Results for 'Fabio Rigat'

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  1.  26
    Why Probability isn’t Magic.Fabio Rigat - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (3):977-985.
    “What data will show the truth?” is a fundamental question emerging early in any empirical investigation. From a statistical perspective, experimental design is the appropriate tool to address this question by ensuring control of the error rates of planned data analyses and of the ensuing decisions. From an epistemological standpoint, planned data analyses describe in mathematical and algorithmic terms a pre-specified mapping of observations into decisions. The value of exploratory data analyses is often less clear, resulting in confusion about what (...)
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    A Novel Ecological Approach Reveals Early Executive Function Impairments in Huntington’s Disease.Filipa Júlio, Maria J. Ribeiro, Miguel Patrício, Alexandre Malhão, Fábio Pedrosa, Hélio Gonçalves, Marco Simões, Marieke van Asselen, Mário R. Simões, Miguel Castelo-Branco & Cristina Januário - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. List of Contents: Volume 12, Number 3, June 1999.Jose L. SaÂnchez-GoÂmez, Jesus Unturbe, Ciprian Dariescu, Marina-Aura Dariescu, Rotationally Symmetric, Fabio Cardone, Mauro Francaviglia, Roberto Mignani, Energy-Dependent Phenomenological Metrics & Five-Dimensional Einstein - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (10).
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  4. “Identifying Phrasal Connectives in Italian Using Quantitative Methods”.Edoardo Zamuner, Fabio Tamburini & Cristiana de Sanctis - 2002 - In Stefania Nuccorini (ed.), Phrases and Phraseology – Data and Descriptions. Peter Lang Verlag.
    In recent decades, the analysis of phraseology has made use of the exploration of large corpora as a source of quantitative information about language. This paper intends to present the main lines of work in progress based on this empirical approach to linguistic analysis. In particular, we focus our attention on some problems relating to the morpho-syntactic annotation of corpora. The CORIS/CODIS corpus of contemporary written Italian, developed at CILTA – University of Bologna (Rossini Favretti 2000; Rossini Favretti, Tamburini, De (...)
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  5. Uma interface entre o eu-corpo na psicanálise freudiana e o corpo próprio na fenomenologia do corpo.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro & Cristian Marques - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34968.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo mostrar, desde a psicanálise freudiana, um caminho possível que a leva ao encontro da filosofia de orientação fenomenológica. Em O eu e o isso, de 1923, Sigmund Freud emprega uma nova noção pouco explorada na literatura psicanalítica: o eu-corpo. O escopo de nossa análise delimita-se à interpretação e à explicitação da noção de eu-corpo tal como esta foi apresentada por Freud, confrontando-a com a fenomenologia em Merleau-Ponty e Michel Henry. Para tanto, propomos uma análise (...)
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  6. In questo scenario: Cifre, icone e macchine.Vittorio Marchis, Umberto Bottazzini, Fabio Toscano, Massimo Negrotti & Giuseppe Longo - 2010 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 28 (1).
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    O outro do “quadro referencial teórico” – uma resposta a Lorenz Puntel.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (25):235-264.
    O artigo tem o objetivo de oferecer uma resposta às críticas que Puntel fez a Levinas em seu livro Ser e Deus. Iniciamos nossa abordagem com uma contextualização do pensamento punteliano. Dado esse passo inaugural, propomos uma análise de seu exame crítico à obra de Levinas em dois tempos, seguindo a ordem de seus argumentos em Ser e Deus. Primeiramente, analisamos as críticas de Puntel às “assunções fundamentais” da filosofia levinasiana, sobre teoria/conhecimento, metafísica e Ser. Depois disso, analisamos suas críticas (...)
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    Notas sobre o procedimento hermenêutico de Benedito Nunes.Fábio Fonseca de Castro - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 3 (5):87.
    O artigo reflete sobre o procedimento hermenêutico utilizado pelo professor, crítico e filósofo Benedito Nunes em sua obra. Reconstruindo diálogos do autor com Nunes, procura-se compreender as peculiaridades da sua abordagem interpretativa em relação a três pensadores com os quais sua obra dialoga em permanência, Heidegger, Gadamer e Ricoeur. Compreende- se que a abordagem de Nunes procura superar alguns impasses da hermenêutica contemporânea por meio da problemática heideggeriana da co-referencialidade entre fundamento e abismo, tema presente na questão geral do conflito (...)
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  9. El otro lado del túnel : la investigación de las experiencias cercanas a la muerte.Héctor Fabio Ramos - 2014 - In Díaz Cárdenas & J. Gloria (eds.), El problema de la muerte: perspectivas de estudio. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia: Uniminuto, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios.
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    The Fatalistic Decision Maker: Time Perspective, Working Memory, and Older Adults’ Decision-Making Competence.Michael Rönnlund, Fabio Del Missier, Timo Mäntylä & Maria Grazia Carelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:475244.
    Prior research indicates that time perspective (TP; views of past, present and future) is related to decision making style. By contrast, no prior study considered relations between time perspective and decision-making competence. We therefore investigated associations between dimensions of the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI) and performance on the Adult Decision-Making Competence (A-DMC) battery in a sample of older adults (60-90 years, N = 346). A structural equation model involving four A-DMC components as indicators of a general DMC factor (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Informed Consent and Minors in a Multicultural Society.Mirko Daniel Garasic & Fabio Macioce - 2022 - In Joseph Tham, Alberto García Gómez & Mirko Daniel Garasic (eds.), Cross-cultural and religious critiques of informed consent. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Genetic Factors.Paola Russo, Fabio Lauria & Alfonso Siani - 2011 - In Luis A. Moreno, Iris Pigeot & Wolfgang Ahrens (eds.), Epidemiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Prevalence and Etiology. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 239--252.
  13. Registro sintético de uma vida: entrevista com Fábio Alves dos Santos (Synthetic record of a life - Interview with Fabio Alves dos Santos).Fábio Alves dos Santos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1637-1649.
    Fábio Alves dos Santos (1954-2013) cursou Pedagogia, Ciências Sociais e Teologia, era Especialista em Filosofia da Religião (PUC Minas), Advogado (PUC Minas) e Mestre em Direito Constitucional (UFMG). Lecionou na PUC Minas como professor de Cultura Religiosa e depois como professor no Curso de Direito, atuando principalmente no Serviço de Assistência Judiciária – SAJ, especialmente cuidado de causas populares como as da ASMARE (Associação dos Catadores de Papel, Papelão e Material Reaproveitável de Belo Horizonte), da Pastoral de Rua, da Pastoral (...)
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    Partisanship and political liberalism in diverse societies.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):256-259.
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    Beyond fluid intelligence and personality traits in social support: the role of ability based emotional intelligence.Annamaria Di Fabio - forthcoming - Frontiers in Psychology.
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  16. Chapter Seven Medieval Settlements and Landscapes in Northern Italy: Methods, Strategies and Problems Fabio Saggiore.Fabio Saggiore - 2007 - In Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven (eds.), Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 132.
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    Agents of Popular Sovereignty.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (3):338-362.
    Popular sovereignty requires that citizens perceive themselves as being able to act and implement decisions, and that they are de facto causally connected to mechanisms of decision making. I argue that the two most common understandings of the exercise of popular sovereignty—which center on direct decision making by the people as a whole and the indirect exercise of democratic agency by elected representatives, respectively—are inadequate in this respect, and go on to suggest a complementary account that stresses the central role (...)
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    The Effectiveness of a New School-Based Media Literacy Intervention on Adolescents’ Doping Attitudes and Supplements Use.Fabio Lucidi, Luca Mallia, Fabio Alivernini, Andrea Chirico, Sara Manganelli, Federica Galli, Valeria Biasi & Arnaldo Zelli - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a media literacy intervention targeting, for the first time, the specific topic of Performance and Appearance Enhancing Substances use in high-school students. Overall, 389 students aged between 13 and 19 years participated to a media literacy intervention while 103 students aged between 14 and 19 year were considered as the control group. In two separate occasions over the course of six consecutive months, students in both groups filled out a (...)
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    Revisiting the constructivist turn in political representation.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):277-287.
    In recent times, representation theory has become one of the most productive and interesting sub-fields in democratic theory. Arguably, the most important theoretical innovation are the so-called ‘constructivist’ approaches to political representation. These approaches play a central role in Creating Political Presence: The New Politics of Democratic Representation and The Constructivist Turn in Political Representation, two impressive volumes that take stock of the state of the art in representation theory. I discuss the two volumes by focusing on three broader and (...)
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    Using a Transdisciplinary Interpretive Lens to Broaden Reflections on Alleviating Poverty and Promoting Decent Work.Annamaria Di Fabio & Jacobus G. Maree - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  21. Race, again: how face recognition technology reinforces racial discrimination.Fabio Bacchini & Ludovica Lorusso - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (3):321-335.
    Purpose This study aims to explore whether face recognition technology – as it is intensely used by state and local police departments and law enforcement agencies – is racism free or, on the contrary, is affected by racial biases and/or racist prejudices, thus reinforcing overall racial discrimination. Design/methodology/approach The study investigates the causal pathways through which face recognition technology may reinforce the racial disproportion in enforcement; it also inquires whether it further discriminates black people by making them experience more racial (...)
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  22.  27
    Reconciling Omissions and Causalism.Fabio Bacchini - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (3):627-645.
    If causalism is a complete theory of what it is to behave intentionally, it also has to account for intentional omissions. Carolina Sartorio, 513–530, 2009) has developed a powerful argument, the Causal Exclusion for Omissions, showing that intentional omissions cannot be explained by causalism. A crucial claim in the argument is that there is a causal competition between a mental omission and the mental action performed instead. In this paper I reject the argument by demonstrating that there is no causal (...)
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  23.  10
    La moralità come prassi: carteggio Ludovico Geymonat - Antonio Giolitti, 1941-1965.Fabio Minazzi, Ludovico Geymonat & Antonio Giolitti (eds.) - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  24. Philosophy and theology in Giorgio gemisto pletone: Testimony of platonic codices.Fabio Pagani - 2008 - Rinascimento 48:3-45.
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  25. Medicus amicus: la filosofia al servizio della medicina.Fabio Stok - 2009 - Humana Mente 3 (9):77-85.
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  26.  41
    What is this thing called peace?Fabio Lampert - 2024 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 17:80-95.
    This article scrutinizes discourse surrounding the Russia-Ukraine war in Western nations, where, despite widespread support for Ukraine, a contingent advocates for peace by rejecting military aid. This “pacifist” stance gains traction through public demonstrations in European countries and political endorsement. However, by opposing military aid while advocating peace, these messages, while ostensibly altruistic, distort genuine efforts for establishing peace in Ukraine. The article argues that recent developments from the philosophy of language, combined with the realities of Russia’s invasion and main (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Origins and history of Darwinian medicine.Fabio Zampieri - 2009 - Humana. Mente 9:13-38.
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  28.  40
    Transnational partisan networks and constituent power in the EU.Fabio Wolkenstein - 2020 - Constellations 27 (1):127-142.
  29.  77
    Bogency and Goodacies: On Argument Quality in Virtue Argumentation Theory.Fabio Paglieri - 2015 - Informal Logic 35 (4):65-87.
    Virtue argumentation theory has been charged of being incomplete, given its alleged inability to account for argument cogency in virtue-theoretical terms. Instead of defending VAT against that challenge, I suggest it is misplaced, since it is based on a premise VAT does not endorse, and raises an issue that most versions of VAT need not consider problematic. This in turn allows distinguishing several varieties of VAT, and clarifying what really matters for them.
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  30. Quantum Causal Modelling.Fabio Costa & Sally Shrapnel - 2016 - New Journal of Physics 18 (6):063032.
    Causal modelling provides a powerful set of tools for identifying causal structure from observed correlations. It is well known that such techniques fail for quantum systems, unless one introduces 'spooky' hidden mechanisms. Whether one can produce a genuinely quantum framework in order to discover causal structure remains an open question. Here we introduce a new framework for quantum causal modelling that allows for the discovery of causal structure. We define quantum analogues for core features of classical causal modelling techniques, including (...)
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    Making «art» in Prehistory: signs and figures of metaphorical paleolithic man.Fabio Martini - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (1):41-52.
    We owe our first graphic experiences to Neanderthal Man, who introduced to the cultural baggage of the genus Homo two metaphorical behaviors that are fundamental in terms of their innovation: one concerns the preservation of the bodies of the dead through burial, the other is the making of signs, which in this stage of evolution do not yet represent recognizable subjects but only lines. This attests to the creation of a graphical tool that materializes and makes visible that which exists (...)
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    Transitioning culture from apparent death to reawakening: Alberto Asor Rosa’s political conceptions in the 1960s.Fabio Guidali - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (5):785-800.
    ABSTRACT The article deals with the early career of the literary critic Alberto Asor Rosa, one of the founders of the operaismo movement, a Marxist tendency advocating the management of factories by workers through bottom-up councils. It outlines the role he assigned to literature and culture, investigating his criticism first against the non-revolutionary cultural politics of the Italian Communist Party, notoriously through his book Scrittori e popolo and his writings for the periodical classe operaia, then identifying a transition from a (...)
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  33.  21
    A Filosofia Política e o Problema da Obediência.Fabio Barros Silva - 2016 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 25:62-82.
    Mediante análise da proposta curricular do Estado de Minas Gerais para o ensino de Filosofia e do pressuposto, sugerido por Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997), de que no coração da filosofia política reside o problema da obediência, o artigo discute de que modo a identificação e a formulação de um problema filosófico pode remeter professores e estudantes a outras questões, temas e conceitos filosóficos elaborados historicamente.
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    Prima e al di là dell'arte: origine dei segni e delle figurazioni nell'arte paleolitica.Fabio Martini - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (2):49-60.
    Figurative experience, as a codified system of images, emerges in Europe about 40.000 years ago. Together with the development of a figurative system, Homo sapiens acquired his modern cognitive architecture: an entirely articulated language, as well-developed as our current phonological system is, and others cognitive capacities such as basic drawing skills, self-consciousness and group cohesiveness. “Making sign”, as a complex nonverbal symbolism, is a crucial stage in human evolution: a stage of complex symbolism by means of a non-verbal language. Its (...)
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    Developing a New Instrument for Assessing Acceptance of Change.Annamaria Di Fabio & Alessio Gori - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Israeli Society for History and Philosophy of Science 14th Annual Conference.Fabio Ceravolo - 2014 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 5 (1):124-144.
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    The Riddle of the Pre-original.Fabio Ciaramelli - 2003 - In Claire Elise Katz & Lara Trout (eds.), Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--67.
  38. Agenda - 2000. W kręgu opinii Komisji Europejskiej o przyszłym rozszerzeniu Wspólnoty.Fabio Drago & Benon Gaziński - 1998 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 4.
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    Definitional constraints and experimental realities.Fabio Idrobo & David I. Mostofsky - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):588-588.
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  40. On the historical relations between physics and metaphysics in Pierre Duhem's work.Fábio Rodrigo Leite - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (2):305-331.
    No presente artigo, procuramos mostrar, por intermédio de numerosos exemplos, que a distinção lógica operada por Pierre Duhem entre a física e a metafísica não impossibilita que, do ponto de vista histórico, o autor reconheça a existência de um entrosamento profícuo a cingir as duas áreas do saber. Distinguimos três níveis possíveis de interação entre a física e a metafísica, porque acreditamos que ele aceita (a) que o físico trabalha constantemente movido por ambições metafísicas não autorizadas pela rigorosa lógica, (b) (...)
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    Democracia e esportes em Atenas.Fábio de Souza Lessa - 2008 - Synthesis (la Plata) 15:59-75.
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  42. Individual Liberty and Self-determination.Fabio Macioce - 2011 - Libertarian Papers 3.
    In this essay I will try to demonstrate that the principle of self-determination is based on a formal and individualistic view of liberty rights. I also propose a different perspective that takes into account the relationships rather than the individual. I will show how this result can only be achieved through a different ascription of rights to individuals: in particular, I will try to demonstrate 1) that any social practices express specific values, 2) that these values are the result of (...)
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  43.  22
    Intra-Individual Variability of Error Awareness and Post-error Slowing in Three Different Age-Groups.Fabio Masina, Elisa Di Rosa & Daniela Mapelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    My Lots are in Thy Hands: Sortilege and its Practitioners in Late Antiquity.Fabio Spadini - 2019 - Kernos 32:366-369.
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  45. Responsibility gaps and the reactive attitudes.Fabio Tollon - 2022 - AI and Ethics 1 (1).
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are ubiquitous. From social media timelines, video recommendations on YouTube, and the kinds of adverts we see online, AI, in a very real sense, filters the world we see. More than that, AI is being embedded in agent-like systems, which might prompt certain reactions from users. Specifically, we might find ourselves feeling frustrated if these systems do not meet our expectations. In normal situations, this might be fine, but with the ever increasing sophistication of AI-systems, this (...)
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  46.  12
    Science Education and Culture: The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science.Fabio Bevilacqua, Enrico Giannetto & Michael R. Matthews - 2001 - Springer.
    This anthology contains selected papers from the 'Science as Culture' conference held at Lake Como, and Pavia University Italy, 15-19 September 1999. The conference, attended by about 220 individuals from thirty countries, was a joint venture of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group (its fifth conference) and the History of Physics and Physics Teaching Division of the European Physical Society (its eighth conference). The magnificient Villa Olmo, on the lakeshore, provided a memorable location for the presentors of the (...)
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  47. Analogical Arguments in Ethics and Law: A Defence of Deductivism.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2013 - Informal Logic 33 (3):406-437.
    The paper provides a qualified defence of Bruce Waller’s deductivist schema for a priori analogical arguments in ethics and law. One crucial qualification is that the schema represents analogical arguments as complexes composed of one deductive inference but also of one non-deductive subargument. Another important qualification is that the schema is informed by normative assumptions regarding the conditions that an analogical argument must satisfy in order for it to count as an optimal instance of its kind. Waller’s schema is defended (...)
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    Existence and Machine: The German Philosophy in the Age of Machines.Fabio Grigenti - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The aim of this work is to provide a preliminary analysis of a much more far-reaching investigation into the relationship between technology and philosophy. In the context of the contemporary German thought, the author compares the different positions of Karl Marx, Martin Heidegger, Ernst and Friedrich Jünger, Arnold Gehlen and Gunther Anders. The term “machine” is used precisely to mean that complex material device assembled in the last quarter of the 18th century as a result of the definitive modern refinement (...)
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    Finitely generated free Heyting algebras.Fabio Bellissima - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):152-165.
    The aim of this paper is to give, using the Kripke semantics for intuitionism, a representation of finitely generated free Heyting algebras. By means of the representation we determine in a constructive way some set of "special elements" of such algebras. Furthermore, we show that many algebraic properties which are satisfied by the free algebra on one generator are not satisfied by free algebras on more than one generator.
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    Collective liberation and its end.Fabio Lanza - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1462-1468.
    This review of Salar Mohandesi's Red Internationalism focuses on the author's contribution to our understanding of a movement of transnational solidarity in the 1960s under the framework of anti-imperialist internationalism as well as of its collapse in the 1970s and of the emergence of the discourse of “human rights.” This was not a case of an evolutionary transformation, with anti-imperialist discourse slowly morphing into human rights, but one of “displacement.” Anti-imperialism entered into a crisis in the early 1970s, and that (...)
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