Results for 'Sarah Whaley'

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  1.  33
    Fact vs. Affect in the Telephone Game: All Levels of Surprise Are Retold With High Accuracy, Even Independently of Facts.Fritz Breithaupt, Binyan Li, Torrin M. Liddell, Eleanor B. Schille-Hudson & Sarah Whaley - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:375712.
    When people retell stories, what guides their retelling? Most previous research on story retelling and story comprehension has focused on information accuracy as the key measure of stability in transmission. This paper suggests that there is a second, affective, dimension that provides stability for retellings, namely the audience affect of surprise. In a large-sample study with multiple iterations of retellings, we found evidence that people are quite accurate in preserving all degrees of surprisingness in serial reproduction – even when the (...)
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  2. In Dialogue with Thomas Hobbes: Margaret Cavendish’s Natural Philosophy.Sarah Hutton - 1996 - Women’s Writing 4:421-32.
  3.  21
    Protecting privacy interests in brain images : the limits of consent.Sarah J. L. Edwards - 2012 - In Sarah Richmond, Geraint Rees & Sarah J. L. Edwards (eds.), I know what you're thinking: brain imaging and mental privacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  4. Freethinkers of Medieval Islam: Ibn Al-Rawāndī, Abū Bakr Al-Rāzī and Their Impact on Islamic Thought.Sarah Stroumsa - 1999 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    This book studies the phenomenon of freethinking in medieval Islam, as exemplified in the figures of Ibn al-Rāwandī and Abū Bakr al-Rāzī. It reconstructs their thought and analyzes the relations of the phenomenon to Islamic prophetology and its repercussions in Islamic thought.
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    Liberty of Mind: Women Philosophers and the Freedom to Philosophize.Sarah Hutton - 2017 - In Jacqueline Broad & Karen Detlefsen (eds.), Women and Liberty, 1600-1800: Philosophical Essays. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 123-137.
    This chapter demonstrates how early modern male and female thinkers alike were concerned not only with ethical, religious, and political liberty, but also with the liberty to philosophize, or libertas philosophandi. It is argued that while men’s interests in this latter kind of liberty tended to lie with the liberty to philosophize differently from their predecessors, women were more concerned with the liberty to philosophize at all. For them, the idea that women should be free to think was foundational. This (...)
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  6. Saadya and Jewish Kalam.Sarah Stroumsa - 2003 - In Daniel H. Frank & Oliver Leaman (eds.), The Cambridge companion to medieval Jewish philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 121--46.
  7. I. Interdisciplinarity: Interdisciplinarity: (Why) is it still an issue?Sarah Maza - 2006 - In G. J. Mallinson (ed.), Interdisciplinarity: qu'est-ce que les lumières: la reconnaissance au dix-huitième siècle. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
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  8. Information Ethics: a student's perspective.Sarah B. Kaddu - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 7:09.
    Based on personal experience, and content analysis, this paper examines Information Ethics from a student‘s perspective. Within this framework the paper defines IE, outlines the history of IE and highlights incidences of IE violations in Uganda. The paper concludes with proposals towards better adherence to IE in Uganda. The paper presents personal experience, observation and a content analysis methodology.
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  9. Where is the activity? An Aristotelian worry about the telic status of energeia.Sarah Broadie - 2010 - In James G. Lennox & Robert Bolton (eds.), Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 198-211.
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    Metaphor and Metaphilosophy: Philosophy as Combat, Play, and Aesthetic Experience.Dr Sarah A. Mattice - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Sarah A. Mattice develops a comparative intervention in contemporary metaphilosophy. Drawing on resources from hermeneutics, cognitive linguistics, aesthetics, and Chinese philosophy, she explores how philosophical language is deeply intertwined with the definition and practice of the discipline.
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  11. (1 other version)Explosion I: De l'"Ecce Homo" de Niertzsche.Sarah Kofman - 1994 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 8:129-134.
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    Ras les Cheveux!: Roman.Sarah Lalonde - 2007 - Éditions P. Tisseyre. Edited by Geneviève Couture.
    Mélia en a assez des sobriquets et remarques désobligeantes que lui valent quotidiennement ses cheveux extrêmement courts, qui entraînent de surcroît les gens à la confondre avec un garçon. "Pour avoir l'air d'une vraie fille" et séduire ainsi le beau Jérôme, la fillette se met donc en tête de prendre tous les moyens possibles pour faire allonger sa chevelure dans les plus brefs délais. Mais voilà, potions magiques et perruques causent des désagréments qu'elle n'avait pas envisagés... Et si la patience (...)
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    John Rogers (1938–2022): In Memoriam.Sarah Hutton - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (3):377-381.
    John Rogers (G.A.J. Rogers) died on 26th November 2022 at the age of 84. Professor Emeritus at the University of Keele and a specialist in the history of seventeenth-century philosophy, John was on...
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    Thomas Jackson, Oxford Platonist, and William Twisse, Aristotelian.Sarah Hutton - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (4):635.
  15.  27
    The Wood and the Trees.Sarah J. Kattau - 2008 - Metascience 17 (2):237-240.
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    Medieval song from Aristotle to opera.Sarah Kay - 2022 - Ithaca [New York]: Cornell University Press.
    Discusses songs by the troubadours, trouvères, and Guillaume de Machaut, performed live and on the page, in the context of antique, late antique, and medieval thought and poetic practice and in the light of later opera. Topics include cosmology, education, astronomy, breath, beasts, monsters, hybridity, imagination, life, and death.
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    Historical Overview of Framing Ideology and Collective Action in American Environmentalism.Changdeog Huh & Sarah Heyer - 2007 - Environmental Philosophy 6:249-269.
  18.  19
    L’influence de l’expertise des communautés autistes sur la science : vers une meilleure compréhension de l’autisme.Sarah Arnaud - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):135-160.
    Sarah Arnaud C’est par une affirmation provocatrice que Hacking propose un ratio pour représenter le rapport entre science et militantisme dans le façonnement des notions sur l’autisme. Selon lui, la définition et la compréhension actuelles de l’autisme proviennent à 99 % de personnes « personnellement connectées à une personne autiste » plutôt que de la science. Kendler rejette un tel point de vue en suggérant au contraire que notre compréhension de l’autisme est le résultat d’un travail scientifique approfondi, notamment (...)
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  19. Maine de Biran, la causalité, la force et l'énergie.Sarah Carvallo - 2025 - In Delphine Antoine-Mahut & Samuel Lézé (eds.), Metaphysics and the sciences in nineteenth-century France: a critical theory of global society and politics. Boston: Brill.
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    Smart Grid: The possibility to increase connectivity through a system of individual energy sharing.Sarah Ciracì - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (1):109-114.
    This article is a reflection of the project ‘Welcome Aboard’, which I collaborated on in 2011, with two scientists Nicola Armaroli (Ist. ISOF/CNR, Bologna and Molecular Photoscience Group, Bologna) and Vincenzo Balzani (Department of Chemistry G. Ciamician, University of Bologna). The video establishes a dialogue based on Buckminster Fuller’s ‘World Game’ where they offer possible scenarios for our planet running under renewable energy sources. Ultimately, a democratic system of energy sharing, between consumers and suppliers, was proposed to be put at (...)
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    Introduction.Sarah Coakley - 2011 - Faith and Philosophy 28 (1):3-4.
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    Legal Issues in School Nursing Practice.Sarah D. Cohn - 1984 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 12 (5):219-221.
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    The soul of film theory.Sarah Cooper - 2013 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In contemporary film theory, body and mind have been central to explorations of film form, representation, and spectatorship. While the soul may seem to have no place here, the history of film theory and its legacy to the present suggest otherwise. From the origins of film theory - from Hugo Münsterberg through French Impressionism to writings of the Weimar Republic - to the mid-twentieth century work of Henri Agel and Amédée Ayfre and Henri Agel, as well as Edgar Morin, the (...)
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  24. Education for integrity: business, elitism, and the liberal arts.Sarah Stookey - 2011 - In Charles Wankel & Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch (eds.), Management education for integrity: ethically educating tomorrow's business leaders. North America: Emerald.
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    Dāwūd ibn Marwān al-Muqammis's twenty chapters (ʻIshrūn maqāla).Sarah Stroumsa - 1989 - New York: E.J. Brill.
  26.  25
    Monitoring the Self in Schizophrenia.Sarah-Jayne Blakemore - 2000 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Exploring the Self: Philosophical and Psychopathological Perspectives on Self-experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 185.
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    Science, Politics, and Evolution. By Elisabeth A. Lloyd.Sarah S. Richardson - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (2):455-459.
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    Mabogo Percy More’s Concept of the Problem of the Oppressed-Oppressor and Intraracial Sexism.Sarah Setlaelo - 2024 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (2).
    South African philosopher Mabogo Percy More has devoted more than four decades of his work to the problem of “being-black-in-an-antiblack-world.” This article interrogates the extent to which More homogenizes the contingencies of black2 existence and black embodiment, as I feel black existentialists do; or subsumes the phenomenology of the lived experience of blackness under a “black universalist” account that does not give an adequate account of the gendered embodied experiences with antiblack racism. By “contingency” I mean More’s concept of the (...)
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  29.  14
    Studies on Locke: Sources, Contemporaries, and Legacy: In Honour of G.A.J. Rogers.Sarah Hutton & Paul Schuurman (eds.) - 2008 - Springer.
    John Cottingham In the anglophone philosophical world, there has, for some time, been a curious relationship between the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophical - quiry. Many philosophers working today virtually ignore the history of their s- ject, apparently regarding it as an antiquarian pursuit with little relevance to their “cutting-edge” research. Conversely, there are historians of philosophy who seldom if ever concern themselves with the intricate technical debates that ll the journals devoted to modern analytic philosophy. Both sides are (...)
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  30.  25
    Taking Liberty: Politics and Feminism in Margaret Cavendish and Catharine Macaulay.Sarah Hutton - 2019 - In Eileen O’Neill & Marcy P. Lascano (eds.), Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought. Springer, NM 87747, USA: Springer. pp. 337-354.
    In post-Wollstonecraft terminology, the rights of woman, like the rights of man, are taken to include freedoms of many kinds – political, religious, social – freedoms enshrined in the French revolutionary generalisation, la liberté. The strength of liberty’s modern political connotations obscures the fact that, in earlier times, the term was freighted with connotations which were deemed socially and publicly unacceptable for womankind. The political claim, that women are entitled to the same freedoms as men, was both subversive of an (...)
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  31.  11
    Kommentar II zum Fall: „Prolongierte medikamentöse (palliative?) Sedierung bei nicht behandelbarer Depression?“.Sarah Kayser - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (4):553-558.
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  32.  17
    The Price of Compromise: The Massachusetts Health Care Reform.Sarah Kemble, Susanne L. King & Leonard M. Fleck - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (1):4.
  33.  25
    Principles of Justice and Real-World Climate Politics.Sarah Kenehan & Corey Katz (eds.) - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    There is a major divide between the work of normative theorists and concrete climate action (or inaction) politics and policies. In this volume, authors tackle the strained relationships between principles of justice and climate politics by responding to real-world climate politics and policies, offering proposals and analyses that take concerns of feasibility seriously, and identifying immediate justice and feasibility concerns with recent proposals for climate action. Contributors look at questions of feasibility as they relate to specific international institutions like the (...)
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  34.  69
    Rawls’s The Law of Peoples and Climate Change.Sarah Kenehan - 2007 - Southwest Philosophy Review 23 (1):69-80.
  35.  9
    Comment s'en sortir?Sarah Kofman - 1983 - Editions Galilée.
    La 4ème de couverture indique : « Peut-on se sortir de ce que Platon appelle une aporie? de cette situation intenable, cauchemardesque où, comme tombé dans les profondeurs d’un puits, vous êtes soudainement désorienté, dépourvu de toute ressource? où vous êtes piégé, encerclé, paralysé, prisonnier dans les ténèbres sans issue des liens inextricables de la mort? Peut-on sortir d’une situation infernale? Trouver un poros, c’est-à-dire inventer un stratagème, pour faire cesser la détresse, tracer un chemin qui mène de l’obscurité à (...)
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  36. Il y a quelqu'un qui manque ici.Sarah Kofman - 1984 - The Temps de la Réflexion 5:431.
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  37. L'énigme de la femme. La femme dans les textes de Freud.Sarah Kofman - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (1):91-91.
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    Mélancolie de l'art.Sarah Kofman - 1985 - Editions Galilée.
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    Nietzsche's Socrates: "Who" is Socrates?Sarah Kofman & Madeleine Dobie - 1991 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 15 (2):7-29.
  40. Explanation in medicine: The problem-oriented approach.Sarah Stueber Bishop - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 5 (1):30-56.
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    Developmental differences in relations between parent-reported executive function and unitized and non-unitized memory representations during childhood.Sarah L. Blankenship & Tracy Riggins - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  42. The invisible labour of translating indigenous traditional knowledge in Canada.Sarah Blacker - 2022 - In Jenny Bangham, Xan Chacko & Judith Kaplan (eds.), Invisible Labour in Modern Science. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    The afterlife of a treaty1.Sarah Bolmarcich - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (02):477-489.
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    Building a bird brain: Sculpting neural circuits for a learned behavior.Sarah W. Bottjer - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (12):1109-1116.
    Development in animals is frequently characterized by periods of heightened capacity for both neural and behavioral change. So‐called sensitive periods of development are windows of opportunity in which brain and behavior are most susceptible to modification. Understanding what factors regulate sensitive periods constitutes one of the main goals of developmental neuroscience. Why is the ability to learn complex behavioral patterns often restricted to sensitive periods of development? Songbirds provide a model system for unraveling the mysteries of neural mechanisms of learning (...)
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    Effets a posteriori de la séparation parentale à l’adolescence. L’étude de cas d’une jeune adulte.Sarah Bouvet & Marjorie Roques - 2021 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 232 (2):185-205.
    La séparation parentale apparaît comme un événement fréquent, mais néanmoins majeur dans la vie d’un sujet, surtout à l’adolescence. Comment se conjuguent adolescence et les problématiques psychiques (œdipienne et de perte) et relationnelles qu’elle implique, avec la séparation parentale? L’article discute ici le cas d’Adèle, âgée de 22 ans, pour qui la séparation des parents a eu lieu lorsqu’elle avait 16 ans. Adèle a été rencontrée trois fois dans le contexte d’une recherche. Les éléments cliniques recueillis lors des entretiens mènent (...)
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  46.  81
    Another problem of akrasia.Sarah Broadie - 1994 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 2 (2):229 – 242.
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    Aristotle's Values.Sarah Broadie - 1991 - In Ethics with Aristotle. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The interpreter's problem is to reconcile Aristotle's reflections on theôria as the highest happiness with the practical emphasis of most of his ethics. Aristotle's problem is to explain why his godlike theoretical ideal ranks higher than his practical one, while showing that both are genuinely human ends. The argument turns on the importance of leisure and of serious activities.
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    The unsettling landscape: Landscape and anxiety in the garden of the house of octavius quartio.Sarah Brutesco - 2007 - Inquiry: The University of Arkansas Undergraduate Research Journal 8.
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  49. On Frankfurt's Explanation of Respect for People.Sarah Buss & Lee Overton (eds.) - 2002 - MIT Press.
  50. The Conditions of Free Agency.Sarah Buss - 1989 - Dissertation, Yale University
    In this essay I attempt to identify the conditions of morally responsible action; and from the start, I conceive morally responsible action as free action. Some philosophers argue that the causal origins of an act are irrelevant to whether it is a free act; others believe that free acts cannot be causally determined; and still others believe that a free act is an act from which the agent must be capable of refraining. I defend a view at odds with each (...)
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