Results for 'Evolution (Biology) in art. '

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  1.  36
    The Biology of Art.Richard A. Richards - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Biological accounts of art typically start with evolutionary, psychological or neurobiological theories. These approaches might be able to explain many of the similarities we see in art behaviors within and across human populations, but they don't obviously explain the differences we also see. Nor do they give us guidance on how we should engage with art, or the conceptual basis for art. A more comprehensive framework, based also on the ecology of art and how art behaviors get expressed in engineered (...)
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  2. The Evolution of Designs Biological Analogy in Architecture and the Applied Arts /Philip Steadman. --. --.Philip Steadman - 1979 - Cambridge University Press, 1979.
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    The Evolution of Designs: Biological Analogy in Architecture and the Applied Arts.Philip Steadman - 2008 - Routledge.
    The Evolution of Designs tells the history of the many analogies that have been made, since the end of the eighteenth century, between the evolution of organisms and the human production of artefacts – especially buildings.
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    Darwin's camera: art and photography in the theory of evolution.Phillip Prodger - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Darwin's art collection : the prints, drawings, and photographs Darwin collected in the 1860s and 70s -- Illustrations and illusion : strategies Darwin used in illustrating his books -- Art, experience, and observation : Darwin's knowledge of art history and use of illustration in his books -- Darwin and the passions : how passion manuals informed Darwin's research -- Photography and evolution meet : connections between photography and biology in the 1860s -- Method to their madness : how (...)
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  5. The Artful Species: Aesthetics, Art, and Evolution.Stephen Davies - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Stephen Davies presents a fascinating exploration of the idea that art, and our aesthetic sensibilities more generally, should be understood as an element in human evolution. He asks: Do animals have aesthetics? Do our aesthetic preferences have prehistoric roots? Is art universal? What is the biological role of aesthetic and artistic behaviour?
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    The seductions of Darwin: art, evolution, neuroscience.Matthew Rampley - 2017 - University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A critical study of the growing use of evolutionary theory and neuroscience to interpret art. Explores the question of what is gained from using ideas and methods from the biological sciences in the analysis of art"--Provided by publisher.
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    Art as Communication: Aesthetics, Evolution, and Signaling.Shawn Simpson - 2024 - Lanham, Mayland USA: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield).
    Is art a form of communication? If so, what does art express or represent? How should we interpret the meaning of works created by more than one artist? Is art an adaptation, via natural selection? In what ways is art similar to—and different from—language? Art as Communication: Aesthetics, Evolution, and Signaling employs information theory, the theory of evolution, and the newly developed sender-receiver model of communication to reason about art, aesthetic behavior, and its communicative nature. Shawn Simpson considers (...)
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    The Evolutionary Significance of the Arts: Exploring the By-product Hypothesis in the Context of Ritual, Precursors, and Cultural Evolution.Derek Hodgson & Jan Verpooten - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (1):73-85.
    The role of the arts has become crucial to understanding the origins of “modern human behavior,” but continues to be highly controversial as it is not always clear why the arts evolved and persisted. This issue is often addressed by appealing to adaptive biological explanations. However, we will argue that the arts have evolved culturally rather than biologically, exploiting biological adaptations rather than extending them. In order to support this line of inquiry, evidence from a number of disciplines will be (...)
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    Art and evolution: Spiegelman's the narrative corpse.Brian Boyd - 2008 - Philosophy and Literature 32 (1):pp. 31-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art and Evolution:Spiegelman's The Narrative CorpseBrian BoydIHas art evolved, like opposable thumbs and the whites of our eyes? If it has, will knowing so help us understand better not just art in general but particular works, even works of avant-garde art? Over recent decades many have come to accept that not only have humans evolved from other animals but that many features of their minds and behavior can (...)
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  10. The arts and human nature: evolutionary aesthetics and the evolutionary status of art behaviours: Stephen Davies: The artful species: aesthetics, art, and evolution. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.Anton Killin - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (4):703-718.
    This essay reviews one of the most recent books in a trend of new publications proffering evolutionary theorising about aesthetics and the arts—themes within an increasing literature on aspects of human life and human nature in terms of evolutionary theory. Stephen Davies’ The Artful Species links some of our aesthetic sensibilities with our evolved human nature and critically surveys the interdisciplinary debate regarding the evolutionary status of the arts. Davies’ engaging and accessible writing succeeds in demonstrating the maturity and scope (...)
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    Art of peripheral permeability: Revisiting interfaces in biological media for post-biological culture.Živa Ljubec - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):301-307.
    As the title of this article suggests, the concept of the interface needs to be revisited in the context of biological media in order to infer some implications for the post-biological culture. A direct comparison of our media culture to the environmental notion of the media and the natural partitioning of the media by biological membranes becomes possible if we expand on the notions of media and interfaces in our technologically conditioned realities. The question of periphery and permeability of a (...)
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  12. The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, and Human Evolution.Denis Dutton - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The need to create art is found in every human society, manifest in many different ways across many different cultures. Is this universal need rooted in our evolutionary past? The Art Instinct reveals that it is, combining evolutionary psychology with aesthetics to shed new light on fascinating questions about the nature of art.
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    Darwin and the Naked Lady: Discursive Essays on Biology and Art.Alex Comfort - 1961 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1961. The essays in this volume focus on the awareness of science and art, evolution and Freudian psychology. Besides the chapter on Darwin and Freud, the author discusses criticism, the fantasy element in drama and popular literature, the history of the novel, the motivation of science and the function of erotic art.
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    Art and Signaling in a Cultural Species.Jan Verpooten - 2015 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    In recent years, the research field of the evolution of art has witnessed contributions from a wide range of disciplines across the "three cultures". In this thesis, I make both a critical review of existing explanations, and try to do elucidate the evolution of art by employing insights, methods and concepts from different disciplines. First, I critically evaluate the evidentiary criteria from standard evolutionary psychology some accounts employ to demonstrate that art qualifies as a human biological adaptation. I (...)
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  15.  42
    Organization in Biology.Matteo Mossio (ed.) - 2023 - Springer.
    This open access book assesses the prospects of (re)adopting organization as a pivotal concept in biology. It shows how organization can nourish biological thinking and practice, by reconnecting with the idea of biology as the science of organized systems. The book provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art picture of the characterizations and uses of the concept of organization in both biological science and philosophy of biology. It also deals with a variety of themes – including evolution, organogenesis, heredity, (...)
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  16.  36
    Green Light: Toward an Art of Evolution.George Gessert - 2010 - MIT Press.
    Ch. 1. Divine plants and magical animals -- Ch. 2. Aesthetic effects of domestication -- Ch. 3. The rainforests of domestication -- Ch. 4. The rise of ornamental plants -- Ch. 5. Darwin's sublime -- Ch. 6. Playing God -- Ch. 7. Standards of excellence -- Ch. 8. Doubles -- Ch. 9. Kitsch plants -- Ch. 10. Bastard flowers -- Ch. 11. Biotechnology in the garden -- Ch. 12. Recent art involving DNA -- Ch. 13. Naming life -- Ch. 14. (...)
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  17.  19
    Evolution and Explanation: Biology, Aesthetics, Pragmatism.Robert Chodat - 2010 - Contemporary Pragmatism 7 (2):155-188.
    Recent discussion of the arts has grown increasingly sympathetic to evolutionary psychology, a trend vividly captured in Denis Dutton's recent book The Art Instinct. Yet evolutionary psychologists have paid startlingly little attention to pragmatism, despite the fact that pragmatists also work in Darwin's wake and often interrogate the “two cultures” divide. An extended comparison of pragmatist and evolutionary aesthetics can help us recognize the more layered notion of “nature” running through pragmatism, and help us articulate what matters most for us (...)
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  18.  48
    Creativity, brain, and art: biological and neurological considerations.Dahlia W. Zaidel - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:87615.
    Creativity is commonly thought of as a positive advance for society that transcends the status quo knowledge. Humans display an inordinate capacity for it in a broad range of activities, with art being only one. Most work on creativity’s neural substrates measures general creativity, and that is done with laboratory tasks, whereas specific creativity in art is gleaned from acquired brain damage, largely in observing established visual artists, and some in visual de novo artists (became artists after the damage). The (...)
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  19.  16
    Revisiting ingarden’s theoretical biological accountof the literary work of art: Is the computer game an “organism”?Matthew E. Gladden - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (2):640-661.
    From his earliest published writings to his last, Roman Ingarden displayed an interest in theoretical biology and its efforts to clarify what distinguishes living organisms from other types of entities. However, many of his explorations of such issues are easily overlooked, because they don’t appear in works that are primarily ontological, metaphysical, or anthropological in nature but are “hidden” within his works on literary aesthetics, where Ingarden sought to define the nature of living organisms in order to compare literary (...)
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  20.  22
    Monolith in a hollow: Paleofuturism and earth art in Stanley kubrick’s 2001: A space odyssey.Jacob Wamberg - 2020 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 29 (59):36-78.
    This article analyses 2001 in terms of what I term paleofuturism. Fusing deep future and deep past, this cyclical figure reconciles rational machinic intelligence with diverse repressed temporal layers: archaic cultures, the embryonic state of individuals, and bygone biological and geological eras. In 2001, paleofuturism is nourished by Nietzsche’s Übermensch of the future, reborn as a child, and by Jungian ideas of individuation, the reconciliation with the shadow of the collective unconscious that leads to the black cosmos itself. Further paleofuturist (...)
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  21.  15
    Biomimicry and Art: Transductions with Biology.Rosangella Leote - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 18:225-243.
    This article discusses the concept of Biomimicry, which has been applying in many fields, from nanotechnology to robotics. It is appearing in smart materials and machinic intelligence, for diverse purposes, being inspired by natural processes and organisms. The main application of Biomimicry has been to produce artifacts and ideas from what we can know about what nature has already done. While the mimesis has been removed from the vocabulary of Art, the works of some artists are still full of possibilities (...)
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  22.  41
    What drives bio-art in the twenty-first century? Sources of innovations and cultural implications in bio-art/biodesign and biotechnology.Alexander N. Melkozernov & Vibeke Sorensen - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (4):1313-1321.
    Bio-art epitomizes a coalescence of art and sciences. It is an emerging contemporary artistic practice that uses a wide range of traditional artistic media interwoven with new artistic media that are biological in nature. This includes molecules, genes, cells, tissues, organs, living organisms, ecological niches, landscapes and ecosystems. In addition, bio-art expands into conceptual art using biological processes such as growth, cell division, photosynthesis and concepts of the origin of life and evolution, explaining them as new artistic media. In (...)
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  23.  22
    The Routledge Handbook of Evolution and Philosophy.Richard Joyce (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    In recent years, the relation between contemporary academic philosophy and evolutionary theory has become ever more active, multifaceted, and productive. The connection is an active two-way street. In one direction, philosophers of biology make significant contributions to theoretical discussions about the nature of evolution. In the other direction, a broader group of philosophers appeal to Darwinian selection in an attempt to illuminate traditional philosophical puzzles. In grappling with these questions, this interdisciplinary collection includes cutting-edge examples from both directions (...)
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  24. evolutionary aesthetics: Denis Dutton’s The art instinct: beauty, pleasure and human evolution: Bloomsbury Press, New York, 2009.Justine Kingsbury - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (1):141-150.
    Denis Dutton’s The Art Instinct succeeds admirably in showing that it is possible to think about art from a biological point of view, and this is a significant achievement, given that resistance to the idea that cultural phenomena have biological underpinnings remains widespread in many academic disciplines. However, his account of the origins of our artistic impulses and the far-reaching conclusions he draws from that account are not persuasive. This article points out a number of problems: in particular, problems with (...)
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  25.  19
    Biology textbooks and the decentering of the Scopes Trial: Adam R. Shapiro: Trying biology: The Scopes Trial, textbooks, and the antievolution movement in American schools. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013, 193pp, $35.00 HB.William Vance Trollinger - 2015 - Metascience 24 (3):393-396.
    I taught for 8 years at a moderate evangelical liberal arts college. At one faculty meeting the topic turned to the challenge of dealing with controversial topics in the classroom, a pressing question given that many of our students came from extremely conservative backgrounds. One faculty member commented that he and his colleagues in the sciences avoided problems by never using the word “evolution” in the classroom. A number of us from the humanities immediately expressed shock and dismay. In (...)
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  26. Collective self-organization in general biology: Gilles Deleuze, Charles S. Peirce, and Stuart Kauffman.Rocco Gangle - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):223-240.
    Abstract.Stuart Kauffman's proposal in Investigations to ground a “general biology” in the laws of self‐organization governing systems of autonomous agents runs up against the methodological problem of how to integrate formal mathematical with semantic and semiotic approaches to the study of evolutionary development. Gilles Deleuze's concept of the virtual and C. S. Peirce's system of existential graphs provide a theoretical framework and practical art for answering this problem of method by modeling the creative event of collective self‐organization as both (...)
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  27.  11
    Continuum: the evolution of matter into humankind: a case for the arts, ecology, & revolution.Robert Fink - 1974 - Saskatoon: Greenwich-Meridian.
    It is not good that nren should be alone. ^ - — Plekhanov Human beings are so divided, are becoming more and more divided, and more subdivided in themselves ...
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    Art Selection, or the Preservation of Artworks in the Struggle for Art.Christopher Perricone - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 53-66 [Access article in PDF] Art Selection, or the Preservation of Artworks in the Struggle for Art Christopher Perricone The argument of George C. Williams's book Adaptation and Natural Selection is against what biologists call the group selectionist view — that individuals will act on behalf of their species, or at least on behalf of the group to which they belong.1 Williams (...)
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    Evolution: society, science, and the universe.A. C. Fabian (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Cutting across boundaries of art and science, evolution is a fundamental process that has beguiled thinkers through the ages. This collection draws together world renowned thinkers and communicators with their own intriguing insights. In these essays they offer a feast of dazzling thoughts and ideas to challenge and enthrall the reader. Why and how do civilisations and societies change over time? Why do our cells develop the way they do? Why are some villages still villages while others have grown (...)
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    Concepts, Theories, and Rationality in the Biological Sciences: The Second Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, October 1-4, 1993.Gereon Wolters, James G. Lennox & Peter McLaughlin (eds.) - 1995 - Pittsburgh/Konstanz: University of Piuttsburgh Press/Universitätsverlag Konstanz.
    Leading biologists and philosophers of biology discuss the basic theories and concepts of biology and their connections with ethics, economics, and psychology, providing a remarkably unified report on the “state of the art” in the philosophy of biology.
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    Brain Intersections of Aesthetics and Morals: Perspectives from Biology, Neuroscience, and Evolution.D. W. Zaidel & M. Nadal - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (3):367-380.
    Human aesthetic experiences are pervasive; they are triggered by faces, art, natural scenery, foods, ideas, theories, and decision-making situations, among many sources, and seem to be a distinctive trait of our species. Our moral sense, understood as our capacity to judge events, actions, or people as good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate, also seems to be an exclusively human endowment (Ayala 2010). As part of the scientific efforts to characterize the biological foundations of our human uniqueness, recently there has been (...)
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  32.  79
    “Aesthetic Primitives”: Fundamental Biological Elements of a Naturalistic Aesthetics.Ellen Dissanayake - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (1):6-24.
    Aesthetics, like other philosophical subjects, has historically made use of «top down» methods. Recent discoveries in genetics, evolutionary psychology, paleoarchaeology, and neuroscience call for a new «naturalistic» or «bottom up» perspective. Combining these fields with behavioral biology and ethnoarts studies, I offer seven premises that underlie a new understanding of evolved predispositions of the brain/mind that all artists use to attract attention, sustain interest, and create, mold, and shape emotion. I describe aesthetic «primitives» in somatic and behavioral modalities, suggesting (...)
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  33.  49
    Brian Boyd’s Evolutionary Account of Art: Fiction or Future?: Brian Boyd: On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA/london, 2009, 540 pp, $35.00 hbk, ISBN 978-0-6740-3357-3. [REVIEW]Jan Verpooten - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (2):176-183.
    There has been a recent surge of evolutionary explanations of art. In this article I evaluate one currently influential example, Brian Boyd’s recent book On the Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition, and Fiction (2009). The book offers a stimulating collection of findings, ideas, and hypotheses borrowed from a wide range of research disciplines (philosophy of art and art criticism, anthropology, evolutionary and developmental psychology, neurobiology, ethology, etc.), brought together under the umbrella of evolution. However, in so doing Boyd (...)
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  34.  50
    The human being as an engineering problem: Post-biological evolution, transhumanism and philosophical anthropology.David O. Brien - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (1):79-94.
    The issue of human nature is a perennial question – as obstinate as it is old. Human reflection on the human condition is a defining feature of the experience of being human. In our time, the idea of post-biological evolution, the design paradigm of NBIC-convergence and transhumanism – as a philosophy and a cultural movement – all confront and confound our traditional notions of human nature. Unlike previous challenges to established images of the human being, this re-assessment of human (...)
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  35. Evolution at the Origins of Life?Ludo L. J. Schoenmakers, Thomas A. C. Reydon & Andreas Kirschning - 2024 - Life 14 (2).
    The role of evolutionary theory at the origin of life is an extensively debated topic. The origin and early development of life is usually separated into a prebiotic phase and a protocellular phase, ultimately leading to the Last Universal Common Ancestor. Most likely, the Last Universal Common Ancestor was subject to Darwinian evolution, but the question remains to what extent Darwinian evolution applies to the prebiotic and protocellular phases. In this review, we reflect on the current status of (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution.Nathalie Gontier, Andy Lock & Chris Sinha (eds.) - 2024 - OUP.
    The biological and neurological capacity to symbolize, and the products of behavioral, cognitive, sociocultural, linguistic, and technological uses of symbols (symbolism), are fundamental to every aspect of human life. The Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution explores the origins of our characteristically human abilities - our ability to speak, create images, play music, and read and write. The book investigates how symbolization evolved in human evolution and how symbolism is expressed across the various areas of human life. The (...)
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    Human Evolution: Trails From the Past.Camilo J. Cela-Conde & Francisco J. Ayala - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Human Evolution provides a comprehensive overview of hominid evolution, synthesising data and approaches from fields as diverse as physical anthropology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, genetics, archaeology, psychology and philosophy. The book starts with chapters on evolution, population genetics, systematics, and the methods for constructing evolutionary trees. These are followed by a comprehensive review of the fossil history of human evolution since our divergence from the apes. Subsequent chapters cover more recent data, both fossil and (...)
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  38. Kosmologie, Evolution und die Raetsel der Großen Zahlen.Alfred Gierer - manuscript
    Die Beziehung der Entwicklung des Lebens im Weltall - von den einfachsten Formen bis zu Leben mit Geist und Bewusstsein – zu der Physik, wie wir sie aus der unbelebten Natur kennen, ist Thema dieses Essays. Ist die Entstehung des Lebens Zufall, ist es Folge einer physikalischen Logik, die noch zu entdecken ist, oder ist „Lebensfreundlichkeit“ ein eigenes Prinzip des Naturgeschehens, das zum Beispiel offene Naturkonstanten der physikalischen Gesetze festlegt, zu denen die geheimnisvollen Grossen Zahlen der Kosmologie gehören – „The (...)
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  39. Paleolithic public goods games: Why human culture and cooperation did not evolve in one step.Benoît Dubreuil - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (1):53-73.
    It is widely agreed that humans have specific abilities for cooperation and culture that evolved since their split with their last common ancestor with chimpanzees. Many uncertainties remain, however, about the exact moment in the human lineage when these abilities evolved. This article argues that cooperation and culture did not evolve in one step in the human lineage and that the capacity to stick to long-term and risky cooperative arrangements evolved before properly modern culture. I present evidence that Homo heidelbergensis (...)
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  40. A conceptual taxonomy of adaptation in evolutionary biology.Emanuele Serrelli & Francesca Micol Rossi - manuscript
    The concept of adaptation is employed in many fields such as biology, psychology, cognitive sciences, robotics, social sciences, even literacy and art,1 and its meaning varies quite evidently according to the particular research context in which it is applied. We expect to find a particularly rich catalogue of meanings within evolutionary biology, where adaptation has held a particularly central role since Darwin’s The Origin of Species (1859) throughout important epistemological shifts and scientific findings that enriched and diversified the (...)
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    Modeling Discontinuous Cultural Evolution: The Impact of Cross-Domain Transfer.Kirthana Ganesh & Liane Gabora - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper uses autocatalytic networks to model discontinuous cultural transitions involving cross-domain transfer, using as an illustrative example, artworks inspired by the oldest-known uncontested example of figurative art: the carving of the Hohlenstein-Stadel Löwenmensch, or lion-human. Autocatalytic networks provide a general modeling setting in which nodes are not just passive transmitters of activation; they actively galvanize, or “catalyze” the synthesis of novel nodes from existing ones This makes them uniquely suited to model how new structure grows out of earlier structure, (...)
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  42. The role of robotics and AI in technologically mediated human evolution: a constructive proposal.Jeffrey White - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):177-185.
    This paper proposes that existing computational modeling research programs may be combined into platforms for the information of public policy. The main idea is that computational models at select levels of organization may be integrated in natural terms describing biological cognition, thereby normalizing a platform for predictive simulations able to account for both human and environmental costs associated with different action plans and institutional arrangements over short and long time spans while minimizing computational requirements. Building from established research programs, the (...)
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    The Biological Foundations of Ethics.Francisco J. Ayala - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (3):523 - 537.
    Erect posture and large brain are two of the most significant anatomical traits that distinguish us from nonhuman primates. But humans are also different from chimpanzees and other animals, and no less importantly, in their behavior, both as individuals and socially. Distinctive human behavioral attributes include tool-making and technology; abstract thinking, categorizing, and reasoning; symbolic (creative) language; self-awareness and death-awareness; science, literature, and art; legal codes, ethics and religion; complex social organization and political institutions. These traits may all be said (...)
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    Language, Games, and Evolution.Anton Benz, Christian Ebert & Robert van Rooij (eds.) - 2011 - Springer-Verlag.
    Recent years witnessed an increased interest in formal pragmatics and especially the establishment of game theory as a new research methodology for the study of language use. Game and Decision Theory (GDT) are natural candidates if we look for a theoretical foundation of linguistic pragmatics. Over the last decade, a firm research community has emerged with a strong interdisciplinary character, where economists, philosophers, and social scientists meet with linguists. Within this field of research, three major currents can be distinguished: one (...)
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    The Case of Paul Kammerer: Evolution and Experimentation in the Early 20th Century. [REVIEW]Sander Gliboff - 2006 - Journal of the History of Biology 39 (3):525 - 563.
    To some, a misguided Lamarckian and a fraud, to others a martyr in the fight against Darwinism, the Viennese zoologist Paul Kammerer (1880-1926) remains one of the most controversial scientists of the early 20th century. Here his work is reconsidered in light of turn-of-the-century problems in evolutionary theory and experimental methodology, as seen from Kammerer's perspective in Vienna. Kammerer emerges not as an opponent of Darwinism, but as one would-be modernizer of the 19th-century theory, which had included a role for (...)
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  46. How much art can the brain take?Steven Pinker - manuscript
    As if that weren't enough of a puzzle, the more biologically frivolous and vain the activity, the more people exalt it. Art, literature, and music are thought to be not just pleasurable but noble. They are the mind's best work, what makes life worth living. Why do we pursue the biologically trivial and futile and experience them as sublime? To many educated people the question seems horribly philistine, even immoral. But it is unavoidable for anyone interested in the makeup of (...)
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    From Beethoven to Beyoncé: Do Changing Aesthetic Cultures Amount to “Cumulative Cultural Evolution?”.Natalie C. Sinclair, James Ursell, Alex South & Luke Rendell - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Culture can be defined as “group typical behaviour patterns shared by members of a community that rely on socially learned and transmitted information”. Once thought to be a distinguishing characteristic of humans relative to other animals it is now generally accepted to exist more widely, with especially abundant evidence in non-human primates, cetaceans, and birds. More recently, cumulative cultural evolution has taken on this distinguishing role. CCE, it is argued, allows humans, uniquely, to ratchet up the complexity or efficiency (...)
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    Darwin's Pharmacy: Sex, Plants, and the Evolution of the Noosphere.Richard M. Doyle - 2011 - University of Washington Press.
    This book inquires into the swarm of ontological, epistemological, and ethical questions provoked by psychedelic experience in the context of global ecological crisis. Richard M. Doyle is professor of English and science, technology, and society at Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of On Beyond Living and Wetwares.
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    Reflections on aesthetics and evolution.Nathan Kogan - 1997 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 11 (2):193-210.
    Experimental research with human infants has demonstrated a level of sensitivity to music comparable to that of musically unsophisticated adults. This evidence points to the biologically hard‐wired nature of musical responsivity, and further raises the question of the evolutionary roots of the phenomenon. The question is addressed by examining (1) the ontogenetic and phylogenetic order in which speech and music are acquired, (2) the possible adaptive properties of music and dance, and (3) cognitive evolutionary retrodictions about the period in prehistory (...)
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    Matrix thinking: An adaptation at the foundation of human science, religion, and art.Margaret Boone Rappaport & Christopher Corbally - 2015 - Zygon 50 (1):84-112.
    Intrigued by Robinson and Southgate's 2010 work on “entering a semiotic matrix,” we expand their model to include the juxtaposition of all signs, symbols, and mental categories, and to explore the underpinnings of creativity in science, religion, and art. We rely on an interdisciplinary review of human sentience in archaeology, evolutionary biology, the cognitive science of religion, and literature, and speculate on the development of sentience in response to strong selection pressure on the hominin evolutionary line, leaving us the (...)
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