Results for 'Frank Coleman'

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  1.  67
    Perceptual displacement of a test mark toward the larger of two visual objects.Coleman T. Merryman & Frank Restle - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):311.
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    Distance and an illusion of length of line.Frank Restle & Coleman Merryman - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):297.
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    Hobbes and America: Exploring the Constitutional Foundations.Frank Coleman - 1977 - University of Toronto Press.
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    Classical liberalism and american landscape representation: The imperial self in nature.Frank M. Coleman - 2010 - Ethics, Place and Environment 13 (1):75 – 96.
    Here it is shown that 'vacant nature' is deployed as sign in Anglo-American landscape representation of the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries to support a Cartesian imaginary of spatial extension. The referent of this imaginary is variously denoted as 'America' (John Locke), the 'north west' (Jefferson), the 'wilderness' (Ralph Waldo Emerson), and the 'frontier' (Frederick Jackson Turner) but throughout it is essentially the same 'vacant' landscape; its function is to produce a site and space of appearance for an imperial self, an (...)
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    The origins of advertising discourse: Locke, landscape, and America.Frank M. Coleman - 2006 - Ethics, Place and Environment 9 (1):101 – 124.
    Here it is shown that the discourse of contemporary advertising derives from verbal and visual narratives encoded in Locke's representation of American landscape. These narratives embrace the idea of nature as an artifact, the imperial self, picture theory, and palimpsest representation. They are given careful attention in this study not because of their timely value but, precisely, because they are anachronistic and widely disseminated by the advertising media, a national nostalgia industry parasitical upon an intellectual inheritance originating with Locke. Incident (...)
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    Fred’s red: on the objectivity and physicality of mental qualities.Sam Coleman - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-27.
    Frank Jackson's case of Mary the colour scientist, and the knowledge argument against physicalism built upon it, are well known. This paper starts from Jackson's other, more neglected, thought experiment, about Fred, who sees a unique shade of red. It explores two senses in which properties are said to be 'objective', roughly corresponding to the ideas of a property's being intersubjectively accessible, on the one hand, and its being knowable without the need for special experiences, on the other. These (...)
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  7. The Knowledge Argument.Sam Coleman (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Frank Jackson's knowledge argument imagines a super-smart scientist, Mary, forced to investigate the mysteries of human colour vision using only black and white resources. Can she work out what it is like to see red from brain-science and physics alone? The argument says no: Mary will only really learn what red looks like when she actually sees it. Something is therefore missing from the science of the mind, and from the 'physicalist' picture of the world based on science. This (...)
  8. Mind under Matter.Sam Coleman - 2009 - In David Skrbina (ed.), Mind That Abides: Panpsychism in the New Millennium. John Benjamins.
    Panpsychism is an eminently sensible view of the world and its relation to mind. If God is a metaphysician, and regardless of the actual truth or falsity of panpsychism, it is certain that he regards the theory as an honest and elegant competitor on the field of ontologies. And if God didn’t create a panpsychist world, then there’s a fair chance that he wishes he had done so, or will do next time around. The difficulties panpsychism faces, then, are not (...)
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  9.  17
    Non-Textual Marking Systems in Ancient Egypt (and Elsewhere). Edited by Julia Budka; Frank Kammerzell; and Sławomir Rzepka.John Coleman Darnell - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (3).
    Non-Textual Marking Systems in Ancient Egypt. Edited by Julia Budka; Frank Kammerzell; and Sławomir Rzepka. Lingua Aegyptia, Studia Monographica, vol. 16. Hamburg: Widmaier Verlag, 2015. Pp. x + 322, illus. €59.
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    The Sexual revolution.Gregory Baum, John Aloysius Coleman & Marcus Lefébure (eds.) - 1984 - Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.
    Contents, We are the Church, New Congregationalism / Harold D. Hunter; Faustino Teixeira; Miroslav Volf. -- Healing and deliverance / Cheryl Bridges Johns; Vergil Elizondo; Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel. -- Tongues and prophecy / Frank D. Macchia; Hermann Ha ring; Michael Welker. --Praying in the spirit / Steven J. Land; Constantine Fouskas; David Power. -- Born again, baptism and the spirit / Juan Sepu lveda; James D. G. Dunn; Michel Quesnel.
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  11.  24
    Ideal Friendship, Actual Friends.Martin Coleman - 2023 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (1):25-42.
    Friendship, on George Santayana’s account, is a form of human society made possible by consciousness of ideals while simultaneously rooted in the experience of embodied creatures spontaneously drawn to each other. His philosophical and autobiographical writings on friendship (particularly his friendship with Frank Russell) exemplify a practice of cultivating wisdom and suggest how we can come to understand our own actual friendships and the opportunities for self-knowledge and sanity in them.
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    Unnatural Wonders: Essays from the Gap Between Art and Life.Arthur Coleman Danto - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Arthur C. Danto's essays not only critique bodies of work but reflect upon art's conceptual evolution as well, drawing for the reader a kind of "philosophical map" indicating how art and the criteria for judging it has changed over the twentieth century. In _Unnatural Wonders_ the renowned critic finds himself at a point when contemporary art has become wholly pluralistic, even chaotic-with one medium as good as another-and when the moment for the "next thing" has already passed. So the theorist (...)
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  13.  61
    How do we know that research ethics committees are really working? The neglected role of outcomes assessment in research ethics review.Carl H. Coleman & Marie-Charlotte Bouësseau - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):6-.
    BackgroundCountries are increasingly devoting significant resources to creating or strengthening research ethics committees, but there has been insufficient attention to assessing whether these committees are actually improving the protection of human research participants.DiscussionResearch ethics committees face numerous obstacles to achieving their goal of improving research participant protection. These include the inherently amorphous nature of ethics review, the tendency of regulatory systems to encourage a focus on form over substance, financial and resource constraints, and conflicts of interest. Auditing and accreditation programs (...)
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  14. Symposium on explanations and social ontology 3: Can we dispense with structural explanations of social facts?Erik Weber & Jeroen Van Bouwel - 2002 - Economics and Philosophy 18 (2):259-275.
    Some social scientists and philosophers (e.g., James Coleman and Jon Elster) claim that all social facts are best explained by means of a micro-explanation. They defend a micro-reductionism in the social sciences: to explain is to provide a mechanism on the individual level. The first aim of this paper is to challenge this view and defend the view that it has to be substituted for an explanatory pluralism with two components: (1) structural explanations of P-, O- and T-contrasts between (...)
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  15.  18
    Estimated Costs of a Reinsurance Program to Stabilize the Individual Health Insurance Market: National- and State-Level Estimates.Coleman Drake, Brett Fried & Lynn A. Blewett - 2019 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 56:004695801983606.
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    The Home Literacy Environment as a Mediator Between Parental Attitudes Toward Shared Reading and Children’s Linguistic Competencies.Frank Niklas, Astrid Wirth, Sabrina Guffler, Nadja Drescher & Simone C. Ehmig - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Subjectivity, realism, and postmodernism: the recovery of the world.Frank B. Farrell - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This unusually accessible account of recent Anglo-American philosophy focuses on how that philosophy has challenged deeply held notions of subjectivity, mind, and language. The book is designed on a broad canvas in which recent arguments are placed in a historical context (in particular they are related to medieval philosophy and German idealism). The author then explores such topics as mental content, moral realism, realism and antirealism, and the character of subjectivity. Much of the book is devoted to an investigation of (...)
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  18.  14
    Anecdota Oxoniensia: Classical Series. Part X. The Vetus Cluniacensis of Poggio.Frank F. Abbott & A. C. Clark - 1906 - American Journal of Philology 27 (2):214.
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    (1 other version)Environmental Impacts of Packaging in the USA and Mexico.Frank Ackerman - 1997 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 2 (2):57-64.
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    (1 other version)Rizzi's Honor.Frank Adler - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (66):105-109.
    In the famous opening sentence of The Eighteenth Brumaire, Marx notes that somewhere Hegel had written that great world-historical phenomena occur twice, neglecting to add, however, the first time as tragedy, the second as farce. Given what we now know of the heretofore hidden side of Bruno Rizzi, still another revision seems in order: sometimes such phenomena make yet a third appearance, this time as embarrassment, rank embarrassment. Indeed, Rizzi's name surfaced in three such sequential contexts. The first was in (...)
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  21. It don't mean a thing: On what computers have to say.Wes Sharrock & Wil Coleman - 2000 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 33 (1-2):83-95.
  22.  38
    On the filling in of the visual blind spot: Some rules of thumb.Frank H. Durgin - 1995 - Perception 24:827-40.
  23.  69
    How philosophers see stars.Frank B. Ebersole - 1965 - Mind 74 (296):509-529.
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    Towards the automation of set theory and its logic.Frank Malloy Brown - 1978 - Artificial Intelligence 10 (3):281-316.
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    Critical Notice of K nowledge and Its Limits by Timothy Williamson.Frank Jackson - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (4):516-521.
  26.  4
    Σιληνοί und σάτοροι.Frank Brommer - 1941 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 94 (1-4):222-228.
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    The method of Darwin: a study in scientific method.Frank Cramer - 1896 - Chicago,: A. C. McClurg and company.
    Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
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    Our Changing Program.Tenney Frank - 1941 - American Journal of Philology 62 (3):257.
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    Plautinisches und Attisches.Tenney Frank & Gunther Jachmann - 1932 - American Journal of Philology 53 (1):81.
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    The Old Apollo Temple and Livy XL, 51.Tenney Frank - 1919 - American Journal of Philology 40 (2):194.
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  31.  13
    Introduction.Frank Nuessel - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (161):1-7.
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    Rationality, power, disruption: Framing Foucault's geneological agenda.Frank Pignatelli - 1995 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 14 (4):383-399.
    This paper situates and examines the project of genealogy as articulated by the philosopher, Michel Foucault, and draws out from that examination educative implications both in terms of research and school practice. Following Foucault, the genealogist's primary challenge, it would seem, is both to acknowledge and to respond to the entwinement of rationality and power. This paper also considers critiques which have clustered around Foucault's work, and, more specifically, his genealogical work, which argue that Foucault leaves us with no hope (...)
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  33. Science and pragmatism : an introduction.Frank X. Ryan - 2019 - In Frank X. Ryan, Brian E. Butler, James A. Good & John R. Shook (eds.), The real Metaphysical Club: the philosophers, their debates, and selected writings from 1870 to 1885. Albany: SUNY Press, State University of New York.
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    The Thread of Imagination in Heidegger’s Retrieval of Kant: The Play of a Double Hermeneutic.Frank Schalow - 2021 - In Cynthia D. Coe (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 511-528.
    Throughout his career, Heidegger undertakes a dialogue with Kant. That dialogue casts new light on Kant’s transcendental philosophy and also serves as a leaping-off point to radicalize Heidegger’s fundamental ontology. The chapter argues that Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant plays out on two fronts. First, Heidegger dismantles extraneous aspects of Kant’s philosophy that remain mired in rationalism; secondly, Heidegger retrieves those elements of transcendental philosophy that align with his attempt to re-ask the question of being and to ground that inquiry upon (...)
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  35.  67
    Style in Philosophy: Part I.Manfred Frank - 1999 - Metaphilosophy 30 (3):145-167.
    In this article, I attempt to restore the philosophical significance of that nonformalizable, noniterable, “singular’ element of natural language that I call “style.” I begin by critically addressing the exclusion of such instances of natural language by both semantics‐oriented logical analysis and a restricted variation of structuralist linguistics. Despite the obvious advantages – with regard to style – of ”pragmatic“approaches to language, such pragmatism merely returns to rule‐determination in the guise of “normativity.” Although style by definition resists any kind of (...)
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  36. Self-knowledge in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis - 1996 - Topoi 15 (1):39-58.
  37.  29
    Foundationalism and Semantics.Frank Pecchioni - 1989 - Southwest Philosophy Review 5 (2):69-82.
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  38.  65
    The emergence of a sustainable future: Brainstorming better ways to globalize at the esalen institute.Frank Poletti & Jay Oglivy - 2003 - World Futures 59 (8):615 – 623.
    This article provides excerpts and highlights from the insights of twenty global leaders, business executives, and sustainability experts who gathered at the Esalen Institute in California for four days in March 2002 to discuss how to best leverage change toward an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable global economy. The conference topic was sparked by the path-breaking book Natural Capitalism, which outlines an expanded vision of capitalism suitable for the environmental era. The natural capitalism model is qualitatively different from industrial era (...)
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  39. From Theology to Therapy: A Genealogical Account.Frank Schalow - 2017 - In Toward a Phenomenology of Addiction: Embodiment, Technology, Transcendence. Springer Verlag.
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  40.  14
    Pathmarks, by Martin Heidegger, ed. William McNeill.Frank Schalow - 2000 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 31 (1):106-107.
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    The Question of Identity and Its Recollection in Being's Historical Unfolding.Frank Schalow - 1995 - Heidegger Studies 11:151-165.
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    The Temporality of an Original Ethics.Frank Schalow - 1993 - International Studies in Philosophy 25 (1):55-67.
  43. Thomas Paine, Liberator.Frank Smith - 1940 - Science and Society 4 (1):103-105.
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    After-sensations of touch.Frank N. Spindler - 1897 - Psychological Review 4 (6):631-640.
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    The illustration of the horizontal-vertical illusion.Frank W. Finger & David K. Spelt - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (3):243.
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  46. On the Synthesis of Historical Linguistics and Cognate Disciplines.Frank Cabrera - forthcoming - In Aviezer Tucker & David Černín (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Big History: The Philosophy of the Historical Sciences. Bloomsbury Academic.
    The empirical and theoretical resources of different disciplines are often combined to shed light on questions that concern the deep history of humanity, such as the geographic origin of people groups, patterns of migration, and the diffusion of culture. In this article, I discuss three ways in which other disciplines, such as biology and archaeology, are integrated with historical linguistics to enhance our understanding of the past. First, other disciplines provide background knowledge that helps to constrain and assess competing historical (...)
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    Schaalvergroting en bestuurskracht : Een beleidsanalytische benadering van de herstrukturering van de lokale besturen.Frank Delmartino - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (3):395-412.
    The restructuration of municipalities which has been decided by the Belgian government, is not only a purely technical operatzon but rather, and in the first place, a social problem. The shape and duty-profile of a local authority should not, indeed, be attuned only to fast changing expectations as far as services are concerned, but to consultation and participation as well.Public administration research cannot keep aloof from this debate, but is considerably hampered by the institutional confusion and the insufficient explicitation of (...)
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    An historical and critical study of radical behaviorism as a philosophical doctrine.Frank Diehl - 1934 - Baltimore,: Baltimore.
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    Norway.Frank Dornseifer - 2005 - In Corporate Business Forms in Europe: A Compendium of Public and Private Limited Companies in Europe. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Montesquieu and English politics (1750-1800).Frank Thomas Herbert Fletcher - 1939 - Philadelphia: Porcupine Press.
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