Results for 'Franz Schwarzbauer'

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  1. Heliopolis, eine kritische Lektüre : Jüngers Roman zwischen Zeitgenose und Erzählkunst.Franz Schwarzbauer - 2015 - In Georg Knapp (ed.), Freiheit. Tübingen: Attempto Verlag Tübingen.
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  2. Aboutness in Imagination.Franz Berto - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):1871-1886.
    I present a formal theory of the logic and aboutness of imagination. Aboutness is understood as the relation between meaningful items and what they concern, as per Yablo and Fine’s works on the notion. Imagination is understood as per Chalmers’ positive conceivability: the intentional state of a subject who conceives that p by imagining a situation—a configuration of objects and properties—verifying p. So far aboutness theory has been developed mainly for linguistic representation, but it is natural to extend it to (...)
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  3. Indicative Conditionals: Probabilities and Relevance.Franz Berto & Aybüke Özgün - 2021 - Philosophical Studies (11):3697-3730.
    We propose a new account of indicative conditionals, giving acceptability and logical closure conditions for them. We start from Adams’ Thesis: the claim that the acceptability of a simple indicative equals the corresponding conditional probability. The Thesis is widely endorsed, but arguably false and refuted by empirical research. To fix it, we submit, we need a relevance constraint: we accept a simple conditional 'If φ, then ψ' to the extent that (i) the conditional probability p(ψ|φ) is high, provided that (ii) (...)
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    (1 other version)Von Der Mannigfachen Bedeutung Des Seienden Nach Aristoteles.Franz Brentano - 1862 - Boston: Herder.
    diefes thut Ariftoteles. indem er die verfchiedenen Bedeutungen. die nach feiner Beobachtung der Name des Seienden umfaßt. unterfcheidend. die eigentlichen von den uneigentlichen fondert und die let-,tern von der metaphyfifchen ...
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    Wahrheit und Evidenz: Erkenntnistheoretische Abhandlungen und Briefe.Franz Brentano - 1930 - Leipzig,: Meiner. Edited by Oskar Kraus.
    Brentanos Reflexionen über das Verhältnis von Wahrheit und Evidenz wurden erst 1930 herausgegeben. Ihre Kenntnis ist unentbehrlich für das Verständnis seines Verhältnisses zu den an ihn anknüpfenden Denkern, insbesondere zu Husserl.
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    Die Abkehr vom Nichtrealen. Nur Dinge sind vorstellbar und können existieren. Briefe und Abhandlungen aus dem Nachlass.Franz Brentano - 1966 - München,: Francke. Edited by Franziska von Reicher Mayer.
    Brentanos 1904 vollendete Theorie, nur Reales sei vorstellbar und könne existieren, führte auch unter seinen Schülern zu Kontroversen. Dieser Band enthält eine umfangreiche Studie, die Einleitung der Herausgeber zu diesem Problemkreis, Auszüge aus dem Briefwechsel mit A. Marty und O. Kraus sowie die einschlägigen Abhandlungen Brentanos.
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    Unification in modal and description logics.Franz Baader & Silvio Ghilardi - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (6):705-730.
    Unification was originally introduced in automated deduction and term rewriting, but has recently also found applications in other fields. In this article, we give a survey of the results on unification obtained in two closely related, yet different, application areas of unification: description logics and modal logics.
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  8. Williamson on Indicatives and Suppositional Heuristics.Franz Berto - 2022 - Synthese (1):1-12.
    Timothy Williamson has defended the claim that the semantics of the indicative ‘if’ is given by the material conditional. Putative counterexamples can be handled by better understanding the role played in our assessment of indicatives by a fallible cognitive heuristic, called the Suppositional Procedure. Williamson’s Suppositional Conjecture has it that the Suppositional Procedure is humans’ primary way of prospectively assessing conditionals. This paper raises some doubts on the Suppositional Procedure and Conjecture.
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    Grundlegung und Aufbau der Ethik.Franz Brentano - 1952 - Bern,: Francke. Edited by Franziska von Reicher Mayer.
    Erstmals 1951 publiziert, bilden die Vorlesungen über die Grundlagen und den Aufbau der Ethik ein geschlossenes und harmonisches Ganzes. Der Band geht zurück auf ein im Wintersemester 1876 niedergeschriebenes Manuskript, das Brentano 1894 als Kolleg an der Universität Wien vortrug.
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  10.  29
    Vom sinnlichen und noetischen Bewußtsein.Franz Brentano - 1928 - Meiner.
  11.  43
    (1 other version)Die vier Phasen Der Philosophie Und Ihr Augenblicklicher Stand.Franz Brentano - 1895 - Hamburg,: Cotta. Edited by Oskar Kraus & Franziska von Reicher Mayer.
    Die vier Phasen der Philosophie und ihr augenblicklicher Stand nebst Abhandlungen über Plotinus, Thomas von Aquin, Kant, Schopenhauer und Auguste Comte. Unveränderter Print-on-Demand-Nachdruck der 2. Auflage von 1968. Inhalt: Einleitung I. Die vier Phasen der Philosophie (1895) II. Plotinus (1876) III. Thomas von Aquin (1908) IV. Über Kants Kritik der Gottesbeweise (1911/12) V. Schopenhauer 1911/12) VI. Auguste Comte (1869) VII. Über voraussetzungslose Forschung (1901) Anmerkungen Brentanos zu den vier Phasen der Philosophie Anmerkungen des Herausgebers zum Gesamtwerk Namen- und Sachregister.
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  12. Milne’s Argument for the Log‐Ratio Measure.Franz Huber - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (4):413-420.
    This article shows that a slight variation of the argument in Milne 1996 yields the log‐likelihood ratio l rather than the log‐ratio measure r as “the one true measure of confirmation. ” *Received December 2006; revised December 2007. †To contact the author, please write to: Formal Epistemology Research Group, Zukunftskolleg and Department of Philosophy, University of Konstanz, P.O. Box X906, 78457 Konstanz, Germany; e‐mail: franz.huber@uni‐
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  13. Adding 4.0241 to TLP.Franz Berto - 2018 - In Gabriele Mras, Paul Weingartner & Bernhard Ritter (eds.), Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics: Proceedings of the 41st International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 415-428.
    Tractatus 4.024 inspired the dominant semantics of our time: truth-conditional semantics. Such semantics is focused on possible worlds: the content of p is the set of worlds where p is true. It has become increasingly clear that such an account is, at best, defective: we need an ‘independent factor in meaning, constrained but not determined by truth-conditions’ (Yablo 2014, p. 2), because sentences can be differently true at the same possible worlds. I suggest a missing comment which, had it been (...)
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  14.  25
    Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Philosophie im christlichen Abendland.Franz Brentano - 1980 - Felix Meiner.
  15.  47
    The Sociology of the Mechanistic World-Picture.Franz Borkenau - 1987 - Science in Context 1 (1):109-127.
    From about 1620 on a profound revolution occurred in the thought of the most developed European nations, which found its most pregnant expression in the birth of the new philosophical schools of Descartes, Gassendi, and Hobbes. The renewal of philosophy at this juncture in the history of thought, however, does not signify above all a change in the specific, metaphysical content of thought about God, the soul, and immortality, although the revolution in thought does concern these themes as well. Central (...)
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  16.  45
    Modal Meinongianism: Conceiving the Impossible.Franz Berto - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 3-19.
    Modal Meinongianism—the version of Meinongianism invented by Graham Priest—presupposes that we can think about absolute impossibilities. I defend the view that we can, by tidying up a couple of loose ends in Priest’s arguments to this effect from his book Towards Non-Being.
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  17. Geschichte der kirchlichen Wissenschaften.Franz Brentano - 1867 - In Johann Adam Möhler (ed.), Kirchengeschichte. Verlag Herder.
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    A multi-dimensional terminological knowledge representation language.Franz Baader & Hans Juürgen Ohlbach - 1995 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 5 (2):153-197.
  19. An overview of tableau algorithms for description logics.Franz Baader & Ulrike Sattler - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (1):5-40.
    Description logics are a family of knowledge representation formalisms that are descended from semantic networks and frames via the system Kl-one. During the last decade, it has been shown that the important reasoning problems (like subsumption and satisfiability) in a great variety of description logics can be decided using tableau-like algorithms. This is not very surprising since description logics have turned out to be closely related to propositional modal logics and logics of programs (such as propositional dynamic logic), for which (...)
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    Über ein optisches Paradoxon.Franz Brentano - 1892 - Zeitschrift für Psychologie Und Physiologie Der Sinnesorgane 3:349-358.
    Ein befreundeter Physiologie machte mich jüngst mit einem überraschenden Falle optischer Täuschung bekannt, der - ich erfrug nicht durch wen - erst kürzlich, ohne Beigabe eines Erklärungsgrundes, veröffentlicht worden war.
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  21. Von der Natur der Vorstellung.Franz Brentano - 1987 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 21 (53/54):25-31.
  22.  15
    Statuen hoher Würdenträger im Stadtbild Konstantinopels.Franz Alto Bauer - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):493-514.
    Zusammenfassung Der dargelegte Befund deutet darauf hin, daß es in Konstantinopel wie in Rom und anderen Provinzmetropolen zahlreiche Statuen hoher Beamter und Würdenträger gab. Allerdings fehlt ein entsprechender Befund für die Regierungszeit Konstantins d. Gr.; erst unter der Regierung Konstantius' II. lassen sich die ersten Beamtenstatuen feststellen. Das mag am Zufall der Überlieferung liegen, deckt sich aber immerhin damit, daß erst unter diesem Kaiser der Rahmen für eine breite magistratische Repräsentation gegeben war. Unter Konstantius II. wurde der Konstantinopler Senat zahlenmäßig (...)
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    Über Aristoteles: Nachgelassene Aufsätze.Franz Brentano - 1986 - Felix Meiner.
    Den 1905 gefaßten Plan einer Gesamtdarstellung der Aristotelischen Lehre brachte Brentano nicht mehr zur Ausführung. Die hier erstmals veröffentlichten Vorarbeiten aus den Jahren 1908 bis 1911 für die Abhandlung »Aristoteles und seine Weltanschauung« bieten einen detaillierten Einblick in das Aristoteles-Bild des späten Brentano.
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    Editorial Note.Franz Berto - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
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  25. Selected letters to Marty.Franz Brentano - 2013 - In Denis Fisette & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.), Themes from Brentano. New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
  26. Ad disputationem qua theses gratiosi philosophorum ordinis consensu et auctoritate pro impetranda venia docendi in alma universitate julio-maximiliana defendet.Franz Brentano - 1866 - Schipner.
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    Cardinality restrictions on concepts.Franz Baader, Martin Buchheit & Bernhard Hollander - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 88 (1-2):195-213.
  28. Brentano and the positive philosophy of Comte and Mill: with translations of original writings on philosophy as science by Franz Brentano.Ion Tănăsescu, Alexandru Bejinariu, Susan F. Krantz, Constantin Stoenescu & Franz Brentano (eds.) - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    (1 other version)Zur Lehre vom Raum und Zeit.Franz Brentano - 1920 - Kant Studien 25:1-23.
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    On the Science and Politics of the IQ.Franz Samelson - 1975 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 42.
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    (1 other version)On the expressivity of feature logics with negation, functional uncertainty, and sort equations.Franz Baader, Hans-Jürgen Bürckert, Bernhard Nebel, Werner Nutt & Gert Smolka - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 (1):1-18.
    Feature logics are the logical basis for so-called unification grammars studied in computational linguistics. We investigate the expressivity of feature terms with negation and the functional uncertainty construct needed for the description of long-distance dependencies and obtain the following results: satisfiability of feature terms is undecidable, sort equations can be internalized, consistency of sort equations is decidable if there is at least one atom, and consistency of sort equations is undecidable if there is no atom.
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  32. Geistenwissenschaft und Naturwissenschaft.Franz Xaver Arnold - 1955 - Tübingen,: Mohr. Edited by Max Hartmann.
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    Réflexions sur la contribution de Heidegger à la formation d’une psychologie phénoménologique.Franz-Karl Blust - 1995 - Études Phénoménologiques 11 (22):7-30.
  34.  13
    Time, Duration and Change: A Critique of Theories of Pure Movement.Franz Bockrath - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book studies various perspectives in the history of European philosophy on the relationship between time and movement. Ever since the pre-Socratic thinker Zeno of Elea linked time and space to understand bodily movement, his so-called paradoxes of motion have remained unsolved. One of his most important critics, the French philosopher Henri Bergson, criticized the usual connection between time and space and established a new way of understanding time as duration (durée). Whereas Zeno presented an objectivist understanding of time, Bergson (...)
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  35. Begriff und Wesen des Genre.Franz Bohm - 1928 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 22:166-191.
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  36. Grundlegung der Tonpsychologie.Franz Brentano - 1994 - Brentano Studien 5:219-233.
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    Whitehead's Process Philosophy.Franz G. Riffert - 2003 - In Timothy E. Eastman & Henry Keeton (eds.), Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience. Albany, USA: State University of New York Press. pp. 199.
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    An Introduction to Whitehead’s New View of Learning and Its Relation to Traditional Learning Theories.Franz Riffert - 2018 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):73-88.
    Alfred North Whitehead, although probably known best for his collaborative work with Bertrand Russell on the Principia Mathematica, also developed an original theory of learning and instruction which has much to offer for our times. His theory will be discussed in this paper. In order to do so, two criteria are first developed which in their combination give rise to five categories: radical behaviorism, cognitivism, and radical constructivism, with the intermediary categories of moderate behaviorism and moderate constructivism. A great number (...)
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  39. Ernst Cassirer.Franz Elieser Meyer - 1969 - ([Hannover] Niedersachs.: Landeszentrale f. Polit. Bildung.
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    Computing the least common subsumer w.r.t. a background terminology.Franz Baader, Baris Sertkaya & Anni-Yasmin Turhan - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (3):392-420.
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    Introduction: The role of process metaphysics in our world of science.Franz G. Riffert & Timothy E. Eastman - 2008 - World Futures 64 (2):73 – 83.
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    Diktate über die zeit (1907 und 1915).Franz Brentano - 1994 - Axiomathes 5 (2-3):325-344.
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    Fermenta Cognitionis, Heft 1.Franz Baader - 1822 - De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Fermenta cognitionis, Heft 1." verfügbar.
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    (1 other version)Zur Soziologie des mechanistischen Weltbildes.Franz Borkenau - 1932 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (3):311-335.
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  45. Der Mensch und sein Werk, Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. III, Zweistromland -Kleinere Schriften zu Glauben und Denken.Franz Rosenzweig, Reinhold Mayer & Annemarie Mayer - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (3):518-519.
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    The Alphabet. A Key to the History of Mankind.Franz Rosenthal & David Diringer - 1949 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 69 (2):92.
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    Extending the description logic EL with threshold concepts induced by concept measures.Franz Baader & Oliver Fernández Gil - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 326 (C):104034.
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    Ontologie der Geschichte.Franz Böhm - 1933 - J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck).
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    The measurement of variable quantities.Franz Boas - 1906 - New York,: The Science press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    Theologie und "autonome Moral".Franz Josef Bormann - 2002 - Theologie Und Philosophie 77 (4):481-505.
    The concept of autonomy is of crucial importance not only for philosophical but also for theological ethics. Referring to the contemporary debate on the universality or particularity of moral judgments the idea of universal moral principles is defended by reconstructing the fundamental similarities between J. Rawls's liberal theory of social justice and Aquinas's understanding of natural law. Despite this plea for a cognitivist approach in normative ethics and a strong concept of practical reason the communitarian movement has to be taken (...)
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