Results for 'Francisco Bozinovic'

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  1.  24
    Huddling behavior as critical phase transition triggered by low temperatures.Mauricio Canals & Francisco Bozinovic - 2011 - Complexity 17 (1):35-43.
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    Religión e historia en Kant.Francisco Javier Herrero - 1975 - [Madrid]: Gredos.
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    Fundação Eng. António de Almeida: um humanismo aberto à transcendência.Francisco Vieira Jordão - 1993 - Porto, Portugal: Fundação Eng. António de Almeida.
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    Why a Virtual Assistant for Moral Enhancement When We Could have a Socrates?Francisco Lara - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (4):1-27.
    Can Artificial Intelligence be more effective than human instruction for the moral enhancement of people? The author argues that it only would be if the use of this technology were aimed at increasing the individual's capacity to reflectively decide for themselves, rather than at directly influencing behaviour. To support this, it is shown how a disregard for personal autonomy, in particular, invalidates the main proposals for applying new technologies, both biomedical and AI-based, to moral enhancement. As an alternative to these (...)
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    Psychoanalyzing the Grasshopper: Society, Work and Repressed Play in Suits’ Riddle.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (2):251-265.
    In this article, I draw on psychoanalysis to provide a novel understanding of Suits’ theory of games by analyzing the riddle in the Grasshopper’s recurring dream, which Suits presents in his semina...
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  6. Phenomenology In Consciousness Research.Francisco Varela - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (4):330-349.
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    Segunda República Española en los libros de texto de bachillerato de Andalucía.Francisco Javier García Fernández - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:114-134.
    Con este trabajo, se pretende dar respuesta a la siguiente cuestión: ¿existen diferencias entre libros de texto indicados para un mismo nivel educativo y para un mismo contenido, siendo además utilizados en la misma Comunidad Autónoma y bajo una misma ley educativa? Para esto hemos realizado un análisis de carácter documental de tipo cuantitativo y otro de tipo cualitativo, a tres libros de texto de Historia de España, indicados para segundo de bachillerato en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, estando en (...)
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    El romanticismo filosófico.Francisco Larroyo - 1941 - [Mexico]: Ediciones Lógos de México.
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  9. Sur la comparaison internationale des « dépenses publiques » (notre comptabilité nationale induit-elle en erreur ?).Francisco Vergara - 2019 - Les Possibles 20 (Spring 2019):1-8.
    One of the most disputed questions among economists is that of "the role" and "size" that the public sector should have in a rich and developed country like France. -/- The importance of this question is understandable, because the history of nations is filled with examples of a sector (or a branch) of the economy becoming too large, or remaining too small, hampering growth or making the economy more vulnerable. A recent case is that of the "Financial Corporations Sector", which (...)
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    Origem, ascensão e queda da Sociedade Húngara de Psicanálise: uma retomada histórica/ Hungarian Psychoanalytical Society birth, rise and fall: an historical recaptured.Francisco Hashimoto & Marcos Mariani Casadore - 2014 - Natureza Humana 16 (2).
    No início do movimento psicanalítico, a Hungria foi um dos países pioneiros dentre os que acolheram e propagaram a psicanálise. Sándor Ferenczi, figura principal de desenvolvimento da psicanálise no país, abraçou a causa psicanalítica e se tornou um dos mais importantes teóricos de sua história. Responsável pela criação da Associação Psicanalítica Internacional, fundaria também a Sociedade Húngara de Psicanálise, instituição reconhecida pela originalidade de suas propostas. Além de Ferenczi, Melanie Klein, Michael e Alice Balint, Géza Roheim, dentre outros, foram seus (...)
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    A Structure Theorem for Free Temporal Algebras.Francisco M. García Olmedo & Antonio J. Rodríguez Salas - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):249-256.
    In this paper an algebraic version for temporal algebras of the logical filtrations for modal and temporal logics is analysed. A structure theorem for free temporal algebras and also some results with regard to the variety of temporal algebras are obtained.
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    El grado cero de la escucha. Elementos de una acústica materialista. Reseña de Filosofía y experimentación sonora - Gustavo Celedón.Francisco Vega Cornejo - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:413-417.
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    Naturaleza y gracia como problema histórico.Francisco Gil Delgado - forthcoming - Isidorianum:61-75.
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    La repercusión como fundamento de la actividad imaginaria según Paul Ricœur.Francisco Díez Fischer - 2014 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 17 (34):313-333.
    En el pensamiento de Paul Ricœur, la libertad se acompaña siempre de la imaginación. En este sentido, la imaginación es definida como la tarea de mediar entre las tensiones que el hombre vive como consecuencia de su inherente desproporción entre finito e infinito. Esta tarea se apoya sobre una característica del mundo que posibilita la operación de la imaginación. Ella implica una conexión pre-refl exiva entre la interioridad humana y el mundo de la vida. Se trata del fenómeno sonoro de (...)
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    Colloquium 5 Final Causality Without Teleology in Aristotle’s Ontology of Life.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2020 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 35 (1):133-172.
    The present paper has a negative aim and a positive aim, both limited in the present context to a sketch or outline. The negative aim, today less controversial, is to show that Aristotle’s theory of final causality has little or nothing to do with the teleology rejected by modern science and that, therefore, far from having been rendered obsolete, it has yet to be fully understood. This aim will be met through the identification and brief discussion of some key points (...)
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  16. La Lógica de las Ciencias. Tratamiento sistemático de la Lógica Simbólica.Francisco Larroyo - 1968 - Critica 2 (5):116-118.
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    Problema y problemas de la critica de la época.Francisco Larroyo - 1963 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 1:167-192.
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  18. Escepticismo y fideísmo en el giro del siglo XVII.Francisco Leocata - 2011 - Sapientia 67 (229):5-32.
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  19. Modernidad e Ilustración en Jürgen Habermas.Francisco Leocata - 2002 - Sapientia 57 (211):235-270.
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    Leopoldo Zea: una filosofía de la historia.Francisco Lizcano - 2004 - México D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Edited by Mario Magallón Anaya.
  21.  44
    Self-Determined Motivation and Competitive Anxiety in Athletes/Students: A Probabilistic Study Using Bayesian Networks.Francisco Javier Ponseti, Pedro L. Almeida, Joao Lameiras, Bruno Martins, Aurelio Olmedilla, Jeanette López-Walle, Orlando Reyes & Alexandre Garcia-Mas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This study attempts to analyse the relationship between two key psychological variables associated with performance in sports - Self-Determined Motivation and Competitive Anxiety - through Bayesian Networks analysis. We analysed 674 university students/athletes from 44 universities that competed at the University Games in México, with an average age of 21 years (SD = 2.07) and with a mean of 8.61 years’ (SD = 5.15) experience in sports. Methods: Regarding the data analysis, first a CHAID algorithm was carried out to determine (...)
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    De la bellesa.Francisco Mirabent - 1936 - Barcelona,: Institut d'estudis catalans.
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    San Agustín y Consencio.Francisco Moriones - 1980 - Augustinus 25 (97):29-50.
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    La Escuela de Frankfurt en clave descolonial.Francisco Manuel Abril - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 32:466-471.
    Reseña: Omar García Corona. Una crítica descolonial de la Escuela de Frankfurt. Buenos Aires, Poliedro – Editorial de la Universidad de San Isidro, 2021.
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    A Double Tragic Allusion in Ammianus Marcellinus 14.1.3.Francisco J. Alonso - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):889-897.
    This article identifies a double allusion to the tragic characters of Phaedra and Eriphyle in Amm. Marc. 14.1.3 and considers its possible meanings. In combination, these allusions evoke the double nature of the story of Eriphyle, therefore functioning as a reference to the double nature of Caesar Gallus’ depiction in Ammianus. The double allusion consequently forms part of Ammianus’ tragic style throughout Book 14. Having identified the presence of this double allusion, the article illuminates its possible meaning by connecting Ammianus’ (...)
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    (1 other version)“To be or not to be Retained … That’s the Question!” Retention, Self-esteem, Self-concept, Achievement Goals, and Grades.Francisco Peixoto, Vera Monteiro, Lourdes Mata, Cristina Sanches, Joana Pipa & Leandro S. Almeida - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  27. Una lectura habermasiana de la teoría moral de Hume.Francisco Javier Espinosa Antón - 2005 - In Gerardo López Sastre (ed.), David Hume: nuevas perspectivas sobre su obra. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
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    (1 other version)Normas y paradojas.Ausín Francisco José Díez - 1994 - Theoria 9 (1):225-228.
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    Evolution and religion in the light of teilhard's divine milieu.Francisco J. Ayala - 1968 - Zygon 3 (4):426-431.
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    El escritor en su siglo.Francisco Ayala - 1990 - Alianza Editorial Sa.
  31. Ensayo sobre las bases biológicas del comportamiento moral.Francisco J. Ayala - 2008 - Estudios Filosóficos 57 (165):225-246.
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  32. Escribir sin prisa.Francisco Ayala - 2017 - In Miguel Angel Muñoz (ed.), La vida constante: conversaciones en el tránsito del milenio. México, DF: Editorial Praxis.
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    La ciencia en el amanecer del milenio.Francisco J. Ayala & Tiffany Ayers - 2000 - Arbor 167 (657):31-55.
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    Colapso del estado, mutación social y multiplicación de ciudadanías.Francisco Delich - 1996 - [Buenos Aires]: Fundación Argentina y el Mundo.
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    La construction sociale de la mémoire et l'oubli.Francisco Delich - 2003 - Diogène 201 (1):69-81.
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  36. Volviendo al camino (conferencias radiotelefónicas sobre moralidad y buenas costumbres)..Francisco Mario Fasano - 1941 - Buenos Aires,: República argentina, Editorial "Emporio del libro americano,".
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    Normatividad en filosofía de la ciencia: el caso de la ciencia reguladora (Normativity in the philosophy of science: the case of regulatory science).Francisco Javier Rodríguez Alcázar - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 19 (2):173-190.
    Se discuten varias concepciones con respecto al carácter normativo de la filosofía de la ciencia. De entre éstas, se aboga por una forma de naturalismo comprometido con la necesidad de discutir los valores (epistémicos o no) de la ciencia. El ejemplo de la "ciencia reguladora" ilustra esa necesidad.
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    Relevancia y sentido de la historia de la filosofía.Francisco Abalo - 2020 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 3 (1):1-8.
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    What determines evolutionary brain growth?Francisco Aboitiz - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):278-279.
    Finlay et al. address the importance of developmental constraints in brain size evolution. I discuss some aspects of this view such as the relation of brain size with processing capacity. In particular, I argue that in human evolution there must have been specific selection for increased processing capacity, and as a consequence for increased brain size.
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    Cientificismo, kantismo y esencialismo.Francisco Javier Rodríguez Alcázar - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12:519-522.
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  41. Determinismo y libertad en el Mathematicus de Bernardo Silvestre.Francisco Tauste Alcocer - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:183-199.
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  42. La naturaleza y la potencia de la felicidad.Francisco Javier Espinosa Antón - 2012 - Laguna 31:81-94.
    Cuando se piensa en los conceptos de naturaleza y potencia en Spinoza, generalmente se tiende a dirigir la atención a la política. Pero hay una irreductible perspectiva individual. No todo es una tarea social y política. También está la dimensión personal de la felicidad, algo esencialmente ligado a la naturaleza y la potencia del hombre, como nos revela, sobre todo, la última parte de la Ética1. Entre la máxima potencia del sabio y la vida impotente del supersticioso hay dos situaciones (...)
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  43. A Estrutura Mítica do Faroeste Clássico e Sua Problematização ao Longo da História do Gênero.Francisco Etruri Parente & Leda Tenório da Motta - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (1):28-43.
    O artigo volta-se a uma atualização da questão das relações entre o gênero faroeste e o mito antigo, recolocando-a diante do assim chamado metawestern e das retomadas irônicas à lá Tarantino. Os referenciais teóricos revisitam as teses clássicas de Mircea Eliade sobre a persistência do sagrado mitológico nas culturas modernas e detêm-se nas reflexões igualmente clássicas de André Bazin sobre a índole mitológica do western, enfatizando a tese elegante do autor segundo a qual essa índole se preserva nas muitas transformações (...)
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    Homology: A comparative or a historical concept?Francisco Aboitiz - 1988 - Acta Biotheoretica 37 (1):27-29.
    The meaning of the word homology has changed. From being a comparative concept in pre-Darwinian times, it became a historical concept, strictly signifying a common evolutionary origin for either anatomical structures or genes. This historical understanding of homology is not useful in classification; therefore I propose a return to its pre-Darwinian meaning.
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    A Relevance-Theoretic Classification of Jokes.Francisco Yus - 2008 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 4 (1):131-157.
    A Relevance-Theoretic Classification of Jokes Relevance Theory pictures communication as an inferential activity that adjusts, in parallel, the explicit content of utterances, the implicated premises and conclusions that can be derived, and the right amount of contextual information needed to obtain them. When applied to jokes, a relevance-theoretic classification may be proposed depending on whether the humorist plays with the audience's inferential activity aimed at an explicit interpretation, with the audience's inference devoted to deriving implications or with their access to (...)
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  46. In Continuity: A Reflection on the Passive Synthesis of Sameness.Francisco Salto - 1991 - In Analecta Husserleana vol. 34. The Turning Points of the New Phenomenological Era. Dordrecht: pp. 195-202.
    It is an intimate experience for us to think, to understand and to perceive things as being identical to themselves, and to suppose, consequently, that things are truly “what” they are. Something is always conceived as itself. The given is given full of itself in all its modifications. For instance, I can think or perceive partially some lips, I can see them almost in their whole or in some of their aspects, or just see them disappear. But it does not (...)
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    El cuerpo vivido y el enfoque simple. Una lectura fenomenológica de la identidad personal.Juan Francisco Franck & Pablo Emanuel García - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-13.
    El artículo aporta elementos fenomenológicos para reforzar algunas afirmaciones del enfoque simple en el contexto del debate sobre la identidad personal. Para esto se describe, en primer lugar, la propuesta de Geoffrey Madell y se introduce la noción fenomenológica del cuerpo propio (Leib). En segundo lugar, se muestra cómo la reducción vital propuesta por Francisco Leocata evita una posible interpretación inmanentista de la fenomenología, y favorece el desarrollo de una noción encarnada del yo y la posibilidad de entender el (...)
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  48. La « main invisible » et la mondialisation (Keynes et Friedman : deux interprétations différentes).Francisco Vergara - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 77 (I):101-112.
    Everyone has heard of "the invisible hand," the famous metaphor used by Adam Smith (1723-1790) in The Wealth of Nations. Although he uses the expression only once in the book, it has given rise to controversy that has lasted for over two centuries. -/- The famous expression has been understood, in (at least) two very different ways. In one way by most of academia, and in a very different way by Keynes, Noah Chomsky and more lately by Mark Blaug (in (...)
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    Ethical requisites for neuroenhancement of moral motivation.Francisco Lara - 2017 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 8 (8):159-181.
    No agreement exists among ethical theories on what cancount as a right moral motivation. This hampers us from knowingwhether an intervention in motivation biology can be considered positivefor human morality. To overcome this difficulty, this paper identifiesminimal requirements for moral enhancement that could be accepted bythe major moral theories. Subsequently four possible scenarios are presentedwhere the most promising neural interventions on moral motivationare implemented, by means of drugs, electromagnetic stimulation ofbrain, or biotechnological brain implants. The ultimate goal of this paperis (...)
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  50.  15
    La unidad del saber en John Henry Newman.Francisco Javier Aznar Sala - 2022 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 22:285-309.
    Sin duda alguna John Henry Newman (1801-1890) fue una figura importante y relevante dentro del mundo religioso y universitario, no en vano se trata de una autoridad eclesial y académica y de perenne referencia cuando se quiere hablar de educación superior. Todas y cada una de sus ideas han ido jalonando el ideario de lo que ha de ser una universidad que se precie en llamarse católica, pues supo darle el toque de calidad que una universidad de este nivel ha (...)
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