Results for 'European history of the reception of Wang Yangming’s philosophy'

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  1.  13
    Mencius and Wang Yangming.Zemian Zheng - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 179-199.
    In this chapter, after telling a concise history of the reception of Mencius’s philosophy before Wang Yangming, I compare Wang Yangming’s thought with Mencius’s at three points: (1) Wang Yangming appropriates Mencius’s statement that “righteousness is internal” to argue against Zhu Xi’s way of self-cultivation. Wang Yangming develops Mencius’s “motivation internalism” towards the direction of “motivation-and-normativity internalism,” but this does not rule out other possible interpretations of Mencius. (2) the self-reflexivity in moral (...)
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  2. Wang Yangming in Beijing: "If I do not awaken others, who will do so?".George L. Israel - 2017 - Journal of Chinese History 1 (1):59-91.
    After being recalled to Beijing in 1510 for evaluation and reassignment in the wake of his two-year exile to Guizhou and his period of service as a magistrate, Wang Yangming was assigned to a succession of posts at the capital that kept him there through 1512. During that short time, he remained disillusioned with the Ming court and high politics and chose to put his energies into fostering a philosophical movement. He believed that by restoring the “way of master-disciple (...)
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  3. McDowell, Wang Yangming, and Mengzi’s Contributions to Understanding Moral Perception.Philip J. Ivanhoe - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (3):273-290.
    This essay explores some of the similarities and differences between the views of several Western and Chinese thinkers on the metaphysical status of moral qualities and how we come to perceive and appreciate them. It then uses this comparative analysis to identify and address some remaining problems in regard to these two issues. The essay offers a brief sketch of and introduction to the history of the study of moral qualities and moral perception in modern Western philosophy and (...)
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  4. Coming to Terms with Wang Yangming’s Strong Ethical Nativism: On Wang’s Claim That “Establishing Sincerity” (Licheng 立誠) Can Help Us Fully Grasp Everything that Matters Ethically.Justin Tiwald - 2023 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 39:65-90.
    In this paper, I take up one of Wang Yangming’s most audacious philosophical claims, which is that an achievement that is entirely concerned with correcting one’s own inner states, called “establishing sincerity” (licheng 立誠) can help one to fully grasp (jin 盡) all ethically pertinent matters, including those that would seem to require some ability to know or track facts about the wider world (e.g., facts about people very different from ourselves, facts about the needs of plants and (...)
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  5. Lloyd sci ban.Decision in Wang Yangming'S. - 1998 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 25:51-73.
  6. Wang Yangming on 'Unquestioning Obedience' and Epistemic Superiority.Daryl Ooi - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):718-739.
    Abstract:Within various contexts, such as politics and parenting, Confucianism has been criticized on the basis that it endorses 'unquestioning obedience' to authority. In recent years, several philosophers have argued against this view by appealing to textual evidence from Classical Confucian philosophers. This article examines Wang Yangming's views on this subject, arguing that Wang teaches that criticism of those who stand in a socially superior role relation is not only permitted, but encouraged. From this, the implications that Wang's (...)
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    Temporal Experience in Wang Yangming's Doctrine "Liangzhi Xianzai".Zemian Zheng - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):790-808.
    Wang Yangming's saying " liangzhi xianzai " has been widely misread to suggest that liangzhi is already complete and perfect, need not and cannot be developed. I argue that "xianzai" means "to be still present" and connotes that something still remains and needs protection. " Liangzhi xianzai " is a dictum instructing learners to engage in moral actions according to liangzhi here and now, and to cut off the calculative mindset about the past and future. Liangzhi is not a (...)
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    Wang Yangming on Spontaneous Action, Mind as Mirror, and Personal Depth.Samuel Cocks - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (3-4):342-358.
    The intention of this paper is to reveal how Wang Yangming's account of spontaneous action includes the development of a sense of personhood and world that both involve historical depth. This will require me to demonstrate how Wang's use of the mirror metaphor does not necessitate a strictly empty account of the human person and their experienced world. I will first elucidate how it is possible to interpret Wang as suggesting that the latter two are poor in (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Zhenzhi and Acknowledgment in Wang Yangming and Stanley Cavell.William Day - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (2):174-191.
    This article highlights sympathies between Wang Yangming's notion of zhenzhi (real knowing) and Stanley Cavell's concept of acknowledgment. I begin by noting a problem in interpreting Wang on the unity of knowing and acting, which leads to considering how our suffering pain figures in our “real knowing” of another's pain. I then turn to Cavell's description of a related problem in modern skepticism, where Cavell argues that knowing another's pain requires acknowledging it. Cavell's concept of acknowledgment answers to (...)
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  10.  69
    Wang Yangming’s Moral Philosophy: Innate Consciousness and Virtue.Guorong Yang - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (1):62-75.
  11.  90
    Wang Yangming’s 王陽明 Philosophy and Modern Theories of Democracy: A Reconstructive Interpretation.Ming-Huei Lee - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (3):283-294.
    Yangming’s theory of the original knowing (liangzhi 良知). In the 1950s there was a debate between Taiwanese liberals and the New Confucians over the relationship between the traditional Confucianism and modern democracy. Like Liu Shipei, the New Confucians justified modern democracy by means of Confucian philosophy (including that of Wang Yangming). For liberals, however, the Confucian tradition encompassed only the concept of positive liberty, which was irrelevant to or even incompatible with modern democracy. In this article, I try (...)
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  12.  24
    The philosophy of Wang Yang-ming.Yangming Wang & Frederick Goodrich Henke - 1964 - New York,: Paragon Book Reprint. Edited by Frederick Goodrich Henke.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  13.  2
    The philosophy of Wang Yang-ming.Yangming Wang - 1916 - Chicago,: The Open court publishing co.. Edited by Frederick Goodrich Henke.
    The Philosophy of Wang Yang-Ming by Frederick Goodrich Henke, first published in 1916, is a rare manuscript, the original residing in one of the great libraries of the world. This book is a reproduction of that original, which has been scanned and cleaned by state-of-the-art publishing tools for better readability and enhanced appreciation. Restoration Editors' mission is to bring long out of print manuscripts back to life. Some smudges, annotations or unclear text may still exist, due to permanent (...)
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  14.  16
    Hume's Philosophy in Historical Perspective.M. A. Stewart - 2022 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    David Hume was a highly original thinker. Nevertheless, he was a writer of his time and place in the history of philosophy. In this book, M. A. Stewart puts Hume’s writing in context, particularly that of his native Scotland, but also that of British and European philosophy more generally. Through meticulous research Stewart brings to life the circumstances by means of which we can get a deeper understanding of Hume’s writings on the nature and reach of (...)
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  15. Studying Wang Yangming: History of a Sinological Field.George L. Israel - 2022 - Kindle Direct Publishing.
    Wang Yangming (1472-1529) and his School of Mind dominated the intellectual world of sixteenth-century Ming China (1368-1644), and his Confucian philosophy has since remained an essential component of East Asian philosophical discourse. Yet, the volume of publications on him in the Western-language literature has consistently paled in comparison to the volume of scholarship on classical Chinese philosophy, modern Chinese philosophy, Buddhism, and Daoism. Studying Wang Yangming: History of a Sinological Field explains the history (...)
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  16. The philosophical letters of Wang Yang-ming.Yangming Wang - 1972 - Columbia,: University of South Carolina Press. Edited by Julia Ching.
    Wang Yang-ming (1472-1529) was a Neo-Confucian philosopher of the Ming Era, whose thoughts have had a profound influence in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. This translation contains sixty-seven letters, thirty-one more than previously translated, which help reveal the philosophy of the great Chinese thinker. Included are a preface with background information, critical annotations and references, bibliography, and a glossary of Chinese and Japanese words. The book is an important contribution to the literature of Chinese philosophy, knowledge of (...)
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  17.  26
    Wang Yangming’in "Sezgisel Bilgi" Kuramı: Eylemde Zihinsel-Spiritüel Bütünlük.İlknur Sertdemir - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):177-193.
    Milattan önce 6. yy’ da Konfuçyüs tarafından kuralcı bir çerçevede açıklanan ve bilgelikerdemlilik sentezini temel alan düşünce ekolüne ahlaki psikoloji kuramını getiren ilk fikir adamı Mengzi’dır. İnsanın doğuştan iyiliği önermesiyle duygu, düşünce ve eylem arasındaki tutarlılığı içgörüsel farkındalığa kaynak gösteren Mengzi, Çin felsefesine yeni bir soluk getirir. Bu önerme, 11.yy’da Neo-Konfuçyüsçü filozof Cheng Hao’ın sezgisel öğrenme metoduyla korunsa da önermenin Doğu Asya topraklarına yayılmasındaki asıl katkı Ming dönemi siyasetçisi, hattatı ve generali Wang Yangming’e aittir. Wang Yangming, Mengzi’dan aktardığı (...)
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  18.  33
    A comparison on Wang Yangming’s xin [heart-mind] and Husserl’s ego.Changhua Li - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    Both Wang Yangming and Husserl adopted a subjective approach to their studies. Wang used his concept of xin [heart-mind] to guide the practice, while Husserl used his concept of ego to discover the truth of objects. A comparison on the descriptions, structures and functions of Wang Yangming’s xin and Husserl’s ego illustrated that xin and ego are different terms for the same thing. The distinction between the two scholars is their differences in teleology and study focus. (...)
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  19.  24
    ‘Transcendence’ in Being and Time and Its Chinese Translation.Qingjie James Wang - 2023 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 50 (3):283-297.
    The problem of ‘transcendence’/‘transcendental’/ ‘transcendent’ runs throughout Heidegger’s Being and Time, and it is central to many of its core concerns. The confusion about the different meanings of using the same words in the history of philosophy from Kant to Heidegger causes not only problems in understanding but also problems in the translation of the philosophical classics, especially in a non-Indo-European language such as Chinese. Through examination of Kant’s conception of the ‘transcendental’ and a critical textual analysis (...)
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  20.  48
    Chinese Environmental Ethics and Whitehead’s Philosophy.Zhihe Wang, Meijun Fan & Cobb Jr - 2020 - Environmental Ethics 42 (1):73-91.
    Environmental ethics is a major topic of discussion and enactment in China. The government is committed to work toward an “ecological civilization,” a society in which concerns for a healthy natural environment are interwoven with concerns for a healthy human society and healthy human relations with nature. Whereas in the United States concern for the environment is rarely consciously philosophical, Chinese history has made people aware that philosophy underlies and shapes public policy. Whitehead’s thought has been welcomed as (...)
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  21. Knowing-to in Wang Yangming.Waldemar Brys - 2025 - In Justin Tiwald, The Oxford Handbook of Chinese Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Wang Yangming 王陽明 (1472 – 1529) is famously associated with the view that knowledge and action are unified (zhī xíng hé yī 知行合一). Call this the Unity Thesis. Given standard assumptions about what it means for a person to know, it may seem that the Unity Thesis is clearly false: I can know that p without currently acting in p-related ways, and I can know how to φ without currently φ-ing. My aims in this paper are, first, to draw (...)
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  22.  29
    Philosophy of Learning in Wang Yangming and Francis Bacon.Xinzhong Yao - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (3-4):417-435.
    This article is a comparative study of the philosophical views on learning and learning methods elaborated by Wang Yangming and Francis Bacon. It argues that as different criteria for the advancement of learning Bacon's empirical learning and Wang's “learning of the heart-mind” represent two different philosophical orientations, and are responsible, at least partially, for laying down the basis for the parting ways of China and Europe at the dawn of the modern era. It concludes that an appreciation of (...)
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  23.  4
    Central and Eastern European histories and heritages in video games.Michał Mochocki, Paweł Schreiber, Jakub Majewski & Yaraslau I. Kot (eds.) - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    This book explores the representations of Central and Eastern European histories in digital games. Focusing on games that examine a range of national histories and heritages from across Central and Eastern Europe, the volume looks beyond the diversity of the local histories depicted in games, and the audience reception of these histories, to show a diversity of approaches which can be used in examining historical games - from postcolonialism to identity politics to heritage studies. The book includes chapters (...)
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  24.  38
    Essential Characteristics of Moral Decision in Wang Yangming’s Philosophy.Lloyd Sciban - 1998 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 25 (1):51-73.
  25.  25
    Rousseau’s reception as an Epicurean: from atheism to aesthetics.Jared Holley - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (4):553-571.
    What did Rousseau's readers mean when they called him an ‘Epicurean’? A seemingly simple question with complex implications. This article attempts to answer it by reconstructing Rousseau's contemporary reception as an Epicurean thinker. First, it surveys the earliest and most widely read critics of the second Discourse: Prussian Astronomer Royal Jean de Castillon, Jesuit priest Louis Bertrand Castel, and Hanoverian biblical scholar Hermann Samuel Reimarus. These readers branded Rousseau an Epicurean primarily to highlight his atheism, his anti-providential and materialist (...)
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  26. Is human history Wang Fuzhi’S. Cosmology - 2001 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 28:321-337.
  27. Self-Awareness and Nothingness: Wang Yangming, Wang Ji, and Existential Confucianism.Eric S. Nelson - 2024 - In Kevin Aho, Megan Altman & Hans Pedersen, The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Existentialism. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 387-402.
  28.  7
    Order in early Chinese excavated texts: natural, supernatural, and legal approaches.Zhongjiang Wang - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Recently discovered ancient silk and bamboo manuscripts have transformed our understanding of classical Chinese thought. In this book, Wang Zhongjiang closely examines these texts, and by parsing the complex divergence between ancient and modern Chinese records reveals early Chinese philosophy to be much richer and more complex than we ever imagined. As numerous and varied cosmologies sprang up in this cradle of civilization, beliefs in the predictable movements of nature merged with faith in gods and their divine punishments. (...)
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  29.  6
    Reception in Philosophy as a Social Phenomenon: An Attempt at Theorisation.Oxana Yosypenko - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:141-154.
    The article conceptualizes the phenomenon of reception of foreign philosophical trends and authors as a social phenomenon that demands a socio-historical approach. The author attempts to demonstrate the advantages of such a genre of the history of philosophy as the history of reception. The merit of the socio-historical approach to reception, according to the author, lies in its ability to elucidate factors hidden from a purely exegetical approach. It allows for the explanation of phenomena (...)
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  30.  68
    Mind and epistemic constructivism: Wang Yangming and Kant.Xunwu Chen - 2019 - Asian Philosophy 29 (2):89-105.
    ABSTRACTThis essay explores the philosophical insights of Zhu Xi, Wang YangMing, Kant, and Husserl and therefore proposes a new epistemic constructivism. It demonstrates that a knowing mind is a co...
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  31. Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius and Its Reception.David Marshall Miller - 2021 - In David Marshall Miller & Dana Jalobeanu, The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  32. Is Human History Predestined in Wang Fuzhi’s Cosmology?Jeeloo Liu - 2001 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 28 (3):321–338.
    In traditional Chinese cosmology, this pattern could be very well explained in terms of the fluctuation of yin and yang, or as the natural order of Heaven. This cosmological explanation fits natural history well. There are natural phenomena such as floods, draughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc., that are beyond human control. These events have their determining factors. Once those factors are present, a natural disaster, however unfavorably viewed by humans, is doomed to take place. The view that natural (...) is determined by factors outside the human world can be accepted without much controversy. However, when applied to human history, the role of man in human history becomes problematic under this kind of cosmology. How much of our success or failure is due to our larger cosmological environment -- the ongoing development of the chi'? Can a single individual reverse the flow of yin and yang or the emergence of good times and bad times? On a larger scale, is human history predestined? If there is a necessary rotation of prosperity and chaos, then it can be argued that.. (shrink)
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  33.  67
    On “Knowledge To” and Wang Yangming.Ernest Sosa - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2):187-192.
    Drawing on insights of W ang Yangming 王陽明, Yong H uang proposes an account of a phenomenon that has in recent times suffered neglect. This neglect has been relieved only by the idea of a “besire,” a mental attitude that combines features of both beliefs and desires. I accept the insightfully discerned phenomenon, but offer a different account of its nature and importance. The phenomenon is real, though, and different from the familiar phenomena of knowledge that and knowledge how.
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  34. Wittgenstein’s and Other Mathematical Philosophies.Hao Wang - 1984 - The Monist 67 (1):18-28.
    I construe mathematical philosophy not in the narrow sense of philosophy of mathematics but in a broad indefinite sense of different manners of giving mathematics a privileged place in the study of philosophy. For example, in one way or another, mathematics plays an important part in the philosophy of Plato, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and Kant. In contrast, history plays a central role in the philosophy of Vico, Hegel, and Marx. In more recent times, Frege, (...)
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  35. “一念发动处,便即是行了”——王阳明心理行为论简议 (“If a Single Concern Arises, It Is Already Action” : A Note on Wang Yangming on Mental Action).Harvey Lederman - 2023 - 哲学分析 14 (80.04):191-195.
    I present a problem for an influential argument of Chen Lai's, and argue that Wang Yangming may have believed that all "motivating concerns" are actions. (The archived version is a Chinese preprint; the published Chinese version is available by the external link in the entry. An English version is available on my website.).
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    Daoist Philosophy: Modern Interpretations: Based on Yan Fu, Zhang Taiyan, Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, and Hu Shi.Z. J. Wang - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (1):7-34.
    A fundamental way in which human thought has developed has been constantly to explain the earliest "classics" that are the source of that thought. All in all, the number of such classics is not very high, their explanations are past counting. Moreover, they are constantly increasing, giving rise to an explanatory chain deriving from the classics. In the development of Chinese philosophy, this aspect is particularly noticeable, so that one can describe Chinese philosophy as a continual explanation of (...)
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  37.  96
    Daoist Philosophy: Modern Interpretations: Based on Yan Fu, Zhang Taiyan, Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, and Hu Shi.Wang Zhongjiang - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (1):7-34.
    A fundamental way in which human thought has developed has been constantly to explain the earliest "classics" that are the source of that thought. All in all, the number of such classics is not very high, their explanations are past counting. Moreover, they are constantly increasing, giving rise to an explanatory chain deriving from the classics. In the development of Chinese philosophy, this aspect is particularly noticeable, so that one can describe Chinese philosophy as a continual explanation of (...)
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  38.  19
    European/Supra-European: Cultural Encounters in Nietzsche's Philosophy.Marco Brusotti, Michael J. McNeal, Corinna Schubert & Herman Siemens (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Nietzsche says "good Europeans" must not only cultivate a "supra-national" view, but also "supra-European" perspective to transcend their European biases and see beyond the horizon of Western culture. The volume takes up such conceptual frontier crossings and syntheses. Emphasizing Nietzsche's genealogy of European culture and his reflections upon the constitution of Europe in the broadest sense, its essays examine peoples and nations, values and arts, knowledge and religion. Nietzsche's apprehensions about the crises of nihilism and decadence and (...)
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  39.  55
    Cosmology and political culture in early China.Aihe Wang - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This radical reinterpretation of the formative stages of Chinese culture and history traces the central role played by cosmology in the formation of China's early empires. It crosses the disciplines of history, social anthropology, archaeology, and philosophy to illustrate how cosmological systems, particularly the Five Elements, shaped political culture. By focusing on dynamic change in early cosmology, the book undermines the notion that Chinese cosmology was homogenous and unchanging. By arguing that cosmology was intrinsic to power relations, (...)
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  40.  9
    On Wang Yangming’s “Aspiration Theory” and Its Enlightenment to Contemporary College Students. 熊小俊 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (5):1116.
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    The study on Wang Yangming’s Okyunguksul. 이우진 - 2016 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 86 (86):161-196.
    이 논문은 왕양명의 『오경억설』에 대한 탐구이다. 『오경억설』은 자신의 용장오도(龍場悟道)를 유가의 경전과 연결시킨 저술이다. 왕양명은 1년 7개월에 걸쳐 46권의 『오경억설』을 작성하였지만, 현재 ‘왕양명의 서문’과 ‘12조목’만이 남아있을 뿐이다. 그 이유는 아이러니하게도 왕양명 본인이 불태워버렸기 때문이었다. 당시 유자들은 경전의 문구에만 지리(支離)하게 매달릴 뿐 그 본의를 상실하고 있었기 때문이었다. 이러한 상황에서『오경억설』을 제자들에게 남겨두는 것은 어쩌면 또 다른 ‘통발과 술지게미’를 양산하는 일이 될지 모른다고 우려했던 것이다. 왕양명에게 경전은 ‘내 마음의 실상’을 그려낸 것이었다. 경전에는 ‘성인됨의 진리[聖人之學]’가 담겨있는데, 이는 ‘자체충족적인 마음의 본체[心體]와 그 마음에서 하는 공부[心學]’이다. 왕양명은 (...)
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    Wang Yangming’s Sim jeuk ri[心卽理] and Its educational implication. 이우진 - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 80 (80):119-146.
    이 글은 왕양명(王陽明)의 심즉리(心卽理)가 근본적으로 도덕교육적인 주장이며, 더불어 그 주장이 어떠한 도덕교육적 입장인가를 밝히고자 하였다. 익히 알려져 있듯이 왕양명의 심즉리는 주자학에 대한 반발로 이루어진 제창이다. 그렇다면 과연 주자학의 도덕교육적 사유에 어떠한 불만이 있었는가를 추적하고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 먼저 왕양명이 ‘심즉리를 제창하게 된 이유와 그 의미’를 검토하고, 다음으로 ‘심즉리의 확장적 표현들인 심외무리(心外無理)․심외무사(心外無事)․심외무물(心外無物)․심외무학(心外無學)’을 추적해 보았다. 마지막으로, 심즉리가 지니는 도덕교육적 의미에 대해 간략히 논의하여 보았다. 왕양명이 심즉리를 제창한 이유는 ‘지선(至善)의 소재(所在)는 도덕적 행위자의 외부에서 구할 것이 아니라, 도덕적 행위자 그 내면[心]에 미리부터 주어져 있다’는 (...)
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  43. Xu Bing and Contemporary Chinese Art: Cultural and Philosophical Reflections ed. by Hsingyuan Tsao and Roger T. Ames (review).Peggy Wang - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (3):446-448.
    Xu Bing ranks among the most recognized contemporary Chinese artists in the world today. His lifelong interest in word and image paired with his experiences as part of the Chinese diaspora have made him the subject of numerous publications dedicated to exploring culture and communication. With Xu Bing and Contemporary Chinese Art, editors Hsingyuan Tsao and Roger T. Ames bring a welcome addition to this corpus. Compiling seven essays from scholars of art history and philosophy, this volume in (...)
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    Freedom, Truth and History: An Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy, by Stephen Houlgate.David Lamb - 1993 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 24 (2):194-196.
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    Lucan, Reception, Counter-history.Ika Willis - 2017 - Foucault Studies 22:31-48.
    This paper reads Foucault’s 1975-6 lecture series Society Must Be Defended. It argues that the notion of counter-history developed in these lectures depends on a particular construction of Rome, as that which counter-history counters. Foucault’s version of Rome in turn depends on a surprisingly conventional reading of two monumental histories as ‘the praise of Rome’. Reading Foucault’s work instead with Lucan’s Pharsalia renders visible a counter-history within Rome itself. This reading demonstrates the ways in which reception (...)
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  46. Anxiety: A Philosophical History.Bettina Bergo - 2020 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    "This is a study of the unlikely 'career' of anxiety in 19th and 20th century philosophy, above all. Anxiety is an affect, something more subtle, sometimes more persistent, than an emotion or a passion. It lies at the intersectiona of embodiment and cognition, sensation and emotion. But anxiety also runs like a red thread through European thought beginning from receptions of Kant's transcendental project. Like a symptom of the quest to situate and give life to the philosophical subject, (...)
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  47. Wang Tingxiang (1474-1544) et le néo-confucianisme mis en question.Lunyue Wang - 2023 - Paris: Les Indes savantes.
    Wang Tingxiang est l'un des grands penseurs et poètes des Ming. Il développe une pensée du qi, énergie-souffle qui est pour lui le seul fondement du monde phénoménal. Il relie la question de la nature de l'homme au qi, dont la qualité détermine son orientation morale. Cet ouvrage propose une étude critique de sa biographie et de sa philosophie qui remet en question certaines thèses avancées par les néo-confucéens des Song, notamment Zhu Xi (1130-1200)"--Page 4 of cover.
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    Guiguzi de ju, Wang Yangming de dao =.Lin Wang - 2014 - Guangzhou: Guangdong lu you chu ban she.
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    Research on Wang Yangming’s Early Thought Process—Centering on “Ge Wu”. 王青青付华丽 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (5):1134.
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    Between Hume’s Philosophy and History: Historical Theory and Practice.Spencer K. Wertz - 1999 - Upa.
    This book explores the historical dimension of David Hume's philosophy, a feature that Spencer Wertz calls 'historical empiricism.' According to Wertz, Hume sought to understand the present in terms of the past in a way that anticipates the historical constructionism of R.G. Collingwood and Herbert Butterfield. Hume's method is to tell a story about something's origin in which ideas yield impressions. These impressions eventually yield to experience that includes history as part of its structure. Arguing that Hume worked (...)
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