Results for 'Fritz Dupré'

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  1.  49
    The Latest on the Best: Essays on Evolution and Optimality : Conference on Evolution and Information : Papers.John Dupré (ed.) - 1987 - MIT Press.
    Controversies about optimality models and adaptationist methodologies have animated the discussions of evolutionary theory in recent years. The sociobiologists, following the lead of E. O. Wilson, have argued that if Darwinian natural selection can be reliably expected to produce the best possible type of organism - one that optimizes the value of its genetic contribution to future generations - then evolution becomes a powerfully predictive theory as well as an explanatory one. The enthusiastic claims of the sociobiologists for the predictability (...)
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  2. Varieties of Living Things: Life at the Intersection of Lineage and Metabolism.John Dupré & Maureen A. O'Malley - 2009 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 1 (20130604).
    We address three fundamental questions: What does it mean for an entity to be living? What is the role of inter-organismic collaboration in evolution? What is a biological individual? Our central argument is that life arises when lineage-forming entities collaborate in metabolism. By conceiving of metabolism as a collaborative process performed by functional wholes, which are associations of a variety of lineage-forming entities, we avoid the standard tension between reproduction and metabolism in discussions of life – a tension particularly evident (...)
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  3. Counting Incompossibles.Peter Fritz & Jeremy Goodman - 2017 - Mind 126 (504):1063–1108.
    We often speak as if there are merely possible people—for example, when we make such claims as that most possible people are never going to be born. Yet most metaphysicians deny that anything is both possibly a person and never born. Since our unreflective talk of merely possible people serves to draw non-trivial distinctions, these metaphysicians owe us some paraphrase by which we can draw those distinctions without committing ourselves to there being merely possible people. We show that such paraphrases (...)
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    (1 other version)Computer Simulation in the Physical Sciences.Fritz Rohrlich - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:507-518.
    Computer simulation is shown to be philosophically interesting because it introduces a qualitatively new methodology for theory construction in science different from the conventional two components of "theory" and "experiment and/or observation". This component is "experimentation with theoretical models." Two examples from the physical sciences are presented for the purpose of demonstration but it is claimed that the biological and social sciences permit similar theoretical model experiments. Furthermore, computer simulation permits theoretical models for the evolution of physical systems which use (...)
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  5. Higher-Order Contingentism, Part 3: Expressive Limitations.Peter Fritz - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (4):649-671.
    Two expressive limitations of an infinitary higher-order modal language interpreted on models for higher-order contingentism – the thesis that it is contingent what propositions, properties and relations there are – are established: First, the inexpressibility of certain relations, which leads to the fact that certain model-theoretic existence conditions for relations cannot equivalently be reformulated in terms of being expressible in such a language. Second, the inexpressibility of certain modalized cardinality claims, which shows that in such a language, higher-order contingentists cannot (...)
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  6. Pluralistic ontology and theory reduction in the physical sciences.Fritz Rohrlich - 1988 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 39 (3):295-312.
    It is demonstrated that the reduction of a physical theory S to another one, T, in the sense that S can be derived from T holds in general only for the mathematical framework. The interpretation of S and the associated central terms cannot all be derived from those of T because of the qualitative differences between the cognitive levels of S and T. Their cognitively autonomous status leads to an epistemic as well as an ontological pluralism. This pluralism is consistent (...)
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  7. Higher-Order Contingentism, Part 2: Patterns of Indistinguishability.Peter Fritz - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (3):407-418.
    The models of contingency in what propositions, properties and relations there are developed in Part 1 are related to models of contingency in what propositions there are due to Robert Stalnaker. It is shown that some but not all of the classes of models of Part 1 agree with Stalnaker’s models concerning the patterns of contingency in what propositions there are they admit. Further structural connections between the two kinds of models are explored.
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  8. Against scientific imperialism.J. Dupre - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:374 - 381.
    Most discussion of the unity of science has concerned what might be called vertical relations between theories: the reducibility of biology to chemistry, or chemistry to physics, and so on. In this paper I shall be concerned rather with horizontal relations, that is to say, with theories of different kinds that deal with objects at the same structural level. Whereas the former, vertical, conception of unity through reduction has come under a good deal of criticism recently (see, e.g., Dupré (...)
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  9. Moral Steadfastness and Meta-ethics.James Fritz & Tristram McPherson - 2019 - American Philosophical Quarterly 56 (1):43-56.
    Call the following claim Asymmetry: rationality often requires a more steadfast response to pure moral disagreement than it does to otherwise analogous non-moral disagreement. This paper briefly motivates Asymmetry and explores its implications for meta-ethics. Some philosophers have thought that anti-realists are better-placed than realists to explain Asymmetry because, if anti-realism is true, disagreement cannot provide evidence against the reliability of one's thinking about objective moral facts. This paper argues that this simple diagnosis fails to support otherwise plausible anti-realisms. It (...)
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    (1 other version)Die Danaidentrilogie des Aeschylus.Kurt V. Fritz - 1936 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 91 (1-4):121-136.
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    Inhaltsverzeichnis.Kurt von Fritz - 1968 - In Kurt von Fritz (ed.), Platon in Sizilien und das Problem der Philosophenherrschaft. Berlin,: De Gruyter.
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  12. Propositional Quantification in Bimodal S5.Peter Fritz - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):455-465.
    Propositional quantifiers are added to a propositional modal language with two modal operators. The resulting language is interpreted over so-called products of Kripke frames whose accessibility relations are equivalence relations, letting propositional quantifiers range over the powerset of the set of worlds of the frame. It is first shown that full second-order logic can be recursively embedded in the resulting logic, which entails that the two logics are recursively isomorphic. The embedding is then extended to all sublogics containing the logic (...)
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  13. What Pessimism about Moral Deference Means for Disagreement.James Fritz - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (1):121-136.
    Many writers have recently argued that there is something distinctively problematic about sustaining moral beliefs on the basis of others’ moral views. Call this claim pessimism about moral deference. Pessimism about moral deference, if true, seems to provide an attractive way to argue for a bold conclusion about moral disagreement: moral disagreement generally does not require belief revision. Call this claim steadfastness about moral disagreement. Perhaps the most prominent recent discussion of the connection between moral deference and moral disagreement, due (...)
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  14. Promiscuous Realism: Reply to Wilson.John Dupré - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (3):441-444.
    This paper presents a brief response to Robert A. Wilson's critical discussion of Promiscuous Realism [1996]. I argue that, although convergence on a unique conception of species cannot be ruled out, the evidence against such an outcome is stronger than Wilson allows. In addition, given the failure of biological science to come up with a unique and privileged set of biological kinds, the relevance of the various overlapping kinds of ordinary language to the metaphysics of biological kinds is greater than (...)
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    Perception, and the Physical World.Charles A. Fritz - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (2):285-286.
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  16. Moral Responsibility, Voluntary Control, and Intentional Action.Kyle G. Fritz - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (4):831-855.
    Many theorists writing about moral responsibility accept that voluntary control is necessary for responsibility. Call such theorists volitionists. Recently, volitionism has been called into question by theorists I call nonvolitionists. Yet neither volitionists nor nonvolitionists have carefully articulated a clear volitionist thesis, nor have they sufficiently explained the concept of voluntary control that somehow seems connected to volitionism. I argue that attempts to explain the volitionist thesis, voluntary control, and their relation are more problematic than have previously been recognized. Instead, (...)
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  17.  31
    Leader Apologies and Employee and Leader Well-Being.Alyson Byrne, Julian Barling & Kathryne E. Dupré - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (1):91-106.
    Regardless of leaders’ efforts to do the right thing and meet performance expectations, they make mistakes, with possible ramifications for followers’ and leaders’ well-being. Some leaders will apologize following transgressions, which may have positive implications for their followers’ and their own well-being, contingent upon the nature and severity of the transgressions. We examine these relationships in two separate studies. In Study 1, leader apologies had a positive relationship with followers’ psychological well-being and emotional health, and these relationships were moderated by (...)
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  18. Die katholische sittenlehre; die idee der nachfolge Christi.Fritz Tillmann - 1934 - Düsseldorf,: L. Schwann.
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    Bildung: The social and ideological context of the German historical tradition.Fritz Ringer - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (2):193-202.
  20.  63
    The Importance of Rights to the Argument for the Decriminalization of Drugs.Kyle G. Fritz - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):46-48.
    In “Racial Justice Requires Ending the War on Drugs,” Earp and colleagues argue that the personal use or possession of all currently illicit psychoactive substances should be immediately decriminal...
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    (1 other version)Die Schule des Aristoteles. Texte und Kommentar.Harold Cherniss & Fritz Wehrli - 1948 - American Journal of Philology 69 (4):455.
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  22.  43
    Introduction: Towards a philosophy of microbiology.Maureen A. O’Malley & John Dupré - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences.
  23. Bertrand Russell's Construction of the External World.Charles A. Fritz - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (105):182-183.
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    Berkeley's Self--Its Origin in Malebranche.Anita D. Fritz - 1954 - Journal of the History of Ideas 15 (4):554.
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    Introduction.Janie Harden Fritz - 2017 - Listening 52 (2):61-62.
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    Fact vs. Affect in the Telephone Game: All Levels of Surprise Are Retold With High Accuracy, Even Independently of Facts.Fritz Breithaupt, Binyan Li, Torrin M. Liddell, Eleanor B. Schille-Hudson & Sarah Whaley - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:375712.
    When people retell stories, what guides their retelling? Most previous research on story retelling and story comprehension has focused on information accuracy as the key measure of stability in transmission. This paper suggests that there is a second, affective, dimension that provides stability for retellings, namely the audience affect of surprise. In a large-sample study with multiple iterations of retellings, we found evidence that people are quite accurate in preserving all degrees of surprisingness in serial reproduction – even when the (...)
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  27.  19
    Towards a Rational Migration Policy.Fritz Söllner - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (2):267-292.
    A rational migration policy has to be based on a coherent set of objectives and its instruments have to be chosen so as to best achieve these objectives. If the focus of migration policy is on the interests of the receiving country, it has to be decided, firstly, how many and what kind of immigrants are to be invited and, secondly, how many refugees are to be accepted for humanitarian reasons. The former are supposed to live permanently in the receiving (...)
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    Clinical Sociological Perspectives on Illness and Loss: The Linkage of Theory and Practice.Elizabeth J. Clark, Jan M. Fritz & Patricia Perri Rieker - 1990 - Charles Press Pubs(PA).
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    Monismus und das Problem des Dualismus in der metaphysischen Deutung des Bösen bei Platon und Plotin.Fritz-Peter Hager - 1987 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 13:59-110.
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  30. The Emergence of Empire: Rome and the Surrounding World in Historical Narratives from the Late Third Century BC to the Early First Century AD.Huang Yang & Mutschler & Fritz-Heiner - 2008 - In Fritz-Heiner Mutschler & Achim Mittag (eds.), Conceiving the Empire: China and Rome Compared. Oxford University Press.
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    Aristotle on Accidental Perception.Ron Polansky & John Fritz - 2018 - In Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou (ed.), Aristotle - Contemporary Perspectives on His Thought: On the 2400th Anniversary of Aristotle's Birth. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 125-150.
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    Experimental clues in favor of a generalized norm of reciprocity.Boris Vallée, Nicolas Guéguen, Mickaël Dupré & Sebastien Meineri - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (3):375-379.
    The norm of reciprocity has only been considered and experimentally demonstrated between two individuals. However, comments from several authors invite the consideration of an expanded form of this norm. 120 passersby, randomly assigned to 3 conditions, were asked to watch a confederate’s belongings. Depending on the condition, they had either previously been given a gift or not. In addition, the gift was offered by either the confederate making the target request or by a second confederate, not initially involved. First, results (...)
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    Benefits of listening to a recording of euphoric joint music making in polydrug abusers.Thomas Hans Fritz, Marius Vogt, Annette Lederer, Lydia Schneider, Eira Fomicheva, Martha Schneider & Arno Villringer - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  34.  78
    Newton's telescope in print: The role of images in the reception of Newton's instrument.Sven Dupré - 2008 - Perspectives on Science 16 (4):pp. 328-359.
    While Newton tried to make his telescope into a proof of the supremacy of his theory of colours over older theories, his instrument was welcomed as a way to shorten telescopes, not as a way to solve the problem of chromatic aberration. This paper argues that the image published together with the report on Newton’s telescope in Philosophical Transactions (1672) encouraged this reception. The differences between this visualization and other images of Newton’s telescope, especially that published in Opticks (1704), are (...)
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    On the intellectual sources of modern atheism.Louis Dupré - 1999 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 45 (1):1-11.
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    The cosmological argument after Kant.Louis Dupré - 1972 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3 (3):131 - 145.
  37.  24
    Was ist lebendig und was 'ist tot in der Existenzphilosophie?Fritz Heinemann - 1950 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 5 (1):3 - 24.
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  38. Aristoteles' anthropologische Ethik.Kurt von Fritz - 1980 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 87 (2):242.
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    Platon in Sizilien und das Problem der Philosophenherrschaft.Kurt von Fritz - 1968 - Berlin,: De Gruyter.
  40. Constructivismo en lugar de Descriptivismo: Crítica a las cosmovisiones metafísicas.Fritz Wallner - 1996 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 1 (1-3):109.
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    Medizin in Bewegung, Arzt im Umgang.Fritz Hartmann - 1975 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
    "Vortrag, gehalten auf der Vortragsveranstaltung der Nieders'achsischen Landesregierung am 15. Mai 1975.".
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  42. Die Sprache des Kindes.Fritz Schultze - 1881 - Mind 6 (23):436-438.
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    Letters of Sigmund FreudSigmund Freud Ernest L. Freud James Stern Tania Stern.Fritz Schmidl - 1962 - Isis 53 (2):279-280.
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    Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit, kritische Essays über Fragen der Philosophie und Geistesgeschichte.Fritz Selbmann - 1947 - [Dresden]: Voco-Verlag.
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  45. Sense, Reference, and Philosophy: The Epimenidean Dilemma and the Definition of Truth.Fritz McDonald - 2003 - Philosophical Forum 34 (3-4):477-486.
    Book reviewed:;Jerrold J. Katz, Sense, Reference, and Philosophy.
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    Black holes and revelations: Michel Henry and jean‐luc Marion on the aesthetics of the invisible.Peter Joseph Fritz - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (3):415-440.
    This essay examines how Michel Henry's and Jean‐Luc Marion's continuation of phenomenology's turn to the invisible relates to painting, aesthetics, and theology. First, it discusses Henry and Marion's redefinition of phenomenality. Second, it explores Henry's “Kandinskian” description of abstract painting as expressing “Life.” Third, it explicates Marion's “Rothkoian” rehabilitation of the idol and renewed zeal for the icon—both phenomena exemplify “givenness.” Fourth, it unpacks my thesis: Henry's phenomenology, theologically applied, exercises an inadequate Kantian apophasis, characterized by a sublime sacrifice of (...)
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  47. Can Modalities Save Naive Set Theory?Peter Fritz, Harvey Lederman, Tiankai Liu & Dana Scott - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (1):21-47.
    To the memory of Prof. Grigori Mints, Stanford UniversityBorn: June 7, 1939, St. Petersburg, RussiaDied: May 29, 2014, Palo Alto, California.
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    Literaturverzeichnis.Fritz Graf - 1993 - In Mythos in Mythenloser Gesellschaft: Das Paradigma Roms. De Gruyter. pp. 324-328.
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    Sigmund Freud : His Personality, His Teaching and His School.Fritz Wittels - 2016 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1924, this biography of Freud looks at his early life as well as the development of his theories and his relationships with other well-known physicians of the time.
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    Science and values and values in science: Comments on Philip Kitcher's science, truth, and democracy.John Dupré - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (5):505 – 514.
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