Results for 'Ernest Rutherford Groves'

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    Personality and social adjustment.Ernest Rutherford Groves - 1923 - Chicago [etc.]: Longmans, Green and co..
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    The Geiger-Marsden Scattering Results and Rutherford's Atom, July 1912 to July 1913: The Shifting Significance of Scientific Evidence. [REVIEW]Thaddeus Trenn, Hans Geiger, Ernest Marsden & E. Rutherford - 1974 - Isis 65 (1):74-82.
  3.  11
    Readings in Mental Hygiene.Ernest R. Groves & Phyllis Blanchard - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 47 (1):119-120.
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  4. The American Family.Ernest R. Groves - 1934 - The Monist 44:314.
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  5. The Mystic Doctrine of St. John of the Cross. [REVIEW]Ernest R. Groves - 1934 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 44:314.
  6.  24
    Ernest Rutherford and the Atom. P. B. Moon.Thaddeus Trenn - 1976 - Isis 67 (3):500-500.
  7.  48
    Readings in Mental Hygiene. Ernest R. Groves, Phyllis Blanchard.Helen L. Koch - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 47 (1):119-120.
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    Inscribing Settler Science: Ernest Rutherford, Thomas Laby and the Making of Careers in Physics.Katrina Dean - 2003 - History of Science 41 (2):217-240.
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    Book Review:Readings in Mental Hygiene. Ernest R. Groves, Phyllis Blanchard. [REVIEW]Helen L. Koch - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 47 (1):119-.
  10.  26
    J. L. Heilbron. Ernest Rutherford and the Explosion of Atoms. 144 pp., illus., bibl., index. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. $27.50. [REVIEW]Lawrence Badash - 2004 - Isis 95 (1):131-132.
  11.  7
    J. S. Bach, Volume Two.Albert Schweitzer & Ernest Newman - 1966 - Courier Corporation.
    Independent of his international renown as a humanitarian, Albert Schweitzer is well known as a great musicologist; a reputation that rests largely upon this book. Schweitzer's \"J. S. Bach\" is one of the great full-length studies of the composer, his life, and his work. Its influence on the subsequent performace of Bach's music was enormous, and there is scarcely a later work on Bach which does not acknowledge a deep debt to Schweitzer's. Grove's Dictionary says of the book, \"Schweitzer has (...)
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  12. Groves, Ernest R., The Family. [REVIEW]Weiss Weiss - 1933 - Studies in Philosophy and Social Science 2:419.
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    New Periodical Articles by Russell.Kenneth Blackwell - 2014 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 34 (2):131-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 34 (winter 2014–15): 131–4 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036–01631; online 1913–8032 c:\users\ken\documents\type3402\rj 3402 050 red.docx 2015-02-04 9:19 PM _ibliography NEW PERIODICAL ARTICLES BY RUSSELL Kenneth Blackwell here are 35 new C entries since 1993 for A Bibliography of Bertrand Russell, and more for all Parts of Vol. 2. With many thanks to several readers. C15.18a [RECONSTRUCTION OF (...)
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    Atomic number and isotopy before nuclear structure: multiple standards and evolving collaboration of chemistry and physics.Jordi Cat & Nicholas W. Best - 2022 - Foundations of Chemistry 25 (1):67-99.
    We provide a detailed history of the concepts of atomic number and isotopy before the discovery of protons and neutrons that draws attention to the role of evolving interplays of multiple aims and criteria in chemical and physical research. Focusing on research by Frederick Soddy and Ernest Rutherford, we show that, in the context of differentiating disciplinary projects, the adoption of a complex and shifting concept of elemental identity and the ordering role of the periodic table led to (...)
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  15. John S. Wilkins and Malte C. Ebach: The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences: Palgrave, Macmillan, 2014, pp., vii + 197, Price £60/$100.00.Catherine Kendig - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (4):477-479.
    John Wilkins and Malte Ebach respond to the dismissal of classification as something we need not concern ourselves with because it is, as Ernest Rutherford suggested, mere ‘‘stamp collecting.’’ They contend that classification is neither derivative of explanation or of hypothesis-making but is necessarily prior and prerequisite to it. Classification comes first and causal explanations are dependent upon it. As such it is an important (but neglected) area of philosophical study. Wilkins and Ebach reject Norwood Russell Hanson’s thesis (...)
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    Great Scientific Experiments: 20 Experiments that Changed Our View of the World.Rom Harré - 1981 - Phaidon Press.
    Discusses the experiments of Aristotle, William Beaumont, Robert Norman, Stephen Hales, Konrad Lorenz, Galileo, Robert Boyle, Theodoric of Freibourg, Louis Pasteur, Ernest Rutherford, A.A. Michelson, E.W. Morley, F. Jacob, E. Wollman, J.J. Gibson, A.L. Lavoisier, Humphrey Davy, J.J. Thomson, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, J.J. Berzelius, and Otto Stern.
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    Spreading the Gospel: A Popular Book on the Bohr Atom in its Historical Context.Helge Kragh & Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen - 2013 - Annals of Science 70 (2):257-283.
    Summary The emergence of quantum theory in the early decades of the twentieth century was accompanied by a wide range of popular science books, all of which presented in words, and a few in images, new scientific ideas about the structure of the atom. The work of physicists such as Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr, among others, was pivotal to the so-called planetary model of the atom, which, still today, is used in popular accounts and in science textbooks. (...)
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    Bohr.Dugald Murdoch - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith (ed.), A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 26–30.
    One of the most influential physicists of the twentieth century, Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen on 7 October 1885, and died there on 18 November 1962. He came of a well‐to‐do, cultivated family, his father being Professor of Physiology at Copenhagen University, where Bohr himself received his education in physics. After taking his doctorate in 1911, Bohr went to Cambridge University to continue his research on the theory of electrons under Sir J. J. Thomson. After several months in Cambridge, (...)
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    The making of a British theoretical physicist – E. C. Stoner's early career.Geoffrey Cantor - 1994 - British Journal for the History of Science 27 (3):277-290.
    In 1924 Edmund Clifton Stoner (1899–1966), a 24-year-old research student at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, sought a university post in physics. Having previously studied at Cambridge as an undergraduate, Stoner was nearing the end of three years' postgraduate research under Professor Sir Ernest Rutherford's supervision. 1924 was not, however, an auspicious time to seek employment since vacancies in university physics departments were scarce. Rutherford showed a kindly interest in Stoner's career and summoned him to his residence – (...)
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    Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece (review).Susan Guettel Cole - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (4):633-637.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.4 (2002) 633-637 [Access article in PDF] Susan E. Alcock, John F. Cherry, and Jas; Elsner, eds. Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. xii + 379 pp. Cloth, $65. As he moves from monument to monument and polis to polis, Pausanias gives the impression that the sun is always shining and the weather fresh and sweet. Beyond the next (...)
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  21.  74
    Future ethics: Risk, care and non-reciprocal responsibility.Christopher Groves - 2009 - Journal of Global Ethics 5 (1):17 – 31.
    As the number of intrinsically unknowable technologically produced risks global society faces continues to grow, it is evident that the question of our responsibilities towards future people is of urgent importance. However, the concepts with which this question is generally approached are, it is argued, deficient in comprehending the nature of these risks. In particular, the individualistic language of rights presents severe difficulties. An alternative understanding of responsibility is required, which, it is argued, can be developed from phenomenological and feminist (...)
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  22. Two modellings for theory change.Adam Grove - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (2):157-170.
  23. Darwin the humanitarian.Colin Groves - 2017 - Australian Humanist, The 126:9.
    Groves, Colin The year was 1825. The 16-year-old Charles Darwin, regarded as a wastrel, interested only in beetle collecting and shooting, was sent by his father to Edinburgh to study medicine. As might have been expected, Charles had many other interests well beyond his course of study. He wrote excitedly to his sisters, 'I am to be taught stuffing by a blackamoor!'.
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  24. Reflective Knowledge in the Best Circles.Ernest Sosa - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (8):410.
    According to Moore, his argument meets three conditions for being a proof: first, the premiss is different from the conclusion; second, he knows the premiss to be the case; and, third, the conclusion follows deductively.2 Further conditions may be required, but he evidently thinks his proof would satisfy these as well. As Moore is well aware, many philosophers will feel he has not given “...any satisfactory proof of the point in question."3 Some, he believes, will want the premiss itself proved. (...)
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  25.  23
    Futures Tended: Care and Future-Oriented Responsibility.Chris Groves & Barbara Adam - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (1):17-27.
    The phenomenon of technological hazards, whose existence is only revealed many years after they were initially produced, shows that the question of our responsibilities toward future generations is of urgent importance. However, the nature of technological societies means that they are caught in a condition of structural irresponsibility: the tools they use to know the future cannot encompass the temporal reach of their actions. This article explores how dominant legal and moral concepts are equally deficient for helping us understand what (...)
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  26.  53
    Algebraic Effects for Extensible Dynamic Semantics.Julian Grove & Jean-Philippe Bernardy - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (2):219-245.
    Research in dynamic semantics has made strides by studying various aspects of discourse in terms of computational effect systems, for example, monads (Shan, 2002; Charlow, 2014), Barker and 2014), (Maršik, 2016). We provide a system, based on graded monads, that synthesizes insights from these programs by formalizing individual discourse phenomena in terms of separate effects, or grades. Included are effects for introducing and retrieving discourse referents, non-determinism for indefiniteness, and generalized quantifier meanings. We formalize the behavior of individual effects, as (...)
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  27.  13
    Naming and identity in epistemic logic part II: a first-order logic for naming.Adam J. Grove - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (2):311-350.
  28.  3
    Art, desire, and God: phenomenological perspectives.Kevin G. Grove, Christopher C. Rios & Taylor J. Nutter (eds.) - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Bringing together thinkers from philosophy of religion, religious studies, music, art, and film, while drawing on a wealth of phenomenological resources and methods, a team of renowned scholars provide new vantages on the question of how art is an expression of the human desire for God. In three interrelated parts, chapters employ phenomenological tools to propose new ways for speaking of the desire for God. Scholars first draw upon music, sculpture, film, and painting to develop ways of expressing diverse philosophical (...)
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  29.  18
    Increasing a patient's sense of security in the hospital: A theory of trust and nursing action.Patricia S. Groves, Jacinda L. Bunch & Francis Kuehnle - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12569.
    Having a decreased sense of security leads to unnecessary suffering and distress for patients. Establishing trust is critical for nurses to promote a patient's sense of security, consistent with trauma‐informed care. Research regarding nursing action, trust, and sense of security is wide‐ranging but fragmented. We used theory synthesis to organize the disparate existing knowledge into a testable middle‐range theory encompassing these concepts in hospitals. The resulting model illustrates how individuals are admitted to the hospital with some predisposition to trust or (...)
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  30. Goal-directed processes in biology.Ernest Nagel - 1977 - Journal of Philosophy 74 (5):261-279.
  31. An Empirical Study of Leader Ethical Values, Transformational and Transactional Leadership, and Follower Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility.Kevin S. Groves & Michael A. LaRocca - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (4):511-528.
    Several leadership and ethics scholars suggest that the transformational leadership process is predicated on a divergent set of ethical values compared to transactional leadership. Theoretical accounts declare that deontological ethics should be associated with transformational leadership while transactional leadership is likely related to teleological ethics. However, very little empirical research supports these claims. Furthermore, despite calls for increasing attention as to how leaders influence their followers’ perceptions of the importance of ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) for organizational effectiveness, no (...)
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  32.  50
    Provability, Computability and Reflection.Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes & Alfred Tarski (eds.) - 2009 - Stanford, CA, USA: Elsevier.
  33.  66
    Conditionals.Ernest W. Adams - 1990 - Philosophical Review 99 (3):433.
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  34. ``Probability and the Logic of Conditionals".Ernest Adams - 1967 - In Jaakko Hintikka (ed.), Aspects of inductive logic. Amsterdam,: North Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 165-316.
  35.  47
    Logic of Choice or Logic of Care? Uncertainty, Technological Mediation and Responsible Innovation.Christopher Groves - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (3):321-333.
    The regulation of innovation reflects a specific imaginary of the role of governance that makes it external to the field it governs. It is argued that this decision and rule-based view of regulation is insufficient to deal with the inescapable uncertainties that are produced by innovation. In particular, relying on risk-based knowledge as the basis of regulation fails to deal sufficiently both with the problem that innovation ensures the future will not resemble the past, and with the problem that the (...)
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    An application of Carnapian inductive logic to an argument in the philosophy of statistics.Teddy Groves - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (3):302-318.
  37.  13
    Carl Rapp, Fleeing the Universal: The Critique of Post-Rational Criticism , pp. xii + 300. ISBN 0-7914-3626-8.Christopher Groves - 2005 - Hegel Bulletin 26 (1-2):97-99.
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  38. Social Brain, Distributed Mind.Grove Matt - 2010
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    The morality of scientists revisited.J. W. Grove - 1996 - Minerva 34 (1):57-67.
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  40. (1 other version)Postmodernism, Reason and Religion.Ernest Gellner - 1993 - Religious Studies 29 (2):265-266.
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  41. Determinism in history.Ernest Nagel - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (3):291-317.
  42. Habituation: A dual-process theory.Philip M. Groves & Richard F. Thompson - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):419-450.
  43.  73
    Linking Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Balance and Managerial Ethical Decision-Making.Kevin Groves, Charles Vance & Yongsun Paik - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):305-325.
    This study presents the results of an empirical analysis of the relationship between managerial thinking style and ethical decision-making. Data from 200 managers across multiple organizations and industries demonstrated that managers predominantly adopt a utilitarian perspective when forming ethical intent across a series of business ethics vignettes. Consistent with expectations, managers utilizing a balanced linear/nonlinear thinking style demonstrated a greater overall willingness to provide ethical decisions across ethics vignettes compared to managers with a predominantly linear thinking style. However, results comparing (...)
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  44.  57
    Independent slip systems in crystals.G. W. Groves & A. Kelly - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (89):877-887.
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  45.  69
    Nanotechnology, contingency and finitude.Christopher Groves - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (1):1-16.
    It is argued that the social significance of nanotechnologies should be understood in terms of the politics and ethics of uncertainty. This means that the uncertainties surrounding the present and future development of nanotechnologies should not be interpreted, first and foremost, in terms of concepts of risk. It is argued that risk, as a way of managing uncertain futures, has a particular historical genealogy, and as such implies a specific politics and ethics. It is proposed, instead, that the concepts of (...)
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  46.  70
    Rationality at risk: Science against pseudoscience.J. W. Grove - 1985 - Minerva 23 (2):216-240.
  47.  43
    (4 other versions)Replies.Ernest Sosa - 2000 - Philosophical Issues 10 (1):38-42.
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  48.  67
    Is There Room at the Bottom for CSR? Corporate Social Responsibility and Nanotechnology in the UK.Chris Groves, Lori Frater, Robert Lee & Elen Stokes - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (4):525-552.
    Nanotechnologies are enabling technologies which rely on the manipulation of matter on the scale of billionths of a metre. It has been argued that scientific uncertainties surrounding nanotechnologies and the inability of regulatory agencies to keep up with industry developments mean that voluntary regulation will play a part in the development of nanotechnologies. The development of technological applications based on nanoscale science is now increasingly seen as a potential test case for new models of regulation based on future-oriented responsibility, lifecycle (...)
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  49.  5
    African philosophy: an introduction to the main philosophical trends in contemporary Africa.Ernest Albert Ruch - 1984 - Rome: Catholic Book Agency. Edited by K. C. Anyanwu.
  50.  22
    Relativism and the Social Sciences.Ernest Gellner - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume of essays deals with the problem of relativism, in particular cultural relativism. If our society knows better than other societies, how do we know that it knows better? There is a profound irony in the fact that this self-doubt has become most acute in the one civilisation that has persuaded the rest of the world to emulate it. The claim to cognitive superiority is often restricted, of course, to the limited sphere of natural science and technology; and that (...)
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