Results for 'Frances Crabbe'

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  1.  29
    Sound-Induced Activity in Voice-Sensitive Cortex Predicts Voice Memory Ability.Rebecca Watson, Marianne Latinus, Patricia E. G. Bestelmeyer, Frances Crabbe & Pascal Belin - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    On nfu.Marcel Crabbé - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (1):112-119.
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  3. From soul to self.M. James C. Crabbe (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    From Soul to Self takes us on a fascinating journey through philosophy, theology, religious studies and physiological sciences. The contributors explore the relationship between a variety of ideas that have arisen in philosophy, religion and science, each idea seeking to explain why we think we are somehow unique and distinct.
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    The 3-Stratifiable Theorems of $\mathit{NFU} \infty$.Marcel Crabbé - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (2):174-182.
    It is shown that the 3-stratifiable sentences are equivalent in $\mathit{NFU}$ to truth-functional combinations of sentences about objects, sets of objects, sets of sets of objects, and sentences stating that there are at least $n$ urelements. This is then used to characterize the closed 3-stratifiable theorems of $\mathit{NFU}$ with an externally infinite number of urelements, as those that can be nearly proved in $\mathit{TTU}$ with an externally infinite number of urelements. As a byproduct we obtain a rather simple demonstration of (...)
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    Spranto lost.Chris Wallace-Crabbe - 2009 - Sophia 48 (4):467-468.
    Keywords Religious poem - Metaphysical poem.
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  6. Reassurance via translation.Marcel Crabbé - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 55 (218):281.
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  7. Reductive Physicalism and Phenomenal Properties: The Nature of the Problem.Brian Crabb - 2010 - Lambert Academic Publishers.
    This work examines and critically evaluates the proposal that phenomenal properties, or the subjective qualities of experience, present a formidable challenge for the mind-body identity theory. Physicalism per se is construed as being ontically committed only to phenomena which can be made epistemically and cognitively available in the third person; observed and understood from within an objective frame of reference. Further, the identity relation between the mental and the physical is taken to be strict identity; the mental phenomena in question (...)
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    Stratification and cut-elimination.Marcel Crabbé - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):213-226.
  9. (1 other version)IFrances M. Kamm.Frances M. Kamm - 2000 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 74 (1):21-39.
    In this article I am concerned with whether it could be morally significant to distinguish between doing something 'in order to bring about an effect' as opposed to 'doing something because we will bring about an effect'. For example, the Doctrine of Double Effect tells us that we should not act in order to bring about evil, but even if this is true is it perhaps permissible to act only because an evil will thus occur? I discuss these questions in (...)
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    La campagne électorale de mars 1961 : Avant-propos.Victor Crabbe - 1961 - Res Publica 3 (4):338-341.
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    Collection; Revue nouvelle; Congrès; Réimpressions souhaitées; Personalia; Décès.B. Crabbé-Danhier - 1986 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 28:191-197.
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    Collections; Revue; Personalia; Congrès; Réimpressions souhaitées; Décès; Commémoration.B. Crabbé-Danhier - 1987 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 29:233-246.
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    Avant-propos.Victor Crabbe - 1962 - Res Publica 4 (4):315-317.
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    Cuts and gluts.Marcel Crabbé - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (3):249-263.
    We characterize the notion of validity relatively to models, for comprehension axioms, containing gluts.
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    La propagande électorale.Victor Crabbe - 1966 - Res Publica 8 (1):12-23.
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  16.  13
    Implementing ecological integrity : restoring regional and global enivronmental and human health.A. Holland, P. Crabbe, L. Ryszkowski & L. Westra - unknown
  17.  56
    Active and passive scene recognition across views.Ranxiao Frances Wang & Daniel J. Simons - 1999 - Cognition 70 (2):191-210.
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    On the consistency of an impredicative subsystem of Quine's NF.Marcel Crabbé - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1):131-136.
  19. Metaphysics and Computational Cognitive Science: Let's Not Let the Tail Wag the Dog.Frances Egan - 2012 - Journal of Cognitive Science 13:39-49.
  20.  16
    Réimpressions souhaitées; Publications et fondations récentes; Liste des congrès intéressant l’histoire de la philosophie médiévale; Personalia.B. Crabbé-Danhier - 1984 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 26:165-175.
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  21. Review of "Scepticism Comes Alive".Bryan Frances - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (224):463-465.
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  22. Representationalism.Frances Egan - 2012 - In Eric Margolis, Richard Samuels & Stephen P. Stich, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press.
    Representationalism, in its most widely accepted form, is the view that the human mind is an information-using system, and that human cognitive capacities are to be understood as representational capacities. This chapter distinguishes several distinct theses that go by the name "representationalism," focusing on the view that is most prevalent in cogntive science. It also discusses some objections to the view and attempts to clarify the role that representational content plays in cognitive models that make use of the notion of (...)
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  23.  13
    The relationship between cognitive and somatic measures in the assessment of anxiety.Michael A. Crabbs & Gordon Hopper - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (4):218-220.
  24.  6
    Un essai d'interprétation des statistiques universitaires.Victor Crabbe - 1959 - Res Publica 1 (2):165-167.
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    Effective biblical counseling.Larry Crabb - 1977 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
    This book from award winning author Dr. Larry Crabb seeks to think through a model of counseling which can be integrated into the functioning of the local church. It contains a chart appendix.
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    Reassurance for the logic of paradox.Marcel Crabbé - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):479-485.
    Counterexamples to reassurance relative to a relation between models of the logic of paradox are provided. Another relation, designed to fix the problem in logic without equality, is introduced and discussed in connection with the issue of classical recapture.
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    Essays on Kant, Schelling, and German aesthetics.Henry Crabb Robinson - 2010 - London: Modern Humanities Research Association. Edited by James Vigus.
    It is usually assumed that the only British Romantic writer who engaged meaningfully with German philosophy was S. T. Coleridge. This edition disproves that assumption.
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    1 Frances Kamm.Frances Kamm - unknown
    In The Gay Science, Friedrich Nietzsche argued that only a form of philosophizing that sprung from a deep commitment to the subject could ever hope for success. ‘All great problems,’ he wrote, ‘demand great love.’ He continued: It makes the most telling difference whether a thinker has a personal relationship to his problems and finds in them his destiny, his distress, and his greatest happiness, or an ‘impersonal’ one, meaning he is only able to touch them with the antennae of (...)
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  29.  42
    Identification of angry faces in the attentional blink.Frances A. Maratos, Karin Mogg & Brendan P. Bradley - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (7):1340-1352.
  30.  22
    Does Size Matter?Frances E. Bowen - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (1):118-124.
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  31.  67
    Diary of Frances Chesterton, 1904-1905.Frances Chesterton & Aidan Mackey - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (3):283-293.
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  32.  8
    On the Notion of SubstitutionPart of the material of this paper—mainly the proof of the completeness theorem—is already contained in [3].Marcel Crabbé - 2004 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 12 (2).
  33.  74
    Corporate Social Strategy: Competing Views from Two Theories of the Firm.Frances Bowen - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (1):97-113.
    This paper compares two theories of the firm used to interpret firms’ corporate social strategies in order to derive new insights and questions in this research area. Researchers from many branches of strategic management agree that firms can strategically allocate resources in order to achieve both long-term social objectives and competitive advantage. However, despite some progress in investigating corporate social strategy, studies rely on fundamentally diverging theoretical approaches. This paper will identify, compare and begin to integrate two competing theories of (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Function-Theoretic Explanation and the Search for Neural Mechanisms.Frances Egan - 2017 - In David Michael Kaplan, Explanation and Integration in Mind and Brain Science. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 145-163.
    A common kind of explanation in cognitive neuroscience might be called functiontheoretic: with some target cognitive capacity in view, the theorist hypothesizes that the system computes a well-defined function (in the mathematical sense) and explains how computing this function constitutes (in the system’s normal environment) the exercise of the cognitive capacity. Recently, proponents of the so-called ‘new mechanist’ approach in philosophy of science have argued that a model of a cognitive capacity is explanatory only to the extent that it reveals (...)
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    Experimental economics as a method for normative business ethics.Pedro Francés-Gómez, Lorenzo Sacconi & Marco Faillo - 2015 - Business Ethics 24 (supplement S1):41-53.
    We advance the thesis that the method of experimental economics can make significant contributions to normative, as opposed to descriptive, business ethics. We contend that there are two basic ways in which experimental economics may make this contribution, and we exemplify these ways by pointing to experimental support of social contract theory as rational foundation for business ethics. These two ways are: (1) adding psychological realism; and (2) testing some quasi-empirical assumptions present in normative theory. In order to make good (...)
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  36.  6
    François Chirpaz, chemins de philosophie.François Chirpaz - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Emmanuelle Bruyas.
    "Il convient plutôt de s'attacher à ce que signifie : être un homme". Ce mot de Kierkegaard peut servir de fil conducteur à ces entretiens attachés à restituer le chemin de pensée de François Chirpaz. Un itinéraire philosophique s'efforçant de comprendre ce vivant que nous sommes, à travers la tradition des philosophes, bien sûr, mais également l'oeuvre littéraire, la psychanalyse ou le texte biblique. Mais toujours en le rapportant à la question de la vie et de son destin.
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    François Dagognet: philosophe, épistémologue.François Dagognet, Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Jean-François Braunstein & Jean Gayon (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Éditions Matériologiques.
    François Dagognet (1924-2015) nous a laissé une oeuvre immense et foisonnante : près de soixante-dix ouvrages, sur les thèmes les plus divers, de l'épistémologie à l'art contemporain, de la politique au droit, de l'argent à la morale, de la peau au trouble, sans oublier le paysage, ou l'agronomie, les déchets ou les musées, parmi bien d'autres sujets. Sa curiosité universelle et inassouvie égalait, voire dépassait, celle de son maître Bachelard. Montrer comment Dagognet a illustré l'épistémologie "à la française", et l'a (...)
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  38.  11
    Spranto Lost.Chris Crabbe - 2009 - Sophia 48 (4):467-468.
    Keywords Religious poem - Metaphysical poem.
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  39.  41
    On the reduction of type theory.Marcel Crabbé - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (4):235-237.
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    Rosicrucian Enlightenment.Frances A. Yates - 1972 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  41. Bradley on Quine.B. G. Crabb - 1978 - Mind 87 (348):582-587.
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    Conclusions.Victor Crabbe - 1964 - Res Publica 6 (1):67-71.
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    Collections; Revues nouvelles; Congrès; Réimpressions souhaitées; Personalia; Décès.B. Crabbé-Danhier - 1985 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 27:164-170.
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    Le contrôle de l'entreprise publique en Belgique : Pages de documentation et d'histoire.Victor Crabbe - 1959 - Res Publica 1 (1):38-57.
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    Les groupes de pression : Avant-propos.Victor Crabbe - 1962 - Res Publica 4 (2):155-157.
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    lntroduction à l'histoire du droit de l'entreprise publique en Belgique.Victor Crabbe - 1964 - Res Publica 6 (2):125-144.
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    L'année politique en Belgique : 1er janvier au 30 avril 1963.Victor Crabbe - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (3):288-309.
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    Le sixième Congrès mondial de science politique : Les problèmes de la décentralisation en Belgique.Victor Crabbe - 1964 - Res Publica 6 (4):372-381.
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    Les traitements des ministres des cultes en Belgique.Victor Crabbe & Fernand Sonck - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (1):76-100.
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    (1 other version)Observations et questions.Victor Crabbe - 1962 - Res Publica 4 (3):271-274.
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