Results for 'Everett F. Harrison'

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  1. Introduction to the New Testament.Everett F. Harrison - 1964
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  2. The Son of God Among the Sons of Men.Everett F. Harrison - 1949
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    Habituation, retention, and perseveration characteristics of direct waking suggestion.Everett F. Patten, St Clair A. Switzer & Clark L. Hull - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (5):539.
  4.  31
    Degrees of categoricity on a Cone via η-systems.Barbara F. Csima & Matthew Harrison-Trainor - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):325-346.
    We investigate the complexity of isomorphisms of computable structures on cones in the Turing degrees. We show that, on a cone, every structure has a strong degree of categoricity, and that degree of categoricity is${\rm{\Delta }}_\alpha ^0 $-complete for someα. To prove this, we extend Montalbán’sη-system framework to deal with limit ordinals in a more general way. We also show that, for any fixed computable structure, there is an ordinalαand a cone in the Turing degrees such that the exact complexity (...)
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    Some questions of uniformity in algorithmic randomness.Laurent Bienvenu, Barbara F. Csima & Matthew Harrison-Trainor - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1612-1631.
    The $\Omega $ numbers—the halting probabilities of universal prefix-free machines—are known to be exactly the Martin-Löf random left-c.e. reals. We show that one cannot uniformly produce, from a Martin-Löf random left-c.e. real $\alpha $, a universal prefix-free machine U whose halting probability is $\alpha $. We also answer a question of Barmpalias and Lewis-Pye by showing that given a left-c.e. real $\alpha $, one cannot uniformly produce a left-c.e. real $\beta $ such that $\alpha - \beta $ is neither left-c.e. (...)
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    Moral Scepticism.R. F. Holland & Jonathan Harrison - 1967 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 41 (1):185-214.
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  7. New books. [REVIEW]Isaiah Berlin, P. F. Strawson, R. Rhees, F. E. Sparshott, Michael Scriven, R. F. Holland, Jonathan Harrison, H. G. Alexander, C. A. Mace, J. L. Evans, D. A. Rees, W. Mays, C. K. Grant, Basil Mitchell & G. C. J. Midgley - 1952 - Mind 61 (243):405-439.
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  8. A note on cancellation axioms for comparative probability.Matthew Harrison-Trainor, Wesley H. Holliday & Thomas F. Icard - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (1):159-166.
    We prove that the generalized cancellation axiom for incomplete comparative probability relations introduced by Rios Insua and Alon and Lehrer is stronger than the standard cancellation axiom for complete comparative probability relations introduced by Scott, relative to their other axioms for comparative probability in both the finite and infinite cases. This result has been suggested but not proved in the previous literature.
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    Understanding Auditors’ Sense of Responsibility for Detecting Fraud Within Organizations.F. Todd DeZoort & Paul D. Harrison - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (4):857-874.
    The objective of this study is to evaluate auditors’ perceived responsibility for fraud detection. Auditors play a critical role in managing fraud risk within organizations. Although professional standards and guidance prescribe responsibility in the area, little is known about auditors’ sense of responsibility for fraud detection, the factors affecting perceived responsibility, and how responsibility affects auditor performance. We use the triangle model of responsibility as a theoretical basis for examining responsibility and the effects of accountability, fraud type, and auditor type (...)
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    Locating the lived body in client–nurse interactions: Embodiment, intersubjectivity and intercorporeality.Helen F. Harrison, Elizabeth Anne Kinsella & Sandra DeLuca - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (2):e12241.
    The practice of nursing involves ongoing interactions between nurses' and clients' lived bodies. Despite this, several scholars have suggested that the “lived body” (Merleau‐Ponty, 1962) has not been given its due place in nursing practice, education or research (Draper, J Adv Nurs, 70, 2014, 2235). With the advent of electronic health records and increased use of technology, face‐to‐face assessment and embodied understanding of clients' lived bodies may be on the decline. Furthermore, staffing levels may not afford the time nurses need (...)
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  11.  46
    The Theology of Aristotle and Some Other Pseudo-Aristotelian Texts ReconsideredPseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The Theology and Other Texts.Everett K. Rowson, Jill Kraye, W. F. Ryan & C. B. Schmitt - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):478.
  12. Learning about atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds: A case study of multiple‐model use in grade 11 chemistry.Allan G. Harrison & David F. Treagust - 2000 - Science Education 84 (3):352-381.
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  13. Secondary students' mental models of atoms and molecules: Implications for teaching chemistry.Allan G. Harrison & David F. Treagust - 1996 - Science Education 80 (5):509-534.
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  14. The Second Coming: Popular Millenarianism 1780-1850.J. F. C. Harrison & Bernard M. G. Reardon - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (2):242-244.
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    Utopianism and education.J. F. C. Harrison - 1968 - New York,: Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University.
  16.  25
    Adult education and self‐help.J. F. C. Harrison - 1957 - British Journal of Educational Studies 6 (1):37-50.
  17.  18
    (1 other version)A hitherto-unnoticed Biblical manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of York.F. Harrison - 1946 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 29 (2):286-303.
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    A History of the Working Men's College: 1854-1954.J. F. C. Harrison - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1954, this is the first full-length account of the history of the Working Men’s College in St.Pancras, London. One hundred and fifty years on from its foundation in 1854, it is the oldest adult educational institute in the country. Self-governing and self-financing, it is a rich part of London’s social history. The college stands out as a distinctive monument of the voluntary social service founded by the Victorians, unchanged in all its essentials yet adapting itself to the (...)
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    A History of the Working Men's College, 1854-1954.J. F. C. Harrison - 1955 - British Journal of Educational Studies 3 (2):192-192.
    Originally published in 1954, this is the first full-length account of the history of the Working Men’s College in St.Pancras, London. One hundred and fifty years on from its foundation in 1854, it is the oldest adult educational institute in the country. Self-governing and self-financing, it is a rich part of London’s social history. The college stands out as a distinctive monument of the voluntary social service founded by the Victorians, unchanged in all its essentials yet adapting itself to the (...)
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  20. Baker's Dictionary of Theology.E. F. Harrison, G. W. Bromiley & C. F. Henry - 1960
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    EEG and fMRI agree: Mental arithmetic is the easiest form of imagery to detect.Amabilis H. Harrison, Michael D. Noseworthy, James P. Reilly, Weiguang Guan & John F. Connolly - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:104-116.
  22.  18
    Learning and Living, 1790-1960.J. F. C. Harrison - 1962 - British Journal of Educational Studies 11 (1):78-79.
  23.  11
    Listen, We Need to Talk: How to Change Attitudes About Lgbt Rights.Brian F. Harrison & Melissa R. Michelson - 2017 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Individuals typically resist changing their minds, but support for same-sex marriage increased from 35% to 61% between 2006-2016. What explains this anomaly?
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    Teaching and Democratic Values in Higher Education.Allen F. Harrison - 1994 - Education and Culture 11 (2):5.
  25.  27
    Lever biting as an avoidance response.Philip N. Hineline & James F. Harrison - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (4):223-226.
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    Lateralization of Brain Activation in Fluent and Non-Fluent Preschool Children: A Magnetoencephalographic Study of Picture-Naming.Paul F. Sowman, Stephen Crain, Elisabeth Harrison & Blake W. Johnson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    F. H. Bradley on Idea as Image and Meaning.Everett W. Hall - 1930 - The Monist 40 (4):598-620.
  28.  38
    Emch Arnold F.. Implication and deducibility.Everett J. Nelson - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):67-68.
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    Emch Arnold F.. Consistency and independence in postulational technique. Philosophy of science, vol. 3 , pp. 185–196.Everett J. Nelson - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):66-67.
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    Unitary models of single detector triggering and local position measurements.K. K. Wan & F. E. Harrison - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (6):831-853.
    Recent work by Wan and McLean has shown that all quantum measurements may be reduced to local position measurements. Using an array of particle detectors as the measuring apparatus we show how a model employing superselection rules and unitary evolution leads to a single detector triggering in each act of measurement. We also present an explicit model of particle detection as a unitary ionization process producing a single ion in the detector, subsequent amplification of which to the visible can be (...)
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  31.  40
    Adolescent and adult risk-taking in virtual social contexts.Anneke D. M. Haddad, Freya Harrison, Thomas Norman & Jennifer Y. F. Lau - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:113336.
    There is a paucity of experimental data addressing how peers influence adolescent risk-taking. Here, we examined peer effects on risky decision-making in adults and adolescents using a virtual social context that enabled experimental control over the peer “interactions”. 40 adolescents (age 11-18) and 28 adults (age 20-38) completed a risk-taking (Wheel of Fortune) task under 4 conditions: in private; while being observed by (fictitious) peers; and after receiving ‘risky’ or ‘safe’ advice from the peers. For high-risk gambles (but not medium-risk (...)
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  32.  14
    Which Classes of Structures Are Both Pseudo-Elementary and Definable by an Infinitary Sentence?Will Boney, Barbara F. Csima, D. A. Y. Nancy A. & Matthew Harrison-Trainor - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (1):1-18.
    When classes of structures are not first-order definable, we might still try to find a nice description. There are two common ways for doing this. One is to expand the language, leading to notions of pseudo-elementary classes, and the other is to allow infinite conjuncts and disjuncts. In this paper we examine the intersection. Namely, we address the question: Which classes of structures are both pseudo-elementary and ${\mathcal {L}}_{\omega _1, \omega }$ -elementary? We find that these are exactly the classes (...)
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  33.  22
    Physical Activity in the Education of Slow-Learning Children.M. F. Cleugh, C. M. Robinson, J. Harrison & J. Gridley - 1971 - British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (1):111.
  34.  98
    On G. E. Moore’s View of Hedonistic Utilitarianism.C. L. Sheng & Harrison F. H. Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:277-287.
    At Moore’s time, the main-stream ethical theory is the doctrine that pleasure alone is good as an end as held by the hedonistic utilitarianism. Moore, however, asserts that good, not composed of any parts, is a simple notion and indefinable, and naturalistic ethical theories, in particular hedonistic utilitarianism, interpret intrinsic good as a property of a single natural object---pleasure, which is also the sole end of life, thus violates naturalistic fallacy. Moore seems to believe that there exist things other than (...)
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  35. Analyticity without synonymy in simple comparative logic.Theodore J. Everett - 2002 - Synthese 130 (2):303 - 315.
    In this paper I provide some formal schemas for the analysis of vague predicates in terms of a set of semantic relations other than classical synonymy, including weak synonymy (as between "large" and "huge"), antonymy (as between "large" and "small"), relativity (as between "large" and "large for a dog"), and a kind of supervenience (as between "large" and "wide" or "long"). All of these relations are representable in the simple comparative logic CL, in accordance with the basic formula: the more (...)
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  36.  29
    What is Fiction For?: Literary Humanism Restored.Bernard Harrison - 2014 - Indiana University Press.
    How can literature, which consists of nothing more than the description of imaginary events and situations, offer any insight into the workings of "human reality" or "the human condition"? Can mere words illuminate something that we call "reality"? Bernard Harrison answers these questions in this profoundly original work that seeks to re-enfranchise reality in the realms of art and discourse. In an ambitious account of the relationship between literature and cognition, he seeks to show how literary fiction, by deploying (...)
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  37.  88
    A Symposium: The Aim and Content of Graduate Training in Ethics.George P. Adams, C. J. Ducasse, Walter Goodnow Everett, DeWitt Parker, F. C. Sharp & J. H. Turfs - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 43 (1):53-64.
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  38.  44
    The Intermediate Neutrino Program.C. Adams, Alonso Jr, A. M. Ankowski, J. A. Asaadi, J. Ashenfelter, S. N. Axani, K. Babu, C. Backhouse, H. R. Band, P. S. Barbeau, N. Barros, A. Bernstein, M. Betancourt, M. Bishai, E. Blucher, J. Bouffard, N. Bowden, S. Brice, C. Bryan, L. Camilleri, J. Cao, J. Carlson, R. E. Carr, A. Chatterjee, M. Chen, S. Chen, M. Chiu, E. D. Church, J. I. Collar, G. Collin, J. M. Conrad, M. R. Convery, R. L. Cooper, D. Cowen, H. Davoudiasl, A. De Gouvea, D. J. Dean, G. Deichert, F. Descamps, T. DeYoung, M. V. Diwan, Z. Djurcic, M. J. Dolinski, J. Dolph, B. Donnelly, S. da DwyerDytman, Y. Efremenko, L. L. Everett, A. Fava, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, B. Fleming, A. Friedland, B. K. Fujikawa, T. K. Gaisser, M. Galeazzi, D. C. Galehouse, A. Galindo-Uribarri, G. T. Garvey, S. Gautam, K. E. Gilje, M. Gonzalez-Garcia, M. C. Goodman, H. Gordon, E. Gramellini, M. P. Green, A. Guglielmi, R. W. Hackenburg, A. Hackenburg, F. Halzen, K. Han, S. Hans, D. Harris, K. M. Heeger, M. Herman, R. Hill, A. Holin & P. Huber - unknown
    The US neutrino community gathered at the Workshop on the Intermediate Neutrino Program at Brookhaven National Laboratory February 4-6, 2015 to explore opportunities in neutrino physics over the next five to ten years. Scientists from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics participated in the workshop. The workshop examined promising opportunities for neutrino physics in the intermediate term, including possible new small to mid-scale experiments, US contributions to large experiments, upgrades to existing experiments, R&D plans and theory. The workshop was organized into (...)
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    The sixth annual meeting of the american philosophical association.William James, Halbert Hains Britan, George H. Sabine, John Grier Hibben, G. A. Tawney, Charles M. Bakewell, W. H. Sheldon, Ernest Albee, Lewis F. Hite, I. W. Riley, A. T. Ormond, F. C. French & Walter G. Everett - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (3):64-76.
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    Book Reviews Section 1.John Ohlinger, David Conrad, Frederick S. Buchanan, Jack Christensen, Jeffrey Herold, J. Don Reeves, Everett D. Lantz, Ursula Springer, Robert L. Hardgrave Jr, Noel F. Mcginn, Malcolm B. Campbell, R. J. Woodin, Norman Lederer, Jerry B. Burnell & Rodney Skager - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):65-75.
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    Intersubjective phenomenology and Husserl's Cartesianism.Harrison Hall - 1979 - Man and World 12 (1):13-20.
    Once Husserl has constituted the other ego in the "Fifth Meditation," he is able to add to his phenomenology the overall dimension of intersubjectivi- ty. Objects are no longer constituted simply as systematic correlates of my actual (presented) and po.ssible (appresented) perspectival views of them, but as correlates of the actual and possibly actual views of an open community of transcendental subjects to which I belong--that is, as co,rrelates of my actual (presented) view and the actual and possibly actual (appresented) (...)
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  42. A multidimensional framework for interpreting conceptual change events in the classroom.Louise M. Tyson, Grady J. Venville, Allan G. Harrison & David F. Treagust - 1997 - Science Education 81 (4):387-404.
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  43.  19
    Leavis and Wittgenstein.Bernard Harrison - 2016 - Philosophy and Literature 40 (1):206-225.
    I think of myself as an anti-philosopher, which is what a literary critic ought to be.For a number of years my work has been partly occupied with the examination of various points of contact between philosophy and literature. It involved, however, no more than marginal reference to the work of F. R. Leavis, certainly because of a culpable lack on my part of extended acquaintance with his work, but also to some extent, no doubt, because of Leavis’s own resolute denial (...)
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    Logical positivism and ethics.Jonathan Harrison - 1989 - Cogito 3 (3):179-186.
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    On jurisprudence and the conflict of laws.Frederic Harrison - 1919 - Buffalo, N.Y.: W.S. Hein & Co.. Edited by A. H. F. Lefroy.
    This book, originally released in 1919, contains five lectures given by the author while he was Professor to the Inns of Court during the late 1800s. The lectures were revised to include notes & annotations by A.H.F. LeFroy.
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    The Failure of Desire: A Critique of Kantian Cognitive Autonomy in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.Rebecca D. Harrison - unknown
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant offers a revolutionary approach to cognition, wherein cognition can be understood as an action carried out by a cognitive agent. But giving the subject such an active role raises questions about Kant’s ability to account for objective cognition. In this paper, I will argue that the cognitive autonomy thesis central to Kant’s model renders it unable to account for the normativity required for objective cognition, and that G.W.F. Hegel makes just this criticism (...)
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    Virgil's Location of Corythus.E. L. Harrison - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (2):293-295.
    In a recent article JRS, 68 f. Nicholas Horsfall sought to demonstrate that Corythus, which Virgil makes the original home of Dardanus, should be identified with Tarquinii, some 50 miles north-west of Rome, on the coast of Etruria, rather than with Cortona, roughly twice as far away, to the north, and inland. In doing so he expressed surprise that the Virgilian evidence should have been completely ignored by previous writers on the subject : and, using the Aeneid as the main (...)
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    F. M. Combellack: Omitted Speech Formulas in Homer. University of California Publications in Classical Philology, Volume 12, No. 4, pp. 43–56. Berkeley: University of California Press (Cambridge: University Press), 1939. Paper, Is. 6d. net. [REVIEW]E. Harrison - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (04):215-.
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  49. Classical Systems, Standard Quantum Systems, and Mixed Quantum Systems in Hilbert Space.K. Kong Wan, Jason Bradshaw, Colin Trueman & F. E. Harrison - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (12):1739-1783.
    Traditionally, there has been a clear distinction between classical systems and quantum systems, particularly in the mathematical theories used to describe them. In our recent work on macroscopic quantum systems, this distinction has become blurred, making a unified mathematical formulation desirable, so as to show up both the similarities and the fundamental differences between quantum and classical systems. This paper serves this purpose, with explicit formulations and a number of examples in the form of superconducting circuit systems. We introduce three (...)
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  50. TOMLIN, E. W. F. -The Great Philosophers: The Western World. [REVIEW]J. Harrison - 1951 - Mind 60:571.
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