Results for 'Filiz Kartal'

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  1. The Rights-Bearing Citizen as a Problematic Actor of Liberal Politics.Filiz Kartal - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 2:159-163.
    By the late twentieth century, the liberal definition of a citizen as an individual with equal rights under the protection of the law has failed to respond to the demands of the members of contemporary plural societies. The recent discussions in political philosophy between Kantian liberal approaches and their communitarian and republican critics are relevant to this challenge. These criticisms are, in one way or another, related to the main principles of Western liberal thought. The communitarians take a stand against (...)
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  2. Zambaklar Açarken.Nejat Saydam, Murat Köseoğlu, Kerime Nadir, Kartal Tibet, Filiz Akın & Aytaç Arman (eds.) - 2007 - Fanatik.
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    Zombių lavonų biopolitika: kolektyviškumas, užkratas, kitybė.Onur Kartal - 2023 - Problemos 104:104-118.
    Kadangi šiandieninė visuomenė yra laikoma kūnu, socialines problemas reikėtų apibrėžti atitinkamai kaip higienos ir švaros problemas. Šiuo atžvilgiu daugybė zombių lavonų vaizdavimo atvejų zombių filmografijoje gali būti suvokiami kaip konkretūs grėsmės bei ligos suvokimo pavyzdžiai. Šiame straipsnyje teigiama, kad zombių atvaizdai kine turi teigiamo potencialo žmonijos socialiniam gyvenimui, o šis potencialas apibūdinamas kaip nauja galimybė susidurti su absoliučia kitybe. Šiame kontekste nagrinėjami filmai „Po 28savaičių“ (angl. „28 Weeks Later“), „Pasaulinis karas Z“ (angl. „The World War Z“) bei „Naujoji karta Z“ (...)
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    Gezi Eylemcileri Arasındaki Y Kuşağının Din Algısı.Habib Celaleddin Kartal - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 12):145-145.
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    Ebu Mukbil Kemal'in "Dülgerin Kızı" Adlı Romanında Gayrimüslim Osmanlı Vatandaşl.Seda Gül Kartal - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):343-343.
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    İbnü’l-Arabî'nin İlimleri Sınıflandırması ve F'r'bî ile Bir Karşılaştırma.Abdullah Kartal - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):751-778.
    The notion of classifying sciences has a quite along past in the history of philosophy. The aim of this study is to set forth and analize Ibn al-ʿArabī’s classification of sciences at first, and then to make a comparison with al-Fārābī’s classification. Making such a comparison between Ibn al-ʿArabī, who is a unique representative of Islamic mystical thought, and al-Fārābī, who is a mighty representative of peripatetic Islamic philosophy, will conribute to seeing the epistemological views of sufism and classical Islamic (...)
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  7. Uluğ bir çınar İmâm Mâturîdî: uluslararası sempozyum tebliğler kitabı, 28-30 Nisan 2014, Eskişehir.Ahmet Kartal (ed.) - 2014 - Eskişehir: Eskişehir Valiliği.
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    XVIII Century Classical Turkish Literature: Mesnevi.Ahmet Kartal - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:211-234.
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    Heidegger and the possibilities of ‘authenticity’ in sports participation.Neslihan Filiz - 2025 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (5):511-526.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibility of ‘authenticity’, in other words, ‘authentic being’ in sports, based on the ideas in Heidegger’s Being and Time (Sein und Zeit). In order to do that, I firstly explain Dasein and its existentialia (which are significant for this paper: being-in-the-world, thrownness, understanding, attunement, and possibilities), the concept of ‘care’, and Heideggerian understanding of authenticity. Then, I examine the possibilities of authenticity in sports participation, and I look at some related studies (...)
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    Heidegger and the possibilities of ‘authenticity’ in sports participation.Neslihan Filiz - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (5):511-526.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibility of ‘authenticity’, in other words, ‘authentic being’ in sports, based on the ideas in Heidegger’s Being and Time (Sein und Zeit). In order to do that, I firstly explain Dasein and its existentialia (which are significant for this paper: being-in-the-world, thrownness, understanding, attunement, and possibilities), the concept of ‘care’, and Heideggerian understanding of authenticity. Then, I examine the possibilities of authenticity in sports participation, and I look at some related studies (...)
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    Death, 'Deathlessness' and Existenz in Karl Jaspers' Philosophy.Filiz Peach - 2008 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Karl Jaspers is one of the least understood and most neglected major philosophers of the twentieth century, and yet his ideas, particularly those concerned with death, have immense contemporary relevance. Filiz Peach provides a clear explanation of Jaspers' philosophy of existence, clarifying and reassessing the concept of death that is central to his thought. For Jaspers, a human being is not merely a physical entity but a being with a transcendent aspect and so, in some sense 'deathless'. Peach explores (...)
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    Marcuse, Capitalism, and the One-Dimensional Student.Filiz Oskay & W. Walker Ballard - 2025 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 44 (1):21-43.
    Drawing on critical theorist Herbert Marcuse’s analysis of modern technological society in his 1964 book, One-Dimensional Man, this article argues that the forces of one-dimensionality that characterize citizens under capitalism have necessarily found their way into schools, leading to what we see as an epidemic of the one-dimensional student. Where other scholars have focused on the impacts of capitalism on schooling and possible structural reform efforts through educational policy, this analysis takes seriously the role of the individual in overcoming an (...)
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    Phenomenology with Big-Hearted Reason.Kadir Filiz, Claude Romano & Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (1):183-200.
    In this interview, Claude Romano discusses his phenomenological project of the event in relation to hermeneutics, reason, realism, and some other fundamental problems of phenomenology. He explains common themes in his phenomenological project and elucidates why he considers it important to leave behind the transcendental perspective in phenomenology. He distinguishes his descriptive realism from other realist movements in contemporary French philosophy. The interview also questions the Eurocentric orientation of many phenomenological authors and considers the possibility of going beyond such assumptions (...)
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    Marcuse, Capitalism, and the One-Dimensional Student.Filiz Oskay & W. Walker Ballard - 2025 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 44 (1):21-43.
    Drawing on critical theorist Herbert Marcuse’s analysis of modern technological society in his 1964 book, _One-Dimensional Man_, this article argues that the forces of one-dimensionality that characterize citizens under capitalism have necessarily found their way into schools, leading to what we see as an epidemic of the one-dimensional student. Where other scholars have focused on the impacts of capitalism on schooling and possible structural reform efforts through educational policy, this analysis takes seriously the role of the individual in overcoming an (...)
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    Cautiously Engaging Stylized Facts: A Critical Lens on Educational Research and Policy.Filiz Oskay - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (1):192-197.
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    An Alternative Ontology in the International Relations Studies.Filiz Coban - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:101-108.
    Ontological issues are crucial and remarkable for International Relations scholars due to answering main questions of the dicipline as ‘what we observe in world politics’, ‘what’s going on’, ‘how states define who they are’ and ‘how states treat each other in interaction in terms of power and interests’. After Cold War debate on the end of the ideological clashes and the rise of the ‘clash of civilization’ have been begun and all the massacres that have taken place in recent years, (...)
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    A Study On The Relation Between Parents’ General Ideas About Children Books And Children’s Perceptive Language Development Level.Erbay Filiz - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1063-1073.
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    Öğretmenlerin Sınıf Yönetimi Yeterlikleri, Öğretmenlik Mesleğine Yönelik Tutumla.Filiz ÇETİN - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):791-791.
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    Event and Subjectivity: The Question of Phenomenology in Claude Romano and Jean-Luc Marion.Kadir Filiz - 2023 - Boston, Massachusetts: BRILL.
    This book explores the phenomenological meaning of the event and its paradigmatic role in contemporary phenomenology by focussing on the work of Claude Romano and Jean-Luc Marion.
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    Jens Kreinath (Hg.): The Anthropology of Islam Reader, London/New York: Routledge 2012, 420 S.Esther Voswinckel Filiz - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 65 (1):79-81.
  21.  12
    (1 other version)Ehl-i Beyt ve Kerbel' Hadisesi Merkezli Bir Mecmua: Ravzatü'l-Eş'r.Filiz Kalyon - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1437-1437.
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    Nedim'in Bir Gazelinin Otobiyografik Yöntemle İncelenmesi.Filiz Kalyon - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):1093-1093.
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    Nesîmî'nin Divanında ve Diğer Kaynaklarda Rastlanmayan Şiirleri.Filiz Kalyon - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):783-783.
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    Ethical disposition of accounting and business management students: A comparison of the us and turkey.Filiz Angay Kutluk & Ayten Ersoy - 2011 - Ethics 7 (1):61-83.
    Ethics education is important in the socialization of the accounting students into the profession and makes them aware of ethical dilemmas. There are several studies that evaluate the ethical development of accounting students or integrating ethics into the curriculum. This study examined the differences in the behavioral intent of accounting and business management students according to gender and ethical disposition. Behavioral intent is measured in both academic and business context by using the situations from the work of Coate and Frey (...)
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    Türkçe Kurallı Cümle Yapısının Graf Teori ile Gösterilmesi.Filiz Mete - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):953-953.
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    A General Overview Of The Transportation Polıcy Of The Turkish Republic In The Atatürk Era.Çolak Filiz - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    On Opium Poppy Breeding and Trade in Anatolia.Filiz Çolak - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1269-1280.
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    Trablusgarb ve Balkan Savaşları'nın Osma.Filiz Çolak - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):151-164.
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    Death, Faith and Existentialism.Filiz Peach - 2000 - Philosophy Now 27:12-14.
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    Interview with David Deutsch.Filiz Peach - 2000 - Philosophy Now 30:23-27.
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    Interview with Hans Saner.Filiz Peach - 2001 - Philosophy Now 32:18-19.
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    The 22nd World Congress of Philosophy.Filiz Peach - 2008 - Philosophy Now 70:37-37.
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    Fransızca Mütercim-Tercümanlık Anabilim Dalı Öğrencilerinin Bölümlerine İlişkin.Filiz Tokalak - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):2209-2209.
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    Common Difficulties Students Experience With Arithmetic Operations.Filiz Varol - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2067-2074.
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    15-16. Yüzyıllarda Tuna Havzasında Tuzlalar Ve Tuz Hukuku.Filiz Yildirim - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):1169-1169.
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    New Metaphysical Quests and Their Epistemological Reflections in Biology.Esra Kartal Soysal - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:2):110-134.
    Bu makalede, öncelikle, “Darvinci evrim” ile başlayan, “modern sentez” (genetik) ile zirvesine ulaşan, son otuz yıldır “genişletilmiş evrimsel sentez” (epigenetik) ile yenilenen modern biyolojinin yolculuğunun şey metafiziğinden ziyade süreç metafiziğinin kabullerini gerektirdiği ve metafizikteki bu değişimin epistemolojik kabulleri de etkilediği iddia edilecektir. İkinci olarak, genişletilmiş evrimsel sentezin gen anlayışına göre süreç metafiziğine dayalı bağıntısal bilgi kavramının daha yüksek bir çözüm değeri taşıyabileceği ortaya konacaktır. Son olarak, epistemolojideki bu değişimin pratik yansıma alanlarından biri olarak da öngörücü genetik analizlerin vermesi beklenen tavsiyenin (...)
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    Minimizing Questionable Research Practices – The Role of Norms, Counter Norms, and Micro-Organizational Ethics Discussion.Solmaz Filiz Karabag, Christian Berggren, Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz & Bengt Gerdin - 2025 - Journal of Academic Ethics 23 (1):113-139.
    Breaches of research integrity have gained considerable attention due to high-profile scandals involving questionable research practices by reputable scientists. These practices include plagiarism, manipulation of authorship, biased presentation of findings and misleading reports of significance. To combat such practices, policymakers tend to rely on top-down measures, mandatory ethics training and stricter regulation, despite limited evidence of their effectiveness. In this study, we investigate the occurrence and underlying factors of questionable research practices (QRPs) through an original survey of 3,005 social and (...)
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    Are Patients Aware of Their Rights? A Turkish study.Fehime Zülfikar & M. Filiz Ulusoy - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (6):487-498.
    The ability to differentiate between what is just and what is unjust may be considered as the precondition to demand one's own rights. Starting from this point, this research was carried out to describe the level of awareness of patients concerning their rights. The main hypothesis was: the higher the socioeconomic and cultural level of patients, the higher is their awareness of their rights. This research was conducted in one of the state hospitals in Turkey in 1998. It is a (...)
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    An Ethical Insight into Nursing Research in Turkey.M. Filiz Ulusoy & Hülya Uçar - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (4):285-295.
    Scientific and technological improvements are accomplished only because of much research. The increase in the number of research studies causes a rise in ethical problems. Nursing research is no exception to this. The aim of this study is to identify and analyse ethical problems in nursing studies. This research is descriptive and partly analytical. It is retrospective in the sense that 169 Master of Science and 66 doctoral theses written between 1972 and 1998 in the Department of Nursing, Institute of (...)
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    The Enlightenment and Gender.Filiz Bayoğlu Kına - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:4):118-136.
    Aydınlanma çoğu düşünürün eşitlik, özgürlük ve keyfi gücün kontrolü gibi ideallerle ilgilendikleri bir dönemdir. Bu düşünürler akıl sahibi ve ekonomik açıdan özgür “evrensel” bir insan öznesi yaratmaya çalıştılar. Bu çalışma günümüzde hâkim olan toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin ve kalıp yargıların köklerini tanımak adına, önemli bir geçiş dönemi olan Aydınlanma’nın cinsiyet anlayışının bir araştırmasını yapmayı amaçlamakta, bu ideallere ulaşıp ulaşamadığını sorgulamaktadır. Evrensel bir insan öznesinin kadınları kapsayıp kapsamadığını irdelemektedir. Çalışmada öncelikle Aydınlanmanın temel kavramsal çerçevesine yer verilmiş, daha sonra dönemin cinsiyetler arasındaki farklılıkları (...)
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    'Doğa Yasası Ahlaki Bir Yasadır': John Locke.Filiz Bayoğlu Kına - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:1):197-205.
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    Kahramanın Yolculuğu: Beyazperdede Çocukların Kahraman Olma Macerası.Filiz Erdemi̇r Göze - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):1793-1793.
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    Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler Perspektifinden Trips Anlaşması.Filiz Gi̇ray - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):543-543.
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    The Position of the Poets of Mec'lisü'n-Nef'yis in Social Life in Reference to Their Professions and Interests.Filiz Meltem Erdem Uçar - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1073-1094.
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    The Traces Of Old Turkish In Chagatai Turkish.Filiz Meltem Erdem Uçar - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1891-1898.
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    Who Do You Trust?William P. Smith & Filiz Tabak - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:33-37.
    The rapid diffusion of computers and information technology into organizational settings is bringing profound changes to employee-employer relationships.Managers and employees are faced with challenges of electronic monitoring of communications and collection and use of information about employees (Mello, 2003). This paper proposes to discuss several issues related to electronic workplace monitoring. Specifically, the purpose of this paper is to explore the interplay between privacy and ethical issues with processes related to the initiation and formation of trust between management and employees.
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    Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları: Kültürel Kimlikte Gelenek,Çeşitlilik ve Değişim.Filiz Yeni̇şehi̇rli̇oğlu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):1-1.
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    Evaluation of nursing students' training in medical law.Nevin Kuzu Kurban, Halide Savaş, Bengü Çetinkaya, Türkan Turan & Asiye Kartal - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):759-768.
    There is no co-ordinated focus on liabilities arising from nurses’ medical interventions in terms of occupational, administrative, civil legal and criminal activities. However, the Turkish Criminal Code, the Turkish Medical Ethics Code of Practice, and guidelines for patients’ rights offer some framework for the relevant ethical principles and responsibilities of nurses. The aim of this study was to investigate the evaluation of nursing students’ training in their legal liabilities. The sample consisted of 309 students who were taking a course entitled (...)
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  49. Demoethical Model of Sustainable Development of Society: A Roadmap towards Digital Transformation.Rinat A. Zhanbayev, Muhammad Irfan, Anna Shutaleva, Daniil Maksimov, Rimma Abdykadyrkyzy & Şahin Filiz - 2023 - Sustainability 15:12478.
    This study aims to explore a demoethical model for sustainable development in modern society. It proposes an approach that focuses on organizing activities to improve sustainable development. Specifically, it presents a demoethical model relevant to Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 organizations. The objective is to identify demoethical values that can drive sustainable development in the era of digitalization. Through a literature review and analysis, this study identifies key components of the demoethical model and provides practical recommendations for stakeholders involved in (...)
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    Developing Surveys on Questionable Research Practices: Four Challenging Design Problems.Christian Berggren, Bengt Gerdin & Solmaz Filiz Karabag - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-22.
    The exposure of scientific scandals and the increase of dubious research practices have generated a stream of studies on Questionable Research Practices (QRPs), such as failure to acknowledge co-authors, selective presentation of findings, or removal of data not supporting desired outcomes. In contrast to high-profile fraud cases, QRPs can be investigated using quantitative, survey-based methods. However, several design issues remain to be solved. This paper starts with a review of four problems in the QRP research: the problem of precision and (...)
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