Results for 'Evelyn-Paola Guillén-Chávez'

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  1.  35
    La investigación literaria en una universidad peruana: mapeo sistemático de tesis de pregrado.Marianné Núñez-Núñez, Evelyn-Paola Guillén-Chávez & Mª Cruz Sánchez-Gómez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):283-297.
    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las investigaciones de pregrado en Literatura de una universidad peruana. Se realizó el mapeo sistemático de diez trabajos publicados entre el 2017 y 2022. Los resultados evidencian preferencia por la investigación en literatura peruana y que el género literario más estudiado es el narrativo. Se concluye que en los trabajos no se describen claramente los métodos científicos ni las metodologías de análisis literario; debido a su diversidad, a que los estudios literarios poseen una (...)
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  2. The normative demand in evolutionary epistemology.Paola Hernández Chavez - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 9 (20):108-115.
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    Modularizando y desmodularizando la cognición social: el caso de la detección de trampa.Paola Hernandez-Chavez & Jonatan García-Campos - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (2):57-78.
    En este trabajo, revisamos la literatura clásica en modularidad cognitiva. Ofrecemos una descripción cognitiva neuronal de la modularidad, que incluye: patrones de disfunción específicos, la doble disociación, una actividad cerebral asociada, y un proceso de especialización funcional. Posteriormente, analizamos un módulo de cognición social, i.e., el módulo de detección de tramposos. Compilamos las objeciones clásicas a este módulo, y ofrecemos algunas nuevas, para posteriormente contrastarlas con las primeras. En la última parte, ofrecemos algunas implicaciones y direcciones futuras para los estudios (...)
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    Qu'est-ce qu'une une pensée intempestive?Evelyne Grossman & Paola Marrati - 2008 - Rue Descartes 59 (1):2.
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    Function and Malfunction in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences and Social Sciences: Fourth European Advanced Seminar in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Klosterneuburg, Austria, 5–9 September 2016.Thomas Bonnin, Paola Hernández-Chávez, Michal Hladky & C. David Suárez Pascal - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (1):39-43.
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    Function and Malfunction in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences and Social Sciences.Michal Hladky, Paola Hernández-Chávez, Thomas Bonnin & David Suárez Pascal - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (1):39-43.
  7. Clases naturales en la neurociencia cognitiva: la controversia continúa.Jonatan García Campos, Paola Hernández Chávez, Maximiliano Martínez & Roberto Soto López - 2018 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 8:37--50.
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  8.  16
    Tres grandes enigmas de los sesgos cognitivos.Jonatan García-Campos, Saúl Sarabia-López & Paola Hernández-Chávez - 2022 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 22:99-125.
    En este trabajo ofrecemos un panorama al estudio de los sesgos. El creciente interés en ellos durante las últimas décadas radica en que estudiarlos implica hablar de cómo los seres humanos razonamos y emitimos juicios, e igualmente sobre los mecanismos y procesos que subyacen a tales capacidades, esto incluye entender cuándo y por qué frecuentemente nos equivocamos, como lo indica buena parte de la literatura en psicología cognitiva del razonamiento. Dada la existencia de los sesgos, han surgido posturas pesimistas que (...)
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  9. (3 other versions)4º Coloquio Internacional de Ciencias Cognitivas.Ciencia Cognitiva - forthcoming - Ciencia Cognitiva.
    Juan C. González González, Paola Hernández Chávez y Jonatan García Campos Universidad Autónoma del Estado de … Read More →.
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  10. Current Status and Issues Regarding Pre-processing of fNIRS Neuroimaging Data: An Investigation of Diverse Signal Filtering Methods Within a General Linear Model Framework.Paola Pinti, Felix Scholkmann, Antonia Hamilton, Paul Burgess & Ilias Tachtsidis - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  11.  46
    A functional-measurement study of apparent rarefaction.Paola Bressan, Sergio C. Masin, Giovanni Vicario & Giulio Vidotto - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (4):415-417.
  12.  67
    Welfare economics and bounded rationality: the case for model-based approaches.Paola Manzini & Marco Mariotti - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (4):343-360.
    In this paper, we examine the problems facing a policy maker who observes inconsistent choices made by agents who are boundedly rational. We contrast a model-less and a model-based approach to welfare economics. We make the case for the model-based approach and examine its advantages as well as some problematic issues associated with it.
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  13.  60
    Mechanism and materialism in early modern German philosophy.Paola Rumore - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (5):917-939.
    ABSTRACTThe paper focuses on the gradual separation between materialism and mechanism in early modern German philosophy. In Germany the distinction between the two concepts, originally introduced by Leibniz, was definitively stated by Wolff who was the first to provide a definition of the new philosophical term Materialismus, and of the related philosophical sect. In the first part I describe the initial identification of mechanism and materialism in German philosophy between the last decades of the seventeenth century and 1720. Mechanism is (...)
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  14.  18
    Citizenship Regimes and Exclusion: Historical Analysis of Legislation on Illegalized Migration in the US.Alejandro Mosqueda, Rubén Chávez & Camelia Tigau - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    Citizenship regimes are institutionalized systems of formal and informal norms that define access to membership, as well as associated rights and duties. This paper studies illegalized migration as one of the major tests to assess whether citizenship regimes are fair institutions, based on a historical analysis of legislation meant to reduce illegalized migration in the United States between 1995 and 2022. We build our empirical research starting from a simple observation: despite the great number of bills introduced to reduce illegalized (...)
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  15.  14
    Strangers look sicker (with implications in times of COVID‐19).Paola Bressan - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (3):2000158.
    We animals have evolved a variety of mechanisms to avoid conspecifics who might be infected. It is currently unclear whether and why this “behavioral immune system” targets unfamiliar individuals more than familiar ones. Here I answer this question in humans, using publicly available data of a recent study on 1969 participants from India and 1615 from the USA. The apparent health of a male stranger, as estimated from his face, and the comfort with contact with him were a direct function (...)
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  16.  40
    The positive and negative of human expertise in gaze perception.Paola Ricciardelli, Gordon Baylis & Jon Driver - 2000 - Cognition 77 (1):1-14.
  17.  28
    Distributional learning has immediate and long-lasting effects.Paola Escudero & Daniel Williams - 2014 - Cognition 133 (2):408-413.
  18.  35
    Kant and Crusius on the Role of Immortality in Morality.Paola Rumore - 2017 - In Corey W. Dyck & Falk Wunderlich, Kant and His German Contemporaries : Volume 1, Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Science and Ethics. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 213-231.
  19.  29
    The Role of Randomization in Bayesian and Frequentist Design of Clinical Trial.Paola Berchialla, Dario Gregori & Ileana Baldi - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):469-475.
    A key role in inference is played by randomization, which has been extensively used in clinical trials designs. Randomization is primarily intended to prevent the source of bias in treatment allocation by producing comparable groups. In the frequentist framework of inference, randomization allows also for the use of probability theory to express the likelihood of chance as a source for the difference of end outcome. In the Bayesian framework, its role is more nuanced. The Bayesian analysis of clinical trials can (...)
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  20.  59
    On the Representation of Incomplete Preferences Over Risky Alternatives.Paola Manzini & Marco Mariotti - 2008 - Theory and Decision 65 (4):303-323.
    We study preferences over lotteries which do not necessarily satisfy completeness. We provide a characterization which generalizes Expected Utility theory. We show in particular that various sure-thing axioms are needed to guaranteee the representability in terms of utility intervals rather than numbers, and to provide a linear interval order representation which is very much in the spirit of Expected Utility theory.
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  21.  37
    Speed of processing and reading disability: A cross-linguistic investigation of dyslexia and borderline intellectual functioning.Paola Bonifacci & Margaret J. Snowling - 2008 - Cognition 107 (3):999-1017.
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  22.  54
    Narcoculture? Narco-trafficking as a semiosphere of anticulture.Julieta Haidar & Eduardo Chávez Herrera - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (222):133-162.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  23.  23
    The CORBEL matrix on informed consent in clinical studies: a multidisciplinary approach of Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services.Paola Mosconi, Tamara Carapina, Irene Schluender, Victoria Chico, Sara Casati, Marialuisa Lavitrano, Mihaela Matei, Serena Battaglia, Christine Kubiak, Michaela Th Mayrhofer & Cinzia Colombo - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundInformed consent forms for clinical research are several and variable at international, national and local levels. According to the literature, they are often unclear and poorly understood by participants. Within the H2020 project CORBEL—Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services—clinical researchers, researchers in ethical, social, and legal issues, experts in planning and management of clinical studies, clinicians, researchers in citizen involvement and public engagement worked together to provide a minimum set of requirements for informed consent in clinical studies.MethodsThe template was (...)
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  24.  40
    Gaze direction and facial expressions exert combined but different effects on attentional resources.Paola Ricciardelli, Cristina Iani, Luisa Lugli, Antonello Pellicano & Roberto Nicoletti - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (6):1134-1142.
  25. Darwin non deve andare a scuola.Paola Dessì - 2019 - Noctua 6 (1–2):305-324.
    After its remarkable affirmation overseas, creationism has landed in Europe and is also present in Italy. As in the USA, also in Italy the main terrain of the clash with Darwinism is the public school. The essay investigates the reasons why in Italy too has been possible to require to teach creationism alongside evolutionism. If in the US this is explained by the strong influence of the evangelical communities, in Italy creationism has found fertile ground in the traditional backwardness of (...)
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  26. Argentina : courts and the right to health : achieving fairness despite "routinization" in individual coverage cases.Paola Bergallo - 2011 - In Alicia Ely Yamin & Siri Gloppen, Litigating health rights: can courts bring more justice to health? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
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  27. Alexandre Koyré alla scuola di Husserl a Gottinga.Paola Zambelli - 1999 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 19 (3):303-354.
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    Introduction: From Social Ontology to Mathematical Practice, and Back Again.Paola Cantù & Italo Testa - 2023 - Topoi 42 (1):187-198.
    In this introductory essay we compare different strategies to study the possibility of applying philosophical theories of social ontology to mathematical practice and vice versa. Analyzing the contributions to the special issue Mathematical practice and social ontology, we distinguish four main strands: (1) to verify whether the very act of producing mathematical knowledge is an intersubjective activity; (2) to explain how the intersubjective nature of mathematics relates to mathematical objectivity; (3) to show how this intersubjectivity-based objectivity is the result of (...)
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  29.  33
    Testing Boundaries: Jewish Conversion and Cultural Fluidity in Medieval Europe, c. 1200–1391.Paola Tartakoff - 2015 - Speculum 90 (3):728-762.
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  30.  70
    Alexandre Koyré im “Mekka der Mathematik”.Paola Zambelli - 1999 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 7 (1):208-230.
    In 1909 A. Koyré (1892–1964) came to Göttingen as an exile and there became a student of Edmund Husserl and other philosophers (A. Reinach, M. Scheler): already before leaving his country Russia Koyré read Husserl'sLogical Investigations, a text which interested greatly Russian philosophers and was translated into Russian in the same year. As many other contemporary philosophers, in Göttingen they were discussing on the fundaments of mathematic, Cantor's set theory and Russell's antinomies. On this problems Koyré wrote a long paper (...)
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  31.  49
    Women and Their Uteruses: Symbolic Vessels for Prejudiced Expectations.Paola Nicolas, Jeanne Proust & Margaret M. Fabiszak - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):49-70.
    What is a uterus to a woman and to society? This article calls for a holistic reevaluation of how we perceive and what we expect from women’s uteruses. We explore the powerful and deeply rooted cultural representations of women’s uteruses as mere receptacles and the impact of such representations on biological categories, medical practices, and current policies. Considering controversies surrounding hysterectomies, cesarean sections, and uterus transplants, we elucidate ambivalent narratives that either promote an essentialist approach where the uterus is emblematic (...)
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  32.  28
    Salud mental, afrontamiento y habilidades sociales para personas privadas de la libertad.Paola Andrea Arias Bravo, Orlando Almeida Salinas & Farid Sanchez Torres - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-15.
    La investigación pretende implementar una propuesta de intervención psicológica que fortalezca las estrategias de afrontamiento y habilidades sociales de las personas privadas de la libertad [PPL], internas en el complejo penitenciario y carcelario de Jamundí, que aporte al proceso de resocialización y prevención de conductas disruptivas y suicidas en el marco del programa institucional INPEC “Preservación de la vida”. La metodología cuenta con un enfoque mixto, diseño explicativo secuencial, alcance explicativo – exploratorio de corte transversal. La muestra: conformada por 80 (...)
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  33.  18
    Mort apparente et procédés de « ressuscitation » dans la littérature médicale du XVIIIe siècle (Bruhier, Winslow, Ménuret de Chambaud, Louis, Réaumur).Paola Vecchi - 1984 - Revue de Synthèse 105 (113-114):143-160.
    The idea that death is a duration, a reversible, often only apparent process was at the basis of the taphophobia which the Illuminists suffered. This same idea however, opened enormous possibilities for physicians. By overcoming their different views regarding the doctrines of vitalism and mechanicalism, infact they took on an active role in front of agony and death. On the other hand, the epistemological pyrrhonism of that period together with this conception of death as a « mixed-state » characterized by (...)
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  34.  18
    Gobernanza Algorítmica, Explicación Por Diseño y Justicia Por Diseño.Paola Cantarini Guerra - 2023 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 57:121-141.
    A pesar de los innumerables beneficios, hay varias críticas y preocupaciones en relación con el uso de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), especialmente en Brasil, donde no hay ninguna legislación federal en vigor hasta el momento. Las legislaciones estatales existentes y los proyectos de ley que se están votando en el Congreso, como el PL 21/20, son defectuosos e incompletos, especialmente en lo que respecta a algunas aplicaciones de la IA que implican altos riesgos para los derechos y libertades fundamentales, además (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Cornelio Agrippa, Erasmo e la teologia umanistica.”.Paola Zambelli - forthcoming - Rinascimento.
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  36.  4
    “El protagonista de una fábula única”: análisis de “El narrador”, de Olga Orozco.Paola Ambrosoni - 2024 - Escritos 32 (69):1-14.
    La obra poética de Olga Orozco (1920-1999) es profundamente religiosa. El cuerpo es uno de los temas centrales en su preocupación por alcanzar lo divino. En este sentido, el cuerpo tiene doble valencia: opera como impedimento y también como condición de posibilidad. El abordaje interdisciplinario entre literatura y filosofía que asume este trabajo permite una relectura original del cuerpo en Orozco, que revela las implicancias filosóficas de su intuición poética. La primera parte recorre pasajes en los que el cuerpo es (...)
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  37.  1
    L'opera di Montesquieu nel Settecento italiano.Paola Berselli Ambri - 1960 - Firenze,: Olschki.
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  38. II Vasari pittore.Paola Barocchi - 1955 - Rinascimento 7 (2):187-217.
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  39.  8
    The other side of Euclid: Lambert's epistemology of constructive and diagrammatic strategies.Paola Basso - 2012 - Milano - Italy: Ledizioni.
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  40.  37
    Un inedito dialogo giovanile di Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777).Paola Basso - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia:1-16.
  41.  63
    Guidelines‐based indicators to measure quality of antenatal care.Paola Bollini & Katharina Quack-Lötscher - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6):1060-1066.
  42.  14
    Politica lacaniana.Paola Bolgiani & Rosa Elena Manzetti (eds.) - 2018 - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
  43.  45
    Bread and Other Edible Agents of Mental Disease.Paola Bressan & Peter Kramer - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  44.  45
    The Life of Maximus and Domitius.Paola Buzi - 2001 - Augustinianum 41 (2):521-544.
  45.  29
    Il sorgere di nuove geometrie nell'Ottocento: alcune riflessioni storico-filosofiche sui fondamenti della matematica.Paola Cantù - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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  46.  21
    Principle of Liberty or Harm Principle?Paola Cavalieri - 1991 - Between the Species 7 (3):13.
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  47.  56
    Abstract: Sublimation as Cipher of Reversibility.Paola Chiesa - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:170-170.
  48.  34
    Das thomanische «summum ens» in ereignisphänomenologischer Sicht.Paola-Ludovika Coriando - 2001 - Quaestio 1 (1):235-244.
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  49. ", In dieser Skepsis kann niemand leben". Uber Nuchternheit und Enthusiasmus in der Philosophie.Paola-Ludovika Coriando - 2005 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 31 (1):71-83.
    Der folgende Beitrag versucht im Ausgang von Nietzsche einige Aspekte des Verhältnisses von ,,Philosophie" und ,,Leben" hervorzuheben. Dazu soll die Philosophie nicht primär als akademische Disziplin, sondern als eine bestimmte Lebenshaltung verstanden werden, die sich in der Produktion von philosophischen Texten äußern kann, nicht aber muß. Die Interpretation einer nachgelassenen Notiz, in der Nietzsche sich mit Kant auseinandersetzt, dient als Leitfaden für Überlegungen und Fragen nicht philologischer, sondern grundsätzlicher Natur, die erörtern sollen, wie die Philosophie als Möglichkeit des menschlichen Lebens (...)
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  50.  11
    Individuation und Einzelnsein: Nietzsche-Leibniz-Aristoteles.Paola-Ludovica Coriando - 2003 - Frankfurt: Klostermann.
    Was ist ein Einzelding? Gibt es ein erstes und letztes Prinzip, das erlaubt, etwas als Einzelnes und Eines anzusprechen? Lasst sich das Einzigartige und Einmalige mit den Mitteln des Denkens erfassen? Ist menschliche Individualitat ein Apriori oder eine empirische Konstruktion? Die Untersuchung erschliesst ontologische und ethische Grundzuge der Individuationsfrage im Gesprach mit drei ihrer Hauptstationen, die ihrerseits in einem dichten Geflecht von Verweisen, Anknupfungen und Anverwandlungen stehen. Sie kann als Beitrag zur Individuationstheorie wie auch als problemorientierte Einfuhrung in die behandelten (...)
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