Results for 'Felix J. Meister'

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  1.  22
    The Effect of Prominence and Cue Association on Retrieval Processes: A Computational Account.Felix Engelmann, Lena A. Jӓger & Shravan Vasishth - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (12):e12800.
    We present a comprehensive empirical evaluation of the ACT‐R–based model of sentence processing developed by Lewis and Vasishth (2005) (LV05). The predictions of the model are compared with the results of a recent meta‐analysis of published reading studies on retrieval interference in reflexive‐/reciprocal‐antecedent and subject–verb dependencies (Jäger, Engelmann, & Vasishth, 2017). The comparison shows that the model has only partial success in explaining the data; and we propose that its prediction space is restricted by oversimplifying assumptions. We then implement a (...)
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  2. Eucariosis y neolítico.Félix J. Fuertes - 2000 - Ludus Vitalis 8 (13):213-219.
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    Population structure increases the evolvability of genetic algorithms.Felix J. H. Hol, Xin Wang & Juan E. Keymer - 2012 - Complexity 17 (5):58-64.
  4.  24
    Estonian General Reader.E. H. S. & Felix J. Oinas - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):207.
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    The effect of personal values on perception: an experimental critique.George S. Klein, Herbert J. Schlesinger & David E. Meister - 1951 - Psychological Review 58 (2):96-112.
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  6. Felix Gotthelf zum Gedächtnis.Richard Meister - 1931 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:371-374.
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  7. Het boek van de goddelijke troost.Meister Eckhart, Jan Calis, Bruno Nagel, Theo van Velthoven & J. Hoenen - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (2):370-371.
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  8. Debating Christian Theism.J. P. Moreland, K. A. Sweis & Ch V. Meister (eds.) - 2013 - Oxford Univ. Press.
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    Moral dynamics: Grounding moral judgment in intuitive physics and intuitive psychology.Felix A. Sosa, Tomer Ullman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Samuel J. Gershman & Tobias Gerstenberg - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104890.
  10.  97
    Competencies in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis from the Capabilities Approach.J. Felix Lozano, Alejandra Boni, Jordi Peris & Andrés Hueso - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (1):132-147.
    With the creation of the European Higher Education Area, universities are undergoing a significant transformation that is leading towards a new teaching and learning paradigm. The competencies approach has a key role in this process. But we believe that the competence approach has a number of limitations and weaknesses that can be overcome and supplanted by the capabilities approach. In this article our objective is twofold: first, make a critical analysis of the concept of competence as it is being used (...)
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  11.  20
    Soft Subversions: Texts and Interviews 1977--1985.Félix Guattari & Charles J. Stivale - 2009 - Semiotext(E).
    A new, expanded, and reorganized edition of a collection of texts that present a fuller scope to Guattari's thinking from 1977 to 1985. This new edition of Soft Subversions expands, reorganizes, and develops the original 1996 publication, offering a carefully organized arrangement of essays, interviews, and short texts that present a fuller scope to Guattari's thinking from 1977 to 1985. This period encompasses what Guattari himself called the “Winter Years” of the early 1980s—the ascent of the Right, the spread of (...)
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  12.  44
    The use of moral dilemmas for teaching agricultural engineers.J. Félix Lozano, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Vicent Gozálvez & Alejandra Boni - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):327-334.
    Agricultural engineers’ jobs are especially related to sustainability and earth life issues. They usually work with plants or animals, and the aim of their work is often linked to producing food to allow people to improve their quality of life. Taking into account this dual function, the moral requirements of their day-to-day professional practice are arguably greater than those of other professions.Agricultural engineers can develop their ability to live up to this professional responsibility by receiving ethical training during their university (...)
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  13.  5
    Blending simulation and abstraction for physical reasoning.Felix A. Sosa, Samuel J. Gershman & Tomer D. Ullman - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105995.
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    Developing an ethical code for engineers: The discursive approach.J. Félix Lozano Aguilar - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):245-256.
    From the Hippocratic Oath on, deontological codes and other professional self-regulation mechanisms have been used to legitimize and identify professional groups. New technological challenges and, above all, changes in the socioeconomic environment require adaptable codes which can respond to new demands.We assume that ethical codes for professionals should not simply focus on regulative functions, but must also consider ideological and educative functions. Any adaptations should take into account both contents (values, norms and recommendations) and the drafting process itself.In this article (...)
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  15.  12
    Ética empresarial republicana. La aportación de la ética del diálogo de la escuela de Erlangen.J. Félix Lozano Aguilar - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 3 (3):111-124.
    El presente artículo pretende acercarse a la propuesta de una concepción republicana de la ética empresarial realizada por la Escuela de Erlangen que se ha convertido en una referencia ineludible a nivel europeo. Esta propuesta, fundamentada en el constructivismo de la Escuela de Erlangen y la ética del discurso de la Escuela de Frankfurt, empezó a fraguarse a finales de los años ochenta en Alemania y define a la empresa como una institución con responsabilidades y deberes públicos. Con este artículo (...)
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  16.  17
    Augustine and Liberal Education.Felix B. Asiedu, Debra Romanick Baldwin, Phillip Cary, Mark J. Doorley, Daniel Doyle, Marylu Hill, John Immerwahr, Richard M. Jacobs, Thomas F. Martin, Andrew R. Murphy & Thomas W. Smith - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    This book applies Augustine's thought to current questions of teaching and learning. The essays are written in an accessible style and is not intended just for experts on Augustine or church history.
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  17. At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity, de Stuart Kauffman.J. Félix Costa - 1996 - Disputatio:44-47.
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  18.  15
    Religio-cultural heritage of libation, memory and Obang cultural history, Northwest Cameroon.Felix K. Esoh & Chammah J. Kaunda - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):1-8.
    This article argues that libation, often associated with the ancestors, artefacts, images and pre-Christian religious devotions, constitutes sources for articulating authentic African cultural history of Obang community in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. It highlights that among traditional memory carriers, the ritual of libation remains trust worthy and pervasive, even among communities challenged by globalisation and colonising effects of Christianity. The article demonstrates the immense potentials of libation as an epitome and stabiliser of cultural memory, and a maxim in cultural (...)
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  19.  74
    Interracial Justice.W. J. Felix - 1937 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 12 (3):510-511.
  20.  33
    El espacio y el tiempo en la Teoría de la Filosofía Natural de Roger Boscovich.J. Félix Fuertes & José López - 1997 - Arbor 156 (616):57-76.
    A caballo entre dos grandes gigantes, Newton y Leibniz, el jesuita Roger Boscovich desarrolla en su obra principal, Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis, una cosmovisión de considerable interés que, sin embargo, no es muy conocida. Particularmente, su concepción del espacio y el tiempo, que ofrece similitudes con el planteamiento einsteniano y las modernas teorías espacio-temporales.
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  21. El mito de Prometo: Version adolescente de la termofísica.: Version adolescente de la termofísica.J. Félix Fuertes - 2001 - Ludus Vitalis 9 (16):181-196.
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  22.  29
    The Composition and Structure of Machiavelli's DiscorsiThe Discourses of Niccolo Machiavelli.Felix Gilbert & Leslie J. Walker - 1953 - Journal of the History of Ideas 14 (1):136.
  23.  28
    Lecturas críticas de las nuevas propuestas de economía alternativa: ¿Qué hay de nuevo en lo nuevo?J. Félix Lozano, Emmanuel Raufflet & Elsa González Esteban - 2018 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 23:9-18.
    El cuestionamiento del sistema capitalista de mercado tiene una larga trayectoria, pero en las últimas décadas se han incrementado las propuestas que pretenden ofrecer alternativas a un sistema de mercado que favorece a los más aventajados e incrementa la desigualdad (Piketty 2014; Stiglitz 2013). Estas propuestas han surgido desde la experiencia de que el modelo actual dominante de capitalismo consumista es insostenible medioambientalmente e injusto socialmente.
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. Lust, G. A. te Stroete, J. -M. Tison, W. Beuken, W. G. Tillmans, Jos Vercruysse, P. Fransen, R. G. W. Huysmans, C. Traets, Felix Malmberg, P. Smulders, Frank de Graeve, E. de Strycker, Raymond Hostie, H. P. M. Goddijn & G. te Stroete - 1975 - Bijdragen 36 (2):207-229.
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    Trail Pheromone Does Not Modulate Subjective Reward Evaluation in Lasius niger Ants.Felix B. Oberhauser, Stephanie Wendt & Tomer J. Czaczkes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Costly third-party punishment in young children.Katherine McAuliffe, Jillian J. Jordan & Felix Warneken - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):1-10.
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  27.  85
    What Is Philosophy?The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque.John J. Stuhr, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Hugh Tomlinson, Graham Burchell & Tom Conley - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (2):181.
  28.  43
    The social shaping of technology and work: Human centred CIM systems. [REVIEW]Felix Rauner, Lauge Rasmussen & J. Martin Corbett - 1988 - AI and Society 2 (1):47-61.
    This paper decribes the theoretical and methodological issues involved in the social shaping of technology and work, with particular reference to human centred computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems. Conventional approaches to the understanding and shaping of the relationship between technology, work and human development are criticised, and an alternative, human centred approach is outlined. The methods and processes whereby the design of human centred CIM systems may be shaped and evaluated are then described and appraised.
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  29.  46
    The impact of the multinational in the development: An ethical challenge. [REVIEW]J. Félix Lozano & Alejandra Boni - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):169 - 178.
    Multinational enterprises have continued their increase during the last decades. What these companies do and how they do, determines not only the economic development of countries, but also their social and cultural development. This enormous power implies responsibility and new challenges.If we also take into account the role of multinational enterprises in what has been called sustainable development, we see that their importance is still more decisive.
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  30.  70
    Cultural Diversity in Business: A Critical Reflection on the Ideology of Tolerance.Teresa Escrich & J. Félix Lozano - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (4):679-696.
    Cultural diversity is an increasingly important phenomenon that affects not only social and political harmony but also the cohesion and efficiency of organisations. The problems that firms have with regard to managing cultural diversity have been abundantly studied in recent decades from the perspectives of management theory and moral philosophy, but there are still open questions that require deeper reflection and broader empirical analysis. Managing cultural diversity in organisations is of prime importance because it involves harmonising different values, beliefs, credos (...)
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  31.  37
    The spanish code for good corporate governance (olivencia report): An ethical analysis. [REVIEW]J. Félix Lozano - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):175 - 180.
    The aim of this article is to analyse the Report on good corporate governance (Olivencia Report) from an ethical point of view. This report was drawn up by a group of experts at the request of the National Commission of the Spanish Stock Exchange Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores), in winter 1998, and began to be implemented over late 1998.This paper is the result of several sessions of discussions with businessmen and managers about the role that can be (...)
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  32.  39
    The transformation by dialogue of managers' code of conduct: The davos manifesto 27 years on. [REVIEW]J. Félix Lozano - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (3-4):269 - 277.
    At the World Economic Forum meeting in year 2000 in Davos the economic challenges for the next millennium were presented and analysed. The role of the Internet and communications in the development of the global economy were the central theme of the meeting and the evident inefficiency of traditional control mechanisms was highlighted. This situation implies greater responsibility for management for two fundamental reasons: first because management are ultimately responsible for the fortunes of their organizations, and second because they have (...)
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  33.  72
    Realism, the War in the Ukraine, and the Limits of Diplomacy.Felix Rösch - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):201-218.
    Since the outbreak of the war in the Ukraine, realism has made a comeback in public discourses but it is not clear what realism actually means as it seems to stand for everything: from supporting the Ukraine against Russian aggression to the war is the West’s fault. This is the result of decades of not distinguishing between neorealism and classical realism and implicitly acknowledging neorealist storytelling of having systematized classical realist thought. The present paper is a further intervention to carefully (...)
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    Daniel A. Barber. Modern Architecture and Climate: Design before Air Conditioning. 336 pp., illus., notes, bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2020. $60 (cloth); ISBN 9780691170039. E-book available. [REVIEW]Anna-Maria Meister - 2022 - Isis 113 (1):204-205.
  35. Cognitive Predictors of Word and Pseudoword Reading in Spanish First-Grade Children.María J. González-Valenzuela, Félix Díaz-Giráldez & María D. López-Montiel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  36.  30
    The use of moral dilemmas for teaching agricultural engineers.Dr J. Félix Lozano, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Vicent Gozálvez & Alejandra Boni - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):327-334.
    Agricultural engineers’ jobs are especially related to sustainability and earth life issues. They usually work with plants or animals, and the aim of their work is often linked to producing food to allow people to improve their quality of life. Taking into account this dual function, the moral requirements of their day-to-day professional practice are arguably greater than those of other professions.Agricultural engineers can develop their ability to live up to this professional responsibility by receiving ethical training during their university (...)
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  37.  32
    Do Auditors Reflect the True Image of the Company Contrary to the Clients’ Interests? An Artificial Intelligence Approach.Agustín J. Sánchez-Medina, Félix Blázquez-Santana & Jesús B. Alonso - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (2):529-545.
    In recent years, after various scandals, the role of auditors has been called into question, even casting doubt on whether their reports reliably reflect the true financial situation of the auditee, especially when this situation is not good. Normative changes in the way auditors have to rate certain questions provide a good opportunity to study this problem. These changes have acquired great relevance among the factors involved in studying audit quality. Thus, the present study analyzed the effect of the normative (...)
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  38.  9
    “I think all of us should have […] much better training in ethics.” Ethical challenges in policy making during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from an interview study with Swiss policy makers and scientists.Caroline Brall, Felix Gille, Caroline Schlaufer, Rouven Porz & Ralf J. Jox - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background The COVID-19 pandemic posed many unprecedented challenges to health care systems and public health efforts worldwide. Policy making and science were deeply intertwined, in particular with regard to the justification of health policy measures. In this context, ethical considerations were often at the core of decision-making trade-offs. However, not much is known about the actual ethical challenges encountered by policy makers and scientists involved in policy advice. With this study, we therefore aim to explore the ethical challenges during COVID-19-related (...)
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  39.  27
    Experimental Verification of Optimized Multiscroll Chaotic Oscillators Based on Irregular Saturated Functions.J. M. Muñoz-Pacheco, D. K. Guevara-Flores, O. G. Félix-Beltrán, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, J. E. Barradas-Guevara & C. K. Volos - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
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  40.  33
    M. J. Saltykow-Stschedrin und die russische Judenfrage.Felix Philipp Ingold - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 30 (4):328-336.
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    The Human Condition of Politics: Considering the Legacy of Hans J. Morgenthau for International Relations.Felix Rösch - 2013 - Journal of International Political Theory 9 (1):1-21.
    Classical realism and Morgenthau in particular have recently experienced a revived interest in International Relations (IR). The evolving debate has helped to contextualise and reconstruct Morgenthau's thought which until now had been misrepresented in structural realist and early poststructuralist interpretations. However, despite all of its achievements, we have yet to draw more attention to Morgenthau's contribution to contemporary IR theory. To contribute to the closing of this research gap this article considers a set of questions which Morgenthau himself asked at (...)
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  42.  42
    Concrete Rules and Abstract Machines.Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari & Charles J. Stivale - 1984 - Substance 13 (3/4):7.
  43. Physical Oracles: The Turing Machine and the Wheatstone Bridge.Edwin J. Beggs, José Félix Costa & John V. Tucker - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (1-2):279-300.
    Earlier, we have studied computations possible by physical systems and by algorithms combined with physical systems. In particular, we have analysed the idea of using an experiment as an oracle to an abstract computational device, such as the Turing machine. The theory of composite machines of this kind can be used to understand (a) a Turing machine receiving extra computational power from a physical process, or (b) an experimenter modelled as a Turing machine performing a test of a known physical (...)
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  44.  37
    Colonialism and the Repression of Nairobi African Women Street Traders in the 1940s.Pamela Olivia Ngesa, Felix Kiruthu & Mildred J. Ndeda - 2022 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 8 (1):95-123.
    By the 1940s, the Municipal Council of Nairobi had enacted a host of By-Laws to control the presence of Africans, especially women, and had set up several agencies to implement them. Consequently, women street vendors were not only denied access to legal trade, but remained unwanted in the town except under very special circumstances. Nonetheless, pushed by their adversity, a number of them resorted to illegal hawking and demonstrated their resilience against the odds. However, as the hawkers’ earnings subsidised the (...)
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  45. La razón vital en J. Ortega y Gasset.Felix Alluntis - 1983 - Pensamiento 39 (156):421.
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  46. Cappelletti, A.J.: La filosofía de Anaxágoras.Félix Moriyón - 1985 - Diálogo Filosófico 3:418-419.
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  47. Toynbee, Arnold J.La civilización puesta a prueba. Buenos Aires, 1949. Emecé. 317 pág.Félix Schwartzmann - 2017 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 1 (3):369-374.
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  48.  48
    Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths: Vatican Ii and its Impact.Michael Amaladoss S. J., Roberto Catalano, Francis X. Clooney S. J., Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, Richard Girardin, Roger Haight S. J., Sallie B. King, Vladimir Latinovic, Leo D. Lefebure, Archbishop Felix Machado, Gerard Mannion, Alexander E. Massad, Sandra Mazzolini, Dawn M. Nothwehr O. S. F., John T. Pawlikowski O. S. M., Peter C. Phan, Jonathan Ray, William Skudlarek O. S. B., Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, Jason Welle O. F. M. & Taraneh R. Wilkinson (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book assesses how Vatican II opened up the Catholic Church to encounter, dialogue, and engagement with other world religions. Opening with a contribution from the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, it next explores the impact, relevance, and promise of the Declaration Nostra Aetate before turning to consider how Vatican II in general has influenced interfaith dialogue and the intellectual and comparative study of world religions in the postconciliar decades, as well as the contribution (...)
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    Charisteria Orientalia praecipue ad Persiam pertinentia.M. J. Dresden, Felix Tauer, Věra Kubíčková, Ivan Hrbek & Vera Kubickova - 1958 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 78 (4):314.
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    Roger Boscovich.J. Félix Fuertes Martínez & José López García - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):687-701.
    Roger Boscovich, belonging to XVIII century, halfway from Newton to Faraday, is traditionally considered as a newtonian philosopher. Nevertheless, following Berkson’s suggestion, he could be a Field Theory forerunner. In this work, we will try to go on with the idea of this suggestion in order to show this possible Boscovich’s contribution.
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