflict or repression, political reconciliation is indispensable to the establishment or restoration of democratic relationships and critical to the pursuit of peacemaking globally. In this book, Colleen Murphy offers an innovative analysis of the moral problems plaguing political relationships under the strain of civil conflict and repression. Focusing on the unique moral damage that attends the deterioration of political relationships, Murphy identifies the precise kinds of repair and transformation that processes of political reconciliation ought (...)
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    Can transitional amnesties promote restorative justice?Patrick Lenta - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (5):808-834.
    I assess a justification for the granting of transitional amnesties conditional, at the minimum, upon full disclosure of wrongdoing by perpetrators. According to this rationale, such amnesties are morally legitimate because they foster restorative justice. I distinguish between two conceptions of restorative justice that I call the punishment-deprioritizing and punishment-prescribing conceptions. I argue that while conditional amnesties granted to perpetrators of minor offences conditional upon full disclosure, verbal apology and reparations could promote restorative justice well enough (...)
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  13. La giustizia nelle interazioni delle transizioni post-conflitto.Emanuela Ceva - 2017 - Laboratorio di Politica Comparata E Filosofia Pubblica 3:5-22.
    I processi di transizione post-conflitto pongono questioni prominenti per l’agenda politica globale. Si pensi, per esempio, alla transizione democratica in Sud Africa dopo la fine dell’Apartheid o alla ricostruzione politica dei paesi facenti parte dell’ex-Jugoslavia all’indomani delle guerre dei Balcani. Quali principi normativi dovrebbero informare tali processi? Questa domanda è al cuore del crescente dibattito sulla “giustizia transizionale”. Questo dibattito si è concentrato principalmente sulla rettificazione delle ingiustizie occorse a causa dei torti perpetrati e subiti dalle parti coinvolte. Di conseguenza, (...)
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    Fugitive reconciliation: The agonistics of respect, resentment and responsibility in post-conflict society.Alexander Keller Hirsch - 2011 - Contemporary Political Theory 10 (2):166-189.
    Traditionally, transitional justice has referred to that field of theoretical scholarship that proffers recuperative strategies for political societies divided by a history of violence. Through the establishment of truth commissions, public confessionals and reparative measures, transitional justice regimes have sought to establish restorative conditions that might help reconcile historical antagonists both to each other and to the trauma of their shared past. Because of some of the theoretical lapses in this scholarship some have turned recently to the (...)
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  15. Restorative Justice in Transitions: The Problem of ‘The Community’ and Collective Responsibility.Ami Harbin & Jennifer Llewellyn - 2016 - In Kerry Clamp, Restorative Justice in Transitional Settings. Routledge. pp. 133-151.
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    Interactive Justice: A Proceduralist Approach to Value Conflict in Politics.Emanuela Ceva - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Contemporary societies are riddled with moral disputes caused by conflicts between value claims competing for the regulation of matters of public concern. This familiar state of affairs is relevant for one of the most important debates within liberal political thought: should institutions seek to realize justice or peace? Justice-driven philosophers characterize the normative conditions for the resolution of value conflicts through the establishment of a moral consensus on an order of priority between competing value claims. Peace-driven philosophers have concentrated, perhaps (...)
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    From Identity Conflict to Civil Society: Restoring Human Dignity and Pluralism in Deeply Divided Societies.Valentina Gentile - 2013 - Rome, Italy: LUISS University Press.
    In societies like Bosnia or Rwanda, deep divisions along ethnic and religious lines and the legacy of years of atrocities and violence pose serious challenges to liberal forms of consensus. People do not recognise themselves asmembers of a political community, and identity politics is pursued at the expense of liberal democratic projects and reconciliation programmes. This book explores the nature and role of civil society in deeply divided societies. Civil society is presented here as the spherewhere a shared 'culture of (...)
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  18. Can Restorative Justice Transform Structural and Cultural Violence?Jason A. Springs - 2022 - In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. pp. 438-453.
    This article provides an exposition of restorative justice ethics, briefly explaining how and why its relational constitution enables it to comprise a theory of justice. I then describe how that relational constitution permits it to overlap, and work in tandem, with a wide range of religious and philosophical traditions. Numerous writings in religion and peacebuilding explore the roles that restorative justice has played in transitional justice contexts (Tutu 2000, Abu-Nimer 2001, de Gruchy 2002, Biggar 2003, Walker 2004, (...)
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    Restorative justice: ideas, values, debates.Gerry Johnstone - 2002 - Portland, Or.: Willan.
    Machine generated contents note: 1 Introduction 1 -- 2 Central themes and critical issues 10 -- Introduction 10 -- Core themes 11 -- Differences which have surfaced in the move from -- margins to mainstream 15 -- The claims of restorative justice: a brief examination 21 -- Some limitations of restorative justice 25 -- Some dangers of restorative justice 29 -- Debunking restorative justice 32 -- 3 Reviving restorative justice traditions 36 -- The rebirth of (...)
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    Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church by Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, and: Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination by Amy Levad.Dana Scopatz - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):214-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church by Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, and: Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination by Amy LevadDana ScopatzReview of Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church DARRIN W. SNYDER BELOUSEK Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. 668 pp. $55.00Review of Restorative Justice: Theories and (...)
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  21. Transitional Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda: An Integrative Approach”.Lynne Tirrell - 2015 - In Claudio Corradetti, Nir Eisikovits & Jack Rotondi, Theorizing Transitional Justice. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..
    An imperfect “politics of justice” seems to be inevitable in the aftermath of genocide. In Rwanda, this is especially true, given the scale of the atrocities, the breadth of participation, and the need to build a justice system from scratch while establishing security and restoring the rule of law. Official contexts for survivor testimony and corresponding perpetrator punishment are crucial for establishing shared norms and narratives, but these processes can destabilize social relations in important ways. Accordingly, without development, these justice (...)
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  22. Evaluating Restorative Justice Programs.Derek R. Brookes - 1998 - Humanity and Society 22 (I):23-37.
    The human dimensions involved in the operational objectives of Restorative Justice demand the highest quality of program design and staff training. In this paper, I argue that this desideratum has yet to be fully realized in existing Restorative Justice programs, in particular, with regard to the facilitation of reconciliation. I begin by presenting the chief problems associated with the concentration on reparation in Restorative Justice programs, to the neglect of reconciliation. I then argue that this phenomenon is, (...)
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  23. The Intersection of Restorative Justice with Trauma Healing, Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding.Howard Zehr - 2009 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 18 (1/2):20-30.
    Although it originated in criminal justice, restorative justice is essentially a peacebuilding or conflict transformation approach to justice. The crossdisciplinary experience at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding has suggested some important lessons for restorative justice, peacebuilding and related fields. These include the role of trauma and victimization in justice and peacebuilding; the significance of justice questions in trauma and conflict resolution; the importance of addressing responsibilities as well as needs; the role of shame, storytelling and (...)
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    Restoring justice after large-scale violent conflicts: Kosovo, DR Congo and the Israeli-Palestinian case.Ivo Aertsen (ed.) - 2008 - Portland, Or.: Willan.
    The Kosovo conflict -- The Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- The conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
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    Should Transitional Justice Promote Forgiveness?Joshua R. Snyder - 2019 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 29 (1):3-23.
    Over the past thirty years, transitional justice scholars have grappled with whether, and to what extent, post-conflict societies should foster forgiveness. In response to this question, this article argues that forgiveness is a legitimate goal of transitional justice, but that interpersonal forgiveness cannot be mandated by the government. It will look to the example of Guatemala to demonstrate how the recovery of narrative truth through individual and communal acts of remembrance enabled forgiveness while at the same time (...)
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  26. Transitional Justice and the Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees.Nadim N. Rouhana & Yoav Peled - 2004 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 5 (2):317-332.
    All efforts undertaken so far to establish peace between Israel and the Palestinians have failed to seriously address the right of return of the Palestinian refugees. This failure stemmed from a conviction that the question of historical justice in general had to be avoided. Since justice is a subjective construct, it was argued, allowing it to become a subject of negotiation would only perpetuate the conflict. However, the experience of these peace efforts has shown that without solving the problem (...)
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    Restorative Justice and Family Violence.Heather Strang & John Braithwaite - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses one of the most controversial topics in restorative justice: its potential for resolving conflicts within families. It focuses on feminist and indigenous concerns in family violence that may warrant special caution in applying restorative justice. At the same time, it looks for ways of designing a place for restorative interventions that respond to these concerns.
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    Transitional Justice and the Truth-Constraints of the Public Sphere.Claudio Corradetti - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (7):685-700.
    In this article I present some implications for a concept of transitional justice through the comparison of two approaches: retributive vs. restorative theories. Notwithstanding their profound differences in perspective, both models are grounded upon a strong notion of the public sphere. Accordingly, after showing why neither of the two approaches exhausts the problems of transitional justice, I will demonstrate how a ‘complete’ justification requires a certain view of public reason based upon rights as truth-constraints of the public (...)
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  29. Judicial Punishment in Transitional Justice : A Restorative.Daniel Philpott - 2020 - In Mark Hill & Norman Doe, Christianity and Criminal Law. New York: Routledge.
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    Restorative justice and truth-seeking in the DR Congo: much closing for peace, little opening for justice.Kris Vanspauwen & Tyrone Savage - 2008 - In Ivo Aertsen, Restoring justice after large-scale violent conflicts: Kosovo, DR Congo and the Israeli-Palestinian case. Portland, Or.: Willan. pp. 392--410.
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    Transitional Justice and Retributive Justice.Patrick Lenta - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (2):385-398.
    Many people have the intuition that the failure to impose punishment on perpetrators of such serious human rights violations as murder, torture and rape that occurred in the course of violent conflict preceding a society’s transition from authoritarianism to democracy amounts to an injustice. This intuition is to an appreciable extent accounted for by the retributivist outlook of a high proportion of those who share it. Colleen Murphy, however, though she accepts that retributivism may justify punishment of offenders in (...)
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    The little book of restorative justice: a bestselling book by one of the founders of the movement.Howard Zehr - 2014 - Intercourse, PA: Good Books.
    The seminal work on Restorative Justice by one of the founders of the movement, now fully revised and updated. In a time of bitter differences and deep division, how should we as a society respond to wrongdoing? When a crime occurs or an injustice is done, what needs to happen? What does justice require? Howard Zehr is the father of Restorative Justice and is known worldwide for his pioneering work in transforming understandings of justice. Here he proposes workable (...)
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    Conflict resolution, restoration and informal justice.Ross Fergusson & John Muncie - 2009 - In Deborah Drake, John Muncie & Louise Westmarland, Criminal Justice: Local and Global. Willan. pp. 71.
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    Transitional justice as a philosophical and practical challenge: critical notes on Colleen Murphy’s new theory of the ‘conceptual foundations of transitional justice’.Sirkku K. Hellsten - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (2):169-180.
    I examine some of the main philosophical, conceptual and normative issues in Colleen Murphy’s recent book The Conceptual Foundations of Transitional Justice (2017). I am sceptical whether we need yet another theory of justice to fit particular ‘transitional circumstances’, as Murphy argues. Instead, before presenting an alternative normative, ‘moral’ theory, we need to re-examine the very concept of transitional justice. I examine particularly the following. Firstly, what we really mean by ‘transitional justice’ in various contexts; and (...)
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    Repotting Transitional Justice.R. S. Leiby - 2024 - Social Philosophy Today 40:127-140.
    The field of transitional justice—concerned as it is with the mechanisms of recovery from societal conflict and mass violence—has long found its de facto home in legal theory. While this is in many respects a natural pairing, I argue that just as transitional justice has expanded in scope from the regime-change paradigm to general situations of human rights violations, so too should our conception of it expand from the purely legalistic to the more explicitly ethical. This paper (...)
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    International Criminal Courts and Political Reconciliation.Tracy Isaacs - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (1):133-142.
    In A Moral Theory of Political Reconciliation, Colleen Murphy devotes a full chapter to arguing that international criminal trials make significant contributions to political reconciliation within post-conflict and transitional societies. While she is right to claim that these trials serve an important function, I take issue with her with respect to what that important function is. Whereas Murphy focuses on the contributions international criminal prosecutions might make to political reconciliation within the borders of transitional societies, I claim (...)
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    Interactive Justice and Democratic Authority.Simon Căbulea May - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (4):459-465.
    I raise two critical points about Emanuela Ceva’s theory of interactive justice. First, I argue the value of individual dignity is insufficient in itself to establish principles of interactive justice, but that the lacuna can be filled by an account of democratic authority. Second, I argue that realising interactive justice in political conflict management is better understood as a form of quasi-pure proceduralism rather than intrinsic proceduralism. This is because the moral quality of a decision procedure (...)
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    Transitional justice for foxes: conflict, pluralism & the politics of compromise.Felix E. Torres - forthcoming - Jurisprudence:1-8.
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    Technology and Transitional Justice.Colleen Murphy - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (2):170-190.
    Transitional justice refers to the process of dealing with widespread wrongdoing characteristically committed during the course of conflict and/or repression. Examples of such processes include criminal trials, truth commissions, reparations, and memorials. Technology is altering the forms that widespread wrongdoing takes. Technology is also altering the form of processes of transitional justice themselves. This essay provides a map of these changes and their normative implications.
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    Dignification of Victims Through Exhumations in Colombia.Sandra Milena Rios Oyola - 2021 - Human Rights Review 22 (4):483-499.
    Exhumations aim to restore victims’ dignity because they constitute a step towards their individualisation and recognition as members not only of a particular family but of the human family. This article aims to contribute to the critical assessment of how the notion of human dignity and dignification are used in the context of mechanisms of transitional justice, such as exhumations. It focuses on the Colombian case from an interdisciplinary perspective based on socio-legal studies. The research is based on participant (...)
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    The Conceptual Foundations of Transitional Justice.Colleen Murphy - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Many countries have attempted to transition to democracy following conflict or repression, but the basic meaning of transitional justice remains hotly contested. In this book, Colleen Murphy analyses transitional justice - showing how it is distinguished from retributive, corrective, and distributive justice - and outlines the ethical standards which societies attempting to democratize should follow. She argues that transitional justice involves the just pursuit of societal transformation. Such transformation requires political reconciliation, which in turn has a (...)
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    Communities of Restoration: Ecclesial Ethics and Restorative Justice.Thomas Noakes-Duncan - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
    By bringing together the insights of ecclesial ethics, an approach that emphasizes the distinctive nature of the church as the community that forms its mind and character after its reading of Scripture, with the theory and practice of restorative justice, a way of conceiving justice-making that emerged from the Mennonite-Anabaptist tradition, this book shows why a theological account of the theory and practice of restorative justice is fruitful for articulating and clarifying the witness of the church, especially when (...)
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    Globalizing Transitional Justice: Essays for the New Millennium.Ruti G. Teitel - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Among the most prominent and significant political and legal developments since the end of the Cold War is the proliferation of mechanisms for addressing the complex challenges of transition from authoritarian rule to human rights-based democratic constitutionalism, particularly with regards to the demands for accountability in relation to conflicts and abuses of the past. Whether one thinks of the Middle East, South Africa, the Balkans, Latin America, or Cambodia, an extraordinary amount of knowledge has been gained and processes instituted through (...)
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  44. Is Dandelion Rubber More Natural? Naturalness, Biotechnology and the Transition Towards a Bio-Based Society.Hub Zwart, Lotte Krabbenborg & Jochem Zwier - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):313-334.
    In the unfolding debate on the prospects, challenges and viability of the imminent transition towards a ‘Bio-Based Society’ or ‘Bio-based Economy’—i.e. the replacement of fossil fuels by biomass as a basic resource for the production of energy, materials and food, ‘big’ concepts tend to play an important role, such as, for instance, ‘sustainability’, ‘global justice’ and ‘naturalness’. The latter concept is, perhaps, the most challenging and intriguing one. In public debates concerning biotechnological interactions with the natural environment, the use of (...)
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    Defining a relationship between transitional justice and jus post bellum: A call and an opportunity for post-conflict justice.Kirsten J. Fisher - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 16 (3):287-304.
    While there is an acknowledged overlap of transitional justice and jus post bellum, there has been no real attention to delineating a clear relationship between the two or addressing the significan...
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    (1 other version)Between Retribution and Restoration: Justice and the TRC.Jonathan Allen - 2001 - South African Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):22-41.
    How may a society, in a morally defensible way, confront a past of injustice and suffering, and seek to break the spell of violence and disregard for human life? I begin by demonstrating the relevance of this question to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and I draw attention to André du Toit's long- standing interest in ways in which truth commissions may function to consolidate political change. In the second section of the article, I argue that truth commissions (...)
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    Transitional Justice and 'National Ownership': An Assessment of the Institutional Development of the War Crimes Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina. [REVIEW]Claire Garbett - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (1):65-84.
    In anticipation of its closure in 2014, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has begun to set out proposals for preserving and promoting its legacy of prosecuting persons responsible for violations of humanitarian law during the conflicts of the 1990s. A key aspect of this legacy has been to support the ‘national ownership’ of the justice systems in the former Yugoslavia that will continue to try war crimes cases in the years to come. This study explores the institutional (...)
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    Negative Emotions and Transitional Justice.Mihaela Mihai - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Vehement resentment and indignation are rife in societies emerging from dictatorship or civil conflict. How should institutions deal with these emotions? Arguing for the need to recognize and constructively engage negative public emotions, Mihaela Mihai contributes theoretically to the growing field of transitional justice. Drawing on an extensive philosophical literature and case studies of democratic transitions in South Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe, her book rescues negative emotions from their bad reputation and highlights the obstacles and the (...)
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    III—On Principled Compromise: When Does a Process of Transitional Justice Qualify as Just?Colleen Murphy - 2020 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 120 (1):47-70.
    Processes of transitional justice deal with large-scale wrongdoing committed during extended periods of conflict or repression. This paper discusses three common moral objections to processes of transitional justice, which I label shaking hands with the devil, selling victims short, and entrenching the status quo. Given the scale of wrongdoing and the context in which transitional justice processes are adopted, compromise is necessary. To respond to these objections, I argue, it is necessary to articulate the conditions that (...)
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    To the basics of modern political anthropology: Freedom and justice in the social contract theory of T. Hobbes.L. A. Sytnichenko & D. V. Usov - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:76-87.
    Purpose. The purpose of the study lies in critical reconstruction of Thomas Hobbes’s social contract theory as an important principle not only of modern political anthropology, but also of modern and postmodern social projects. As well as, in the unfolding of the fundamentally important both for the newest social-philosophical and philosophical-anthropological discourses of the thesis that each individual is the origin of both personal and institutional freedom and justice, making the contract first of all with himself, with his desires and (...)
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